Faculty Research Interests

Dr. B M Mainul Hossain

Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering & Security

Dr. Kazi Muheymin-Us-Sakib

Software Engineering

Mohammad Shoyaib

Software Engineering, Computer vision, Machine Learning

Mohammed Shafiul Alam Khan

Telecommunication Security, IoT and Its Security, Software Security

Dr. Naushin Nower

IoT, Intelligent Transport System, Machine learning

Ahmedul Kabir

Machine Learning, Data Mining, Software Analytics, Natural Language Processing

Dr. Emon Kumar Dey

Building Extraction; Point Cloud Data Processing; Machine Learning; Image Processing; Pattern Recognition

Dr Md. Nurul Ahad Tawhid

Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Biomedical Signal Processing

Md. Rayhanur Rahman

Static Analysis, Software Security, Source Code Mining

Amit Seal Ami

Software engineering, Security in Software Engineering

Md. Saeed Siddik

Software Design Migration, Software Quality and Testing, Software Artifact Analysis

Abdus Satter

Software Engineering, Code Search, Code Smell

Kishan Kumar Ganguly

Software Enginnering, Self-Adaptive Software

Alim Ul Gias

Automated Software Engineering, Performance and Reliability Evaluation

Asif Imran

Software Energy Smell Detection and Analysis, Unsupervised Learning of design Smells in Software

Nadia Nahar

Software Engineering, Software Design, Software Testing, Web Security