Dr. Khondokar Mezbahuddin Ahmed
Modern differential Geometry, Tensor Calculus, Special Theory of Relativity, Geometry of Manifolds, Principle of Fibre Bundle, Sheaf and Presheaf Theory, Connection Theory of Supermanifolds, Theory of Relativity and Cosmology.
Operations Research and Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation, Optimization, Numerical analysis, Stochastic Programming, Engineering optimization, Production planning under uncertainty
Algebra, Analysis, Lie Group, Lie Algebra, Representation Theory
Mathematical and Numerical analysis, Mathematical biology, Computational finance, Scientific computing, Wave propagation, Seismic imaging, Numerical linear algebra.
Mathematical Biology/Epidemiology, Dynamical Systems
Mathematics, Theoretical Physics
Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics & Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Hydrology, Mathematical Biology
Fluid Dynamics, Reacting Fluid Dynamics
Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
Graph Theory, Matrix Optimization, Neural Network
Evolutionary game theory and epidemic modeling
Mathematical Modelling in Biology, Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis
Dynamical Systems, Numerical Analysis, Algebra and Analysis, Operations Research and Optimization
Operations Research, Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Epidemiology
Global Analysis/ Numerical analysis/ Dynamical system and Mathematical Modeling.
Dynamical System, Mathematical Modeling in biology, Mathematical Finance, Numerical Analysis
Dynamical System, Game Theory, Mathematical Modeling in Biology
Algebra, Number Theory
Differential Geometry
Operations Research and Applied Mathematics
Operations research and Optimization, Algebra and Analysis, Mathematical Physics
Operation Research, Numerical Methods
Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Biology and Dynamical System
Operations Research, Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Algebra
Numerical Methods and Optimization, Mathematical Finance and Stochastic Optimal Control, Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance
Biomathematics, Neural Networks, Statistical & Computational Mathematics, Dynamical System.