Book (34) |
1 |
Aksadul Alam (Associate Editor) ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় : ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্য (University of Dhaka: History and Heritage) 2nd Volume.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University of Dhaka, 2024 .
2 |
Aksadul Alam (Writer and Editor) History and Social Science, Class Six to Nine.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: National School Textbook Board, Bangladesh, 2024 .
3 |
Shanta Patranobish Shahid Janani Jahanara Imam Chetonar Agnishikha.
Dhaka: Charulipi Prokashon, 2023 .
4 |
Ashfaque Hossain Colonial Globalization and Its Effects on South Asia Eastern Bengal, Sylhet and Assam, 1874–1971.
London & New York: Routledge / Taylor & Francis, 2022 .
5 |
Aksadul Alam (Editor) Bangabandhu and Bangladesh: History Politics Economy.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Journeyman Books and Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited, 2022 .
6 |
Aksadul Alam and Abu Mohammad Delwar Hossain শতবর্ষে ইতিহাস বিভাগ (100 Years of the Department of History).
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Department of History, University of Dhaka, 2021 .
7 |
Aksadul Alam (Associate Editor) ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় : ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্য (University of Dhaka: History and Heritage) 1st Volume.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University of Dhaka, 2021 .
8 |
ডঃ আবু মোঃ দেলোয়ার হোসেন, ডঃ মিলটন কুমার দেব স্যার এফ রহমান ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের প্রথম বাঙালি উপাচার্য.
ঢাকা: কথাপ্রকাশ, 2021 .
9 |
Sharmin Akhtar History of Ancient Bengal: Society and Culture (in Bengali).
Dhaka: Dibya Prakash, 2021 .
10 |
সজীব কুমার বণিক বঙ্গবন্ধুর স্বদেশ প্রত্যাবর্তন.
ঢাকা: তাম্রলিপি, 2020 .
11 |
Sahidul Hasan Fatemar Suratnama.
Dhaka: Central Library, University of Dhaka, 2020 .
12 |
Shanta Patranobish Bangabandhu O Dhaka Bishwabidyalay ( Bangabandhu and Dhaka University).
Dhaka: Tamralipi, 2020 .
13 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার আধুনিক যুগে পশ্চিম এশিয়া.
ঢাকা: ইতিবৃত্ত প্রকাশন, 2019 .
14 |
Milton Kumar Dev ইতিহাসবিদ রমেশচন্দ্র মজুমদারঃ জীবন ও কর্ম (Historian R. C. Majumdar : Life & Works).
Dhaka: Grantha Kutir, 2019 .
15 |
Milton Kumar Dev and M. Moniruzzaman প্রতিরোধ আন্দোলন ও নিম্নবর্গের ইতিহাস (History of Resistance Movement and Subalterns).
Dhaka: Grantha Kutir, 2018 .
16 |
Azrin Afrin Kewar Genocide (In Bangla).
Khulna: 1971: Genocide-Torture Trust, 2017 .
17 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury Adhunik Kale Durpraccho O Dakkhin-purbo Asia.
Aporajeo Bangla Prokashoni, Dhaka-2016, 2016 .
18 |
Sharmin Akhtar Smatata as Refelected in the Terracotta Plaques from Mainamati (in Bengali).
Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, 2015 .
19 |
Shanta Patranobish Binodbari Mankon Gonohotta ( Binodbari Mankon Genocide).
Dhaka: Journeyman Books, 2014 .
20 |
Milton Kumar Dev and M. Samad History of Bangladesh, 1905-2005.
Dhaka: Biswabidyalay Prokashani, 2014 .
21 |
Milton Kumar Dev ১৫ অক্টোবরঃ ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় শোক দিবস (Dhaka Universtiy Tragedy: 15 October).
Dhaka: Registrar: Dhaka Universtiy, 2010 .
22 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার ইতিহাস বিভাগ পরিচিতি.
ঢাকা: ইতিহাস বিভাগ এলামনাই এসোসিয়েশন, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2006 .
23 |
Aksadul Alam (Assistant Editor) and Sharif Uddin Ahmed (Editor) Sylhet: History and Heritage.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh History Association, 1999 .
24 |
Mithun Saha Bangabandhur Unnayan Vabna.
Dhaka: Tamralipi, 2020 .
25 |
Mithun Saha Hatia Ganohotta ( Hatia Genocide).
Dhaka: 1971: Genocide- Torture Archive & Museum Trust, 2015 .
26 |
Aksadul Alam (Editor) and Asha Islam Nayeem (Editor) Golden Jubilee Volume: Reading in Bengal History – Identity Formation and Colonial Legacy.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh History Association, December 2017 .
27 |
Aksadul Alam MCCI: A Journey (1904-2014).
Dhaka, Bangladesh: Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), Dhaka, October, 2014 .
28 |
Ashfaque Hossain The History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh (In Bengali).
Dhaka: Partishunya Publication, 2019 .
29 |
Ashfaque Hossain The Role of Indira Gandhi in the Liberation War of Bangladesh (In Bengali), Dhaka: 2017).
Dhaka: Subarna Publishers, 2017 .
30 |
Ashfaque Hossain Liberation War, Birth of Bangladesh and the United Nations (In Bengali) ..
Dhaka: Prothoma, 2012 .
31 |
Ashfaque Hossain An Outline History of Bangladesh: Down to 1971 (In Bengali).
Dhaka: J K Publishers, 2004 .
32 |
Ashfaque Hossain Emergence of Bangladesh and the United Nations, (In Bengali), Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2002).
Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2002 .
33 |
A K Azad Chowdhury, Fakrul Alam, Ashfaque Hossain The University of Dhaka and the Making and Shaping of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: University of Dhaka & UPL, 2021 .
34 |
Mithun Saha Sonkor Madhobpur Genocide.
Dhaka: 1971: Genocide-Torture Archive & Museum Trust, 2017 .
Book Section (62) |
1 |
Aksadul Alam "‘University of Dhaka: Student Movements (1921-2021) – Dialectical Politics, Trends of Construction and Deconstruction of Identities’."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage, Vol-2, in Bangla. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury (Chief Editor) and Sharif Uddin Ahmed (Editor) Dhaka, Bangladesh: The University of Dhaka, 2024 pp. 683-725 .
2 |
শহিদুল হাসান "শাহ সুলতান কমর উদ্দিন (র।)."
নির্বাচিত সিল্করুট. দেওয়াব হানিফ মাহমুদ ও সানজিদ অর্নব ঢাকা: বিজ বাংলা মিডিয়া, 2023 ১৭২-৮১ .
3 |
শহিদুল হাসান "জালালুদ্দিন মোহাম্মদ শাহর 'সিংহরীতির মুদ্রা'."
নির্বাচিক সিল্করুট. দেওয়াব হানিফ মাহমুদ ও শানজিদ অর্ণব (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বিজ বাংলা মিডিয়া, 2023 ১৮৯-১৯৮ .
4 |
Mithun Saha and Sajib Kumar Banik "History Department in the Freedom Movement, 1921-1970 (Swadhinata Sangrame Itihas Bibhag, 1921-1970)."
History Department in the Hundred Years: Past, Present and Future. Ashfaque Hossain and Asha Islam (Eds) Dhaka: Department of History, University of Dhaka, 2022 33-78 .
5 |
মিঠুন কুমার সাহা and সজীব কুমার বণিক "স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামে ইতিহাস বিভাগ, ১৯২১-১৯৭০."
শতবর্ষে ইতিহাস বিভাগঃ অতীতের আলোয় বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যৎ, ইতিহাস বিভাগ. আশফাক হোসেন ও আশা ইসলাম (সম্পাদিত) ইতিহাস বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2022 ইতিহাস বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ২০২২। .
6 |
Mrittika Shahita and Asha Islam "“Narir Augrojatra: Shataborshi Itihas Bibhager Prekkhapote Porjalochona” (Advancement of Women in the hundred Years Old Department of History)."
Shatabarshe Itihas Bibhag: Autiter Aloy Bortoman O Bhobishyat” (History Department in the Hundred Years: Past, Present and Future). Edited by Ashfaque Hossain and Asha Islam, Dhaka: Department of History, University of Dhaka, 2022 .
7 |
Shanta Patranobish and Abdul Muyeed Chowdhury "Itihas bibhager alumnaider karyakram: Atit, Bartaman O Bhabisyat ( Alumni Activities of the Department of History: Past, Present and Future)."
History Department in the Hundred Years: Past, Present and Future. Ashfaque Hossain & Asha Islam ( Eds) Dhaka: Department of History, University of Dhaka, 2022 Pp.375-406 .
