A registered M.Phil. or Ph.D. student should complete two (each 100 marks, 48 classes) or four (each 50 marks, 24 classes) and one viva voce exam (of 100 marks) in first year as per the university ordinances and regulations stated in Dhaka University Calendar-III. For the Ph.D. candidates who have M.Phil. or honours degree of four years and master degree of one year from the University of Dhaka need not to take the theoretical course as per the syndicate meeting held on 10 June 2015.
Institute of Energy offers the following optional courses (3.0 credit hours (100 marks) for each course) for M.Phil. or Ph.D. students. Every M.Phil. or Ph.D. student would be required to select two theoretical courses, suggested by his/her supervisor. He will also have to face one viva-voce exam of 3.0 credit (100 marks) at the end of the theoretical exams. These courses are passed by the meeting of Academic Council that was held on 25 April, 2019 (decision no. 53).
The supervisor (with due acknowledgement of the Academic Committee of the Institute) of M.Phil. or Ph.D. student may suggest one or more relevant courses for his student, which are offered at any level of the Institute of Energy or other departments. These courses would not be considered as the two theoretical courses, but would be considered in the viva-voce examination.