Book (2) |
1 |
Barua, S. Handbook of Financial Markets in Bangladesh.
Publisher contract in progress, 2021 (Forthcoming) .
2 |
Barua, S. Principles of Green Banking: Managing Environmental Risk and Sustainability.
De Gruyter, 2020 .
Book Section (6) |
1 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Sudipta Bose and Md. Jahangir Ali "Do Integrated Financial and Extra-Financial Narrative Disclosures in the Management Commentary Affect Firm Valuation? International Evidence."
Corporate Narrative Reporting: Beyond the Numbers. Mahmoud Marzouk, Khaled Hussainey Routledge Taylor & Francis group, 2022 .
2 |
Barua, S. and Aziz, S. "Making green finance work for sustainable energy transition and development."
Growth Nexus in Era of Globalization: New Directions and Future Prospects. Shahbaz, M., Tiwari, A., and Sinha, S. Elsevier (The Netherlands), 2020 (Forthcoming) .
3 |
Barua, S. "Green Growth, Energy Transition, and Sustainable Development: Are we on the right track?."
Growth Nexus in Era of Globalization: New Directions and Future Prospects. Shahbaz, M., Tiwari, A., and Sinha, A. Elsevier (The Netherlands), 2020 (Forthcoming) .
4 |
Barua, S. and B. Barua "Internationalization of Bangladesh Banking Sector: Lessons from an Emerging Economy."
Business and Management Practices in South Asia. Sikdar, Arijit, and Pereira, Vijay Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 75-100 .
5 |
Kobayashi, K.,, Nath, S.D.,, Chen, M. S., and and Malenga, J. "Decent work and economic growth: Is NZ business progressing well?”."
Clean, green & responsible? Soundings from down under.. G. Eweje and R. Bathurst (Eds.) Cham, Swizerland:: Springer, 2019 pp 11-27 .
6 |
Nath, S.D.,, Eweje, G., and and Bathurst, R. "“Why supply chain sustainability matters for developing countries’ apparel suppliers? An integrated framework.."
Responsible business in uncertain times and for a sustainable future.. N. Capaldi, S. O. Idowu, R. Schmidpeter, and M. Brueckner (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019 pp. 187–206 .
Journal Article (151) |
1 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Aditi Shams and Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : Trade Credit, Business Group Affiliation, and Cash Holdings: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Journal of Financial Markets and Governance , pp.1-35 , 2025
2 |
Muhaiminul Islam, Ashia Khatun Tamanna and Saiful Islam : The path to cashless transaction: A study of user intention and attitudes towards quick response mobile payments,
Heliyon (impact factor:3.4) , vol.10 , no.15 Elsevier , pp.e35302 , 2024
3 |
Manpreet Kaur Khurana, Dr. Shweta Sharma and Dr Muhammad Shahin Miah : The Role of Firm Life Cycle on capital structure of family firms over non-family firms: Empirical Evidence from India,
International Journal of Finance and Economics (ABS=3*) , pp.1-35 , 2024
4 |
Kazi Md Jamshed, Burhan Uluyol : What drives to adopt Islamic banking products and services: is it shariah compliance or convenience?,
Journal of Islamic Marketing (impact factor:3.2) , vol.Ahead of print , no.Ahead of print Emerald , 2024
5 |
Md. Kausar Alam and Muhammad Shahin Miah : Do Islamic Banks use Institutional Theory in the Light of Shariah Governance? Empirical Evidence from a Muslim Dominant Country (Forthcoming),
Heliyon (Scopus: Q1 ranked) (impact factor:4.0) , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.1-23 , 2024
6 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Md. Ariful Islam and Md. Khaled Ibn Amir : Do Financing Institutions Consider Operating Performance in Estimating Cost of Debt?,
Future Business Journal (Springer Nature, ESCI, IF: 3.4 (WoS) (impact factor:3.4) , vol.9 , no.1 Springer Nature , pp.88-110 , 2023
7 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Firm Fundamentals, Corporate Life Cycle and Stock Market Crash: Evidence from an Emerging Economy (Forthcoming),
Journal of Accounting Business and Management (ABDC ranked) , vol.30 , no.2 , 2023
8 |
Abdus Sobhan, Sudipta Bose, Muhammad Shahin Miah and Rushdi Razzaque : Does Certification of Corporate Governance Compliance Pay Off? Evidence from a Unique Regulatory Settings,
Corporate Governance: An International Review [ABDC Rank: A, ABS= 3*, IF: 5.66] (impact factor:5.660) Wiley , pp.1-64 , 2023
9 |
Kaniz Fatema, Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Farjana Nasrin : The Impact of Capital Flight on Economic Growth in Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE) , vol.4 , no.1 FBS, BUFT , pp.91-108 , 2023
10 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah and Mohammad Rakib Uddin Bhuiyan : Does Family Ownership Matter in Dividend Payout Decision? Evidence from a family dominated country,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.3 Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.1-11 , 2023
11 |
Khayer, A., Talukder, M. S., Bao, Y. and Hossain, M. N. : Application-based mobile payment systems: continuance intention and intention to recommend. International Journal of Mobile Communications,
International Journal of Mobile Communications (impact factor:1.6) , vol.21 , no.1 INDERSCIENCE , pp.19-53 , 2023
12 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Mohammad Rakib Uddin Bhuiyan and Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : Superiority of Non-family Firms in A Developing Market: Moderating Role of International Diversification,
Business Strategy and Development , vol.6 , no.2 Wiley , pp.226-240 , 2023
13 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Superiority of non-family firms in a developing market: Moderating role of international diversification”,
Business Strategy and Development , 2023
14 |
Mohammad Monirul Islam and Farha Fatema : Do business strategies affect firms' survival during the COVID-19 pandemic? A global perspective,
Management Decision (impact factor:Impact Factor: 5.5) , vol.61 , no.3 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.861-885 , 2023
15 |
Saiful Islam and Laura Márquez-Ramos : Services and the internationalization of manufacturing firms in Indonesia,
SN Business & Economics , vol.3 , no.2 Springer , 2023
16 |
Khayer, A., Islam, M.T. and Bao, Y. : Understanding the Effects of Alignments between the Depth and Breadth of Cloud Computing Assimilation on Firm Performance: The Role of Organizational Agility,
Sustainability (impact factor:3.9) , vol.15 , no.3 MDPI , pp.1-23 , 2023
17 |
Saiful Islam : An Evaluation of G-33 Proposal of Public Stockholding for Food Security in the Least Developed Countries: A Case Study on Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE) , vol.03 , pp.285-298 , 2022
18 |
Abdullah Al Mahmud, Muhammad Shahin Miah and Mohammad Rakib Uddin Bhuiyan : Does Trade Credit Financing Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from an Emerging Market,
International Journal of Financial Studies, (ABDC= B ranked Journal) (impact factor:2.6) , vol.10 , no.4 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), Switzerland , pp.1-27 , 2022
19 |
Farjana Nasrin and Mohammad Mobarak Hossain : Concept of Independent Director in South Asian Developing Countries: The Case of Banking Sector in Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE) , vol.3 , no.1 FBS, BUFT , pp.51-71 , 2022
20 |
Saiful Islam : Tourist spots' readiness and tourists' revisit intention: mediating role of tourists' satisfaction and moderating role of transportation facilities,
Journal of Business Administration , vol.42 , no.2 , pp.1-17 , 2022
21 |
Mohammad Monirul Islam : Innovations and service firms’ performance: A firm-level mediating and moderating effects analysis for India.,
International Journal of Innovation Science (impact factor:Cite score: 2.5) , vol.Forthcoming Emerald Publishing Limited , 2022
22 |
Nath, S. D., Khayer, A., Majumder, J. and Barua, S. : Factors affecting blockchain adoption in apparel supply chains: does sustainability-oriented supplier development play a moderating role?,
Industrial Management & Data Systems (impact factor:6.4) , vol.122 , no.5 Emerald Insight , pp.1183-1214 , 2022
23 |
Nath, S.D., Jamshed, K.M and Shaikh, J. : “The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Subsistence Consumers' Well-Being and Coping Strategies: Insights from India and Bangladesh",
Journal of Consumer Affairs (impact factor:2.8) , vol.56 , no.1 Wiley , pp.180-210 , 2022
24 |
Ekramul Huda and Shusama Arjumond : Subscribers' Attitudes Towards Unsolicited Text Messages of Bangladeshi Mobile Network Operators.,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XLII , no.3 University of Dhaka , pp.103-120 , 2021
25 |
Saiful Islam : Firm's Productivity in Emerging Economy: The Role of Access to Finance and Firm Characteristics,
Journal of Banking & Financial Services , vol.13 , no.2 , pp.99-120 , 2021
26 |
SaifulIslam : Competitiveness: Bangladesh’s Trade in Services,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.2 Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.161--182 , 2021
27 |
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Md Saddam Hossain : Regional Connectivity through Banglabandha Port: Opportunities and Challenges for Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE) , vol.2 , no.1 FBS, BUFT , pp.198-216 , 2021
28 |
Farha Fatema and Mohammad Monirul Islam : Do innovations improve firm performance in the Indian manufacturing sector? A mediation and synergy effect analysis.,
International Journal of Emerging Markets (impact factor:Impact Factor: 2.5) , vol.Forthcoming Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.Forthcoming , 2021
29 |
Muhaiminul Islam and Saiful Islam : Impact of Employee Engagement on Organizational Commitment and Performance: A Review of Private Companies in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.1 Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.41-58 , 2021
30 |
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Nasrin Sultana Nishu : State-Owned Jute Mills in Bangladesh: Problems and Possible Way-Out,
International Journal of Business and Management , vol.16 , no.4 Canadian Center of Science and Education , pp.63-74 , 2021
31 |
Kausar Alam and Muhammad Shahin : Independence and Effectiveness of Shariah Supervisory Board of Islamic Banks: Evidence from an Emerging Economy,
Asian Review of Accounting (ABS= 2*, ABDC= B ranked) [Index: ESCI] , vol.29 , no.2 , pp.173-191 , 2021
32 |
Barua, B. and Barua, S. : COVID-19 implications for banks: evidence from an emerging economy,
SN Business & Economics (impact factor: , pp.1-19 , 2021
33 |
Saiful Islam and Ekramul Huda : Identifying Comparative Advantage of Selected Export Items of Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XLI , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.235-247 , 2020
