Research & Publication (Department of Arabic)
Book (32)
1 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam আরবি সাহিত্যে শেক্সপিয়রচর্চা (Shakespeare Study in Arabic Literature). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2024 .
3 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي وخطبه الوعظية قراءة على ضوء نظرية الاتصال الأدبي. Riga, LV-1010, Latvia (European Union),: Noor Publishing, 2020 .
4 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam The Origin and Development of Arabic Translation Literature (Up to 1258 A.D.) (in Bengali). Dhaka: University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, 2019 .
5 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque and Mokhter Ahmad Jakater Bidhibidhan (Provisions of Zakat). Dhaka: Center For Zakat Management, 2019 .
6 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque Adhunik Arobi Chotogolpa : Ekti Dibhashik Path (Modern Arabic Short Story: A Bilingual Reading). Dhaka: Riyad Prokashoni, 2019 .
7 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam Arabic Language Teaching Methoud (In Bengali). Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, 2018 .
8 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Allama Abdul Latif Chowdhury (His Biography). Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Bangladesh, 2018 .
9 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Ozifa-e-Latifia-1. Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2018 (6th Edition) .
10 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Moha Nabi-er 101 Onupom Boishishtyo (101 Unique Characteristic of the Prophet). Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2018 (3rd Edition) .
11 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Asmaun Nabi (Names of Prophet). Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2018 (3rd Edition) .
12 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Ad-Durrus Sameen (Translation). Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2018 .
13 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Kkhonojonma Monishi. Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2017 .
14 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze مذكرة علم المشتق التطبيقي لمحة عن علم الصرف. Dhaka: AITRB Publications, 2016 .
15 Md.Abdul Mannan Miaze রাবেয়া বসরিয়্যা: জীবনচরিত ও আধ্যাত্মিকতা. Dhaka: Madani Kutubkhana, 2015 .
16 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury (Editor) Allama Fultali Saheb Qibla Smarak. Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2014 .
17 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Munajate Yakubi (Translation). Dhaka: Latifia Foundation, 2014 (3rd Edition) .
18 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque Amirul Muminin Uthman Ibn Affan (in Bengali). Dhaka: Bangladesh Islamic Center, 2013 .
19 Dr. Muhammad Abul Hassan and Muhammad Arshadul Hassan বান্দার প্রতি সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহ-তা'লার নির্দেশসমূহ. Dhaka: Ashrafia Boi Ghor, 36 Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100, 2012 .
20 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan جامعة داكا تعريفها وتميزها الأكاديمي. Dhaka: Ashrafia Boi Ghor, 36 Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100, 2012 .
21 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf and Prof. Abdur Rashid And Others Islamic Studies Books for Secondary Level (from 6th-10th grade). Dhaka, Bangladesh: National Education Curriculum Board, 2010 .
22 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury (Editor) Chetonay Balakot Sommelon Smarak. Dhaka: Balakot-Chetona Ujjibon Parishad, 2010 .
23 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury Hadise Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. Dhaka: Soylab Prokashon, 2009 (2nd Edition) .
24 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan الوجيز في تاريخ الخط العربي. Dhaka: Noon Wal Qolam Publications, 307 Dhaka University Market, Katabon, Dhaka -1000, 2008 .
25 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf and others nv`xm I mvgvwRK weÁvb, 2q LÐ. dhaka: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 2004 .
26 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf and others Islamic Studies Course-1: Al Quran & Al Hadith. Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, 2003 .
27 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf and others Islamic Studies Course-4: Islami Rastra Babostha (Islamic State System). Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, 2001 .
28 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf and others Islamic Studies Course-5: Islami Artho Babostha (Islamic Economic System). Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, 2001 .
29 মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম সৃষ্টিতত্ত্ব ও আদম (আ.). মানিকগঞ্জ: আজাদ লাইব্রেরী, 2012 .
30 ড. মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম উতলা নদী. ঢাকা: লেখাপ্রকাশ, বিপ্লব ফারুক, 2020 .
31 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Quran Hadiser Aloke Tahajjud Namaj (Tahajjud Namaj in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah). Dhaka: Noon wal Qalam Publications, 307, University Market, Katabon, Dhaka, November 2007 .
32 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Arabi Bhashay Dokkhata Shikkha Dan Paddoti (The Teaching of Skill in Arabic Language). Dhaka: Noon wal Qalam Publications, 307, University Market, Katabon, Dhaka, March 2008 .
Book Section (5)
1 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani "Biography of Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf (R.)." Encyclopedia of Ashabe Rasul. Dhaka: Bangladesh Islami Foundation, 2023 595-640 .
2 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani "How We will Love Rasul Muhammad (SM)." Rahmatul Lil Alamin. Dhaka: Centre for Literature & Culture, 2022 40-52 .
3 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani "Sufi Culture and Its Representatives in Bangladesh." The book of Thematic Tasawwuf Meetings (Sufi Movements in South Asia). Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury Ankara: Soncag Academy Publication, 2021 43-58 .
4 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "Chattagrami Banglai Arabi Farsi Shobdo (Arabic-Persian Words in Chittagonian Bangla)." Chatgan Bhashar Rup-parichay (Introduction to the form of Chittagong Language). Mahbubul Hoque and Shimul Barua Chittagong: Chittagong Language Council, 2012 60-66 .
5 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf "Book Translation from Arabic to Bengali." AvnKvgyj KziAvb. Avey eKi Avj-Rvm&mvm DhAKA: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, 2010 .
Journal Article (211)
1 Fauziyyah Nur Azmi Nasution, Saiful Amien, I’anatut Thoifah and Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Improving Student’s Cooperative Skill in Learning Fiqh through Make-a-Match Learning Method, Tadris, Jurnal Pendidikan Islam , vol.19 , no.1 Tarbiyah Department of State Islamic Institute of Madura, Indonesia , pp.44-59 , 2024 .
2 Imran Hossain : القاموس المحيط للفيروزآبادي: دراسة في المنهج والخصائص (Al-Qamus Al-Muhit by Al-Fairuzabadi: A Study of the Method and Characteristics), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.24 , no.27 , pp.155-170 , 2024 .
3 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : حاضر طريقة تدريس الشعر العربي القديم في قسم العربية بجامعة داكا وضرورة تبنّي مقاربة جديدة: اقتراح طريقة جديدة لتدريس الشعر العربي القديم على ضوء منهج كتاب"قراءة في الأدب القديم" لمحمد محمد أبي موسى (تطبيق جزئي للمنهج المقترح على دالية زهير بن أبي سلمى أنموذجا), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.23 , no.26 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.65-84 , 2022 .
4 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : Towards understanding the nature of digression in the writings of al-Jaahiz: Few pages from the introductory chapter of Kitaab al-Bayaan wa al-Tabyeen, the book of eloquence and exposition as a model, Sprin Journal of Arabic-English Studies , vol.1 , no.4 Sprin Publisher, India , pp.1-14 , 2022 .
5 Dr. A B M Siddiqur RAhman Nizami and Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : قسم العربية بجامعة داكا: مسيرته الذهبية عبر مائة عام, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal (Special Issue on Centennial Celebration of the University of Dhaka) , vol.23 , no.26 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.7-36 , 2022 .
6 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : মুসলিম উম্মাহর চিন্তানৈতিক মতবিরোধ নিরসনে বদিউজ্জামান সাঈদ নূরসীর দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি: একটি পর্যালোচনা (Approach of Said Nursi to Resolve Intellectual Disagreements in the Muslim Ummah: A Critical Review), ইসলামী আইন ও বিচার (Journal of Islamic Law and Justice) , vol.18 , no.69 & 70 বাংলাদেশ ইসলামিক ল’ রিসার্চ( এন্ড লিগ্যাল এইড সেন্টার Bangladesh Islamic Law Research and Legal Aid Centre) , pp.9-25 , 2022 .