8 |
শহিদুল হাসান and সহলেখক মোহাম্মদ হাবিবুল্লাহ "প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগের ইতিহাস: শিখন ও শিক্ষণ."
শতবর্ষে ইতিহাস বিভাগ: অতীতের আলোয় বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যৎ. সম্পাদক আশফাক হোসেন এবং আশা ইসলাম, ঢাকা: ইতিহাস বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2022 ১৬৭-২০২ .
9 |
শহিদুল হাসান and সহলেখক সানিয়া সিতারা "সহশিক্ষা কার্যক্রম : অতীত, বর্তমান, ভবিষৎ."
শতবর্ষে ইতিহাস বিভাগ: অতীতের আলোয় বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যৎ. সম্পাদক আশফাক হোসেন এবং আশা ইসলাম ঢাকা: ইতিহাস বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2022 পৃ. ৩০৭-৫৮। .
10 |
Aksadul Alam "“From Vanga to ‘Bangladesh’ and ‘Bangabandhu’: Construction and Deconstruction of Identities”."
The Bangabandhu Lectures (2020-2022). Fakrul Alam (Editor) Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Research Institute for Peace and Liberty, University of Dhaka, 2022 pp. 75-121 .
11 |
Aksadul Alam and Samila Nowshin "‘Vanga to Bangladesh: Recasting Constructs of a Nation-State’."
Bangabandhu and Bangladesh: History Politics Economy. Fakrul Alam and Aksadul Alam (Editors) Dhaka, Bangladesh: Journeyman Books and Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., 2022 pp. 25-59 .
12 |
Aksadul Alam and Azizul Rasel "‘Trends in Bengal Economy: Challenges, Changes, Continuity’."
Bangabandhu and Bangladesh: History Politics Economy. Fakrul Alam and Aksadul Alam (Editors) Dhaka, Bangladesh: Dhaka: Journeyman Books and Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd., 2022 pp. 61-95 .
13 |
Mrittika Shahita and Sharmin Akhter "“Dr. Jyotirmoy Guhathakurta: Dhrubajyoti Tumi Andhakare” (Infinite Light in the Darkness - Life and Works of Dr. Jyotirmoy Guhathakurta)."
“Ekattorer Shaheed Buddhijibi: Muktijuddher Chetona Nirmane Dhaka Biswabidyalay” (Martyred Intellectuals of 1971 and the University of Dhaka). Edited by Mesbah Kamal, Dhaka: Agamee Prakashani, 2022 .
14 |
Asha Islam and Mrittika Shahita ""The University of Dhaka and Women Empowerment in Bangladesh"."
The University of Dhaka and the Making and Shaping of Bangladesh. Edited by A. K. Azad Chowdhury and Fakrul Alam, Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 .
15 |
Aksadul Alam "‘Celebrating Days and Festivals in the University of Dhaka: Dialectics and (De)constructing Identities’."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage, Chapter-5/2, in Bangla. Sirajul Islam Chowdhury (Chief Editor) and Sharif Uddin Ahmed (Editor) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 pp. 443-459 .
16 |
শহিদুল হাসান "বাংলাদেশে প্রাপ্ত লেখ."
বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস: সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ). আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, 2020 57-63 .
17 |
শহিদুল হাসান "পরবর্তী ইলিয়াস শাহি শাসন."
বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস: সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ). আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, 2020 179-188 .
18 |
আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী and শহিদুল হাসান "মোগল সুবাদারি শাসন."
বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস: সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ). আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, 2020 277-292 .
19 |
শহিদুল হাসান and আহমেদ শরীফ "ঢাকা."
বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস: সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ). আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, 2020 417-426 .
20 |
Sahidul Hasan "Epigraphic Sources: Bangladesh."
History of Bangladesh: Sultanate and Mughal Periods (c. 1200 to 1800 CE). Abdul Momin Chwodhury (ed.) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2020 65-72 .
21 |
Sahidul Hasan "Numismatic Sources: Bangladesh."
History of Bangladesh: Sultanate and Mughal Periods. Abdul Momin Chowdhury (ed.) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2020 85-90 .
22 |
Sahidul Hasan "Later Ilyas Shahi Rulers."
History of Bangladesh: Sultanate and Mughal Periods. Abdul Momin Chowdhury (ed.) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2020 209-218 .
23 |
Aksadul Alam "Bangla O Dokkhin-purbo Asia: Banijyik O Sangskritik Songjog’, , in Bangla."
Bangladesher Itihas (Ancholik Poriprekkhite Adi Bangla: Anumanik 1200 Sadharon Obdo Porjonto). AM Chowdhury and Ranabir Chakravarti (eds.) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2019 pp. 553-579 .
24 |
Aksadul Alam and AM Chowdhury "‘Itihas Ashroyee Bhugol’."
Bangladesher Itihas (Ancholik Poriprekkhite Adi Bangla: Anumanik 1200 Sadharon Obdo Porjonto), in Bangla,. Ranabir Chakravarti and AM Chowdhury Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), 2019 pp. 1-30 .
25 |
Aksadul Alam "Bengal and Southeast Asia: Linkages, Trade and Culture."
History of Bangladesh: Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives (Up to c. 1200 CE), Vol-2. AM Chowdhury and Ranabir Chakravarti Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), 2018 .
26 |
Azrin Afrin "Rohingyas in Post-Colonial Myanmar."
Burmese Nationalism, Rohingya Crisis and Contemporary Politics. Editor- Sabbir Ahmed, Asif Bin Ali Dhaka: Borno Prokash, 2019 .
27 |
Aksadul Alam and AM Chowdhury "Historical-Geography."
History of Bangladesh: Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives (Up to c. 1200 CE), Vol-1. AM Chowdhury and Ranabir Chakravarti Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), 2018 pp. 1-34 .
28 |
Aksadul Alam "‘Bengal and Southeast Asia: Linkages, Trade and Culture’."
History of Bangladesh: Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives (Up to c. 1200 CE), Vol-2, Chapter 20. AM Chowdhury and Ranabir Chakravarti Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), 2018 pp. 623-646 .
29 |
Aksadul Alam and AM Chowdhury "‘Historical-Geography’."
History of Bangladesh: Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives (Up to c. 1200 CE), Vol-1, Chapter 1. AM Chowdhury and Ranabir Chakravarti Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Asiatic Society (BAS), 2018 1-34 .
30 |
Asha Islam Nayeem "Did the Bengali Woman Have a Girlhood? A Study of Colonialism, Education and the Evolution of the Girl Child in Nineteenth-Century Bengal."
A History of the Girl: Formation, Education and Identity. Edited by Mary O'Dowd and June Purvis Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, January, 2018 pp 163-179 .
31 |
Mrittika Shahita "“Bangladesher Nari Shomaj: Shamprotik Chalchitro”, (Women in Bangladesh: A Contemporary Scenario) [accepted for publication]."
‘Bangali Narir Audhikar, Unnoyon O Khomotayon: Ekti Chalchitro’ (Rights, Development and Empowerment of Bengali Women). Kolkata, India.: Jadavpur University, 2018 .
32 |
Asha Islam Nayeem "How to Educate the Girl Child? Financing Female Education in Colonial Bengal."
Readings in Bengal History: Identity Formation and Colonial Legacy. Edited by Asha Islam Nayeem and Aksadul Alam Dhaka: Bangladesh History Association, December, 2017 pp 179-203 .
33 |
Aksadul Alam "Swadeshi Andolon 1903-1908."
Muktir sangram. Anisuzzaman Dhaka, Bangladesh: Chandrabati Academy, 2016 pp. 83-88 .
34 |
Mohammad Abul Kawser "Contextualizing Arts and Humanities Curriculum."
University of Dhaka: Past, Present and Futures. Imtiaz Ahmed and Iftekhar Iqbal (eds.) Dhaka: Prothoma, 2016 161-180 .
35 |
Mrittika Shahita "“Nari Shikkhar Shotabdiprachin Tirtho : Dr. Khastagir Govt. Girls’ High School”, (A Hundred Years Legacy of Female Education: Dr. Khastagir Govt. Girls’ High School)."
“Chattagramer Itihash O Oitijyo (Chittagong – History and Heritage)”. Chittagong University and Bangladesh History Association, 2015 .
36 |
Sharmin Akhtar "Selective Entries."
Encyclopedia of Dhaka, Celebration of 400 years of Capital Dhaka. Dr. Sharif Uddin Ahmed (Editor), Dr. A K M Golam Rabbani (Editor) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2012 .
37 |
Mrittika Shahita "“Pratik na Prakrito – Kon Rabindranath?” (Tagore: Just a Symbol?)."
“Shardhoshautotaumo Jaunmobaurshe Rabindranath”, (Collection of Articles Commemorating Rabindranath Tagore’s 150th Birth Anniversary). Edited by Dr. Sanjida Khatun, Dhaka: Chhayanaut, 2011 .
38 |
Abdul Momin Chowdhury and Sahidul Hasan "‘Growth of Capital Dhaka: 1608- 2010’."
400 Years of Capital Dhaka and Beyond, Volume III: Urbanization and Urban Development. Roxana Hafiz and AKM Golam Rabbani (eds.) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Dhaka, 2011 30-38. .
39 |
Sania Sitara "Sura Mosjid : Dinajpurer Hossain Shahi Yuger ekti SthapatyaKirti."
Nazimuddin Ahmed Commemoration Volume. Prof. Dr. Syed Mahmudul Hasan (ed.) Dhaka: Islamic Arts Organization Bangladesh, 2010-11 87-95 .
40 |
Mrittika Shahita and Hosne ara Begum "“Shaptadash O Aushtadash Shatabdite Nari Shasthya” (Women’s Health in 17th and 18th Century Dhaka)."
“Dhaka Nagar Jibone Nari” (Women in Capital Dhaka). edited by Sonia Nishat Amin Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, 2010 .
41 |
Aksadul Alam "Bangladesher Sanskritik Vit: Bhaugolik Abosthan O Tar Probhav (Cultural Foundation of Bangladesh: Geographical Location and Its Influence)."
Sanskritik Itihas (Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-4). KM Mohsin and Sharif Uddin Ahmed Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), 2007 1-36 .
42 |
Aksadul Alam "'Geographical Location and Its Influence'."
Cultural History (Cultural Survey of Bangladesh Series-4). KM Mohsin and Sharif Uddin Ahmed Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2007 1-43 .
43 |
Rana Razzaque "Cultural Shifts in Medieval Bengal."
Cultural Survey , Volume 4. Editors: K.M. Mohsin & Sharifuddin Ahmad Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2007 .
44 |
Rana Razzaque "Cultural Shifts in Modern Bengal."
Cultural Survey, Volume 4. Editors: K.M. Mohsin, Sharifuddin Ahmad Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2007 .
45 |
Asha Islam Nayeem and Avril A. Powell "Redesigning the Zenana: Domestic Education in Eastern Bengal in the Early Twentieth Century."
Rhetoric and Reality: Gender and the Colonial Esperience in South Asia. Edited by Avril A. Powell and Siobhan Lambert-Hurley Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006 pp 50-82 .
46 |
Aksadul Alam "Jashore."
Bhasha Andoloner Ancholik Itihas (Regional History of the Language Movement). Abu Md Delwar Hossain (Editor) Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangla Academy, 2000 221-228 .
47 |
Aksadul Alam "‘Some Aspects of Econo-Commercial Life and Land System of Medieval Sylhet’."
Sylhet: History and Heritage. Sharif Uddin Ahmed Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh History Association, 1999 396-418 .
48 |
Sania Sitara Shikha and Abdul Momin Chowdhuri "Gopalganj Jugal Mandir."
Dinajpur: Itihas o Oitihya. Dr. Sharifuddin Ahmed Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Samiti, 1996 367-374 .
49 |
Sharmin Akhtar and Mrittika Shahita "Dr. Jyotirmoy Guhathakurta: Dhrubajyoti Tumi Andhokare."
Ekattarer Shaheed Buddhijibi Muktizuddher Chetona Binirmane Dhaka Bishwabidyalay (Prothom Khanda). Mesbah Kamal Dhaka: Agamee Prakashani, 2022 51-79 .
50 |
SHANTA PATRANOBISH "Shikshak O Shiksarthi: Sankhya O Samata ( Teachers and Students: Numbers and Equality)."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage. Sharif Uddin Ahmed and others (Ed.) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 254-265 .
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Mithun Saha "Bhibhag Bhittik Shiksha O Gobeshana ( Department Based Education and Research."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage. Sharif Uddin Ahmed and others (Ed.) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 278-290 .
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Aksadul Alam and Samila Nowshin "Vanga to Bangladesh: Recasting Constructs of a Nation-State."
Bangabandhu and Bangladesh: History Politics Economy. Fakrul Alam and Aksadul Alam (Editors) Dhaka: Journeyman Books and Dhaka Stock Exchange, 2022 25-59 .
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Aksadul Alam and Azizul Rasel "Trends in Bengal Economy: Challenges, Changes, Continuities."
Bangabandhu and Bangladesh: History Politics Economy. Fakrul Alam and Aksadul Alam (Editors) Dhaka: Journeyman Books and Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited, 2022 61-95 .
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Ashfaque Hossain "The Six-Point Demands and the Making of Bangladesh."
Bangabandhu and Bangladesh. Sharif uddin Ahmed Dhaka: University Press Limited (UPL), 2021 329-345. .
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Ashfaque Hossain "The Coming of English to Bengal and the Establishment of Company Raj in South Asia."
History of Bangladesh: Medieval Bengal in Regional Perspective. Abdul Momin Chowdhury Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2020 .
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Ashfaque Hossain "Three Bengali Districts and the Making and Unmaking of Assam-Bengal Borders, 1874-1947."
Bangladesh’s Neighbours in Indian Northeast: Exploring Opportunities and Mutual Interest. Akmal Hossain Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2017 177- 204 .
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Aksadul Alam "‘Revisiting Samatata and Harikela in Early Bengal: Issues in Geographical Factors and Connectivity’."
Readings in Bengal History - Identity Formation and Cultural Legacy. Asha Islam Nayeem and Aksadul Alam Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh History Association (BHA), December, 2017 19-33 .
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শহিদুল হাসান "বাংলাদেশে প্রাপ্ত মুদ্রা."
বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস: সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ). আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী (সম্পাদিত) ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, ২0২0 74-79 .
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Dr. Sania Sitara, Hasibur Rahman and Munira Mashrura "Ghiyasuddin Ahmad: Ekattorer shaheed Buddhijibi."
Ekattorer Shaheed Buddhijibi Muktijudher chetona nirmane Dhaka Bishobiddhalay ,prothom khondo. Dr. Mesbah Kamal Dhaka: Agamee Prakashani, 2022 138-258 .
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Aksadul Alam "'ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে দিবস ও উৎসব পালন : দ্বান্দ্বিকতা ও পরিচয় (বি)নির্মাণ' (Celebrations of Day and Festival in the University of Dhaka : Dialectics and (De)construction of Identity)."
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61 |
Aksadul Alam and Abdul Basir "আবাসিক ব্যবস্থাপনাঃ ইতিহাস ও তাৎপর্য (Residential Management: History and Significance)."
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ঃ ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্য (The University of Dhaka: History and Heritage). Sirajul Islam Chowdhury (Chief Editor) and Sharif Uddin Ahmed (Editor) Dhaka: The University of Dhaka, 2021 .
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শহিদুল হাসান "আজাদ হিন্দ ফৌজ."
মুক্তির সংগ্রাম. আনিসুজ্জামান (সম্পা.), ঢাকা,: চন্দ্রবতী একাডেমী, ২০১২ ১৩৩-১৪০ .
Journal Article (187) |
1 |
শহিদুল হাসান : ্গ্রন্থ পর্যালোচনা মোঃ শরিফুল ইসলাম রচিত বাঙলার প্রাচীন মুদ্রার লেখ,
ইতিহাস প্রবন্ধমালা , vol.২২ , no.২০ ইতিহাস একডেমি ঢাকা , pp.৩৯৭-৪০০ , 2025
2 |
শান্তা পত্রনবীশ : বঙ্গবন্ধুর রাষ্ট্রচিন্তায় নারী উন্নয়ন ও ক্ষমতায়ন,
কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা , vol.খন্ড ১৩, সংখ্যা ১৮ কলা অনুষদ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 2024
3 |
Shanta Patranobish : Resistance on the Stage and Beyond: The Role of Women in the Cultural Conferences of East Pakistan, 1948-57,
, vol.Vol. 69(2), 2024, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Humanities , pp.pp. 239-258 , 2024
4 |
মিঠুন কুমার সাহা : সুন্দরবনের জল ও জঙ্গলে বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধঃ নব্য নির্ধারণবাদী বিশ্লেষণ,
কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা , vol.খন্ড 13 , no.সংখ্যা 18 , 2024
5 |
S. M. Rezaul Karim : The Levy System in East Bengal and its Impact on the Peasantry (1949-1967),
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.) , vol.69(1) Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.107-121 , 2024
6 |
Sahidul Hasan : A Reappraisal of Fakhruddin Mubarak Shah and the Independent Geo-political Entity of Sonargaon,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.69 , no.1 Bangladesh Asiatic Society , pp.67-87 , 2024
7 |
মিঠুন কুমার সাহা : ডাকাতিয়া পাড়ের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ: রণনীতি ও রণকৌশল,
ইতিহাস সমিতি পত্রিকা , vol.সংখ্যা ৪১, ১৪২৯-১৪৩০ বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস সমিতি , pp.163-184 , 2024
8 |
মিঠুন কুমার সাহা : মুক্তিযুদ্ধে ভোলার বাঘা সিদ্দিক বাহিনী: সংগঠন রণনীতি ও ভূমিকা বিচার,
ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.পঞ্চান্ন বর্ষ, বৈশাখ -চৈত্র ১৪৩০/ ২০২২-২০২৩ বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ , pp.২০১-২২০ , 2024
9 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Sketching the Tactical Position and Maritime Connectivity of Bengal with Malay Archipelago (321 BCE-750 CE),
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.) , vol.69 , no.1 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.123-143 , 2024
10 |
Sahidul Hasan and Abu Bakar Siddik : আলাউদ্দিন হোসেন শাহের শিলাইদহ শিলালিপি,
Journal of the Varendra Research Museum , vol.11 Varendra Research Museum, Rajshahi University , pp.73-84 , 2023
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Aksadul Alam : ‘Geographical Factors and Assimilative Processes in Early Bengal’,
Journal of the Varendra Research Museum , vol.11 Rajshahi: Varendra Research Museum, Rajshahi University , pp.279-298 , 2023
12 |
শান্তা পত্রনবীশ : মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সাংস্কৃতিক কার্যক্রম: নারীসমাজের ভূমিকা,
বাংলা একাডেমি পত্রিকা , vol.৬৬ বর্ষ ; ৩য় সংখ্যা, জুলাই- সেপ্টেম্বর 2022 বাংলা একাডেমি, ঢাকা , 2023
13 |
Dr. S. M. REZAUL KARIM : Zamindari Abolition Act 1950 and Delay of its Implementation,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , vol.XXVI Bangladesh History Association , pp.87-102 , 2023
14 |
শহিদুল হাসান : ফাতেমার সুরতনামা: পাণ্ডূলিপি পাঠ ও বাংলা লিখনরীতি,
ইতিহাস প্রবন্ধমালা , vol.সংখ্যা ১৮, , no.বর্ষ ২০ Bangladesh Itihasa Academy , pp.পৃষ্ঠা ১৭৩-৮৮। , 2023
15 |
Dr. Anindita Ghoshal, Fairooz Jahan, Shah Md Azimul Ehsan : Dalit Hindus in Bangladesh :A Study of the Scavenging Community,
Economic and Political Weekly , vol.57 , no.51 , pp.45-52 , 2022
16 |
Shanta Patranobish : Dhaka Biswabidyalayer Natyacharchay Nari: 1921-71 ( Women in Theatre at Dhaka University),
Kola anusad Patrika (impact factor:ISSN 1994-8905) , no.Satabarsa Sankhya Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka , pp.Pp. 103-118 , 2022
17 |
Sharmin Akhtar, Hanizah Idris and M Shahidul Islam Khondaker : Tracing Trade Connection between Ancient Entrepot Kedah and Tamralipti : Reference to An Archaeological and A Literary Evidence,
Journal of the Malaysian Museum Association (Peer Reviewed) , vol.40 National Museum of Malaysia , pp.1-19 , 2022
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শহিদু্ল হাসান : ‘ফাতেমার সুরতনামা: পাণ্ডূলিপি পাঠোদ্ধার ও কবি-পরিচয়’,,
কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা, , vol.খণ্ড ১২ , no.সংখ্যা ১৭, কলা অনুষদ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , pp.পৃষ্ঠা ১৭৩-১৮১। , 2022
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Philosophy and Progress , vol.Vols. LXIX-LXX, January-June, July-December, 2021 , no.Centennial Special Issue Dev Center for Philosophical Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.211-241 , 2022
20 |
Taskia Haq Lyric : Revisiting the Myth of Revolution, Civil War and Social Disorders in Doctor Zhivago,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy (impact factor:2.5) , vol.38 , no.1 Bangladesh Economic Association , pp.519-532 , 2022
21 |
Fairooz Jahan : The Flow of Female Migration in Colonial Bengal : A Setting Sun?,
Journal of History Association History Association of Bangladesh , 2022
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Fairooz Jahan : A Study on the Marriage System of Colonial Bengal,
Journal of Kolkata Society for Asian Studies , vol.7 , no.2 Kolkata Society for Asian Studies , pp.102-116 , 2021
23 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Chottogram e Rohingya Jonogoshthi: Porichoy O Osthittor Shongkot,
Bangladesh Itihas Samiti Patrika, No. 39-40. 1424-1428, Dec-2021 , 2021
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Fairooz Jahan : Social Norms, Cultural Rituals and Moral Baggage ; Contrasting Realities for Women in Sunil Gangopadyay's Shei Shomoe,
Philosophy and Progress , vol.LXIII- LXIV , pp.179-206 , 2021
25 |
Shah Md Azimul Ehsan, Fairooz Jahan : Analysing the impact of Covid-19 on the mothere of Bangladesh : hearing the unheard,
Journal of Public Health Springer Nature , 2021
26 |
Sharmin Akhtar and M Shahidul Islam Khondaker : Early Life Leadership Dimensions of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: An Exceptional Political Leadership Model,
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (Peer Reviewed), Google Scholar , vol.3 , no.5 , 2021
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Sahidul Hasan : Book Review of "The Sultānate Period Coins of Bengal: Focus on the Epigraphic Study, Calligraphy and History",
Bānglār Purātattva , vol.4 , no.February , pp.91-94 , 2021
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Sharmin Akhtar and M Shahidul Islam Khondaker : Mapping Bengal's Factors and Indianization of Southeast Asia,
Journal of Arts and Humanities (Peer reviewed-Google Scholar, Advanced Sciences Index (ASI), DOAJ, DRJI) , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.19-30 , 2021
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সজীব কুমার বণিক : সোভিয়েত শাসনাধীনে মধ্য এশিয়ায় ইসলামের সমন্বয়বাদী রূপ থেকে উগ্রপন্থার উত্থান: একটি পর্যালোচনা”,,
জগন্নাথ ইউনিভার্সিটি জার্নাল অব আর্টস , vol.ভলিউম. ১০ , no.নং. ২ জগন্নাথ ইউনিভার্সিটি , pp.পৃষ্ঠা. ১৪৮-১৭০ , 2020
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JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (ISI Indexed & Peer Reviewed) , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.28-57 , 2020 (June)
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Hasan, Sahidul : Book Review: Understanding the Coins of Bengal: Ancient to Early Modern Period,
Pratnatattva , vol.26 , pp.99-100 , 2020
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Dr.Sania Sitara : Prachin Banglar Rastrobabosther gothon abog proshasonic binnash : Palayoug,
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Potrica , vol.Attrishtomo khando , pp.29-62 , 2020
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Dr.Sania Sitara : Rothyathra uthshob : Prekhit Dhamrai,
Itihas Prabandhamala , vol.17 , no.Itihas Academy Dhaka , pp.171-184 , 2020
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Aksadul Alam : “Aspects of Geographical-Cultural Processes and Making of the ‘Personality’ in Early Bengal”,
Journal of Bengal Art , vol.25 , no.Silver Jubilee Volume , pp.767-788 , 2020
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সজীব কুমার বণিক : সজীব কুমার স্নায়ুযুদ্ধোত্তর মধ্য এশিয়াতে চীনের স্বার্থান্বেষণ ও নীতি নির্ধারণ: একটি পর্যালোচনা,
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Mrittika Shahita : Book Review – History of Bangladesh, Early Bengal in Regional Perspectives (up to c.1200 CE) 2 volumes,
Bengali Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.37 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , 2019
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Aksadul Alam : Change through Continuity: Notes toward an Understanding of the Assimilative Process in Early Bengal,
Special Volume: Celebrating 100 Years of Bangladesh National Museum , 2019 (IN PRESS)