34 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Innovations and firm-level efficiency: a comparative analysis between China and India,
European Journal of Innovation Management (impact factor:[Impact Factor: 4.69,) , vol.24 , no.2 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.589-612 , 2020
35 |
Pallabi Biswas and Sharlin Afrin Nishat : Export Related Problems and Opportunities for the Shipbuilders: A Case Study in Bangladesh,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668 , vol.Volume 22, Issue 5. Ser. VI (May. 2020), , pp.pp 20-27 , 2020
36 |
Abul Khayer, Md Shamim Talukder, Yukun Bao and Md Nahin Hossain : Cloud computing adoption and its impact on SMEs' performance for cloud supported operations: A dual-stage analytical approach,
Technology in Society (impact factor:2.414) , vol.60 , no.1 , 2020
37 |
Asmina Akter : Measuring Operational Efficiency of Foreign Branches of Bangladeshi Banks as Financial Intermediary,
International Journal of Business and Managemnt , vol.15 , no.2 , pp.165-169 , 2020
38 |
Abul Khayer, Nusrat Jahan, Md. Nahin Hossain and Md. Yahin Hossain : The adoption of cloud computing in small and medium enterprises: a developing country perspective,
VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems , 2020
39 |
Kausar Alam, Muhammad Shahin Miah, Md. Naim Siddiquii and Mohammad Imtiaz Hussain : The influences of board of directors and management in Shariah governance guidelines of the Islamic banks in Bangladesh,
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research (ABDC= "C"; ABS= 1* ranked) [Index: ESCI] , 2020
40 |
Asmina Akter : An Empirical Study on Analysis of Export Diversification of Bangladesh and its Impact on Economic Growth,
London Journal of Research in Management and Business , vol.20 , no.2 , pp.52-59 , 2020
41 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Haiyan Jiang, Asheq Rahman and Warwick Stent : The Impact of IFRS Complexity on Analyst Forecast Properties: The Moderating Role of High Quality Audit (In Press),
International Journal of Finance and Economics (ABS=3*) [Index: SSCI, SBS, ESI] , 2020
42 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Does IFRS Convergence Bring Improvement in Firm Performance? An Empirical Analysis,
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (Scopus= Q1) (ABS= 1* ranked) [Index: ESCI] , vol.19 , no.1 , pp.95-107 , 2020
43 |
Md. Nahin Hossain, Abul Khayer and Yukun Bao : Investigating the factors driving adult learners’ continuous intention to use M-learning application: A fuzzy-set analysis,
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning , 2020
44 |
Abul Khayer, Yukun Bao and Bang Nguyen : Understanding cloud computing success and its impact on firm performance: an integrated approach,
Industrial Management and Data Systems (impact factor:3.329) , vol.120 , no.5 , pp.963-985 , 2020
45 |
Mahfuzur Rahman, Mansura Akter and Dragana Radicic : Internationalization as a strategy for small and medium‐sized enterprises and the impact of regulatory environment: An emerging country perspective.,
Business Strategy and Development , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.213-225 , 2020
46 |
Mahfuzur Rahman, Mansura Akter, Kenny Odunukan and Shamim Ehsanul Haque : Examining economic and technology-related barriers of small- and medium-sized enterprises internationalisation: An emerging economy context.,
Business Strategy and Development , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.16 -27 , 2020
47 |
Barua, S. : Understanding Coronanomics: The Economic Implications of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak,
Journal of Developing Areas , 2020 (Forthcoming)
48 |
Nathaniel, S., Barua, S., Hussain, H. and Adeleye, N. : The determinants and interrelationship of carbon emissions and economic growth in African economies: Fresh insights from static and dynamic models,
Journal of Public Affairs , 2020 (Online early view)
49 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul, and Farha Fatema : Covid-19 and Sustainable Tourism: Macroeconomic Effect and Policy Comparison among Europe, the USA and China.,
Asian Business Review , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.53-60 , 2020
50 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Covid-19 and Sustainable Tourism: Macroeconomic Effect and Policy Comparison among Europe, the USA and China.,
Asian Business Review , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.53-60 , 2020
51 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Innovations and firm-level efficiency: a comparative analysis between China and India.,
European Journal of Innovation Management (impact factor:2.613) , vol.Forthcoming , 2020
52 |
Nath, S.D., Eweje, G. and and Sajjad, A. : The hidden side of sub-supplier firms’ sustainability – An empirical analysis,
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. (impact factor:5.676) , no.DOI 10.1108/IJOPM-05-2019-0403 , 2020
53 |
Eweje, G., Sajjad, A.,, Nath, S.D. and Kobayashi, K. : Multi-stakeholder partnerships: A catalyst to achieve sustainable development goa,
Marketing Intelligence and Planning (impact factor:1.585) , 2020
54 |
