Research & Publication (Department of Islamic History & Culture)
Book (31)
1 Md. Abdur Rahim পূর্ব বাংলার আর্থ-সামাজিক জীবন ও মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ১৯৪৭-১৯৭১. Dhaka: Asiatic Society Bangladesh, 2022 .
2 Muhammad Omor Faruq (Trans.) and Khosru Kashem (original) হাদীসে নববীর আলোকে ইমাম হোসাইনের শাহাদাতের ভবিষ্যত বাণী (The prophecy of Imam Husain's martyrdom in the light of the Prophetic traditions) ,. Dhaka: Kollan Bangladesh, 2021 .
3 (Ed.) Prof. A. K. M. Golam Rabbani ‘Itihaser Kerokhata: Prosanga Bijoy Nagar Upizilla’ (in Bangla), Local History of Bengal Local History of Bengal. Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Parished, 2019 .
4 Ayesha Begum, Kishoreganjer Sthapatic Oitijha (Architectural Heritage of Kishoreganj). Dhaka, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh: 2019 .
5 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম (সম্পাদক) প্রবন্ধ সংকলন-৪. ঢাকা: ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2019 .
6 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir Outline of Muslim Political Thought (in Bangla). Dhaka: New Age Publication, 2018 .
7 Dr. Md. Syfullah, Md. Ali Karim, Md. Omar Faruq, Md. Nurul Amin and A. K. M. Iftekharul Islam 'ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি (প্রথম পত্র)'/‘Islamic History and Culture (First Paper)'. Gazipur: Bangladesh Open University, 2017 .
8 A K M sahifuL Islam and Muhammad Omor Faruq Dawatul Islam: Adam thek Muhamma porjonto (The preaching f Islam: from Adam to Muhammad). Dhaka: Mosuma Publications, 2016 .
9 Ayesha Begum, Bangaldesher Muslim Shamadhi Sthapatta. Dhaka, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh: 2015 .
10 Muhammad Omor Faruq and Mahfuzur Rahman Akanda History of Islam: Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and Khulafe Rashedin. Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT), 2014 .
11 Mohammad Humayun Kabir Vasha Andolon O Nari (Language Movement and Women). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2014 .
12 Ayesha Begum, Forts and Fortifications in Medieval Bengal. Dhaka, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh: 2013 .
13 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir Peasant Movements of Bengal and Middle Class (in Bangla). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 2012 .
14 Ayesha Begum, Dhaka Bishobiddaloy: Smriti Nidorshon (Memorials of Dhaka University). Sylhet, Shoshoporbo: 2011 .
15 Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman A Quest for Islamic Learning: Essays in Memory of Professor Serajul Haque (edited). Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2011 .
16 Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman (editor) Probandha Sankolon (Anthology of Essays) (edited), , 2011. Dhaka: Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka, 2011 .
17 Ayesha Begum, Protna Nidarshan: Comilla (Achaeology of Comilla). Dhaka, University Grants Commission: 2010 .
18 Dr.Md Akhtaruzzaman ( (edited & moderated) Bangladesh and Global Studies ( textbook for class IX - X). Dhaka: National curriculum and Textbook Board, 2010 .
19 Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman Society and Urbanization in Medieval Bengal. Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2009 .
20 Dr. Md Akhtaruzzaman Liberation War of Bangladesh: Background and Event (edited). Dhaka: 2009 .
21 Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman Muslim Itihastattwa (Muslim Historiography). Dhaka,: Dhaka University, 2008 .
22 Muhammad Omor Faruq Islamer Itihas (History of Islam). Dhaka: Al Fatah Publications, 2007 .
23 Ayesha Begum, Pabnar Oitihashik Imarat (Historical Buildings of Pabna). Dhaka, University Grants Commission, Bangladesh: 2002 .
24 Ayesha Begum, Tangailer Sthapatik Oitijha (Architectural Heritage of Tangail) Ayesha Begum (ed.). Dhaka: Khan Brothers: 2000 .
25 Ayesha Begum, Muslim Spainer Rajnoitik Itihash (Political History of Muslim Spain), Ayesha Begum (ed.). Dhaka, Khan Brothers: 1999 .
26 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan (edited) Maddha Praccher Itihas ( History of the Middle East). Dhka: Ideal Books, Banglabazar, Dhaka, 1999 .
27 Abu Khaled Mohammad Khademul Haque Itihas : Ponchash Bochhorer Rochonaponji (an index of articles published in Itihas, the Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parisad). Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Parisad, 1998, Revised Edition 2015 .
28 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan [Islamer Itihas ditio Potro (Uccho Maddhomic Porjae) [ (Islamic History, 2nd Paper) HSC Level]. Dhaka: Bangladesh Text Book Board (affiliated), 1995 .
29 Ayesha Begum, Amader Oitijha Shahjadpur Masjid (Our Heritage Shahjadpur Mosque). Dhaka: Research & Publication Branch, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts): 1990 .
30 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি, উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শ্রেণির জন্য. ঢাকা: হাসান বুক হাউস, 1989 .
31 Muhammad Omor Faruq,, Md. Ali Karim, Md. Syfullah, Md. Nurul Amin and A. K. M. Iftekharul Islam 'ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি (প্রথম পত্র)'‘Islamic History and Culture (First Paper)'. Gazipur: Bangladesh Open University, 2017 .
Book Section (45)
1 Muhammad omor Faruq "ইতিহাস পঠনে জাদুঘরের ভূমিকা: প্রেক্ষিত এম. আর. তরফদার স্মৃতি জাদুঘর (The Role of Museums in Reading History: Perspective M. R. Tarafdar Memorial Museum)." edited by Dr. Md. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuyian Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, 2024 309-319 .
2 Suraiya Akhter "Binod Bibi theke Pari Bibi: Dhakar Sthapotte Narir Itihasher Onusondhan ( From Binod Bibi to Pari Bibi: A Search for an Insight of women's History of Dhaka)." Itihashe Nari: Dokkhin Asia Prosongo (Women in History: South Asian Perspective). Bangladesh Itihas Parisad Dhaka: Bangladesh Itihas Parisad, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2022 241-272 .
3 AKM Khademul Haque "‘Modern and Contemporary Art in Bangladesh’." Twentieth Century Art in India. Partha Mitter, Parul Dave-Mukherjee and Rakhee Balaram (Eds) London: Thames and Hudson, 2022 620-623 .
4 Suraiya Akhter "Paribarik Jibone Bangabandhu (Bangabandhu in His Family Life)." Bangabandhur Unnoyyon Dorshon (Development Philosophy of Bangabandhu). Souvenir Dhaka: Statistics and Informatics Division and BBS, 2022 317-338 .
5 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha "Islamic History." History of the Muslims in India. Dhaka: Bangladesh Open University, 2019 .
6 Suraiya Akhter "Banglar Mandire Poramatir Shilpe Narir Rupayan ( Depiction of Women in Terracotta Art in the Temples of Bengal)." Banglar Samaj o Sangskritite Nari ( Women in the Society and Culture of Bengal). Nasim Akhter Banu and Pervin Jolly (Edited) Dhaka: Songbed, 2019 115-133 .
7 Md. Zakaria "Sahitto o Sonskritite Hamdani Rajbangser Obodan (The contributions of Hamdani Dynasty towards literature and culture)." Probandha Sankolan 4 (A Compilation of Essays 4). Md. Mahfuzul Islam (Edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, 2019 103-113 .
8 Roaksana Firdaus Nigar "Rohingyas in the pre-colonial period." Buddhist nationalism, Rohingya crisis and contemporary politics. Ali, A. B. and Ahmed, S. (Ed.) Dhaka: Borno Publication Ltd, 2019 70-85 .
9 S M Mofizur Rahaman "Buaiader Shashon Babostar Prokiti Bishlashan, (In Bengali), [Analyzing the Nature of Administrative System of Buayhids)." Probondo Sonkolon 4 (A Compilation of Essays). Md. Mahfuzul Islam (Edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, (ISBN-9789843449924), 2019 67-80 .
10 Muhammad Omor Faruq "'ভাওয়াইয়া গানের জনক শিল্পী আব্বাস উদ্দিন’ (Abbas Uddin as a father of Vhaoya song)." Kamrup theke Kochbihar (From Kamrup to Kochbihar). Md. Amzad Hussain Kolkata, India: Surid Publication, 2015 .
11 Mohammad Humayun Kabir "Bangladesh-Japan Somporka: Oitihasik poriprekhit o Bastobota (in Bangla) (Bangladesh-Japan Relation: Historical Perspective and Reality)." Bangladesh o Bohirbiswa. Abu Md. Delwar Hossain (edted) 2015 199-209 .
12 S M Mofizir Rahaman "Prachin Mishorioder Shomaja Estorbinnashar Prokiti, (In Bengali), [Nature of Stratification of the Ancient Egyptian Society]." Probondo Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles),. Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture,University of Dhaka, ISBN-9789843368614,, 2014 pp. 63-74 .
13 AKM Khademul Haque, Parul-Dave Mukherji, T. Sanatanan and S. Willie "'Visual Arts in South Asia'." The Modernist World. S. J. Ross and A.C. Lindgren (eds) London and New York: Routledge, 2014 145-152 .
14 Md. Zakaria "Modday Jugio Banglar Jibonjatrar Protibondokota: Ekti Bhougolik o Artho-Samajik Bislashon, (An obstacle of the life and conditions of Medieval Bengal: A Geographic and Socio-Economic Analsysis),." Probondha Sonkolon (Compilation of Essays), Bangladesh, ,. Dr. Md Tawfiqil Haider (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka, 2014 122-131 .
15 Md. Zakaria "Babar Namar Aloke Somokalin Bharater Jib Baichitro o Poribesh (Bio-Diversity and Environment of Contemporary India in the light of Babarnama or Autobiography of Emperor Babar),." Probondho Sankolon (A compilation of Essays). Dr. Md. Tawfiqul Haider (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka Bangladesh., 2013 .
16 Mohammad Humayun Kabir "The Liberation War in Dhaka: Events of ‘71." Dhaka in The Liberation War 1971. Alam, Mohit Ul & Hossain, Abu Md. Delwar edited Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, 2011 .
17 Mohammad Humayun Kabir and Abu Md. DelwarHossain "Dhakar Mukhtijuddah: Gotonaponji ‘71 (in Bangla)." Muktijuddhe Dhaka 1971. Mohit Ul Alam & Abu Md. DelwarHossain (edited) Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, 2010 .
18 Mohammad Humayun Kabir (Co-author) "Bangladesher Itihas." Bangladesher Itihas. Mohammad Humayun Kabir (Co-author) Gazipur: Bangladesh Open University, 2009 .
19 Md. Zakaria "Sultani Amaler Bangla-China Somporker Prekhhit o Bastobota, (Background and Reality of BengalChina Relations during Sultanate Period)." Probondho Sankalon (Compilation of Essays). Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman (Edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka Bangladesh,, 2008 106-114 .
20 Ayesha Begum "Third Chapter : Secular Architecture, Banglar Shanshkritic Itihash, ABM Husain (ed.), Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Dhaka." 2007 .
21 Ayesha Begum "Ancient Period, Medieval Period, The Mughal Architecture All (3) Chapters Published in ABM Husain (ed.) Architecture: A History through the ages, ASB, Dhaka." 2007 .
22 Mohammad Humayun Kabir "Justice Muhammad Ibrahim: Ekjon Sottikarer Despremik (in Bangla)." Justice Muhammad Ibrahim (1898-1966) Memorial Volume. Sufia Ahmed Dhaka: 2006 .
23 Ayesha Begum "Some recent discoveries of Archaeological Sites at Mainamoti Lalmai”, A Chapter History Culture and Coinage of Somotata and Harikela Vol. I, Tripura, Jawhar Acharji, Rajendra Kristishila." 2006 .
24 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi "The Diplomacy of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with Reference to the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, Subh-i-Sadiq." The Research Book in Memory of Prophet Muhammad (Sm.),. 2005 .
25 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan "Mir Mosarraf hossener Rachanabalite Samakalin Samajik Itihasher Upadan ( The materials of Contemporary Social History in the writings of Mir Mosarraf Hossaen)." Itihas Onusandhan, 14. Secratery (Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad) Kolkata: Pashchim Banga Itihas Samsad, Kolkata, India, 2000 .
26 Ayesha Begum "Architectural Heritage of Sylhet”, Sylhet, History and Heritage, Sarifuddin Ahmed (ed.), Bangladesh Historical Association, Dhaka." 1999 .
27 Md. Mosarraf hussain Vuiyan "Bangla bhashay hindu Panditganer Quraan Charcha (The study of Quraan by some Hindu Scholars)." Brabandha Sankalan. Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, 1998 .
28 Ayesha Begum "Sonargaon”, An Article, Islami Bishwkosh, (Encyclopedia of Islam) Vol.26, Islamic Foundation of Bangladesh, Dhaka." 1997 .
29 Ayesha Begum "Ornamentation” and “Inscriptions”, Two Chapters in a book: Sonargaon-Panam, A.B.M. Husain (ed.), Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh." 1997 .
