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Dr. A. N. M. Hamidul Kabir

Just after the liberation of Bangladesh, the Department of Applied Chemistry was established on 14th August, 1972 to produce skilled human resource to look after about 130 Chemical Industries, which were in operation under Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) at that time. Professor Dr. S.S.M.A. Khorasani was the founding chairman of this department and at the beginning the department offered M.Sc., M.Phil and PhD. degrees. Afterwards, in 1983 the department started enrolling students at the three years long undergraduate level and continued offering M.Sc. M.Phil and PhD. degrees in parallel. On its glorious journey the department was renamed as Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in 2009 to accommodate the current requirements in the job market. The department is now offering four years (8 semesters) long B.Sc. degree, one and half years (3 semesters) long M.Sc degree, M.Phil and PhD. degrees under the leadership of 15 Professors, 08 Associate Professors and 10 Assistant Professors, who obtained PhD degrees from UK, USA, Japan, Germany and South Korea in wide fields of Chemistry, Materials Science, Energy and Environment. The faculty members are engaged in the research areas as follows:

  • Separation Sciences including Membrane Technology (RO, FO, MBR)
  • Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
  • Graphene based Materials
  • Biopolymer and Biocomposite
  • Photocatalytic Degradation
  • Porous Materials
  • Surface and Green Chemistry
  • Cellulose and Nanocellulose
  • Packaging and Hygiene Products
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Nanofluids and Microfluids
  • Solid Fuels, Clean Energy, Biofuels and Bioenergy, Microbial Fuel Cells
  • Environmental pollution Assessment and Control
  • Adsorption and Catalysis
  • Hydrogels
  • Metal-organic Framework
  • Natural Products Chemistry
  • Organic Synthesis.

Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering has emerged as one of the most vibrant disciplines of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at the University of Dhaka. The Alumni are holding vital positions in government and private organizations and industries in Bangladesh and working in renowned organizations abroad like NASA, Intel, Pfizer, Dow Chemicals etc.