7 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : Usage of Arabic Words and Terminology in the Writings of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.23 , no.26 , pp.137-162 , 2022 .
8 Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury, Md Shamsul Alam, Abu Jamal Md Qutubul Islam Numani and Dr. Vahit Goktas : COVID-19 Pandemic: An Islamic Analysis, CenRaPS Journal of Social Sciences , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.13--32 , 2021 .
9 Dr.Mohammad Shahidul Islam : أدب الأطفال عند الشيخ البو الحسن الندوي: خصائصه ومنهجه, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.22 , no.24 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.47-58 , 2021 .
10 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : The Translation Movement from Arabic to Bengali and Vice versa and the present and future condition of this translation in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.22 , no.24 , pp.129-144 , 2021 .
11 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : أدب الأطفال وخدمات الشاعر أحمد شوقي في هذا الحقل: دراسة وتطبيق, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, , vol.21 , no.23 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.79-100 , 2020 .
12 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : Unity of the Muslim Ummah: Its Elements, Crises and Treatments, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.21 , no.23 , pp.101-126 , 2020 .
13 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : نظريات السرد الحديثة لوالاس مارتن: عرض ومناقشة, مجلة كاليكوت (Dept. of Arabic, University of Calicut. Kerala, India) , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.21-35 , 2020 .
14 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : فلسفة نفعية الشعر من خلال كتاب منهاج البلغاء وسراج الأدباء لحازم القرطاجني: دراسة تأصيلية تحليلية, المجلة العربية , vol.21 , no.23 , pp.47-60 , 2020 .
15 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : المسرح الملحمي عند بريخت ومسرحيته "دائرة الطباشير القوقازية": بين النظرية والتطبيق, مجلة العاصمة Refereed Annual Research Journal, Department of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram - 695034, Kerala, India (impact factor:2.88) , vol.12 , no.December , pp.179-185 , 2020 .
16 Md Abdul Mannan Miaze : "تطور التحليل التقابلي عبر العصور وأهميته وأهدافه: دراسة تحليلية" (Development of ‘Contrastive Analysis’ throughout the ages and its importance and Benefits: An Analytical Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.22 , no.23 , pp.27-46 , 2020 .
17 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : 8. الفساد الإداري وخطره في المجتمع الإسلامي: علاجه في ضوء القرآن الكريم (Administrative corruption and its horrifying impact on Islamic society: Its solution in the light of Holy Quran), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.20 , no.22 , pp.115-130 , 2019 .
18 Dr.Md.Rafiqul Islam : muhammad Ibn Uthaiminer kobita :sadupodesher uthso, journal of Dr.Serajul Haque Islamic Research Center , vol.12-13 , pp.88-99 , 2019 .
19 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : القوافي بين السلامة والمخالفة في شعر الأخلاق والوعظ في العصر الأموي: دراسة فنية, مجلة العاصمة (Dept. of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India) (impact factor:2.2) , vol.11 , pp.164-168 , 2019 .
20 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : قنديل أم هاشم ليحيى حقي: دراسة في الرؤية والأسلوب, المجلة العربية , vol.20 , no.22 , pp.27-52 , 2019 .
21 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : مساهمات خريجي جامعة الأزهر في انتشار اللغة العربية في بنغلاديش : بالخصوص مساهمة علاء الدين الأزهري, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.20 , no.June , pp.9 , 2019 .
22 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : বাংলাদেশে হাদীস চর্চায় ছারছীনা দারুসসুন্নাত আলিয়া মাদরাসার অবদান, (The Journal of Islamic Foundation) , 2019 .
23 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : 1. gymwjg we‡k¦i mv‡_ K~U‰bwZK m¤úK©‡bœvq‡b e½eÜz, †kvKvkÖæ, e½eÜz mgvRKj¨vY cwil`, RvZxq †kvK w`e‡mi cÖKvkbv , pp.05 , 2019 .
24 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : Assimilation of Worldly life in the Holy Quran, The Arabic Research Journal , vol.3 , no.1-2 Department of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh. , pp.152-165 , 2018 .
25 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : الغزو الفكري ومسؤوليات الأمة الإسلامية تجاه هدا الغزو: دراسة تحليلية (Intellectual War and Responsibilities of Islamic Ummah Regarding this War: An Analytical Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , pp.83-100 , 2018 .
26 د. محمد بلال حسين : أدب الاطفال:نشاته وتطوره, "Al-Majallah "The Dhaka University Arabic journal , 2018-19 .
27 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : شعر الوعظ في العصر الأموي: الذات الشاعرة والرؤية التكوينية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , pp.7-22 , 2018 .
28 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : ظاهرة "الوحدة العضوية" في شعر الأخلاق والوعظ في العصر الأموي: دراسة تحليلية, Biannual Research Journal for the Postgraduate Students of Arabic Language & Literature, Dep. of Arabic Language and Literature, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.53-73 , 2018 .
29 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : التعامل مع اختلاف العلماء عند بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي وتطبيقه في الوضع الديني لبنغلاديش (Dealing with the differences of Scholars as addressed by Bediuzzamann Said Nursi and its application in the religious situation of Bangladesh.), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , pp.pp. 34-54 , 2018 .
30 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : تعليم اللغة العربية في مدارس بنفلاديش الابتدائية الحكومية: مشكلات و حلول, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.June , pp.16 , 2018 .
31 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : 2. ag©xq †PZbv weKv‡k RvwZi wcZv e½eÜz †kL gywReyi ingvb, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb M‡elYv cwÎKv , no.4th , pp.08 , 2018 .
32 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : gv`&ivmv wkÿvi Dbœq‡b cÖZ¨vkv, ˆ`wbK mgKvj , pp.01 , 2018 .
33 Dr. Md rafiqul Islam : 6. حسن عبد الله القرشي و مساهمته في الأدب العربي و الأدب السعودي الحديث (Hassan Abdullah Al-Qurashi and his contribution to Arabic literature and modern Saudi literature ), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , pp.229-242 , 2018 .
34 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : علي أحمد باكثير: إسهاماته في نهضة الأدب الإسلامي (Ali Ahmad Ba-Kathir: His Contributions in Advancement of Islamic Literature), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.18 , no.20 , pp.115-138 , 2017 .
35 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : طرق تعليم الكتابة (Methods of Teaching Arabic Writing), Arabic Research Journal , vol.4 & 5 Department of Arabic, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh , pp.85-96 , 2017 .
36 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : إشكالية مفهومي "أدب الدعوة الإسلامية" و"الأدب الإسلامي": نحو مقاربة تأصيلية لاستجلاء أهم الأبعاد والفروق, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.18 , no.20 , pp.83-102 , 2017 .
37 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : إمكانية وجود الكائنات الحية في الكواكب الأخرى على ضوء القرآن الكريم (Possibility of the Existence of Living Creatures in Exoplanets in the Light of Holy Quran)), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.18 , no.20 , pp.61-82 , 2017 .
38 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin and Dr. Muhammad Golam Rabbani : আল কুরআনুল কারীম এর সূরাসমূহের বৈচিত্রময় প্রারম্ভিকা: একটি পর্যালোচনা, The Quranic Studies, A Half Yearly Rasearch Journal. Islamic University , vol.6 , no.june , pp.19 , 2017 .
39 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : قطوف من الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن عن المحرمات (Some Scientific explanations in the Holy Quran behind some of the prohibited things), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18-19 , pp.141-162 , 2016 .
40 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : القرآن المعجز: إعجازه وأثره في اللغة العربية وبلاغتها وأدبها (Miraculous Quran: Its Inimitability and effect in Arabic Language and its Rhetoric and Literature), The Islamic Foundation Potrika , vol.4 , pp.177-189 , 2016 .
