Research & Publication (Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Book (3)
1 Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Nuclear Power in Bangladesh and Beyond,. Bangladesh: Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC), 2022 .
2 Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Parmanur Shaktir Janna Ojana (Nuclear Energy: Known and Unknown Facts). Dhaka: Mullick & Brothers, 2015 .
3 Dr. Md. Shafiqul Islam Nuclear Energy: Known and Unknown Facts. Dhaka: Mullick & Brothers, 2015 .
Book Section (3)
1 Khan A.H., Razzaque M.M., Islam M.S. "Performance Evaluation of Multi-Layer Barriers for Machine-Induced Low-Frequency Noise Attenuation." Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, Smart Innovation. Reddy A., Marla D., Simic M., Favorskaya M., Satapathy S. Singapore: Springer, 2020 Vol. 169 .
2 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki "Synthesis of high grade activated carbons from waste biomass." Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials (Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering). Saleem Hashmi and Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury (Editors) Elsevier Inc., 2020 584-595 .
3 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki "Thermophysical and adsorption characteristics of waste biomass-derived activated carbons." Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials (Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering). Saleem Hashmi and Imtiaz Ahmed Choudhury (Editors) Elsevier Inc., 2020 617-628 .
Journal Article (227)
1 K. M. Sourov, Md. Hossain Sahadath and H. Rainad Khan Rohan : Enhancing fuel breed-burn performance in a sodium-cooled fast reactor using a novel reactivity control method, Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.177 Elsevier , 2024 .
2 Md. Nobir Hosen, Md. Hossain Sahadath and H. Rainad Khan Rohan : Assessment of loading scheme and moderation impact on minor actinide transmutation in VVER-1000 fuel assembly, Nuclear Engineering and Design , vol.429 , no.1 Elsevier , 2024 .
3 M. Rahman and J. Mattingly : A hardware/firmware-based switching gate multiplexing method for pulse mode radiation detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (impact factor:1.5) , vol.1066 , pp.169574 , 2024 .
4 Afroza Shelley*, H.Rainad Khan Rohan and Md. Abidur Ishraq : Decay heat generation of VVER-1200 reactor spent fuel during the pool period, Progress In Nuclear Energy (impact factor:3.3) , vol.176 Elsevier , pp.105379 , 2024 .
5 Sharmin Jahan, Jannatul Ferdous, Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) and Ferdoushi Begum : Evaluating internal exposure due to intake of 131I at a nuclear medicine centre of Dhaka using bioassay methods, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (impact factor:2.7 (citeScore 4.8)) , vol.56 , no.6 Elsevier , pp.2050-2056 , 2024 .
6 Sheikh Shehab Uddin, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Mohammad Nurnabi : Studies on agar salt bridge based dual chamber microbial fuel cells using sludge and dustbin waste, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (impact factor:4.1) Springer , 2024 .
7 Umme Mahbuba Nabila, Md. Hossain Sahadath and H. Rainad Khan Rohan : Potential of mixed oxide fuel for higher fissile conversion ratio in light water reactors, Nuclear Engineering and Design , vol.424 Elsevier , 2024 .
8 Shams E Alam Prianka and Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) : Evaluation of neutronic characteristics of accident tolerant fuel concepts in SMART reactor fuel assemblies using DRAGON, Nuclear Engineering and Design (impact factor:1.9 (Cite score 3.4)) , vol.421 Elsevier , pp.113100 , 2024 .
9 Afroza Shelley*, Mahmud Hasan Ovi and Mohammad Shafiqul Alam : Assessment of radioactivity level and associated radiological hazard in riverbed samples within industrial areas, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies , vol.60 , no.2 (2024) Taylor & Francis Ltd , pp.213-225 , 2024 .
10 Fahim Mahmud Razu, Md. Hossain Sahadath and H. Rainad Khan Rohan : An alternative approach for excess reactivity control of TRISO particles, Annals of Nuclear Energy , vol.194 Elsevier , 2023 .
11 Niloy, Md. H.H., Farha, F.I. and Ahmed, M.T. : Neutronic analysis of ABR-1000 sodium cooled fast reactor with radially and axially heterogeneous core configurations, Annals of Nuclear Energy , vol.193 Elsevier , pp.110022 , 2023 .
12 Umme Mahbuba Nabila and Md. Hossain Sahadath : An Attempt to find the Optimal Loading Pattern of Minor Actinides in the PWR fuel rods, Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.166 Elsevier , 2023 .
13 Ahmed, M.T. and Shelley, A. : Annular fuel for VVER-1000 reactor: Moderation impact on neutronic behavior, Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.165 Elsevier , pp.104907 , 2023 .
14 Md Tanvir Ahmed and Afroza Shelley* : Annular fuel for VVER-1000 reactor: Moderation impact on neutronic behavior, Progress in Nuclear Energy (impact factor:2.7) , vol.165 ELSEVIER , pp.104907 , 2023 .
15 H. Rainad Khan Rohan and Md Hossain Sahadath : Enhancing transmutation rates of minor actinides using Zr and Y hydride and deuteride coatings in an LFR, Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.164 Elsevier , 2023 .
16 Ahmed, M.T. and Shelley, A. : Neutronic Analysis and Fuel Cycle Parameters of Transuranic-UO2 Fueled Dual Cooled VVER-1000 Assembly, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science ASME , 2023 .
17 Md. Tanvir Ahmed, Afroza Shelley* and Md. Nobir Hosen : Neutronic Analysis and Fuel Cycle Parameters of Transuranic-UO2 Fueled Dual Cooled VVER-1000 Assembly, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science (impact factor:0.4) , vol.10 , no.2 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , 2023 .
18 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Swapnil Roy, Sadia Lena Alfee, and Animesh Pal. : An Empirical Study of the Risk- Benefit Perceptions between the Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Groups Towards the Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh., Nuclear Engineering and Technology (NET). Elsevier , 2023 .
19 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Animesh Pal, Mohammad Shams Noor, Istiak Uddin Sazzad. : Measurement and Risk Perception of Non-Ionizing Radiation from Base Transceiver Stations in Dhaka City of Bangladesh., Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Springer , 2023 .
20 Md. Tanvir Ahmed, Md. Hossain Sahadath and Md. Ashraful Islam : Burnup Characteristics of Transuranic Fuel With Burnable Poison in Dual Cooled Annular Rod of VVER-1000, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science , vol.9 , no.3 ASME , 2023 .
21 M. S. Alam, M. M. Mahfuz Siraz, Jubair A. M., S. C. Das, D. A. Bradley, MayeenUddin Khandaker, Shinji Tokonami, Afroza Shelley and Selina Yeasmin : A study on measuring the 222Rn in the Buriganga River and tap water of the megacity Dhaka, PLoS ONE (impact factor:3.752) , vol.5 PLOS , pp.18 , 2023 .
22 Md Iqbal Hosan, Md Jafor Dewan, Md Hossain Sahadath, Debasish Roy and Drupada Roy : Assessment of public knowledge, perception, and acceptance of nuclear power in Bangladesh, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , vol.55 , no.4 Elsevier , pp.1410-1419 , 2023 .
23 Ahmed, M. T., Sahadath, M. H. and Islam, M. A. : Burnup Characteristics of Transuranic Fuel With Burnable Poison in Dual Cooled Annular Rod of VVER-1000, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science , vol.9 , no.3 ASME , 2023 .
24 F. Sharmin, M.H. Ovi and A. Shelley* : Radiotoxicity analysis of the spent nuclear fuel of VVER-1200 reactor, Progress in Nuclear Energy (impact factor:2.7) , vol.156 Elsevier , pp.104538 , 2023 .
25 Jubair Al Mahmud, M. M. Mahfuz Siraz, Mohammad Shafiqul Alam, Sudeb Chandra Das, David Andrew Bradley, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Shinji Tokonami, Afroza Shelley and Selina Yeasmin : A study into the long-overlooked carcinogenic radon in bottled water and deep well water in Dhaka, Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (impact factor:2.731) Taylor & Francis Ltd , 2023 .
26 Sushanto Biswas, Md Hossain Sahadath and Anyana Rahim : Neutronic Evaluation of Light Water Reactor-Based Small Modular Reactor With Transuranic Fuel and Comparison With Different Core Configuration of UO2 and Mixed Oxide Fuel, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science , vol.9 , no.1 ASME , 2023 .
27 Md. Shahinur Rahman, Heon-Ju Lee, Muhammad Athar Uddin, Islam Md. Rizwanul Fattah, and Md. Shafiqul Islam, : Synthesis of Al Thin Films with High Optical Transmittance by DC Magnetron Sputtering Process Parameter Optimization,, European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research , vol.08 , no.02 , 2023 .
28 Mahfuzur Rahman, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Abid Hossain Khan : Numerical investigation and benchmarking of heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics with two-sided rib-roughened and two-sided heat supply in narrow rectangular channels, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress , vol.41 Elsevier , 2023 .
29 M.M. Mahfuz Siraz, M.D.A. Rakib, M.S. Alam, Jubair Al Mahmud, Md Bazlar Rashid, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker, Md. Shafiqul Islam, S.Yeasmin : Assessment of radionuclides from coal-fired brick kilns on the outskirts of Dhaka city and the consequent hazards on human health and the environment, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 2023 .
30 Md Iqbal Hosan, Md Jafor Dewan, Md Hossain Sahadath, Debasish Roy and Drupada Roy : Assessment of public knowledge, perception, and acceptance of nuclear power in Bangladesh, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (impact factor:2.817) Elsevier , 2022 .
31 S Ahmed, MJH Khan, A Nahar, MF Mortuza and MI Hosan : A Study on Shield Design Aspects of a Semi-Industrial Co-60 Gamma Irradiation Facility at Gamma Source Division of Institute of Food and Radiation Biology of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.1-7 , 2022 .
32 Abid Hossain Khan, Shakhawat Hossain, Mehedi Hasan, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Jin-Hyuk Kim : Development of an Optimized Thermodynamic Model for VVER- 1200 Reactor-based Nuclear Power Plants Using Genetic Algorithm, Alexandria Engineering Journal , vol.61 , no.11 , pp.9129-9148 , 2022 .
33 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Azaharul Islam Rayhan, Tanvir Hassan Mojumder : Behavioral factors underlying energy consumption pattern: A cross-sectional study on industrial sector of Bangladesh, Heliyon , vol.08 , 2022 .
34 Shafiqul Islam Faisal, Md Shafiqul Islam, Md Abdul Malek Soner : Prediction of radioactivity releases for a Long-Term Station Blackout event in the VVER-1200 nuclear reactor of Bangladesh,, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , 2022 .
35 Umme Mahbuba Nabila and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Neutronic and Fuel Cycle Performance of LEU Fuel with Different Means of Excess Reactivity Control: Impact of Neutron Leakage and Refueling Scheme, Annals of Nuclear Energy , vol.175 Elsevier , 2022 .
36 Umme Mahbuba Nabila, Md. Hossain Sahadath, Md. Towhid Hossain and Farshid Reza : An approach to minimize reactivity penalty of Gd2O3 burnable absorber at the early stage of fuel burnup in Pressurized Water Reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , vol.54 , no.9 Elsevier , pp.3516-3525 , 2022 .
