Research & Publication (Department of Psychology)
Book (11)
1 Uddin, M. K., Sorcar, P. and Shahinuzzaman, M. Experimental Design & Statistics in Psychology. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Gyankosh Prokashoni., 2018 .
2 2. Uddin, M. K. (Ed.) Graduate Psychology (Paper I, II, III, IV, V, VI in Bangla).. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Hasan Book House, 2016 .
3 Uddin, M. K. (Ed.) Intermediate Psychology (Paper I & II in Bangla, approved by the National Curriculum & Text Book Board, NCTB). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Probaho Prokashoni, 2015 .
4 Hossain, A. “Psychological Aspects of Low Socio-economic School Children in Bangladesh.”. Dhaka: Abosar: Dhaka., 2006 .
5 Hossain, A. 2. Shiksha- Monobijnan (Bengali). Dhaka: Protik: Dhaka., 2006 .
6 Manzurul Haque Learning Theories. Dhaka: Gankosh Prokasoni, 2003 .
7 Barkat, A., Zaman, S., Rahman, A. and Poddar, A. Political Economy of the Vested Property Act in Rural Bangladesh. Dhaka: 1997 .
8 Manzurul Haque History of Psychology and it’s Theories. Dhaka: Dhaka Book Corporation, 1992 .
9 Khaleque A., Rahman, A. and Rahman, M. Karmabijnan (A Bangla Text Book on Ergonomics). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1988 .
10 Khaleque, A., Sorcar, N. R. and Rahman, A. Samajik Bijnane Gabeshana Paddhati (a Bangla Text Book on Research Methodology in Social Sciences). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1988 .
11 Sabbir Ahmed Chowdhury and Naima Nigar Impact of wide publicity in mass-media in creating awareness and motivating the poor parents against child labour N/A: National Institute of Mass Communication. Ministry of Information, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 2018 .
Book Section (2)
1 Rahman, S. T.; Islam, M. R. "Experimental Method." Principles of Social Research Methodology. Islam, M. R.; Khan, N. A.; Baikady, R. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022 157-165 .
2 Uddin, M. K., Kawabe, T. and Nakamizo, S. "Why does foveal bias decrease in the presence of additional element? In Srinivasan, N., Gupta, A. K., and Pandey, J. (Eds.), Advances in Cognitive Science." Why does foveal bias decrease in the presence of additional element?. New Delhi: Sage, 2008 31-42 .
Journal Article (386)
1 Ummay Kulsum Keya and Fariea Bakul : Assessing cognitive dissonance and self-worth: investigating the influence of fast fashion following and social media addiction among young adults in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.34 , no.1 , 2025 .
2 Fariea Bakul, Eamin Zahan Heanoy, Antara Das Antu, Faria Khandakar and Shahin Ahmed : Assessing the relationship between climate change anxiety, ecological coping, and pro-environmental behavior: Evidence from Gen Z Bangladeshis, Acta Psychologica , vol.254 Elsevier , 2025 .
3 Momtaz Sultana, Nusrat Sharmin, Sanjida Kabir and Protiva Thakur : The Impact of Family Functioning on Self-Esteem and Resilience Among Young Adults in the Southern Region of Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.87-95 , 2024 .
4 Khatun, M. A., Baroi, B., Muhammad , N. and Sultana, M. A. : Exploring clinical features of children with autism in Bogura city of Bangladesh, . Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 33(1), 67–77. , vol.33 , no.1 Faculty of Biological Sciences University of Dhaka , pp.67–77 , 2024 .
5 Sultana, M. A. and Rahman , A. : Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on gender based violence: a study on TMSS microcredit members, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.1 Faculty of Biological Sciences, Dhaka University , pp.57–65 , 2024 .
6 Fariea Bakul, Mollika Roy, Sanjida Aktar and Chhanda Karmaker : Assessing the relationship of prospective, retrospective, and everyday memory with cognitive failure among Bangladeshi adults, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.1 , 2024 .
7 Umme Kawser, Janette Driscoll and Akib Ul Huque : Parent Education in Bangladeshi Families with Young Children of Diverse Abilities: Implementation of the Learning Through Play Calendar, International Journal of Systemic Therapy Routledge , 2024 .
8 Akib Ul Huque, Umme Kawser, Monira Rahman, Shamini Gnani, Mala Rao, Cleo Baskin, Pauroma Preety Mallick and Stephanie Armstrong : The Bangladeshi Mental Health First Aid program for lay persons: an expert-panel content review of its fitness for purpose and potential scale-up impact, BMC Psychology BMC , pp.Under review , 2024 .
9 Pervin, M., Hansmann, N. M., and Hagmayer, Y : Attitudes Toward and Usage of Evidence-Based Mental Health Practices for Autistic Youth in Bangladesh and Germany: A Cross-Cultural Comparison., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (impact factor:4.20) Springer , pp.1-17 , 2024 .
10 Enayet, S. B., & Pervin, M : Cross-cultural anxiety, parental and partner attachments and their correlation with relationship satisfaction., Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.23-31 , 2024 .
11 Pervin, M., Hossain, N., & Ferdowshi, N : Anxiety, Depression, and Academic Performance of Dhaka University Students, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.33 Centre for Psycho-Social Research and Training , pp.13-22 , 2023 .
12 Fariea Bakul,, Kamrun Nahar, and Shahin Ahmed : COVID-19 Anxiety: Evidence of Hopelessness and Death Anxiety as Psychological Factors from a South Asian Nation, Psikoislamika: Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam , 2023 .
13 Nahar, N, Parvin, M and Begum, F : Gratitude and Resilience of Young Adults: Examining the mediating Role of Optimism and Social Support, European Journa of Applied Sciences , vol.11 , no.4 , pp.204-216 , 2023 .
14 Bipasha Singha, Shamal Chandra Karmaker and Osama Eljamal : Quantifying the direct and indirect effect of socio-psychological and behavioral factors on residential water conservation behavior and consumption in Japan, Resources, Conservation and Recycling (impact factor:13.716) , vol.190 Elsevier , pp.106816 , 2023 .
15 Sharmin, N., Sultana, M., & Islam, M. S. : Development and Validation of a Scale Measuring Social Stigma of Mental Illness in Bangladesh., Social Science Review , vol.01 , pp.61-70 , 2023 .
16 Antara Das Antu and Fariea Bakul : The relationship between autonomy and cognitive emotion regulation among adolescents, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.32 , 2023 .
17 Bipasha Singha, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, M Mazharul Islam, Kareman Eljamal and Bidyut Baran Saha : Vaccination, Compliance with Preventive Measures and Mental Health during COVID-19 among Adults in Bangladesh: Do Vaccination and Compliance with Preventive Measures Improve Mental Health?, International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research , vol.11 Lifescience Global , pp.175-185 , 2022 .
18 Sonia Islam Nisha and Fariea Bakul : Parents/primary caregivers’ perspectives on the well-being, and home-based learning of children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) during the COVID-19 in Bangladesh, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (impact factor:2.1) Taylor & Francis Online , 2022 .
19 Fariea Bakul and Eamin Zahan Heanoy : Impact of COVID-19 Anxiety on Loneliness and Sleep Quality of Students and Professionals in Bangladesh  , Acta Psychologica (impact factor:1.98) , vol.230 Elsevier , 2022 .
20 Uddin, M. K., Siddique, S. M. A. B., Rahman, J., & Rana, M. S. : Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Concern over Corona among Dhaka University Students, International Journal of the Asia Pacific School Psychology , 2022 .
21 Bipasha Singha, Osama Eljamal, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Ibrahim Maamoun and Yuji Sugihara : Water conservation behavior: Exploring the role of social, psychological, and behavioral determinants, Journal of Environmental Management (impact factor:8.91) , vol.317 Elsevier , pp.115484 , 2022 .
22 Rana M. S., Nasir S. S and Begum, F. : Relationship between Abusive Supervision and Authentic Leadership of Employees in Bangladesh., International Journal of Indian Psychology, , vol.10(3) , pp.171-176 , 2022 .
23 Pervin, M., Ahmed, H. U., and Hagmayer, Y. : Effectiveness of interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in high-income vs. lower middle-income countries: An overview of systematic reviews and research papers from LMIC, Frontiers in Psychiatry (impact factor:5.435) Frontiers , pp.26 , 2022 .
24 Begum, F., Shikdar A. & and Nahar N : A Comparative Study of Motivation and Learning Strategies: Student Motivation Can Influence Student Learning Strategies in Bangladesh., International Journal of Science and Research, , vol.11(7), , pp.1127-1133 , 2022 .
25 Uddin, M. K., Rahman, J. Zaman, T., & Ahsan, K. : Reactions of Students towards Class Cancellation, Class Rescheduling, Inadequate Classes and Classes for Less than Designated Duration in Dhaka University., Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2022 .
26 Shahnaz, I. and Kabir, S. : Examining comparative effect of reading methods on reading comprehension, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.31 , no.2 , pp.225-230 , 2022 .
27 Pervin, M. and Hagmayer, Y. : Attitudes Towards Evidence‑Based Practice of Professionals Working with Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research (impact factor:3.329) Springer , pp.20 , 2022 .
28 Uddin, M. K., & Rahman, J. : Cyber victimization and cyber aggression among high school students: Emotion regulation as a moderator., Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace , 2022 .
29 Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Kanchan Kumar Sen, Bipasha Singha, Shahadat Hosan, Andrew J. Chapman and Bidyut Baran Saha : The mediating effect of energy poverty on child development: Empirical evidence from energy poor countries, Energy (impact factor:8.857) , vol.243 Elsevier , pp.123093 , 2022 .
30 Mahmud, A and Begum, F: : Self-esteem and Psychological Problem of Orphan and Non-orphan Adolescents,, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol., vol.31 , 2021 .
31 Asha, S. A. and Sultana, M. A. : Does social awareness intervention increase pro-environmental behavior? An observational Study, Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.38 , no.2 , pp.91-104 , 2021 .
32 Ali, S., Rohner, R. P., Uddin, M. K., Tamanna, F. H., & Sultana, M. : Direct and Indirect Effects of Remembered Parental Rejection on Media Use among Young Adults, The Journal of Genetic Psychology , vol.183(1) , pp.54-63 , 2021 .
33 Mahfuza Khanon : Relationship Among Islamic Dress, Religious Values And Altruistic Behavior, Dhaka Univ. J. Biological Science , vol.30(1) , pp.13-21 , 2021 .
34 Akter, S., Begum, F., & Sultana, M. : Separation Anxiety in the Children of Working and Nonworking Mothers, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.30 , pp.89-97 , 2020 .
35 Putnick, D. L., Uddin, M. K., Rohner, R. P., Singha, B. and Shahnaz, I. : Remembrances of parental rejection are associated with loneliness as mediated by psychological maladjustment in young Bangladeshi men but not women, International Journal Of Psychology (impact factor:2) , vol.55 , no.3 , pp.354-363 , 2020 .
36 Jakia Rahman, Muhammad Kamal Uddin, Sardar Mohammad Abu Bakar Siddique, and Protyasha Bhattacharyya : Effect of Cyber Aggression on Cyber Victimization among High School Children: Parental Rejection as a Predictor, International Journal of the Asia Pacific School Psychology , vol.01 , no.2 , pp.185-191 , 2020 .
37 Mahfuza Khanon and Nahida Sultana : Association Among Self-Esteem, Aggression And Psychological Adjustment Of Orphans And Family-Reared Children, Dhaka University J. Biol. Sci , vol.29(1) , pp.97-105 , 2020 .
38 Sultana,M.A., Ward, P.R. and Bond, M. J. : The impact of a bullying awareness programme for primary school teachers: a cluster randomized controlled trial in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Educational Studies , vol.46 , no.1 , pp.106-116 , 2020 .
39 Akter, S, Begum, F and Sultana, M : Seperation Anxiety in the Children of Working and Nonworking Mothers, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.30 , pp.89-97 , 2020 .
40 Sultana, M., & Uddin, M. K. : Parental Rejection, Depression and Internet Addiction among Young Adults, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research , vol.34(2) , pp.419-432 , 2019 .
41 Sultana, M.A. and Bond, M. J., Pulvirenti, M., Ward, P.R. : School Headmasters‟ perceptions of bullying in Bangladesh: Identifying barriers and recommendations to detail with school bullying, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.29 , pp.29-41 , 2019 .
42 Singha, B., Khatun, F. and Shahnaz, I. : Resilience and life stress among young adults, Dhaka University Journal Of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.55-63 , 2019 .
43 Shahnaz, I., Akter, K. and Singha, B. : Stress, depression and coping strategy between the parents of children with autism, Dhaka University Journal Of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.13-20 , 2019 .
44 Shahnaz, I. and Ara H. : Self-esteem and coping skills of victims and non-victims of bullying in public school, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.139-146 , 2019 .
45 Begum, L.,, Sultana, R.,, Islam, R-U., and & Hossain, A. : 1. Sustainable Consumption and Production in the Leather Goods Industry of Bangladesh- An Investigation Approach. Published on May 2019 in, International Journal of Management, Engineering And Technology, (impact factor:6.3) , vol.IX (V) , no.May , pp.2853-2871 , 2019 .
46 Dr. Mahfuza Khanon and Nasrin Sultana Shila : Effect of Childhood Musical Training on Abstract Reasoning Ability, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.65-70 , 2019 .
47 Uddin, M. K and Mullick, T. T. : An evaluation of Multiple Choice Questions used on Secondary School Certificate Examination in Dhaka Education Board, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.22 , 2019 .
48 Sultana, M.A. and Suchana, J. E., Uddin, S.S. : Brightness of attire induced halo effect influencing person perception, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.81 – 92 , 2019 .
49 Begum, F and Mahmood, S. I : Exploring Psychological Corelates of Peers and Fathers of Drug Addict Adolescents,, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.28(1) , pp.9-20 , 2019 .
50 Begum, F, Uddin, M. K, Parmita, P and Sultana, M : Game Addiction Predicting Anger and Disruptive Behavior among Adolescents in Dhaka City, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.71-79 , 2019 .
51 Rahman, S. T., Rahman, A. and Ashraf, S. : Adaptation of Bem Sex-role Inventory (BSRI) to Bangladeshi Culture, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.29 , pp.15-28 , 2019 .
52 Putnick, D. L., Uddin, M. K., Rohner, R. P., Singha, B. and Shahnaz, I. : Remembrances of Parental Rejection are Associated With Loneliness as Mediated by Psychological Maladjustment in Young Bangladeshi Men but not Women., International Journal of Psychology. , 2019 .
53 Khaleque, A., Uddin, M. K., Hossain. K. N., Alam, M. N. and Shirin, A. : Perceived parental acceptance-rejection in childhood predict psychological adjustment and rejection sensitivity in adulthood, Psychological Studies , 2019 .
54 Sultana, M. and Uddin, M. K. : Parental rejection, depression, and internet addiction among young adults., Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research , vol.34(2). , 2019 .
55 Ronald, P. Rohner, Uddin, M. K., Khaleque, A., Aktar, R., Hossain, M. A. and Roy, K. et al. : Psychological maladjustment mediates the relation between remembrances of parental rejection in childhood and adults’ fear of intimacy: A multicultural study. Cross-Cultural Research, 1-35., , 2019 .
56 Sultana, M. and Uddin, M. K : Parental rejection, depression, and internet addiction among young adults, Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research , vol.34(2) , 2019 .
57 Khaleque, A, Uddin, M. K, Hossain. K. N., Alam, M. N. and Shirin, A : Perceived parental acceptance-rejection in childhood predict psychological adjustment and rejection sensitivity in adulthood, Psychological Studies , 2019 .
58 Putnick, D. L, Uddin, M. K., Rohner, R. P.,, Singha,B and Shahnaz, I : Remembrances of Parental Rejection are Associated With Loneliness as Mediated by Psychological Maladjustment in Young Bangladeshi Men but not Women, International Journal of Psychology , 2019 .
59 Tamanna, F. H. and Uddin, M. K : Influence of perceived parental rejection and media & technology usage on social intimacy among young adults., Journal of Asia Pacific School Psychology , 2019 .
60 . Nahar, N. and Uddin, M. K : Parental love and well-being of young adults: The mediating role of optimism, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology , 2019 .
61 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Likova, L. T. : Haptic aesthetics in the blind: A behavioral and fMRI investigation, Electronic Imaging, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Society for Imaging Science and Technology , pp.1 -10 , 2018 .
62 Shafrin Samia and Mahfuza Khanam : Number of Bystander, Time Pressure and Gender Effects on Altruistic Behavior, Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka. , 2018 .
63 Oli Ahmed and Mahfuza Khanam : Perceived Organizational Support, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Organization and Organizational Commitment among NGO Employees, Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka , 2018 .
64 Wong, S., Bucci, S., Huque, A. U., Hartley, S., Brown, R. J. and Berry, K. : An analogue study investigating voice-hearing following exposure to stressful material, Psychosis , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.55–57 , 2018 .
65 Mst. Jakia Rahman, Muhammad Kamal Uddin and Nasrin Nahar : Role of non-cognitive factors in academic achievement of undergraduates, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.21 , 2018 .
66 Rahman, M. J., Uddin, M. K and Nahar, N. : Public understanding and adaptation with climate change in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.21 , pp.45-57 , 2018 .
67 Prokrity, T. S, Uddin, M. K and Nahar, N. : Bonding with parents and children’s well-being: Resilience and social support in-between, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology, , vol.21 , pp.69-80 , 2018 .
68 Khan, M. H. R, Hossain, M. S., & Lua, P. L., et. al. : Sleep Deprivation and Cognitive Performances: Methodological Processes towards Suggestive mechanisms, Research J. Pharm and Tech , vol.11 , no.8 , 2018 .
69 Roy, M., Das, A., & Hossain, M. S. (2018). : Consumers’ Buying Motive Assessment Tool: Rational versus Emotional, JURNAL PSIKOLOGI MALAYSIA , vol.32 , no.1 , 2018 .
70 Uddin, M. K., Shama, A, Raisa, S. A. and Rani, B : Anxiety, depression, and prospective memory among tertiary students, . Bangladesh Psychological Studies, , vol.28 , pp.39-48 , 2018 .
71 Khan, M. H. R, Hossain, M. S., & Hassan, A. : Effect of Toptal Sleep Deprivation on Visual Sequential Memory, Psychology , vol.9 , 2018 .
72 Uddin, M. K., Shama, A,, Reberio, M. and Khatun, R : Depression, anxiety, and everyday memory among female diploma nursing students, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology, , 2018 .
73 Arobi, S. and Naher, J. : Mental Health and Coping Strategies of the River Bank Erosion Affected People, The Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.28 Centre for Psycho-Social Research and Training , pp.63-70 , 2018 .
74 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Assessing psychometric properties of Family Environment Scale in Bangladeshi culture, Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2018 .
75 Karmaker, C., Hossain, A., Bakul,F. and Raisa, S. A. : Living Arrangements and Social Support as Predictors of Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of Older Adults., Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.Vol.27 (1) , pp.17-25. , 2018 .
76 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Family and school environment in relation to adolescents emotional intelligence and future aspiration, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology , vol.9 , no.3 , pp.413-422 , 2018 .
77 Karim, A. K. M. R., Proulx, M. J., de Sousa, A. A., Karmaker, C., Rahman, A., Karim, F. and Nigar, N. : The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing, Scientific Reports (impact factor:4.122) , vol.7 Nature , 2017 .
78 Uddin, A. Z. M. R, Kawser, U., Jony, R. D. and Huque, A. U. : Translation and adaptation of parental‐child attachment scale in Bangla, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.26 , no.2 , pp.117-123 , 2017 .
79 Huque, A. U., Poliakoff, E. and Brown, R. J. : Effects of learning on somatosensory decision-making and experiences, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , vol.146 , no.11 , pp.1631-1648 , 2017 .
80 Huque, A. U., Heaney, A., Poliakoff, E. and Brown, R. J. : Development and validation of a voice-hearing task for research on auditory verbal hallucinations and auditory misperception, Psychosis , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.338-346 , 2017 .
81 Karim, A.K.M. R., Proulx, M. J., de Sousa, A. A., Karmaker, C., Rahman, A., Karim, F. and Nigar, N. : The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing, Scientific Reports , vol.7(1) , pp.5398 , 2017 .
82 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Emotional Intelligence Scale: assessing its psychometric characteristics in Bangladeshi culture, The International Journal of Indian Psychology , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.87-105 , 2017 .
83 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Factor Structure for Children Hopelessness Scale in Bangladeshi Culture: Exploratory and Confirmatory Study, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.1-12 , 2017 .
84 A.K.M. R, Proulx, M. J., de Sousa, A. A., Karmaker, C. and others : The Right Way to Kiss: Directionality Bias in Head-Turning during Kissing, Scientific Reports, Nature, , 2017 .
85 Karim, A. K. M. R., Proulx, M. J. and Likova, L. T. : Anticlockwise or clockwise? A dynamic Perception-Action-Laterality model for directionality bias in visuospatial functioning, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (impact factor:9.420) , vol.68 , pp.669-693 , 2016 .
86 Ahmed O. and Khanam M. : Relationship of Locus of Control, Academic Self-efficacy, Self-regulated Learning with Academic Achievement, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 (2) , pp.13-22 , 2016 .
87 Hossain, K.N., Hossain, M.A., Paul, L. and Siddique, R.F. : Subjective Well-being of Tribal and Non-tribal People in Relation to Psychological Needs, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.09-14 , 2016 .
88 Hossain, K.N., Siddique, R.F., Hossain, M.A., & Paul, L. : Racial Mistrust, Racial Awareness and Deviant Behavior among Indigenous Adolescents, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.45-56 , 2016 .
89 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : The psychometric properties of School Engagement Scale in Bangladeshi culture, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.143-153 , 2016 .
90 Islam, M. T. and Rahman, A. : Transition to parenthood: mental health, life stress, and social support in first-time expectant parents and first-time parents, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , pp.1-12 , 2016 .
91 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Begum, T. : The Parental Bonding Instrument: a psychometric measure to assess parenting practices in the homes in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Psychiatry (impact factor:1.932) , vol.25 , pp.231-239. , 2016 .
92 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Begum, T. : The How I Think questionnaire: assessing its psychometric properties in Bangladeshi culture, Asian Journal of Psychiatry (impact factor:1.932) , vol.21 , pp.9-16 , 2016 .
93 Naher, J. and Parvin, R. : Adaptation of the Career Maturity Inventory in the Context of Bangladesh, The Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.26 Centre for Psycho-Social Research and Training , pp.1-10 , 2016 .
94 Zahan, I., Naher, J. and Arobi, S. : Impact of Internet Addiction on Academic Performance, Mental Health and Social Responsibility, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka , pp.93-102 , 2016 .
95 Chowdhury, T., Islam, M. A. and Rahman, S. T. : Adaptation of the Relationship Assessment Scale for use in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.26 , pp.25-32 , 2016 .
96 Begum, F and Safrin, N : Personality, Happiness and Life Satisfaction of White collar Employees, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , pp.73-81 , 2016 .
97 karmaker, C. and Bakul, F. : Parental bonding and cognitive emotion regulation, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , pp.65-72 , 2016 .
98 Shahnaz, I. and Rahman N. : Parental acceptance-rejection on social intimacy, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.26 , pp.85-92 , 2016 .
99 Hoque, T. and Shahnaz I. : Gender and ethnic differences in attitude toward women, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , pp.57-64 , 2016 .
100 Uddin, M. K, Khaleque, A. and Shirin, A. : Cognitive and contextual factors mediating the relation between interparental conflict and adolescents’ psychological maladjustment, Journal of Child and Family Studies , vol.25 , no.[DOI 10.1007/s10826-015-0247-y] , pp.669-677 , 2016 .
101 Ahmed, O., Uddin, M. K and Khanam, M. : Motivation and learning strategies as strong predictors of academic achievement, Indian Journal of Psychology and Education , vol.6(1) , pp.120-132 , 2016 .
102 Ahmed O. and Khanam M. : Stratigies for learning and acdemic achievement of secondary school student, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Science , vol.24 (1) , pp.91-97 , 2015 (January) .
103 Singha, B., Khanam, M. and Sarkar, M. : Adjustment and self-role perception of adolocent boys and girls living in ho’stel and home, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.23-38 , 2015 .
104 Khanam, M. and Mistry and Asad, S. : Type of marriage marital adjustment, marital satisfaction and life satisfaction, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.1-12 , 2015 .
105 Siddique, R.F., Shimul, A.M., Gias, A.U., Islam, M., & Khaled, S.M. : The Role of Episodic Buffer in Future Thinking, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.1-8 , 2015 .
106 Rahman, S.T., & Siddique, R.F : False Memory Related to True Memory and Forgetting, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.101-109 , 2015 .
107 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Validation of the Future Aspiration Scale in Bangladeshi culture, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.59-73. , 2015 .
108 Akhter, R. and Rahman, A. : Parenting stress in the mothers of children with intellectual disability, children with physical impairment, and normal children, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.25 , pp.39-50 , 2015 .
109 Ahmed, O., Uddin, M. K and Kabir, M. A : Occupational stress and job satisfaction of insurance executives in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.25 , pp.51- 62 , 2015 .
110 Sagar, M. M. H., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. : Psychometric Properties of the Bangla Version Operational Police Stress Questionnaire, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology , vol.41 , no.2 , pp.242-250. , 2015 .
111 Ruthbah, Ummul, Atonu Rabbani, Golam Sarwar and Salim Hossain : Do the Extra Hours of Tuition Payoff? An Evaluation of the CDIP Education Support Program, Journal of Development Effectiveness , 2015 .
112 Rahman, S. T. and Siddique, R. F. : Memory, Forgetting and False Memory, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.101-109 , 2015 .
113 Begum, F and Islam, N : Relations of Parenting Style, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem with Academic Achievement, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.39-50 , 2015 .
114 karmaker, C. and Yasmin, F. : Third gender and cognitive emotion regulation, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.13-22 , 2015 .
115 Uddin, S.S., Aktar, M. A and Sultana, M. A. : Beggars in Dhaka city: Profession or compulsion, Asian Journal of Business and Economics , vol.4 , no.4,3 Quarter III , pp.1-14 , 2014 .
116 Begum, F., & Sultana, M : Personality Disposition and Conflict Resolution in Young Adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.123-137 , 2014 .
117 Akter S., Rahman A. and Khanam M. : Actual versus questionnaire measured helping behaviour among children, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.69-78 , 2014 .
118 Ahmed O., Khanam M. and Asad S. : Transadaptation of the Motivation strategies for learning questionnaire, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.1-19 , 2014 .
119 Khanam M. and Marium U. : Residential density and adolescents’ adjustment, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.20 , pp.43-51 , 2014 .
120 Ahmed O. and Khanam M. : Academic motivational factors and academic achievement of secondary school students, Bangladesh Psychological studies , vol.20 , pp.57-64 , 2014 .
121 Shahnaz, I. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Life satisfaction as a determinant of life engagement, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.24 , pp.1-16 , 2014 .
122 Shahnaz, I. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Gender difference in internet addiction among young adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.111-122. , 2014 .
123 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Validation of the Hostility Scale in Bangladeshi culture, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.21-30 , 2014 .
124 Akter, S.,, Rahman, A. and Khanam, M. : Actual versus questionnaire measured helping behaviour among children, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.69-78 , 2014 .
125 Uddin, M. K. and De, M. : Service quality of the Bangladesh Railway as perceived by the passengers, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.20 , pp.137-152 , 2014 .
126 Sagar, M. M. H., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. : Factor structure for Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org) in Bangladeshi culture, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.9 , pp.265-272 , 2014 .
127 Sagar, M. M. H. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : The psychometric properties of Satisfaction with Life Scale for police population in Bangladeshi culture, The International Journal of Social Sciences , vol.28 , no.1 , pp.24-31 , 2014 .
128 Sagar, M. M. H. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Subjective variables have no impact on subjective well-being of polices, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies , vol.1 , no.10 , pp.157-160 , 2014 .
129 Hossain, & Roy : Accident proneness and fine-motor skills of the garments workers of Bangladesh, JURNAL PSIKOLOGI MALAYSIA , vol.35 , 2014 .
130 Nigar, N., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Sagar, M. M. H. : The Bangla version of the Miller Social Intimacy Scale: an exploratory study, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.8 , pp.241-247 , 2014 .
131 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. : The Internet Addiction Test: assessing its psychometric properties in Bangladeshi culture, Asian Journal of Psychiatry (impact factor:1.932) , vol.10 , pp.75-83 , 2014 .
132 Shahnaz, I. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : The impact of internet addiction on life satisfaction and life engagement in young adults, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.9 , pp.273-284 , 2014 .
133 Tasnim, S. and Naher, J. : Values and Life Satisfaction of the Doctors in Urban and Rural Areas of Bangladesh, The Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.24 Centre for Psycho-Social Research and Training , pp.65-72 , 2014 .
134 Rana, M. S. : Short Term Memory for Vocabulary as a Function of Stimulus Presentation, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.20 , 2014 .
135 Rahman, S. T. and Salma, U. : Difference in Anxiety Between two Successive Generations, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.59-68 , 2014 .
136 Singha, B., Rahman, S. T. and Fouzia, Z. : The Bangla Translation and Adaptation of the Rempel’s Trust Scale, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.45-58. , 2014 .
137 Raihan, A. K. M. S., Khanam, M. and Rahman, S.T. : Attitude towards family and the self-esteem of young adults, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.20 , pp.15-29 , 2014 .
