Degree Name | Group/Major Subject | Board/Institute | Country | Passing Year |
Ph.D. | Geology & Geophysics (Planetary Science) | Louisiana State University, FI-ECR (NASA) | United States | 2026 |
Post Graduate Diploma | Geological and Climate-Related Risk Assessment and Risk Management | University of Geneva (UNIGE) | Switzerland | 2018 |
Masters | Geo-information Science and Earth Observation with Specialization in Applied Earth Sciences-Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Management | University of Twente. (Faculty ITC) | Netherlands | 2016 |
Masters | Geology | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 2013 |
Bachelor | Geology | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 2011 |
Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date |
Associate Professor | Department of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka | Dhaka, Bangladesh | 01, Feb 2021 | Currently Working |
Assistant Professor | Department of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 30, Mar 2017 | 31-01-2021 |
Student Advisor | Department of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 01, Sep 2016 | 12-09-2021 |
Resident Teacher | Amar Ekushey Hall, University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 28, Jun 2016 | 12-09-2021 |
Deputy Chairman | Faculty Council, Faculty of Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation, ITC | the Netherlands | 01, Jan 2015 | 31-12-2015 |
Lecturer | Department of Disaster Science and Management, University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 23, Jul 2013 | 29-03-2017 |
Subject | Description | Research Interest (Goal, Target Indicator) |
Research Interest | My research interest is modeling geodynamics from planetary to nanoscale based on the joint study of seismology, geodesy, spectroscopy, and numerical models. I apply optical, thermal, radar, and seismic observation techniques, and solve inverse and forward problems to decipher Earth and Mars's surface and interior processes. I also generate useful risk information by analyzing the complex interaction of extreme terrestrial processes with the built environment. I have a track record in academia as an emerging early-career researcher. I am also interested in joining industries to broaden my future career scope by making an impact. |
Level of Study | Title | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor(s) | Name of Student(s) | Area of Research | Current Completion |
Masters | Automatic Forest Mapping using Deep Learning | Dewan Md. Enamul Haque | Sukta Dey | 2022 | ||
Masters | Assessment of UHI and Its Long-Term Impact on Temperature, Precipitation and Evapotranspiration | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Reba Farzana, Abeda Tabassum | Climate Change |
2021 | |
Masters | Landslide Early Warning using Machine Learning | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Ritu Roy | Early Warning |
2021 | |
Masters | Ground Motion Estimation Equation Development for the Major Seismotectonic Regimes in and around Bangladesh | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | ASM Woobaidullah | Shateen Rahman & Sadia Marium Rinty | Seismology |
2021 |
Masters | Time Series Measurement of Three Dimensional Volcanic Surface Deformations from ALOS-2 InSAR & Optical Image Sub-pixel Correlation along with Land Surface Temperature Change Detection | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Tanzim Hayat & Tonoy Mahmud | Remote Sensing |
2020 | |
Masters | Biomass Loss and Enhanced CO2 Emission due to Rohingya Influx | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Amery Iqbal Afnan | Remote Sensing |
2020 | |
Masters | Geomorphic Unit Wise Site Response Analysis | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Sadia Marium Rinty | Engineering Seismology |
2019 | |
Masters | Derivation of Ocean Related Essential Climatic Variables using Space Based Technique | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Maliha Masfiqa Malek | Remote Sensing |
2019 | |
Masters | Environmental Impact Due to Relocation of Tannery Industry in Bangladesh | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Abu Zahir Abir & Mahir Absar Saimun | EIA |
2019 | |
Masters | Urban Indices Based Change Detection and Resulting Environmental Impact for Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Farzana Mahbub, Sumya Tasnim and Gopa Biswas | Change Detection |
2019 | |
Masters | Drought Hazard Analysis Using Earth Observation Techniques | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Rasranjan Roy and Samanin Tasnim | Hazard Analysis |
2019 | |
Masters | Relation of Climatic Variables with Recent Dengue and Chikungunya Outbrek | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Tanzeem Hossain, Fahmina Binte Ibrahim | Public Health |