37 A Shelley*, Farhana Sharmin, Badrunnahar Dipa, Mahmud Hasan Ovi and M. Salahuddin : Three stage fuel option for VVER-1200 reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.9) , vol.171 Elsevier , pp.109025 , 2022 .
38 Joy Surjy Deb, Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Nazmul Hossain and Golam Sarwar Rakib : Preliminary CFD investigation for secondary coolant in molten salt reactor with alumina nanofluid considering FLiBe and FLiNaK as base fluid through a double pipe heat exchanger, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.46 , no.1 Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , pp.45-55 , 2022 .
39 Md Towhid Hossain, Md Hossain Sahadath and Umme Mahbuba Nabila : Neutronic and fuel cycle performance of VVER-1000 for dual cooled annular fuel with coated burnable poison, Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.145 Elsevier , 2022 .
40 Debasish Roy, M.M. Mahfuz Siraz, Md. Jafor Dewan, S. Pervin, A.F.M. Mizanur Rahman, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker and S. Yeasmin : Assessment of terrestrial radionuclides in the sandy soil from Guliakhali beach area of Chattogram, Bangladesh, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Springer , 2022 .
41 A. Shelley* and M.H. Ovi : Possibility of Curium as a Fuel for VVER-1200 Reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (impact factor:2.7) , vol.54 , no.1 Elsevier , pp.11-18 , 2022 .
42 Nazmul Hossain, Md. Abdul Malek Soner, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Hossain Sahadath and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Experimental analysis of step reactivity insertion effect on reactor power, fuel temperature and reactor period in BAEC TRIGA research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy , vol.165 Elsevier , 2022 .
43 Sadek Hossain Nishat, Farhana Islam Farha and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Study of the Perturbation in Temperature Profile of an AGR Fuel Pin for Surface Roughness of Cladding by CFD Simulation in Ansys Fluent, DUJASE , vol.7 , no.1 , 2022 .
44 Sadek Hossain Nishat, Md. Hossain Sahadath and Farhana Islam Farha : Effect of Cladding Surface Roughness on Thermal-Hydraulic Response of Nuclear Fuel Rod of Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , vol.196 , no.5 American Nuclear Society , pp.623-636 , 2022 .
45 Nazmul Hossain, Md. Abdul Malek Soner, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Md. Hossain Sahadath and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Experimental analysis of step reactivity insertion effect on reactor power, fuel temperature and reactor period in BAEC TRIGA research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.9 (CiteScore 4.3)) , vol.165 Elsevier , pp.108665 , 2022 .
46 Afsana Tasnim, Md Hossain Sahadath and Mohammed Nazrul Islam Khan : Development of High Density Shielding Material Containing BaSO4 and Investigation of the Gamma-Ray Attenuation Properties, Radiation Physics and Chemistry , vol.189 Elsevier , 2021 .
47 Md. Shafiqul Islam : The Need for a Regional Mechanism for Nuclear Security in South Asia, South Asian Voices (SAV), Stimson , 2021 .
48 Yasmin Akter, Md Hossain Sahadath and Farshid Reza : Assessment of the Burnup Characteristics of UO2 and MOX Fuel in the Mixed Solid and Annular Rod Configuration, Nuclear Engineering and Design , vol.381 Elsevier , 2021 .
49 M.H. Ovi,, A. Shelley* and M.H. Pradhan : Neutronic analysis of VVER-1000 MOX fuel assembly with burnable absorber and Erbia, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.776) , vol.160 Elsevier , pp.108389 , 2021 .
50 Mahmud Hasan Ovi, Afroza Shelley and Mahidul Haque Prodhan : Neutronic analysis of VVER-1000 MOX fuel assembly with burnable absorber Gadolinia and Erbia, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.9 (CiteScore 4.3)) , vol.160 Elsevier , pp.108389 , 2021 .
51 A. Shelley* and M.H. Ovi : Use of Americium as a Burnable Absorber for VVER-1200 Reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (impact factor:2.7) , vol.53 , no.8 Elsevier , pp.2454-2463 , 2021 .
52 Farhana Islam Farha, Md Hossain Sahadath and Sadek Hossain Nishat : Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of UO2 and MOX Fuel Considering Different Cladding Materials at Various Burnup Levels in Pressurized Water Reactor, Heat transfer Wiley Periodicals LLC , 2021 .
53 Shikha Pervin, Md. Jafor Dewan, Md. Fahimul Islam, M. M. Mahfuz Siraz and Selina Yeasmin : Gross Alpha Activity Concentration in Water Sample of Old Dhaka, Bangladesh by Zinc Sulphide Scintillation Detector, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.77-81 , 2021 .
54 Md. Ashraful Islam and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Prediction of Potential Offsite TEDE, Excess Cancer Risk, Dominant Exposure Pathways and Activity Concentration for Hypothetical Onsite Soil Contamination at the Proposed Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Accepted for publication , vol.7 , no.3 ASME , 2021 .
55 Yasmin Akter, A. K. M. Mizanur Rahman, Md. Hossain Sahadath, Selina Yeasmin, Nazia Hassan, Subrata Banik and Zakir Hossain : Thermoluminescence Responses of TLD–100 Subject to Low Dose Irradiation, DUJASE , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.1-8 , 2021 .
56 Farhana Islam Farha and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Analysis of the Effect of Central Gap Size on the Temperature Profile and Fissile Content in the Annular Nuclear Fuel Rod, DUJASE , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.1-8 , 2021 .
57 Shikha Pervin, Md. Jafor Dewan, Ashif Mahamud Apon, M.M. Mahfuz Siraz and Selina Yeasmin : Measurement of natural radioactivity and its health hazards associated with the use of different branded cement samples collected from different manufactures in Dhaka city using gamma spectrometry, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.45 , no.1 , pp.95-104 , 2021 .
58 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Shafiqul Islam Faisal, and Sadia Khan : Development and Strengthening of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Program of Bangladesh,, Nuclear Engineering and Technology , vol.53 , no.5 , pp.1705-1716 , 2021 .
59 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Abid Hossain Khan, and Md. Sohel Rana : Knowledge, Belief, and Attitude of Bangladeshi Youth toward the Development of Nuclear Power, Nuclear Energy and Technology , vol.7 , no.4 , pp.271-283 , 2021 .
60 Md. Shafqat Amin, and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Potentially Dangerous Radionuclides to be used in Credible RDD Explosion Scenarios at the Proposed RNPP Site, Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Elsevier , vol.168 Elsevier , 2021 .
61 Farshid Reza, Md. Hossain Sahadath and Yasmin Akter : Modeling and Neutronic Analysis of Pin-Cell Comprising Nuclear Fuel with Different Chemical Composition and Neutron Moderator Using Monte Carlo Code OpenMC, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Elsevier , vol.151 Elsevier , 2021 .
62 Abid Hossain Khan, S.M. Tazim Ahmed, Md. Sumon Rahman, Md. Shafiqul Islam : Applying Quality Function Deployment for Designing a Cryogenic Piping System, International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology , vol.8 , no.2 , 2021 .
63 Md. Sohel Rana and Md. Shafiqul Islam : The Logic Behind Trilateral Model for Implementing the First Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh., BIISS Journal , vol.42 , no.2 Bangladesh Institute of international and Strategic Studies. , pp.107-129 , 2021 .
64 Farhana Islam Farha and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Modeling and Simulation of Radial Temperature, Thermal Heat Flux, and Thermal Gradient Distribution in Solid and Annular Nuclear Fuel Element of Uranium Dioxide, DUJASE , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.30-37 , 2021 .
65 Madhurja Sarkar, M.M. Mahfuz Siraz, Md. Jafor Dewan, S. Pervin, A.F.M. Mizanur Rahman and S. Yeasmin : Measurement of Radioactivity for the Assessment of Radiological Risk in Sand Sample Collected from Kuakata and Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach Located in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.52-57 , 2021 .
66 Sadia Lena Alfee, Md. Shafiqul Islam : Assessment of public perception towards the radioactive waste management of Bangladesh., Progress in Nuclear Energy , vol.140 Elsevier , 2021 .
67 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Abul Quasem Al-Amin, Md. Sujahangir Kabir Sarka : Energy crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges, progress, and prospects for alternative energy resources, Utilities Policy , vol.71 , 2021 .
68 Mahua Jahan Rupa, Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra and Bidyut Baran Saha : Time adapted linear driving force model for gas adsorption onto solids, Chemical Engineering Journal (impact factor:13.273) , vol.420 , pp.129785 , 2021 .
69 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Nasruddin and Bidyut Baran Saha : Zeolite-graphene composite adsorbents for next generation adsorption heat pumps, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (impact factor:5.455) , vol.313 , pp.110839 , 2021 .
70 Mujib L. Palash, Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Animesh Pal, Anutosh Chakraborty, Bidyut Baran Saha and Ruzhu Wang : Design Principles for Synthesizing High Grade Activated Carbons for Adsorption Heat Pumps, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances , pp.100086 , 2021 .
71 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Mujib L. Palash and Bidyut Baran Saha : Recent advances of composite adsorbents for heat transformation applications, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress (impact factor:4.4) , vol.23 , pp.100900 , 2021 .
72 Animesh Pal, Kaiser Ahmed Rocky and Bidyut Baran Saha : Thermodynamic analysis of promising biomass-derived activated carbons/CO2 based adsorption cooling systems, Journal of CO2 Utilization (impact factor:7.132) , vol.46 , pp.101457 , 2021 .
73 Afrida Fairuz and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Characterization of Atmospheric Radiological Dispersion Alongside Risky Location Designation and Shelter House Proposition Around the Planned Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , vol.06 , no.4 , 2020 .
74 Kazi Kamrun Naher Ononna, Md Towhid Hossain and Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) : Modelling of Flow Turbulence and Routine Analysis of a Split Type Vane Spacers Grid in a Bundle of Rods of A 5X5 PWR Using ANSYS CFX, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.5 (1 & 2) , no.January & July Dhaka University , pp.37-42 , 2020 .
75 Farzana Hasan Shashi, Nafisa Tabassum, Md. Khalidur Rahman, Md. Faisal Rahman, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) and Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Experimental Study on Cross-calibrating Ideology for Small Field Dosimetry by High Spatial Resolution Detector, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.5 (1&2) , no.January & July Dhaka University , pp.75-80 , 2020 .
76 N. A. Sohan, M.J. Dewan, A.K.M.M Rahman, M. Al-Mamun and M.I. Hosan : Thermo-luminescence Response of Carbon Nanotubes and Some Other Familiar TL Materials Using Medical LINAC, Journal of Scientific Research , vol.12 , no.4 , pp.455-462 , 2020 .
77 A. Shelley : Analyses and Improvement of Fuel Temperature Coefficient of Rock-like Oxide Fuel in LWRs from Neutronic Aspect, Nuclear Engineering and Technology (impact factor:2.6) , vol.52 , no.6 Elsevier , pp.1156-1163 , 2020 .
78 Labibuzzaman Mustabeen, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Satyajit Ghose and Md. Jafor Dewan : Recommended national nuclear disaster management plan for Bangladesh, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (impact factor:4.982) , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.660-669 , 2020 .
