Book (1) |
1 |
Stone, L.R., O.H. Buller, A.J. Schlegel, M.C. Knapp, J-I. Perng, A.H. Khan, H.L. Manges and D.H. Rogers Description and use of KS Water Budget v. T1 software. Resource Manual.
Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA, 1995 .
Book Section (25) |
1 |
Mohammad Enayet Hossain, Paramita Saha and Achintya Bezbaruah "Environmentally Benign Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles for Fertilizer Applications in Agriculture."
Nanofertilizers for Sustainable Agroecosystems. Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam; Mousa A. Alghutaymi Springer Cham, 2023 125-150 .
2 |
Mahir Tajwar, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bayazid Hossain "Abundance and Distribution of MPs and NPs in Soil: A Global Scenario."
Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil. Springer Nature, 2023 .
3 |
Mohammad Enayet Hossain, Saif Shahrukh and Shahid Akhtar Hossain "Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides: Impacts on Soil Degradation, Groundwater, and Human Health in Bangladesh."
Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation. Vijay P. Singh, Shalini Yadav, Krishna Kumar Yadav, Ram Narayan Yadava Springer, Cham, 2022 63-92 .
4 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Khan, M.Z.H. "Land Degradation Assessment Indicator: Soil Organic Carbon Stock in Bangladesh."
Final report of the Establishing national land use and land degradation profile toward mainstreaming SLM practices in sector policies (ENALULDEP/SLM) project, the Global Environment Facility, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Department of Environment (DoE), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Government People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh., 2020 (In Press) .
5 |
Moutushi H.T., Hossain M.E., Jahangiri F.M., Moniruzzaman M. and Hoque S. "A low cost bioadsorbent for removal of lead and cadmium from aqueous solutions."
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Islam R., Nurnabi M. Dhaka: Centre for Climate Changes Study and Resource Utilization, University of Dhaka, BACSAF, AAGUB, 2019 204-216 .
6 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S.M.I. Huq "Arsenic in ground waters, soils, and food crops in Bangladesh and India seriously affect human health.."
The Nexus of Soils, Plants, Animals and Human Health. Singh, B.R., McLaughlin, M.J., Brevik, E.C. Stuttgart: Catena-Schweizerbart, 2017 148-155 .
7 |
Mohammad Enayet Hossain, Saif Shahrukh and Shahid Akhtar Hossain "Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides: Impacts on Soil Degradation, Groundwater, and Human Health in Bangladesh."
Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Strategies for Mitigation. Cham: Springer, 2022 63-92 .
8 |
Hussain, M.S. and Khan, Z.H. "Spatial distribution of Silica in some global soils and its implications: a review.."
Unpublished Writings of Mohammad Sultan Hussain.. Hussain, M. S. University of Dhaka, 2013 125-144 .
9 |
Shammi, S.A., A. Salam and A.H. Khan "Enrichment of Nutrient Status of Water-Soil Systems Caused by Industrial Effluents."
Governance and Development: Changing Dynamics and Shifting Agendas. Osder Publication, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2016, pp. 207-218 .
10 |
Khan H. R. "Soil Ecology with special reference to soils of Bangladesh.."
Banglapedia. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2002 Vol. 9: pp. 348-349 .
11 |
Khan H. R. "Soil Environment with special reference to the environment of Bangladesh soils.."
Banglapedia. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2002 Vol. 9: pp. 349-350 .
12 |
Khan H. R., Bhuiyan M.M.A., Kabir S.M., Ahmed F., Syeed S.M.A. and Blume H.-P. "The Assessment and Management of Acid Sulfate Soils in Bangladesh in Relation to Crop Production.."
The Restoration and Management of Derelict Lands – Modern Approaches. M.H. Wong and A.D. Bradshaw World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2002 Chapter 22. p. 254-263. .
13 |
Khan, H. R. "Abatement of Environmental Problems Arising from Acid Sulfate Soils.."
Bangladesh Environment 2002 – A Compilation of technical papers of the 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment (ICBEN-2002). M.F. Ahmed, S.A. Tanveer and A.B.M. Badruzzaman. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), 2002 950-963 .
14 |
Khan, H. R., M.M.A. Bhuiyan, S.M. Kabir, F. Ahmed, S.M.A. Syeed, A.H.M. Shamim, M.S.H. Bhuiyan and M.R. Khaleda "Environmental Problems Arising from Salt-Affected Coastal Soils in Bangladesh.."
Bangladesh Environment 2002 – A Compilation of technical papers of the 2nd International Conference on Bangladesh Environment (ICBEN-2002). M.F. Ahmed, S.A. Tanveer and A.B.M. Badruzzaman. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), 2002 964-977 .
15 |
Khan H.R. "Problems, Prospects and Future Directions on Acid Sulfate Soils.."
Proceedings of International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands (30 Nov.- 2 Dec., 2000). A. Brion and R.W. Bell Fremantle, Western Australia: Promaco Convention Pty Ltd., 2000 66-67 .
16 |
Khan H. R., Ahmed F., Kabir S.M., Bhuiyan M.M.A., Syeed S.M.A. and Blume H.-P. "An inventory and Ecological Survey of Acid Sulfate Soils in Cox's Bazar Coastal Plains of Bangladesh.."
Proceedings of International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands (30 Nov. to 2 Dec., 2000). A. Brion and R.W. Bell Fremantle, Western Australia: Promaco Convention Pty Ltd., 2000 135-36 .
17 |
Khan H. R., Kabir S.M., Bhuiyan M.M.A. and Blume H.-P. "Impacts of Basic slag, Aggregate Size and Groundwater levels on the Growth and Yield of Rice Grown Two Pre-leached Acid Sulfate Soils.."
Proceedings of International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands (30 Nov. to 2 Dec., 2000). A. Brion and R.W. Bell Fremantle, Western Australia: Promaco Convention Pty Ltd., 2000 142-43 .
18 |
Khan H. R. and Syeed S.M.A. "Impacts of Sulfidic Soil Materials on the Growth, Yield and Mineral Nutrition of Sunflower Grown in Two Sulfur Deficient Soils.."
In Proceedings of International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands (30 Nov. to 2 Dec., 2000). A. Brion and R.W. Bell Fremantle, Western Australia: Promaco Convention Pty Ltd., 2000 152-53 .
19 |
Khan H. R. and Adachi T. "Soil acidity and it’s impacts on acidic-basic cations in recent sediments as influenced by microorganisms and water contents.."
Environmental Engineering Education and Training. T.V. Duggan and C.A. Brebbia Southampton, United Kingdom: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1996 197-206 .
20 |
Khan H. R., Pfisterer, U. and Blume H.-P. "Impacts of selected environmental factors on the emissions of trace gases.."
Environmental Engineering Education and Training. T.V. Duggan and C.A. Brebbia Southampton, United Kingdom: Computational Mechanics Publications, 1996 261-270 .
21 |
Khan H. R. and Pfisterer, U. "Untersuchungen Zur Naehrstoff-dynamik, Gasfreisetzung und Mikroorganismentaetigkeit in Boden der Kalkmarch.."
Jahresbericht 1994 (Annual Report of Kiel Univ.). Kiel, Germany: CA-Univ. Zu Kiel, 1995 95-101 .
22 |
Khan H. R. "An introduction to Bangladesh.."
Annual Report No. 27. Okayama, Japan: Okayama University, 1993 23-26 .
23 |
Khan H. R. "Useful learning to become a more successful researcher or professional.."
Bulletin (Vol. 7) of Soil Sci. Ex-student Association – EDAPHOS. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 1997 .
24 |
Khan, H.R. "Dams – their dramatic consequences on the nature of environment and possible mitigation measures.."
Bulletin (Vol. 9) of Soil Sci. Ex-student Association – EDAPHOS. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2009 .
25 |
Khan H. R. "Problems of salt-affected soils and their possible solutions.."
Annual Magazine, Dept of Soil, Water and Environment.. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Department of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka, 2003 21-22. .