38 |
Shanta Patranobish : Vasha Andolone Dhakar Nari Shiksharthider Bhumika ( Role of Female Student's of Dhaka in the Language Movement),
Itihas Sammilani Prabando Songroho , vol.9 , no.ISSN; 2413-6921 , pp.235-267 , 2019
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Dr. Sania sitara : Two Mosques in Panchagarh District,
Itihas Prabandhamala , vol.16 , no.Itihas Academy Dhaka , pp.365-374 , 2019
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Sharmin Akhtar : Bonger Biborton: Ekti Oitihasik Porjalochona (Evolution of Vanga: A Historical Review),
Bangla Academy Potrika , vol.36 , no.3-4 , pp.35-43 , 2019
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Sahidul Hasan : ‘The Pala Dynasty and Religious Pluralism in Bengal’,
Itihas Prabandhamala , vol.16 , pp.349-356 , 2019
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Sahidul Hasan : Bideshider Barnanay Banglar Upakul: Prak Adhunik Yug,
Journal of Nazrul University , vol.6 , no.1 and 2 Nazrul University , pp.43-50 , 2018
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Md. Adnan Arif Salim and Azrin Afrin : The Identity Crisis of Rohingyas Through Geo-Political Paradigm,
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Sharmin Akhtar : Pracin Banglay Nagarayan: Ekti Oitihasik Porjalocana (Urbanization in Ancient Bengal: A Review),
Bangla Academy Potrika , vol.59-62 , no.1st-4th , pp.47-57 , 2018
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JOURNAL OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BANGLADESH (HUMANITIES) , vol.63 (2) , no.December 2018 , pp.139-162 , 2018
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Dr. Sania Sitara : Dhakay Brahmosamaj o Brahmosamajgriho,
Prachyabidya Patrika , vol.08 , no.Professor Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya Research Center, Dept. of Sanskrit, Dhaka University , pp.235-262 , 2018
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Dr. Sania Sitara : Dinajpur Rajbari : Itihas o Stapatya,
Itihas Probondhomala , vol.14 , no.Itihas Academy Dhaka , pp.119-128 , 2018
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Aksadul Alam : ‘Geographical Factors in the Syncretistic Tradition of Early Bengal’,
Bangabidya: International Journal of Bengal Studies , vol.Volume 10 , pp.209-222 , 2018
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Sharmin Jahan Chowdhury : Purbo Banglar Mela : ekati artho-shamajik Itihash (1858-1947) (IN BENGALI) {Fairs of East Bengal :A Socio Economic History (1858-1947)},
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Milton Kumar Dev : World Peace through Ramakrishna Mission and Interfaith Dialogue,
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Mithun Saha : Muktijuddhe Aftab Bahini (In Bengali) [Aftab Group in the Liberation War],
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Milton Kumar Dev : বিবেকানন্দের শিকাগো ভাষণ ও রচনা : বিষয় বৈচিত্র্য ও গদ্যশৈলী (Chicago Speech of Vivekananda : subject matter),
Prachyabidya Patrika, Department of Sanskrit, Dhaka University , vol.Vol. 97, June 2018. , 2018
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Milton Kumar Dev : শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের সর্বধর্মসমম্বয় ও তাঁর প্রভাব (Religious View of Sri Ramakrishna and His Impact),
Prachavidya Patrika, Department of Sanskrit, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. 8, June 2018 , 2018
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Milton Kumar Dev : শহীদ ধীরেন্দ্রনাথ দত্তঃ তিতাসপাড়ের রাজপুত্র, বাঙালীর গর্ব (Martyr Dhirendranath Dutta : Prince of Brahmanbaria and a Pride of Bengalee),
Samatat (A Commemorative Volume of Firoj Mia College), Ashugonj, Brahmanbaria , 2018
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Azrin Afrin : Measuring Importance of Blue Economy for Bangladesh from Strategic and Historical Perspective (In Bangla),
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Shanta patranobish : 'Swadhin Bangla Beter Kendre Nari Shobdho Soinikder Bhumika',( Role of Female Audio Activists in the Radio Station of Independent Bangladesh in 1971),
Journal of Bangladesh History Association , no.37-38 , pp.303-318 , 2017
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Shanta Patranobish : ' Bangabandhu o Dhaka Bishwabiddalay', ( Bangabandhu and Dhaka University),
journal of Bangladesh History Congress , no.5 , pp.159-195 , 2017
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Dr. Sania Sitara : Two Late Mughal Shia Mosques of Greater Dinajpur,
Journal of Bengal Art , vol.22 , no.The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.291-300 , 2017
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Sania Sitara : Prachin Banglar Jononirapatta Babostha: Pala purba yuge,
Itihas Samiti Patrika , vol.37-38 , no.Bangladesh Itihas Samity , pp.15-38 , 2017
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Aksadul Alam : ‘Geographical Factors in the Making of the Individuality of Bengal Art (Early Phase)’,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , vol.Vol. xxiv, 2014-16 , pp.1-20 , 2017
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Milton Kumar Dev : Chakma Uprising in Chittagong Hill Tracts during East India Company Rule,
Bangladesh Historical Studies, Dhaka , vol.XXIV, 2014-2016 , 2017
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Aksadul Alam : “Deconstructing the ‘Nationalist’ Construction of ‘Indianisation’ of Southeast Asia: Issues in Connectivity and Culture (up to CE-1300)”,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.Volume 62 , no.Issue 2 , pp.121-154 , 2017
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Dr.Prodip Chand Dugar and Sharmin Jahan Chowdhury : Hat-Bazaar: Purbo Banglar orthoniti ,shomaj o shonskriti (1858-1947) (IN BENGALI) { Hat-Bazaar : The Economy ,Society and Culture of East Bengal (1858-1947)},
Clio: Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History , vol.14 , pp.41-66 , 2017
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Milton Kumar Dev : বিবেকানন্দের শিক্ষা দর্শনঃ একটি সমীক্ষণ (Educational Philosophy of Vivekananda),
Prchavidya Patrika, Department of Sanskrit, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. 7 , 2017
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Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Rohingya Issue: Oitihashik O Antorjatik Shomporker Aloke,
Kola Onushod Patrika, vol-8, No. 10-11, July 2014 - June 2016 , 2016
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Mohammad Abul Kawser and Md. Abdus Samad : “Political History of Farakka Barrage and its effects on environment in Bangladesh”,
Bandung: Journal of the Global South: A Springer Open Journal, , vol.2 , no.16 , 2016
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Sharmin Akhtar : Customary Institutions of the Indigenous Peoples in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh: An Overview,
Journal of the Islamic University Studies (Peer Reviewed) , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.127-140 , 2016
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Shanta Patranobish : 'Bangladesher Sangskritik Aandolone Dhaka Bishawbiddalay (1947-1971)' , ( Dhaka University in the Cultural Movement of Bangladesh,1947-71),
journal of Bangladesh History Congress , no.2 , pp.263-296 , 2016
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Sharmin Akhtar : Pundra, Poundrobardhana Bhuktir Poriciti O Bistrity: Ekti Parjalochana (Familiarity and Expansions of the Pundra, Poundrabardhana Bhukti: A Review),
Journal of Bangla Academy , vol.58: 1-2 , no.Jan-Jun 2014 , pp.88-96 , 2016
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Milton Kumar Dev : Rammohon Roy : A study of His Religions View,
Philosophy and Progress, Department of Philosophy, University of Dhaka , vol.LIX - LX, January-June, July-December , 2016
71 |
DrSania Sitara and Dr. Mesbah Kamal : Economic and Cultural Aspects of Early Bengal in the Light of the Coins,
THE DHAKA UNIVERSITY STUDIES , vol.72-73 , no.1-2 , pp.131-145 , 2016
72 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Women's Emancipation Through Education in 19th Century Eastern Bengal: Private Enterprise Or Government Agency?,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Primary sources from the archives have been used to document the process of emancipation of women in colonial Bengal) , Volume 60, No. 1, June 2015
73 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Sen Yjuger Dhorma o Samajik Obasthar Katipay Dik (Some Aspects of Religion and society of Sen Period),
Dhaka University Potrika , vol.91-93 , no.July 2013 -June 2014 , pp.287-297 , 2015