79 Afrida Fairuz and Md. Hossain Sahadath : Assessment of the potential Total Effective Dose (TED) and Ground Deposition (GD) following a hypothetical accident at the proposed Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Applied Radiation and Isotopes , vol.158 Elsevier , 2020 .
80 Abid Hossain Khan and Md. Shafiqul Islam : A New Algorithm for a Condenser Design for a Large-scale Nuclear Power Plant in Tropical Region, Int. Journal of Thermal Science , vol.29 Springer , pp.1370-1389 , 2020 .
81 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Abid Hossain Khan : Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Fuel Rod of a TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor, Int. Journal of Engineering & Technology , vol.09 , no.01 Elsevier , pp.69-76 , 2020 .
82 Akter Sevena, Tanvir Hassan, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Mahera Afroz, Nasif Shams : Assessment of Energy Culture at a University and a Paper Mill for Energy Saving Opportunities, International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) , vol.54 , no.01 , pp.170-218 , 2020 .
83 Islam Md. Shafiqul and Tanvir Hassan Bhuiyan : Assessment of costs of nuclear power in Bangladesh, Nuclear Energy and Technology , vol.06 , no.03 , pp.181-194 , 2020 .
84 Md. Matiar Rahman, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Animesh Pal, Osama Eljamal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Statistical techniques for the optimization of cesium removal from aqueous solutions onto iron-based nanoparticle-zeolite composites, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. (impact factor:3.506) , 2020 .
85 Md. Samiul Ehsan, Md. Faisal Rahman, Nafisa Tabassum, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Shikha Pervin, M. M. Mahfuz Siraz, M. Mizanur Rahman, Selina Yeasmin and Syeda Ferdous Mahal : The Activity Concentration of Radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in Soil Samples and Associated Health Hazards in Natore, Kushtia and Pabna District of Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.43 , no.2 (2019) , pp.169-180 , 2020 .
86 Muhua Jahan Rupa, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Activated carbon-graphene nanoplatelets based green cooling system: Adsorption kinetics, heat of adsorption and thermodynamic performance, Energy (impact factor:7.147) , vol.193 , pp.116774 , 2020 .
87 Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Experimental study on thermophysical and porous properties of silica gels, International Journal of Refrigeration (impact factor:3.629) , vol.110 , pp.277-285 , 2020 .
88 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Sampad Ghosh, Kyaw Thu, Nasruddin and Bidyut Baran Saha : Experimental investigation of the specific heat capacity of parent materials and composite adsorbents for adsorption heat pumps, Applied Thermal Engineering (impact factor:5.295) , vol.164 , pp.114431 , 2020 .
89 Labibuzzaman Mustabeen, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Satyajit Ghose and Md. Jafor Dewan : Recommended National Nuclear Disaster Management Plan for Bangladesh, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology (impact factor:4.982) , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.660-669 , 2020 .
90 N. A. Sohan, M. J. Dewan, A. K. M. M. Rahman, M. Al-Mamun and M. I. Hosan : Thermo-luminescence Response of Carbon Nanotubes and Some Other Familiar TL Materials Using Medical LINAC, JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH , vol.12 , no.4 , pp.445-462 , 2020 .
91 Saikat Ahmed, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Asma Begum, A.F.M. Mizanur Rahman, Md Abdur Razzaque and Quazi Mohammad Iqbal Hasani : Public awareness and stakeholder involvement for Bangladesh’s nuclear power plant, Energy Strategy Reviews (impact factor:3.895) , vol.32 , 2020 .
92 M. L. Palash, Animesh Pal, Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Byung-Duck Park and Bidyut Baran Saha : Surface energy characterization of different particulate silica gels at infinite dilution, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (impact factor:5.539) , vol.603 , pp.125209 , 2020 .
93 Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Improved CO2 adsorption onto chemically activated spherical phenol resin, Journal of CO2 Utilization (impact factor:7.132) , vol.41 , pp.101255 , 2020 .
94 Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Adsorption thermodynamics and performance indicators of selective adsorbent/refrigerant pairs, Applied Thermal Engineering (impact factor:5.295) , vol.175 , pp.115361 , 2020 .
95 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Bidyut Baran Saha, Kyaw Thu, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki : A benchmark for CO2 uptake onto newly synthesized biomass-derived activated carbons, Applied Energy (impact factor:9.746) , vol.264 , pp.114720 , 2020 .
96 Md. Samiul Ehsan, Md. Faisal Rahman, Nafisa Tabassum, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Shikha Pervin, M. M. Mahfuz Siraz, A.K.M. Mizanur Rahman, Selina Yeasmin and Syeda Ferdous Mahal : The activity concentration of radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th and 40K) in soil samples and associated health hazards in Natore, Kushtia and Pabna district of Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.43 , no.2 Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , pp.169-180 , 2019 .
97 Mahadee Hasan Shubho, Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Ferdoushi Begum, Md Hossain Sahadath, Md Zakir Hossain and Jannatul Ferdous : Individual Monitoring of Internal Exposure for Nuclear Medicine Workers in NINMAS through In-Vitro Bioassay Techniques, Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine , vol.22 , no.2 , pp.125-129 , 2019 .
98 Mahadee Hasan Shubho, Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md Hossain Sahadath, Ferdoushi Begumous, Md Zakir Hossain and Jannatul Ferd : Individual Monitoring of Internal Exposure for Nuclear Medicine Workers in NINMAS through In-Vitro Bioassay Techniques, Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine , vol.22 , no.2 Bangladesh Society of Nuclear Medicine , 2019 .
99 A.H.Khan and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Prediction of Thermal Efficiency Loss in Nuclear Power Plants due to Weather Condition in Tropical Region, Journal of Energy Procedia, Elsevier (impact factor:0.44) , vol.160 , pp.84-91 , 2019 .
100 H. M. Zulqar Nain, Md. Shafiqul Islam and Abid Hossain Khan : A Study on ThermalHydraulics Characteristics for Designing a Shell and Tube Condenser for a 1200MWe Nuclear Power Plant, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., , vol.43 , no.02 , pp.181-189 , 2019 .
101 Abid.H.Khan, Z.Ahmed, Md. Shafiqul Islam and A.K.Ghosh : Evaluation of Cooling Capability of an Eco-Cooler: Experimental and Numerical Analysis, Journal of Energy Procedia , vol.160 , pp.100-107 , 2019 .
102 Abid Hossain Khan and Md. Shafiqul Islam, : PCTRAN-Based Investigation on the Effect of Inadvertent Control Rod withdrawal on the Thermal-Hydraulic Parameters of a VVER1200 Nuclear Power Reactor,, Acta Mechanica Malaysia , vol.02 , no.02 , pp.32-38 , 2019 .
103 Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Adsorption of CO2 and ethanol by a spherical activated carbon in a heat pump, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics (impact factor:0.71) , vol.92 , pp.1575–1581 , 2019 .
104 Mohamed M. Younes, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Abd Elnaby Kabeel, Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Synthesis and characterization of silica gel composite with polymer binders for adsorption cooling applications, International Journal of Refrigeration (impact factor:3.629) , vol.98 , pp.161-170 , 2019 .
105 Md. Matiar Rahman, Mahbubul Muttakin, Animesh Pal, Abu Zar Shafiullah and Bidyut Baran Saha : A statistical approach to determine optimal models for IUPAC-classified adsorption isotherms, Energies (impact factor:3.004) , vol.12 , no.23 , pp.4565 , 2019 .
106 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : CO2 adsorption onto graphene-activated carbon composite for non-conventional cooling systems, International Journal of Refrigeration (impact factor:3.629) , vol.106 , pp.558-569 , 2019 .
107 Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Anutosh Chakraborty and Bidyut Baran Saha : Thermodynamic property surfaces for various adsorbent/adsorbate pairs for cooling applications, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (impact factor:5.584) , vol.144 , pp.118579 , 2019 .
108 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Muhammad Moniruzzaman and Bidyut BaranSaha : Adsorption characteristics and thermodynamic property fields of polymerized ionic liquid and polyvinyl alcohol based composite/CO2 pairs, Journal of Molecular Liquids (impact factor:6.165) , vol.294 , pp.111555 , 2019 .
109 Md Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Effect of seasonal variation on TEWI and performance of supermarket refrigeration systems in Japan, Evergreen , vol.06 , no.02 , pp.168-176 , 2019 .
110 Bidyut Baran Saha, Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal and Kyaw Thu : Emerging sorption pairs for heat pump applications: an overview, JMST Advances , vol.1 , pp.161–180 , 2019 .
111 Bakytnur Berdenova, Animesh Pal, Mahbubul Muttakin, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha and Aidarkhan Kaltayev : A comprehensive study to evaluate absolute uptake of carbon dioxide adsorption onto composite adsorbent, International Journal of Refrigeration (impact factor:3.629) , vol.100 , pp.131-140 , 2019 .
112 Animesh Pal, Anett Kondor, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Sivasankaran Harish and Bidyut Baran Saha : On surface energy and acid-base properties of highly porous parent and surface treated activated carbons using inverse gas chromatography, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (impact factor:6.064) , vol.69 , pp.432-443 , 2019 .
113 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Activated carbon and graphene nanoplatelets based novel composite for performance enhancement of adsorption cooling cycle, Energy Conversion and Management (impact factor:9.709) , vol.180 , pp.134-148 , 2019 .
114 Al Amin Hossain, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Jafor Dewan and Md. Faisal Rahman : A probabilistic analysis of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4(2) , no.January & July Dhaka University , pp.103-107 , 2018 .
115 Md. Mazharul Hasan Nur, Md. Selim Reza, Md. Iqbal Hosan and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) : A Comprehensive Study of Ablation of Thyroid Remnants with Iodine-131 in Patients at Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, DMCC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society , vol.18 , no.1 Bangladesh Electronics Society , 2018 .
116 Nafiz Imtiaz, Mahidul Haque Prodhan10.9790/4861-1002034451, Faisal Rahman, Hossain Sahadath and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Simulation of Automated Controller System for Controlling TRIGA Mark -II Research Reactor, American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.99-109 , 2018 .
117 Md. Mehedhi Hasan, Shah Ashikur Rahman, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author) and A B M Hasan Talukder : Absorption enhancement of organic solar cell using aluminum oxide as a photonic crystal, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.42 , no.1 Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , pp.87-97 , 2018 .
118 Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Md. Hossain Sahadath, Md. Jafor Dewan, Aleya Begum and Jannatul Ferdous : Evaluation of Annual Effective Dose for Natural Radioactivity of Gamma Emitters in vegetables samples from Northern part in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Physics , vol.23 & 24 , no.June & December Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS) , pp.41-50 , 2018 .
119 M. R. Haque, M. K. Islam, M. M. H. Prodhan (Corresponding Author), M. A. Malek and M. S. S. Chowdhury : Fitting Procedure of DPF Devices in Lee Model Code, Bangladesh Journal of Physics , vol.23 & 24 , no.June & December Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS) , pp.83-94 , 2018 .
120 M. M. H. Prodhan (Corresponding Author), M. H. Sahadath, A. A. Rangon and B.M. Rabby Hossain : A Review on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and Recommendations for the Present and Future Nuclear Power Plant, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) , vol.10 , no.2, Ver. III (Mar. – Apr. 2018) , pp.44-51 , 2018 .