Journal Article (392) |
1 |
Saif Shahrukh, Richard Baldauf, Robert Popek, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Removal of airborne particulate matter by evergreen tree species in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Environmental Pollution (impact factor:7.6) , vol.363 Elsevier , 2024
2 |
Saif Shahrukh, Richard Baldauf, Robert Popek, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Removal of Airborne Particulate Matter by Evergreen Tree Species in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Environmental Pollution (impact factor:7.6) , vol.363 , no.9 Elsevier , pp.125194 , 2024
3 |
Mohosina Naznin, Suma Akter, Md Harun Mia, Sanjida Sultana Santa and Md. Harunor Rashid Khan : Growth and Yield Performance of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Swayed by Mulching and Organic Fertilizers,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.53-65 , 2024
4 |
Muhammad Nurul Huda, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid, Anowar Hosen, Mahafuga Akter, Md. Mominul Islam, Sharmin Zaman Emon, Asma Rahman, Zuairia Binte Jashim, Saif Shahrukh and Mohammad Ismail : A potential toxicological risk assessment of heavy metals and pesticides in irrigated rice cultivars near industrial areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (impact factor:2.9) , vol.196 Springer Nature , 2024
5 |
Mohosina Naznin, Suma Akter, Md Harun Mia, Sanjida Sultana Santa and Md. Harunor Rashid Khan : Growth and Yield Performance of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Swayed by Mulching and Organic Fertilizers,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.53-65 , 2024
6 |
Muhammad Nurul Huda, Mohammad Harun‑Ur‑Rashid, Anowar Hosen, Mahafuga Akter, Md. Mominul Islam, Sharmin Zaman Emon, Asma Rahman, Zuairia Binte Jashim, Saif Shahrukh, Mohammad Ismail : A potential toxicological risk assessment of heavy metals and pesticides in irrigated rice cultivars near industrial areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (impact factor:2.9) , vol.196 , no.9 Springer Nature , pp.794 , 2024
7 |
Md. Raisuddin Sikder and Md. Harunor Rashid Khan : Mitigation of Salt Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Growth and Yield in Coastal Saline Soil Using Crop Residue-driven Organic Amendments under Varying Moisture Conditions,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.1-13 , 2024
8 |
Mariha Rahman, Gazi Md Mohsin, Md Bayzid Sarker, Md Nasimul Gani and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Influence of Mn on dry yield and nutrient uptake by new jute variety BJRI Tossa-7,
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology , vol.14 , no.1 IJARIT Research Foundation , pp.87-95 , 2024
9 |
Zuairia Binte Jashim, Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Jahan‑E‑Gulshan, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Biomonitoring potentially toxic elements in atmospheric particulate matter of greater Dhaka region using leaves of higher plants,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (impact factor:3.1) , vol.196 , no.5 Springer Nature , pp.1-20 , 2024
10 |
Zuairia Binte Jashim, Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Jahan-E-Gulshan, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Biomonitoring potentially toxic elements in atmospheric particulate matter of greater Dhaka region using leaves of higher plants,
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (impact factor:2.9) , vol.196 Springer Nature , 2024
11 |
Zuairia Binte Jashim, Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Jahan-E-Gulshan, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Biomonitoring potentially toxic elements in atmospheric particulate matter of greater Dhaka region using leaves of higher plants,
(impact factor:3.0) , vol.196 Springer Nature , 2024
12 |
Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Md. Aftab Ali Shaikh, Ahedul Akbor, Badhan Saha, Saif Shahrukh, Nazifa Nawyal and Md. Firoz Khan : Trafc infuenced respiratory deposition of particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Dhaka, Bangladesh: regional transport, source apportionment, and risk assessment,
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (impact factor:2.9) Springer Nature , 2023
13 |
Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Md. Mominul Islam, Md. Aftab Ali Shaikh and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Air pollution tolerance, anticipated performance, and metal accumulation indices of four evergreen tree species in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Current Plant Biology (impact factor:5.4) Elsevier , pp.100296 , 2023
14 |
Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Md. Mominul Islam, Md. Aftab Ali Shaikh and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Air pollution tolerance, anticipated performance, and metal accumulation indices of four evergreen tree species in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Current Plant Biology (impact factor:5.4) , vol.35-36 , 2023
15 |
Mithun Kumar Saha, Md Harunor Rashid Khan, Suma Akter and Md Bayazid Hossain : Integrated effects of vermicompost, climatic factors and soil mixing on selected soil fertility indicators,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.119--134 , 2023
16 |
Farzana Yasmin, Tania Hossain, Saif Shahrukh, Mohammad Enayet Hossain and Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana : Evaluation of seasonal changes in Physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of Gomti River in Bangladesh,
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (impact factor:4.3) , vol.17 Elsevier , pp.100224 , 2023
17 |
Farzana Yasmin, Tania Hossain, Saif Shahrukh, Mohammad Enayet Hossain and Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana : Evaluation of seasonal changes in physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of Gomti River in Bangladesh,
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators (impact factor:5.4) Elsevier , pp.100224 , 2023
18 |
Md. Al Sadikul Islam, Mohammad Enayet Hossain, Kamrun Nahar and Nehreen Majed : Assessment of Environmental Hazard and Heavy Metal Contamination in Dhaleshwari River Sediment: A Toxicity Based Study on Pollution,
Pollution (impact factor:1.2) , vol.9 , no.1 University of Tehran , pp.67-83 , 2023
19 |
Mahir Tajwar, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Nazmus Sakib and Md. Bayazid Hossain, : Assessment of microplastics as contaminants in a coal mining region,
Heliyon , vol.8 , no.11 , 2022
20 |
Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Md Aftab Ali Shaikh, Badhan Saha, Saif Shahrukh, Zarin Tasneem Jawaa and Md Firoz Khan : Seasonal changes and respiratory deposition flux of PM2. 5 and PM10 bound metals in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Chemosphere (impact factor:8.1) , vol.309 Elsevier , pp.136794 , 2022
21 |
Md. Motiar Rahman, Mohammad Enayet Hossain, Sirajul Hoque and Shahidul Islam : Variation in soil organic carbon stock and forest biomass carbon density at different locations of Sal forest in Bangladesh,
Journal of Tropical Forestry , vol.38 , no.3 & 4 Society of Tropical Forestry Scientists State , pp.1-22 , 2022
22 |
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.31 , no.2 , 2022
23 |
Saif Shahrukh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Health Problems of Traffic Police Personnel due to Air Pollution,
BPA Journal , vol.3 , no.3 Bangladesh Police Academy, Rajshahi, Bangladesh , pp.59-68 , 2022
24 |
Mohammad Enayet Hossain and Achintya N. Bezbaruah : Nano- and microscale iron for Fe fortification in Spinacia oleracea,
Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering (impact factor:5.5) , vol.6 , no.3 Springer Nature , 2021
25 |
Md. Al Sadikul Islam, Mohammad Enayet Hossain and Nehreen Majed : Assessment of Physicochemical Properties and Comparative Pollution Status of the Dhaleshwari River in Bangladesh,
Earth (impact factor:1.6) , vol.2 , no.4 MDPI , pp.696-714 , 2021
26 |
Begum, M., Young, E., Carey, M., Banwart, S., Li, G., Zhu, Y. G., Meharg, A. A., Meharg, C. : The Impact of Soil Amendments on Soil-Plant-Microbial Interactions and Soil Biogeochemical Cycling,
GENEVA Euro Soil Conference abstract , pp.86 , 2021
27 |
Arafat Rahman, Md. Jashim Uddin, Md. Raisuddin Sikder, Humyra Bente Murshed, J A. Faysal, Ahmad, M. and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Soil properties and carbon stock along the toposequence of Lalmai hill ecosystem of Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.30 , no.2 , pp.331-343 , 2021
28 |
Gulshan, J.E., Hossain, S.A., Hossain, M.E., Islam, M.M., Emon, S.Z., Manzum, A.A., Jashim, Z.B. and Huda, M.N. : Seasonal Variations of Microbes in Particulate Matter Obtained form Dhaka City in Bangladesh,
Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability (impact factor:3.3) , vol.33 , no.1 , pp.122-134 , 2021
29 |
Gulshan, Jahan-E- and Hossain, Shahid Akhtar and Hossain, Mohammad Enayet and Islam, Md Mominul and Emon, Sharmin Zaman and Manzum, Amika Ahmed and Jashim, Zuairia Binte and Nurul Huda, Muhammad : Seasonal variations of microbes in particulate matter obtained from Dhaka City in Bangladesh,
Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability (impact factor:3.1) , vol.33 , no.1 Taylor \& Francis , pp.122--134 , 2021
30 |
Jahangiri, F.M., Moutushi, H.T., Moniruzzaman, M., Hoque, S. and Hossain, M.E. : Removal of Lead from Aqueous Solution Using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Roots,
Water Practice and Technology (impact factor:1.6) , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.404-419 , 2021
31 |
Farah Monowara Jahangiri, Hasina Tasmin Moutushi, Md. Moniruzzaman, Sirajul Hoque and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Removal of lead from aqueous solutions and wastewaters using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) roots,
Water Practice and Technology, IWA Publishing , 2021
32 |
M. Tanvir A. Chowdhury, Andrew A. Meharg, Adam H. Price and Gareth J. Norton : Geochemical variability in the soils of Bangladesh as affected by sources of irrigation water and inundation land types,