138 Begum, F. and Sultana, M : Personality Disposition and Conflict Resolution in Young Adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.123-137 , 2014 .
139 Parveen, M., Rahman, S. T., Islam, S., Zaman, S. S., Hamadani, J. and Khan, N. Z. : Adaptation of items of Bayley scales of infant development-II (BSID-II) suitable for Bangladeshi children, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.187-195 , 2014 .
140 Nigar, N. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Impact of internet addiction on social intimacy and life style of young adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.99-110 , 2014 .
141 Shahnaz, I. and Karim A.K.M.R. : The impact of Internet addiction on life satisfaction and life engagement in young adults, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.9 , pp.273-284 , 2014 .
142 Shahnaz, I and Karim A.K.M.R. : Life satisfaction as a determinant of life engagement, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.24 , pp.1-16 , 2014 .
143 Shahnaz, I. and Karim A.K.M.R. : Gender differences in internet addiction, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.111-122 , 2014 .
144 Uddin, M. K., Khaleque, A., Aktar, R and Hossain. K. N : Relation between perceived parental acceptance and children’s psychological adjustment in the context of differential parental power and prestige, Cross-Cultural Research , vol.48(3) , no.[DOI: 10.1177/1069397114528675] , pp.1-9 , 2014 .
145 Singha, B., Khanam, M. and Kanta, U.H. : Anxiety and social responsibility of blood donors and non-blood donors, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.37 , pp.13-22 , 2013 .
146 Uddin, M. K., Faruk, O. and Khanam, M : Psychometric evaluation of the Bangla Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.23 , pp., 85-97 , 2013 .
147 Sultana, M.A and Uddin, S.S : Women’s work status related to attitude towards female employment, female role perception and perceived social support in Bangladesh, Regional Studies , vol.XXXI (2) , pp.97-110 , 2013 .
148 Karmaker, C. : Self concept and Anxiety of Institutional and Non-institutional Children, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.37 , 2013 .
149 Rana, M. S. : Maternal Acceptance as a Significant Predictor of Individuals’ Team Playing Propensity, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.3 , 2013 .
150 Rahman, S. T. and Imran, M. A. : Bangladeshi adaptation of Warwick-Edinburgh mental well-being scale, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.37 , pp.49-60 , 2013 .
151 Mahmud, A. Y., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Mahmud, S. H. : Affective state of ethnic community as related to gender and marital status, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.22 , no.2 , pp.155-161 , 2013 .
152 Karim, A. K. M. R., Sharafat, T. and Mahmud, A. Y. : Cognitive emotion regulation in children as related to parenting style, family type and gender, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science) , vol.39 , no.2 , pp.211-220 , 2013 .
153 Khaleque, A, Shirin, A. and Uddin, M. K. : Attachment relationships and psychological adjustment of married adults, Social Indicators Research , vol.110(1) , no.[DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9926-2] , pp.237-244 , 2013 .
154 Uddin, M. K. : Relations among corporal punishment, perceived parental acceptance, and psychological adjustment of adolescents in Bangladesh, Contemporary Social Scientist , vol.1(5) , pp.28-45 , 2013 .
155 Hossain, M. S. : Life-logging Technology (SenseCam): State-of-the-art in Studying Autobiographical Memory, The International Journal of Social Science , vol.5 , no.1 , 2012 .
156 Sultana, M.A and Uddin, S.S. : Work status, number of children, educational qualification and social support as determinants of attitude towards female employment among women in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.36 , pp.15 -25 , 2012 .
157 Karmaker, C. and Huque, A. U. : Juvenile delinquency and perceived parental acceptance and rejection, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.36 , pp.113-120 , 2012 .
158 Rana, M. S. : Effects of Exposure Durations on Localization and Identification Performance of Objects in Space, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.36 , 2012 .
159 Rana, M. S. : Can Intellectual Ability and Creativity Predict Leadership Ability?, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , 2012 .
160 Rana, M. S. : Visual Performance as a Function of Exposure Durations and Tasks, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , 2012 .
161 Rahman, S. T., Wadud, N., Huque, A. U., Shimul, A. M., Hossain, M. S., Hossain, K. N. and Parvez, M. : Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among 2009 ‘AILA’ victims in costal Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.36 , pp.121-125 , 2012 .
162 Uddin, M. K., Zaman, F. Z. and Semul, A. S. P. : Corporal punishment by parents and negative personality dispositions in adolescents of Bangladesh, Indian Social and Psychological Studies , vol.5(2) , pp.1-15 , 2012 .
163 Uddin, M. K., Islam, M. T. and Asaduzzaman, M. : Perceived stress and self-esteem as significant predictors of cigarette smoking behavior of Bangladeshi male adults, Journal of Behavioral Sciences , vol.22(2) , pp.26-38 , 2012 .
164 Singha, B. and Khanam, M. : The effects of mood and gender on altruistic behaviour in an experimental situation, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.35 , pp.13-20 , 2011 .
165 Ansary, T. M. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Cognitive emotion regulation in children as predicted by parents’ marital adjustment and their nature of affect, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.21 , pp.1-16 , 2011 .
166 Uddin, M. K., Huq, A. U. and Shimul, A. M : Adaptation of the Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment for use in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.35 , pp.65-80 , 2011 .
167 Ahmed, F., Uddin, M. K. and Islam, M. J. : Preliminary evidences for the psychometric properties of the Bangla Parental Power-Prestige Questionnaire, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.1 , pp.97-106 , 2011 .
168 Rahman, A. and Islam, S. : Adaptation of the COPE Inventory for use in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.21 , pp.45-56 , 2011 .
169 Manzurul Haque : 23. The psycho- spiritual springs and processes of the development of human personality and behavior in the light of Al-Quran and Islamic traditions, Muslim Education Quarterly, The Islamic Academy Cambridge, U.K. , vol.24, (3&4) , pp.23-44 , 2011 .
170 Sultana, A. : Self-esteem and self-efficacy as related to women’s participation in employment, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.35 , pp.1 – 12 , 2011 .
171 Sultana, M.A., Akhter, S. and Islam, S. : Relationship between suicidal ideation and depression, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.21 , pp.91 – 106 , 2011 .
172 Uddin, M. K. : Parental warmth and academic achievement of adolescent children, Journal of Behavioral Sciences , vol.21(1) , pp.1-12 , 2011 .
173 Rahman, H. M. S., Mollah, S and Uddin, M. K. : Big five personality factors and conflict handling styles, Dhaka University Journal of Management, , vol.2(1) , pp.13-24 , 2010 .
174 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. : The what and why of perceptual asymmetries in the visual domain, Advances in Cognitive Psychology (impact factor:1.452) , vol.6 , pp.103-115 , 2010 .
175 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. : Configurational asymmetry in vernier offset detection, Advances in Cognitive Psychology (impact factor:1.452) , vol.6 , pp.66-78 , 2010 .
176 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. : Perceptual asymmetry in vernier offset discrimination: A similar trend between the cardinal and oblique orientations, The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science , vol.29 , no.1 , pp.1-16 , 2010 .
177 Rana, M. S. : Self-concept of Orphans With Single Parents and No Parents, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.34 , 2010 .
178 Rana, M. S. : Self-concept of Orphans With Single Parents and No Parents, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology, , vol.34 , 2010 .
179 Uzzaman, M. A. and Rahman, S. T. : Influence of life stress on Saontal and general people of Thakurgaon district of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioural Sciences , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.11-17 , 2010 .
180 Rana, M. S. and Uddin, M. K. : Visual performance as a function of exposure durations and tasks., Bangladesh Journal of Behavioral Sciences , vol.1 (2) , pp.16-29 , 2009 .
181 Akramuzzaman, M, Uddin, M. K. and Banu, A. A : Classroom conduct and academic achievement of high school students, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioral Sciences , vol.2 (1) , pp.6-12 , 2009 .
182 Hossain, M. S., Yeasmin, K. and Uddin, M. K. : Adaptation of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.33 , pp.1-10 , 2009 .
183 Manzurul Haque : 22. Concepts of psychotherapy and behaviour reformation in the light of Al-Quran and Islamic traditions, Dhaka University Studies , pp.55-82 , 2009 .
184 Sultana, A. and Naher, J. : Relation of Parental Rejection with Anxiety and Depression, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.33 , pp.67 – 78 , 2009 .
185 Shahid, S. F. B., Mullick, M. S. I., Nahar, J. S., Naher, J., Khan, S., Morshed, N. M., Shah, M. A. and Qusar, M. M. A. S. : • Relationship Between Parental Rejection and Personality, The Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal , vol.2 , no.2 BSMMU , pp.61-65 , 2009 .
186 Naher, J. and Sultana, A. : Relationship of Parental Rejection With Anxity and Depression, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.33 Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka , pp.67- 78 , 2008 .
187 Rana, M. S. : Self-mastery, Optimism and Depression of Working Women, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.33 , pp.79-86 , 2009 .
188 Rahman, H.M.S. and Khanam, M. : Self-role perception as a function of age, sex and profession, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.30 , pp.87-94 , 2008 .
189 Zaman, A. and Khanam, M. : Effects of maternal age, education and marital adjustment on pre adolescent adjustment, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.32 , pp.95-103 , 2008 .
190 Hossain, M, Banu, T and Uddin, M. K : The relationship between emotion regulation and psychological adjustment of indigenous and non-indigenous people, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.32 , pp.21-34 , 2008 .
191 Uddin, M. K, Kadir, M. A, Sultana, P. and & Rahman, S. T. : Development of a psychometric questionnaire for measuring teacher effectiveness by students, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioral Sciences , vol.1 (1) , pp.27-46 , 2008 .
192 Hossain, M. S and Uddin, M. K. : A cognitive psychological explanation of difficulties in learning Katakana, Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics , vol.1 (2) , pp.147-156 , 2008 .