121 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Sohel Rana : The Potential of Nuclear Power for Clean Energy and Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Bangladesh, South Asia Journal Inc , no.26 , pp.89-96 , 2018 .
122 M. Shamsuzzaman, Antu Biswas, Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Md. Abu Haydar, Debasish Paul1, Md. Jafor Dewan, and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Radionuclide Adsorption Performance in Cement and Soil Medium for Safety Issue of Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, Int. Journal of Scientific Research and Management , vol.08 , no.01 , pp.11-16 , 2018 .
123 ASM Ali Ashraf and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Explaining Public Policy Choices: A Case Study of the First Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh, Journal of Strategic Analysis , vol.42 , no.05 , pp.503-523 , 2018 .
124 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Mobasher Ahmed and Saad Islam : A Conceptual System Architecture for Countering the Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Threat to Nuclear Facilities, Int. Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 23 , vol.23 Elsevier , pp.139-149 , 2018 .
125 Sidratul Moontaha, Mohammad Sohelur Rahman, Md. Shafiqul Islam and Selina Yeasmin : Real-Time Environmental Gamma Radiation Dose Rate Measurement around Major Nuclear and Radiological Facilities in Bangladesh, American Journal of Environmental Engineering , vol.06 , no.03 , pp.39-49 , 2018 .
126 Al Amin Hossain, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Jafor Dewan and Md. Faisal Rahman : A probabilistic analysis of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4(2) , pp.103-107 , 2018 .
127 Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Environmental assessment and characteristics of next generation refrigerants, Evergreen , vol.05 , no.02 , pp.58-66 , 2018 .
128 Md Al Amin Hossain, Md Abdul Malek Soner, Md Abdus Salam, Md Fazlul Huq, Md Shamsul Huda Sohel : Measurement of Feedback Reactivity Effects of the Baec Triga Reactor, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.42 , no.2 , pp.183-190 , 2018 .
129 Md. Matiar Rahman, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Statistical Analysis of Optimized Isotherm Model for Maxsorb III/ethanol and Silica gel/water pairs, Evergreen , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.1-12 , 2018 .
130 Md Akhlak Bin Aziz, Md Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : The Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident, Its After Effects And The Lessons Learnt From It, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.55-66 , 2018 .
131 M. M. H. Prodhan, M. H. Sahadath, A. A. Rangon and B.M. Rabby Hossain : A Review on Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and Recommendations for the Present and Future Nuclear Power Plant, Journal of Applied Physics , vol.10 , no.(2) , pp.44-51 , 2018 .
132 Nafiz Imtiaz, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Faisal Rahman, Hossain Sahadath and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Simulation of Automated Controller System for Controlling TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor, American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation , vol.5 , no.(4) , pp.99-109 , 2018 .
133 Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Hossain Sahadath, Md. Jafor Dewan, Aleya Begum and Jannatul Ferdous : Evaluation of Annual Effective Dose for Natural Radioactivity of Gamma Emitters in some vegetables samples from Northern part in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Physics , vol.23 & 24 , pp.41-50 , 2018 .
134 Labibuzzaman Mustabeen, Md. Iqbal Hosan and Satyajit Ghose : A Comparative Study on Radiological impact from Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Lessons and Policy, Recent Trends in Green Technology for Power Engineering , vol.3 , no.1and 2 , pp.1-34 , 2018 .
135 Al Amin Hossain, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Jafor Dewan and Md. Faisal Rahman : A probabilistic analysis of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4 , no.2 (January and July) , pp.103-107 , 2018 .
136 Nafiz Imtiaz, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Faisal Rahman, Hossain Sahadath and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Simulation of Automated Controller System for Controlling TRIGA Mark -II Research Reactor, American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation , vol.5(4) , pp.99-109 , 2018 .
137 Md. Akhlak Bin Aziz, Md. Faisal Rahman and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan : Comparison of Lead, Copper and Aluminium as Gamma Radiation Shielding Material through Experimental Measurements and Simulation Using MCNP Version 4c, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , vol.9 , no.8 , 2018 .
138 Md. Akhlak Bin Aziz, Md. Faisal Rahman and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan : Comparison of Lead, Copper and Aluminium as Gamma Radiation Shielding Material through Experimental Measurements and Simulation Using MCNP Version 4c, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , vol.9 , no.8 , 2018 .
139 M. Shamsuzzaman, Antu Biswas, Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, Md. Abu Hayder, Debasish Paul, Md. Jafor Dewan and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Radionuclide Adsorption Performance in Cement and Soil Medium for Safety Issue of Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, The American Journal of Environmental Engineering , vol.8 , no.(1) , pp.11-16 , 2018 .
140 Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Hossain Sahadath, Md. Jafor Dewan, Aleya Begum and Jannatul Ferdous : Evaluation of Annual Effective Dose for Natural Radioactivity of Gamma Emitters in vegetables samples from Northern part in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Physics , vol.23 & 24 , pp.41-50 , 2018 .
141 Sabikun Nahar Sadia, Md. Iqbal Hosan and Saikat Ahmed : Communal Observation towards Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh, Journal of Electrical Energy Systems and Energy Conversion , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.1-13 , 2018 .
142 Md. Mazharul Hasan Nur, Md. Selim Reza, Md. Iqbal Hosan and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan : A Comprehensive Study of Ablation of Thyroid Remnants with Iodine-131 in Patients at Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, DMCC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society , 2018 .
143 Al Amin Hossain, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Jafor Dewan and Md. Faisal Rahman : A probabilistic analysis of Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.103-107 , 2018 .
144 Md. Mamun Hossain, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan (Corresponding Author), Md. Selim Reza and Md. Hossain Sahadath : The Effect of Collimator Selection on Acquisition Time in SPECT with Varying Acquisition Parameters using Quadrant Bar Phantom, Journal of Bangladesh Electronics Society , vol.17 , no.1 & 2 , pp.15-23 , 2017 .
145 Md. Shafiqul Islam : Alternative Energy Sources for Energy Crisis: Rethinking the Global and Bangladesh Perspectives, Life Science Global , vol.06 , pp.18-31 , 2017 .
146 Saad Islam and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Numerical Analysis for Determination of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Gimbaled Thrust Vectoring Nozzle, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences(BAS) , vol.41 , no.01 , pp.69-84 , 2017 .
147 Animesh Pal, Maisara Shahrom Raja Shahrom, Muhammad Moniruzzaman, Cecilia Devi Wilfred, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha : Ionic liquid as a new binder for activated carbon based consolidated composite adsorbents, Chemical Engineering Journal (impact factor:13.273) , vol.326 , pp.980-986 , 2017 .
148 Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu, Sourav Mitra, Ibrahim I.El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki : Study on biomass derived activated carbons for adsorptive heat pump application, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (impact factor:5.584) , vol.110 , pp.7-19 , 2017 .
149 Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Abdul Malek Soner and Khorshed Ahmed Kabir : Calculation of Fuel Temperature Coefficient, Reactivity Loss and Temperature of BAEC TRIGA Research Reactor, Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (AJASE) , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.89-94 , 2017 .
150 Animesh Pal, Hyun-Sig Kil, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha, Seong-Ho Yoon, Jin Miyawaki, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama : Ethanol adsorption uptake and kinetics onto waste palm trunk and mangrove based activated carbons, Applied Thermal Engineering (impact factor:5.295) , vol.122 , pp.389-397 , 2017 .
151 Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Animesh Pal, Mohamed M. Younes, Shigeru Koyama and Aref Maalej : Equilibrium and kinetics of CO2 adsorption onto activated carbon, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (impact factor:5.584) , vol.108 , pp.1941-1946 , 2017 .
152 Md. Iqbal Hosan : Radioactive Waste Classification, Management and Environment, Engineering International , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.63-72 , 2017 .
153 Md Iqbal Hosan, MAM Soner, Md Fazlul Huq and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Measurement and Comparison of Control Rod Worth of BTRR using Inhour Equation and Period reactivity conversion table, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.41 , no.1 , pp.95-103 , 2017 .
154 Hossain Sahadath, Ripan Biswas, Md. Fazlul Huq and Abdus Sattar Mollah : Calculation of the Neutron Shielding Properties of Locally Developed Ilmenite-Magnetite (I-M) Concrete, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science & Engineering , vol.4 , no.(1) , pp.1-5 , 2017 .
155 Md. Mamun Hossain, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Selim Reza and Md. Hossain Sahadath : The Effect of Collimator Selection on Acquisition Time in SPECT with Varying Acquisition Parameters using Quadrant Bar Phantom, Bangladesh Electronics Society , vol.17 , no.1&2 , pp.15-23 , 2017 .
156 Iqbal Hosan, M. A. M. Soner, Md. Fazlul Huq and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Measurement and Comparison of Control Rod Worth of BTRR using In-Hour Equation and Period Reactivity Conversion Table, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science (JBAS) , vol.41 , no.1 , pp.95 - 103 , 2017 .
157 Shamsul Huda Sohel, Md Al Amin Hossain, Debashis Datta, Md Fazlul Huq : Probabilistic Assessment of Crack Failure of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Cladding Material, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.41 , no.2 , pp.237 - 245 , 2017 .
158 Md. Hossain Sahadath, Ripan Biswas, Md. Fazlul Huq, Abdus Sattar Mollah : Calculation of the Neutron Shielding Properties of Locally Developed Ilmenite-Magnetite (I-M) Concrete, The Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.1 - 5 , 2017 .
159 Md. Akhlak Bin Aziz, Md. Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Effectiveness of using Polyethylene and 5% Borated Polyethylene for Radiation Shielding in Spacecraft, The Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.7 - 10 , 2017 .
160 MMH Prodhan, ABMH Talukder, MF Huq and SK Aditya : Design, Analysis and Performance Study of PV-Wind-Diesel Generator Hybrid Power System for a Hilly Region Khagrachari of Bangladesh, Journal of Scientific Research , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.57-66 , 2017 .
161 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Mobasher Ahmed : Status of Nuclear Security Education and Research and Looking Forward, Int. Journal of Nuclear Security. , vol.2 , no.3 Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange , 2016 .
162 Md. Mobasher Ahmed, Omar Ahmed and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Addressing the Tunnel Threat at Nuclear Facilities: A Case Study, Int. Journal of Nuclear Security. , vol.2 , no.3 Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. , 2016 .
163 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Aynul Islam : Nuclear Security and Safeguards in Bangladesh: Mapping Risks and Wayout, Int. J. of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (impact factor:1.67) , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.123-145 , 2016 .
164 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Rakibul Hasan, : Study of Performance Evaluation, Economic and Environmental Impact of 1.68 kWp DC Operated Submersible Centrifugal Solar Pump with Auto tracker using Low Cost DAS, Int. Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development , vol.15 , pp.146-158 , 2016 .
165 Ripan Biswas, Hossain Sahadath, Abdus Sattar Mollah and Md. Fazlul Huq : Calculation of gamma-ray attenuation parameters for locally developed shielding material: Polyboron, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Elsevier , vol.9 Elsevier , pp.26-34 , 2016 .