SN Applied Sciences , vol.3, 256 , 2021
33 |
Md. Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Gareth J. Norton and Andrew A. Meharg : Geochemistry and Fractionation of Arsenic in the Haor Basin Soils of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.31-33 , no.2 , pp.104-112 , 2020
34 |
Binte Jashim, Zuairia and Akhtar Hossain, Shahid and Enayet Hossain, Mohammad and Islam, Md Mominul and E-Gulshan, Jahan- and Nurul Huda, Muhammad}, journal={Environmental Claims Journal : Effects of Air Borne Particulate Matter on the Plants Grown in Different Areas of Dhaka Mega City, Bangladesh: An Air Pollution Tolerance Study,
Environmental Claims Journal (impact factor:2.1) , vol.33 , no.4 Taylor \& Francis , pp.351--370 , 2020
35 |
Sanjida Hossain Peu, Md. Harunor Rashid Khan and Mohammad Enayet Hossain : Effects of Biochar Materials on Growth of Red Amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus) and Nutrient Status of the Post-harvest soil,
National University Journal of Science , vol.7 , no.1-2 , pp.49-62 , 2020
36 |
Jashim, Z.B., Hossain, S.A., Hossain, M.E., Islam, M.M., Gulshan, J.E. and Huda, M.N. : Effects of Air Borne Particulate Matter on the Plants Grown in Different Areas of Dhaka Mega City, Bangladesh: An Air Pollution Tolerance Study,
Environmental Claims Journal (impact factor:2.1) , pp.10.1080/10406026.2020.1858606 , 2020
37 |
Jasmin, P, W. Z. Prian, M. N. Mondol, S. M. Ullah and A. S. Chamon : Effect of Lead (Pb) On Growth, Yield And Mineral Nutrition Of Rice (Oryza sativa) and its Remediation:,
. J. biodiverse. Conserve. Bioresour. Manag , vol.5 , no.2 , 2020
38 |
Mahmuda Sultana, M. N. Mondol, A. Al. Mahir, Romana Sultana, S. F. Elahi and A. S. Chamon : Heavy Metal Concentration and health risk assessment in Commonly Sold Vegetables in Dhaka City Market.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. (Accepted). , 2020
39 |
Jasmin, P., W. Z. Prian, M. N. Mondol, S. M. Ullah and A. S. Chamon : Effect of Lead (Pb) On Growth, Yield And Mineral Nutrition Of Rice (Oryza sativa) and its Remediation.,
J. biodiverse. Conserve. Bioresour. Manag. , vol.5 , no.2 , 2020
40 |
Mahmuda Sultana, M. N. Mondol, A. Al. Mahir, Romana Sultana, S. F. Elahi and A. S. Chamon : Heavy Metal Concentration and health risk assessment in Commonly Sold Vegetables in Dhaka City Market.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. (Accepted). , 2020
41 |
Islam, M.F., Saha, B., Hossain, S.A. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. : Assessment of the health risks of farmers due to arsenic exposure in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.31-33 , no.1 , pp.54-62 , 2020
42 |
Nargis, N. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. : Effects of organic wastes on the growth and nutritional quality of Ipomoea aquatica,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.31-33 , no.1 , pp.7-14 , 2020
43 |
M. J. Uddin and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Estimation of carbon stock in the peat soils of Bangladesh,
Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , 2019
44 |
M. J. Uddin, P. S. Hooda, A. S. M. Mohiuddin, Mike Smith, Martin Waller : Land Inundation and Cropping Intensity Influences on Organic Carbon in the Agricultural Soils of Bangladesh,
Catena , 2019
45 |
1. Afroja Nasrin, Sayma Khanom and Shahid Akhtar Hossain : Effects of Vermicompost and12. Compost on soil properties and growth and yield of Kalmi (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) in mixed soil.,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2019
46 |
Hasan, M., Gani, N., Alam, M.D. and M.T.A. Chowdhury : Effects of old jute seeds on soil fertility and jute production,
Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.33-40 , 2019
47 |
Mahajabin, S, S. Rahaman, A. S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and M. Rahaman : Effect of Eggshell and Lime on Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Kalmi (Ipomoea aquatica: CONVOLULACEAE) Grown on land contaminated Soil,
Bioresour. Manag , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.85-92 , 2019
48 |
Mahajabin, S., S. Rahaman, A. S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and M. Rahaman : Effect of Eggshell and Lime on Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Kalmi (Ipomoea aquatica: CONVOLULACEAE)Grown on land contaminated Soil.,
Bioresour. Manag. , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.85-92 , 2019
49 |
Md. Faruque Hossain, ASM Maksud Kamal, Abdul Halim Farhad Sikder and Zakia Parveen : Air Quality Measurement at the Solid Waste Disposal of Matuail Landfill Site at Dhaka, Bangladesh.,
American Journal of Environmental Sciences , vol.15 , no.5 , pp.167- 179 , 2019
50 |
Farah Monowara Jahangiri : Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a Promising Biosorbent in Removal of Heavy Metals,
International Journal of Advanced Research , vol.7 , no.8 , pp.1043-1050 , 2019
51 |
Mahmudul Islam Piash, Md. Faruque Hossain and Zakia Parveen : Effect of Biochar and Fertilizer Application on the Growth and Nutrient Accumulation of Rice and Vegetable in Two Contrast Soils,
Acta Scientific Agriculture , 2019
52 |
Hossain, M.E., Ritt, C.L., Almeelbi, T. and Bezbaruah, A.N. : Biopolymer Beads for Aqueous Phosphate Removal: Possible Applications in Eutrophic Lakes,
Journal of Environmental Engineering (impact factor:2.2) , vol.144 , no.5 , pp.04018030 , 2018
53 |
Monija Manjur, Sonia Hossin and Md. Harunor Rashid khan : Crop response to residual effects of basic slag, aggregate size and groundwater level treated acid sulfate soils.,
Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. , 2018
54 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A., Deacon, C.M., Steel, E., Huq, S.M.I., Paton, G.I., Price, A.H., Williams, P.N., Meharg, A.A. and G.J. Norton : Physiographical variability in arsenic dynamics in Bangladeshi soils.,
Science of the Total Environment (impact factor:7.963) , vol.612 , pp.1365-1372 , 2018
55 |
Md. Faruque Hossain, Esrat Jahan, Zakia Parveen S : Solid waste disposal and its impact on surrounding environment of Matuail landfill site, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
American Journal of Environmental Sciences , 2018
56 |
Akhter, F., Alam, D.U., Begum, M. and Alam, N. : Accumulation of diazinon in Indian spinach under different doses of rice hull.,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.26 , no.2 Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , pp.125-131 , 2017
57 |
Umma Farhana Khushi., Sirajul Hoque and S.Z.K.M. Shamsad. 2017 : Assessing heavy metal accumulation in soils of tea growing areas and their transfer to tea leaves in Bangladesh,
Canadian J. of Pure and applied Sci. , 2017
58 |
Md. Anik Mahmud., Kazi Albab Hussain., Masud Hassan, Abdur Rahman Jewel and S.Z.K.M. Shamsad. : Water quality assessment using physiochemical paramneters and heavy metal concentration of circular rivers in and around Dhaka city, Bangladesh,
Int. J. of Water Research , 2017
59 |
P. Ravenscroft, , Z. H. Mahmud. M. Shafiqul Islam, A.K.M.Z. Hossain, A. Zahid, G. C. Saha, AHM Zulfiquar Ali, Khairul Islam, S. Cairncross, J. D. Clemens, M Sirajul Islam. : The public health significance of latrines discharging to groundwater used for drinking,
Water Research , 2017
60 |
M.N. Mondol, A. Asia, A.S. Chamon and S.M.A. Faiz : Contamination of soil and plant by the Hazaribagh Tannery industries,
J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , vol.43 , no.(2) , pp.207-222. , 2017
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M.N. Mondol, A. Asia, A.S. Chamon and S.M.A. Faiz : Contamination of soil and plant by the Hazaribagh Tannery industries.,
J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , 2017
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Monija Manjur, Sonia Hossin and Md. Harunor Rashid khan : Long term carrying over effects of basic slag, soil aggregate size and groundwater treatments for the reclamation of acid sulfate soils.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. , 2017
63 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A., Deacon, C.M., Jones, G.D., Huq, S.M.I., Williams, P.N., Hoque, A.F.M.M., Winkel, L.H.E., Price, A.H., Norton, G.J. and A.A. Meharg : Arsenic in Bangladeshi soils related to physiographic region, paddy management, and mirco- and macro- elemental status.,
Science of the Total Environment (impact factor:7.963) , vol.590-591 , pp.406-415 , 2017
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Ali, S.S., Begum, M., Rashid, M.H. and Huq, S.I. : Arsenic mobility in saline soil and its impact on plant growth.,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.29 , no.2 Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , pp.9 , 2016
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Ali, S.S., Begum, M. and Huq, S.M.I. : Plant growth as affected by concomitant movement of arsenic and sulphur in saline soils,
Open Journal of Soil Science , pp.59-67 , 2016
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Begum, M., and Huq, S. I. : Heavy metal contents in soils affected by industrial activities in a southern district of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.29 , no.1 Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , pp.9 , 2016
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Shawan Mazumder, Md. Abu Naser Khan, Md. Faruque Hossain, A.H.M. Zulfiquar Ali and Md. Khalilur Rahman. : Effects of liming on growth, biomass production and nutrient content of Albizia Procera seedling grown in acid soil.,
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N.J. Tarin, N.M. Ali, A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, A. Aziz and M.M. Rahman : Optimizing chlorella vulgaris and anabaena variabilis growth conditions for use as biofuel feedstock,
J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , vol.42 , no.(2) , pp.191-200. , 2016
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N.M. Ali, N.J. Tarin, M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, A. Aziz and M.M. Rahman : Optimization of growth of two microalgal isolates for biofuel feedstock,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.51 , no.(3) , pp.183-192. , 2016