41 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : خطب الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي الوعظية: دراسة في ضوء نظرية الاتصال الأدبي, At-Tajdid A refereed Arabic Biannual, International Islamic University Malaysia (impact factor:1.3) , vol.20 , no.40 , pp.135-167 , 2016 .
42 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : الرؤية والأداة في قصيدة "رحل النهار" لبدر شاكر السياب: دراسة تحليلية على ضوء المنهج الاجتماعي, Majallah al-Asimah A Refereed Annual Research Journal (Dept. of Arabic, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India) (impact factor:1.2) , vol.8 , pp.45-54 , 2016 .
43 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : ظاهرة غياب وحضور المسرح العربي: دراسة نظرية تحليلية تاريخية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18-19 , pp.59-73 , 2016 .
44 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : رواية "خاتم" لرجاء محمد عالم: دراسة على ضوء المنهج البنائي التكويني, مجلة البحوث العربية Dept. of Arabic, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh , vol.4-5 , no.2016-17 , pp.265-271 , 2016-2017 .
45 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : استدعاء العقل لإثبات الآخرة في القرآن الكريم, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18-19 , pp.95-108 , 2016 .
46 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 12. الرثاء للأولاد في الشعر الإسلامي : دراسة تحليلية (Lamentation of Children in Islamic Poetry: An Analytical Study, Arabic Research Journal, Department of Arabic, University of Rajshahi , vol.4,5 , 2016, 2017 .
47 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam and Dr. A B M Siddiqur Rahman Ashrafi : আল-কুরআনে বর্ণিত “নবী-রাসূলগণের দোয়া (প্রার্থনা)” প্রকৃতি ও বৈশিষ্ট্য, The Quranic Studies (Journal of the Department of Al-Quran & Islamic Studies), Islamic University, Kushtia , vol.6 , no.4 , 2016 .
48 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : (المسرحية الشعرية لأحمد شوقي : دراسة نقدية (مجنون ليلى أنموذجا (Poetice Drama of Ahmad Sawqi: A Critícale Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18 , 2016 .
49 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : Exportable Commodities of India in the Accounts of Early Arab Writers, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.60 , no.2 , 2015 .
50 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque and A K M Rasheduzzaman : Al-Quraner Boigganic Bayakhkha: Ekti Porjalochone (Scientific Exegesis of the Holy Quran: A Reflection), The Quranic Studies , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.61-71 , 2015 .
51 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque and Tahir Ahmad : Chander Udayasthaler Bibhinnata o Ekak Islami Calendar: Ekti Porjalochona (Differences in Moon-sighting and Single Islamic Calendar: A Review), The Quranic Studies , vol.5 , no.3 , pp.51-67 , 2015 .
52 Dr.Muhammad Ruhul Amin : كامل كيلاتي: رائد أدب الأطفال العربي (Kamil Kilany ; Arabic Child Literature), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.June , pp.18 , 2015 & 2016 .
53 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam and Dr. Faruq Ahmad : ‘আর-রাসমুল উসমানী’ ও ‘ক্বিরাআতুল কুরআন’-এর পারস্পরিক সম্পর্ক, The Quranic Studies (Journal of the Department of Al-Quran & Islamic Studies), Islamic University, Kushtia , vol.5 , no.3 , 2015 .
54 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin and Dr. A B M Hijjbulla : আল-কুরআনুল কারীম এর লিখনশৈলী: প্রকৃতি ও বিশ্লেষণ, (The Quranic Studies, A Half Yearly Rasearch Journal. Islamic University, Kustia (In Bengali). , vol.5 , no.December , pp.19 , 2015 .
55 Mahade Hasan : Semantic Change of Words entered into another Language through the process of Language Borrowing: A case study of Arabic words in Bengali, People: International Journal of Social Science , vol.Volume-1 , no.Special Issue-1 , pp.1375-1390 , 2015 .
56 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : مكانة اللغة العربية ومزاياها وعالميتها (The Status, Importance, Characteristics and Universality of Arabic Language), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , pp.65-86 , 2014 .
57 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : The Contribution of Abul Hasan Ali An-Nadwi in Islamic Literature, Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) , vol.10 , no.13 , pp.1-20 , 2014 .
58 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : الوسائل التعليمية استخدامها في مجال التعليم: دراسة علمية (The use of teaching equipments in the field of education : an academic study), The Research Journal of International Islamic University Chittagong , vol.10 International Islamic University Chittagong , pp.89-112 , 2014 .
59 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : موقف الإسلام من الأدب بين الإيجاب و السلب: دراسة نقدية (The stand of Islam towards literature between affirmation and negation : A critical study), The Islamic Foundation Patrika , vol.4 Bangladesh Islami Foundation , pp.159-170 , 2014 .
60 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : التخييل الشعري ودوره في التوجيه الأخلاقي عند حازم القرطاجني: دراسة نظرية وتحليلي, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , pp.5-15 , 2014 .
61 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : الشعر الحر و الشاعر بدر شاكر السيّاب : دراسة تطبيقية (Free Verse Poetry and Poet Bador Shakir Sayyab: An Applied Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , 2014 .
62 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury : ملائمة بعض أمثال الحديث في طبيعة الإنسان والإجتماع, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.17 , pp.207-218 , 2014 .
63 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam : 5. محمد حسن عواد وتجديده في الشعر (Mohamed Hassan Awad and his innovation in poetry), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , pp.99-108 , 2014 .
64 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : الأدب المنشود في ضوء الإسلام: دراسة تحليلية (Pursued literature in the light of Islam : An analytic study), Arabic Research Journal , vol.1 Department of Arabic, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh , pp.123-138 , 2013 .
65 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : بعض تراجم القرآن البنغالية المعاصرة: دراسة نقدية على ضوء منهجية ترجمة القرآن, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , pp.123-142 , 2013 .
66 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : التوقيعات وقيمتها الأدبية والتاريخية" (Tawqiat and its Literary and Historic Value), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , pp.4-27 , 2013 .
67 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : আরবি নাটকের বিকাশধারায় অনুবাদের ভূমিকা (Role of Translation to the Development of Arabic Drama), সাহিত্য পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.50 , no.2-3 , 2013 .
68 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : প্রাচীন আরবি সাহিত্যে আরব গার্হস্থ্য চিত্র (Arab Domestic Picture in the Classical Arabic Literature), Arts Journal, Dhaka University , 2013 .
69 Dr. Mohammad Shahdul Islam : 15. مسرحية "كليوباترا" لشكسبير و أحمد شوقي : دراسة مقارنة, (`Cleopatra’ Drama of Shakespeare and Ahmad Sawqi: A Comparative Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal, , vol.15 , no.16 , 2013 .
70 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : আরবি ও বাংলা কবিতার ছন্দ: তুলনামূলক পর্যালোচনা, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Centre, Dhaka University , vol.5 , no.1 , 2013 .
71 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : 5. الطريقة النموذجية لتدريس القرآن الكريم : دراسة تحليلية و تطبيقية (Model Method of Al Quran teaching : Descriptive and Practical Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.June , pp.20 , 2013 .
72 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : আরবি নাটকের বিকাশধারায় অনুবাদের ভূমিকা (Role of Translation to the Development of Arabic Drama), সাহিত্য পত্রিকা (Sahitta Potrika) , no.50 , 2013 .
73 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : প্রাচীন আরবি সাহিত্যে আরব গার্হস্থ্য চিত্র (Arab Domestic Picture in the Classical Arabic Literature), Arts Journal, Dhaka University , 2013 .
74 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : مسرحية "كليوباترا" لشكسبير و أحمد شوقي : دراسة مقارنة (`Cleopatra’ Drama of Shakespeare and Ahmad Sawqi: A Comparative Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , 2013 .