30 Ayesha Begum "Banglar Shuraxita Nagar Mahasthangarh”, (Fortified City of Bengal: Mhasthangarh). An Article in a book, Banglar Itihash O Shanshkritite Nagar (Cities in History & Culture of Bengal) A.M. Chowdhury (ed.) and Fakrul Alam, Dhaka: Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities." 1996 .
31 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan "Sultani Amale Benglar Katipay Nagari ( A few Principal Cities of Sultanae Bengal)." Banglar Nagar. Dhaka: A Research Journal of the Center for Advanced Research in Humanities, the University of Dhaka, 1996 .
32 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha "Contributor of 4 topic." Encyclopedia of Dhaka (Dhaka Kosh). Sharifuddin Ahmed Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, June 2012 263, 266, 312, 363 .
33 Suraiya Akhter "Lukochuri Darwaza : Sthapotya o Itihas (Lukochuri Darwaza: Architecture and History’)." Prabandha Sangkalan ( A Compilation of Essays). edited by Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, December 2011 89-98 .
34 S M Mofizur Rahaman "Abbasi Amoler Samajik Estorbinnash : Akti Parjalochona, (In Bengali), [Social Stratification of the Abbasids Period : An Overview]." Probondo Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles). Nazma Begum (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, June 2008 74-81 .
35 Suraiya Akhter "Muslim Banglar Toron Sthapotyer Artho-Samajik o Rajnoitik Prekkhapot [Socio-economic and Political Background of Gateway Architecture of Muslim Bengal (15th to 17th century]." Probondho Songkolon. Dr. Nazma Begum (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, June, 2008 125-133 .
36 S M Mofizur Rahaman "Pal Rajader Darmio Shohishnuta: Akti Parjalochona, (In Bengali), [Religious Tolerance of the Pala Kings: An Overview]." Probondo Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles). Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka,, December 2011 23-33 .
37 Nusrat Fatema "4. Mughal Harem-e-Shikkha Sonskriti Chorchar Dhara (1526-1707 A.D.) [(The Practice and flow of education and culture in the Mughal Harem 1526-1707 A.D.)]." Probondho Sonkolon. Dhaka: Islamic History and Culture Department, University of Dhaka, June 2008 .
38 Nusrat Fatema "Mughal Harem-e-Binodon (Amusement in the Mughal Harem)." Probondho Sankalon ( A Compilation of Essays). Dr. Tawfiqul Haider (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, September 2014 .
39 Nusrat Fatema "Mughal Harim e Sonskriti Chorcha (1526-1707 A.D.) (Practice of Culture in the Mughal Harim)." Probondo Sonkalon-4 ( A Compilation of Essays). Md. Mahfuzul Islam (edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, January 2019 .
40 Nusrat Fatema "Naib Nazims and the contemporary Cultural Life of Dhaka." Naib Nazims of Dhaka and the Nimtali Palace. Sharif Uddin Ahmed (edited) Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, June 2018. .
41 Nusrat Fatema "Probad Probochan, Songroho-4 (40-107)." Dhakai Upobhasha Probad-Probochan Koutuk Chora. Firoza Yeasmin (edited) Dhaka: Bangladesh Asiatic Society, April 2010 273-277 .
42 Md. Abdur Rahim "Chittagong-Burma Relation: Socio-economic Impact." Chattagong: History and Heritage. Mohammad Ali Chowdhury, Bbu Md. Delwar Hossain (Edited) Dhaka: November 2015 445-458 .
43 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha "Craft and Technology." History of Bangladesh Sultanate and Mughal Period (c.1200-1800AD). Abdul Momin Chowdhury Edited Nimtoli, Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, October, 2020. 157-174 .
44 এ.টি.এম. সামছুজ্জোহা "শিল্প-কৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি." বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস সুলতানি ও মোগল যুগ (আনু. ১২০০-১৮০০ সা. অব্দ), দ্বিতীয় খন্ড. আবদুল মমিন চৌধুরী সম্পাদিত ঢাকা: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি, ২০২০ ১৩৯-১৫৪ .
45 Suraiya Akhter "Demonstration of Semi-divinity and State authority in art: A search for an insight of the Mughal architecture." Probondho Songkolon,. Professor Md. Mahfuzul Islam ( Edited) Dhaka: Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, January 2019 173-184 .
Journal Article (365)
1 Muhammad Omor Faruq and Md. Amzad Hussain : Cornicle of the 'Dasiar Chhara' Enclave, History and Heritage , vol.1 , no.1 Islamic History and Culture, DU , pp.73-92 , 2024 .
2 Nazma : Islamic Attitude Towards Ecological Conservation, History and Heritage, Journal of the Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. 01 Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.143-166 , 2024 .
3 Nazma : Agriculture and Agricultural Management in Muslim Spain: A Review, Itihas (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika. , vol.55 , no.Baishak-Chaitra,1430/2022-23 Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, University of Dhaka , pp.31-52 , 2024 .
4 Md. Nurul Amin, AKM Iftekhrul Islam and Md. Thohidul Islam : The GCC : Attempts at Sub-regionalism in the Persian Gulf?, Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology , vol.Vol. 20, 2023 , no.No. 2, Egyptology , pp.260-279 , 2023 .
5 Md. Nurul Amin, Md. Mahmud Alam and Al Amin : Sarojganj, the Largest Date Molasses Market (Khejurer Goorer Hat) in Bangladesh: How Did it Become a Rural Economy’s Sustainable Local-Regional Hub?, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (impact factor:Q3) , vol.Vol. 18 , no.No. 1, January, IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license ( , pp.29-39 , 2023 .
6 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The US Policy towards the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.67 , no.2 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.183-216 , 2022 .
7 Professor Dr. Md. Syfullah : The Passage to Bangladesh's Entry into the OIC, The Arts Faculty Journal , no.Centennial Issue Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka , pp.49-62 , 2022 .
8 Md. Nurul Amin : Election System of four pious Khalifa in Islam: an evaluation(In Bengali), , Jagannath University, pp. 196-213, 2022, Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.Vol-12 , Jagannath University , pp.196-213 , 2022 .
9 Md. Nurul Amin and Anowara Akter : Role of women in rescue and relief program during flood and Cyclone before 1970 (In Bengali),, Jagannath University Journal of Arts, , vol.Vol-11 , no.2 Jagannath University , pp.131-141 , 2021 .
10 Md. Nurul Amin : Policy on acquisition and revocation of citizenship on non-Muslim during the Khilafat period : Perspective and Practices, Arts Faculty Journa , vol.1 Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , pp.43-59 , 2021 .
11 A K M Khademul Haque : In Quest of 'Bengal' in Historical Records, Probondho Songkolon, , vol.5 Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.149-162 , 2020 .
12 Nazma : The Capitulation System in the Ottoman Empire: A Review, Probandha Sonkolon-5 ( A Compilation of Essays-5) , vol.5 , no.Bangabandhu Birth Centenary Issue Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.19-33 , 2020 .
13 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The Future of Tortured Iran-US Relations: Accommodation or Confrontation?, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.65 , no.1 The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.51-79 , 2020 .
14 Md. Nurul Amin : Historiography of Khawaza Nizamuddin Ahmed: PerspectiveTabakat-i-Akbari (In Bengali), Compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.35-46, , 2020 .
15 Dr. Md. Syfullah : ‘Bangladesh Candidature as the OIC Secretary General: Internal And External Factors for Defeat in the OIC Top Post Race’, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.10 , no.14-15 , pp.53-65 , 2020 .
16 Dr. Md. Syfullah : ‘Palestine Crisis and the Al-Quds Committee: Role of Bangladesh’, Probondho Sonkolon (A Compilation of Essays-5) , pp.189-202 , 2020 .
17 Dr. Md. Syfullah : "Fatimioder Purbomukhi Niti: Poriprekkhit, Grihito Podokkhep O Jotharthota" (in Bengali), Kola Onushad Potrika , vol.10 , no.14-15 , pp.21-30 , 2020 .
18 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Non-traditional Security Cooperation between Bangladesh and China, A Compilation of Essays (Probandha Sangkolon) , vol.5 , pp.163-188 , 2020 .
19 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : EFFECTIVENESS OF BANGLADESH-CHINA CULTURAL RELATIONS (1991-2017): IMPACT ON BANGLADESH, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.10 , no.14-15 , pp.67-86 , 2020 .
20 Dr. Md. Syfullah : "Arab Bosonto O Arab Bisso: Naya Sonkot" (in Bengali), Dhaka Bisshobidhalaya Patrika , no.99 , pp.145-155 , 2019 .
21 A K M Khademul Haque : Sowrds and Daggers of Medieval Bengal as Described in Historical literature, Pratnatattva , vol.25 Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University , 2019 .
22 Nazma : উসমানীয় সমাজ কাঠামোর স্বরূপ: আর্থ-সামাজিক বিশ্লেষণ (The Nature of the Ottoman Social Structure: Socio-economical Analysis),, Itihas (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika , vol.53 , no.Baishakh-Chaitra, 1426/2018-2019. Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, University of Dhaka. , pp.59-76 , 2019 .
23 Nazma : অটোমান সাম্রাজ্যে বহুত্ববাদ: প্রসঙ্গ মিল্লাত প্রথা (Pluralism in the Ottoman Empire: in the Context of Millet System), Probandha Sonkolon-4 (A Compilation of Essays-4) , vol.4 Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka. , pp.135-148 , 2019 .
24 Md. Nurul Amin : Fine Arts Practice in Abbasid Period (In Bengali), A Compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.115-126 , 2019 .
25 AKM Khademul Haque : Development of Crescent and Star as the Symbol of Islam, Probondho Songkolon, Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka , 2019 .
26 Dr. A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Enhancing Social and Cultural Relations between Bangladesh and China (1991-2017): Role of Friendship Organizations, A Compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.197-208 , 2019 .
27 Suraiya Akhter : Sanitizing the Neighborhood: Canalization of Dholai Khal and Colonial endeavors for making Dhaka as a healthy city, Dhaka University Studies, University of Dhaka , vol.accepted for publication , 2019 .
28 Dr. Md. Syfullah : 'মুক্তিযুদ্ধ ও যুদ্ধোত্তোর বাংলাদেশে ইন্দো-সোভিয়েত প্রভাব: আরব বিশ্বের প্রতিক্রিয়া'/‘Indo-Soviet Influences on Bangladesh during and after the War of Independence: Reactions of the Arab World’, প্রবন্ধ সঙ্কলন-৪/ Probondho Sonkolon-4 (Collection of Articles), Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.91-102 , 2019 .
29 Dr. Md. Syfullah : ' মেসিডোনিয়ার মুসলমান : অতীত ও বর্তমান'/Muslims of Macedonia: Past and Present’, ইতিহাস/Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.53 , pp.235-245 , 2019 .
30 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Dharmo o Rajniti: Prekhit Bangladesh (in Bangla) (Religion and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective), Probondho Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles) , 2019 .
31 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Israel Rastro Protistha abong Filistiner Bovisot (in Bangla) (The State of Israel and the future of Philistine), Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2019 .
32 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : শেরে বাংলা এ.কে. ফজলুল হকের রাষ্ট্র ও সমাজচিন্তা, প্রবন্ধ সংকলন-৪. ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 2019 .
33 Roaksana Firdaus Nigar and Basir. A and Khan. S. R (Ed.) : Contemporary Architecture of Dhaka reflecting in Charles D'Oyly's Painting (Bengali), Itihas (History) , vol.Vol. 53 , no.ISSN 1607-4432 , pp.93-111 , 2019 .
34 Md. Nurul Amin : Tarkh i-Bangalah of Munshi Salimullah and Contemporary Historiography (In Bengali), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Journal , vol.52 , pp.31-41 , 2018 .
35 Suraiya Akhter : Wari Housing Project in Colonial Dhaka: Problem and Prospect of its Planning and Application (1885-1919), Arts Faculty Journal, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka , vol.accepted for publication , 2018 .
36 Dr. Md. Syfullah : ‘ফিলিস্তিন সমস্যা ও নিখিল ভারত মুসলিম লীগ’/‘Palestine Crisis and the Role of All India Muslim League’, ইতিহাস/ Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.51 , pp.68-78 , 2018 .
37 Nusrat Fatema : 14. Mughal Harem O Dorbare Sura, Sur O Songeet (Wine, Music and Song in the Mughal Harem and Darbar), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parisad, Barsha , vol.51 , no.Boishakh-Chaitra 1425/ 2017-2018 , 2018 .
38 Dr. Md. Syfullah : 'The Berlin Process: Reality, Progress and Prospects' (in English), The Arts Faculty Journal, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.8 & 9 , no.12 & 13 , pp.27-39 , 2018 .
39 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Dhormio Rajniti, Dhormo Niroprekhata O Rashtro Dharmo: Prekhit Bangladesh (in Bangla) (Religious Politics, Secularism and State Religion: Bangladesh Perspective), Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2018 .
40 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Itihas Darshane Allama Ibn Jarir Al Tabarir Obodan ( Contribution of Allama Ibn Jarir Al Tabarir in History), (Arts Faculty Journal, Faculty of Arts, Dhaka University , vol.Accepted for Publication , 2018 .