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Islam, A.B.M.S., Z.H. Khan and A.R. Mazumder, : Pedogenesis and Characterization of some soils from the Chalan beel of Bangladesh.,
J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh Sci., , 2016
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N.J. Tarin, N.M. Al, A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, A. Aziz and M.M. Rahman : Optimizing chlorella vulgaris and anabaena variabilis growth conditions for use as biofuel feedstock.,
J. Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , 2016
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N.M. Alil, N.J. Tarin, M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, A. Aziz and M.M. Rahman. : Optimization of growth of two microalgal isolates for biofuel feedstock,
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2. Farzana Yasmin, Sayma Khanom and Md. Sunjid Sultan Ferdous (2016) : Quality of water and sediment of different cottage industries water bodies: a case study,
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M Sirajul Islam, Zahid Hayat Mahmud. M. Shafiqul Islam, Ganesh Chandra Saha, Anwar Zahid, AHM Zulfiquar Ali, M. Qumrul Hassan, Khairul Islam, Hasin Jahan, Yukub Hossain, M. Masud Hasan, Sandy Cairncross, Richard Carter, Stephen P. Luby, Alejandro Cravioto, Hubert Ph. Endtz, Shah M. Faruque and John D. Clemens : Safe distances between groundwater –based water wells and pit latrines at different hydrogeological conditions in the Ganges Atrai floodplains of Bangladesh. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition,
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition , vol.35 , pp.26 , 2016
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Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Nesa, L., S.M.I. Huq : Assessment of the phytoavailability of Cu and Ni using various extraction procedures.,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.24 , no.1 , pp.1-16 , 2015
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Khan, K.T., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S.M.I. Huq : Effects of biochar on the fate of the heavy metals Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soil.,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.28 , no.1 , pp.17-26 , 2015
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Noor, N., Mahmud, K., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S.M.I. Huq : The use of biochar as ameliorator for soil arsenic.,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.111-119 , 2015
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Shamsad, S.Z.K.M. Kazi Zahidul Islam, Muhammad Sher Mahmud. : Surface water quality of Gorai river of Bangladesh,
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Hussain, M.S.; Khan, Z.H.; Hassan, M. M. : Potassium depletion in agricultural soils of Bangladesh and its possible impacts on mineral alteration: Some empirical considerations of Bangladesh.,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science. , 2014
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M. N. Mondol, A. S. Chamon, R.C. Hood and W. E. H. Blum : Use of 15N labelled organic residues to quantify nitrogen recovery studies to rice under different saline condition,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.21-28 , 2014
81 |
M. Khaled, M. N. Mondol, A. S. Chamon and S. M. Ullah : Lead and cadmium concentrations in atmospheric aerosol in Dhaka city and its effect on soil and plant concentrations,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.29-36 , 2014
82 |
M. N. Mondol, A. S. Chamon, R. C. Hood and W. E. H. Blum : Effect of root temperature on root turnover using 15N stem injection technique,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.27-36 , 2014
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M. N. Mondol, A. S. Chamon, R.C. Hood and W. E. H. Blum : Use of 15N labelled urea to quantify nitrogen recovery studies and effect of salinity on rice.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.49 , no.2 , pp.69-78 , 2014
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Khan, K.T., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S.M.I. Huq : Application of biochar and fate of soil nutrients.,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.11-25 , 2014
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M. N. Mondol, M. Khaled, A. S. Chamon and S. M. Ullah : Trace metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols in some city areas of Bangladesh..,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.49 , no.4 , pp.263-270 , 2014
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M. Khaled, M N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : Lead and cadmium concentrations in atmospheric aerosol in Dhaka city and its effect on soil and plant concentrations.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.29-36 , 2014
87 |
M. Khaled, M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : Lead and cadmium concentrations in atmospheric aerosol in Dhaka city and its effect on soil and plant concentrations.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.29-36 , 2014
88 |
M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, R.C. Hood and W.E.H. Blum : Effect of root temperature on root turnover using 15N stem injection technique,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.27-36 , 2014
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, R.C. Hood and W.E.H. Blum : Use of 15N labelled urea to quantify nitrogen recovery studies and effect of salinity on rice.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.49 , no.2 , pp.69-78 , 2014
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M.N. Mondol, M. Khaled, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : M.N. Mondol; M. Khaled; A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah. 2014. Trace metal concentration in atmospheric aerosols in some city areas of Bangladesh.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.49 , no.4 , pp.263-270 , 2014
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M. Khaled, M N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : Lead and cadmium concentrations in atmospheric aerosol in Dhaka city and its effect on soil and plant concentrations.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.29-36 , 2014
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Kamal, A.T.M.M., Islam, M.M., Hossain, M.S. and Ullah, S.M. : Influence of sewage sludge on yield and mineral contents of rice grain,
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M. N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz and S. F. Elahi : Chromium in urban soil-plant-water ecosystems,
J. Bangladesh Academy of Sci , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.173-187 , 2013
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz and S.F. Elah : Chromium in urban soil-plant-water ecosystem,
J. Bangladesh Academy of Sci. , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.173-187 , 2013
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M.N Mondol, A.S Chamon, R.C Hood and W.E.H Blum : Use Of 15n Labelled Organic Residues To Quantify Nitrogen Recovery Studies To Rice Under Different Saline Condition.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.21-28 , 2013
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A.H.M.Z.Ali, S.U. Ahmed, M.M. Rahma and M.K.Rahman : . Assessment of Drip and Flood Irrigation on biomass production, nutrient content and water use efficiency of Maize (Zea mays L.).,
Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. , vol.22 , no.Jan , pp.47-54 , 2013
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Uddin, M.J., Mohiuddin, A.S.M., Kamal, A.T.M.M. and Hossain, M.A. : The agricultural potential of some wetland soils under Sylhet basin of Bangladesh,
The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , 2012
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M. N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and M. M. Rahman : Growth and yield attributes of chinese cabbage as influenced by plant residue compost and ash,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.23 , pp.163-166 , 2012
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M. N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and M. M. Rahman : Influence of plant residue compost and ash on yield and economic performance of cherry tomato.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.47 , no.4 , pp.387-92 , 2012
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and M.M. Rahman : Growth and yield attributes of Chinese cabbage as influenced by plant residue compost and ash.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.23 , pp.163-166 , 2012
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and M.M. Rahman : Influence of plant residual compost and ash on yield and economic performance of cherry tomato.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.47 , no.4 , pp.387-392 , 2012
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Chowdhury, M.T.A., Meharg, A.A., Deacon, C.M., Hossain, M. and G.J. Norton : Hydrogeochemistry and arsenic contamination of groundwater in the Haor Basins of Bangladesh.,
Water Quality, Exposure & Health (Exposure and Health) (impact factor:11.422) , vol.4 , pp.67-78 , 2012
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Nessa, A., Rahman, S., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Z. Parveen : Effects of sewage sludge on Ipomoea aquatica at different pH levels.,
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Azim, Md., Rahman, M. M., Riaz, H. and Kamal, A.T.M.M. : Characteristics of leachate generated at landfill sites and probable risks of surface and ground water pollution in surrounding areas: A case study of Matuail landfill site, Dhaka,
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , 2011
105 |
N.J. Malik, A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol, S. F. Elahi and S. M. A. Faiz : Effect of different levels of zinc on growth and yield of red amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and rice (Oryza sativa, variety-BR49),