75 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : আরবি ও বাংলা কবিতার ছন্দ: তুলনামূলক পর্যালোচনা (Metre of Arabic and Bengali: A Comparative Study), Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Centre, Dhaka University , vol.5 , no.1 , 2013 .
76 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury : رسائل عمر بن عبد العزيز الإدارية: دراسة تحليلية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.16 , pp.209-224 , 2013 .
77 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam : 4. ديوان الشاعر أحمد بن إبراهيم الغزاوي : دراسة النقدية (Register of the poet Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al - Ghazawi: A critical study, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , pp.175-182 , 2013 .
78 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : الأدب الإسلامي : خصائصه و أهميته (Islamic Literature : Its characteristics and importance), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , pp.165-180 , 2012 .
79 Md. Masum Sarker and Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : أضواء على دراسة التفسير الكبير للإمام الرازي: رؤية منهجية لاستكشاف معالم المدرسة العقلية في التفسير, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , 2012 .
80 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : Origin of the Name of Chattagram: A Retrospective Study, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.69 , no.2 , pp.91-103 , 2012 .
81 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : نزار قباني: شاعر الحب و المرأة (Nizar Qabbani: Poet of Love & Women), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , 2012 .
82 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul amin : مهارة الاستماع : أسلوب تنميتها و خطوات تدريسها (Listening Skill : Methods of its development and steps of its teaching, , vol.14 , no.June , pp.19 , 2012 .
83 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : Early Arab Contact with Chittagong: A Historical Analysis 19-38, Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.19-38 , 2012 .
84 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : "الفرق والاعتقادات الدينية الهندية في تداوين الكتاب العرب القدماء: دراسة تحليلية " (Religious Sects and Beliefs of India in the Registers of Early Arab Writers: An Analytical Study),”, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , pp.67-75 , 2012 .
85 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : Guidelines of Islam Regarding Resisting Terrorism, Journal of Dr. Sirajul Haque Centre for Islamic Research , vol.3-4 , pp.153-182 , 2011 .
86 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : The Social Renaissance in the poetry of M’aruf Ar Rusafi, Arts faculty journal , vol.4 , no.6 , pp.77-92 , 2011 .
87 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : تصوير البلاغة النبوية في كتاب البيان والتبيين للجاحظ: دراسة وتقويم, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.14 , 2011 .
88 Dr. Muhammad RuhuL Amin : تطوير مهارة القراءة و طريقة تدريسها (Developing Reading Skill and its teaching methods), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.June , pp.16 , 2011 .
89 Ahmed Hasan Chowdury : مناهج الإمام فخر الدين الرازي في التفسير, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.14 , pp.215-227 , 2011 .
90 Dr. Md Rafiqul islam : 3. الإتجاهات الحديثة في الأشعار السعودية (Modern trends in Saudi poetry ) المجلة العربية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.14 , pp.147-157 , 2011 .
91 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : منهج الخليل بن أحمد الفراهيدي في معجمه -كتاب العين (Manhaj al-Khalil Ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi fi Mujamihi -Kitab al-Ain), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.12 , no.13 , 2010 .
92 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : আল-কুর’আন ও বাইবেলে উল্লেখিত নারীগণ: একটি তুলনামূলক পর্যালোচনা (Women in Al-Quran and Bible: A Comperative Study), Journal of Dr. Sirajul Hoque Research Center , vol.Vol. I&II , 2010 .
93 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Ameen al-Raihani: Founder of Mahjari Literature, The Arts Faculty Journal, Dhaka University , vol.Vol, 3 , no.Nos. 4&5 , 2010 .
94 Dr. muhammad Ruhul Amin : طريقة القواعد و الترجمة و الطريقة المباشرة في تعليم اللغة الثانية : دراسة تطبيقية (Grammar-Translation Method and Direct Method in socond language teaching : A Practical study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-12 , no.June , pp.15 , 2010 .
95 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : أبو عطاء السندي: شاعر فحل سندي الأصل في أفنية المدن العربية العالمية (Abu ‘Ata As-Sindhi: A Potent Poet with Sindhi Origin in the Premises of Arab Cosmopoleis),, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.12 , no.13 , pp.57-72 , 2010 .
96 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam : 2. الشاعر عبد الله بن عثيمين : أغراض شعره (The poet Abdullah ibn Uthaymeen: The purposes of his poetry), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.12 , no.13 , pp.171-186 , 2010 .
97 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani : أهمية الدعوة في منظور القرآن والسنة (Importance of Da’wah in the light of Quran and Sunnah), Bangladesh Islami University Journal , pp.11-24 , 2009 .
98 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : خدمات النساء في الشعر العربي من الجاهلية الي قبل النهضة (Khidmatun Nisa Fi al-Sa’rul Arabi Minal Jahiliyyati Ila Qabla al-Nahdah), Journal of Arabic, Department of Arabic, University of Punjab, Pakistan , 2009 .
99 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : خدمات النساء في الشعر العربي من الجاهلية الي قبل النهضة (Khidmatun Nisa Fi al-Sa’rul Arabi Minal Jahiliyyati Ila Qabla al-Nahdah), Journal of Arabic, Department of Arabic, University of Punjab, Pakistan , 2009 .
100 Dr, Muhammad Ruhul Amin : أدب الرحلة العربي عبر العصور (Arabic Travel Literature through ages), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-11 , no.June-2009 , pp.16 , 2009 .
101 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : "الموشحات الأندلسية: فن تفوق به شعراء الأندلس على نظرائهم المشارقة (Andalusian Muashshahat: An Art by which the Poets of Andalusia exceeded their Eastern Counterparts), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.11 , no.12 , pp.105-124 , 2009 .
102 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque and Md. Abdul Kadir : Arabi Boyakoron Sibwaih er Al-Kitabe Tafsirer Upaan: Ekti Prayogic Porjalochona (The Elements of Tafsir in Arabic Grammarian Sibwaih’s al-Kitab: An Empirical Study), The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.115-160 , 2009 .
103 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam : 1. الاتجاهات الفنية في الشعر السعودي الحديث (Artistic trends in modern Saudi poetry), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.11 , no.12 , pp.233-241 , 2009 .
104 Mohammad Shahidul Islam and Md. Mizanur Rahman : Sex Education: An Islamic View, The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka , vol.Year 2 , no.No-1 , 2008 .
105 Mohammad Shahidul Islam and M. A. Kawser : সউদি আরবে সমকালীন পুনর্জাগরণের কার্যকরণ : একটি সমীক্ষা, Journal Arts Faculty (Kala Anushad Patrika) , vol.1st Edition , 2007 .
106 Md. Mizanur Rahman and Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Wars and Weapons in classical Arabic Poetry (প্রাচীন আরবী কাব্যে যুদ্ধ ও যুদ্ধাস্ত্র), Dhaka University Patrika , no.No-87 , 2007 .
107 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : Elegy for Lost Kingdoms and Ruined Cities in Hispano-Arabic Poetry, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum) , vol.52 , no.2 , pp.235-266 , 2007 .
108 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : Arabic- Bengali Dictionary (certain parts), Islamic Foundation Bangladesh , no.June , 2006 .
109 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : বাংলাদেশের আঞ্চলিক ভাষায় ব্যবহৃত আল- কুরআনের শব্দাবলি (বিকৃত ও অবিকৃত) (The words of the holy Quran used in local dialect of Bangladesh : Changed and unchanged),, The Journal of Arts faculty , no.June , pp.18 , 2006 .
110 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : The Teaching of Writting Skill and its Importance And The Method of Teaching of Writting Skill, The Indian Academy of Arabic , vol.26 , 2006-2007 .
111 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf and Md. Nazim Uddin Bhuyan : Islamic Mode of Financing and Banking vs. Traditional Mode of Financing and Banking and Necessary Patronization in the Context of Present Position in Bangladesh: Some Propositions, Islamic Studies Journal of Dr. Serajul Haque Islamic Research Centre , vol.First & Second , no.January- December , 2006 .
