The Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka was established in 1984. It is a research centre under the Faculty of Social Sciences mandated to carry out research activities of high standards befitting the academic excellence and achievement of the faculty members. Accordingly, the centre is devoted to extending research facilities to all the Departments under the Faculty of Social sciences; encouraging and fostering inter-departmental research activities; arranging seminars, holding discussion meetings and lectures on various subjects; publishing research papers and books and granting research scholarships.

The Centre provides assistance to the Faculty members and research students of the Faculty of Social Sciences to : (I) conduct research on key policy issues affecting Bangladesh’s economic, social, administrative and political development; (II) present research outcomes through conferences, seminars, workshops as well as through publications of journals monograph, research reports and reports and seminar/workshop papers; (III) present research and mutually supportive academic pursuits; (IV) gather relevant information and knowledge utilizing training programmes through the Centre’s information services, and library documentation facilities; (V) and develop courses, cultural fellowships through exchanges of scholar as well as through inviting distinguished foreign scholars to give talks/speeches on the topics of academic interest etc.

The Centre has already published eighteen volumes of compilation of research papers in English, titled Perspectives in Social Science, and twelve volumes of compilation in Bengali, titled Probandhabali consisting of papers presented by the University teachers and researchers in seminars held at the Centre.

The Centre has also published two special research based books, titled ‘Karl Marx and Max Weber’ (in English) and ‘Samajik Biggan Gobeshona Paddthatee O Prokriya’ (in Bengali).