193 Sultana, A., Uddin, M. K. and Rahman, M. G : Relationship between parental acceptance and intimate partner acceptance, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.18 , pp.11-18 , 2008 .
194 Sultana, A. and Leon, M. A. I. : Relation of Academic Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control with Life Satisfaction of Dhaka University Students, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.32 , pp.73 – 82 , 2008 .
195 Sultana, A., Uddin, M. K. and Rahman, M. G. : Relationship between Parental Acceptance and Intimate Partner Acceptance, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.18 , pp.11 – 18 , 2008 .
196 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. : Perceptual learning of spatial position in the visual domain, Human and Socio-environmental Studies , vol.16 , pp.1 - 11 , 2008 .
197 Rana, M. S. : A Comparative Study on Giftedness between the Urban and Sub-urban School Students, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.32 , pp.83-94 , 2008 .
198 Uddin, M. K., Kadir, M. A., Sultana, P. and Rahman, S. T. : Development of a psychometric questionnaire for measuring teacher effectiveness by students, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioural Sciences , vol.1 , pp.27-46 , 2008 .
199 Uddin, M. K., Rohner, R. P., Shamsunnaher, M. and & Khaleque, A. : Intimate partner acceptance, parental acceptance in childhood, and psychological adjustment among Japanese adults, Cross-Cultural Research , vol.42 , no.[Doi: 10.1177/1069397107310594] , pp.87-97 , 2008 .
200 Matsumoto, D., Hossain, M. S., Uddin, M. K., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Mahmud, S. H. : Ethnic and gender equalities in emotion regulation, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.17 , pp.27-36 , 2007 .
201 Sorcar, P. and Uddin, M. K : Environmental stress, job satisfaction, and career intention among the teachers of Dhaka University, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.31 , pp.1-10 , 2007 .
202 Jasmine, U. H and Uddin, M. K. : Perceived paternal acceptance and psychological adjustment of Dhaka University students., Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.31 , pp.93-102 , 2007 .
203 Karim, A. K. M. R. : The study of brain and behavior: A necessity of the age of brain competition, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.64/65 , no.1/2 , pp.163-182 , 2007/2008 .
204 Matsumoto, D, Hossain, M. S.,, Uddin, M. K., Karim, A. K. M. R and Mahmud, S. H : Ethnic and gender equalities in emotion regulation, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.17 , pp.27-36 , 2007 .
205 Jasmine, U. H and Uddin, M. K. : Adaptation of Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire and Personality Assessment Questionnaire in Bangla Language, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.17 , pp.49-70 , 2007 .
206 Sultana, A. and Chanda, M.B. : Effect of Types of Job and Sex on Anxiety, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.31 , pp.33 – 40 , 2007 .
207 Sultana, A. and Hossain, M. S. : Relation between Anxiety and Ulcer, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.31 , pp.41 – 48 , 2007 .
208 Sorcar, N. R., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Shahinuzzaman, M. : Development of norms for the Seguin Form Board Test for Bangladeshi children, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.30 , pp.49-60 , 2006 .
209 Khanam, M and Zaman. A. : Pre-adolescent adjustment as a function of age and level of academic achievement, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.30 , pp.79-86 , 2006 .
210 Uddin, M. K., : Concentric compression of visual space in memory, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.30 , pp.41-48. , 2006 .
211 Rahman, A. and Islam, S. : Social Support, Life Stress, Coping Pattern and Mental Health, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.16 , pp.93-103 , 2006 .
212 Rahman, A. and Islam, S. : Impact of Family Structure on Life Stress, Coping Pattern and Mental Health, Journal of Psychometry , vol.Vol. XX, No. 2, July , pp.42-57 , 2006 .
213 Rahman, S. T. and Haque, M. A. : Parent’s education and family socio-economic status as factors of adolescent’s self-concept, National University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.1 , pp.131-136 , 2006 .
214 Uddin, M. K. : Visual spatial localization and the two-process model, Kyushu University Psychological Research , vol.7 , pp.65-75 , 2006 .
215 Taher, M. A. and Rahman, A. : Attitude towards technology transfer in Bangladesh: Case study of textile industries, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.30 , pp.21-28 , 2006 .
216 Hossain, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Human values and type of governance in education sector, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.14 , no.1 , pp.107-117 , 2005 .
217 Uddin, M. K. and Mahmud, S. H. : The relevance of irrelevant objects in the construction of visual memory for location, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology, , vol.29 , pp.9-15 , 2005 .
218 Uddin, M. K., Ninose, Y. and Nakamizo, S. : An upper lower asymmetry in foveal bias, Perception , vol.34 , pp.201 , 2005 .
219 Rahman, S. T. and Rumana, S. Y. : Adjustment of tribal and non-tribal male and female students of Dhaka University, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.29 , pp.53-67 , 2005 .
220 Uddin, M. K., Kawabe, T. and Nakamizo, S. : Attention shift not memory averaging reduces foveal bias, Vision Research , vol.45 , no.[DOI:10.1016/j.visres.2005.03.006] , pp.3301-3306 , 2005 .
221 Uddin, M. K., Kawabe, T. and Nakamizo, S. : Differential roles of distracters in reflexive and memory-based localization, Spatial Vision , vol.18 , no.[DOI:10.1163/156856805774406765] , pp.579-592 , 2005 .
222 Sultana, A. : Relationship of Mental Health, Neuroticism, Extraversion with Life Satisfaction., The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.28 , pp.29 – 38 , 2004 .
223 Karim, A. K. M. R., Islam, S. and Seraj, M. S. : Self-concept and family structure: a comparison between the children of joint and nuclear families, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.61 , no.2 , pp.171-182 , 2004 .
224 Khanam, M. and Rahman, A. : Anxiety level of employed and educated women, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.28 , pp.53-60 , 2004 .
225 Uddin, M. K. and Mahmud, S. H : An upper lower asymmetry in foveal bias, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.28 , pp.1-10 , 2004 .
226 Khanam, M. and Rahman, A. : Anxiety Level of Employed and Educated Women, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.28 , pp.53-60 , 2004 .
227 Manzurul Hauqe : Substance abuse across culture: Bangladesh and America, Ind. J. of Psychol. Issuess , vol.12 (1&2) , pp.4-19 , 2004 .
228 Dively, J., Gilbreath, D., Cosgrove, P., Rinker, A., Leininger, J., Vernon, A., Hossain, M. S., Karim, A. K. M. R., Huq, M. and Mahmud, S. H. : Substance abuse across cultures: Bangladesh and America, Indian Journal of Psychological Issues , vol.12 , no.1 & 2 , pp.4 - 19 , 2004 .
229 Uddin, M. K.,, Kawabe, T. and Nakamizo, S. : Foveal versus peripheral bias of memory for location of a visual target, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics , pp.31- 32 , 2004 .
230 Uddin, M. K., Ninose, Y. and Nakamizo, S. : Accuracy and precision of spatial localization with and without saccadic eye movements: A test of the two-process model, A test of the two-process model. Psychologia , vol.47 , pp.28-34 , 2004 .
231 Karim, A. K. M. R and Islam, M. Z. : Self-esteem of managerial personnel and some organizational variables, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.28 , pp.73 - 92 , 2004 .
232 Khanam, M. and Rahman, M. : . Investigating the Degree of Anxiety of Incoming & Outgoing Men & Women Students of Dhaka University., Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research , vol.18 , pp.1-2, 13-21 , 2003 .
233 Sorcar, N. R.,, Uddin, M. K. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : A scale for measuring attitude towards satellite television, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology, , vol.27 , pp.43-50 , 2003 .
234 Rahman, S. T. : Determination of some psychometric properties of the Bangla version of job satisfaction scale, organizational commitment questionnaire, and job involvement questionnaire, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.27 , pp.51-67 , 2003 .
235 Sorcar, N. R., Uddin, M. K. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : A scale for measuring attitude towards satellite television, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.27 , pp.43-50 , 2003 .
236 Khanam, M. and Arjumand, S. : Anxiety as a Function of Generation & Sex, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.26 , pp.45-50 , 2002 .
237 Mahmud, A. Y. and Uddin, M. K. : Development of a scale for measuring attitude towards NGO’s in Bangladesh., Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.26 , pp.9-18 , 2002 .
238 Ali, M. R, Sorcar, N. R and Uddin, M. K : Psychological tests and viva voce for the selection of civil servants in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.19 , pp.69-77 , 2001 .
239 Huq, M., Uddin, M. K. and Mahmud, S. H : Job attitude of health professionals as a function of type of occupation, nature of work-schedule and pattern of organization., Bangladesh Journal of Psychology, , vol.19 , pp.19-27 , 2001 .
240 Manzrul Haque : Job attitude of the professionals as a function of type of occupation, nature of work schedule and pattern of organization, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.19 , pp.19-27 , 2001 .
241 Sultana, A., Sayem, S.M. and Shahidullah, S.M. : Fascism as Related to Political Involvement., The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.25 , pp.19 – 26 , 2001 .
242 Jahan, R. and Rahman, S. T. : Work attitudes: a comparative study of employees in privatized, private, and state-owned enterprises, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.11 , pp.1-16 , 2001 .
243 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Rahman, H. : Education system-linked differences in basic areas of value system, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.25 , pp.57-64 , 2001 .
244 Uddin, M. K, Huq, M. and Mahmud, S. H : Shift-work and its impact on mental health, occupational stress and job involvement of health professionals, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology, , vol.18 , pp.75-86 , 2000 .
245 . Huq, M., Sorcar, and Uddin, M. K : Association of age, experience, income, and sex with occupational stress, job involvement, and mental health of health professionals, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.24 , pp.27-34 , 2000 .
246 Manzurul Haque : Association of age, experience, income and sex with occupational stress, job involvement and mental health of health professionals, Dhaka University J. Psychology , vol.24 , pp.27-34 , 2000 .
247 Manzurul Haque : Shift work and its impact on mental health, occupational stress and job involvement of health professionals, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.18 , pp.75-86 , 2000 .
248 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Banu, S. : A scale for measuring study habits of secondary school students, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.24 , pp.15 - 25 , 2000 .
249 Khanam, M. : Social responsibility: A comparative study of gender & generation, Dhaka University J. Psychology , vol.24 , pp.35-38 , 2000 .
250 Uddin, M. K., Huq, M., and Mahmud, S. H. : Mental health, occupational stress, and job involvement of doctors and nurses working in private and public hospitals and clinics, . Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.17 , pp.17-27 , 1999 .
251 Manzurul Haque : Nature of human personality and a program for its development. An Islamic perspective, Muslim Education Quarterly, The Islamic Academy Cambridge, U.K. , vol.16 , pp.19-36 , 1999 .
252 Begum, H. A. and Rahman, S. T. : Development of a scale measuring attitude towards student-politics, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.9 , pp.35-50 , 1999 .
253 Sharmin, S. and Rahman, A. : Mental health and occupational stress among public and private hospital doctors, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science) , vol.25(1) , pp.153-163 , 1999 .
254 Manzurul Haque : Mental health, occupational stress and job involvement of doctors and nurses working in private/public hospitals and clinics, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.17 , pp.17-27 , 1998-99 .
255 Khanam, M. and Begum, R. : Self acceptance as a function of sex & academic achievement, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.8 , pp.79-82 , 1998 .
256 Khanam, M. and Begum, R. : Social responsibility of women of two generation in different socio-economic classes, , 1997 .
257 Rahman, A., and Uddin, M. K : Perceived mental health and occupational stress of the managerial employees under different shift schedules, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.15 , pp.63-70 , 1996 .
258 Rodrick, D. A. and Rahman, A. : Job satisfaction, occupational stress and mental health by work schedule and type of enterprise, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.47-56 , pp.16 , 1996-’97 .
259 Khanam, M. : Cooperative & Competitive behaviour of male students reard at home & institution, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.16 , pp.9-13 , 1996-97 .
260 Manzurul Haque : Drug addiction : Motivation and prevention, Asian Journal of Psychology and Education , vol.28 , pp.3-4, 32-40 , 1995 .
261 Manzurul Haque : Quality of a good test, Asian Journal of Psychology and Education , vol.28 , 1995 .
262 Manzurul Hauq : Effects of semester and annual academic systems on the time management practices of the Dhaka university students, Bangladesh Journal of Psychol , vol.15 , pp.39-46 , 1995-96 .
263 Rahman, A. and Uddin, M.K. : Perceived mental health and occupational stress of the managerial employees under different shift schedules, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.63-70 , pp.15 , 1995-’96 .
264 Manzurul Haque : The meaning of life in the light of a transcendental Perspective of philosophy of mind, Philosophy and Progress, Dev Centre for Philosophical Studies , vol.xvi-xvii , pp.201-213 , 1994 .
265 Manzurul Haque : 12. In quest of a meaningful model of human self and behavior, Intellectual Discourse, International Islamic University Malaysia Press , vol.2 , pp.1-18 , 1994 .
266 Ali, R., Khaleque and Khanam, M. : Critical Flicker Frequency of Mentally Retarded & Normal persons, Perceptual & Motor Skills , vol.79 , pp.1235- 1238 , 1994 .
267 Khanam, M : Risk taking as a function of sex & socio-economic class, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.4 , pp.59-63 , 1994 .
268 Khanam, M. : Interpersonal values & married life, Dhaka.Univ J. Biol. Sei. , pp.137-143 , 1994 .
269 Rahman, A. and Banu, H. F. : The job facets and life satisfaction of industrial employees, Social Science Review , vol.11 (2) , pp.73-85 , 1994 .
270 Ali, M. R., Al-Satti, A., Khaleque, A., Ali, S. M., Ahmed, R. U. and Rahman, A : Parents of mentally retarded children: Personality characteristics and psychological problems, Social Behavior and Personality , vol.22(1) , pp.41-52 , 1994 .
271 Manzurul Haque : Self concept and drug addiction, Asian Journal of Psychology and Education , vol.26 , pp.5-6, 26-33 , 1993 .
272 Manzurul Haque : Meaning implications of a transcendental model of human self and behaviour, Dhaka University J. Psychol , vol.18 , pp.1-15 , 1993 .
273 Khanam, M. : A comparison of the expressed Moral Values of Hindu & Muslim Students of Dhaka University, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.18 , pp.55-59 , 1993 .
274 Khanam , M. : Person perception as function of age & sex, The Asian Journal of psychology& Education , vol.26 , pp.28-33 , 1993 .
275 Khanam, M. and Parveen S. : A comparative study of risk taking decision of male and female employees & trainees, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.14 , pp.43-47 , 1993-94 .
276 Rahman, A. : Subjective health and family life of rotating shift workers, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.49-55 , pp.14 , 1993-’94 .
277 Sorcar, N. R. and Rahman, A. : Occupational stress and mental health of working women of different occupations, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XIV (1) , pp.69-79 , 1993 .
278 Manzurul Haque, Zafar Afaq Ansari : Heart’, the locus of human Psyche. in Quranic concepts of Human Psyche, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Islamabad and Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore , pp.57-67 , 1992 .
279 Khanam, M. : Value pattern of boys & girls reared in home & institutional environment, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.13 , pp.77-84 , 1992 .
280 Rahman, A. and Haque, S. : Perceived workload and performance of shift workers, Journal of Human Ergology , vol.99-103 , pp.21(1) , 1992 .
281 Rahman, A. : Job anxiety, job satisfaction and organizational climate as perceived by the public and the private sector bank employees, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-E , vol.7(1) , pp.31-36 , 1992 .
282 Khanam, M. : Attitude o young men & Women towards fashionable clothings, Dhaka University Studies, Part E. , pp.149-153 , 1991 .
283 Rahman, A., Begum, M. and Akhter, S. : Interpersonal trust at work, organizational commitment and personal need non-fulfillment as perceived by the public and the private sector industrial employees, The Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.12 , pp.1-8 , 1991 .
284 Begum, H.A. and Khanam, M. : Interpersonal values & friendship, Indian Psychological Review , vol.35 , pp.27-33 , 1990 .
285 Rahman, A. and Sorcar, N. R. : Occupational stress, marital status and job satisfaction of working women, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-C , vol.XI (1) , pp.55-61 , 1990 .
286 Rahman, A. and Wadud, N. : Job involvement as related to job anxiety and some demographic factors, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-E, 5(1) , pp.73-76 , 1990 .
287 Rahman, A. : Workers’ sleep quality as determined by shift system and demographic factors, International Archive of Occupational and Environmental Health , vol.60(6) , pp.425-429 , 1988 .
288 Khaleque, A, and Rahman, A. : Perceived importance of job facets and overall job satisfaction of industrial workers, Human Relations , vol.40 (7) , pp.401-416 , 1987 .
289 Rahman, A. : Frequency of shift rotation and workers’ responses to some family related questions, Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-E, 2(1) , pp.33-37 , 1987 .
290 Manzurul Haque : 6. Effect of mobilization of prior knowledge on free recall of experimentally induced familiar and unfamiliar materials, Dhaka University Studies, Part E , vol.1 , pp.53-58 , 1986 .
291 Manzurul Haque : 7. Role of neuroticism, psychoticism, and extraversion in academic achievement, Asian Journal of Psychology and Education , vol.17 , pp.2. 1-6 , 1986 .
292 Rahman, A. : Shift and non-shift workers’ responses to some family related questions, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.9 , pp.13-19 , 1986 .
293 Rahman, A. and Reddy, N. Y. : Workers’ perceived quality of working life (QWL) as determined by shift system and demographic factors, Managers Digest , vol.1(1) , pp.16-25 , 1986 .
294 ManzurulHaque : Auditory perception of male and female subjects as a function of illumination and its color, Bangladesh J. of Psychol , vol.8 , pp.49-55 , 1985 .
295 ManzurulHaque : 5. Personality factors related to academic achievement. A study on introductory psychology students, Bangladesh J. of Psychol , vol.8 , pp.92-98 , 1985 .
296 Rahman, A. and Kumar, N. A. : Absenteeism as related to locus of control, Psychological Studies , vol.29 (1) , pp.73-75 , 1984 .
297 Reddy, N. Y. and Rahman, A. : Relevance of job involvement and work involvement of managerial employees and blue-collar workers to their locus of control, Journal of Human Ergology , vol.15-22 , pp.13 , 1984 .
298 Ali, M. R., Humbulo, R., Khaleque, A. and Rahman, A. : A cross-cultural study of inter-group conflicts in industry and its implications for job design and quality of working life, Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management , pp.97-102 , 1984 .
299 Khaleque, A. and Rahman, A. : Shift workers’ attitudes towards shift work and perception of quality of life, International Archive of Occupational and Environmental Health , vol.291-297 , pp.53 , 1984 .
300 ManzurulHaque : A proposal for an investigation into the effects of spiritual factors on human behavior, Dacca University J. Psychology , vol.11 , pp.17-21 , 1984 .
301 ManzurulHaque : Concept of personality development in the light of Islamic thoughts, Bangladesh J. of Psychol , vol.7 , pp.118-126 , 1984 .
302 ManzurulHaque : Social responsibly as a function of family type, social group membership and urbanization, Bangladesh J. of Psychol , vol.7 , pp.134-144 , 1984 .
303 Rahman, A. and Wadud, N. : Value difference of incoming and outgoing students of Dhaka University, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.13 , pp.39-43 , 1983 .
304 Rahman, A. and Khaleque, A. : Health problems of shift workers, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.13 , pp.31-37 , 1983 .
305 Khaleque, A. and Rahman, A. : Sleep disturbances and health complaints of shift workers, Journal of Human Ergology , vol.11 (suppl.) , pp.155-164 , 1982 .
306 Ali, M. R., Khaleque, A. and Rahman, A. : Inter-group conflict in industry as perceived by top and bottom managements, Managerial Psychology , vol.2 (2) , pp.61-78 , 1981 .
307 Rahman, A. : Research in behavioral sciences: a critical outlook, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.29-38 , pp.11 , 1981 .
308 Sardar, A., Sorcar, N. R., Khan, S. I., Rahman, A. and Rahman, M. : Factors responsible for incongenial atmosphere in the Universities of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.6 , pp.1-13 , 1980 .
309 Sorcar, N. R., Rahman, A. and Chowdhury, T. H. : Risk-taking in individual and group situations as determined by subjective expected utility: A pilot study, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.6 , pp.151-168 , 1980 .
310 Ali, M. R., Rahman, A., Rahman, M., Gomes, M. M. and Endow, S. : Achievement motivation, neuroticism and performance, Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-B, XXV (1) , pp.51-60 , 1977 .
311 Shil, R, Begum, F and Nahar, N : Correspondence between Mother and Child with Regard to Acceptance-Rejection and Children Psychological Adjustment, International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research , vol.9 , no.8 , pp.1-9 , 2021 .
312 Boulden, R., Stone, J. and Raisa, S. A. : Supporting the college and career needs of gifted and talented learners in rural elementary schools: Strategies for school counselors., The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas , vol.94 , no.5 Taylor and Francis Online , pp.223-235 , 2021 .
313 Uddin, M. K., Raisa, S. A. and Hossain, S. S. : Exploring predictors of academic success of the first-year undergraduate students of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.22 , pp.141–156 , 2019 .
314 Karmaker, C., Hossain, A., Fariea, B. and Raisa, S. A, : Living arrangements and social support as predictors of mental health and life satisfaction of older adults, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.17-25 , 2018 .
315 Raisa, S. A. and Karmaker, C. : Emotional intelligence, social interaction anxiety and marital intimacy among married persons, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.27 , pp.53-60 , 2017 .
316 Begum, F, Uddin, M. K, Bristy, S. P and Sultana, M : Facebook Addiction Predicting Anxiety and Depression among Young adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 , pp.15-21 , 2020 .
317 AM Zahidul Haque, Naima Nigar, Arifa Rahman, Fariea Bakul and Syfin Rubyat : Analyzing the Effect of Foreign Language on Decision Making: A Study from Bangla Language Perspective, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.29 , no.2 , pp.191-199 , 2020 .
318 Naima Nigar and Nuzhat Ahmed : Age and Gender as Factors of Facial Affect Recognition: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Culture, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.21-28 , 2019 .
319 Raisa Jerin and Naima Nigar : Validation of Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale for Bangladeshi University Students, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , pp.1-12 , 2019 .
320 Naima Nigar and Aniqa Masnun Torfa : Impact of Gender and Sexual Orientation on Creative Thinking, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , pp.83-92 , 2016 .
321 Karim, A. K. M. R., Proulx, M. J., de Sousa, A. A., Karmaker, C., Rahman, A., Karim, F. and Nigar, N. : The right way to kiss: directionality bias in head-turning during kissing, Scientific Reports , vol.7 , pp.5398 , 2017 .
322 Sagar, M. M. H., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. : Psychometric Properties of the Bangla Version Operational Police Stress Questionnaire, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology , vol.41 , no.2 , pp.242-250 , 2015 .
323 Nigar, N. and Karim, A.K.M.R. : Impact of Internet addiction among the young adults of Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , pp.99-110 , 2014 .
324 Sagar, M. M. H., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. : Factor structure for Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org) in Bangladeshi culture, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.9 , pp.265-272 , 2014 .
325 Nigar, N., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Sagar, M. M. H. : The Bangla version of the Miller Social Intimacy Scale: An exploratory study, Universal Journal of Psychology , vol.2 , no.8 , pp.241-247 , 2014 .
326 Karim, A.K.M.R. and Nigar, N. : The Internet Addiction Test: Assessing its psychometric properties in Bangladeshi culture, Asian Journal of Psychiatry , vol.10 , pp.75-83 , 2014 .
327 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. : Psychometric properties of school motivation inventory in Bangladeshi culture: Exploratory and confirmatory study, Journal of Behavioural Sciences , vol.30 , no.2 , pp.42-61 , 2020 .
328 Karim, A. K. M. R., Proulx, M. J., de Sousa, A. A. and Likova, L. T. : Neuroplasticity and crossmodal connectivity in the normal, healthy brain, Psychology & Neuroscience , vol.14 , no.3 APA , pp.298–334 , 2021 .
329 Karim, A. K. M. R., Prativa, S. and Likova, L.T. : Perception and appreciation of tactile objects: The role of visual experience and texture parameters, Journal of Perceptual Imaging , vol.4 , no.3 Society for Imaging Science and Technology , pp.030405-1–030405-20 , 2021 .
330 Pervin, M : Teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A critical Review of the articles, International Journal of Current Research , 2015 .
331 Pervin, M and Ferdowshi, N : Suicidal Ideation in relation to Depression, Loneliness and Hopelessness among university students., The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2016 .
332 Sultana, F and Pervin, M : Influence of Gender Differences on Personality Characteristics: A study of urban and rural children., The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2015 .
333 Pervin, M : A comparative study on Personality Variables between Drug Addicts and Non-Addicts., Bangladesh Journal of Behavioural Sciences , 2011 .
334 Pervin, M : Influence of self-efficacy on perceived physical health and academic achievement, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , 2006 .
335 Pervin, M : Loneliness and depression in males and females, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , 2008 .
336 Pervin, M and Kabir, S. M. S : Educational environment as perceived by the students of public and private universities in Bangladesh., Journal of Center for Development Research , 2008 .
337 Pervin, M and Mollah, S : Demographic and Psychological factors as related to Organizational Commitment, Dhaka University Journal of Management , 2011 .
338 Pervin, M, Mollah, S and Rana, M. S : Effects of aggression and anxiety on sexual activity, Bangladesh Journal of Behavioral Sciences , 2008 .
339 Pervin, M and Rana M. S : Self-mastery, optimism, and depression of working women, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , 2009 .
340 Sorcar, N. R and Pervin, M : Drug addiction and family relations, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , 2004 .
341 Pervin, M and Mushtaq, M : Regular Primary School Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusion of Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh, Asian Journal of Inclusive Education , 2020 .
342 Pervin, M., Ferdowshi, N and Munni, I. J : Teacher-student interactions and academic performance of students, Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2021 .
343 Ferdowshi, N and Pervin, M. : The influence of mothers’ perception and contextual factors on positive interaction in early childhood, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , 2020 .
344 Ferdowshi, N. and Pervin. M. : Identifying positive interactions in early childhood between mothers and children, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , 2019 .
345 Ahmed, O., Hossain, K. N., Hiramoni, F. A., Siddique, R. F. and Chung, S. : Psychometric Properties of the Bangla Version of the Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics-6 Items Scale Among the General Population in Bangladesh., Frontiers in Psychiatry (impact factor:4.157) , vol.13:804162 , 2022 .
346 Ahmed, O., Hossain, K. N., Siddique, R. F. and Jobe, M. C. : COVID-19 fear, stress, sleep quality and coping activities during lockdown, and personality traits: A person-centered approach analysis, Personality and Individual Differences (impact factor:3.95) , vol.178:110873 Elsevier , 2021 .
347 Siddique, R.F., Ahmed, O. and Hossain, K. N. : Relationship between the fear of COVID-19 disease and sleep quality: the mediating role of stress, Heliyon (impact factor:3.92) , vol.7(5):e07033 Elsevier , 2021 .
348 Khatun, S., Sidddique, R. F. and Hossain, K. N. : Stress and Life Satisfaction of Parents of Autism Spectrum Disordered Children, Jagannath University Journal of Psychology , vol.9 , 2019 .
349 Mistry, S. K., Ali, A. R. M. M., Irfan, N. M., Yadav, U. N., Siddique, R. F., Peprah, P., Reza, S., Rahman, Z., Casanelia, L. and O’Callaghan, C. : Prevalence and correlates of depressive symptoms among Rohingya (Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals or FDMNs) older adults in Bangladesh amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Mental Health (impact factor:3.5) , vol.8 , no.e23 Cambridge University Press , pp.1–9 , 2021 .
350 Akter, N., Singha, B. and Shahnaz, I. : Self-Control as a predictor of Facebook Addiction and Aggressive Behavior, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 , pp.29-37 , 2020 .
351 Shahnaz, I. and Khatun, I. : Relationship of Patience with Life Engagement, and Well-being of Teachers Dealing with Exceptional Children, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 , pp.23-28 , 2020 .
352 Kabir, S. and Shahnaz, I. : Perceived Social Support as a Predictor of Perfectionism and Life Stress, International Journal of Asia Pacific School Psychology , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.81-87 , 2021 .
353 Naher, J. and Mondol, S. : Sleep Quality of Young Adults as Affected by Their Facebook Addiction, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka , pp.45- 53 , 2019 .
354 Habib, S. and Naher, J. : Adaptation of the Self-Compassion Scale for Bangladeshi Culture, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.29 , no.1 , pp.37 - 44 , 2020 .
355 Naher, J. : Adaptation of the Internet Attitude Survey for Bangladeshi Culture, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka , pp.7-13 , 2020 .
356 Das, J. S. and Naher, J. : Psychological Needs Assessment of Primary School Going Students of Dhaka, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.30 , no.2 , pp.243 - 259 , 2021 .
357 Karim, A.K.M. R., Proulx, M.J., de Sousa, A.A. and Likova, L.T. : Do we enjoy what we sense and perceive? A dissociation between aesthetic appreciation and basic perception of environmental objects or events., Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (accepted) Springer , 2022 .
358 Shimul A M, Jannat R and Chowdhury S : The Effect of Emotion on Episodic Memory Retrieval: Does it vary with age?, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , pp.27 , 2017 .
359 Karmaker, C. and Papry Akter : "Visuospatial Working Memory: Does Sleep Quality Correlate with It?”, The International Journal of Indian Psychology , vol.8 , no.3 , 2020 .
360 Karmaker, C.,, Dr. Afroza Hossain and Mahin Sultana : Depression and Sleep Quality among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 , pp.1-6 , 2020 .
361 Hossain, N. and Sultana, M.A. : Single-sex and co-education: Effects on self-concept and academic achievement, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.30 , pp.1-10 , 2020 .
362 Mahjabin, S. and Sultana, M. A. : Adaptation of the Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation (n-Ach) Scale for Urban Students in Bangladesh, Social Science Review (Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.285-297 , 2020 .
363 Shamima, A., Sultana, M. A. and Akter, S. : Relationship between personality traits and coping strategies among university students, Bangladesh Journal of Psychology , vol.23 , pp.89-98 , 2020 .
364 Nuzhat, A. and Sultana, M.A. : Effect of metacognitive ability and selective attention ability on academic performance of adolescents, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.59-67 , 2021 .
365 Uddin, S. S., Dundon, A. and Sultana, M. A. : Impact of Microcredit on Women's Empowerment in Some Selected Villages in Bangladesh: Exploration of Change in Women's Status and 'Peace in the Family', Philosophy and Progress , vol.LXIII-LXIV , no.1-2 , pp.30-64 , 2018 .
366 Begum, F, Ullah, M. H and Nahar, N : Job Satisfaction, Mental Well- Being and Turnover Intention among Pharmaceutical Employees in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.150-153 , 2021 .
367 Rahman, M, Begum, F and Nahar, N : Impact of Parenting and Achievement Motivation on Students’ Academic Performance, International Journal of Asia Pacific School Psychology , vol.2 , pp.38-44 , 2021 .
368 Karmaker, C. and Bakul, F. : Parental Bonding and Cognitive Emotion Regulation., Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.Vol- 40 , pp.p 65-72 , 2016 .
369 Karmaker, C., Hossain, A., Bakul, F and Raisa, S.A. : Living Arrangements and Social Support as Predictors of Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of Older Adults., The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.V-27 , no.(I-1) , pp.p-17-25 , 2018 .
370 Haque, A.M. Z, Nigar, N., Rahman, A., Bakul, F. and Rubyat, S : Analyzing the effect of foreign language on decision making: a study from Bangla language perspective, The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.V-29 , no.(I-2) , 2020 .
371 Bakul, F. : Economic abuse and relationship satisfaction within pre-marital couples., International Journal of Indian Psychology , vol.8 , no.03 , pp.103-112 , 2020 .
372 Bakul, F. and Heanoy, E. Z. : Emotion Regulation and Psychological Impact of COVID-19 among Post-Graduate University Students, International Journal of Indian Psychology , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.1-11 , 2021 .
373 Bakul, F. and Karmekar, C. : Future Thinking Pattern of University Students During COVID 19: Do Emotion Regulation and Perceived Interpersonal Support Relate with It?, International Journal of Mental Health and Psychiatry (impact factor:1.71) , vol.8 , no.1 , 2022 .
374 Bipasha Singha and Mahfuza Khanam : The Effect of Mood and Gender on Altruistic Behavior in an Experiment Situation, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.35 , pp.13-20 , 2011 .
375 Dilruba Begum, Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Radia Taisir, Sumon Lahiry, Bipasha Singha and Nawzia Yasmin : Women’s empowerment and health care seeking behavior in Bangladesh: measurement and model fitting of empowerment, State University of Bangladesh Journal of Public Health , vol.4 , no.2 , 2012 .
376 Bipasha Singha, Mahfuza Khanam and Ummay Honey Kanta : Anxiety and Social Responsibility of Blood Donors and Non-blood Donors, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.37 , pp.20-27 , 2013 .
377 Shamal Chandra Karmaker, Sumon Lahiry, Dulal Chandra Roy and Bipasha Singha : Determinants of Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh: Time Trends and Comparisons across South Asia, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science , vol.13 , no.4 , 2014 .
378 Bipasha Singha, Syed Tanveer Rahman and Zinat Fouzia : The Bangla Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Rempel Trust Scale, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.38 , 2015 .
379 Bipasha Singha, Mahfuza Khanam and Mousumi Sarkar : Adjustment and Self-Role Perception of Adolescent Boys and Girls Living in Hostel and Home, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.39 , pp.23-38 , 2015 .
380 Begum, F : Exploring Psychosocial Factors Influencing Women Entrepreneurships of Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Positive Psychology , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.151-154 , 2021 .
381 Arobindu Dash and Bipasha Singha : The translation, adaptation and validation of the Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.40 , 2016 .
382 Morshed Alam and Bipasha Singha : A Comparative Study of Hopelessness and Personality Pattern of Drug Addicts and Non-Addicts in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Psychological Studies , vol.27 , pp.61-68 , 2017 .
383 Bipasha Singha, Fahmida Khatun and Ishrat Shahnaz : Resilience and life stress among young adults, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , 2019 .
384 Ishrat Shahnaz, Khadiza Akter and Bipasha Singha : Stress depression and coping strategy between the parents of children with autism, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.41 , 2019 .
385 Diane L Putnick, Muhammad Kamal Uddin, Ronald P Rohner, Bipasha Singha and Ishrat Shahnaz : Remembrances of Parental Rejection are Associated with Loneliness as Mediated by Psychological Maladjustment in Young Bangladeshi Men but not Women, International Journal of Psychology (impact factor:2.00) , vol.55 , no.3 Wiley , pp.354-363 , 2020 .
386 Najma Akter, Bipasha Singha and Ishrat Shahnaz : Self-Control as a predictor of Facebook Addiction and Aggressive Behavior, Dhaka University Journal of Psychology , vol.42 University of Dhaka , pp.29-37 , 2020 .
Conference Proceedings (27)
1 Bipasha Singha and Osama Eljamal "Evaluating the Social and Psychological Factors about the Public Acceptance of Treated Wastewater Reuse: A Review." Proceedings of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES) , pp. 234-238. Fukuoka: Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, 2022 .
2 Begum, F "Anxiety and Depression predicting Facebook Addiction among Young Adults in Dhaka City." 14th Psychological Conference Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2018 .
3 Begum, F "Parental Acceptance and Rejection among Adults: Psychological Adjustment as a Mediator." 7th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance & Rejection Greece: 2018 .
4 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "Study of adolescents’ cognitive emotion regulation, school engagement, and school motivation in relation to family and school environment." International Conference and Innovation Exhibition on Global Education Kedah Darul Aman, Malyasia: 2018 .
5 Begum, F "Parenting Style, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem Predicting Academic Success." 4th International 6th Indian Psychological Science Congress Chandigarh, India: 2017 .
6 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Likova, L. "Object understanding and cortical functional reorganization in the blind." The 1st National Conference on Neuroscience Research in Bangladesh Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2017 .
7 Begum, F "Job Satisfaction, Mental Well-Being, and Turnover Intention among Pharmaceutical Employees in Bangladesh." 13th Psychological Conference Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2016 .
8 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Likova, L. "Perception and aesthetic appreciation of textures through the sense of touch: Do the blind differ from the sighted?." Envision Conference: A Multidisciplinary Low Vision Rehabilitation & Research Conference Denver: 2016 .
9 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Likova, L. "Aesthetic appreciation and perception of 3D shapes through the sense of touch in the blind and the sighted: on the properties of contour curvature and symmetry of 3D tactile shapes." Conference of the Society for Neuroscience San Diego: 2016 .
10 Prativa, S., Nigar, N. and Karim, A.K.M.R. "Parenting style of the working and non-working mothers: implications for cognitive-emotional functioning in offspring." The 2nd International and 4th Indian Psychological Science Congress Chandigarh: 2015 .
11 Sarkar, A. P., Nigar, N. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "Self-monitoring, self-motivation and conflict management in managerial personnel." The 2nd International and 4th Indian Psychological Science Congress Chandigarh: 2015 .
12 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Likova, L. "Tactile aesthetics in the blind and the sighted." Envision Conference: A Multidisciplinary Low Vision Rehabilitation & Research Conference Denver: 2015 .
13 Begum, T. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "Cognitive distortion and cognitive emotion regulation in adolescents as predicted by parental bonding." The 4th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference, Mental Health Gap in Bangladesh: Resources and Response , pp. 103. Dhaka: Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association, 2014 .
14 Shahnaz, I. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "The impact of internet addiction on life satisfaction and life engagement." The 4th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference, Mental Health Gap in Bangladesh: Resources and Response , pp. 50. Dhaka: Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association, 2014 .
15 Nigar, N. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "Affective state and cognitive emotion regulation of the abused juvenile offenders." The 4th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference, Mental Health Gap in Bangladesh: Resources and Response , pp. 36. Dhaka: Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association, 2014 .
16 Nigar, N., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Sagar, M. M. H. "The Bangla Version of the Miller Social Intimacy Scale: an exploratory study." The International Conference on Applied Statistics (ICAS) Dhaka: 2014 .
17 Sagar, M. M. H. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "Perceived stress and subjective well-being in organizational and operational police." The 4th Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Conference, Mental Health Gap in Bangladesh: Resources and Response , pp. 85. Dhaka: Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association, 2014 .
18 Sagar, M. M. H., Karim, A. K. M. R. and Nigar, N. "Factor structure for Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (PSQ-Org) in Bangladeshi culture." The International Conference on Applied Statistics (ICAS) Dhaka: 2014 .
19 Uzzaman, M. A. and Karim, A. K. M. R. "The psychometric properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale in Bangladeshi culture." The International Conference on Applied Statistics (ICAS) Dhaka: 2014 .
20 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. "Visual spatial localization as a function of position relativity of the stimulus segments." Conference of tthe Vision Society of Japan (VSJ) , pp. 30. Tokyo: The Journal of the Vision Society of Japan, 2008 .
21 Karim, A. K. M. R. and Kojima, H. "Visual spatial discrimination: a phenomenon affected by simple stimulus configuration." The 72nd Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association (JPA) , pp. 504. Hokkaido: Japanese Psychological Association (JPA), 2008 .
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