Sociology of Literature, Crime and Society, Sociology of Marriage and Family
Sociology of Mass Communication, Political Sociology, Research Method, Social History, Social Thought, Gender and Education.
Beliefs and Rituals, Religion, Gerontology, Gender Studies, Social Psychology
Economic Zones, Climate and disaster, Indigenous Populations, Gender, Health, Education, Youth and Children's issues
Health Sociology
Dr. Abul Kashem Mohammad Jamal Uddin
Sociology and Social Policy, Gender Issues, Development and Underdevelopment, Environment Disaster and Climate Change
Gender, Sociology and Demography, Statistcs and Research Methodology
Water Policy and Governance, Climate change adaptation, Environmental Sociology and sustainable development, Women empowerment
Urban Environment, Urban Development
Development, Displacement and Indigenouis People, Forests, Deforestation, Communities, Conservation, and Environmental governance,, Ethnicity, Nations and Nationalism in South Asia, Indigeneity, Indigenous capitalism, and Social movements, Social transformation, Democracy, and Contemporary social theories, Chittagong Hill Tracts and frontier regions in South Asia, Contemporary ethnic conflicts and social theories in South Asia
Gender, Political Ecology, Indigenous knowledge, Qualitative Research Methodology, Media
Sociology of science an technology, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of poverty, Urban Sociology, Sociological Theories and Methods
Labor Control/Rights, Sociological Theory, Urban Sociology, World-Systems Analysis, Global Political Economy
Public Health
Urbanization, Gender and Violence
Gender, Food Security Governance