74 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Paharpur Bouddha Bihare Prapto Poramatir Folokcitre Pracin Banglar Samajik O Sanskritik Jibondhara (Social and Cultural Life of the Ancient Bengal on the basis of Terracotta Plaques found in the Buddhist Monastery of Paharpur),
Journal of Praccyabiddya , vol.5 , no.2015 , pp.202-220 , 2015
75 |
Milton Kumar Dev : Vivekananda and Renaissance of Bengal,
Philosophy and Progress, Department of Philosophy, University of Dhaka , vol.LVII - LVIII, January-June, July-December, , 2015
76 |
Aksadul Alam : ‘Geographical Factors in Cultural Aspects of Early Bengal (5th to 13th Centuries CE)’,
Journal of Bengal Art , vol.Volume 20 , pp.309-322 , 2015
77 |
Mithun Saha : Muktijuddher Sthanio Bahini: Juddhakalin Khulna Bibhag (In Bengali) [Local Groups of Liberation War: Wartime Khulna Division],
Itihas Sammilani Prabandha Sangraha 1 , no.1 , pp.93-102 , 2015
78 |
Sahidul Hasan : ‘Bengal Villages as Seen by the Foreigners (14th – 17th Centuries AD)’,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.60 , no.2 , pp.263- 281 , 2015
79 |
Mrittika Shahita : “A Quest to Unearth the Legacy of the Bengali Women Freedom Fighters of British India”,
Nakshatra – A Bi-Lingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal, Kolkata, India. , vol.Vol. II , 2015
80 |
Aksadul Alam : Revisiting Vanga and Vangala of Bengal,
Journal of Bangladesh National Museum , vol.Volume 6 Bangladesh National Museum , pp.1-6 , 2019
81 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Breaking the Myth of the White Woman's Burden': Female Missionaries in Bengal and the Institutionalization of Zenana Education,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) (impact factor:Digging into the archives, primary material has been unearthed to break the myth that Bengali women were the sole beneficiaries of Christian benevolence whereas, actually, it was a two-way traffic.) , Volume 59, No. 1, June 2014
82 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Determining the Attitude towards Women's Education in Eastern Bengal: The Partition Interlude,
Bangladesh Historical Studies (impact factor:It is an insightful study into patriarchal domination and feminist resistance that played out in colonial Bengal in the nineteenth century which is based on primary sources only.) , Volume XXIII, 2012-2014
83 |
Sahidul Hasan : ‘Water Management in Medieval Bengal’,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , pp.21-40. , 2014-16
84 |
Mrittika Shahita : ‘“Attodane Augroshor” Augnijuger Biplobi Nari: Britishbirodhi Andoloner Prekkhapote Punormulyaon’,
Bangla Academy Patrika, Bangla Academy , vol.Year 58: Volume 3-4 , 2014
85 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : "Bangladesher Muktijuddhe Kaderia Bahini", Bangla O Banglalir Itihas, Edited by Ajoy Ray,
Bangla Academy, 2013 , 2013
86 |
Zahid A Choudhury and Mohammad Abul Kawser : “Bringing research into classroom: An evidence-based model for soft-pure disciplines in the University of Dhaka”,
Teachers World, , vol.39 , pp.179-190 , 2013
87 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Pracin Banglar Arthanaitik Itihashe Tamralipti Bondorer Provab (Impact of the port of Tamralipti on the Economic History of Ancient Bengal),
Nibondhomala-Uccatoro Manabiddya Gobeshona Kendra , vol.Saptadosh Khando , pp.49-64 , 2013
88 |
Milton Kumar Dev and Tahmina Haq : Protection of Environmental Standards for Future Generations : A Historical Analysis,
Journal of Sociology, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. 6, Issue-1, July-December , 2013
89 |
Bangladesh Chorcha : "Bangladesh - Malaysia Shomporko": Jonoshakti Roptani Shomoshya",
Kola Onushod Patrika, Vol-5, No. 7, July 2011 to June 2012 , 2012
90 |
Dr. Sania Sitara : The Nath Relics of Gorkui, Thakurgaon : An Archaeological Analysis,
Pratnattava , vol.18 , no.Journal of the Dept. of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhka, Bangladesh , pp.31-35 , 2012
91 |
Aksadul Alam : ‘Contacts and Communications within Bengal and Beyond as Reflected in the Xiyu Ji’,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , vol.Vol. xxiii , pp.15-28 , 2012-14
92 |
Mrittika Shahita : “Tagore’s Ghare Baire: A Historical Discourse on Modernization of Bengali Women”,
Bangladesh Historical Studies, Journal of Bangladesh History Association , vol.Vol. XXII , 2012
93 |
Sahidul Hasan : ‘Religious Pluralism in Sultanate Bengal’,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , vol.XXIII , pp.29-50 , 2012-14
94 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Myanmar: Gonotontrer Pothe,
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika, Hirok Joyontee Shonkha, December 2011 , 2011
95 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Bangladesh-Bharot-Nepal: Pani Shompod Unnoyone Tripokkhio Shohojogitar Prathomik Uddog,
Kola Onushod Patrika, Vol 4-6, July 2011 , 2011
96 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : The Quest for Teachers of the 'Right Stamp' as Pre-requisite to Progress of Female Education in Eastern Bengal: The Partition Interlude,
The Arts Faculty Journal (impact factor:This article analyzes critical archival material to show how patriarchal attitudes were an impediment to women's progress in colonial Bengal.) , pp.Pp 53-74 , Volume 4, No. 6, June 2010-June 2011
97 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার : ”লেবাননে জাতিসত্তা বিষয়ক রাজনীতি ও হিজবুল্লাহর উত্থান”,
বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি পত্রিকা, এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি অব বাংলাদেশ, , vol.হীরক জয়ন্তী সংখ্যা, খ- ১৯ , pp.১২৭-১৪৪ , 2011
98 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার, : ”পাহলভী যুগে ইরানে ধর্মীয়-সামাজিক সংস্কার ও বিপ্লবোত্তর ইরান - একটি তুলনামূলক পর্যালোচনা”,
কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.4 , no.6 , pp.৬৫-৭৯ , 2011
99 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Mainamati-Lalmai Pratnasthaler Poramatir Folokcitre Samatata Anchaler Samajik O Sanskritik Jibondhara (Social and Cultural Life of Samatata on the basis of Terracotta Plaques of the Archaeological Sites of Mainamati-Lalmai),
Pratnatattva , vol.17 , no.June , pp.77-89 , 2011
100 |
Sania Sitara : Dakkhin-Purba Banglay Chandra Rajader Proshasan Babostha,
Itihas Onushandhan , vol.25 , no.Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad , pp.121-128 , 2011
101 |
Dr. Sania Sitara : Thakurgaon Jelar Gorkui-Nath Sampradayer Pratnanidarshan,
Itihas , vol.45 , no.Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , pp.37-44 , 2011
102 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Muktijuddhe Nepaler Bhumika,
Bangladesh Itihas Samiti Patrika, Vol- 31-32, April 2010 , 2010
103 |
Mohammad Abul Kawser : “Farakka Barrage and International Environmental Law: An Analysis,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.67 , no.2 , pp.49-61 , 2010
104 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার : ”সিপাহী বিদ্রোহে পূর্ববঙ্গের জমিদারদের সরকার পক্ষাবলম্বনের কারণ অনুসন্ধান - একটি পর্যালোচনা”,
কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, , vol.3 , no.4 , pp.41-50 , 2010
105 |
Dr. Sania Sitara : Brihottor Dinajpur Jelar Mandir Sthapatya,
Kola Onushad Patrika , vol.06 , no.Dhaka University , pp.322-330 , 2010-11
106 |
Aksadul Alam : ‘Bengal: the Gateway of Contacts and Communications between India and Southeast Asia – Early Phase’,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Volume 67 , no.No 1 , pp.89-104 , 2010
107 |
Aksadul Alam : ‘Historical Geography of Early Bengal: Literature Survey’,
Bangladesh Historical Studies , vol.Volume. xxii , pp.11-18 , 2010-12
108 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Recent Mass Movement In Nepal and Future Democracy,
Bangladesh Historical Studies, Vol XXI, 2008-2009 , 2009
109 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : "Bangladesh - Nepal Orthonoitik Shomporko", 1971-1981,,
Bangladesh Chorcha, Edited by Dr. Muntasir Mamun (Book), Vol-6, The University Press Limited Dhaka, 2009 , 2009
110 |
Al-Amin, Md. Rafiqul Islam and Mohammad Abul Kawser : “Foreign Aid and Development: An Assessment from Third World Perspective,
Journal of Sociology, Dhaka University. , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.127-141 , 2009
111 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Banglar Anchalik O Bhutattik Gathan abong Bodipayan Prokria: Mullayan (Regional and Geological Constructions and Deltaic Process of Bengal: Evaluation),
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika , vol.Shaptabingsha Khonda , no.June , pp.165-178 , 2009
112 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Pracin Samatater Nagar ͚Devaparvata (Devaparvata - An Ancient City of Samatata),
Itihash: Itihash Parishad Patrika , vol.Biallish Barsha , no.Baishakh-Chaitra , pp.49-58 , 2009