41 Suraiya Akhter : Itihas Onneson: Prosongo Dhakar Victory Memorial Tower (A Quest of History: In the context of Victory Memorial Tower in Dhaka), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.52 , no.Baishakh- Chaitro 1425/2017-2018 , pp.75-92 , 2018 .
42 Roaksana Firdaus Nigar and Prof. Mahfuzul Islam (Ed.) : Traditional Katra Architecture of Dhaka (Bengali), A Compilation of Essays (Probondho Songkolon) , vol.4 , no.ISBN: 978-984-34-4992-4 , pp.149-160 , 2018 .
43 Roaksana Firdaus Nigar and Basir. A & Khan. S R (Ed.) : Transitional Architecture (Sultanate to Mughal Era): Atiya, Sarail & Kherua Mosque ( Bengali), Itihas (History) , vol.Vol. 52 , no.ISSN 1607-4432 , pp.17-30 , 2018 .
44 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Hazrat Shah Ali Bagdadi (R.) and his Shrine: A study of Mazar culture in Bangladesh Historical Studies,, Journal of Bangladesh History AssociationDhaka , 2018 .
45 Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Iran-Markin Somporko: Prekkhit Tehran Sommelon [in Bengali] [Iran-US Relations: Perspective the Tehran Conference], Itihas (History) , vol.53 , pp.133-143 , 2018-2019 .
46 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘Bangladeshe Shilpokolar Obo-Ouponibeshikikoron’ (Decolonization of Art in Bangladesh), Itihas Samity Potrika, Dhaka , vol.38 , 2017 .
47 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Emergence of Political Islam in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis, Proceedings of History, Panjubi University, Panjub, India , 2017 .
48 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Book Review: Bangaleer Itihas by Nihar Ranjan Roy (in Bangla), Sahitta Patrika, Bangla Department, Dhaka University , 2017 .
49 Md. Zakaria : Global Governance for Robust Economy: Strategy Set up for Future Bangladesh From the Experience, Journal of Sociology , University of Dhaka., , vol.Vol. III , ISSN-1813-2871 , pp.65-74 , 2017 .
50 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Iran-Soudi Snayu Juddho: Prekkhit Iraner Poromanu Chukti [in Bengali] [Iran-Saudi Arabia Cold War: Perspective the Iranian Nuclear Deal], Itihas (History) , vol.51 , pp.127-136 , 2017-2018 .
51 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Timuride dynasty and Nature of their Rule in Central Asia, (Bangoli),, Itihas Onishadhan, Porghimbong Itihas Songsad , pp.pp.997-1011 , 2016 .
52 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Il-Khani-Mamluk Relations (1260-1335A.D.): A Review (In Bengali), ITIHAS, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika , vol.Vol. 49 , no.Baishak-Chaitra, 1420/2013-2014 , pp.79-92 , 2016 .
53 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Mir Mosarraf Hossen Birochito Bishad Sindhur Oitihashikota (The Bishad Sindhu Written by Mir Mosarraf Hossen), Shahitoo Potrika, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.40 , 2016 .
54 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Mir Mosarraf Hossen Birochito Bishad Sindhur Oitihashikota (The Bishad Sindhu Written by Mir Mosarraf Hossen), Shahitoo Potrika, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.40 , 2016 .
55 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Sylhet er Sufi SHadhak Mazar ( Sufi Saints and Mazars of Sylhet), Itihas, Bangdladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.৩২ , no.1-3 , 2016 .
56 Articles in English : "Sabek Danga Building (Bagerhat)", Reflection on it’s Architecture and an attempt to identify the building’, Journal of Bengal Art , ICSBA , 2016 .
57 Md. Zakaria : The background of the establishment of Idrisids Dynasty and their contributions in Muslim Civilization, Journal of Arts faculty, , University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. 8 , no.No.10 , pp.163-168 , 2016 .
58 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Europe-e Islam: Ekti Porjalochona (Islam in Europe: A Discussion),, Itihas , vol.1 , no.45 , 2015 .
59 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Dhormio Jatiotabad o Dhormo Niroprekhata: Prekhit Bangladesh (in Bangla) (Religious Nationalism and Secularism: Bangladesh Perspective), Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2015 .
60 Md. Nurul Amin : Historiography of Khaza Niyamat Ullah,, Itihas Onusandhan , no.number-29 Poshchim Bongo Itihas Sangshad, Kolkata, , 2014 .
61 Nazma : মুহাম্মদ হাশিম আলী কাফি খানের ইতিহাসচর্চা (The Historiography of Muhammad Hashim Ali Khafi Khan), Bangla Academy Potrika , vol.57, No. 4. , no.October-December 2013. Bangla Academy , pp.19-28 , 2014 .
62 Nusrat Fatema : 10. Mughal Hareme Naridar Banijjik Kormokando (1526-1707 A.D.) (The Commercial Activities of Women in the Mughal Harem 1526-1707 A.D), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.47 , no.Barsha, Baishakh-Chaitra 1420/ 2013-14 , 2014 .
63 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Vasa andolon o Nari: Prekhit Dhaka (in Bangla) (Language Movement and Women: Perspective Dhaka), Probondho Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles) , 2014 .
64 Mahmudur Rahman : Osmaniya Khilaphat theke Turosko projatantro ( Ottoman Khilaphat to Republican Turkey), Bangladesh Itihash Parishad Potrica ( bengali Language journal) , vol.48 borso , 2014 .
65 Md. Zakaria : The Medina Charter (622AD): A Quest for Redefining Approach, Journal of Islamic History and Culture of India, India , vol.Vol. III , ISSN-2347-8187 , pp.122-130 , 2014 .
66 Md. Zakaria : Adunik Modday Prachye Gonomaddamer Biplob: Prosango Al Jazera Network, (Media revolution in the Modern Middle-East : A case study of Al-Jazeera Network, Itihas, Itihas (The History) Kolkata,India,, , vol.Vol-45 , no.ISBN-978-81-910874-7-5 , pp.1064-1073 , 2014 .
67 Md. Abdur Rahim : Indian Migration in British Burma, A Compilation of essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture , pp.92-101 , 2014 .
68 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The Legacy of the American Presbyterian Mission in Iran, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.58 , no.1 The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.191-205 , 2013 .
69 Suraiya Akhter : 9. Muslim Toron Stapotter chromobikas o Bangla Sthapotte er Dharabahikota ( Chronological Development of Muslim Gateway Architecture and its continuity in Bengal Architecture), Kola Onushod Potrika, University of Dhaka , vol.vol. 6 , no.number 8 (July 2012- June 2013) , 2013 .
70 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘France O Germany-te Muslim Somaj Bikash : Ekti Tulonamulok Bishleson’ (Development of Muslim Community in France and Germany : a Comparative Analysis, in Bangla), Kola Onusad Patrika, University of Dhaka , vol.6 , no.8 , 2013 .
71 Md. Syfullah : 'ওআইসি-ভারত সম্পর্ক: একটি মূল্যায়ন'/‘OIC-India Relations: An Analysis', কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা/Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.5 , no.7 , pp.269-282 , 2013 .
72 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Ramcharit O Onnayon Sutre Verndro Bidroher Poriprekhit Bichar, (in Bangla), (Evaluation of the Perspective of Verndro Revolt in the Ramacrit and other Sources, Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2013 .
73 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : The Language Movement in Chittagong: A Study on Women’s Participation, Society & Change , 2013 .
74 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : রাজশাহী জেলার সূফী-সাধক ও তাঁদের মাযার Rajshahi Jelar Sufi- Shadhak o Tader Mazar ( The Mazars of Sufi-Saints o Rajshahi District0, , vol.25-26 , 2013-2016 .
75 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The American Attitude towards the 1906 Iranian Constitutional Revolution, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.69 , no.1 , pp.1-16 , 2012 .
76 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Tahirid-Abbasid Relations (821-873), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.57 , no.1 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.153-168 , 2012 .
77 Md, Nurul Amin : 9. Global Islamic Banking: Bangladesh perspective, Journal of Sociology , vol.Vol. 4, , no.Issue. 1, Nazmul Karim Study Centre, Dhaka University , pp.73-92 , 2012 .
78 Md. Nurul Amin : Arabic Literature practice in Abbasid Reign (In Bengali), Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.229-239 , 2012 .
79 Mahmudur Rahaman : sagbidhanik Andolon: Prekkhit Turosko ( Constitutional Movement: Turkish perspective), Itihash Academy Potrica , 2012 .
80 Suraiya Akhter : Poramatir Foloke Nari: Prosongo Kantojir Mondir ( Women in Terracotta: context Kantoji Mondir), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , Dhaka , vol.vol. 46 , pp.49-62 , 2012 .
81 Articles in English : “Residential Madrasa cum Mosques in Mughal Dhaka and their Characteristic Features”, Journal of Bengal Art, ICSBA, Dhaka , 2012 .
82 Md. syfullah : 'ইরাক-ইরান যুদ্ধ: ওআইসি’র ভূমিকা'/‘Iraq-Iran War: Role of the OIC’, ইতিহাস/Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.46 , pp.183-191 , 2012 .
83 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Nature of the Faraidi Movement in Bengal:Perspective and Ideology (in Bangla), Islamic Foundation Journal, 49th Year , vol.Vol.9 , 2012 .
84 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Peasant Movement in Bengal and Its Characterstics (1757-1857) (in Bangla), Journal of Humanities, Dhaka University , 2012 .
85 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Iran-Markin Somporko: Prosonggo President Nirbachon [in Bengali] [Iran-US Relations: Perspective the Iranian President Election], Itihas (History) , vol.46 , pp.221-240 , 2012 .
86 Md. Abdur Rahim : The Indian Society in the Vedic Literature, Itihas , pp.5-12 , 2012 .
87 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Turko-Iranian Relations since 1979 AD, Journal of Sociology , vol.Vol.-V , 2012 .
88 Mahmudur Rahaman : Kamalbad o Bangladesh: akti porjalochona ( Kemalism and Turkey: A review), Bangladesh Itihash Parishad Potrika , vol.chechollis borso , 2012 .
89 Md. Nurul Amin : Hindu-Muslims Relations in Sultanate India: Initial Age (In Bengali), Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.5 , no.7 , pp.205-214 , 2012 .
90 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Mongol Somaj O Sonskriti ( The society and Culture of Mongols),, Journal of Sociology , vol.5 , 2012 .
91 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘Safavi Chitrokar Riza-i-Abbasir Porichoy-Bivrat’ (Problem of identifying Safavid Painter Riza-i-Abbasi), Probondho Songkolon, Department of Islamic History & Culture, University of Dhaka , 2011 .
92 Md. Syfullah : 'পাকিস্তান জাতিসত্তা: একটি ঐতিহাসিক পর্যালোচনা'/‘Pakistan nationalism: a Historical Analysis’, প্রবন্ধ সঙ্কলন/Probondho Sonkolon (Collection of Articles), Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , pp.141-154 , 2011 .
93 Nusrat Fatema : Mughal Amoley Narider Rupcharchar, Prosadhoni O Olongkarer Babohar, Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parisad, , vol.45 , no.Barsha, Kartik-Chaitra, 1418 (December 2011) , 2011 .
94 Nusrat Fatema : Mughal Amoley Narider Rupcharchar, Prosadhoni O Olongkarer Babohar, Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parisad , vol.45 , no.Barsha, Kartik-Chaitra, 1418 (December 2011) , 2011 .
95 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Nari O Vasa Andolon: Prekhit Rajshahi (in Bangla), (Women and Language Movement: Perspective Rajshahi, Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2011 .
96 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Purbo Banglar Rastro Vasa Andoloner Unmesh Porba (in Bangla), (The Blooming Period of the State Language Movement of East Bengal), Probondho Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles) , 2011 .
97 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Rajshahi Jelar Itihasher Upadan: Moddhajug) ( Sources of History Of Rajshahi District: Medieval Period), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.35 , no.1-3 , 2011 .
98 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Use of Kalima in pre-mughal Bengal inscription, A Compilation of Essays , 2011 .
99 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Use of Quran in Mughal Bengal inscription, Itihash (Bangladesh Itihash Parishod Journal) , vol.45th Volume , 2011 .
100 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Peasant Movement in Bengal: A Case Study of Chakma Revolt (in Bangla), Essays oo Compilation, Dept. of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , 2011 .
101 Md. Zakaria : Murjia Samprodayer Udar Noitik Dharsaner Bichar Mulak Parjalochona (“A Depth Assessment of the liberal philosophy of Murjites”), Nibandhamala (Collection of Research Articles) Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka Bangladesh, , vol.Vol. XVI , pp.Page-5362 , 2011 .
102 Md. Abdur Rahim : Personal and Family Life of the Mughal Ruler, Itihash , vol.45 , pp.77-82 , 2011 .
103 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Kurds and Kurdistan: A Historical Survey, Probondho Sonkolon, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , vol.1 , no.special , pp.pp. 93-105 , 2011 .
104 Muhammad Omof Faruq : Europeo Onchole Osmanio Sason Bebosthar goti Prokriti (1288-1489),, Itihas, , vol.Vol-1 , no.41 , pp.PP. 31-39 , 2011 .