J. Bangladesh Assoc. Young Researchers (JBAYR) , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.79-91 , 2011
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M. N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz, H. Rahman and S. F. Elahi : Fractionation, Characterization and Speciation of Lead in the industrially polluted soils of Tejgaon area of Bangladesh and lead pollution of associated plants and water,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res , vol.46 , no.3 , pp.277-290 , 2011
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N. J. Malik, A. S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol, S. F. Elahi and S. M. A. Faiz : Effects of different levels of chromium on red amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and rice (Oryza Sativa, variety-BR49),
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.20 , pp.57-62 , 2011
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N.J. Malik, A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, S.F. Elahi and S.M.A. Faiz : Effect of different levels of zinc on growth and yield of red amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and rice (Oryza Sativa, variety-BR49),
J. Bangladesh Assoc. Young Researchers (JBAYR) , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.79-91 , 2011
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz, H. Rahman and S.F. Elahi : Fractionation, Characterization and Speciation of Lead in the industrially polluted soils of Tejgaon area of Bangladesh and lead pollution of associated plants and water.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res , vol.46 , no.3 , pp.277-290 , 2011
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N.J. Malik, A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, S.F. Elahi and S.M.A. Faiz : Effects of different levels of chromium on red amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and rice (Oryza Sativa, variety-BR49).,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.20 , pp.57-62 , 2011
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M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz and S.F. Elahi : Seasonal variation of heavy metal concentrations in water and plant samples around Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh.,
J. Bangladesh Academy of Sci , vol.35 , no.1 , pp.19-41 , 2011
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Huq, S.M.I. and M.T.A. Chowdhury : Risk assessment to human health from land contamination due to disposal of arsenic filter sludge.,
Journal of Asiatic Society, Bangladesh, Science , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.57-66 , 2011
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Huq, S.M.I., Nesa, L., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and J.C. Joardar : Disposal of arsenic filter sludge in soil and its consequences.,
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering , vol.5 , pp.165-176 , 2011
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Huq, S.M.I., Sultana, S., Chakraborti, G. and M.T.A. Chowdhury : A mitigation approach to alleviate arsenic accumulation in rice through balanced fertilization.,
Applied and Environmental Soil Science , vol.2011 (Article ID: 835627) , pp.8 pages , 2011
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A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol,, B. Faiz,, H. Rahman and S.F. Elahi : Speciation analysis of copper in the soils of Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh and its concentration in plants and water.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.18, , pp.103-110. , 2010.
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M. N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz and S. F. Elahi : Fractionation and Speciation analysis of copper in soils of Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh and its concentration in plants and water,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.18 , pp.103-110 , 2010
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Chowdhury, M.T.A., Nesa, L., Kashem, M.A. and S.M.I. Huq : Assessment of the phytoavailability of Cd, Pb and Zn using various extraction procedures.,
Pedologist , vol.53 , no.3 , pp.80-95 , 2010
118 |
Hossain, F., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S.M.I. Huq : Carbon economy and heavy metal contamination in two peri-urban areas of Dhaka city in relation to vegetable cultivation practices.,
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.103-114 , 2010
119 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, B. Faiz, M.H. Rahman and S.F. Elahi. : Speciation analysis of nickel in the soils of Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh and its concentration into plants and water.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.44 , no.(1), , pp.87-108. , 2009.
120 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and S.M. Ullah : Amelioration of heavy metals from contaminated soils of Hazaribagh and Tejgaon areas from Bangladesh using red mud. Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 44(4), 479-484.,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. , vol.44 , no.(4), , pp.479-484. , 2009
121 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, B. Faiz, M.H. Rahman and S.F. Elahi. : Speciation analysis of cadmium in the soils of an industrial area of Bangladesh and its concentration in plants and water.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.5 , no.(2) , pp.79-97. , 2009
122 |
A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol, B. Faiz, M. H. Rahman and S. F. Elahi : Speciation analysis of nickel in the soils of Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh and its concentration into plants and water,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res , vol.44 , no.1 , pp.87-108 , 2009
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A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol, B. Faiz, H. Rahman and S. F. Elahi : Speciation analysis of cadmium in the soils of Tejgaon industrial area of Bangladesh and their concentration into plants and water.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.79-97 , 2009
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A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and S. M. Ullah : Amelioration of heavy metals from contaminated soils of Hazaribagh and Tejgaon areas from Bangladesh using red mud,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res , vol.44 , no.4 , pp.479-484 , 2009
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S.F. Elahi, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz, M.H. Rahman and M.N. Mondol. : Physico-chemical properties of soils, plants and water of Tejgaon soil.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol.14, , no.No. 1, , pp.153-163. , 2008.
126 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and M.H. Rahman. : Effects of Cd and Zn on the yield and nutrients content of spinach.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.Vol. 4 , no.(2), , pp.107-111. , 2008.
127 |
S.F. Elahi, A.S. Chamon, B. Faiz, M.H. Rahman and M.N. Mondol : Physico-Chemical properties of soils, plants and water of Tejgaon soil.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.14 , no.1 , 2008
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A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and M.H. Rahman : Effects of cadmium and zinc on the yield and nutrients content of spinach,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.4 , no.2 , 2008
129 |
Begum, M. and Huq, S.I. : Desorption of arsenic in soils as affected by residence time, solute concentration and soil properties,
Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (impact factor:2.988) , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.5 , 2007
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Begum, M. and Huq, S.I. : Sorption kinetics of arsenic in soils as affected by residence time, solution concentration and calcareousness,
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.16 , no.1 Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , pp.11 , 2007
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A.H.M.Zulfiquar Ali and K.Ozawa : Use of watered plastic bottle to change in soil temperature-A new approach.,
Japanese J. of Tropical Agriculture. 51:85-86. , pp.85-86 , 2007
132 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and S.M. Ullah : Remediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils using red-mud.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.Vol. 3 , no.2 , pp.93-98. , 2007.
133 |
M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood and W.E.H. Blum : Effects of moisture on nitrogen fixation by soyabean crops using 15N soil labeling,
J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.223-232 , 2007
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A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and S.M. Ullah : Remediation of heavy metals from contaminated soils using red-mud.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.93-98 , 2007
135 |
A.S. Chamon, M.M. Rahman, M.N. Mondol, Z. Ali and S. U. Ahmed : Influence of plant residue compost and plant residue ash on yield, mineral nutrition and quality of Chinese cabbage and Tomato.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.33-42 , 2006
136 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and S.M. Ullah : Influence of lime application on wheat grown on contaminated soils.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.93-7. , 2006.
137 |
M.N. Mondo, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : Interaction of copper with N, P and K in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Roma VF).,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol.12, , no.No. 2, , pp.373-375. , 2006
138 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol and S.M. Ullah. : Effect of different organic amendments on growth and elemental composition of tomato grown on polluted soil.,
Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh. , vol.Vol 32, , no.No. 1. , 2006.