113 |
Sania Sitara : Dinajpur-e Batikromi Sthapatya Boishister Duti Mosjid : Kotipoy Dik,
Itihas Samity Patrika , vol.31-32 , no.Bangladesh Itihas Samity , pp.481-492 , 2009
114 |
Milton Kumar Dev : রংপুর কৃষক বিদ্রোহের কয়েকটি দিক (Some Aspects of Rangpur Peasant Uprising, 1783),
Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.Part-2, Vol. 2 & 3, June , 2008
115 |
Raana Razzaque and Asha Islam Nayeem : Anowara: The Novel as Source of History,
Clio, Journal of the Department of History, Jahangirnagar University (impact factor:The article unearths subtle tensions of patriarchal control over women's lives.) , pp.pp 85-98 , Volume XXIV, June, 2007
116 |
Aksadul Alam : ‘Theoretical Basis of Islamisation in Bengal: A Review’,
South and Southeast Asia: Culture and Religion – The SSEASR Journal , vol.Volume 1 , pp.125-39 , 2007
117 |
Rana Razzaque and Asha Islam Nayeem : Nojibur Rahman’s Anwara,
CLIO, Journal of the dept of History, Jahangirnagar University, (impact factor:Social history of Bengali Muslims) , 2007
118 |
Dr. Sania Sitara : Dinajpurer Mugal Yuger Mosjid : Ekti Sthapatyik Parjalochona,
Itihas : Somakalin Oitihasiker Kolame, HIstorical Journal , no.Dept. of History and Islamic History & Culture and Itihas Academy, Jagannath University , pp.78-86 , 2007
119 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Muslim Bhadramahilas in the Public Eye in Post-colonial Bengal: A Cross-generational Study,
Journal of the Bangladesh History Association (impact factor:It is an inspirational study of three generations of venerable Bengali women who defy patriarchy.) , pp.pp 113-130 , Volume XX, 2005-2007
120 |
Raana Razzaque and Asha Islam Nayeem : Some Aspects of the Ahl-i-Hadith Movement in Bengal,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Adds insight into how religion permeates culture.) , pp.pp 215-230 , Volume 51, No. 2, December, 2006
121 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Bangladesh-Nepal Orthonoitik Shohojogita: Shonkot O Shombhabona,
Dhaka Bishwavidyalaya Patrika, Jukta Shankha, 83-84, Oct 2005 and February 2006 , 2006
122 |
Rana Razzaque and Asha Islam Nayeem : "Some Aspects of the Ahl-i-Hadith Movement in Bengal",
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.Vol. 51 , no.No. 2 , 2006
123 |
Sharmin Akhtar : Pracin Gangaridae: Ekti Parjalochona (Ancient Gangaridae: A Review),
CLIO; Journal of the Department of History , vol.xxiii , no.June , pp.81-88 , 2006
124 |
Mrittika Shahita : “Upendra Kishore’s Contribution to the Improvement of Printing Process of Bengal”,
Clio , no.23rd Edition , 2006
125 |
Rana Razzaque : “Padma Meghna Jamuna – the Magnum Opus of Abu Jafar Shamsuddin”,
The Dhaka University Studies, Journal of the Faculty of Arts (impact factor:Society and Politics of Bengal as reflected in the novel Padma Meghna Jamuna) , vol.Vol. 61 , no.No. 2 , 2004
126 |
Aksadul Alam : AR Mallick,
National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh Banglapedia , 2003
127 |
Milton Kumar Dev : পূর্ববঙ্গের শিক্ষা বিস্তারে জগন্নাথ কলেজের ভূমিকা (Jagannath College: Echelon of Academic Excellence in East Bengal),
Journal of the History Department, Jagannath University , vol.October , 2003
128 |
Aksadul Alam and Sharif Uddin Ahmed : Sanskritik Binimoy: Bangladesh O Bohirbishwa (Cultural Exchanges : Bangladesh and Lands Beyond),
Itihas Samiti Potrika , vol.Volume 27-28 , pp.273-86 , 2002-04
129 |
Aksadul Alam : Dokkhin-Purbo Banglar Pracheen Nagorkendro Deveparvata (Devaparvata: An Urban-Centre of Southeastern Bengal),
, vol.Volume 27-28 , pp.20-31 , 2002-04
130 |
Aksadul Alam and Mamtajuddin Patwari : Muktijuddher Itihas O Amader Pathokrom: Madyomik Porjay (History of the Liberation Struggle in the National Curriculum: Secondary School Phase),
Nibondhomala (Special Volume): Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka , vol.Special Volume , pp.59-76 , 2001
131 |
Aksadul Alam : Banglay Islam Bistar: Tattva Parjalochona (Spread of Islam in Bengal: A Review of the Theories),
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Potrika , vol.Volume 19 , no.No 1 , pp.141-154 , 2001
132 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Women at Work in Japan: Expectation and Reality,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:The article adds insight into the gender complexities of Japanese culture.) , pp.pp 167-177 , Volume 45, No. 2, December, 2000
133 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Japan's Education System: Quest for Perfection,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Wide circulation nationally and uploaded in cyber space) , pp.pp 84-101 , Volume 44, No. 2, December 1999
134 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : "Andolon- Shomgrame Sylheter Nari", Sylhet-Itihas O Oitijjho,
Bangladesh Itihas Samiti Patrika, July, 1999 , 1999
135 |
Aksadul Alam : Review Article on the Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier by RM Eaton,
Itihas Samiti Patrika , vol.Volume 23-24 , pp.308-314 , 1999
136 |
Rana Razzaque : “Prem Nei and the Bengal of 1930s”,
Bangladesh Historical Studies (impact factor:Social history of the first half of twentieth century Bengal) , vol.Vol. XVIII , 1999-2001
137 |
Rana Razzaque : “An Introduction to the Trends of Bengali Muslim Thought, 1905-1947”,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Bengali Muslim trends of thought) , vol.Vol. 43 , no.No. 1 , 1998
138 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : "Tebhaga Andolone Narir Bhumika, Prekkhit Dinajpur" Itihas O Oitijjho,
Bangladesh Itihas Samiti Patrika, July, 1996 , 1996
139 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Bangladesh-Nepal Shomporker Kromonnoyon, 1971-1981,
Bangladesh Itihas Samiti Patrika , 1996
140 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Myanmar: Ganatantrer Anneysha,
Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika, Vol-13, June- December,1995 , 1995
141 |
Surma Zakaria Choudhury : Nepale Rajnaitik Palabadal,
Dhaka Bishwavidyalaya Patrika, Vol-24, February- 1992 , vol.Dhaka Bishwavidyalaya Patrika, Vol-24, February- 1992 , 1992
142 |
Rana Razzaque : “Importance of novels in the study of History – Abdullah by Kazi Emdadul Huq”,
Historical Studies of Bangladesh (impact factor:Early twentieth century Bengali Muslim social history) , vol.Vols. XIII-XIV , 1989-1990
143 |
Rana Razzaque : “Extremism in Bengal Nationalism, 1914-1935”,
The Dhaka University Studies (impact factor:Extra-constitutional means of nationalist movement in Bengal) , vol.Vol. 45 , no.Part A , 1988
144 |
Rana Razzaque : “S.Wajed Ali – Ekjon Bangali Jatiyotabadi” (S.Wajed Ali - A Bengali Nationalist”),
Journal of the Centre for Advanced Research in Humanities (impact factor:Bengali Nationalism) , vol.Vol. III , 1987
145 |
Rana Razzaque : “A Socio-political Overview of Shaheedullah Kaiser’s, Sangsaptak”,
The Dhaka University Studies (impact factor:Social and political history of the first half of twentieth century Bengal) , vol.Vol. 54 , no.No. 2 , 1987
146 |
SHANTA PATRANOBISH : Bish Shatake Banglar Nari Jagarana: Begum Patrika O Begum Club er Bhumika ( Women's Awakening in Bengal in the Twentieth Century : Role of Begum Weekly and Begum Club),
Journal of Bangladesh History Association , vol.ISSN- 1560-7585 , no.39-40, 1424-1428/ 2016-2020 Bangladesh Itihas Samiti , pp.417-444 , 2021
147 |
Mithun Saha : Itihas Charchay Bangladesh Asiatic Society ( Bangladesh Asiatic Society in the history research),
Prachyavidya Patrika , vol.Vol . 9 , no.ISSN: 1682-1114 Prof. Dilip Kumar Bhattacharyya Research Centre, Department of Sanskrit, University of Dhaka. , pp.197-213 , 2019
148 |
Mithun Saha : 1956 Saler Khaddo Sankat O er Rajnaitik Probhab ( Food Crises of 1956 and it's Political Impact),
Bangladesh Itihas Sammilani Prabando Sangroho , vol.Vol. 8 , no.ISSN: 2413-6921 Journal of Bangladesh History Congress , pp.237-246 , 2019
149 |
Rana Razzaque : “Social and Political Philosophy of Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899-1976)”,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Reflections of social and political thought of rebel poet Kazi Nazrul Islam) , vol.Vol. 46 , no.No. 1 , June 2001
150 |
Mithun Saha : Bangladesher Kayekati Nirbacita Pratithane Itihas Charchar Dhara ( History Research Trend in Some Selected Institutions of Bangladesh),
Journal of Bangladesh History Association , vol.39-40, ISSN: 1560-7585 , no.1424-1428/2016-20 Bangladesh History Association , pp.445-458 , 2021
151 |
Mithun Saha : Muktiyudde Rafik Bahini: Gathan, Karyakram O Mulyayan (Rafique Group ( Freedom Fighter) in the Liberation War of Bangladesh : Formation, Activities and Evaluation),