166 Hossain Sahadath, Ripan Biswas, Md. Fazlul Huq and Abdus Sattar Mollah : Calculation of Gamma-Ray Attenuation Parameters for Locally Developed Ilmenite-Magnetite Concrete, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci , vol.40 , no.(1) , pp.11-21 , 2016 .
167 Ripan Biswas, Hossain Sahadath, Abdus Sattar Mollah, Md. Fazlul Huq : Calculation of gamma-ray attenuation parameters for locally developed shielding material: Polyboron, Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.26 - 34 , 2016 .
168 Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan, A.B.M. Hasan Talukder, Md. Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Study of the Effect of Energy Window Width & Peak Shift on SPECT Images to Evaluate False Diagnosis, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.76 - 84 , 2016 .
169 MMH Prodhan, MK Hamid, D Hussain, MF Huq : Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of an Automatic Solar Tracker, Journal of Scientific Research , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1 - 12 , 2016 .
170 Md. Hossain Sahadath, Ripan Biswas, Md. Fazlul Huq and Abdus Sattar Mollah : Calculation of Gamma-Ray Attenuation Parameters for Locally Developed Ilmenite-Magnetite Concrete, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Science , vol.40 , no.1 , pp.11 - 22 , 2016 .
171 Md. Jafor Dewan, Ashraful Haque, Md. Fazlul Huq, M.A. Salam, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Thermal Power Calibration and Correlation of Reactor Tank Constant with Pool Water Level of TRIGA Mark–II Research Reactor, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.189 - 193 , 2016 .
172 Prodhan M. M. H., Hamid M. K., Hussain D. and Huq M. F. : Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of an Automatic Solar Tracker, Journal of Scientific Research , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1-12 , 2016 .
173 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I.El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Skander Jribi, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama : Experimental investigation of CO2 adsorption onto a carbon based consolidated composite adsorbent for adsorption cooling application, Applied Thermal Engineering (impact factor:5.295) , vol.109 , pp.304-311 , 2016 .
174 Prodhan M. H., Talukder A. B. M., Huq M. F. and Mahmood Z. H. : Study of the Effect of Energy Window Width & Peak Shift on SPECT Images to Evaluate False Diagnosis”, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Research Center for Nuclear Medicine, Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.76-84 , 2016 .
175 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Khairul Habib, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama : Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents - ethanol pairs, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (impact factor:0.52) , vol.11 , pp.12234–12238 , 2016 .
176 Ibrahim I.El-Sharkawy, Animesh Pal, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha and Shigeru Koyama : A study on consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application, Applied Thermal Engineering (impact factor:5.295) , vol.98 , pp.1214-1220 , 2016 .
177 Md. Jafor Dewan, Ashraful Haque, Md. Fazlul Huq, M.A. Salam and khorshed Ahmad Kabir : Thermal Power Calibration and Correlation of Reactor Tank Constant with Pool Water Level of TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.3 , no.(2) , pp.189-193 , 2016 .
178 Md. Shafiqul Islam : Status of Bangladesh’s Implementation of UNSCR-1540, 1540 Compass, A Journal,, Center for International Trade & Security. , no.9 International Trade & Security at the University of Georgia, USA , pp.2-3 , 2015 .
179 Prodhan M. H., Sarah S., Huq M. F. and Mahmood Z. H. : Effect of Source Activity and Source Volume on Intrinsic Uniformity of SPECT Gamma Camera, International Journal of Nuclear Medicine Research , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.5-9 , 2015 .
180 Sabrina Sarah, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Kawsar Hamid and Huq M. F. : Effect of Source to Camera Distance and Count Rate on Intrinsic Uniformity of SPECT Gamma Camera, Open Journal of Medical Imaging, , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.78-84 , 2015 .
181 Md. Shafiqul Islam : Analysis of Thermal Incident due to Sticking of the Al-Can Containing Irradiated TeO2 Target to the Bottom of the Dry Irradiation Channel of the 3 MWth TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor, Int. Journal of Sciences & Applied Research, IJSAR (impact factor:4.121) , vol.2(3) , pp.29-37 , 2015 .
182 Md. Iqbal Hosan, M.A.M. Soner, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir, M.A. Salam and Md. Fazlul Huq : Study on neutronic safety parameters of BAEC TRIGA research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.501) , vol.80 , pp.447-450 , 2015 .
183 Hossain Sahadath, Abdus Sattar Mollah, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir and Md. Fazlul Huq : Calculation of the different shielding properties of locally developed ilmenite-magnetite (I-M) concrete, Radioprotection, EDP Science , vol.50 , no.(3) , pp.203-207 , 2015 .
184 Md. Fazlul Huq, D. K. Saha, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Study on the Effect of Bi2O3 Additive on the Microstructure, Structural and Magnetic Properties of Ni0.35Cu0.15Zn0.5 Ferrite Sintered at 1100 Degree Celcious, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.7 - 13 , 2015 .
185 Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Sabrina Sarah, Md. Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Effect of Source Activity and Source Volume on Intrinsic Uniformity of SPECT Gamma Camera, International Journal of Nuclear Medicine Research , vol.2 , pp.5 - 9 , 2015 .
186 Md. Iqbal Hosan, Md. Fazlul Huq, M.A.M. Soner, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir, M.A. Salam : Study on neutronic safety parameters of BAEC TRIGA research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy (impact factor:1.38) , vol.80 , pp.447 - 450 , 2015 .
187 SM Shamim, Shariful Islam, Md Fazlul Huq, Md Abdullah Al Jobair : Design, performance analysis and efficiency optimization of copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cell, European Scientific Journal, ESJ , vol.11 , no.6 , 2015 .
188 S M Shamim, Angona Sarker, Md. Rasel Ahmed, Md. Fazlul Huq : Performance Analysis on the Effect of Doping Concentration in Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) Thin-film Solar Cell, International Journal of Computer Applications , vol.113 , no.14 , pp.8 - 11 , 2015 .
189 Hossain Sahadath, Abdus Sattar Mollah, Khorshed Ahmad Kabir, Md. Fazlul Huq : Calculation of the different shielding properties of locally developed ilmenite-magnetite (I-M) concrete, Radioprotection (impact factor:0.351) , vol.50 , pp.203 - 207 , 2015 .
190 Sabrina Sarah, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Kawsar Hamid, Fazlul Huq : Effect of Source to Camera Distance and Count Rate on Intrinsic Uniformity of SPECT Gamma Camera, Open Journal of Medical Imaging (impact factor:1.24) , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.78 - 84 , 2015 .
191 Abu Rayhan, Sumi Akter, Monir Morshed, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Md. Atiar Rahman, Md. Fazlul Huq : Design and Implementation of Wireless Automated Irrigation System, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research , vol.3 , no.3 , pp.55 - 61 , 2015 .
192 Md. Faisal Rahman and A.H.M. Asadul Huq : Comparison between LMS & NLMS Algorithms in Adaptive Noise Cancellation for Speech Enhancement, Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering , vol.3(1) , pp.107-111 , 2015(January) .
193 Prodhan M. H., Huq M. F., Khan M. M. H. and Aditya S. K : Design And Performance Analysis Of Wind-PV-Diesel Generator Hybrid Power System For A Hilly Area Rangamati Of Bangladesh, International Journal of Technology Enhancements and Emerging Engineering Research , vol.3 , no.11 , pp.103-112 , 2015 .
194 Md Ali Asgar, Mehedhi Hasan, Md Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Broadband optical absorption measurement of silicon nanowires for photovoltaic solar cell applications, International Nano Letters , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.101 , 2014 .
195 Md A Asgar, M Hasan, Md F Huq, Zahid H Mahmood : Metal Assisted Synthesis of Single Crystalline Silicon Nanowires at Room Temperature for Photovoltaic Application, Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology (impact factor:5.73) , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.1 , 2014 .
196 Md. Ali Asgar, Md. Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : Electrical and Optical Investigation on Metallization of Aluminium Contact on Silicon Wafer, J. Bangladesh Electron. , vol.13 , no.1-2 , pp.139 - 144 , 2013 .
197 MF Huq, DK Saha, R Ahmed, ZH Mahmood : Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite research: A brief review, Journal of Scientific Research , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.215 - 234 , 2013 .
198 Md Anisur Rahman, Fatema Khatun, Angona Sarkar, Md Fazlul Huq : Design and implementation of Feynman gate in quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) , vol.10 , no.4 , pp.167 , 2013 .
199 Md Fazlul Huq, Zamshed Iqbal Chowdhury, Mehedhi Hasan, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : The efficiency of the single junction and multijunction InxGa1-xN solar cell using AMPS-1D simulator, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.37 , no.1 , pp.65 - 72 , 2013 .
200 Mehedhi Hasan, Md Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood : A review on electronic and optical properties of silicon nanowire and its different growth techniques, SpringerPlus (impact factor:0.982) , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.151 , 2013 .
201 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Rakibul Hasan, Fariba Mohammadi, Antara Majumder and Ali Ahmed : Manufacturing Techniques of Low-Cost Si-based Crystalline Type Solar Cell in Bangladesh., Journal of Mech. Engg. , vol.42 , no.01 The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) , pp.29-27 , 2012 .
202 Rajib Ahmed, Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Rifat Ahmmed : Design & Analysis of Optical Lenses by Using 2D Photonic Crystals for Sub-Wavelength Focusing, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA) , vol.3 , no.12 , pp.71-75 , 2012 .
203 Tabinder Akter, Md. Fazlul Huq, Farzana Alam, Md. Afzalur Rab, Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman : Temperature Control of a Hot Plate Using Microcontroller-Based PWM Technique, Global Journal of researches in engineering Electrical and electronics engineering , vol.12 , no.6 , pp.45-48 , 2012 .
204 Animesh Pal, Shovasis Kumar Biswas, Surajit Sinha, Abubakar Siddique and Md. Habibur Rahman : Design and development of a microcontroller-based temperature measurement and control system for hot plate, Int. J. Electron. and Electric. Eng. , vol.5 , no.5 , pp.377-380 , 2012 .
205 Shovasis Kumar Biswas, Surajit Sinha, Animesh Pal and S.M.R. Islam : Study of UWB Channel model for wireless personal area network, Int. J. Electron. and Electric. Eng. , vol.5 , no.5 , pp.437-440 , 2012 .
206 M. A. Zulquarnain, M. M. Haque, M. A. Salam and M. S. Islam : Experience with the Operation, Maintenance and Utilization of the 3 MW TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor of Bangladesh, Int. Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, Inderscience (impact factor:1.67) , vol.4 , no.4 , pp.299-312 , 2009 .
207 M. Q. Huda, M.S.Islam, M.M. Rahman, A. Haque and M.M. Uddin : Studies on the Overall Safety Aspects during Irradiation of TeO2 in the Central Thimble of the TRIGA Research Reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy , vol.36 , pp.199-212 , 2009 .
208 Md. Shafiqul Islam, M. Kaminaga, R. Hino and M. Monde : Prediction of Turbulent Flow Structure in a Fully Developed Rib-Roughened Narrow Rectangular Channel, Int. Journal of Thermal Science , vol.18 , no.02 , pp.126-136 , 2009 .