139 |
A.S. Chamon, M. M. Rahman, M.N. Mondol, Z. Ali and S. U. Ahmed : Influence of plant residue compost and plant residue ash on yield, mineral nutrition and quality of Chinese cabbage and Tomato,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.33-42 , 2006
140 |
A.S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and S. M. Ullah : Influence of lime application on heavy metal accumulation in wheat grown on contaminated soils,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.93-7 , 2006
141 |
M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon and S.M. Ullah : Interaction of copper with N, P and K in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Roma VF),
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.12 , no.3 , pp.373-375. , 2006
142 |
A. S. Chamon, M. N. Mondol and S. M. Ullah : Effect of different organic amendments on growth and elemental composition of tomato grown on polluted soil.,
Asiatic Soc. Bangladesh , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.127-139 , 2006
143 |
A.S. Chamon, M.H. Gerzabek, M.N. Mondol, S.M. Ullah, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Influence of cereal varieties and site conditions on heavy metal accumulations in cereal crops on polluted soils of Bangladesh.,
Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis , vol.vol. 36 , pp.889-906 , 2005
144 |
A.S. Chamon, Gerzabek, M.H, Mondol, M.N, Ullah, S.M, M. Rahman and Blum. W.E.H. : Influence of Soil amendments on heavymetal accumulation in crops on polluted soils of Bangladesh.,
Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis , vol.vol. 36 , pp.907-924 , 2005
145 |
A.S. Chamon, S.U. Ahmed and M.K. Rahman : The effect of different levels of copper on growth, yield and mineral nutrition of Chinese cabbage.,
Bangladesh J. Agric. and Environ. , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.1-5. , 2005.
146 |
A.S. Chamon, M.H.Gerzabek, M.N. Mondol, S.M.Ullah, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Influence of cereal varieties and site conditions on heavy metal accumulations in cereal crops on polluted soils of Bangladesh.,
Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis , vol.36 , pp.889-906 , 2005
147 |
A.S. Chamon, M.H.Gerzabek, M.N. Mondol, S.M.Ullah, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Influence of Soil amendments on heavy metal accumulation in crops on polluted soils of Bangladesh,
Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analysis , vol.36 , pp.907-924. , 2005
148 |
M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum. : Use of 15N soil labeling and effect of moisture on nitrogen fixation by cowpea crops.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 10, , pp.346-350. , 2004.
149 |
M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, R.C. Hood, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum. : Effect of different levels of 15N labeled residue and salinity on growth, yield and nitrogen contents in rice.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 10, , pp.341-345. , 2004.
150 |
M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Use of 15N soil labeling and effect of moisture on nitrogen fixation by cowpea crops,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.10 , pp.346-350 , 2004
151 |
M.N. Mondol, A.S. Chamon, R.C. Hood, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Effect of different levels of 15N labeled residue and salinity on growth, yield and nitrogen contents in rice,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.10 , pp.341-345 , 2004
152 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum. : Quantifying below-ground nitrogen of legumes using 15N stem injection under two moisture conditions.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 9, , pp.410-416. , 2003.
153 |
M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, A.S. Chamon and W.E.H. Blum. : Transfer of below ground nitrogen from legume crops to succeeding wheat using 15N stem injection under two moisture condition.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 9, , pp.432-440. , 2003.
154 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, M. Rahman and W.E.H. Blum : Quantifying below-ground nitrogen of legumes using 15N stem injection under two moisture conditions,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci , vol.9 , pp.410-416 , 2003
155 |
M.N. Mondol, R.C. Hood, A.S. Chamon and W.E.H. Blum : Transfer of below ground nitrogen from legume crops to succeeding wheat using 15N stem injection under two moisture condition,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.9 , pp.432-440 , 2003
156 |
M.N. Mondol, M.A.R. Bhuyian, S. Noor, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and S.M.A. Faiz : Effect of copper on the growth and mineral nutrient nutrition of wheat.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 8 , pp.51-54 , 2002
157 |
M.N. Mondol, M.A.R. Bhuyian, S. Noor, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and S.M.A. Faiz. : Growth, yield and mineral nutrition of Rice, Wheat and Lettuce grown on heavy metal polluted soil.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 8, , pp.60-64. , 2002.
158 |
M.N. Mondol, M.A.R. Bhuyian, S. Noor, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and S.M.A. Faiz : Growth and mineral nutrition of wheat as affected by different levels of nickel.,
Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.Vol. 8, , pp.65-70. , 2002.
159 |
M.N. Mondol, M.A.R. Bhuyian, S. Noor, A.S. Chamon, M. Rahman and S.M.A. Faiz : Effect of copper on the growth and mineral nutrient nutrition of wheat,
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Khan, H.R. : Fluxes of methane and distribution of sulfate as influenced by coastal salt-marsh soil ecosystem of Northern Germany,
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Hossain M. S., Khan H. R. and Akter S. : Consequences of Indigenous Organic Amendments and Moisture Conditions on the Growth and Yield of Rice Grown on Saline Soil,
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Khan, H.R. : Nutrition of rice as influenced by reclamation techniques for acid sulfate soil in Cox’s Bazar,
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Karmaker, S., H. R. Khan and R. Mandal : Effects of cow dung and rice hull on the growth and yield of rice grown in the mixed soil,
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Khan, H.R. : Influence of salt marsh ecosystem on the concentration and emission of CO2 from the Wadden sea coast soil of Northern Germany,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir and M.A. Bhuiyan : Effects of selected treatments and techniques for the reclamation and improvement of Cheringa acid sulfate soil under rice production in the coastal plain of Cox’s Bazar,
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Afsar, M.Z. and Hossain, M.E. : Characterization of Some Representative Calcareous Soils of Bangladesh with respect to Soil Phosphorus Requirements,
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Rahman, M.K., M. Eunuch, G.M.F. Haque, H.R. Khan and A.J.M. Abdur-Rouf : Nutrient losses of agricultural land due to brick manufacturing in the central region of Bangladesh,
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Hossain, M.E., Hoque, S. and Osman, K.T. : Phosphate Sorption in Some Representative Soils of Bangladesh,
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M. R. Islam, GKMM Rahman, M. A. Saleque and M. J. Uddin : Effects of industrial effluents on seed germination and seedling growth of rice,
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Begum, M and H.R. Khan : Impacts of rice hull, gypsum and different levels of saline water irrigation on the growth and yield performance of wheat grown in saline soils,
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Fatema, K., Begum, M., Zahid, A. and Hossain, M.E. : Water Quality Assessment of the River Buriganga, Bangladesh,
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M. S. Rahman, K. T. Osman and M. J. Uddin : Spatial variability assessment of in soil organic carbon: An approach of precision farming,
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Begum, M. and H.R. Khan : Physico-chemical characteristics of saline soil under wheat as influenced by gypsum, rice-hull and different salinity levels,
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Begum, M. and H.R. Khan : N, P, K and S status of wheat plant grown on saline soils as influenced by gypsum, rice hull and different salinity levels,
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Hossain, M.E., Sania, F.T.J and Khan, H.R. : Phosphate Sorption Capacities of Some Madhupur Tract Soils, Bangladesh: Role of Aluminum, Iron and Clay Content,
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Kaniz, F. and H.R. Khan : Reclamation of saline soil using gypsum, rice hull and saw dust in relation to rice production.,
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Yousuf, T.S., Hossain, M.E., Afsar, M.Z. and Osman, K.T. : Phosphate Sorption Indices as Affected by the Calcareousness of Soils,
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Begum, M. and H.R. Khan : Influence of gypsum, rice-hull and different levels of saline water irrigation on water soluble cations and organic matter content in different saline soils in response to wheat.,
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Ara, M. F., Khan, H.R., Nessa A. and Z. Parveen : Assessment of long-term effects of basic slag in reclaiming acid sulfate soil.,
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Rahman, M.K., H.R. Khan and A.J.M. Abdur-Rouf : Plant nutrient losses and Environmental pollution through brick manufacturing in the southern region of Bangladesh.,
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Lipi, S.A., H.R. Khan and S.A. Hossain : Consequences of phytoremediation strategies and purification of industrial effluents on the primary nutrient status of plants and soil.,