112 Prof.Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : 6. nvw`mwfwËK Bmjvgx eyLvixi wkÿv M‡elYv: Db¥y³ I `~iwkÿvi cÖv_wgK aviYv, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb M‡elYv cwÎKv , no.RyjvB-†m‡Þ¤^i , 2006 .
113 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Mustafa Sadiq al-Rafayi: Religious and Prophetic writer (مصطفي صادق الرافعي: كاتب الدين و الرسالة), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-10 , no.No-11 , 2005 .
114 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : الشعر الجاهلي و الشعر الإسلامي : دراسة مقارنة (Classical Poetry and Islamic Poetry : A Comparative study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.10 , no.June , pp.10 , 2005 .
115 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : The Diwan School in Modern Arabic Literature, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.62 , no.1 , pp.105-118 , 2005 .
116 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : cwi‡ek, kã `~lY I Bmjvg, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb M‡elYv cwÎKv , 2005 .
117 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : Bmjvgx `k©b I gvZ…fvlv PP©v, `k©b I cÖMwZ cwÎKv, `k©b I cÖMwZ cwÎKv , no.July - December , 2005 .
118 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : The Mumble in Arabic Poetry to Mohammad Mandur, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.June , 2005 .
119 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : Aviex LyZev mvwnZ¨: DrcwË I µgweKvk (460-1258 wLª.),, Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 2005 .
120 Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Andalusi Poetry and its scopes (الشعر الأندلسي و أغراضه), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-9 , no.No.10 , 2004 .
121 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin : বাংলা সাহিত্যে ব্যবহৃত আল কুরআনের শব্দাবলী (The words of the holy Quran used in Bengali literature), Shahitya Patrika (mvwnZ¨ cwÎKv), , pp.43 , 2004 .
122 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : أحمد أمين: آرائه في اللغة وخدماته في النقد (Ahmad Amin: His Views on Language and His Contribution to Criticism), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.9 , no.10 , pp.135-154 , 2004 .
123 Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yousuf : Contributions of Mohammad Mandur in Developing the Criticism of Modern Arabic, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.June , 2004 .
124 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : KziAvb I nvw`‡mi `„wó‡Z gvZ…fvlv PP©vi ¸iæZ, BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb M‡elYv cwÎKv , no.October - December , 2004 .
125 Dr. A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami and Mohammad Shahidul Islam : Arabic proper noun used in Nazrul poetry: An Analysis (In Bengali), Islamic Foundation Journal , no.October-December , 2003 .
126 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque : , "أحمد أمين وكتابه فجر الإسلام" (Ahmad Amin and His Book Fajrul Islam), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.8 , no.9 , pp.149-158 , 2003 .
127 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : The Sources of the Entrance of Arabic Language into Bangladesh and its Inception: an Analytic Discussion, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , no.June , 2003 .
128 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : mvB‡q¨` Aveyj nvmvb Avjx b`fxi Øxwb `vIqvZ `k©b, `k©b I cÖMwZ cwÎKv , 2003 .
129 Dr. Muhammad Ruhul Amin and Dr, Jafar Ahmad : 9. أثر الحديث في تنمية اللغة العربية وآدابها (Impact of Al-Hadith in the development of Arabic Language and Literature), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.7 , no.June , pp.16 , 2002 .
130 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : The Origin of the Rhetoric and its Development upto 3rd Hijri, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.07 , no.June , 2002 .
131 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : Linguistic Views of Sheikh Abul Hasan Nadbi, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , 2002 .
132 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : ÒBmjvgx hy‡M Aviex M`¨ mvwnZ¨ (612-750wLª.), BmjvwgK dvD‡Ûkb M‡elYv cwÎKv , no.GwcÖj-Ryb , 2002 .
133 Md. Nasir Uddin : “ইসলামী মূল্যবোধ প্রতিষ্ঠায় বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের অবদান”, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা , 2000 .
134 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : 18. ÒAviex M`¨ mvwn‡Z¨i weKvkÓ (610 wLª.),, XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq, cwÎKv , no.February , 2000 .
135 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : A Brief Analysis on Ibn Khaldun & his Muqaddamah, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.05 , no.June , 2000 .
136 Prof. Dr. Mohammd Yousuf : Diversity of the Renaissance in the Modern Arabic Literature, Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.04 , no.June , 1998 .
137 A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami : خدمات هيكل في الترجمة و السيرة, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.3 , no.3 , 1997 .
138 A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami : “আরবী গদ্য সাহিত্যের বিকাশধারায় ইবনু’ল মুকাফ্ফা’র অবদান”, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , 1996 .
139 A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami : العقاد في مجال الترجمة و السيرة : دراسة تحليلة, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.2 , no.2 , 1996 .
140 A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami : “আল-জাহিজ ও তাঁর ধর্মতাত্বিক মতবাদ”, দর্শন ও প্রগতি , vol.13 , no.11 , 1996 .
141 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman and Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : 4. Sex Education: An Islamic View, The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies , vol.2 , no.1 , January-June 2008 .
142 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : বিচারকার্যে নার্রীঃ ইসলামী দৃষ্টিকোণ, (Women in Justice: Islamic viewpoint), Islami Ain O Bichar , vol.09 , no.36 , October-December, 2013 .
143 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 5. شعراء عصر الانحطاط : لا سيما ابن نباتة المصري ( The Poets of the Age of Decay : Special Attention to Ibn Nubata Al-Misriyyi),, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.11 , no.12 , June 2009 .
144 DR. Kamruzzaman Shamim : فن الترسل وعبد الحميد الكاتب: دراسة تحليلية, (Art of letter writing and Abdul Hamid Al-Katib: Analytical Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , June-2014 .
145 الدكتور محمد ظهير الإسلام : شعر محبوب االخوري الشرتوني : دراسة على ضوء علم المعاني, المجلة العربية , vol.22 قسم العربية ، جامعة داكا، بنغلاديش , pp.161-172 , 2021 .
146 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : ‘Ilmu Takhriz Al-Hadith: Qadiman Wa Zadidan, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.04 , no.04 & 05 , June, 1999 .
147 الدكتور محمد ظهير الإسلام : الغزل في شعر إلياس قنصل : دراسة تخليلية, المجلة العربية , vol.21 قسم العربية ، جامعة داكا، بنغلاديش , pp.185-200 , 2020 .
148 Dr. Md. Mizaur Rahman : 6. خمس طرق الحديثة لتعليم اللغة الثانية ( Five Modern Methods for Teaching Second Language, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.14 , June 2011 .
149 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : বর্গাচাষঃ ইসলাম ও বর্তমান সমাজ, (Sharecropping: Islam and Modern Society), Islami Ain O bicar , vol.09 , no.40 , October-December, 2014 .
150 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 7. الاختبارات الموضوعية في اللغة : مزاياها وعيوبها ( Multiple Choice Questions (M.C.Q.) in Language : Directions of Pros-and-coms),, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , June 2012 .
151 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : ইসমাঈল সাবরীর কাব্য প্রতিভা, (Poetic Genius of Ismail Sabri), Journal of Dr. Sirajul Islam Center সংখ্যাঃ ১০-১১, জুলাই-ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৪ ও জানুয়ারি-জুন, ২০১৫ , no.10, 11 , July-December, 2014 & January- June, 2014 .
152 Md. Nasir Uddin : The Development of Asian Arabic Poetic Literature in Latin America: An Overview, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.63 (2) , pp.163-182 , December ‘18 .
153 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 8. النظرية النفسية للاكتساب اللغوي : دراسة آراء تشومسكي (Psychological Methods in Language Acquisition : An Overview of Noam Chomsky’s Opinions),, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , June 2013 .