209 Md. Shafiqul Islam, K. Haga, M. Kaminaga, R. Hino and M. Monde : Experimental Analysis of Turbulent Flow Structure in a Fully Developed Rib-Roughened Rectangular Channel with PIV, Journal of Experiments in Fluids. (impact factor:2.44) , vol.33 , no.2 Springer Berlin Heidelberg , pp.296-306 , 2002 .
210 A. Shelley, H. Akie, H. Takano and H. Sekimoto : Comparison of the Burnup Characteristics and Radiotoxicity Hazards of Rock-like Oxide Fuel with Different Types of Additives, Nuclear Science and Technology , vol.38 , no.2 Taylor & Francis , pp.134-142 , 2001 .
211 A. Shelley, H. Akie, H. Takano and H. Sekimoto : Parametric Studies on Plutonium Transmutations Using Uranium Free Fuels in LWRs, Nuclear Technology (impact factor:1.12) , vol.131 , no.2 American Nuclear Society (ANS) , pp.197-209 , 2000 .
212 Md. Shafiqul Islam, R. Hino, K. Haga, M. Monde and Y. Sudo : Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Augmentation for High Heat Flux Removal in Rib-Roughened Narrow Channels., Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, (impact factor:0.70) , vol.35 , no.9 Taylor & Francis , pp.671-678 , 1998 .
213 Md. Matiar Rahman, Abu Zar Shafiullah, Animesh Pal, Md. Amirul Islam, Israt Jahan and Bidyut Baran Saha : Study on Optimum IUPAC Adsorption Isotherm Models Employing Sensitivity of Parameters for Rigorous Adsorption System Performance Evaluation, Energies (impact factor:3.004) , vol.14 , no.22 MDPI , pp.7478 , 2021 .
214 Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki : Thermophysical Characteristics of Novel Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon as a Function of Synthesis Parameters, Heat Transfer Engineering (impact factor:2.320) Taylor & Francis , 2021 .
215 Bakytnur Berdenova, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha and Aidarkhan Kaltayev : Non-isothermal pore change model predicting CO2 adsorption onto consolidated activated carbon, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (impact factor:5.584) , vol.177 , pp.121480 , 2021 .
216 A. Shelley : Neutronic Analyses of Americium Burning U-free Inert Matrix Fuels, Progress in Nuclear Energy (impact factor:2.256) , vol.130 Elsevier , pp.103567 , 2020 .
217 A. Shelley, S. Shimada, T. Kugo, T. Okubo and T. Iwamura : Optimization of Seed-Blanket Type Fuel Assembly for Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design (impact factor:1.869) , vol.224 Elsevier , pp.265-278 , 2003 .
218 A. Shelley, H. Akie, H. Takano and H. Sekimoto : Radiotoxicity Hazard of U-free Fuels After Burning Minor Actinides in LWR, Progress in Nuclear Energy (impact factor:2.256) , vol.38 Elsevier , pp.439-442 , 2001 .
219 A. Shelley, H. Akie, H. Takano and H. Sekimoto : Radiotoxicity Hazard of U-free PuO2+ZrO2 and PuO2+ThO2 Spent Fuels of LWRs, Progress in Nuclear Energy (impact factor:2.256) , vol.37 , no.1-4 Elsevier , pp.377-382 , 2000 .
220 A. Shelley, et all : Yrast States and Electromagnetic Reduced Transition Properties of 122Te by Means of Interacting Boson Model-1, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (impact factor:0.377) , vol.64 , pp.38-43 , 2015 .
221 I. Hossain, T. Ishii, M. Ogawa, M. Asai, A. Shelley & A. Makishima : Yield of isomers in 76Ge(635 MeV) +198Pt deep-inelastic collision and their dependence on projectiles (74, 76 Ge) and beam energies (635, 550 MeV), Indian Journal of Physics , vol.75 , pp.165-168 , 2001 .
222 I. Hossain & A. Shelley : Studies on experimental features of 76Ge (635 Mev) + 198Pt deep-inelastic collisions, Indian Journal of Physics , vol.75 , pp.249-253 , 2001 .
223 A. Shelley & Md. Saiful Islam : Feasibility of U-free Inert Matrix Fueled (IMF) Light Water Reactor to Transmute Minor Actinides (MAs), The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.69-75 , 2010 .
224 A. Shelley, Md. Saiful Islam & Sharmin Sultana : Transmutation of Long-Lived Neptunium-237 (237Np) by using Uranium free Fueled Light Water Reactor (LWR)”,, The AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE) , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.61-66 , 2009 .
225 I. Hossain, T. Ishii, A. Shelley & M. Ogawa : ns-s” Isomers in 76Ge (635 Mev) + 198Pt deep-inelastic collisions, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science , vol.22 & 23 , pp.159 , 2000 .
226 A. Shelley, I. Hossain, W. Mondal : One Dimensional Criticality Calculation of a Small Pressurized Water Reactor, SUST Studies , vol.2 , pp.1 , 1997 .
227 Mahbubul Muttakin, Animesh Pal, Mahua Jahan Rupa, Kazuhide Ito and Bidyut Baran Saha : A critical overview of adsorption kinetics for cooling and refrigeration systems, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science (impact factor:12.984) , vol.294 , pp.102468 , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings (107)
1 Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Michael Fairweather, Jeffrey Peakall and Timothy Hunter "Prediction of Horizontal Pipe Slurry Flow with Hindered Settling." Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT 2024) , pp. ICMFHT 173-1. Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom: 2024 .
2 Joy Surjy Deb and Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan "Heat transfer study of the secondary coolant of the Molten Salt Reactors (MSR) with Alumina nanofluid using Duangthongsuk and Wongwises correlation." 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) , pp. 41. Belgium: America Nuclear Society (ANS), 2022 .
3 Sangida Akter, Md Ghulam Zakir, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Altab Hossain "A Fuzzy Based Model for Safety Assessment of AP-1000 and VVER-1200 Nuclear Reactors for Cold Leg Break Loss of Coolant Accident with Turbine Trip.." The 3rd International Conference on Energy and Power (ICEP2021) , pp. 18-20. Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Thailand: 2021 .
4 Sadman Sakib, Sadia Khan, Md. Anwar Sadat Anik, Md. Shafiqul Islam "Stress Analysis of a Simulated 3D Reactor Pressure Vessel of VVER-1200 Nuclear Reactor." The International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP) 2021) , pp. 16-21. Abu Dhabi, UAE.: 2021 .
5 Sangida Akter, Md. Sadman Anjum Joarder, Md. Ghulam Zakir, Altab Hossain, Md. Abdur Razzak, Md. Shafiqul Islam "Comparative Analysis of Thermal Hydraulic Parameters of AP1000 and VVER-1200 Nuclear Reactor for Turbine Trip Concurrent with Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM (ATWS),." International Conference on Automation, Control and Mechatronics for Industry 4.0 (ACMI) Rajshahi, Bangladesh.: 2021 .
6 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Mobasher Ahmed "Assessment of Operators’ Opinion on Threats at Nuclear and Radiological Facilities of Bangladesh,." International Conference on Nuclear Security: Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts, IAEA-CN-269/00 , pp. 10-14. Vienna, Austria: 2020 .
7 Md. Matiar Rahman, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha "Simulation-based Optimum Models for Type-I(a) and Type-I(b) IUPAC Classified Adsorption Isotherms." Proceeding of 6th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES2020) , pp. 14-19. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2020 .
8 Kazi Kamrun Naher Ononna, Md. Towhid Hossain and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan "CFD simulation of Flow Turbulence and Routine Analysis of a Split Type Spacers Grid Mixing Vanes in A 5X5 PWR Rod Bundle Using ANSYS CFX." 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: IEEE, 2019 .
9 Eyanat Rafee, Md. Towhid Hossain and Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan "Design & Analysis of Different Dynamic Functions of Nuclear Reactor and Accident Analysis of Six types of Reactors (ACP100, VVER1200, NuScale, ESBWR, AP1000, ABWR) using MATLAB, MATLAB-SIMULINK and PCTRAN." 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: IEEE, 2019 .
10 Md. Towhid Hossain, Md. Faisal Rahman, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Md. Nafiz Imtiaz "Design and Simulation of an Automatic Control Rod Position Controller System Incorporating Temperature and Xenon Poisoning Feedback for BAEC TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor." 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: IEEE, 2019 .
11 Md. Towhid Hossain, Md. Faisal Rahman, Md. Mahidul Prodhan and Md. Nafiz Imtiaz "Design and Simulation of an Automatic Control Rod Position Controller System Incorporating Temperature and Xenon Poisoning Feedback for BAEC TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor." International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) Dhaka: IEEE, 2019 .
12 Md. Iqbal Hosan and Labibuzzaman Mustabeen "Nuclear Radioactive Waste Classification and Management Facilities in Bangladesh to Protect Environment from Harmful Impact." Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh , pp. 161. Dhaka: 2019 .
13 Labibuzzaman Mustabeen, Md. Iqbal Hosan and Satyajit Ghose "Radiological Impact from Chernobyl and Fukushima NPP Accident: Lessons to Ensure Nuclear, a Sustainable and Environment Friendly Source of Energy." Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh , pp. 65. Dhaka: 2019 .
14 Laise Lubna, Tazneen Islam Shaon, Rahat Khan, Roksana Huque, Md Kamruzzaman Munshi, Afifa Khatun, Md. Ashiqur Rahaman, Kamrun Nahar, Mohammmad Amirul Islam and Md. Iqbal Hosan "Accurate and Precise Analysis of Multi-Element in IAEA Biological Standard Reference Materials using Neutron Irradiation and Gamma Spectroscopy Followed by Ashing Process." 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology , pp. 69. Dhaka: Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, 2019 .
15 Tazneen Islam Shaon, Laisee Lubna, Rahat Khan, Roksana Haque, Md. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Afifa Khatun, Md. Ashikur Rahman, Kamrun Nahar, Mohammmad Amirul Islam and Md. Iqbal Hosan "Determination of Elemental Concentrations in Biological Standard Reference Materials using Neutron Irradiation and Gamma Spectroscopy." 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology , pp. 70. Dhaka: Faculty of Enginnering and Technology, University of Dhaka, 2019 .
16 Md. Matiar Rahman, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Animesh Pal, Osama Eljamal and Bidyut Baran Saha "Factorial Experimental Design for Optimization of Cesium Removal from Aqueous Solutions." Proceedings of 5th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES2019) , pp. 28-29. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2019 .
17 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha "Adsorption Characteristics of CO2 onto Carbon Nanotube for Adsorption Cooling/Capturing Applications." Proceedings of 5th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES) , pp. 67-69. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2019 .
18 M.L. Palash, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha "Investigation of Surface Energy of Porous Adsorbents." Proceedings of 5th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES) , pp. 32-33. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2019 .
19 Md. Amirul Islam, Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Specific heat capacity measurement of mangrove and waste palm trunk in raw, carbonized and activated form." Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy System (IMPRES2019) , pp. P134. Kanazawa, Japan: International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy System, 2019 .