Nath, S.D., Eweje, G., and and Bathurst, R. : The invisible side of managing sustainability in global supply chains: Evidence from multi-tier suppliers,
Journal of Business Logistics. (impact factor:JIF= 4.697) , no.pp. 1-26. DOI 10.1111/jbl.12230 , 2020
55 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Haiyan Jiang, Asheq Rahman and Warwick Stent : Audit Effort, Materiality and Audit Fees: Evidence from the Adoption of IFRS in Australia,
Accounting Research Journal (ABDC= "B" ranked; ABS= 2*) [Index: ESCI] , vol.33 , no.1 , pp.186-216 , 2020
56 |
Saiful Islam and Tasneem Nabila Islam : Enrollment of Expatriates in the Ready Made Garments (RMG) & Textile Sectors of Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business & Economics , vol.01 , pp.31-44 , 2020
57 |
Ekramul Huda and Muhaiminul Islam : Employment Opportunities in the Informal Sector: Evidence from Urban Areas of Bangladesh,
IOSR- Journal of Business and Management , vol.22 , no.5 , pp.24-33 , 2020
58 |
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Md Saddam Hossain : A Silent Revolution in Rural Transportation System: A Study on Measuring the Popularity and Sustainability of ‘Easy Bike’ in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Business and Management , vol.14 , no.6 Canadian Center of Science and Education , pp.29-42 , 2019
59 |
Md Kaium Hossain and Saiful Islam : An analysis of destination attributes to enhance tourism competitiveness in Bangladesh,
African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (impact factor:0.68) , vol.8 , no.2 Africa Journals , pp.1--17 , 2019
60 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Analysis of the Status of Women Directors: A Study on the Listed Financial Institutions of Bangladesh,
International Business Research , 2019
61 |
Farha Fatema,, Mohammad Monirul Islam and M. Shahidul Islam : Does Sectoral Composition of Trade Matter for Trade-Energy-Growth Nexus? A VAR/VEC Based Analysis for China in the Presence of Structural Change,
The Chinese Economy , vol.Forthcoming , pp.1-24 , 2019
62 |
Pallabi Biswas and Sharlin Afrin Nishat : Production and Export Possibility of Canned Pineapple and Pineapple Leaf Fiber in Bangladesh,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN:2319-7668 , vol.Volume 21, Issue 9. Series. IV (September. 2019) , pp.pp 17-23 , 2019
63 |
Farha Fatema,, Mohammad Monirul Islam and M. Shahidul Islam : Does Sectoral Composition of Trade Matter for Trade- Energy-Growth Nexus? A VAR/VEC Based Analysis for China in the Presence of Structural Change,
The Chinese Economy , vol.Forthcoming , pp.1-24 , 2019
64 |
Asmina Akter : Factors Affecting International Marketing of Leather Goods of Bangladesh,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management , vol.21 , no.4 , pp.50-55 , 2019
65 |
Chiesa, M. and S. Barua : The surge of impact borrowing: the magnitude and determinants of green bond supply and its heterogeneity across markets,
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.138-161 , 2019
66 |
Rahman, M. Mafizur, R.H. Rana and S. Barua : The Drivers of Economic Growth in South Asia: Evidence from a Dynamic System GMM approach,
Journal of Economic Studies , vol.46 , no.4 , pp.Forthcoming , 2019
67 |
Barua, S. and M. Chiesa : Sustainable financing practices through Green Bonds: What affects the funding size?,
Business Strategy and the Environment , vol.First published online: , 2019
68 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Fair Value, Management Discretion and Audit Fees: An Empirical Analysis,
The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance (ABDC= B ranked) [Index: ESCI] , vol.30 , no.2 , pp.82-91 , 2019
69 |
Ahsan Habib, Borhan Uddin Bhuiyan, Hedy Huang and Muhammad Shahin Miah : Determinants of Audit Report Lag: A Meta-Analysis (ABDC= "A" ranked; ABS= 2*) [Index: SSCI, SBC, ESI],
International Journal of Auditing , vol.23 , no.20 , 2019
70 |
Kazi Md. Jamshed and Koushik Prashad Pathak : “Brand Loyalty towards Telecom Operator: Analysis of Brand Association’s Dimensions of CBBE Approach”.,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.3 , no.International Conference edition , 2019
71 |
Mansura Akter, Mahfuzur Rahman and Dragana Radicic : 28 in International Trade: Bridging the Gap by Bringing Feminist Theories into Entrepreneurship and Internationalization Theories.,
Sustainability (impact factor:2.592) , vol.11 , no.22 , pp.1-28 , 2019
72 |
Barua, S. : Financing sustainable development goals: A review of challenges and mitigation strategies,
Business Strategy and Development , 2019 (Online Early View)
73 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Audit Fee Premium for Industry Specialization: A Developed Country Perspective,
Journal of Accounting, Business, and Management (JABM), (ABDC= "C" Ranked) [Index: ESCI] , vol.26 , no.2 , pp.1-11 , 2019
74 |
Abul Khayer and Yukun Bao : The continuance usage intention of Alipay: Integrating context-awareness and technology continuance theory (TCT),
The Bottom Line , vol.32 , no.3 , pp.211-229 , 2019
75 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Does Female Representation in Top Management Affect Cost of Debt? A Study of Australian CEO Gender Perspective,
Bank Parikrama: A Journal of Banking and Finance (ABDC= "C" ranked) , vol.XLIV , no.1 & 2 , pp.1-19 , 2019
76 |
Saiful Islam, Ekramul Huda and Farjana Nasrin : Ride-sharing Service in Bangladesh: Contemporary States and Prospects,