154 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : আরবী গদ্য সাহিত্যে আল-জাহিয এর অবদা, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা , vol.31 , no.01 , July-September, 1999 .
155 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Sa’ariyyat Al-Rasul (S.) Fi Du-el-Quran Wa Al-Sunnah, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.05 , no.06 , June, 2000 .
156 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : প্রচলিত ও ইসলামী বিধানে মালিক-শ্রমিক দ্বন্দ্ব নিরসনঃ একটি পর্যালোচনা (Settlement of Employer-Labor Dispute in Law of conventional and Islam: An Analysis), Islami Ain O Bicar , vol.13 , no.49 , January-March, 2017 .
157 ড. মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : আরবী ছোটগল্প: উৎপত্তি ও ক্রমবিকাশ, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা, ৫৬ বর্ষ, ৪র্থ সংখ্যা, এপ্রিল-জুন ২০১৭ (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 185-199 , ৫৬ বর্ষ, ৪র্থ সংখ্যা, এপ্রিল-জুন ২০১৭ .
158 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 9. শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠায় রাসূলুল্লাহ স.-এর সামাজিক ন্যায়বিচার (The Social Justice of Rasulullah (SAW) to Establish the Peace.), ইসলামী আইন ও বিচার পত্রিকা , vol.11 , no.42 , April-June 2015 .
159 মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : প্রবাসী কবি ঈলীয়্যা আবু মাদীর কবিতার বৈশিষ্ট্য, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 101-112 , ৫৬ বর্ষ, ২য় সংখ্যা, অক্টোবর-ডিসেম্বর ২০১৬ .
160 Md. Nasir Uddin : الشاعرات الاندلسيات المختارات ومميزات أشعارهن:دراسة وتطبيق, The Dhaka University Arabic journal , vol.Volume-19, , June2018 AD .
161 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : نظرية بديع الزّمان سعيد النورسي في تزكية النفس: دراسة تحليلية" " (The theory of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi in purification of soul: an analytical study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.20 , June-2018 .
162 মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : মানফালুতির ছোটগল্প আল-ইয়াতিম: একটি পর্য়ালোচনা, কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 213-223 , খÐ ৮, সংখ্যা ১০-১১, জুলাই ২০১৪-জুন ২০১৬ .
163 محمد ظهير الإسلام : الرثاء في ديوان "سعاد" لزكي قنصل: دراسة تحليلية, Al-Majallah Al-Arabiyah (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 223-234 , Vol. 17, No. 18&19, June 2015&2016 .
164 মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : মানবজীবনে আখেরাত ভাবনা, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 19-40 , ৫৫ বর্ষ, ১ম সংখ্যা, জুলাই-সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৫ .
165 Md. Nasir Uddin : الشاعر ابن هانئ الاندلسي ومميزات أشعاره, The Dhaka University Arabic journal , vol.Volume-18 , June2017 AD. .
166 মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : প্রবাসী আরব পল্লীকবি রশীদ সালীম আল-খুরীর কাব্যে প্রকৃতির রূপবৈচিত্র্য, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 149-169 , ৫৪ বর্ষ, ৩য় সংখ্যা, জানুয়ারি-মার্চ ২০১৫ .
167 محمد ظهير الإسلام : المأسات في شعر إلياس فرحات: دراسة فنية, Al-Majallah Al-Arabiyah (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 109-124 , Vol. 16, No. 17, June 2014 .
168 محمد ظهير الإسلام : فوزي المعلوف وقصيدته "على بساط الروح" : دراسة تحليلية, المجلة العربية The Dhaka University Arabic Journal (impact factor:q) , pp.p. 129-137 , Vol. 14, No. 15, June 2012 .
169 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 10. التعبير الشفهي في تعلم اللغة العربية : مشكلاته وعلاجها ( Oral Expression in Learning Arabic: Problems and their Solutions), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18-19 , June 2015 .
170 Md. Nasir Uddin : الفنون الشعرية السبعة المستحدثة العباسية: بين النظرية والتطبيق, The Dhaka University Arabic journal , vol.Volume-17 , June2015 & June 2016 AD. .
171 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 11. দুই বিশ্ব যুদ্ধের অন্তর্বর্তীকালীন আরবী কবিতায় আরব জাতীয়তাবোধ, (The thoughts of Arab Nationality in the Arabic poetry between the two World Wars),, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.96 , June 2016 .
172 Md. Nasir Uddin : موضوعات الشعر العربي في العصر الأيوبي: دراسة تطبيقية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-16 , June 2014 AD .
173 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : آليات تشكيل الصورة الفنية في شعر الأخلاق والفضائل في العصرالأموي دراسة تحليلية, Journal of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences , no.3 Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Istanbul, Turkey , pp.306-339 , 2021 .
174 Md. Nasir Uddin : مظاهر العناصر الإسلامية في موضوعات الشعر الأموي: دراسة تحليلية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-15 , June 2013 AD .
175 ড. মোহাম্মদ জহিরুল ইসলাম : প্রবাসী আরব কবিগণের কবিতায় রাসূলপ্রশস্তি, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন পত্রিকা , vol.৫৯ বর্ষ, ৪র্থ সংখ্যা নুর মোহাম্মদ আলম গবেষণা বিভাগ, ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন , pp.১৯৬-২১৫ , 2020 .
176 Md. Nasir Uddin : الموضوعات الكبرى للشعر الأندلسي: دراسة تحليلية, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-14 , June 2012 AD .
177 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 13. الموشحات المشرقية في العصر الأيوبي وخصائصها الموضوعية (The Eastern Muashshahat in the Ayyubid period and its thematic characteristics, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.18 , no.20 , June 2017 .
178 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : الشعر الإسلامي في الأدب العربي الحديث (Islamic Poetry in Modern Arabic Literature, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.20 , June 2018 .
179 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 15. مميزات الكتاب المدرسي الجيد لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها (The Characteristics of a good Textbook for Teaching Arabic to non - native Speakers), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.20 , no.22 , Accepted .
180 A B M Siddiqur Rahman Nizami : “ইমরুউল কায়স-এর গীতিকাব্যে প্রকৃতি”, সাহিত্য পত্রিকা \ বাংলা বিভাগ , vol.40 , no.3 , 1403 .
181 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : হাফিজ ইবরাহীমের কাব্যে দেশাত্মবোধ, (The Patriotism in Poetry of Hafiz Ibrahim), Journal of Development Forum , vol.01 , no.01 , December-2011 .
182 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : الأخطاء الشائعة لدى متعلمي اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها: دراسة تطبيقية (Common Mistakes of non native Arabic language learners: An Applied Study), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , June 2013 .
183 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : أسلوب التوكيد في شعر الأخلاق في العصر الأموي: دراسة في البنية والدلالة, Jil Journal of Literary Studies , no.74 JIl Scientific Research Centre, Lebanon - Tripoli , pp.63-76 , 2022 .
184 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : مشكلات تدريس اللغة العربية في المدارس الحكومية: أهم الاقتراحات لحله" (The Teaching Problems of Arabic Language in Madrasha led by Government and some important suggestions to solve these problems), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.16 , no.17 , June 2014 .
185 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : বাংলাদেশে আরবি অভিধান শাস্ত্রের উৎপত্তি ও ক্রমবিকাশ: একটি সমীক্ষা (The Origin and Development of Arabic Lexicography in Bangladesh: An Analysis), ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.বর্ষ ৯১-৯৩ , জুলাই-২০১৩-জুন, ২০১৪ .
186 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : ব্যবসায় বাণিজ্যে মজুতদারীঃ ইসলামী দৃষ্টিকোণ (Trade hoarding: Islamic perspective), Islami Ain O Bichar , vol.08 , no.31 , July-September, 2012 .