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Ahmed, F. and H. R. Khan : Response of mineral nutrient of rice to sulfidic materials as sulfur fertilizer.,
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Rahman, M.K., H.R. Khan and A.J.M. Abdur-Rouf : Influence of brick kilns on the agricultural land depletion in the southwestern region of Bangladesh.,
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Shamim, A.H.M., H. R. Khan and T. Akae : The effectiveness of sulfidic materials as a source of sulfur fertilizer for the production of rice in two sulfur deficient soils.,
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Ahmed, F. and H. R. Khan : Residual response of the sulfidic material on the yield of Tomato and Onion grown in two sulfur deficient soils in Bangladesh.,
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Ahmed, F. and H. R. Khan : Threatening of severity of acid sulfate soils to the adjacent environment in the Cox’s Bazar coastal plains of Bangladesh.,
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Ahmed,F. and H. R. Khan : Quantification of the nutrient status of the acid sulfate soils of Chakaria Sundarbans in the Cox’s Bazar coastal plains of Bangladesh.,
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Shamim, A.H.M., H. R. Khan and T. Akae : Impacts of Sulfidic Materials on the Selected Major Nutrient Uptake by Rice Plants Grown in Sulfur Deficient Soils under Pot Experiment.,
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Shamim, A.H.M., H. R. Khan and T. Akae : Effectiveness of Sulfidic Materials on the N, P, K, Mg and S Nutrient Uptake by Rice Plants Grown in Sulfur Deficient Soil under Field Experiment.,
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Shamim, A.H.M., H. R. Khan and T. Akae : Effects of incubation times and moisture regimes on pH values and exchangeable cations in acid sulfate soils as influenced by application rates of basic slag.,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, H.-P. Blume, Yoko Oki and Tadashi Adachi : Reclamation of a Badarkhali Hot Spot of Acid Sulfate Soil in Relation to Rice Production by Basic Slag and Aggregate size Treatments under Modified-Plain-Ridge-Ditch Techniques,
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Khan, H. R. : Physico-chemical amendment of Badarkhali acid sulfate soil and its effect on mustard.,
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Khan, H.R. : Impacts of basic slag, aggregate size and groundwater levels for the amendment of acid sulfate soils in relation to the production of mustard in a simulation study.,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, F. Ahmed, S.M.A. Syeed and H.-P. Blume : Response of Mustard to Basic Slag and Aggregate Size Treatments under Modified-Plain-Ridge-Ditch Techniques Used for the Reclamation and Improvement of Cheringa Acid Sulfate Soil.,
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Khan, H.R. : Response of Eggplant to Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Reclamation and Improvement of a Cheringa Hot Spot of Acid Sulfate Soil.,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan and H.-P. Blume : Effects of Basic Slag, Aggregate Size and Groundwater Treatments on the Production of Chilli in Acid Sulfate Soils in a Simulation Study.,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, H.-P. Blume, Yoko Oki and Tadashi Adachi : Amelioration of Cheringa acid sulfate soil and screening of acidity-salinity tolerant rice varieties in a simulation study.,
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Shamim, A.H.M., H.R. Khan and T. Akae : Neutralizing Capacity of Basic Slag in Acid Sulfate Soils and Its Impacts on the Solubility of Basic Cations under Various Moisture Regimes.,
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Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, H.-P. Blume, Yoko Oki and Tadashi Adachi : Use of Modified-Plain-Ridge-Ditch Techniques for the Reclamation and Improvement of Cheringa Acid Sulfate Soil in Relation to Rice Production.,
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Khan, H.R. : Physico-chemical amendment of Badarkhali Acid Sulfate Soil and Its Response to Mustard.,
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Khan H. R., Ahmed F., Kabir S.M., Bhuiyan M.M.A., Syeed S.M.A., Shamim, A.H.M., Oki, Y and Adachi, T. : The Potentiality and Effectiveness of Sulfidic Materials as a Source of Sulfur Fertilizer for the Production of Rice in Sulfur Deficient Soils.,
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Khan, H. R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan and H;-P. Blume : Physico-chemical amelioration of Badarkhali acid sulfate soil and screening of acidity-salinity tolerant rice varieties in a simulation study,
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Khan, H.R., M. Mohiuddin and M. Rahman : Enumeration, Isolation and Identification of Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial Strains at Seedling Stage in Rhizosphere of Rice Grown in Non-Calcareous Grey Flood Plain Soil of Bangladesh,
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Khan, H.R., H.-P. Blume, S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, F. Ahmed and S.M.A. Syeed : Quantification of the severity, reserve and extent of acidity in the twenty profiles of acid sulfate soils and their threats to environment,
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Khan, H.R., S. M.A. Syeed, F. Ahmed, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Response of Sunflower to Sulfidic Materials and Magnesium Sulfate as Sulfur Fertilizer,
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Khan, H.R., M.M.A. Bhuiyan, S.M. Kabir, H.-P. Blume, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Consequences of basic slag on soil pH, calcium and magnesium status in acid sulfate soils under various water contents,
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Khan, H.R., M. Mohiuddin, M. Rahman, M.S. Akhtar, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Characterization and Screening of N2-fixing Microorganisms at Maturity Stage in Rhizosphere of Rice Grown in Brahmaputra Alluvium Soil of Bangladesh.,
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Khan, H.R., M.K. Rahman, A.J.M.A. Rouf, G.S. Satter, M.S. Akhtar, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Effects of Brick Burning on Microbial Biomass and C/N Ratio in Selected Soil Profiles in the Eastern Region of Bangladesh,
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Akhtar, M.S., Y. Oki, T. Adachi, Y. Murata and Khan, H.R. : Relative phosphorus utilization efficiency, growth response, and phosphorus uptake kinetics of Brassica cultivars under a Phosphorus stress environment,
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Khan, H.R., M.K. Rahman, A.J.M.A. Rouf, G.S. Satter, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Assessment of degradation of agricultural soils arising from brick burning in selected soil profiles,
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Akhtar, M.S., Y. Oki, T. Adachi and Md. Khan, H.R. : ‘Tailoring the plant to fit the soil’ I stead of ‘tailoring the soil to fit the plant’ is an alternate environmental sound strategy to acclimate orthophosphate (Pi) deprivation via highly coordinated classical Pi-starvation induced mechanisms,
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Akhtar, M.S., Y. Oki, T. Adachi and Md. Khan, H.R. : From fate to faith and soil to cell: Estimation of phosphate (Pi) uptake rate, Pi-uptake kinetics and relative growth rate are important parameters to scavenge Pi by Brassica cultivars under P-starved environment,
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Akhtar, M.S., Y. Oki, T. Adachi and Md. Khan, H.R. : Analyses of the genetic parameters (variability, heritability, genetic advance, relationship of yield and yield contributing characters) for some plant traits among Brassica cultivars under phosphorus starved environmental cues,
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Shahbaz, A.M., Y. Oki, T. Adachi, Y. Murata and H.R. Khan : Phosphorus starvation induced root-mediated pH changes in solublization and acquisition of sparingly soluble P sources and organic acids exudation by Brassica cultivars.,
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Shahbaz, A.M., Y. Oki, T. Adachi, Y. Murata, A.G. Maqsood, H.R. Khan and H. Kurimoto : Inter-cultivar variations of phosphorus deficiency stress tolerance in hydrophonically grown Brassica.,
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Islam, M.O., A. K. Das and H.R. Khan : Industrial Wastewater for irrigation in Agriculture.,
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Islam, M.O., Md. H.R. Khan, A. K. Das, M.S. Akhtar, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Impacts of industrial effluents on plant growth and soil properties.,
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Khan, H.R., M.K. Rahman, A.J.M.A. Rouf, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Evaluation of Degradation of Agricultural Soils Associated with Brick Burning in Selected Soil Profiles in the Eastern Region of Bangladesh.,
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Khan, H.R., M.M.A. Bhuiyan, S.M. Kabir, Y. Oki and T. Adachi : Effects of selected treatments on the production of rice in acid sulfate soils in a simulation study.,
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Khan, H.R. : Consequences of simulated aeration, leaching and groundwater level on pH, exchangeable Ca and Mg, and Ca/Mg ratios in pyretic marine sediments.,
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A.H.M. Shamim and H.R. Khan : Effects of sulfidic materials and gypsum on the growth and yield of rice grown on sulfur deficient soil under field conditions.,
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Khan, H.R., M.K. Rahman, A.J.M.A. Rouf and G.S., Sattar : Land evaluation and effects of brick burning on soil degradation and environmental pollution at all upazilas in Rajshahi division.,