International Journal of Business and Management , vol.14 , no.9 , pp.65-75 , 2019
77 |
Ekramul Huda and Saiful Islam : Factors Affecting Services Quality of Restaurants Business: A Study on Dhaka City,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.40 , no.2 , pp.75-91 , 2019
78 |
Ekramul Huda and Saiful Islam : Factors Affecting Services Quality of Restaurants Business: A Study on Dhaka City,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.40 , no.2 , pp.75-92 , 2019
79 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Corporate Governance in Bangladesh: Evidence of Compliance”,
International Business Research, , 2018
80 |
Mouri mehtaj, Ananya Das : Challenges of Dry Fish Supply in Bangladesh: A Study on Chittagong Dry Fish Market,
East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.27-33 , 2018
81 |
Mouri Mehtaj : Drivers of Investing on Family Savings Certificate: Evidence from Dhaka City,
Journal of Banking and Financial Services , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.137-146 , 2018
82 |
Akter, H., S. Barua and K. Ahmed : The Dynamics of Informal Tobacco Economy: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies Part D] , vol.35 , no.2 , pp.157-171 , 2018
83 |
Barua, S., D. Kar and F.B. Mahbub : Risks and their management in ready-made garment industry: Evidence from the world's second largest exporting nation,
Journal of Business and Management , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.75-103 , 2018
84 |
Fatema, Farha, Zhaohua Li, and Mohammad Monirul Islam : Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Inequality: Panel ARDL Approach for Emerging Economies.,
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (impact factor:0.167) , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.64-70. , 2018
85 |
Barua, B., S. Barua and R.H. Rana : Determining the Financial Performance of Non-Life Insurers: Static and Dynamic Panel Evidence from an Emerging Economy,
The Journal of Developing Areas , vol.52 , no.3 , pp.153-168 , 2018
86 |
Fatema, Farha, Zhaohua Li, and Mohammad Monirul Islam : Trade Liberalization and Gender Wage Inequality: Panel ARDL Approach for Emerging Economies.,
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (impact factor:0.167) , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.64-70 , 2018
87 |
Kazi Md. Jamshed and Aftab Uddin Mahmud Chowdhury : “Educational Background and Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Case of Dhaka City in Bangladesh”.,
Journal of Banking & Financial Services , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.141-165 , 2018
88 |
Saiful Islam and Abul Khayer : Determining Factors of Tourists Satisfaction: The Case of Leisure Tourism of Bangladesh,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.39 , no.2 , pp.113-134 , 2018
89 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : Complexity of IAS 36 and Audit Fees: An Empirical Analysis,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.39 , no.1 , pp.17-32 , 2018
90 |
Saiful Islam and Abul Khayer : Determining Factors of Tourists Satisfaction: The Case of Leisure Tourism of Bangladesh,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.39 , no.2 , pp.113-134 , 2018
91 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Corporate Governance Index of Banks in Bangladesh and Its Determinants,
International Organization of Scientific Research, , 2017
92 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Glass Ceiling for Professional Women: A Study on Bangladesh”,
World Journal of Social Science , 2017
93 |
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Aftab Uddin Mahmud Chowdhury : Moral Hazard in Banking,
Journal of Banking and Financial Services , vol.9 , no.1 Department of Banking and Insurance , pp.95-115 , 2017
94 |
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Nazmun Nahar Shanta : Exploring Effective Skills Needed in International Marketing: A Case Study on Bangladesh,
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) , vol.19 , no.5 International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) , pp.15-22 , 2017
95 |
Mouri Mehtaj : Motivators for Selecting Domestic Tourist Destination: A Study on Employees of Private Organizations of Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVIII , no.3 , pp.81-89 , 2017
96 |
Barua, S., J. Nayeem and Hazertatunnessa : Economic Climate, Infrastructure and FDI: Global Evidence with New Dimensions,
International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.31-48 , 2017
97 |
Barua, S., T. Khan and B. Barua : Internationalization and Performance: Evidence from Bangladeshi Banks,
The Journal of Developing Areas, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. , vol.51 , no.2 , pp.105-118 , 2017
98 |
6.Li, Zhaohua,Islam,, Mohammad Monirul, and Farha Fatema : Trading for Sustainable Development Goals: Trade Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Emerging Economies.,
International Journal of Asian Social Science , vol.7 , no.10 , pp.818-838. , 2017
99 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul,, Zhaohua Li, and Farha Fatema : The Effects of Trade on Poverty: Does Sectoral Composition of Trade Matter? Evidence from Emerging Economies.,
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (impact factor:0.10) , vol.18 , no.3 , pp.1-15 . , 2017