105 Md. Nurul Amin : The Contributions of the Bengal Ulema to the Khilafat Movement (In Bengali), Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.4 , no.6 , pp.255-265 , 2011 .
106 Md. Nurul Amin : Mughal Government in India: Model and Nature (In Bengali), Compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.67-88 , 2011 .
107 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘Scandinavia-e Muslim Somaj Bikash : Ekti Bishleson’ (Development of Muslim Community in Scandinavia : an Analysis, in Bangla), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.44 , no.1-3 , 2010 .
108 Md. Syfullah : `উমাইয়া-ফাতেমিয় সম্পর্ক: প্রেক্ষিত ও বাস্তবতা'/ ‘Umayyad-Fatimid Relations: Perspective and Reality’, ইতিহাস/Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.43 , pp.89-101 , 2010 .
109 Md. Syfullah : 'ফাতেমীয় বাণিজ্যনীতি: একটি পর্যালোচনা'/'Fatimid Trade Policy: an Analysis', কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা/Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.3 , no.4 & 5 , pp.121-132 , 2010 .
110 Md. Syfullah : 'Formation of OIC: An analysis of its Background’ (in English), The Dhaka University Studies, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.67 , no.2 , pp.167-182 , 2010 .
111 Articles in English : “Chandimura (Lalmai): Architectural Heritage of some temples”, Journal of Bengal Art, 15, Enamul Haque (ed.), Dhaka, ICSBA , 2010 .
112 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : 1947 Saler Vibagh Pubo Vasa Bitorka (in Bangla), (The Language Debate before the Partition of 1947, Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal) , 2010 .
113 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Fakir-Sannayashi Revolt (1763-1800) (in Bangla), Social Science, Perspective, Dhaka University , 2010 .
114 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Kathersis Theory in the Dramas: An Analysis (in Bangla), Social Science Review, Dhaka University , pp.Vol. 6 , 2010 .
115 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : শাহ্ ওয়ালিউল্লাহর রাষ্ট্রদর্শন, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.43 , no.1-3 , 2010 .
116 Md.Zakaria : Muslim Samrajjer Bohujatik Baichistro o Sanskritir Milon (Ethnic Pluralism and Cultural Assimilation of Muslim Empire (6611258 C.E, Itihas (The history) Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka , vol.Vol. 44, , no.No. 1,,ISSN-1607-4432 , pp.Page- 512 , 2010 .
117 Mahmudur Rahaman : European Eunion e turosker ontorvukti: Itihaser aloke bisslasion ( The accessetion of Turkey in European Union:An analysis in the light of History), Bangldesh Itihas Parishad Potrika , vol.chuyallish borso , 2010 .
118 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Cyprus Problem: A Historical Discussion, Journal of Sociology , vol.Vol.-IV , 2010 .
119 Muhammd Omor Faruq and Md. Zakir Hossain : “Islame Bichar Beboster Prokrity: Ekty Porjalochona”, (The Feature of Islamic Judicial System: A Discussion), Journal of Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, , vol.vol.-VII , 2010 .
120 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Mughal Safavi Somporko (Mughal Safavi Relations), Journal of Sociology , vol.Vol.-IV , 2010 .
121 Md. Syfullah : 'খিলাফত ও স্পেনের উমাইয়া আমিরদের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি'/'Khilafat and the Attitude of the Umayyad Amirs of Spain', ইতিহাস/Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika, University of Dhaka, Dhaka , vol.42 , pp.103-108 , 2009 .
122 Articles in English : “Palace Architecture of Feudal Chief in Bangladesh (Colonial Period)”, History Society Culture, ABM Husain, Festschrift, Dhaka, Khan Bros. and Co , 2009 .
123 Articles in English : “Bhawanipur Temple Complex: Architectural Characteristics”, Journal of Bengal Art, 13 & 14, Enamul Haque (ed.), Dhaka, ICSBA , 2009 .
124 Mahmudur Rahaman : Balkan Musalmander proti slovodan Meloshevic ar niti: Itihash ar nirikhe bisslasion,(The Policy of Slovodan Melosevis on Balkan Muslims: Historical Analysis, Samajik Biggan Potrika, Social Science Journal ( Bengali Journal) , vol.3 , no.3 , 2009 .
125 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : আল্লামা ইকবালের রাজনৈতিক দর্শন, দি ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটি জার্নাল অব ইসলামিক স্টাডিজ , vol.3 , no.1 , 2009 .
126 Muhammad Omor Faruq : The Rationale Behind Islamic Penal Code: A discussion, Dhaka University Journal of the Faculty of Arts , vol.Vol-3 , 2009 .
127 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Mongol Somaje Nari: Ekti Porjalochona, Itihaf Onusondhan, (Women in Mongol Society), Itihas Onusandhan , vol.23 , no.1 , pp.pp.930-939 , 2009 .
128 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Islamer Prosare Mongol sasokder Dristivongi,(The attitude of Mongol Rulers towards Islam), Itihas , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.pp. 76-87, , 2009 .
129 Md. Nurul Amin and Mohammad Omor Faruk : Contributions of the Mongol Rulers to Preaching of Islam (In Bengali), Itihas , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.109-120 , 2009 .
130 Md. Syfullah : ‘Exploring the Somalia Crisis' (in English), প্রবন্ধ সঙ্কলন/Probondho Sonkolon (Collection of Articles), Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, Dhaka Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.152-163 , 2008 .
131 Md. Nurul Amin and Abul Kalam Sarker : 5. Persian Practice in the period of Shah Shuja, , , ,, , vol.Vol-2 , no.number-2,3, Poshchim Bongo Itihas Sangshad, Kolkata, India , 2008 .
132 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Ottoman Policy Towards Their Christian Subjects And Neighbours, Probondho Sonkolon, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, , vol.Special , no.4 , pp.pp. 93-105 , 2008 .
133 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘Mughal Chitrokola-e Pouranik Upakkhyaner Rupayan’, Probondho Sonkolon, An Anthology of Research Articles, published by Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , 2008 .
134 Suraiya Akhter : Modyajuger Banglay Toron Sthapotyer Utpotti o Bikash (Origin and Development of Gateway Architecture in Medieval Bengal), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.vol. 41 , no.Baishakh- Chaitro 1414/March 2008 , pp.69-74 , 2008 .
135 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : Soviet Invasion in Afghanistan in 1979: A Geo-Political Perspective, Probondho Sonkolon (A Compilation of Research Articles) , 2008 .
136 Mohammad Humayun Kabir & S.M. Mofizur Rahman : Parsoborti Rajonno Borger Sathe Pal Rajader Rajnoitic Somporka (in Bangla), (Political Relations of the Pala Rulers towards the Neighboring Kings.), Itihas, (Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Journal , 2008 .
137 Mohammad Humayun Kabir & Mohammad Musfequs Salehin : Religion and Violence: Politico-Historical Analysis of Islamic Militancy in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Studies , 2008 .
138 Articles in English : "Some Notable Mosques in Kishoregonj: Architectural Characteristics”, Abdul Karim Commemoration Volume, Shamsul Hossain (ed.), Dhaka, Adorn Publisher , 2008 .
139 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : The Chuar Rebellion of Bengal [1798-99) (in Bangla)]: Perspectives and Ideology, Provonda Sonkalon, Islamic History and Culture Dept. Journal , 2008 .
140 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Mosque Architecture of Bhola (in Bangla), Itihash (Bangladesh Itihash Parishod Journal) , vol.41st Volume , 2008 .
141 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Protipokkho Soinner Proti Mohammad S. Er Niti: Prekkhit Adhunik Porjalochona (The policy of Mohammad PBUH towards enemy: A discussion), Probondho Sonkolon, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka, , vol.1 , no.special , pp.pp. 93-105, , 2008 .
142 Md. Abdur Rahim : Aspects of migrant Bengali community and Bangla Gezzate Periodical in Contemporary period (Bengali), Itihas , vol.41 , pp.23-30 , 2008 .
143 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : স্যার সৈয়দ আহমদ খানের রাজনৈতিক দর্শন, প্রবন্ধ সংকলন, ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 2008 .
144 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : মুঘল আধিপত্য রোধে এক অপ্রতিরোধ্য নারী: বীরঙ্গনা চাঁদ সুলতানা, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.41 , no.1-3 , 2008 .
145 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম and মো. আবুল কালাম আজাদ : জ্ঞান-বিজ্ঞানে সামানীয়দের অবদান, কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 2008 .
146 Mahmudur Rahman and Habibur Rahman : Capital Adequacy Regime of Bangladesh Needs Some Changes,, Journal of Socio-Economic Research Development (JSERD), , vol.Volume-5, , no.Issue 1, 2 & 3, , pp.2008 ISSN: 1813-0348 , 2008 .
147 Md. Zakaria : Abbasio Boidasik Nitir Groti-Prokiti (Course and Nature of Abbasids Foreign Policy), Itihas Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka , vol.Vol. 41, , no.No. 1,,,ISSN-1607-4432 , pp.93-102 , 2008 .
148 Mahmudur Rahaman and Habibur Rahaman : Financial Supports for hard core poor, Socio-Economic Research Development (JSERD), , vol.Volume-5 , no.1,2& 3, , 2008 .
149 Md. Nurul Amin : Relations with the Mongols with the Delhi Sultans (1200-1398) (In Bengali), Compilations of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , pp.115-124 , 2008 .
150 Md. Nurul Amin and Dr. Sakwat Hossen : Islamic Finance and NGO's (In Bengali), Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.87-102 , 2008 .
151 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘Everyday Life in the Pata’s of Kalighat’, Journal of Arts, University of Dhaka , vol.vol. 1 , no.1 , 2007 .
152 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Globalization as the Paradigm Shift of Colonialism: Bangladesh Perspective, ICAS-6 Series, Routledge, 2 Park Square, Oxon , 2007 .
153 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : The Bengali Middle Class: Their Rise and Growth (1757-1857): An Assesment,, Philosophy and Progress , vol.Vol.2-3 , 2007 .
154 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Peasan Movement of Tripurra (1969)' (in Bangla), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.Vol.2-3 , 2007 .
155 Muhammad Omor Faruq : Banglay Turky Biplober (1923) Provab: Ekty Porjalochona” (The Influence of Turkish Revolution (1923) in Bengal: A Discussion), Itihas , vol.Vol-1 , no.40 , pp.PP. 31-39 , 2007 .
156 Muhammad Omor Faruq and Moriom Jamila Islam : Muslim Narir Rajnoitk Kormokando (610-632 A.D.), (Political activities of Muslim Women: 610-632 A.D.), The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies , vol.Vol.2, July- December , no.Year-1 , pp.pp. 44-67 , 2007 .
157 Md. Ataur Rahaman Miazi : Bartaman bisma Paristhiti o biswanabi (Sm.) er Adarsga (Present World Situation and the Universal Prophet (), Kala Anoshad Patrika , vol.1 , no.2005- 2006 , pp.215-224 , 2007 .
158 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : The Socio-Political Innovations of Imam Khomeini (R), Journal of Iran Embassy in Bangladesh , vol.accepted for publication , 2007 .
159 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Role of Mosque in Islam: A study on Three Rural Mosques in Bangladesh, Social Development Review,OSDER-Organization for Social Development and Research , vol.Accepted for publication , 2007 .
160 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Democracy in Islam, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.1 , no.2005-2006 , 2007 .
161 Md. Mahfuzul Islam : Nizamul Mulk Tusi as a Political Thinker, The CDR Journal (Journal of the Center for Development Research), University of Dhaka , vol.3-4 , 2007-08 .
162 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Inscriptions and their Calligraphy in the Muslim Coins of Bengal (upto 1576 A.D.), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh Dhaka , vol.vol. 52 , 2007 .
163 Md. Nurul Amin and Abu Sayem : The Islamic Concept of Jihad and the Western Misconception: A Critical Analysis, The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.147-160 , 2007 .
164 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The Egyptian Presidential Election of 2005-Background and Significance, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.63 , no.1 The University of Dhaka , pp.61-82 , 2006 .
165 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Chama Tribal Peaeant Movement [(1776-1789) (in Bangla)], Itihas, Itihas, Dhaka University , vol.Vol.1 , 2006 .
166 AKM Khademul Haque and Mahmuda Khnam : ‘Akbarer Chitrashala-e chitraiyto Ramayana pandulipir nobomullayana’ (A New Analysis of the Ramayana Manuscript illustrated in Akbar’s Tasweerkhana, in Bangla), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.38 , no.1-3 , 2005 .
167 Articles in English : “Women’s Empowerment in the context of Bangladesh”, (Joint Work) Women in Public Sector, Siti Harini Sastriharini (ed.),Yogyakarta, Indonesia , 2005 .
168 Mohammad Humayun Kabir & A.K.M. Golam Rabbani, : East Timor: Diversity & Conflict in an Emerging Nation, Perspective in Social science , 2005 .
