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Dr. A.S.M.Mohiuddin

The department was established in 1949 in the name of the Department of Soil Science. The Department of Soil Science was renamed as the Department of Soil, Water and Environment in the year 2000 to broaden the scope of the academic arena. Since then, the department has been offering a 4-yr Bachelor of Science (Honors) and Master of Science degrees in Soil, Water and Environment with an aim to produce trained personnel for agriculture and environment related fields.

The vision of the department is to be a regional hub that will take the lead in solving all the regional problems and global problems related to agriculture and environment. The department will advance the understanding of soil, water, and environmental sciences by devoting its cutting-edge facilities to research. The department is also committed to transferring its research-based findings to all the stakeholders, including farmers, policymakers, scientists, and other citizens.