187 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : "أساليب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم التدريسية وعلاقاتها بالأساليب المعاصرة" (The teaching methodology of Prophet (pbuh) and its relationship to the contemporary ones), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.17 , no.18 , June 2015 & June 2016. .
188 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Al-Qisas Al-Qurani, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.05 , no.06 , June, 2000 .
189 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul kadir : Ilm Al-Nafs Al-Hadith Wa Al-Islam, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.07 , no.08 , June, 2002 .
190 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : "تحديات تعليم اللغة العربية في مدارس بنغلاديش القومية وأهم المقترحات لحلها: دراسة تحليلية" (Challenges of Arabic Language Teaching in Bangladesh Qawmi Madrashas and Some Important Proposal for solving it), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.19 , no.21 , June 2018 .
191 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Al HadarAl-A’lam Al-Islami: DirasahTahliliyyah, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.08 , no.09 , June, 2003 .
192 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze : "العوامل المؤثرة لتحقيق التراث الإسلامي في بنغلاديش: دراسة تحليلية", The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.20 , no.22 , June 2019 .
193 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Mustafa Kamil Wa Masrahiyyatuhu Fath Al-Andalus, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.09 , no.10 , June, 2004 .
194 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : যৌতুক প্রতিরোধঃ বাংলাদেশ প্রেক্ষাপট, (Prevention of Dowry: Prospect of Bangladesh), Islami ain O bichar , vol.09 , no.33 , January-March. 2013 .
195 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Hifz Al-Lugah Al-Arabiyyah Wa Daor Al-Quran Al-Karim Fihi, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.10 , no.11 , June, 2005 .
196 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : কবিতা সম্পর্কে মহানবী (সাঃ) এর অবদান ও সাহাবাদের ভূমিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , no.৮১ , ফেব্রুয়য়ারি, ২০০৫ .
197 Dr. Kamruzzaman Shamim : شاعر القطرين والوصف في شعره, (Poet of the two countries and the description in his poetry), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , June-2013 .
198 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : আরবী বৈয়াকরণ সীবাওয়াহ-এর আল-কিতাব-এ তাফসীরের উপাদানঃ একটি প্রায়োগিক পর্যালোচনা, দি ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটি জার্নাল অব ইস. স্টাডিজ , vol.03 , no.01 , জানুয়ারী-জুন, ২০০৯ .
199 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Maqasid As-Sar’iyyah Al-Islamiyyah: Musahimatul ‘Ulama Al-Barajeen Qadiman Wa Zadidan, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.11 , no.12 , June, 2009 .
200 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Ameer As-Sho’ara Al-Lubnan Basharah Al-Khudi: Sai’rul Hubbe Wa Al-Jamal, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.12 , no.13 , June, 2010 .
201 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : HubbulMar’ah Fi Hayati Zibran Khalil Zibran, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.13 , no.14 , June, 2011 .
202 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Muhammad Ali Basha Wa-Daoruhu Fi Tanmiatil Adabil Arabi Al-Hadith, The Islamic University Studies Journal , vol.12 , no.12 , December 2009 .
203 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ দত্তের কবিতায় আরবী শব্দের ব্যবহার, সাহিত্য পত্রিকা , vol.49 , no.02 , ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১২ .
204 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : প্রাক বিংশ শতাব্দির বাংলা সাহিত্যে আরবী শব্দের ব্যবহার, কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা , vol.05 , no.07 , জুলাই, ২০১১- জুন, ২০১২ .
205 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : همزية عمر بن أبي ربيعة (حدّث حديث فتاة حي...إلخ): بين السياق النفسي الاجتماعي والسياق اللغوي, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.22 , no.24 Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka , pp.21-36 , 2021 .
206 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Maokafu Umar Fi Taqsimil Ardil Maftuhati A’lal Muqatileen: Dirasah Tahliliyyah, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.14 , no.15 , June 2012 .
207 Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Kadir : Al- Mu’jamani Islahul Mantiqi Wa Lisanil A’rab: Dirasah Taqabuliyyah, The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.15 , no.16 , June 2013 .
208 Dr. Muhammad Arshadul Hassan : مظاهر الإيقاع الداخلي في شعر الأخلاق الأموي: دراسة فنية, Journal of Oriental Studies , no.39 Istanbul University , pp.161-181 , 2021 .
209 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 1. أبو حيان التوحيدي ومساهماته الأدبية (Abu Hayyan At-Tawhidi and his Contribution to Arabic Literature), The Dhaka University Arabic Journal , vol.Volume-10 , no.No.11 , November 2005 .
210 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman : 2. ‘আল-মু’আল্লাকাত’ কাব্যমালায় নারী চরিত্রের স্বরূপ (The Real Forms of Women in the Poetry ‘ Al-Muallakat’), সাহিত্য পত্রিকা , vol.47 , no.1 , July-Oct, 2005 .
211 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman and Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam : 3. প্রাচীন আরবী কাব্যে যুদ্ধ ও যুদ্ধাস্ত্র (Wars and Weapons in classical Arabic Poetry), ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.87 , Feb 2007 .
Conference Proceedings (39)
1 Dr.Md Rafiqul Islam "Important Agreements between Bangladesh and India: A Review." Paschimbanga Itihash Samsad, Panchanan Barma University India: 2019 .
2 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam "Ikhlas ( sincerity) of Allah and the position of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Through Resalw-i Nur”." Jointly organized by The Faculty of Theology & Islamic Studies, Islamic University Kustia and The Istanbul Foundation for science and culture, Turkey 2019 .
3 Dr. Md Rafiqul Islam "EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN ARABIC LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING." International Congress on Islamic Education-ICIE Istanbul, Turkey: 2019 .
4 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "“Maintenance of Divorced : A review of the Court's Judgment in the Sub-continent and Under Islamic Shari'ah”." International Conference on “Women Rights in Islam” Department of Arabic, Islamic Theology and Islamic Studies, Alia University, Kolkata, India: 2019 .
5 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "أغراض شعر المرأة في الأدب العربي." International Seminar on “Women and Arabic Literature” Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2019 .
6 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "Arabic Influence on Indian Language: Bengali as a Model." International Seminar on “Exploring the History of Adivasis, Dalits and Minorities in India” Department of History, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2019 .
7 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "Tatkhonik Tin Talaq: Shariah-Uthsher Ponorpath (A Retrospective Study of Shariah-sources)." International Conference on Women Rights in Islam organised by Alia University, India , pp. 191-205. Kolkata: Department of Arabic, Islamic Theology and Islamic Studies, Alia University, Kolkata, India, 2019 .
8 Dr.Md Rafiqul Islam "1. مساهمة الأدباء و الشعراء المصريين في ممارسة الأدب العربي في بنغلاديش." International Conference on “Sustainable Development in Africa” Institute of African Research and Studies Cairo University, Egypt: 2018 .
9 Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman and Abdullah Al Mahmud "Family is the foundation of Peaceful World : The Risale-I Nur Perspective." LIVING IN PEACE AND HERMONY : THE RISALE-I NUR PERSPECTIVE Dhaka, in collaboration with Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey.: 2018 .
10 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "أسلوب الحوار عند بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي لحل مشكلة الخلاف بين المذاهب في المجتمع الإسلامي." 1st International Conference on Nursi Studies in Bangladesh on the theme of “Living in Peace and Harmony: The Risale-iNur Perspective” in collaboration with Department of Arabic, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey: 2018 .
11 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "أدب الأطفال العربي والشيخ أبو الحسن الندوي : دراسة وتطبيق." International Seminar on “Important Arabic Writings by Indian Scholars” Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2018 .
12 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "Translations of the Holy Quran in Bengali: A Historical Analysis." 3rd International Seminar on “Gender, Environment and Culture in Indian History” Department of History, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2018 .