100 |
G. M. Wali Ullah, Sarwar Uddin Ahmed, Samiul Parvez Ahmed and Kazi Md. Jamshed : “Do Multinational Companies Practice Good Corporate Governance? Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh”.,
International Journal of Accounting & Financial Reporting , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.96-111 , 2017
101 |
Abul Khayer and Pallabi Biswas : Factors Affecting the Development of Leather Industries: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.38 , no.1 , pp.193-203 , 2017
102 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul, Zhaohua Li and Farha Fatema : The Effects of Trade on Poverty: Does Sectoral Composition of Trade Matter? Evidence from Emerging Economies.",
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (impact factor:0.10) , vol.18 , no.3 , pp.1-15 , 2017
103 |
Li, Zhaohua, Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Trading for Sustainable Development Goals: Trade Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Emerging Economies.,
International Journal of Asian Social Science , vol.7 , no.10 , pp.818-838. , 2017
104 |
Saiful Islam, Md. Kaium Hossain and Mahboob Elahi Noor : Determining Drivers of Destination Attractiveness: The Case of Nature-Based Tourism of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Marketing Studies , vol.9 , no.3 , pp.10-23 , 2017
105 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul, and Farha Fatema. : Trading for SDGs: Trade liberalization and human development in the emerging economies.,
Asian Development Policy Review , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.226-242. , 2017
106 |
Rahman, S.M.M. and S. Barua : The Design and Adoption of Green Banking Framework for Environment Protection: Lessons from Bangladesh,
Australian Journal of Sustainable Business and Society , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1-19 , 2016
107 |
Akter, H. and S. Barua : International Trade Financing: A Comparative Study on the Performance of State-owned and Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.164-186 , 2016
108 |
Mouri Mehtaj : The Usage Pattern of Mobile Phone among University Students: A Study on Dhaka City,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVII , no.1 , pp.99-111 , 2016
109 |
Rana, R.H. and S. Barua : Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from A Panel Study on South Asian Countries,
Asian Economic and Financial Review , vol.5 , no.10 , pp.1159-1173 , 2015
110 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and MD Rashedur Rahman : Feasibility of Strong Regional Integration among South Asian Countries: An Analysis based on Political Economy and Intraregional Trade of the SAARC Countries,
Journal of Cost and Management Accountant of Bangladesh , 2015
111 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Working Conditions of Shipbuilding Workers in the Shipyards of Bangladesh: Problems and Consequences,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVI , no.1 , 2015
112 |
Mithun Kumar Acharjee, Abul Khayer, Md. Nuruzzaman Forhad and Shobod Deba Nath : Assessment of Interregional Disparity and Identification of Prevalent Factors of Women Empowerment: Empirical Evidence Based on Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2011 Data,
Asian Social Science , vol.11 , no.26 , pp.154-165 , 2015
113 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul, and Farha Fatema : Working Conditions of Shipbuilding Workers in the Shipyards of Bangladesh: Problems and Consequences,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVI , no.1 , pp.151-169 , 2015
114 |
Shobod Deba Nath, Saiful Islam and Anup Kumar Saha : Corporate Board Structure and Firm Performance: The Context of Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Economics and Finance , vol.7 , no.7 , pp.106-115 , 2015
115 |
Mouri Mehtaj : Impact of Service Category on the Economic Performance of Biman Bangladesh Airlines,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVI , no.2 , pp.131-142 , 2015
116 |
Barua, S., S. Arefin and M.R. Rahman : The Bangladesh Stock Market Crisis of 2010-11: An Economic and Socio- Behavioral Impact Assessment,
Bangladesh Journal of Management Information Systems , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.75-88 , 2014
117 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Farha Fatema : Comparative Analysis of Global and Domestic Brands of Soft Drinks in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXV , no.3 , pp.209-238 , 2014
118 |
Shobod Deba Nath and Abul Khayer : How emotional psychology influence purchasing behaviors of branded clothing: empirical evidence from Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.35 , no.2 , 2014
119 |
Abul Khayer and Fatema Nusrat Chowdhury : The State of Current Account and the Possible Best Use of Foreign Exchange Reserve - A Study on Bangladesh,
Journal of Banking & Financial Services , vol.8 , no.1 , 2014
120 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul, and Farha Fatema : Comparative Analysis of Global and Domestic Brands of Soft Drinks in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies Vol. No. 3, December , vol.XXXV , no.3 , pp.175-208 , 2014
121 |
Saiful Islam and Parag Jafor Siddique : Revealed Comparative Advantage of Bangladeshi Leather Industry with Selected Asian Economies,