2019 | |
Masters | Soil and Water Salinity Impact on Public Health in Satkhira district, Bangladesh | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Falguni Sarkar, Nafisa Nuyeri Islam, Imran Hossain | Impact Assessment |
2019 | |
Masters | A study on DRR Policy of Bangladesh in alignment of SFDRR | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Sushmita Mannan | Policy Review |
2019 | |
Masters | Crop Type Wise Damage and Loss Assessment utilizing Spatial and Economic Modeling | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Tazeem Hossain, Mushfiqur Rahm , Sayeba Jaman | Damage and Loss Assessment |
2019 | |
Masters | Classical Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment for Mymensingh Municipality, Bangladesh | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Nawar Wadud Khan | Risk Assessment |
2019 | |
Masters | 3D Surface Displacement Field Using InSAR and Optical image Sub-pixel correlation: A Multi-sensor Approach in Different Tectonic Settings | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Tonoy Mahmud | Satellite Geodesy |
2018 | |
Masters | A Quantitative Landslide Risk Assessment Approach for KTP Rohingya Camp | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Shamima Ferdousi Sifa | Risk Assessment |
2018 | |
Research Project Report/Other | NO2 concentration trend in Dhaka city during the lockdown and subsequent impact on Aerosol Index (AI) and daily maximum temperature | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Noshin Nower | Air pollution Impact |
2021 | |
Research Project Report/Other | Analyzing the Past Changes and Projecting the Future Scenarios of Sundarbans through Machine Learning | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Tonoy Mahmud, Asif Rafsan, Nafisa Nuyeri Islam, Shamima Ferdousi Sifa | Spatial Modeling |
2021 | |
Research Project Report/Other | Living in Deltas in a Changing Climate: A Critical Review on Delta Study Prospect from a Geospatial Perspective | Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque | Shamima Ferdousi, Tonoy Mahmud, Nafisa Nuyeri Islam, Asif Rafsan, Tanzim Hossain, Farzana Reba & Abeda Tabassum | Review Paper |
2021 |
Subject | Project Name | Source of Fund | From Date | To Date | Collaboration |
Member | Formulation of training manual titled “Disaster Prevention and Management” for doctors, nurses, paramedics and upazila officers | National Population Research and Training Institute | 10-01-2021 | NIPORT | |
Principal Investigator | Landslide Risk Assessment for Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh along with Rainfall Induced Early Warning Threshold Estimation | Bangladesh Bank | 01-01-2021 | 31-07-2021 | Faculty of Earth & Environmental Sciences |
National DRR Expert | Review of ongoing (2020) emergency response and recovery effort due to cyclone and floods in Bangladesh | Care BD | 01-01-2021 | 14-02-2021 | Brac |
Principal Investigator | A Study on National DRR Policy of Bangladesh (including COVID-19 issue) in alignment with SFDRR | Dhaka Ahsania Mission | 01-11-2020 | 28-02-2021 | Oxfam BD |
AGU Centennial 100 Grant Awardee | DRR Exposure and Opportunities- 2019 was organized to provide an opportunity for Bangladeshi University students to showcase their research outcomes with the potential employers | American Geophysical Union | 31-07-2020 | 31-10-2019 | AGU |
Technical Working Group Member | Development of Comprehensive Climate Change and Health Adaptation National Plan | Ministry of Health and Family Affairs, Bangladesh | 01-07-2019 | Climate Change and Health Promotion Unit | |
Earth Observations Collaborative Research Agreement | Biomass Estimation for an Improved Understanding of the Enhanced Carbon Emission due to Forest Clearing in Ukhia and Teknaf Rohingya Settlements | JAXA | 31-05-2019 | JAXA | |
Earth Observations Collaborative Research Agreement | Time Series Measurement of Three Dimensional Volcanic Surface Deformations from ALOS-2 InSAR & Optical Image Sub-pixel Correlation along with Land Surface Temperature Change Detection | JAXA | 31-05-2019 | JAXA | |
Geologist and Adviser | Geological Study and Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Preparation of the Development Plan of Mirsharai and Kuakata Upazilla | UDD | 01-01-2018 | 01-11-2019 | EGS |
Risk Specialist | Landslide Risk Assessment for Kutupalong Rohingya Camp to Facilitate Relocation and Slope Treatment | UNHCR | 01-12-2017 | 30-05-2018 | ADPC |
Ex-Consultant | Preparation of Disaster Impact Assessment Framework on 2-D Seismic Survey for Offshore Block-12 in the Bay of Bengal | ECOMAC | 31-12-2016 | 01-04-2017 | ECOMAC (Environmental Conservation and Management Consultants) |
Research Fellow (for 2016) | section 2.1 Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes | German Research Center for Geosciences, GFZ | 26-09-2016 | 28-09-2016 | GFZ |