20 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Development of Thermal Conductive Composite Adsorbents for Cooling Applications." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 139-140. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
21 Md. Matiar Rahman, Animesh Pal, Mahbubul Muttakin, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "A Statistical Approach Employing Bootstrap Sample to Determine Optimum Models for IUPAC Type-I and Type-V Isotherms." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 191-192. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
22 M.L. Palash, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Study on Surface Characteristics of Various Adsorbents using Inverse Gas Chromatography." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 201-202. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
23 Md. Amirul Islam, Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu, Nasruddin, M. I. Alhamid and Bidyut Baran Saha "Measurement and Evaluation of the Specific Heat Capacity of Silica Gels for Adsorption Heat Pump Applications." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 53-54. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
24 Mahua Jahan Rupa, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Game Theory as a Tool for Improving Operation and Durability of a Central Air-Conditioning System." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 149-150. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
25 Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Adsorption Thermodynamics for Different Adsorbent/Refrigerant Pairs for Cooling Applications." Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Polygeneration (ICP 2019) , pp. 95-96. Fukuoka, Japan: 2019 .
26 Mahbubul Muttakin, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu, Kazuhide Ito and Bidyut Baran Saha "Experimental Study on the Effect of Adsorbent Height on Adsorption Dynamics." Proceedings of The 10th International Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT) , pp. 020002-6. Bali, Indonesia: AIP Conference Proceedings 2062, 2019 .
27 Mahbubul Muttakin, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu, Kazuhide Ito and Bidyut Baran Saha "Experimental study of adsorption kinetics for activated carbon-CO2 pair." Proceedings of 4th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES2018) , pp. 48-49. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2018 .
28 Jin Miyawaki, Yao Yu, Hyun-Sig Kil, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Koji Nakabayashi and Seong-Ho Yoon "Toward activated carbons with enhanced effective adsorption amount by control of activation process." Keynote Lecture at International Conference on Industrial, Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ICIMECE2018) Surakarta, Indonesia: 2018 .
29 Kutub Uddin, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Adsorption onto spherical activated carbon for heat pump application." Keynote Lecture at X Minsk International Seminar on Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources , pp. 301-308. Minsk, Belarus: 2018 .
30 Shubho M H, Ferdous J, Begum F and Prodhan M M H "Estimation of Internal Exposure from Bioassay Sample of Nuclear Medicine Workers in NIMMAS at Dhaka." 3rd International Conference of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology and Imaging(ICMPROI)-2018’, organized by Bangladesh Medical Physics Society , pp. 113. Dhaka: Bangladesh Medical Physics Society, 2018 .
31 M.R. Haque, M.K. Islam, M. M. H. Prodhan, M. A. Malek and M. S. S. Chowdhury "Fitting Procedure of Sub-kilojule Plasma Focus Device Using Lee Model Code." International conference on Physics-2018 organized by Bangladesh Physical Society , pp. 88. Dhaka: Bangladesh Physical Society, 2018 .
32 M. S. Ehman, S. Pervin, MMM. Siraz, M. H. Prodhan, Akm. Mizanur Rahman, S.F. Mahal, S. Yeasmin and M. F. Rahman "The Activity Concentration of Radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th And 40K)’ In Soil Samples And Associated Health Hazards In Nature, Kustia And Pabna District of Bangladesh." International conference on Physics-2018 organized by Bangladesh Physical Society , pp. 41. Dhaka: Bangladesh Physical Society, 2018 .
33 M.S. Mahmood, M.A. Haydar, M.L. Ali, B.C. Sutradhar, M.I. Ali, D. Paul and M.H. Sahadath "Artificial Radionuclides Removal Capabilities of Some Organic Materials from Liquid Radioactive Waste." International Conference on Physics , pp. 43 (Hp-05). Dhaka: Bangladesh Physical Society, 2018 (08-10 March) .
34 Yasmin Akter,, AKM Mizanur Rahman and Md Hossain Sahadath "Study of TLD-100’s Repeatability in Low Dose Irradiation." International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) Dhaka: IEEE, 2018/12/27 .
35 Nazmul Hossain, Dr. Md. Abdul Malek Soner, Md. Hossain Sahadath, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Dr. Khorshed Ahmad Kabir "Study on the Positive Step Reactivity Insertion Effect on Reactor Period in BAEC TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor." 1st International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) 2018, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka , pp. 60. Dhaka: IEEE, 2018 .
36 Nazmul Hossain, Md Abdul Malek Soner, Md Hossain Sahadath, Md Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Khorshed Ahmad Kabir "Study on the Positive Step Reactivity Insertion Effect on Reactor Period in BAEC TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor." International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) Dhaka: IEEE, 2018/12/27 .
37 Farhana Islam Farha, Md Abdul Malek Soner and Md Hossain Sahadath "Study on the Variation of Core Excess Reactivity and Shutdown Margin with Reactor Power in BTRR.." International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) Dhaka: IEEE, 2018/12/27 .
38 Lima Akter, Golam Sarwar Rakib, Md. Reazul Haque, M. A. Malek, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Md. Khairul Islam "Study the Axial and Radial Phase Plasma Dynamics as a Function of Variation of Gas Using Lee Model Code." 1st International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) 2018, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka , pp. 61. Dhaka: IEEE, 2018 .
39 Sharmin Jahan, Md. Mahidul Haque Prodhan and Jannatul Ferdous "An Assessment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Environmental Samples of Kailashtila and Salda Nadi Gas Fields of Bangladesh." 1st International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) 2018, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka , pp. 62. Dhaka: IEEE, 2018 .
40 Kaiser Ahmed Rocky, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Synthesis and characterization of consolidated composite adsorbents for next generation adsorption heat pump (AHP) applications." AY2018 Kyushu University Platform of Inter/Transdisciplinary Energy Research Fukuoka, Japan: Kyushu University Energy Week 2019, 2018 .
41 Tahmid Hasan Rupam, Md. Amirul Islam, Animesh Pal, Kutub Uddin, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Thermodynamic property fields for various adsorbent/adsorbate pairs." Proceedings of the 20th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (20th CSS-EEST) Busan, Korea: 2018 .
42 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Mobasher Ahmed "Qualitative Assessment of Nuclear Security Culture in a Public and a Private Radioactive Source Using Hospital." International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, IAEA-CN-254/160 Vienna, Austria,: 2017 .
43 Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Effect of adsorbent layer height on instantaneous adsorption capacity." Proceedings of International Forum for Green Asia 2017 , pp. 30-31. Fukuoka, Japan: Special issue of Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2017 .
44 Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Improved adsorption uptake of ethanol and CO2 onto biomass based activated carbons." Proceedings of 3rd International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES2017) , pp. 127-128. Fukuoka, Japan: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2017 .
45 Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Enhanced CO2 adsorption onto biomass based activated carbon." Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017 (ISHPC2017) , pp. AD-YR1-1147. Tokyo, Japan: 2017 .
46 Mohamed M. Younes, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Abd Elnaby Kabeel, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Thermo-Physical Properties of Silica Gel Composites for Adsorption Cooling and Desalination Applications." Proceedings of International Sorption Heat Pump Conference 2017 (ISHPC2017) , pp. AD-MA-114. Tokyo, Japan: 2017 .
47 Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Study on high performance adsorbents for adsorption cooling applications." Kyushu University Educational Reform Symposium 2017 Fukuoka, Japan: 2017 .
48 Sourav Mitra, Animesh Pal, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Transient numerical study of novel composite adsorbent for cooling applications." Proceedings of 2nd Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference (TFEC2017) , pp. 37-46. Las Vegas, USA: 2017 .
49 Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu and Bidyut Baran Saha "Development of high performance adsorbents for renewable energy powered adsorption heat pump (AHP)." Q-pit Energy week, I2CNER Kyushu University (Ito Campus) Fukuoka, Japan: 2017 .
50 Md. Mobasher Ahmed and Md. Shafiqul Islam "Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle a Threat to Nuclear Facilities- a Case Study." International Conference on Nuclear Security Commitments and Actions, IAEA-CN-244/42 Vienna, Austria: 2016 .
51 Md. Shafiqul Islam and Md. Mobasher Ahmed "Assessment of Nuclear Security Culture Using the IAEA Self-Assessment Tool at a Medical Facility of Bangladesh." International Conference on Nuclear Security Commitments and Actions. Vienna: 2016 .
52 Sourav Mitra, Animesh Pal and Bidyut Baran Saha "Thermally driven adsorption system for sustainable energy technology." JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar Tokyo, Japan: 2016 .
53 Mohammad Tawheed Kibria, Animesh Pal, Takeshi Nakagawa, Seigi Mizuno and Bidyut Baran Saha "Effect of binders onto adsorption characterization of activated carbon based composites." Proceedings of 18th CSS-EEST , pp. 229-230. Shanghai, China: 2016 .
54 Animesh Pal, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki "Mangrove based activated carbon: Synthesis and characterization." Proceedings of International Forum for Green Asia 2016 , pp. 47-48. Fukuoka, Japan: Special issue of Evergreen - Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2016 .
55 Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Hyun-Sig Kil, Jin Miyawaki, Seong-Ho Yoon, Sourav Mitra, Kyaw Thu, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama "Adsorption uptake of ethanol onto WPT and Mangrove-derived ACs." Proceedings of IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy System (IMPRES2016) , pp. 39-40. Sicily, Italy: 2016 .
56 Hyun-Sig Kil, Animesh Pal, Bidyut Baran Saha, Isao Mochida, Koji Nakabayash, Seong-Ho Yoon and Jin Miyawaki "Preparation and ethanol adsorption properties of activated carbons from biomass for adsorption heat pumps." Proceedings of IVth International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy System (IMPRES2016) , pp. 289-290. Sicily, Italy: 2016 .
57 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Khairul Habib, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama "Thermodynamic analysis of adsorption cooling cycle using consolidated composite adsorbents-ethanol pairs." International conference on production, energy & reliability (ICPER2016) Kualampur, Malaysia: 2016 .
58 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama "Preparation and characterization of consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application." Proceedings of 53rd National Heat Transfer Symposium Osaka, Japan: 2016 .
59 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama "Adsorption characteristics of consolidated adsorbents + ethanol pairs." Proceedings of 8th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (ACRA2016) , pp. SO_099. Taipei, Taiwan: 2016 .
60 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut Baran Saha, Takahiko Miyazaki and Shigeru Koyama "Experimental investigation of consolidated composite adsorbents/ethanol pairs for cooling application." I2CNER Annual Symposium, Kyushu University (Ito Campus) Fukuoka, Japan: 2016 .
61 Animesh Pal, Hyun-Sig Kil, Bidyut Baran Saha, Seong-Ho Yoon, Takahiko Miyazaki, Shigeru Koyama and Jin Miyawaki "Preparation and characterization of activated carbon from waste Palm trunk by chemical activation with KOH for adsorption cooling application." Proceedings of International Forum for Green Asia 2015 , pp. 69-72. Fukuoka, Japan: Special issue of Evergreen – Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, 2015 .
62 Animesh Pal "Experimental Investigation of Consolidated Adsorbent/Ethanol Pairs for Cooling Application." Global Strategy for Green Asia-Mahidol University joint Seminar, Mahidol University Thailand: 2015 .