169 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : চট্টগ্রামের সূফী-সাধক ও তাঁদের মাযার, Chottogramer Sufi- Shadhak o tader Mazar ( The Sufi- Saints of Chottogram and their Mazar), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Paroshad Potrika , vol.35 , no.1-3 , 2005 .
170 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Kadam Mobarak Masjid, Chottogram Sangkhipto Nirman Itihas o Sthapotoo Bishleshan ( Madam Mobarak Mosque, Chottogram its History of Building and Architectural Analysis), Dhaka Bishyabiddalay Potrika, University of Dhaka , vol.83-84 , 2005-2006 .
171 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Khilafat Theke Rajtantra: Ekti Bisleson (From Khilafat to Kingship: An Analysis), Nibandhamala, The Center for Advanced Research in Humanities , vol.13 , 2005 .
172 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Gender Equality and Islam, Perspectives in Social Science, Journal of the Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, Dhaka University , vol.8 , 2005 .
173 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Rise of Divva as a Koivartra Leader in Barandra: Socio-economic Perspective (in Bangla), Itihas , vol.Vol.3 , 2004 .
174 Articles in English : “Mughal Forts in Bangladesh: An Architectural Study”, Proceedings, The 17th Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia I AHA Conference, Dhaka, November , 2004 .
175 Articles in English : “The Terracotta Ornamentation of Paharpur Buddhist Vihara”, Proceedings…For Paharpur World Heritage Site and its Environment, UNESCO, Dhaka , 2004 .
176 Articles in English : “Mughal Forts in South Asia: An Architectural Study”, The 17th Conference of The International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), Dhaka , 2004 .
177 Articles in English : “Some Medieval Architectural Buildings of Egarasindur (Kishoregonj): An Appraisal”, Journal of Bengal Art, Vol. 9 &10, Dhaka, ICSBA , 2004-2005 .
178 Articles in English : "Muslim Conquest of Bengal and the Building of Forts till 1342 A.D.", The Dhaka University Studies, Vol. 60-61, No. 1, December , 2004 .
179 Ayeaha Begum: : Early Forts and Fortifications in Islam, Shipakala, Vol. xv, Bangladesh National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts, Dhaka , 2004 .
180 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Gender Issues in Islam: Bangladesh Perspective, Bangladesh Development Initiative (BDI), London, UK , vol.Accepted for publication , 2004 .
181 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : সন্দ্বীপে পর্তুগীজ তৎপরতা, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.38 , no.1-3 , 2004-05 .
182 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Sangbatikotae Mawlana Moniruzzaman Islamabadir Obodan (Maulana Moniruzzaman Islamabadi’s Contribution to Journalism), Journal of the Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, the University of Dhaka , vol.5th , 2004 .
183 Articles in English : “Muslim Architecture in Greater Sylhet”, Shilpakala, Vol. XIV, Bangladesh National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts, Dhaka , 2003 .
184 Mohammad Humayun Kabir : The Role of Japan towards the Independence of Bangladesh, Pakistan Journal of Social Science , 2003 .
185 Md. Abdur Rahim : Study of History in Itihash Journal (Bengali), The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities , vol.XiX, November , pp.140-165 , 2003 .
186 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Imam Khomeni: Dharmatantra Othoba Rajtontrer Pothe (Imam Khumeni (R): In the Way of Theocracy or Democracy), The Journal of Iran Embassy in Bangladesh, Dhaka , 2002 .
187 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Political Thought of Al-Mawardi, Social Science Perspectives , vol.7 , no.June 2002 , 2002 .
188 AKM Khademul Haque and AKM Golam Rabbani : ‘Bangladesher Pathyasuchite Muktijuddha : Prathomik Porjai’ (Reflection of liberation war in the curricullam in Bangladesh : Primary Level), Nibondhomala, Journal of Advanced Centre for Research in Humanities, University of Dhaka , vol.13 , 2002 .
189 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Jatio Unnoyane Biswajanin Islam Sikhsa Bebostha (Universal Islamic Education System in National Development), Journal of Islamic Constitution Student Movement (ICSM), Dhaka , 2002 .
190 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Bortom Biswa Poristhiti o Biswa Manabotar Sarbuttam AdarshaHazrat Mohammad’ [Sm.] ( Present World Situation and the Best Specimen of Mankind ‘Hazrat Mohammad’ [pbuh]), The Journal of the Alumni Association of the Dept. of Islamic History and Culture of D.U. , 2002 .
191 AKM Khademul Haque : ‘A Rare Type of Mughal Mosque : Two Examples from North Bengal’, Journal of Bengal Art, annual Journal of International Centre for the Study of Bengal Art (ICSBA) , vol.5 , 2001 .
192 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : নিজামী গাজনবীর কাব্যিক প্রতিভা, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.35 , no.1-3 , 2001-02 .
193 Abu Khaled Mohammad Khademul Haque : ‘Laldighi Masjid’ (In Bangla), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.33 , no.1-3 , 2000 .
194 Articles in English : “History of Sonargaon through Inscriptions”, Nibandhamala, The Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Dhaka , 1999 .
195 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : পারসিক সাহিত্যে অনন্য প্রতিভা : আবদুর রহমান জামি, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.33 , no.1-3 , 1999-2000 .
196 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Dhaka Mahanagir Bibortone Bhu-ruptatik Pravab ( The Geological influence on the Transformation of the Coty of dhaka), Itihas Samiti Patrika (The Journal of History Association , vol.23-24 , 1999 .
197 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Chitilolar Proti Islamer Drishtivangi: Ekti Porjalochana ( Islamic Attitude Towards painting: A Review ), Center for Advanced Research in Humanities, University of Dhaka , vol.(Vol. X) , 1998 (published in 2000 .
198 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : হাফিজের কবি মানস, “ইতিহাস” বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.32 , no.1-3 , 1998-1999 .
199 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : ইব্ন মিসকাওয়াইহর দর্শন, প্রবন্ধ সংকলন, উচ্চতর গবেষণা ও প্রশিক্ষণ-প্রকল্প, ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , 1998 .
200 Articles in English : “Kotalipara Fort and Its Remains”, Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts, Dhaka , 1997 .
201 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : ফেরদৌসীর শাহনামা : কাব্যিক বিশ্লেষণ, সাহিত্য পত্রিকা, বাংলা বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.40 , no.3 , 1997 .
202 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : ওমর খৈয়ামের কবি মানস, সাহিত্য পত্রিকা, বাংলা বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.40 , no.2 , 1997 .
203 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : ইবনে রুশদ-এর আত্মাতত্ত্ব:পুনর্মূল্যায়ন প্রসঙ্গ, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.29 , no.1-3 , 1997 .
204 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vhuiyan : The Mosque of Mariam Saleha, The Dhaka University Studies, Dhaka, , vol.vol.54, , , 1997 .
205 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Emperor Akbar's Mind Towards Painting (in Bangla), Islamic University Studies Part-B , vol.Vol.5 , 1997 .
206 Articles in English : “The Hajiganj Fort and Its Architectural Remains”, Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Dhaka , 1996 .
207 Articles in English : “The Mosque of Badaruddin: A Rare Type of Two Domed Mosque”, Journal of Bengal Art, International Centre for study of Bengal Art, Vol. 1, Enamul Haque (ed.), Dhaka , 1996 .
208 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Islame Sarbovoumotter Dharona (The Concept of Sovereignty in Islam), Journal of the Center for Advanced Research in Humanities,University of Dhaka , vol.vol. IX , 1996 .
209 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : শেখ সাদীর কাব্যিক প্রতিভা, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.30 , no.1-3 , 1996-97 .
210 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : আত্মার অমরত্বের উৎপত্তিস্থল, ইতিহাস, বাংলাদেশ ইতিহাস পরিষদ পত্রিকা , vol.28 , no.1-3 , 1996 .
211 Articles in English : “The Mughal River Fort of Sonakanda”, Shilpakala, Vol. VII, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Dhaka , 1995 .
212 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Political Thought of Abul Fazl (in Bangla),, Bangla Academy Patrika , vol.Vol.2 , 1995 .
213 Md. Mosarraf Hussin Vuiyan : Dhaka Nagarir Sufi Shadhak o Tader Majar ( The Sufi Shadhak and their Tombs), Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.vol. 2 , 1995 .
214 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Alauddin Hussain Shaher Chattogram Joy abong Jubaraj Nasrat Shaher Bijoer Sharok Oitijjobahi Janapath Fatehabad ( Fatehabad is the Memorial Place of the Conquest of Chattogram by Alauddin Hussain Shah and Prince Nasrat Shah, Bangla Academy Potrika , 1995 .
215 Articles in English : “The Hammam of Ishwaripur, Shatkheera (Khulna)”, Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Vol. 1 VI, Dhaka , 1994 .
216 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Islam in Malabar (in Bangla), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.Vol.1-3 , 1994 .
217 Articles in English : “Lalbagh: the Mughal Fort”, Lalitakala, Journal of the Bangladesh National Museum, Vol. 2, No. 1, Dhaka , 1993 .
218 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Muslim Antorjatic Aiener Janak Shaibani ebong Tar 'Siyar': Ekti Porjalochona ( Shaibani-the Father of Muslim International Law and His ‘Siyar‘: An Analysis, Itihash Patrika, Bangladesh Itihash, Dhaka) Parishad, , vol.‍Special Issue , no.Silver Jubilee Issue , 1993, published in 1996 .
219 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম and মুহাম্মদ শামসুল হক : আবদুর রহমান ইবন খলদুন ও নিকোলা ম্যাকিয়্যাভেলির রাষ্ট্র চিন্তা : একটি তুলনামূলক পর্যালোচনা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.42 , 1992 .
220 Articles in English : “Terracotta of Paharpur”, The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Hum.) Vol. 35 No.2, Dhaka , 1990 .
221 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : ইবনে সিনার আত্মাতত্ত্ব, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় পত্রিকা , vol.36 , 1990 .
222 Articles in English : “Shahjadpur Mashjid: Reflection on Architecture and an Attempt to Date”, The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Hum.) Vol. xxxi No. 2, Dhaka , 1986 .
223 Articles in English : “A Comparative study of the French Revolution and the Meiji Restoration”, The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Hum.) Vol. xxx No.1, Dhaka , 1985 .
224 Articles in English : “The Earliest Extanat Mughal Monument in Dhaka, Edgah”, Dhaka University Studies, Part A Vol. xxxvii, December, Dhaka , 1982 .
225 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Nature of Conversion to Islam in the Sindh (in Bangla), Social Science Perspectives, Centre for Advanced Research in Social Science, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol.8 , July 2004 .
226 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Current Perspectives of Tehran's Nuclear Programme: Iranian Necessity Versus US Hostility, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities) , vol.63 , no.1 , pp.17-37 , June 2018 .
227 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Abbasi Kholifader Shatha Tahiri Shashokder Shamparo, (In Bengali), [Relations of the Tahirid Rulers with the Abbasid Caliphs], Itihas, (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka, , vol.Vol-45 , no.ISSN-1607-4432, , pp.pp. 11-20 , December 2011 .
228 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Faridpurer Muslim Samaja Faraaji Andolonar Provab, (In Bengali), Impact or Faraidi Movement in Muslim Society of Faridpur,, The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts , vol.Vol-XIX , pp.186-204 , November 2003 .
229 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Malakka Saltanat: Sorkar o Rajnitee [in Bengali] [The Malacca Sultanate: Government and Politics], Probandah Sonkolon (Compilation of Articles) Department of Islamic History and Culture , vol.1 , pp.82-92 , June 2008 .
230 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Faridpur Jelar Musalmander Samajik Estor Binnash (1872-1931), (In Bengali), [Social Stratification of Muslim Society in Faridpur District (1872-1931)], Panja, Department of Philosophy, University of Chittagong, , vol.Vol-VII , pp.97-111 , October 2004 .
231 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Political Philosophy of Al-Gazzali:An Assesment (in Bangla), Journal of Social Science Faculty, Dhaka Univesity , vol.Vol.1 , Dec.2005 .
232 Suraiya Akhter : Sanitizing the Neighborhood: Canalization of Dholai Khal and Colonial Endeavors for Making Dhaka a 'Healthy' City, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.72-73 , no.1-2, (January 2015-December2016) , pp.179 , July, 2020 .
233 Suraiya Akhter : The Gateway Architecture of Mughal Bengal: Nature and Classification, The Dhaka University Studies, Dhaka , vol.Vol.68 , , June 2011 .
234 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Parshobarti Rajonnobargar Sanga Banglar Pal Rajader Rajnaitik Shamparko, (In Bengali), [Political relations of Pala Kings of Bengal with Adjacent Kings.], Itihas, (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka, , vol.Vol-41 , pp.5-12 , March 2008 .
235 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Indo-Arab Early Intellectual Contract: A Historical Studies, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, No.1, Dhaka University , vol.Vol.1 , June 2006 .
236 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Islam and Sculpture: Antipathy and Coherent (in Bangla), Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Dhaka University , vol.Vol.1 , June 2006 .
237 Suraiya Athter : Dhakar Murale Vasha Andolon o Muktijuddha ( Language Movement and Liberation War represents in the Murals of Dhaka), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.vol. 43 , no.Baishakh- Chaitro 1416/May 2010 , pp.5-16 , May 2010 .