Study Visitor | MSc research purpose | ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship | 28-01-2016 | 14-02-2016 | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Ex-member of TWG (Technical Working Group) Committee | Preparation of DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) Enhanced Land use Planning Guidelines and Training Manual for Upzilla/Municipality in Bangladesh | CDMP | 01-05-2014 | 13-09-2014 | UDD and ADPC |
SL | Invited Talk |
1 | The Mars Interior and Geophysics after InSight Meeting |
2 | Oral presentation at the ASCE 2024 Conference |
3 | Invited talk at the Astro On Tap'2024, Baton Rouge on Marsquake Ground Motion |
4 | Talk on Martian Ground Motion Model Development at the Physics and Astronomy Seminar. LSU |
5 | President-elect talk at the International Forum on Research Excellance' 2023 organized by Sigma XI |
6 | Training program on “Disaster Management and Building Disaster Resilient Communities” held in Turkey from April 15 to May 2’ 2019 organized by Middle East Technical University with support from JICA and TICA |
7 | Poster Presentation at Fall Meeting'2016 of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). Poster Title: 3-D Surface Deformation Model from Sub-pixel Correlation of Optical imagery and InSAR
8 | Oral presentation at the Joint Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Geodesy and the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior held in Kobe, Japan, 2017. Presentation Title: Performance of 3-D Surface Displacement Measurement from the Sub-pixel Correlation of Optical Imagery and InSAR: a Multi-Sensor Approach |
9 | Poster Presentation at the International Conference for the Decade Memory of Wenchuan Earthquake, 12-14 May 2018; Research Title: Intensity Attenuation Model for the Potential Seismotectonic Regimes In and Around Bangladesh |
10 | Oral presentation at the South Asian Regional Conference on ICT in Knowledge Management and Action Research, 3-4 December 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh Presentation Title: Agricultural Damage and Loss Assessment Due to Flood Inundation Using Earth Observation Technique |
11 | Oral presentation at the International Conference on Physics, 08-10 March 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh Presentation Tile: Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Satellite Image Processing and Bi-variate Statistical Modeling for Rangamati District, Bangladesh |
12 | Moderator, Session 3: Natural Hazards and Disaster Management; China, South, and Southeast Conference on Environmental and Ecological Risk Management, September 28-29, 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Also invited talk on “A combined Methodological Approach towards Landslide Risk Assessment for the KTP Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh” |
13 | Ascent Festival 2019 and International Conference on Capacity Building for Research and Innovation in Disaster Resilience held Sri Lanka from 14th -18th January 2019. Title of the presented research “Building Exposure Modelling and Seismic Risk Assessment for Mymensingh Municipality in Bangladesh
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Expire Year |
1 | Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists | Member | Present | |
2 | American Association of Petroleum Geologists | Member | Present | |
3 | American Geophysical Union | Member | Present | |
4 | Geological Society of America | Member | Present | |
5 | Sigma XI | Member | Present | |
6 | IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Member | Present | |
7 | Seismological Society of America | Member | Present | |
8 | Dhaka University Geology Alumni Association | Founder Member | 2019 | |
9 | Bangladesh Geological Society | Member | 2013 | Life Time |
10 | International Association for Promoting Geoethics | Member | Present | |
11 | American Geophysical Union | Berkner Member | 2016-2019 |
Book | |
1 |
Julian Henry Francis, Suman Ahsanul Islam, Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque, Tanzina Hoque and Tafhimur Rahman
Review Report: 2020 Cyclone & floods in Bangladesh - Ongoing Emergency Response & Recovery.
Dhaka: UN OCHA Services & Care International, 2021 .
Book Section | |
1 |
Karunatillake, S., A. Bramson, K. Zacny, C. Dundas, L. Ojha, O. Aharonson, E. Vos, et al. and Haque DME et al. "GANGOTRI mission concept on the glacial key to the Amazonian climate of Mars."
Bulletin of the AAS, 2021 .
2 |
Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque, Tonoy Mahmud, Azmery Iqbal Afnan, Shamima Ferdousi Sifa and Md. Kamruzzaman Tusar "Remote Sensing of the Mangroves."
Sundarbans Mangrove Systems: A Geo-Informatics Approach. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 .