IOSR-Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) , vol.16 , no.12 , pp.44-51 , 2014
122 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Corporate Governance in Bangladesh: A Comparison with Other Emerging Market Countries”,
Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theories, Practices and Cases, France, Springer Publication , 2013
123 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “The Regulatory Conundrum: Achieving Corporate Governance Reforms in Developing Countries,
Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theories, Practices and Cases, France, Springer Publication , 2013
124 |
Barua, S. and R. Hasan : Regionalism: Contraction or Expansion of Globalization? The Case of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.34 , no.3 , pp.155-196 , 2013
125 |
Hasan, R. and S. Barua : A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Growth of China and India: Implications for Bangladesh,
The Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.30 , no.2 , 2013
126 |
Ahsan, S.M., M.A.B. Khalily, S.A. Hamid, S. Barua and S. Barua : The Microinsurance Market in Bangladesh: An Analytical Overview,
The Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.1-54 , 2013
127 |
Islam, Mohammad Monirul and Nazmul H. Palash : Readymade Garments Export to the United States of America and the European Union- An Analysis based on the Pre and Post-Recession Scenario of Bangladesh,,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies. , vol.XXXIV , no.No. 2, August , 2013
128 |
Suborna Barua, Aditi Shams and Abul Khayer : Development of Micro-enterprises in Bangladesh: Determinants and Policies Required,
Bangladesh Journal of Management Information Systems , vol.5 , no.2 , 2013
129 |
Mohammad Abul Kashem, Aftab Uddin Mahmud Chowdhury and Abul Khayer : Building Social Capital Through Microfinance: The Case of Grameen Bank,
Bangladesh Journal of Management Information Systems (MIS) , vol.5 , no.2 , 2013
130 |
Saha, N., S. Barua and Z.H. Talukder : Remittance Inflow through Banking Channel in Bangladesh: A Demand Side Evaluation,
The Bangladesh Accountant , no.April – June , pp.38-46 , 2012
131 |
Deb, Santus K., S. Barua and M.A. Harun : Impact of IMC Tools on Consumer Preference: A Case of Bangladesh Cement Industry,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.213-238 , 2011
132 |
Barua, S. and S.D. Nath : The Impact of Credit Product Line Expansion and Growth on Profitability: Evidence from Bangladesh Banking Sector,
Journal of Finance and Banking , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.29-45 , 2011
133 |
Barua, S., A.H.A.M. Mridha and R.H. Khan : Housing Real Estate Sector in Bangladesh Present Status and Policies Implications,
ASA University Review , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.239-253 , 2010
134 |
Talukder, Z.H. and S. Barua : A Study on Determining Factor Influencing Segment Base of Mobile Internet Users in Bangladesh,
Jagannath University Journal of Business Studies , vol.1 , no.1 , 2010
135 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Networking: A Success Factor for SMEs of Bangladesh to go Global”,
Journals of Management Studies Vol. 1 No 2 , 2009
136 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Resistance” The Greatest Change Management Obstacle: Analysis of the Causes behind”,
Journal of. (Vikas Vani Journal, Vol. III Issue 1, , 2009
137 |
Khan, M.S. and S. Barua : The Status and Threats of Information Security in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh: Policies Required,
Bangladesh Journal of Management and Information Systems , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.69-93 , 2009
138 |
Khan, R.H., A.H.A.M. Mridha and S. Barua : Higher Education in Private Universities of Bangladesh: A Study on Female Students’ Enrollment Behavior,
Brac University Journal , vol.VI , no.2 , pp.33-48 , 2009
139 |
Chowdhury, A., S. Barua and S.P. Chowdhury : An empirical model for Optimal Deposit Contracts; Liquidity and Bank–Runs,
IST Journal of Business and Technology , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.1-18 , 2009
140 |
Chowdhury, A. and S. Barua : Rationalities of Z-category Shares in Dhaka Stock Exchange: are they in financial Distress risk?,
Brac University Journal , vol.VI , no.1 , pp.45-58 , 2009
141 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Critical Evaluation of Performance Development Plan: an analysis of GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited”,
Journals of Management Studies Vol No 1, , 2008
142 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Corporate Governance Practices in Banks of Bangladesh: From Crisis to Recovery”,
Bangladesh Journals of MIS Vol 1 No 10 , 2008
143 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Balancing Career & Family: Challenge for Working Women”,
Women in the Changing World: Experiences and Challenges, Levant Books, Kolkata , 2008
144 |
Chowdhury Saima Ferdous : “Leave Policies In Bangladesh: Source of Work-Life Imbalance”,
Journals of Marketing Vol No 10, June 2007 , 2007
145 |
Pallabi Biswas and Abul Khayer : Factors Affecting the Development of Leather Industries: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh.,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXVIII NO 1 , pp.193-203 , APRIL, 2017