13 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "Translations of the Holy Quran in Bengali: A Historical Analysis." 3rd International Seminar on “Gender, Environment and Culture in Indian History” Department of History, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2018 .
14 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "Translations of the Holy Quran in Bengali: A Historical Analysis." 3rd International Seminar on “Gender, Environment and Culture in Indian History” Department of History, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2018 .
15 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "“The Role of African Universities to Spreading Arabic Language Education in Bangladesh: Egyptian Universities as a Model”." International Conference on “Sustainable Development in Africa” Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University, Egypt: 2018 .
16 Dr. Abu Jamal Md. Qutubul Islam Numani "مهارة القراءة في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها: مشاكل وعلاج (Reading skill in teaching Arabic Language for non-Arabs: Problems and Solutions)." ICLS-2017 , pp. 237-252. Kuala Lumpur: 2017 .
17 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "مشاكل تعليم مهارة الكلام في اللغة العربية في بنغلاديش و كيفية حلّها." INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Islamic Arabic Education in Southeast Asia” Islamic and Arabic Education Study Program of Tarbiyah Department, University of Muhammadiyah, Malang, Indonesia: 2017 .
18 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "مشكلة الخلاف بين الفرق الإسلامية في بنغلاديش ومعالجتها من خلال رسائل النور لبديع الزمان سعيد النورسي." International Symposium on the theme of “A Faith Service Through the Guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah: Positive Action” Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey: 2017 .
19 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "`Umar Ibnul Farid : The Great Mystic (Sufi) Poet of the Arabs." SAARC Sufi Festival The Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature (FOSWAL), Jaipur, India: 2017 .
20 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "ممارسة رابندرانات طاغور في اللغة العربية, (Rabindra-Study in Arabic Language)." 1st International Conference on Education, Literature and Arts (ICELA) with title “Intercultural Communication through Language, Literature and Arts” Jakarta: Convened by Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2017 .
21 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam (Keynote Speaker) "العولمة اللغوية وأثرها في اللغة العربية." 1st International Conference on Education, Language and Arts with the Title “INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION THROUGH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND ARTS” Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia: 2016 .
22 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "فكرة الإتحاد الإسلامي عند بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي." INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on EDUCATION & ETHICS IN SAID NURSI’S RISALE-I NUR collaboration with Department of Arabic, University of Kerala, India and The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey: 2016 .
23 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "أثر العربية في شعر الشاعر البنغالي القاضي نذر الإسلام." INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on الفكر الإنساني في اللغة والأدب بين التأثير والتأثر The Faculty of Science & Arts, Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan: 2016 .
24 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul ISlam "أدب الأطفال العربي والشاعر أحمد شوقي : دراسة وتطبيق." INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Arabic Prose in 20th Century” Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, India: 2016 .
25 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "الفكر الإصلاحي بمنظور رسائل النور للإمام بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي." 4th INTERNATIONAL NURSI STUDIES CONFERENCE IN INDIA" on the THE CONCEPT OF QUR'AN IN THE RISALE- NUR collaboration with Aliah University, Kolkata, India and The Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Turkey: 2015 .
26 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "الزواج بغير المسلمين : دراسة فقهية." Three days International Conference on “Pluralistic Society : Islam & Muslims” Department of Islamic Theology, Aliah University, Kolkata, India: 2015 .
27 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "ترجمة القرآن الكريم إلى اللغة البنغالية: تاريخ وخيز وتقييم (Translation of Quran Karim to Bengali language: Brief History and Evaluation)”, , India, 23-25th April, 2015.." International Conference on the translation and interpretation of the Holy Quran, Kerala University Thribhunantapuram: Departments of Arabic and Linguistics, Kerala University, 2015 .
28 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "دور المستشرقين الألمانيين في نقل الثقافة العربية إلى الغرب (Role of the German Orientalists to transfer the Arab culture to the West),." International Conference on “Orientalism: Past and Present” Aliah University, Kolkata, India: 2014 .
29 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "التفسير السياسي للمودودي حول الإله و الرب و العبادة و الدين : دراسة تحليلية على ضوء أراء الشيخ الندوي." International Conference on “Contemporary Thoughts and the Vision of Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi” Aligarh, India: 2014 .
30 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "الخصائص الفنية للشعر العربي في الهند." International Conference on “Arabic & Persian Poetry in India”, Department of Arabic, Kolkata University, India: 2014 .
31 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "Indian Fauna as Stated by Biruni and Arab Travellers." 1st Biruni International Conference-2014, Dhaka, 5-6th February, 2014. , pp. 66-73. Dhaka: Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation, Dhaka, 2014 .
32 Muhammad Arshadul Hassan "CONTEMPORARY BANGLA TRANSLATIONS OF THE HOLY QUR’ÓN BY MAULÓNÓ MU×AMMAD ÑABD AL-RA×ÔM, MU×AMMAD ×ABÔB AL-RA×MÓN, AND DR. MU×AMMAD FAÖL AL-RA×MÓN: A CRITICAL EVALUATION IN THE LIGHT OF QUR’ÓN TRANSLATION PRINCIPLES”." the 3rd annual international Qur’Énic conference held at University Malaya, Malaysia on March the 13th in 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: University Malaya, 2013 .
33 Mohammad Shahidul Islam "আল-বিরুনী প্রণীত ‘তাহক্বীক-ই হিন্দ’ গ্রন্থে সমকালীন ভারতে জ্ঞান-বিজ্ঞান চর্চা: বিশেষত গণিত ও জ্যোর্তিবিদ্যা প্রসংগ (Study of Indian Education and Science at al-Biruni’s Tahqiq al-Hind: Espcially Mathematics and Astronomy)." International Conference of Paschimbanga Itihash Samsad Kolkata, India: 2013 .
34 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "الجملة في اللغتين العربية و البنغالية : دراسة تقابلية (Sentence in Arabic Language and Bengali Language: A Comparative Study)." International Conference on Arabic and Islamic Studies in North East India Abhayapuri College, Assam, India: 2013 .
35 Zubair Mohammad Ehsanul Hoque "Early Arab Contact With Bengal and Assam: Trade Routes and Commodities International Conference on Arabic and Islamic Studies in North-East India, Abhayapuri College, Assam, India, 27-29th June, 2013." International Conference on Arabic and Islamic Studies in North-East India, Conveyed by Abhayapuri College, Assam, India , pp. 21-32. Guahati: Abhayapuri, 2013 .
36 Mohammad Shahidul Islam "ইবন বতুতা প্রণীত ‘রিহলাহ’ গ্রন্থে চতুর্দশ শতাব্দীর ভারতবর্ষ: ঐতিহাসিক উপাদান (14th Centurian India at Ibn Batuta’s `Rihlah’: Historical Eliments)." পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ইতিহাস সংসদ , কলকাতা Kolkata: পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ইতিহাস সংসদ, কলকাতা, 2010 .
37 Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam "الزكاة: المعالجة الإسلامية لحل مشكلة الفقر والبطالة في المجتمع." Kedah International Zakat Conference 2019 Kedah, Malaysia: August 2019 .
38 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze "مراجعة في منهج تعليم اللغة العربية لقسم العربية من جامعة داكا (A review in Arabic Department Language Teaching Curriculum of University of Dhaka)." 1st International Conference on Education, Language and Arts,(Intercultural Communication Through Language, Literature and Arts) , pp. 16. Jakarta, Indonesia: Jakarta University, 17-18 May, 2017 .
39 Md. Abdul Mannan Miaze "তালাকে তাফবীয: মাযহাবভিত্তিক একটি পর্যালোচনা (Talaq-e Tafbeez:An Analysis on Mazhab based)." International Conference on Women Rights in Islam , pp. 15. Kalkata, India: Aliah University, 05-06 February .