Journal Article | |
1 |
Sumya Tasnim, Fazana Mahbub, Gopa Biswas and Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque : Spatial indices and SDG indicator-based urban environmental change detection of the major cities in Bangladesh,
(impact factor:6.1) Journal of Urban Management , 2022
2 |
Ritu Roy and Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque et al. : Empirical Approach Based Rainfall Threshold Estimation for Landslide Occurrence in Cox's Bazar District, Bangladesh,
The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences Dhaka University , 2022
3 |
Sushmita Manan and Dewan Mohammad Enamul Haque : A study on national DRR policy in alignment with the SFDRR: Identifying the scopes of improvement for Bangladesh,
Progress in Disaster Science (impact factor:6.3) , 2021
4 |
DME Haque, Mimi A, Mazumder RK and Salman AM : Evaluation of Natural Hazard Risk for Coastal Districts of Bangladesh Using the INFORM Approach,
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Elsevier, NL (impact factor:5.1) , 2020
5 |
DME Haque, Khan NW, Selim M, Kamal ASMM and Chowdhury SH : Towards Improved Understanding of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Bangladesh,
Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (impact factor:2.64) , 2019
6 |
Ferdousi S, Mahmud T, Tarin MA and DME Haque : Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Weight of Evidence (WoE) and Modified Frequency Ratio (MFR) Model: A Case Study of Rangamati District, Bangladesh,
Journal Geology, Ecology and Landscape, Taylor & Francis. (impact factor:5.3) , 2019
7 |
DME Haque, Chowdhury SH and Khan NW : Intensity Attenuation Model for Bangladesh With Respect To The Surrounding Potential Seismotectonic Regimes,
Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer Nature Switzerland AG (impact factor:2.64) , 2019
8 |
DME Haque, Hayat T and Tasnim S : Time Series Analysis of Subsidence in Dhaka City, Bangladesh using InSAR,
Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG) (impact factor:1.199) , vol.3(1) , pp.32-44 , 2019
9 |
Haque DME and Woobaid Ullah ASM : The Effectiveness of Shallow Geophysical Methods in Shear Wave Velocity Derivation,
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, New York, USA (impact factor:2.8654) , vol.12 , no.8 , pp.573-585 , 2018
10 |
Rabby F, Haque DME and Selim M : Flood Inundated Agricultural Damage and Loss Assessment Using Earth Observation Technique,
International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.60-69 , 2018
11 |
DME Haque, Ferdousi S, Mahmud T and Tarin MA : Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Based on Satellite Image Processing and Bivariate Statistical Modeling for Rangamati District,
Bangladesh Journal of Physics , vol.23 & 24 , pp.93-106 , 2018
12 |
DME Haque and Kamal ASMM : 2D Velocity Model and 1D Velocity Profile from MASW Conducted at Mymensingh Town, Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.26 , pp.98-111 , 2013
13 |
DME Haque, Kamal ASMM, Woobaidullah ASM and Alam B : comparison of shear wave velocity derived from PS Logging and MASW- a case study of Mymensingh Pourashava, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology,
Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.26 , pp.84-97 , 2013
Award Type | Title | Year | Country | Description |
International | EarthScope Scholarship | 2025 | United States | NSF GAGE/SAGE Workshop, Minnesota |
International | ECR Travel Award | 2025 | United States | InSight Workshop, Johns Hopkins University |
International | CSDMS Travel Scholarship | 2025 | United States | University of Colorado Boulder |
International | SIMS Grant | 2024 | United States | Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy at UCLA |
International | FINESST | 2024 | United States | NASA |
International | Planetary ArcGIS Grant | 2024 | United States | GSA-Cornell University |
International | Travel Grant for Mars InSight Meeting | 2024 | United States | JPL-NASA |
International | Multiple Travel Grants | 2024 | United States | CIG@ Colorado School of Mines, pyRATES@ USC, SCOPED@ University of Washington |
International | GSA Scholarship (Research) | 2024 | United States | Geological Society of America |
International | IFORE’23 Superior Presenter & President-elect Award | 2023 | United States | Sigma XI |
National | Shreveport Geological Society Scholarship | 2023 | United States | Louisiana State |
International | Travel Award | 2022 | United States | NSF award funded AGU 2022 participation |
National | Bangabandhu Overseas Scholarship | 2021 | Bangladesh | University of Dhaka |
International | AGU Centennial 100 Grant | 2019 | United States | American Geophysical Union (AGU) |
International | Early Career Scientist Travel Grant | 2017 | Japan | Joint Scientific Assembly of IAG-IASPEI |
International | Service de la solidarité internationale & Hans Wilsdorf’s Foundation Fellowship | 2017 | Switzerland | CERG-C, UNIGE, Switzerland |
International | GFZ Fellowship | 2016 | Germany | German Research Center for Geosciences |
International | ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship | 2014 | Netherlands | To pursue MSc in the Netherlands |