146 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, A N M Saif and ST Afrin : A Comparative Analysis of quality of health care between public and private hospitals in Bangladesh,
BUFT Journal of Business and Economics , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.189-208 , 2020
147 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : IFRS-Local GAAP Reconciliation Statements and Accounting Information Quality,
Journal of Management , vol.12 , no.2 Department of Management, University of Dhaka , pp.1-11 , 2018
148 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah : IFRS-Local GAAP Reconciliation Statements: Insights from the academic literature,
The Accountant-A Quarterly Journal of ICAB , vol.April-June Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) , pp.48-55 , 2018
149 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Dr. Md. Ali Noor and Dr. Miraj Hossain : The Role of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to Ensure Good Governance in Corporate Sector: The Bangladesh Perspective,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.2 , no.1 Faculty of Business Studies, Jagannath University , 2012
150 |
Asmina Akter : Operational Efficiency of Foreign Subsidiaries of Bangladeshi Banks: An Empirical Study,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XLI , no.NO.1 , pp.77-85 , April 2020
151 |
Farha Fatema and Mohammad Monirul Islam : Do innovations improve firm performance in the Indian manufacturing sector? A mediation and synergy effect analysis.,
International Journal of Emerging Markets (impact factor:2.50) , vol.Forthcoming , 2021
Conference Proceedings (14) |
1 |
Dr Muhammad Shahin Miah CPA "Giant Group Membership and Firms Liquidity: Moderating effect of Politics."
BER International Economists' Conference 2024
Dhaka: BER and the Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, 2024
2 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah "The 13th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW."
The 13th International Conference of THE JAPANESE ACCOUNTING REVIEW
Kobe: Kobe University, 2022
3 |
Nath, S.D. and and Eweje, G. "Inside the multi-tier supply firm: Exploring responses to institutional pressures and challenges for sustainable supply management."
27th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference
University of Warwick, Warwick, United Kingdom.: European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) conference, 2020
4 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Haiyan Jiang, Asheq Rahman and Warwick Stent "Accounting Standard Complexity, Analyst Forecast Properties and Industry Specialization."
10th Japanese Accounting Review International Conference
Kobe, Japan: The Japanese Accounting Review, 2019
5 |
Barua, S. and E. Valenzuela "Climate Change Impacts on Global Agricultural Trade Patterns: Evidence from the Past 50 Years."
6th International Conference on Sustainable Development 2018
New York, USA: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Columbia University, 2018
6 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah and Haiyan Jiang "IFRS Complexity and Financial Analyst Forecast Properties: Evidence from Australia."
British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA)
Central London, UK.: 2018
7 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah "Fair Value, Conservatisms and Audit Fees: Empirical Analysis from U.S.A Perspective."
3rd International Conference on Business and Economics
Dhaka, Bangladesh: University of Dhaka (Faculty of Business Studies), 2018
8 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Haiyan Jiang, Asheq Rahman and Warwick Stent "IFRS Complexity and Audit Fees: Moderating Effect of Auditor Industry Specialization."
Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ)
Adelaide, Australia (Hamilton Hotel): AFAANZ, 2017
9 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah "Accounting Standards Complexity and Audit Fees."
Massey Doctoral symposium
Massey University, 2014
10 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Haiyan Jiang, Prof. Asheq Rahman and Warwick Stent "Accounting Standards Complexity, Audit Fees and Auditor Industry Specialization."
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (JCAE)-UTS (Australia) Mid-year Symposium
Auckland: University of Auckland (New Zealand), 2014
11 |
Barua, S. "Factors Influencing the Development of Microenterprises and Policies - Evidence from Bangladesh."
10th Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship Development
India: Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, 2013
12 |
Barua, S. and A. Chowdhury "General Characteristics and Investment Determinants In Bangladesh Capital Markets: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange."
Proceedings (54th) of the International Conference on Business, Finance and Tourism Management
France: 2009
13 |
Chowdhury, A. and S. Barua "Investors’ Confidence Index as an Investment Determinant In Dhaka Stock Exchange."
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business Management and Marketing (EBMM)
Singapore: 2009
14 |
Muhammad Shahin Miah "The impact of continuous disclosure on investment efficiency? Australian Evidence (With Bose.S., Ali.M.J, Shams, S)."
AFAANZ Conference [3-5 July, 2022]
Melbourne, Australia: AFAANZ, 2022