Depatment of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, previously known as the Department of Applied chemistry, was formally brought into existence on 14th August, 1972 and Dr. S.S.M.A. Khorasani, reader in Applied Chemistry of the Department of Chemistry, was appointed head of the Department. Originally the Department offered M.Sc. (Preliminary) and M.Sc. (Final) courses, each of one year duration. On the basis of the Dhaka University Ordinance Dr. Khorasani was appointed the first chairman of the Department for three years with effect from July 1, 1973. Degrees Offered: B.Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D Research Areas : Industrial Products and by-products management. Industrial Process developments. Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Chemical Engineering, Polymer Science, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, ...
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে সম্প্রতি ৩৪জন গবেষক পিএইচ.ডি, ১৫জন এম.ফিল এবং ১জন ডি.বি.এ ডিগ্রি অর্জন করেছেন। গত ৩০ ডিসেম্বর ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ...