Research & Publication (Department of Television, Film and Photography)
Book (5)
1 Monira Begum and Shaolin Shaon Samajik Jugagog Maddhome Cholochitro Somalochonar Swarup. Dhaka: Bangladesh Film Archive, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 2022 .
2 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan (ed.) Agriculture Journalism. Dhaka: Chandrabati Academy, 2017 .
3 Abu Bhuiyan Internet Governance and the Global South: Demand for a New Framework. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014 .
4 Sheikh Mahmuda Sultana Ḍhākā'i calaccitra: Nārī pardāra bhētarē ō bā'irē (Films of Dhaka: Women in and outside the screen),. Dhaka: Bangladesh Freedom Foundation, 2005 .
5 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem Political Cinema in Bangladesh: A Dialogue with Third Cinema. Dhaka: Bangladesh Film Archive, 2021 .
Book Section (4)
1 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "'Digital Bangladesh’: Technology, Inequality and Social Change.." Bangladesh’s Changing Mediascape: From State Control to Market Forces. B. Shoesmith and Jude Genilo (Eds.) Intellect, UK, 2013 193-214 .
2 Sheikh Mahmuda Sultana "Ḍhākā'i calaccitrē nārī: Dānaba, dēbatā ō patira rājyē naṣṭā, ēksaṭrā ō satī (Women in the films of Dhaka: Vamps, Extras and satī in the Realm of Gods, Monsters and Husbands) in Gaṇamādhyama ō Janasamāja." Gaṇamādhyama ō Janasamāja ( Mass Media and Society. Eds. Dr. Gitiara Nasreen, Mofizur Rahman and Dr. Sitara Parvin Dhaka: Shrabon Prokashoni, 2002 191-225 .
3 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan and Rumana Siddique "Habitat." Bangladesh Environment: Facing the 21st Century. Philip Gain (ed.) Dhaka: SEHD, 1998 246-260 .
4 হাবিবা রহমান (Habiba Rahman) "গণমাধ্যম নির্মিত নায়কের দৌরাত্ম্যে উপেক্ষিত মূল নায়ক: প্রসঙ্গ বাংলাদেশ সঙ্গীতাঙ্গন ( Real Hero are Neglected, Media Hero are Admirable: In the Light of Bangladesh Musical Arena)." গণমাধ্যম/শ্রেণিমাধ্যম (Massmedia/Classmedia). রোবায়েত ফেরদৌস ও মুহাম্মদ আনওয়ারুস সালাম সম্পাদিত (Edited by Robaet Ferdous and Muhammad Anwarus Salam) Dkaha: Shrabon Prokashani, Feb 2009 175-183 .
Journal Article (66)
1 Mrs. Shahria Afrin and Shaolin Shaon : A Qualitative Multi-Theoretic Analysis of Boyz n the Hood (1991): Exploring the Cinematographic Representation of Crime and Racism, Social Science Review [The Dhaka Studies, Part-D] , vol.42 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , 2025 .
2 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin and Md. Nasimul Huda : Barriers and Motivators: Investigating the Impact of Personal and Perceptual Factors on Media Career Choices in Bangladesh, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator , vol.80 , no.1 Sage , 2025 .
3 Shaolin Shaon and Nifat Sultana : The Study of Signs in Frida (2002): Exploring the Creative Nexus between the Film and the Paintings, Social Science Review [The Dhaka Studies, Part-D] , vol.41 , no.1 Faculty of Social Science, University of Dhaka , pp.91-120 , 2024 .
4 Reffat Ferdous : Myth and Realities: Analyzing Disability Representation on the Bangladeshi Silver Screen, Advances in Journalism and Communication , vol.12 , no.2 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. , pp.258-273 , 2024 .
5 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin : Under Construction (2015): A Sketchy Attempt to Depict Female Subjectivity, Social Science Review , vol.41 , no.1 Dhaka University , pp.73-90 , 2024 .
6 Shaolin Shaon : Exploring Narrative Adaptation and Comparative Analysis of Characters in Hawa (2022): Gulti - Chan Majhi versus Monosa - Chad Sawdagor, Probondhaboli , vol.12 , no.July 2020 Centre for Advanced Research in Social Sciences , pp.89--113 , 2024 .
7 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin : OTT USAGE PATTERN OF THE BANGLADESHI YOUTH: A BENIGN SIGN FOR THE NATIVE ONES, Electronic Journal of New Media , vol.8 , no.1 Istanbul Aydin University , pp.84-116 , 2024 .
8 Reffat Ferdous and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Bengali Nationalism and Identity Construction in Fagun Haway (In Spring Breeze, 2019), , vol.40 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.39-58 , 2023 .
9 S M Imran Hossain : Coralie Fargeat’s Revenge: An Analysis from the Perspective of Feminist Counter-Cinema, Advances in Journalism and Communication (impact factor:0.89) , vol.11 , no.4 Scientific Research Publishing , pp.443-455 , 2023 .
10 Reffat Ferdous and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Bengali Nationalism and Identity Construction In Fagun Haway (In Spring Breeze, 2019), Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.40 , no.2 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.39-58 , 2023 .
11 Reffat Ferdous : মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চলচ্চিত্রে মেলোড্রামার স্বরূপ সন্ধান (In Quest of Melodrama in Liberation War Films), সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ , vol.16 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.73-86 , 2022 .
12 S. M. Imran Hossain : A Study on Over-the-Top (OTT) Video Streaming Platforms in Bangladesh, Advances in Journalism and Communication (impact factor:0.88) , vol.10 , no.3 Scientific Research , pp.355-376 , 2022 .
13 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin : Third Person Singular Number (2009): A Veiled Attempt to Portray Postmodern Identity, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.18 Bangladesh Film Archive , pp.146-152 , 2022 .
14 Habiba Rahman and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Building Social and Political Awareness Through Cinema : A Case of Dahan, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.39 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences , pp.125-140 , 2022 .
15 Habiba Rahman and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Building Social and Political Awareness through Cinema: The Case of Dahan, Social Science Review , vol.39 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.125-140 , 2022 .
16 Reffat Ferdous and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Death Denial in Bengali Cinema: A Terror Management Analysis of Srijit Mukherji's Baishe Srabon and Hemlock Society, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.38 , no.2 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.159-174 , 2021 .
17 Reffat Ferdous and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Death Denial in Bengali Cinema: A Terror Management Analysis of Srijit Mukherji’s Baishe Srabon and Hemlock Society, Social Science Review , vol.38 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.159–174 , 2021 .
18 Habiba Sultana and Habiba Rahman : NGOs, Sex workers movement and HIV: A case of Bangladesh, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part - D, , vol.Volume 38 , no.Number 1 Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Dhaka , pp.157-174 , 2021 .
19 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin : Kokhono Asheni (1961): A Bengali Experimental Film with Metaphors, Complex Psychic Expression and Social Class, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.17 Bangladesh Film Archive , pp.158-165 , 2021 .
20 Reffat Ferdous : মাত্র ও মম: ভারতীয় ধর্ষণ-প্রতিশোধ ধারার চলচ্চিত্রে মাতৃত্বের নির্মাণ (Matra and Mom: Construction of Motherhood in Indian Rape-Revenge Film), সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ, পার্ট-ডি , vol.14 , no.14 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.25-40 , 2020 .
21 Maliha Tabassum and Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Fruitful or Empty talks: Analyzing political talk shows before the national election of Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.33-42 , 2020 .
22 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Surja Dighal Bari: The ominous fate of the working class, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.16 Bangladesh Film Archive , pp.97-105 , 2020 .
23 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Swadhinotar totthochitro ‘Stop Genocide’, BINIRMAN , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.78-83 , 2019 .
24 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Desire, Narcissism and Crises in Citizen Kane, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.15 , pp.121-125 , 2019 .
25 এস এম ইমরান হোসেন : বাংলাদেশের যৌথ প্রযোজনার চলচ্চিত্র নীতিমালা: একটি নিরীক্ষা, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা [ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ পার্ট -ডি] , vol.13 , no.13 , pp.57-76 , 2019 .
26 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Analysis of the film Un Chien Andalou, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.14 Bangladesh Film Archive , pp.67-75 , 2018 .
27 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Chitkini: Nari monostotter chalocchitrik uposthapon, Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute Journal , vol.1 , no.8 , pp.179-195 , 2018 .
28 Alexander Cecil McNab and Gopa Biswas Caesar : Migrant Memorabilia, The World of Chinese , 2018 .
29 Gopa B. Caesar and Alexander Cecil McNab : End of Days, The World of Chinese 汉语世界:英文版 , no.2 , pp.24-29 , 2018 .
30 Gopa Biswas Caesar : China’s Bollywood Renaissance, 汉语世界:英文版 (The World of Chinese) , 2018 .
31 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Sompadonar bhittite Breathless cholocchitrer tulonamulok alochona, Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute Journal , vol.1 , no.5 , pp.122-139 , 2017 .
32 এস এম ইমরান হোসেন : তারেক মাসুদের চলচ্চিত্রসমূহঃ একটি পর্যালোচনা, Bangladesh Cinema and television Institute Journal , vol.Year-4, Volume-1 , no.December, 2017 , pp.44-62 , 2017 .
33 Gopa Biswas Caesar : Long Lost Lore of a 'Land' Called Home, Stream: Inspiring Critical Thought , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.14-19 , 2017 .
34 Syeda Akhtar Jahan and Reffat Ferdous : When Fantasy is the Jewelry Box: A Psychoanalysis of the Suppressed Desire of Women, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.Issue: 10, ISSN: 2074-2134 , 2016 .
35 Reffat Ferdous : Interactivity in Bangladeshi Newspapers’ Website: Journalists’ Perceptions about Online Responses on News Coverage, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-D, Vol.: 33, No.: 1 , 2016 .
36 Sheikh Mahmuda Sultana : Degree: A tale of Unexpected Acts in the Name of the Mother, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol: 32, No: 1 , no.June ; Part: D , pp.193-203 , 2015 .
37 Gopa Biswas Caesar : Xala: A Scathing Criticism of the Social System of Post-Colonial Senegal, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.9 , pp.106-114 , 2015 .
38 Reffat Ferdous and Syeda Akhtar Jahan : Consumer’s Perceptions of Advertising in the Online Social Networking Environment: Perspective Bangladesh, Samazik Biggan Patrika (Social Science Journal) Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-D, Vol: 8, No: 8 , 2014 .
39 Sheikh Mahmuda Sultana : Itihāsa thēkē calaccitra: Mātr̥tbēra nirmāṇa (Construction of Motherhood: From History towards Films), Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies; (impact factor:perception of gender) , vol.Vol: 8, No: 8 , no.Part: D, Dhaka: Shrabon Prkashoni, Dhaka , pp.103-115. , 2014 .
40 Reffat Ferdous : Making Children Consumer through Television Advertisement: Perspective a Private Television Channel of Bangladesh, Rural Development, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development , no.Issue 15, ISSN: 2222-6869 , 2012 .
41 Reffat Ferdous : The Story of the Extreme Marginalized: Co-Cultural Communication among Transgender Population (Hijra) in Bangladesh, Stamford Journal of Media, Communication and Culture , no.Issue 02, ISSN: 2218-5437 , 2012 .
42 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Television Journalism as a Field, Forum , vol.6 , no.5 , 2012 .
43 Atiqur Rahman and Habiba Rahman : Private FM Radio in Bangladesh, Media Asia , vol.39 , no.No 1 , pp.17-22 , 2012 .
44 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : American Century in World Communication.” [This article was published in Chinese Language, Chinese Journalist , vol.9 , pp.102-104 , 2011 .
45 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : RTIA and People’s Right to Know, Forum , vol.5 , no.8 , 2011 .
46 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Press Freedom: Still a Far Cry, Forum , vol.5 , no.5 , 2011 .
47 হাবিবা রহমান (Habiba Rahman) : বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ প্রকাশিত গবেষণা-গ্রন্থসমূহ : একটি পর্যালোচনা, বাংলাদেশ ফিল্ম আর্কাইভ জার্নাল ( Bangladesh Film Archive Journal) , no.3 , pp.97-101 , 2010 .
48 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Peripheral view: Conceptualizing the Information Society as a Postcolonial Subject, International Communication Gazette: Sage (impact factor:1.197) , vol.70 , no.2 , pp.99-116 , 2008 .
49 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Review of the book Floating Lives: The Media and Asian Diasporas, Journal of International Communication: Taylor and Francis , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.95-97 , 2006 .
50 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Universal Access in Developing Countries: A Particular Focus on Bangladesh, The Information Society--Taylor Francis (impact factor:1.889; Ranking: 28/88 (Information Science & Library Science)) , vol.20 , no.4 , pp.269-278 , 2004 .
51 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : The Political Economy of Mass Communication in Bangladesh, Journal of International Communication: Taylor and Francis , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.118-136 , 2002 .
52 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan : Bangladeshe sangbadikder kormosontusti-o-songbadpotre kazer poribesh [Journalists’ job situation and satisfaction in Bangladesh], Dhaka Biswabiddaloy Potrika [Dhaka University Studies] , vol.66 , pp.99-112 , 2000 .
53 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan and Farhana Begum : Media Policy and Social Development: Bangladesh Perspective, Social Science Review , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.247-254 , 1999 .
54 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan and Sheikh Abdus Salam : Putra Sontaner Pradhanno, Adhunik Projukty-o-Mullabudh: Proshongo-Bangladesh [Preference of male child, modern technology, and moral values in Bangladesh], Lokproshashon Samoeeky [The Journal of Public Administration] , vol.8 , pp.43-52 , 1997 .
55 Gopa Biswas Caesar : FROM MEME TO 'MYTH': A JOURNEY THROUGH HETEROGLOSSIC TENSION, Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.37 , no.1 , pp.197-210 , 2020 .
56 Gopa Biswas Caesar and Gopashis Biswas G.Son : Ab/uses of Brechtian techniques in South Asian commercial films, Cogent Arts & Humanities (impact factor:.49) , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1-17 , 2021 .
57 Sheikh Mahmuda Sultana : Bānlā calaccitrē dharṣaṇēra nirmāṇa: Bipanna pauruṣa ō dharṣitāra pariṇāma (Construction of Rape in Bengali Films: Ambivalent Masculinity and Consequences), in Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part: D, Vol: 10, No: 10, , no.December 2016 , pp.p: 147- 156. , December 2016 .
58 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : New Media in Film Distribution in Bangladesh: Bane or Boon?, Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications , vol.7 , no.4 Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) , pp.257-280 , 2021 .
59 এস এম ইমরান হোসেন : ঋত্বিক ঘটকের তিতাস একটি নদীর নাম চলচ্চিত্রের আখ্যান বিশ্লেষণ, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা [ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ পার্ট -ডি] , vol.14 , no.14 , pp.41-62 , 2020 .
60 Abonti Mehtaz and S M Imran Hossain : Is Film Art?, Social Science Review [ The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.233-242 , June 2019 .
61 Khandakar Rubyat Mursalin : Commercialization of Television in Bangladesh, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) , vol.24 , no.5 , pp.78-84 , 2019 .
62 Abdur Razzaque Khan, PhD and Habiba Rahman :  Private Television Channels Ownership and Crony Capitalism in Bangladesh: An overview, Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.33 , no.No.2 , pp.277-290 , Dec 2016 .
63 Tahmina Rahman and Habiba Rahman : Development Discourse of Bangladesh: Religious Fundamentalism and Gender as a Missing Link, Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.31 , no.No 2 , pp.77-88 , Dec 2014 .
64 হাবিবা রহমান (Habiba Rahman) : গ্রন্থ আলোচনা : দশটি রাজনৈতিক চলচ্চিত্র: বক্তব্য ও নির্মাণশৈলী- একটি বিশ্লেষণ, বাংলাদেশ চলচ্চিত্র ও টেলিভিশন ইনষ্টিটিউট পত্রিকা ( Bangladesh Cinema and Television Institute Journal) , vol.2 , no.4 , pp.247-254 , Dec 2016 .
65 হাবিবা রহমান (Habiba Rahman) : বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় দৈনিকসমূহে প্রকাশিত মোবাইল টেলিফোন সম্পর্কিত সংবাদ ও বিজ্ঞাপনের আন্তঃসম্পর্ক যাচাই, Communica , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.50-70 , March-April 2009 .
66 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem : Rahman, Father of Bengal: The aura of a great leader, Bangladesh Film Archive Journal , no.17 Bangladesh Film Archive , pp.73-79 , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings (11)
1 Saiyeed Shahjada Al Kareem "New Media in Film Distribution in Bangladesh: Bane or Boon?." First BIMSTEC Film, Media and Journalism Studies Conference, University of Dhaka and American International University Bangladesh, Dhaka: 2020 .
2 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "New Actors, New Space, Yet Brutish Consequences. Keynote Paper presented at Seminar 4." Contentious Politics and Democracy in the Digital Arena of the ESRC Seminar Series: Exploring Civil Society Strategies for Democratic Renewal London: City, University of London, London, UK, 2017 .
3 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Media Governance: Bangladeshi Approach." Paper presented at the Australia-Bangladesh Business Forum Conference Melbourne, Australia: 2016 .
4 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Bangladeshi Media in Transition: Implications for Media Education." International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference Hyderabad, India.: 2014 .
5 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Transformation of newspaper Journalism in Bangladesh: Political to Commercial.." 2nd International Congress of Bengal Studies Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
6 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Intellectual property rights, the state and global governance." Union for Democratic Communication (UDC) Conference Vancouver, BC: 2007 .
7 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Internet: A global public good or an enabler of digital divides." Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Conference Saskatoon, SK.: 2007 .
8 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "The ‘Information Society’ meets the South: A narrative of capital, class, and development." International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference Cairo, Egypt: 2006 .
9 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "The Politics of Development Paradigms: The Relevance of Community Driven Development Model in the Wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution." The First International Communication Conference, EFL University, India 2019 .
10 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "The Politics of Internet Governance: Solidarity in the Global South.." Transcultural Solidarities Across Global Divides: Histories, Institutions and Agents, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 2019 .
11 Abu J M S A Bhuiyan "Digital Imperialism and the Global South: Inequality, Neo-dependency, and Distorted Transnationalism." The Third Biennial Conference on Communication, Media, and Governance in the Age of Globalization, Co-sponsored by the National Communication Association (NCA) and the Communication University of China (CUC) 2021 .