Bangla Academy Patrika , vol.Year 65: Vol. 4 , no.October- December 2021 Bangla Academy , pp.52-76 , 2022
152 |
Rana Razzaque : “Ashrafuddin Ahmad Chowdhury: Portrait of a Nationalist Muslim”,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Political history of Bengali Muslims) , vol.Vol. 48 , no.No. 1 , June 2003
153 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার, : বাংলাদেশে মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা: সরকারি দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি,
ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ , pp.২০৫-২১৯ , ২০১২
154 |
Rana Razzaque : “Abul Hashim as a Political Thinker”,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (impact factor:Political history of Bengal and Bengali Muslims) , vol.Vol. 51 , no.No.1 , June 2006
155 |
Sahidul Hasan : Book Review Banglay Pathchash,
Itihasa Prabandhamala , vol.19 , no.17 Bangladesh Itihasa Academy , pp.465-72 , 2022
156 |
Farhana Akter Shoovra : Perpetrations of 1971- An Analysis in Light of Hamoddor Rahman Commission Report,
The Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.4 , no.6 , pp.85-108 , July 2010 - June 2011
157 |
Farhana Akter Shoovra : বাংলাদেশ - জাপান সম্পর্ক, ১৯৭১-৭৫ঃ একটি মূল্যায়ন,
Clio, Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History , vol.XXXV , pp.59-74 , June 2018
158 |
Ashfaque Hossain : The world of the Sylheti seamen in the Age of Empire, from the late eighteenth century to 1947,
Journal of Global History (impact factor:2.195) , vol.9 , no.3 Cambridge University Press , pp.425-446 , 2014
159 |
Ashfaque Hossain : The Making and Unmaking of Assam Bengal Border and Sylhet Referendum’ Modern Asian Studies,
Modern Asian Studies (impact factor:1.129) , vol.47 , no.1 Cambridge University Press , pp.250-287 , 2012
160 |
Asha Islam Nayeem : Dwelling on the Question of Female Education in Nineteenth Century Bengal: From Western Theory to Local Reality,
Bangladesh Historical Studies (impact factor:Entirely based on archival documents, this article is a valuable source for women's history.) , pp.pp 9-22 , Volume XXI, 2008-2009
161 |
AshfaqueHossain : The world of the Sylheti seamen in the Age of Empire, from the late eighteenth century to 1947,
Journal of Global History (impact factor:2.195) , vol.9 , no.3 Cambridge University Press , pp.425–446 , 2014
162 |
Aksadul Alam : History (Bangladesh Period),
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.5 , no.HAL-KAM , pp.148-152 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
163 |
Aksadul Alam : Nalanda Mahavihara,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.7 , no.MID-PAS , pp.207-209 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
164 |
Aksadul Alam : Gupta Rule in Bengal,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.4 , no.ENT-HAL , pp.471-473 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
165 |
Aksadul Alam : Deopara Prashasti,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.3 , no.CHO-ENT , pp.273-274 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
166 |
Aksadul Alam : Gaganendranath Tagore,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.10 , no.TAB-Zoo , pp.11-13 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
167 |
Aksadul Alam : Chandradvipa,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.2 , no.BAN-CHO , pp.425-426 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
168 |
Aksadul Alam : Rokeya Rahman Kabeer,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.5 , no.HAL-KAM , pp.432-433 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
169 |
Aksadul Alam : Calcutta Corporation,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.2 , no.BAN-CHO , pp.337-339 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
170 |
Aksadul Alam : Rani Rasmani,
Banglapedia , vol.8 , no.PAT-RUT , pp.375 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
171 |
Aksadul Alam : M Abul Khair,
Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh) , vol.6 , no.KAM-MIC , pp.52 , March, 2003, 1st Edition
172 |
Sharmin Jahan Chowdhury : Bangladesh ke shikriti prodane chiner dirghoshutrita: ekti tattik o oitihashik bisleshion (in Bengali),
Itihash Shomiti Potrika , vol.37-38 , pp.451-478 , 1422-1423
173 |
Sania Sitara : Brihottor Dinajpure prapto Shia somprodayer kotipoy shilalipi : Prasongik bishoyaboli,
Itihas Samiti Potrika , vol.39-40 , no.December,2021 Bangladesh Itihas Samiti , pp.59-74 , 2021
174 |
Sajib Kumar Banik : The Rise of Political Islam in Modern Turkey, 1923-1980:Trends and Characteristics,
Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.187-203 , July-December 2018
175 |
Sania Sitara : Three Selected Mosques in Dinajpur: An Architectural Review,
Journal of Bangladesh National Museum , vol.Vol-6 , no.February,2022 Bangladesh National Museum , pp.67-76 , 2019
176 |
Sajib Kumar Banik and Khaleda Choudhori : Pakistaner Songbidhan Pronoyon Sonkranto Mulniti Committeer 1950 Saler Ontorbortikalin Report Birodhi Andolone Dhaka,
Heritage Archives of Bangladesh History Trust , vol.15 , pp.91-99 , December,2015
177 |
Sajib Kumar Banik : Bharate Joktibadi Chetoner Utsha Sondhan:Akti Porjalochana,
Jinon Darshan , vol.5 , pp.74-108 , July,2015
178 |
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Conference Proceedings (13) |
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Sharmin Akhtar "Earliest Snapshot of Bengali Diaspora and Cultural Penetration to Southeast Asia and Maritime Connectivity (400 BCE-800CE)."
International Conference on Language Movement and the Emergence of a Bangla-speaking State in the World, CARASS, University of Dhaka
, pp. 27. Dhaka: 2024
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Sharmin Akhtar "Sketching the Tactical Position and Connectivity of Bengal with the Malay Archipelago, 321 BCE-750 CE."
Kuala Lumpur: Department of History, University of Malaya, 2023
3 |
10th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA10)
Kuala Lumpur: Department of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Malaya, 2023
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Taskia Haq Lyric "Economic Catastrophe due to Partition in 1947 portrayed at Purba-Paschim."
20th Biannual Conference of Bangladesh History Association
Dhaka: Bangladesh History Association, 2022
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Sajib Kumar Banik ""Civil War in Sri Lanka:A Study on Social and Economic Costs"."
State and Society:A Historical Perspective
, pp. 332-352. Institute of social and cultural Studies, Kolkata, India, and The University Press Limited(UPL), 2022
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Taskia Haq Lyric "Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: Revisiting Japan’s Role in India’s Independence Movement."
Post-COVID Japan: Economy, Politics, Society, Culture and Literature
, pp. 29. Dhaka: Department of Japanese Studies, University of Dhaka, 2022
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The 8th International Conference on Southeast Asia Programme and Abstracts
, pp. 32-33. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, 2019
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Sahidul Hasan "‘State Policy of Religious Toleration in Sultanate Bengal’."
South Asian History Conference Proceedings
, pp. 131-142.. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, 2016
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Mohammad Abul Kawser "“Mainstreaming Madrasah Education in South Asia with Special Reference to Bengal."
South Asian History Conference (3 rd Session),
, pp. 451-457. Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University Patiala, India,, 2015
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মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার "মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার, ”লেবাননে হিজবুল্লাহর উত্থান: একটি ঐতিহাসিক পর্যালোচনা”."
ইতিহাস অনুসন্ধান, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ইতিহাস সংসদ, ভারত, খ- ২৬.
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Mrittika Shahita "“Itihasher Prekkhapote Hnola-y Nari Shandarshan”, (Women in History: An Observation through Hnola [local folk song])."
Bangavidya, International Journal of Bengal Studies
Kolkata, India.: International Society of Bengal Studies, 2011
12 |
Sharmin Akhtar "Pracin Samatater Nagar ͚Devaparvata (Devaparvata - An Ancient City of Samatata)."
Conference of Bangladesh Itihash Shomiti
Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihash Shomiti, 2009
13 |
মোহাম্মদ আবুল কাউসার "পূর্ববঙ্গে রাষ্ট্রভাষা আন্দোলন ও তমুদ্দন মজলিস”."
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ইতিহাস সংসদ, ভারত,
, pp. ৯৫১-৯৬১. পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ইতিহাস সংসদ, ভারত,, ২০১১