238 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Titu Meer's Revolt in Bengal [(1831) (in Bangla), The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies, No-2 , vol.Vol.1 , June 2008 .
239 Suraiya Akhter and Bashabi Barua : From Courtesan girls to 'Fallen' Women: Politics of Prostitution in Colonial Bengal, Social Science Review, Dhaka University Studies, Part -D , vol.Vol. 35, Number 1 , pp.47-57 , June 2018 .
240 Dr. A.T.M. shamsuzzoha : Social and Cultural Relations between Bangladesh and China (1991-2015): Impact on the Public life of Bengal (In Bengali), ITIHAS, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika , vol.Vol. 52 , no.Baishak-Chaitra, 1425/2017-2018 , pp.127-145 , April 2018 .
241 Suraiya Akhter : Gaurer Chicka Imarat: Sthapotya o Itihas (Chicka Building in Gaur: Architecture and History), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.vol. 45, number 1-3 , no.Kartik- Chaitro 1418/2011 , pp.59-66 , December, 2011 .
242 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Faridpur Jelar Musalmander Pesha Poribarton (1872-1931), (In Bengali), [Occupational Changes of the Muslims in Faridpur District (1872-1931)], Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika (Bengali Journal), Dhaka , vol.Vol-XXVI , no.ISSN-1609-4409 , pp.415-426 , December 2008 .
243 Dr. A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Foreign Policy Priorities of China and its Rise as a Highly Debatable Global Power: An analysis of conceptual review, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Volume. 33 , no.Part-D, Number. 2 , pp.233-244 , December 2016 .
244 Md. taur Rahman Miazi : Malabar Upokule Islam: Oitihasik Prekkhapot (Islam in Malabar Coast: Historical Perspective), Center for Advanced Research in Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol. IV , June 1999 .
245 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : The Rise of Islamic State (IS) and its Impact on Asia, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol. 70 , no.No. 1 , pp.9-34 , June 2015 .
246 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Trend and Nature of the Abbasid Trade and Commerce (In Bengali), ITIHAS, Bangladesh Itihas Parishad Potrika , vol.Vol. 47 , no.Baishak-Chaitra, 1420/2013-2014 , pp.43-56 , May 2015 .
247 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Saffarider Uththaner Prakhkhapot O Jatiotabadi Chatonar Unmesh, (In Bengali), [Background of the Rise of Saffarids and Emergence of Nationalism],, Itihas, (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka , vol.Vol-43 , pp.103-111 , , May 2010 .
248 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Industrial Development during the Abbasid Period, Probandha Sonkolon (A Compilation of Essays), Department of Islamic History & Culture, Dhaka University , pp.102-121 , September 2014 .
249 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Mamluk Medical System of Egyptian Age and system of cure from illness: An analysis, CLIO, Jahangirnagar University Journal of the Department of History , vol.Vol. XXXI , pp.95-109 , June 2014 .
250 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha and Nakhlu Zatul Akmam : Fatimid Library: History, Development and Management, Journal of the Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers (JBAYR) , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.21-32 , September 2014 .
251 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha and Nakhlu Zatul Akmam : Abbasid Library: History and Management (in Bengali), Bangladesh Shikhsha Samoiki (Bangla Periodical), Published by the UNESCO-BAFED & BRAC University , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.57-67 , December 2013 .
252 Dr. Nusrat Fatema : Bangladesher Oitihhobahi Jamdani Karushilpo (Traditional Jamdani Craft of Bangladesh), Journal of Bangladesh Asiatic Society , vol.Vol-21 , no.Issue-1 , June 2003 .
253 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Buwayhid Library and its Management: A Historical Analysis, The Eastern Librarian , vol.23 , no.1 , pp.51-63 , December 2012 .
254 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Banking System in Bengal and the Jagat Seth Family (in Bengali), ITIHAS, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.46 , no.Kartik/Chaitra , pp.79-92 , December 2012 .
255 Nusrat Fatema : Hijab the Symbol of Both Tradition and Modernity in Islam, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-1 , July 2007 .
256 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Rani Tarabai in Maratha Politics (In Bengali), A Compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture, Dhaka University , pp.113-128 , December 2011 .
257 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Fatimid Library: Development and Manifestation (in Bengali), ITIHAS, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.46 , pp.21-36 , December 2011 .
258 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Isamir Futuh-us Salati: Lakhok Porichiti o Grantha Poarjalochana (The Futuh-us-Salatin of Isami: Author’s identity and Book review, A Research Journal of the Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Dhaka , no.Spacial Issue , (April 1999 .
259 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Library and Library Management in Muslim Spain (711-1031) (in Bengali), ITIHAS, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.43 , no.Baishak-Chaitra , pp.113-123 , May 2010 .
260 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha and Md. Abdul Hamid : Structure, Decoration and Materials: Mughal Mosque of Medieval Dhaka, Journal of Bangladesh Association of Young Researcher (JBAYR) , vol.1 , no.1 , January 2011 .
261 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : IraK-Markin Somporko (1979-2003) [in Bengali] [Iran-US Relations (1979-2003)], Itihas (History) , vol.41 , pp.115-134 , March 2008 .
262 Nusrat Fatema : 5. Mughal Harem-e-Narider Sondorjo Chetona O Charchar Dhara (The consciousness of beautification and its practice in the Mughal Harem), Kola Onusad Potrika, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-3, , no.No 4 & 5 , June 2010 .
263 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Mamluk-Mongal Relations: An Analysis in History (in Bengali), Historical Writings 2010, Bangladesh Itihas Academy, Dhaka , vol.Historical Writings 2010 , pp.98-104 , February 2011 .
264 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Education System of Ancient Bengal centered in the Buddhists Bihar (in Bengali), Itihas, Journal of Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.42 , no.Baishak-Chitra , pp.85-94 , March 2009 .
265 Nusrat Fatema : 7. Prak-Islami Arobe Nari: Artho-Samajik Obostha Porjalochona (Women in Pre-Islamic Arabia: A Socio-Economic Review), Kola Onusad Potrika, Unversity of Dhaka , vol.Vol-5 , no.No-7 , June 2012 .
266 Nusrat Fatema : Mughal Harem-e-Nrittokolar Bikash (The Development of Dance in the Mughal Harem), Journal of Sociology, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-6, , no.Issue-1 , July-December, 2013 .
267 Nusrat Fatema : The Royal Mughal Kitchen and Cuisine, Journal of the Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol-68 , no.No-1 , July 2013 .
268 Nusrat Ftema : Astrological Significance of Jewelery and Gems in Mughal India, Journal of Sociology, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-7 , no.Issue-1 , January-June, 2016 .
269 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Hamas' Election Victory in the Palestinian Legistative Council Election of 2006, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.2 , no.2 & 3 , pp.155-176 , July 2006-June 2008 .
270 Nusrat Fatema : 13. Mughal Harem O Dorbare Parsik O Bharotiya Utshob-Onusthan (Persian and Indian Festivals in the Mughal Harem and Darbar),, Journal of Sociology, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-7 , no.Issue-2 , July-December, 2016 .
271 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Masjid-i- Nabbir JoThartho rpokriti Bisleson ( An Analysis of the real Nature of Masjid-E-Nababi), Dhaka University studies, Dhaka University , Dhaka , no.46th Issue , June 1993 .
272 Md. Ataur Rahman Miyazi : Manabattar Prakriti Somporke Mutazila ChintaDhara: Darsgonic Dristivangir Aloke (Thought of the Mutazilla about the nature of Human Soul: Philosophical Perspective, "Itihash“ Itihash parisad Patrika, Bangladesh Itihash Parishad , vol.(vol. XXVI) , (1993) .
273 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha : Bangladesh China Social and Cultural Relationship (1991-2019): An Analysis on the Theoretical Review of Power Theory, Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.9 , no.2 Jagannath University , pp.151-170 , 2019 .
274 Articles in English : “Mughal Fort Architecture in Bengal with an Introduction to some Important River Forts”, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Humanities , vol.47 , June, 2002 .
275 Md. Ataur Rahman miazi : Ijtihad or Exercise of Judgement, Center for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Sweden , vol.Accepted for publication , May 2003 .
276 Md. Atur Rahman Miazi : Gender Equality in Islam, School of Humanities, Vaxjo University, Sweden , vol.Accepted for publication , May 2003 .
277 Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Relation between Amir Hakam I (796-822) of Muslim Spain and the Ulama, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.72-73 , no.1-2, January 2015-December 2016 , pp.19-30 , July 2020 .
278 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Arts Building of Dhaka University: Inspiration of Struggle for freedom of Bangladesh, Bangladesher Muktijuddhwa O Dhaka Bishwabidyalos Bishes Nibandhomala, Centre for Advanced Reserach in the Humanities, Dhaka University , April, 2019 .
279 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Dhaka University in the War of Bangladesh Liberation: Book Review, Bangladesher Muktijuddhwa O Dhaka Bishwabidyalos Bishes Nibandhomala, Centre for Advanced Reserach in hte Humanities, Dhaka University , April, 2019 .
280 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Problem of Bangladesh: Disputable Secularism, Dhaka University Patrika , vol.Vol: 99 , June, 2019 .
281 Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Early US Economic Involvement in Iran: 1856-1910, Probandha Sonkolon (A Compilation of Essays), Department of Islamic History and Culture , vol.4 , pp.185-196 , January 2019 .
282 Articles in Bengali : “Dhaka Bishwabidyaloye Gore otha Muktijuddhwar Sharok Vashkarja Nidarshon: Parjalochana”, Bishesh Nibandhamala (Special Collection of Research Article about Bangladesh Liberation War and Dhaka University),Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, Dhaka University, April-2019 , - .
283 Prof. Dr. Abdul Basir : Pre-Colonial Society and Economy of Bengal (in Bangla), The Social Science Review, Dhaka University , vol.Vol.3 , Dec. 2008 .
284 Articles in Bengali : "Sherpuer Muslim Sthapatta o er Gurutta Parjalochana", (Musli Architecture of Sherpur and its importance), Prabandha Sankolan 4, Edited by Md. Mahjul Islam, Islamic History and Culture Dept., Dhaka University, January, 2019 , - .
285 Articles in Bengali : "Bilutapray Sagarkondi Zamindarbari, Itihash O Sthapatik Oitijha”, (History and Architecture of Sagarkandi Zamindarbari, Itihash Samiti Patrica, Bangladesh Historical Society, Volume 27-28." December, 2005 , - .
286 Articles in Bengali : "Shatair Masjider Sthapatta: Dharan O Baishista", (Architectural type and features of Shatair Mosque), Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine and performing Arts, Dhaka." December, 2002 , - .
287 Articles in Bengali : "Chota Sona Masjider Shilpa Alankaran”, (Ornamentation of Chota Sona Masjid), Shipakala Buletin, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts. December, 1992 , - .
288 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Socio-Economic Background of hte Peasant Movements in Bengal (1757-1857): A Subaltern Approach (in Bangla), Philosophy and Progress , vol.Vol.3 , Jan, 2010 .
289 Articles in Bengali : "Sabash Bangladesh”, (Sculpture on Freedom Fight for Bangladesh), Shipakala Buletin, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts." December, 1992 , - .
290 Articles in Bengali : "Tilottamarupi Bibi Parir Shamadhee”, (Tomb of Bibi Pari), Shilpakala Buletin, National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts." December, 1991 , - .
291 Articles in Bengali : "Tin Netar Mazar o tar Sthapatya Baishishta”, (Mausoleum of Three Leaders), Shirajul Haque Felicitation Volume, Dhaka, ASB." 2011 , - .
292 Articles in Bengali : "Shiba Temple of Poet Chandrabati and other Architectural remains (Kishoreganj)”, Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine and Performing Art, Dhaka." 2011 , - .
293 Articles in Bengali : "Muktijuddher Sharak Bhaskarjo: Dhaka Bishaviddalaya”, Shilpakala, Dhaka, Bangladesh Shipakala Academy. 2010 , - .
294 Articles in Bengali : "Shibbari Mondir (Shibbari Temple), Dhaka University: History and Architectural Characteristics”, Patrica Itisash Shamity, Bangladesh Historical Association, Dhaka." 2010 , - .
295 Articles in Bengali : "Dilapidated Binod Bibi Mosque at Dhaka”, (Joint Work), Nibandhamala, Volume XV, Dhaka University. 2009 , - .
296 Articles in Bengali : "Bhadugarh Shahi Masjid: An Architectrual Building of Mughal Period in Bengal”, Muhammad Shirajul Islam Smarakgrantha, Dhaka, Bangladesh Itihash Parishad. 2009 , - .
297 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Negamon Mosque of Bhola (in Bangla), Bangladesh Asiatic Society Potrika , vol.26th Volume , no.Summer Issue , June 2008 .
298 Articles in Bengali : "Bangladeshe Nilkuthi Sthapatter Udbhav: Amjhupi Nilkithi”, Journal Itihash Academy, Dhaka, History Department, Jagannath University. 2005 , - .
