Course Credit:
1. Biomolecules
Unique properties of water, Acids and bases, pH, Salts, Tetravalency of carbon; Other small molecules: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, nucleotides, Macromolecules, Monomer Polymer concept, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Membranes, Nucleic acids; Chemictions in a cell Enzymes, Cofactors and vitamins, Metabolic pathways, Energy Inflow: photosynthesis in plants, Food intake in animals Outflow: Biosynthesis, growth and development, ATP, NADPH and other reductants
2. Protein structure prediction
Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins-SCOP, DALIDD, CATH classification. Interatomic forces and protein structure, covalent interaction, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic and hydrophilic interaction, charge/dipole interaction, Vander Waals forces, steric interaction. Determining protein structure with X-ray crystallography & NMR spectroscopy. Alpha helices, Beta sheets and turns- Protein Domains- ProDom, PFAM, SMART-Chou Fasman method- p(a), p(b) and p(turn) propensities, Garnier Osguthorpe and Robson(GOR) method. Threading-Homology modeling, CASP, Abinitio prediction. Molecular dynamics & conformational energy calculation, Prediction of function. Introduction to software: JPred, 3DPSSM, PhD, 123D, Modeller, Procheck, Rosetta.
3. General properties, chemistry, biological action, structure activity relationship and therapeutic applications of the following:
Antiseptics: Phenols and related compounds, halogens and halogen compounds, aromatic acid and esters, dyes, nitrofuran derivatives, formaldehyde and its derivatives, mercurochrome and thiomersal.
Sulphonamides: Prontosil, sulphanilamide, sulphapyridine, sulphadimidine, sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine and sulfafurazole.
Antimalarials: 4-Aminoquinolines, 8-aminoquinolines, 9-amino acridines, biguanides, pyrimidine analogues, mefloquine andcinchoha alkaloids.
Anthelmintics: Phenols and related compounds, piperazine derivatives, thiabendazole, mebendazole and pyrantal.
Diuretics: Mercaptomerins, merallurides, thiazides, sprironolactones, theophylline, furosemide, acetazolamiode, ethacrynic acid and triameterene.
Antitubercular drugs: Ethambutol, isonicotinic acid, hydrazid, rifampacin, pyrazinamide.
Antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, tromantadine hydrochloride and ribavirin. Immunosuppressant agents: Azathioprine and cyclosporin.
Hormones: Steroidal hormones (testosterone, progesterone,estrogen, aldosteron and cortisol), proteinous hormones (insulin, glucagon, oxytocin and vassopressin).
Anaesthetics: Local anaesthetics (procaine, lignocaine, eucaine, cocaine and benzocaine), general anaesthetics (cyclopropane, halothane, nitrous oxide, chloroform, thiopental sodium, ketamine, methohexital, thioamylal sodium, fantanyl citrate, tribromo ethanol).
4. Occurrence, properties, preparation and application of the following official inorganic compounds:
Aluminium hydroxide, mg(oh)2, ammonium chloride, sodium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, lithium carbonate, sodium nitrite, calcium gluconate, antimony gluconate, ferrous fumerate, ferrous sulfate and silver nitrate.