63 Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Animesh Pal and Takahiko Miyazaki "Investigation of alternative adsorbent/refrigerant pairs for cooling application." Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference 2015 , pp. C144-1-4. Japan: 2015 .
64 MI Hosan, MAM Soner, KA Kabir, MA Salam and MF Huq "Measurement and Validation of Control Rod Worth, Core Excess Reactivity and Temperature Distribution of BAEC TRIGA Research Reactor." National Conference on Physics Research and Education in Bangladesh Dhaka: Bangladesh Physical Society, 2015 .
65 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Didarul Alam Chowdhury, AKM Fazle Kibria, and HM Borhanul Alam "Safeguards Practices and Future Challenges for Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy in Bangladesh." Symposium on International Safeguards: Linking Strategy, Implementation and People, IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria: 2014 .
66 Md. Shafiqul Islam "Challenges and Prospects of Cost-Effective Si-based Solar Cells Fabrication in Bangladesh." , 1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology, MIST Dhaka: 2014 .
67 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha and Shigeru Koyama "Experimental investigation of consolidated adsorbents/ethanol pairs for cooling application." Proceedings of the 16th Cross Straits Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology (16th CSS-EEST), , pp. 267-268. Jeju, Korea: 2014 .
68 Animesh Pal, Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Kutub Uddin, Takahiko Miyazaki, Bidyut Baran Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Tomohiro Maruyama, Shinnosuke Maeda and Takashi Nakamura "A study on adsorption of ethanol onto consolidated composite adsorbents for cooling application." Proceedings of the JSRAE Annual Conference 2014 , pp. A313-1-3. Saga, Japan: 2014 .
69 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Emdadul Haque and H.M. Borhanul Alam "Security of Radioactive Sources, Nuclear Material and Related Facilities in Bangladesh." International Conference on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources: Maintaining the Continuous Global Control of Sources throughout their Life Cycle Abu Dhabi: 2013 .
70 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Shawkat Akbar, Md. Emdadul Haque, and H.M. Borhanul Alam "Security of Radioactive Sources and Nuclear Material in Bangladesh." International Conference on Nuclear Security: Enhancing Global Efforts, IAEA Headquarters , pp. 203-207. Vienna: 2013 .
71 Abubakar Siddique, Shovasis Kumar Biswas, Surajit Sinha, Animesh Pal and Rezaul Karim Mazumder "Development of Sea Shell concentrator profile using computer aided ray tracing technique and study of optical performance." International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV) , pp. 1-6. Dhaka, Bangladesh: IEEE, 2013 .
72 M.A.R. Sarkar, S.H.Khan, S. Saha, M.S.Islam and M.A.Khair "Review of Insert Devices as Heat Transfer Enhancement Techniques,." Proceedings of the 6th International Mechanical Engineering Conference & 14th Annual Paper Meet (6IMEC&14APM) ET-11, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2012 .
73 Md. Delowar Hussain, Md. Kawsar Hamid, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Mazedur Rahman, Md. Habibur Rahman and Saiful Haque "Design & Development of a microcontroller based Intelligent tracker for standalone solar photovoltaic system” - National Seminar on Renewable Energy." National Seminar on Renewable Energy, University of Dhaka Dhaka: Energy Institute, University of Dhaka, 2012 .
74 Mehedhi Hasan, Md Fazlul Huq, Zahid Hasan Mahmood, Sabina Hussain "Enhanced optical absorption in silicon nanowire." 16th International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices , pp. 854928. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2012 .
75 M.S.Islam "Vibration Analysis of Renovated Primary Cooling System of the 3MWth TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor.." 9th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2011). Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
76 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Rakibul Hasan, and Md. Shahidul Islam Bhuiyan "1.68 kWp (2.2 HP) DC-Operated Solar Pump with Auto Tracker: A New Era." International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2011), Chittagong Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
77 Md.Shafiqul Islam, Md. Rakibul Hasan, and Md. Shahidul Islam Bhuiyan "Performance Analysis, Economical Feasibility and Environmental Impact of 17.5 kWP Solar Electricity Generation Plant at Head Office Building of Atomic Energy Commission." International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2011), Chittagong. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
78 M.S.Islam "Corrosion Induced Leakage in the Radial Beam Port of the 3 MWth TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor of Bangladesh." International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization (Research Reactor Conference CN-188) Rabat, Morocco: 2011 .
79 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Rakibul Hasan, Md. Shahidul Islam Bhuiyan, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Habibur Rahman, and Rezaul Karim Mazumder "Study of 1.68 kWp DC-Operated Solar Pump with Auto Tracker,." National Seminar on Renewable Energy. Dhaka: 2011 .
80 Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md. Rakibul Hasan, Md. Shahidul Islam Bhuiyan, Mahidul Haque Prodhan, Md. Habibur Rahman and Rezaul Karim Mazumder "Study of 1.68 kWp DC Operated Solar Pump with Auto Tracker." National Seminar on Renewable Energy, University of Dhaka Dhaka: Energy Institute, University of Dhaka, 2011 .
81 Md. Shafiqul Islam "Solar Energy Utilization and Development of Related Technology in Bangladesh." Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Dhaka Dhaka: 2010 .
82 M.S.Islam, et al. "Beam Port Leakage Problem in the BAEC TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor and the Corrective Measures Implemented." Technical Meeting on Assessment of Core Structural Materials and Surveillance Programmer of Research Reactor (TM-40035), IAEA Vienna, Austria: 2010 .
83 Md. Shafiqul Islam "Introduction to Mechatronics: A Graduate Engineering Program in Bangladesh." 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (ICEESD) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2009 .
84 M.S.Islam, S.B.Samee, M.M.Uddin and M.Mamun "Numerical Analysis for Temperature Assessment of the Irradiated TeO2 Powder in the Dry Central Thimble of the 3MWth TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor." 8th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2007) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2009 .
85 M.M.Haque, M.A.Zulquarnain and M.S.Islam "Challenges and Opportunities to Introduce a First Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh,." Int. Conference on Opportunities and Challenges for Water Cooled Reactors in the 21st Century. Vienna, Austria: 2009 .
86 Md. Shafiqul Islam, "An Overview of Mechatronics Engineering Education in Bangladesh, National Seminar on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development,." Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) Dhaka Dhaka: 2008 .
87 M. S. Islam et al., "Experience with the Operation, Maintenance and Utilization of the 3 MWth TRIGA Mk-II Research Reactor of Bangladesh." International Symposium on the Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technology in the GCC Countries, KSA KSA: 2008 .
88 M. S. Islam, Y. Sibamoto, Y. Maruyama, H. Nakamura and M. A. Zulquarnain "Study of PostBT Heat Transfer in a Vertical Tube Geometry in Abnormal Operational Transients of BWRs." 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2007) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2007 .
89 M.S.Islam "Investigation of Thermal Performances of the Plate Type Heat Exchanger of the BAEC 3 MWth TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor.." 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2007). Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2007 .
90 M. S. Islam, A. Haque, I. Kamal, and M.A. Zulquarnain "Determination of Temperature at Locations of the Quartz Vial Containing 40gm of TeO2 during its Irradiation in the DCT at 3 MWth of BAEC TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor." International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME2007) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2007 .
91 M. S. Islam et al "Experience and Challenges on Safeguards Practices and Approaches for BAEC 3 MWth TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor and other Establishment of Bangladesh." Symposium on Int. Safeguards; Addressing Verification Challenges. Vienna, Austria: 2006 .
92 F. Kaminaga and Md. Shafiqul Islam "Flow Boiling Characteristics in a Small Passage." 8th International Heat Pipe Symposium, Kumamoto, Japan: 2006 .
93 M. S. Islam "Management of Spent Fuel from Reactor of Bangladesh.." Int. Conf. on Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors. Vienna, Austria: 2006 .
94 M.S.Islam "Handling and Storage of Spent Fuel from the Reactor of Bangladesh." Int. Conf. on Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors. Vienna, Austria: 2006 .
95 M. S. Islam "Strengthening Operational Safety through Modification of Cooling System and Upgrading Safety Analysis Report of BAEC Research Reactor.." International Seminar on Nuclear Safety, RADA. Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan: JAERI, 2005 .
96 M. S. Islam "Prediction of Temperature in Irradiated Tellurium Dioxide Sample in the DCT of the BAEC 3MWth TRIGA MK-II Research Reactor by One Dimensional Technique." Proceedings of the International Seminar on Nuclear Safety. Tokai, Japan: JAEA, 2005 .
97 M. S. Islam "Spallation Neutron Source Emerges as a New Horizon for Science &Technology in the 21st Century, School on Pulsed Neutron Sources: Enhancing the Capacity for Material Science,." The Abdus Salam -International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). Trieste, Italy: 2005 .
98 M.S.Islam, A.Haque, M.A.Salam, and M.A.Zulquarnain "Heat Transfer Analysis During Irradiation of TeO2 Sample in Target Vials at DCT Tube of BAEC 3MWth TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor.." Int. Seminar on Nuclear Safety Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan: JAERI, 2004 .
99 M.S.Islam "Operation Experience on 3 MWth TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, 2nd World TRIGA User’s Conference,." Atomic Institute. Vienna, Austria: 2004 .
100 Md. Shafiqul Islam and M. A. Rashid Sarker, "Prediction of Turbulent Flow Pattern in a Rib- Roughened Narrow Rectangular Channel,." Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Mechanical Engineers and Annual Paper Meet on E-Manufacturing, Dhaka: 2003 .
101 M. S. Islam, K. Haga, M. Kaminaga, R. Hino, M. Monde "Turbulent Flow Pattern in Narrow Rib- Roughened Channel with PIV Visualization,." Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamic of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A U.S.A: 2002 .
102 M.S.Islam, A.Terada, H.Kinoshita, R.Hino, M.Monde "Analytical Study of Narrow Channel Flow for a Spallation Target System Design,." Technical Report, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI), , pp. 01-49. Japan: 2001 .
103 K.Haga, R.Hino, M.S.Islam, M.Monde, Y.Sudo, "Study on Heat Transfer Augmentation by Rib- Roughened Surface for a Narrow Rectangular Channel-Turbulent Flow Heat Transfer in the Thermal Entrance Region." Proc. of National Thermal Engineering Conference. Tsukuba, Japan: 1997 .
104 M.S.Islam, R.Hino, K.Haga, M.Monde, Y.Sudo, "Heat Transfer Augmentation for High Heat Flux Removal in Rib-Roughened Narrow Channels." Technical Report, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) , pp. 01-46. JAERI, Japan: 1997 .
105 M.S.Islam, R.Hino, K.Haga, M.Monde, Y.Sudo "Study on Heat Transfer Augmentation in Rib- Roughened Narrow Channels." Proc. of National JSME Conference, , pp. 269-270. Nagoya, Japan: 1997 .
106 M.A.R.Sarkar, S.M.N.Islam, and M.S.Islam, "Energy Consumption in a Textile Mill of Bangladesh." Proc. of Int. Conference of Jordanian Mechanical Engineering, Amman, Jordan, Jordan,: 1995 .
107 M.A.R. Sarkar, S.M.N.Islam, and M.S.Islam, "Energy Utilization Scenario in a Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh." Proc. of 9th ISME Int. Conference, Roorke, India , pp. 223-229. India: 1994 .