299 Articles in Bengali : "Shah Muhammad Masjid, Egarasindur (Kishorganj): Sthaptta Parjalochona”, Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrica, Vol. XX111, Dhaka, No. 1 & 2, June-December. 2005 , - .
300 Articles in Bengali : "Pabna Anchaler Zaminder Bari”, (Feudal Palaces in Pabna Region), History Anushandhan, Farma K.L.M. Kolkata. 2004 , - .
301 Articles in Bengali : "Granthgar O Granthagarik", (Library and Librarian), Bangladesh Grantha Unnaon O Granthagar, Md. Zillur Rahman (ed.), Public Library, Dhaka.2004 , - .
302 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Use of Quran in pre-mughal Bengal inscription, Itihash (Bangladesh Itihash Parishod Journal) , vol.43rd Volume , May 2010 .
303 Articles in Bengali : "Banglaye Maddhajugio Sthapatte Naogaon (Nobogram):”, (Archaeological Heritage of Naogaon in Medieval Bengal), Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrica, June-December, Dhaka." 2004 , - .
304 Articles in Bengali : "Bangladesher Anchalic Sthapatta (Panchagarh, Cox’s Bazar etc.)”, (Jont work), Nibandhamala, Centre for Higher Research in Humanities, Dhaka." 2003 , - .
305 Articles in Bengali : "Bangladesher Ouponibeshik Sthapatte Olongkoron Baishisto”, (Ornamentation of Colonial Architecture in Bangladesh), History, Samina Sultana (ed.), Dhaka." 2003 , - .
306 Articles in Bengali : "Baliati Zamindar Barir Sthapatic Oitijha”, ,(Architectural Heritage of Baliati Feudal Palace), Shilpakala, Bangladesh National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts, Dhaka. 2003 , - .
307 মো. মাহফুজুল ইসলাম : মওলানা ভাসানী ও তাঁর রাজনৈতিক চিন্তাদর্শন, প্রবন্ধ সংকলন , vol.৫ ইসলামের ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি বিভাগ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , pp.৮৩-৯৮ , 2020 .
308 Articles in Bengali : "Hatikumruler Mondir Sthapotya”, (Temple Architecture of Hatikumrul), Probandha Shangkolon , Project for Advanced Studies and Training, Department of Islamic History and Culture, university of Dhaka. 1999 , - .
309 Md. Abdur Rahim : Commercial activities of the Arab and European traders in Burma (Bengali), The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities , vol.XVII , pp.191-201 , June 2001 .
310 Articles in Bengali : "Shahjadpurer Sthapotik Oitijha”, (Architectural Heritage of Shahjadpur), Archaeology, Journal of the Department of Archaeology, Jahangir Nagar University, Vol. IV, Dhaka. 1998 , - .
311 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Portuguese-Dutch Rivalry in Southeast Asia, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.66 , no.2 , pp.21-34 , December 2009 .
312 Articles in Bengali : "Pabnar Jor-Bnagla Mandir”, (Jor Bangla Temple of Pabna), Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika, Bangladesh Asiatic Society, Vol. XV, Part I, June, Dhaka. 1997 , - .
313 Md. Abdur Rahim : Electoral Violence in Bangladesh: A Critical analysis (Bengali), Social Science Journal, Dhaka University , vol.Vol-1 , no.Issue-1 , pp.191-2004 , December 2005 .
314 Articles in Bengali : "Bangladesher Mashjid Sthapatya”, (Mosque Architecture of Bangladesh), Bangladesh Itihash Parishad, University of Dhaka, Silver Jubelee Special Volume. 1996 , - .
315 Articles in Bengali : "Ouponibeshik Shashonkal: Bangla Sthapatyer Dharabhahikatai Shankat”, (Colonial Architecture), Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Dhaka. 1996 , - .
316 Articles in Bengali : "Bismrita Zinzira Mahal”, (Forgotten Zinzira Palace), Shilpakala, 17th Year, Vol. 2, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Dhaka. 1995 , - .
317 Articles in Bengali : "Sultani Banglar Shamadhee: Sthapatya Dharan O Baishishta”, (Type and features of Sultanate Tomb Architecture in Bengal) Itihash, Bangladesh Itihash Parishad Journal, Dhaka University, 28th Year, No. 1-3, Dhaka. 1995 , - .
318 Muhammad Mahmudur Rahman : Use of Hadith in pre-mughal Bengal inscription:, Bangladesh Asiatic Society Potrika , vol.30th Volume , no.Summer Issue , June 2012 .
319 Articles in Bengali : "Khalifatabader Pratirakxa Babosthar Swarup", (Defense System of Khalifatabad), Bangla Academy Patrika, Dhaka, Sravan~Ashween. 1995 , - .
320 Articles in Bengali : "Khan Jahaner Shamadhee Shaudha”, (Tomb of Khan Jahan), Bangla Academy Patrika, Vol. 39, No. 4, Year 1400 Beng. Dhaka. 1994 , - .
321 Articles in Bengali : "Hajiganj Durga: Nirmankal”, (Hajiganj Fort: Its Date), Itihash, Itihash Parishad Journal, Dhaka University, 26th Year, Vol. 1st-3rd, Dhaka. 1993 , - .
322 Suraiya Akhter : Patrick Geddeser Dristite Dhakar Unnayan o ekti bishwabiddyaloy Sohor Nirmaner Porikolpona ( The Development of Dhaka and a plan of Making an University City according to the view of Patrick Geddes)], Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.53 , no.Baishak-Chaitro 1426/ 2018-19 , pp.113-131 , June 2019 .
323 Articles in Bengali : "Mughal Pratiraksha Babosthai Idrakpur Jala Durga”, (Idrakpur River Fort), Nibandhamala, The Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Dhaka, Dhaka. 1993 , - .
324 S. M. Mofizur Rahaman : Porissonno Jibon Gothona Naitikatar Gurutto: Islamar Dishtrivongi O Prasangik Vabna (In Bengali), (Importance of Morality in Developing Decent Life : Attitude of Islam and its Relevant Thoughts),, The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Arts , vol.Vol-XVII , pp.202-214 , June 2001 .
325 Articles in Bengali : "Aushtabhujakreetir Shamadhee Shaudha: Rohonpur (Rajshahi)”, Octagonal Tomb Building: Rohanpur), Itihash Shamitee Patrika, Bangladesh History Association, Vol. 20-22, Dhaka. 1993 , - .
326 Articles in Bengali : "Sonargayer Shamadhee Sthapatya”, (Tomb Architecture of Sonargaon), Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Vol. 1, Dhaka.1992 , - .
327 Articles in Bengali : "Shah Makhdum Darbesher Dargah O Tar Porichoy”, (Tomb of Shah Makhdum Darbesh), Itihash, Itihash Parishad Patrika, Dhaka University, 25th Year Vol. 1st-3rd, Dhaka." 1992 , - .
328 Articles in Bengali : "Jor Bangla Muslim Shamadhee”, (Jor Bangla Muslim Tomb), Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika, Bangladesh Asiatic Society, Vol. 10, 1st & 2nd Part, Dhaka. 1992 , - .
329 Articles in Bengali : "Chat mohorer Shahee Masjid: Bangla Sthapatya Shilpe Juga Shandhi Lagner Nidarshan”, (Chatmohor Shahi Mosque), Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine & Performing Arts, Vol. 2, Dhaka." 1992 , - .
330 Md. Ataur Rahman : The Role of the Sufis in the Preaching of Islam in Bangladesh, International Symposium arranged by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), Istanbul,an organ of OIC) in Hotel Sheraton, Dhaka Turkey , Nov 16-18, 2008 .
331 Suraiya Akhter : Movable Architecture of the Mughals and Its Continuity, Journal Of Arts, Faculty of Arts, Jagannath University, Dhaka , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.57-74 , December 2018 .
332 Articles in Bengali : "Bibi Moriyamer Shamadhee Shaudha: Sthapatya Tatparja”, (Tomb of Bibi Moriyam: Architectural Singificance), Shilpakala, National Academy of Fine and Performing Arts, Vol 1st-2nd, Dhaka. 1991 , - .
333 Articles in Bengali : "Comillar Arifailer Shamadhee Shaudha: Shamogreek Sthapatya Parjalochona”, (Mughal Tomb of Arifail, Comilla), Itihash Shamitee Patrika, Bangladesh Historical Association, Vol. 18-19, Dhaka. 1991 , - .
334 Articles in Bengali : "Shah Niyamatullahr Shamadhee Shaudha”, (Tomb of Shah Niyamatullah), Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika, Bangladesh Asiatic Society, Vol. 1, Dhaka. 1991 , - .
335 Articles in Bengali : "Tara Mashjid: Oteet O Bartaman”, (Star Mosque: Past & Present), Dhaka Bishyavidyaloi Patrika, Vol. Xxxii, Dhaka University, Dhaka. 1988 , - .
336 Articles in Bengali : "Victoria and Albert Museum Parashya Chitrakala Pradarshanee”, (Victoria and Albert Museum Exhibition on Persian Painting), Itihash, Ithash Parishad Journal, Dhaka University, 2nd Year Vol. 1, Dhaka. 1969 , - .
337 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Biblobottor Iran-Markin Somporko (1979-1989) [Bengali] [Iran-US Relations in the Post-Revolutionary Period (1979-1989)], Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.21 , no.2 , pp.1-16 , June 2003 .
338 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Muslim Shobvotay Tuluni Bongsher Obodan, (In Bengali), [Contributions of Tulunid Dynasty Towards Muslim Civilization],, Itihas, (The History), Bangladesh Itihas Parishad, Dhaka, , , pp. 73-78 , vol.Vol-49 , no.ISSN-1607-4432 , pp.73-78 , April, 2016 .
339 Articles in Bengali : "Kotalipara Durga: Dakshin Banger Pracheenatama Durga Nidarshan”, (Kotalipara Fort: Earliest Example of Forts in Southern Bengal), Institute of Bangladesh Studies Journal, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi. 1403:4/1997 , - .
340 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Bangladesher Samajik Uthshab Abong Jonajibona Er Provab, (In Bengali), [Social Festivals of Bangladesh and its Impact on Public Life],, Kala Onushad Patrika, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, , vol.Vol-8 , no.No. 11 (ISSN-1994-8905) , pp.111-122 , June 2016, .
341 S M Mafizur Rahaman : Islama Shishur Odikar O Songshilishto Prosango (In Bengali), (Child’s Right in Islam and its Relevance), Nibandhamala (Collection of Research Articles),, Center for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka , vol.Vol-XVII , pp.pp. 312-340 , April 2003 .
342 S M Mofizur Rahaman  : Abbasi Khilafata Anchalik Rajbongsho Prothishter Prakhkhapot, (In Benglai), [Background to Establish the Regional Dynasties Under the Abbasi Khilafat], Itihas Probondhamala), Itihas Academy Dhaka, , Dhaka , vol.Vol-14, , , no.No-13 (ISSN-1995-1000) , pp.243-253 , February 2017 .
343 Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Ataur Rahman Biswas : Banglar Muslim Jagorone Syed Ismail Husen Sirajir Obodan [in Bengali] [The Contribution of Syed Ismail Hussein Siraji in the Awakening of Bengal Muslim], The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.203-214 , June 2006 .
344 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Dokkhin-Purbo Asiay Portugij Banijjo Nitee [in Bengali] [The Portuguese Trade Policy in Southeast Asia], Itihas (History) , vol.44 , pp.13-30 , December 2010 .
345 Md. Ataur Rahaman Miazi : Purba Pakistan renesa Society o Pakistan Andalon: Ekti Porjalochona (East-Pakistan Renaissance Society and Pakistan Movement: A Review), The Asiatic Society journal , (2005) .
346 S M Mofizur Rahaman : Bangladesher Darmovittik Rajniti: Otit, Bortoman O Vobishshot, (In Bengali), [Religionbased Politics of Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future], Itihas Academy, Dhaka , no.accepted for publication , February 2017 .
347 Md. Abdur Rahim : Child marriage and Polygamy in society and culture in Bengal, The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.XXV,2010 , pp.33-44 , March 2010 .
348 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Aghlabi-Maliki Somporko (800-909) [Bengali] [Aghlabid-Maliki Relations (800-909)], The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.7 , no.9 , pp.145-154 , July 2013 .
349 Md. Abdur Rahim and A. H. M. Kisowar Hossain : Family Planning in the light of Islamic Jurisprudence: A Historical Review, The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities , vol.XXIII , pp.59-82 , March 2010 .
350 S M Mofizor Rahaman : Faridpur Jelar Muslim Samaja Barno-Baishisto (1872-1921) (In Bengali), [Characteristics of Caste System of Muslim Society in Faridpur District (1872-1921)], Bangladesh Asiatic Society Patrika (Bengali Journal), Dhaka , , vol.Vol-XXI, , no.No-2, ISSN-1609-4409 , pp.33-50 , December 2003 .
351 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Portugijdeer Prachay o Malay Jogote Agomon: Prosongo Moshla Banijya [in Bengali] [The Coming of the Portuguese in the East and the Malay World: Perspective Spice Trade], Bangladesh Asiatic Society Potrika (Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh) , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.219-236 , December 2006 .
352 Md Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Hazrat Sharfuddin Abu Yawwama (R.) and Sonargaon Education Centre of Medieval Bengal, Islamic Studies, Journal of Dr. Serazul Haque Islamic Research Centre, Dhaka , vol.First and Second Volume, June-December, 2006 , June-December, 2006 .
353 Md. Abdur Rahim : The Education System in Vedic Period (Bengali), A Compilation of essays, Department of islamic History & Culture , pp.13-22 , December 2011 .
354 Md. Mosarraf Hussain Vuiyan : Ali Kha Mosqou, Chattogram (in Bangla), "Itihas", Bangladesh Itihas Parishad , vol.Special Issue , ১৯৮৭ .
355 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Ibn Ishaq and His Sira: An overview (in Bangla), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.Vol.15 , Dec. 1997 .
356 Md. Abdur Rahim : News Paper and Periodicals in nineteenth Century Bengal, Itihah , vol.47/2013-2014 , pp.151-156 , May 2015 .
357 Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Mahfuzul Islam : Gyan-Biggane Samanider Obodan [in Bengali] [The Contribution of the Samanid to Knowledge and Science], The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.2 , no.2 & 3 , pp.109-124 , July 2006-June 2008 .
358 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Women in the Charjapada (in Bangla), Darshan O' Progati , vol.Vol.1 , Dec. 2000 .
359 Md. Md. Abdur Rahim : Social Status of Bangabama: Nineteenth Century Perspective, Itihash , vol.49/2015-2016 , pp.107-116 , April 2016 .
360 Suraiya Akhter : Uponibesic Shasonamole Bangla sthapotter Itihas chorcha: Deshi o Europio Drishtivongi (Writings of Architectural History of Bengal during the Colonial period: The Local and the European perspective), Itihas, Bangladesh Itihas Porishad Potrika , vol.vol. 47 , no.Baishakh-Chaitro 1420/2013-2014 , pp.123-130 , May 2015 .
361 Prof. Dr. Abdul Bashir : Formation of the Ancient Macca City State and Government (in Bangla), Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol.74 , Oct. 2002 .
362 Md. Ataur Rahman Miazi : Mawlana Akram Khan er ' mostafa Charito: Ekti Mullayan ( Mustafa Charit [Life of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)] Khan: An Evaluation, 'Prabandhabali' , The Center for Advanced Research in the Social Sciences, D.U , vol.5 , (2004) .
363 Md. Abdur Rahim : Newly created Class and Occupation in Bengal During British Colonial Rule, Itihash , vol.52/2017-2018 , pp.43-50 , April 2018 .
364 Md. Abdur Rahim : Language Politics: Religious Weapon of Colonialism of Pakistan ( Bengali), A compilation of Essays, Department of Islamic History and Culture , pp.127-134 , January 2019 .
365 Md. Abdur Rahim : Foreign influence on the local Language and Literature, Itihash , vol.53/2018-2019 , pp.1-10 , June 2019 .
Conference Proceedings (43)
1 Nazma "Innovation and Transformation in Humanities for a Sustainable Tomorrow: Bangladesh Perspective." The 2nd International Conference on Humanities Pengang, Malaysia: School of Humanities, University Sains Malaysia, 2019 .
2 Md. Zakaria "Hafij the poet of Universal love and beauty." 77th session of Indian History Congress (University of Kerala) Kerala: Indian History Congress, India, 2016 .
3 Suraiya Akhter "Kantoji Mondirer Poramatir Foloke totkalin Jibonchitro (The Contemporary picture of life in the Terracotta of Kantoji Mondir)." (Itihas Onusandhan 28) , pp. 277-284. Kolkata: Kolkata: Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad, India, 2014 .
4 AKM Khademul Haque and Mahmuda Khnam "'Being in a Global Village: Changing trends among the Bangladeshi Women in the UK'." Patiala: Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, 2014 .
5 AKM Khademul Haque "‘Tritio-Bisshe Bishyaoner Dhakka: Bangladesher Duti Gramer Oviggota’ (The of impact of Globalization on the Third-World: Experience from two villages of Bangladesh)." Itihasa Onusandhana Kolkata: Paschimbanga Itihasa Samsad, 2014 .
6 Md. Zakaria "Arab Spring and Refugee Crisis in the Modern Middle-East: Syria Perspective." 30th Annual Conference of West Bengal Itihas Sansad Kolkata, India: West Bengal Itihas Sansad, Kolkata, India, 2014 .
7 Md. Zakaria "Ibn Rusder Chintay Progoti : Prosango Nari Mukti (Progressive thought of Ibn Rusd: A case study on the emanicipation of women)." 29th Annual Conference of Pachim Bango Itihas Samsad (January 24-26) Kolkata: Pachim Bango Itihas Samsad, India, 2013 .
8 AKM Khademul Haque "‘Britain-e Bosobasroto Bangalee Musolmander Atmoporichhyer Sonkot’ (The problem of self identity among the Bangaldeshi Muslims living in the UK, in Bangla)." Itihasa Onusandhana 26 Kolkata: Paschimbanga Itihasa Samsad, 2012 .
9 Suraiya Akhter "Mughal Banglar Toran Sthapotter Prokriti o Prakarvad ( Nature and Classification of Gate architecture in Mughal Bengal)." Itihas Onusandhan 26 Kolkata: Pashchimbanga Itihas Samsad, India, 2012 .
10 Md. Zakaria "Modd jugio Muslim Samrajjo wa Adunik France: Prosongo Nagorikotter Sankat (Medieval Muslim States and Modern France: Perspective on Cilizenship Crisis)." 28th Annual Seminar of Pochim Banga Itihas Samsad Kolkata, India: Pochim Banga Itihas Samsad, 2012 .
11 Abu Khaled Mohammad Khademul Haque "‘Banglar Muslim Sthapatya-e Do-chala Ritir Babohar’." Itihasa Onusandhana 22 Kolkata: Paschimbanga Rajya Itihasa Samsad, 2008 .
12 Workshop & Conferences: "Archaeological Workshop by UNESCO and Dept. of Archeology, GoB at Archaeological Museum, Khulna city on “World Heritage Shait Gumbat Mosque of Bagerhat”, Presided over the Morning Session, January 29,." 2005 .
13 Workshop & Conferences: "Mughal Forts in South Asia: Case in Bangladesh: An Architectural Study”, the 17th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Dhaka." 2002 .
14 Workshop & Conferences: "Mughal Fort Architecture in Bengal: An innovation”, Centre for study of Bengal Art, ICSB, 2nd International Congress." 1997 .
15 A.T.M. Shamsuzzoha "Non-Muslims Rights and Dignity During the Sultanate Bengal." 4th Historical Congress Proceedings Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India: Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, October 2016 .
16 Nusrat Fatema "The Role of the Ulama in the Politics of the Sultanate of Delhi." 17th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA) Dhaka: the International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), November 2004 .
17 Workshop & Conferences: "Participated and Presented an article titled, ‘Status of Sites and Cities of Varendra Area: Sultanate period’, workshop organized by ICSBA at National Archives and Library Auditorium on." 29.08.2015 .
18 Workshop & Conferences: "Some palaces of Zamindars in Bangladesh”, Presented in the 5th International congress on Bengal Art, Dhaka, ICSBA." on 7 February 2003 .
19 Workshop & Conferences: "Pabna Anchaler Zamindarbari” (Palaces of Zamindars of Pabna), 19th Congerence organized by Paschin Bangla Itihas Samsad at Ziaganj, Murshidabad." on 26th January, 2003 .
20 Workshop & Conferences: "Tomb Architecture of North Bengal” (Uttar Banger Shomadhee Sthapatya), 12th National Conference of Bangladesh Historical Association, IBS, Rajshahi University." October 23, 1999 .
21 Workshop & Conferences: "Temple Architecture of Pabna” (Pabnar Mondeer Sthapatya), Department of Archaeology, Jahangir Nagar University." June 26, 1999 .
22 Workshop & Conferences: "Bangladesher Sthapatya: Panchish Bachchar” (Architecture of Bangladesh: 25 years), Organized by Bangladesh Historical Association, National Conference." November 9, 1996 .
23 Workshop & Conferences: "Banglar Mughal Shamadhi: Stapatya Dharan: O Boishishto” (Mughal Tomb Architecture in Bengal: Type and Characteristics) Seminar held on the occasion of the 20th general meeting and National Historical Conference, Bangladesh Itihash Parishad, Kushtia." July 6, 1996 .
24 Workshop & Conferences: "Characteristics of the Defense System of Khalifatabad”(Khalifatabader Pratirakxa Babostha), Seminar arranged by the Directorate of Archaeology (GOB) on the occasion of Conservation of the Historical monuments of Paharpur and Bagerhat, Lalbagh Fort." October 7, 1993 .
25 Workshop & Conferences: "Muslim Tomb Architecture in Bengal”, Organized by Dept. of Archaeology on the occasion of Archaeological Excavation and Training course, Mahasthngarh, Bogra." February 13, 1988 .
26 Workshop & Conferences: "Position of Women in Bangladesh”, Seminar organized by Association of women in Japan, (Nagoya Branch), Nagoya." March 7, 1974 .
27 Workshop & Conferences: "Shagarkandir Zamindarbari : History and Heritage”, Bangladesh History Association, 13th Biennial National Conference, BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh." October 18, 2003 .
28 Workshop & Conferences: "Some Palaces of Feudal Chiefs in Bangladesh during Colonial Period”, 18th Conference of International Association of Historians of Asia (IAHA), Taiwan." 11 December, 2004 .
29 Workshop & Conferences: "Some Medieval Architectural Buildings of Egarasindur (Kishoreganj): An Appraisal”, International Conference on Art and Architecture of Eastern India and Bangladesh, Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Ranchi, Jharkhand, India." February 9, 2005 .
30 Workshop & Conferences: "Architectural Features of Khalifatabad and its preservation” 19th IAHA Conference, Manila, Philippines." 28-01-2007 .
31 Workshop & Conferences: "Late Mughal Architecture of Rangpur: Its Characteristics and Diversity”, Rangpur History and Heritage, Bangladesh Itihash Samity, Rangpur Carmichael University College." 31-07-2006 .
32 Workshop & Conferences: "Bangladesh Mughal Shamadhi Sthapathyer Olonkoron, History Academy, Jagannath University, Dhaka." 23-02-2007 .
33 Workshop & Conferences: "Some Buddhest Sculptures Discovered at Archaeological sites in Mainamati Lalmai”, The 2nd SSEASR conference IAHR CIPS under the auspices of the UNESCO, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathon, Thailand." 25-05-2007 .
34 Workshop & Conferences: "Some Aspects of Transitional Architecture: Sultannate to Mughal in Greater Pabna District’, Presented on International Congress on Bengal Art, Bogra & Dhaka." February 07-12, 2007 .
35 Workshop & Conferences: "The Zinjira Mughal Palace and its Architectural Remains:, Article presented in the Seminar Organised Jointly by OIC and Bangladesh at Hotel Sheraton Seminar Hall, Dhaka, She also Presided over the last session of the Conference." 09-02-2008 .
36 Workshop & Conferences: "Shadhikar Andolon, Bangladesher Avudhoy o Begum Fazilatunnesa Muzib’, Comemorative Lecture on 84th Birth Anniversary at Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib Hall, Dhaka University." on 08-08-2014 .
37 Workshop & Conferences: "Ayesha Begum presided over the session: 4 (as a chairperson), The 11th international congress on Bengal Art." 07-02-2015 .
38 Workshop & Conferences: "River Forts of Mughal Dhaka', Subject: River and Religion, 8th SSEASR Congress, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka, Bangladesh." 13.06.2019 .
39 Workshop & Conferences: "International Conference on the occasion of silver Jubilee celebration of ICSBA, Dhaka, Paper presented “The Zingra Mughat Palace: now on the verge of exfintion." 17 December 2019 .
40 Workshop & Conferences: "Art Heritage of Bangladesh: Medieval Period”, National Workshop, Arranged by The International Centre for Study of Bengal Art, ICSBA (Ministry of Cultural Affairs, People’s Republic of Bangladesh) at Central Public Library, Dhaka, on." 18th June 2013 .
41 Workshop & Conferences: "Participated and Presented, National Workshop an article titled ‘Status of Preservation of Historical Sites and Monuments of Bangladesh : Chittagong Division’, on the occasion of workshop organized by ICSBA at National Archives and Library Auditorium on." 24.03.2014 .
42 Workshop & Conferences: "Meaning and appropriate use of technical terms in the study of art and archaeology of Bangladesh– Article presented on the ocassion of workshop organized by ICSBA at National Archives and Library Auditorium, Cultural Ministry on." 22.06.2014 .
43 S M Mofizur Rahaman "Ibna Khalduner Itihas O Rasta Darshan abong er Bartaman Prashongikatha, (In Bengali), [Ibn Khalduns Philosophy of History and States and its Present Relevance],." Seminar organized by Bishsho Shahitto Kendro, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dhaka: May 18, 2019 .