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Khan, H.R., M.K. Rahman, A.J.M.A. Rouf and G.S. Satter : Consequences of microbial biomass and organic carbon in burnt and unburnt soil profiles in different agro-ecological zones in the western part of Bangladesh.,
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Khan H. R. : Effect of simulated aeration, leaching and groundwater on selected chemical characteristics of pyritic marine sediments.,
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M. J. Uddin, M. A. Sobhan, M. M. Rahman and N Akhter : The agricultural potentiality of wetlands: A case study of the Chalan beel areas of Bangladesh,
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M. J. Uddin, M. S. Hussain, A. S. M. Mohiuddin and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Soil resources and potentials of rice and plantation forest soil pedons under Madhupur tract,
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M. R. Khanam, M. J. Abedin Mian, M. N. Bari, M. Mofazzel Hossain and M. J. Uddin : Effect of ionic concentration on ion sorption behavior in five soil series of Bangladesh,
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M. R. Khanam, M. J. Abedin Mian, M. N. Bari, Mahfuj Ara Begum and M. J. Uddin : Ion sorption behavior under different moisture regimes in Ghatail soil series of Bangladesh,
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M. J. Uddin, M. M. Rahman, B. Faiz, Z. H. Khan and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Soil fertility and environmental attributes of Mulberry cultivation areas under Barind tract and Ganges River floodplain in Bangladesh,
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Iftekhar U Ahmed, M. J. Uddin and K. S. Sarwar : Distribution of nutrient status under different parent materials in some Brown Hill soils of Bangladesh,
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Iftekhar U Ahmed, M. J. Uddin, S Begum and B. Faiz : Mineralogical characterization of clay fractions in four soil samples of Madhupur tract,
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M. J. Uddin and M. H. Rahman : Rice and Wheat Yield Gap between PK optimum and deficient areas of Bangladesh,
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M. S. Rahman, M. J. Uddin, M. A. Mazid Miah, A. L. Shah and M. Ishaque : Pedochemistry of four soil series developed on terrace materials of BRRI farm at Gazipur,
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S. Ferdous, M. S. Hussain and M. J. Uddin : Characterization of some hydromorphic soils from the Ganges delta in Bangladesh,
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M. Shahid Ullah, M. J. Uddin and S. F. Elahi : Changes in spatial patterns of land and soil resources at Mithamoin upazila underSylhet basin of Bangladesh,
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M. Shahid Ullah, M. J. Uddin and S. F. Elahi : land use assessment using digital terrain modeling: A case study from the hilly regions of Tankabati union of Bandarban Sadar Upazila,
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A. B. M. B. U. Pathan, M. R. Islam, M. A. Mazid Miah, M. J. Uddin and M. A. saleque : Evaluation of salt tolerance genotypes of Boro rice in South-Western coastal regions of Bangladesh,
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A. B. M. S. Islam, M. J. Uddin, M. S. Hussain and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Agricultural sustainability of some lowland rice soils of the Chalan beel area under lower Atrai basin of Bangladesh,
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A. S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. S. Hussain, M. J. Uddin, A. S. M. Mohiuddin and A. R. Mazumder : morphology and clay mineralogy of soils of the Surma-Kushiyara floodplain of Bangladesh,
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M. R. Islam, M. A. Aziz, M. A. Mazid Miah and M. J. Uddin : Effect of Chook Chook brand organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of Boro rice in two different AEZ's of Bangladesh,
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A. S. M. Nizam Uddin, M. S. Hussain, M. J. Uddin, A. S. M. Mohiuddin and A. R. Mazumder : Characterization of some wetland soils of the Surma-Kushiyara floodplain of bangladesh,
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M. S. Rahman, M. S. Hussain, S. M. A. Faiz and M. J. Uddin : Nature and properties of water and sediments of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra Rivers in bangladesh,
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M. J. Uddin, M. Anwar Hossain, A. Hakim, A. S. M. Nizam Uddin and A. S. M. Mohiuddin : Geographical environments and soil characteristics of South-Western Ganges floodplains of Bangladesh: A case study of Fultala Upazila,
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Conference Proceedings (52) |
1 |
F. Yasmin, T. Hossain, S. Shahrukh, M. E. Hossain and G.N.N. Sultana "Seasonal Changes in Physicochemical, Chemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Gomti River in Bangladesh."
The 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2022)
Athens: EHP Publishing, 2022
2 |
S. Shahrukh, M.N. Huda, M. Moniruzzaman, M.M. Islam, A.A. Shaikh, S.A. Hossain and M.E. Hossain "Impact of Air Pollution on the Health of Trees in Dhaka, Bangladesh."
The 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2022)
Athens: EHP Publishing, 2022
3 |
R. Miazi, M.M. Sadia, A.N . Ishika, F. Yasmin, S. Shahrukh, G.N.N. Sultana and M.E. Hossain "Microplastic Abundance and Distribution in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Bangladesh."
The 34th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2022)
Athens: EHP Publishing, 2022
4 |
Anika Nawar Ishika, Mahfuza Mirza Sadia, Rabeya Miazi, Farzana Yasmin, Saif Shahrukh, Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Abundance, Types, and Polymer Composition of Microplastics Present in a Coastal Region of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
Athens: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2022
5 |
Rabeya Miazi, Mahfuza Mirza Sadia, Anika Nawar Ishika, Farzana Yasmin, Saif Shahrukh, Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Microplastic Abundance and Distribution in a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
Athens: Environmental Health PerspectiveS, 2022
6 |
Farzana Yasmin, Tania Hossain, Saif Shahrukh, Mohammad Enayet Hossain and Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana "Seasonal Changes in Physicochemical, Chemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Gomti River in Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
Athens: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2022
7 |
Mahfuza Mirza Sadia, Anika Nawar Ishika, Rabeya Miazi, Farzana Yasmin, Saif Shahrukh, Gazi Nurun Nahar Sultana and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Microplastic Pollution in Two Urban Rivers and an Associated Water Treatment Plant in Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
Athens: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2022
8 |
Saif Shahrukh, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Md Mominul Islam, Md Aftab Ali Shaikh, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Impact of Air Pollution on the Health of Trees in Dhaka, Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
Athens: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2022
9 |
Saif Shahrukh, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md Mominul Islam, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Removal of Particulate Matter from Ambient Air by Four Evergreen Tree Species in Dhaka, Bangladesh."
ISEE Conference Abstracts
New York: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2021
10 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A., Price, A.H., Meharg, A.A. and G.J. Norton "Geochemical variability in Bangladeshi soils as affected by irrigation waters and land types."
The 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2019
Nanjing, China: 2019
11 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A., Price, A.H., Meharg, A.A. and Norton, G.J. "Geochemical variability in Bangladeshi soils as affected by irrigation waters and land types."
15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2019
Nanjing, China: 2019
12 |
Jannat, M. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. "Physiographical variability of cation exchange capacity, organic carbon and macronutrients in the paddy soils of Bangladesh."
Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019)
Dhaka: 2019
13 |
Mahmud, A., Hossain, S.A. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. "Alleviation of arsenic accumulation in rice by applying silicon-rich rice residues in soil."
Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019)
Dhaka: 2019
14 |
Islam, M.F., Hossain, S.A. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. "Assessment on the health risks of farmers in the arsenic affected areas of Bangladesh."
Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019)
Dhaka: 2019
15 |
Nargis, N. and Chowdhury, M.T.A. "Effects of organic wastes on the growth and yield of kalmi (Ipomoea aquatica)."
Conference on Environmental Solutions for Sustainable Development: Towards Developed Bangladesh (CESSD 2019)
Dhaka: 2019
16 |
Moutushi H.T., Hossain M.E., Jahangiri F.M., Hoque S. and Moniruzzaman M. "Screening of Six Selected Sawdust Materials for Lead and Cadmium Removal."
1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Resource Management
Tangail, Bangladesh: 2019
17 |
Moutushi H.T., Hossain M.E., Jahangiri F.M., Hoque S. and Moniruzzaman M. "A low cost bioadsorbent for removal of lead and cadmium from aqueous solutions."
International Conference on Climate Change
18 |
Jahangiri, F.M., Hossain M.E., Hoque S., Moniruzzaman M. and Moutushi H.T. "Removal of Lead and Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions and Wastewaters Using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Roots."
International Conference on ‘Environmental Nanotechnology for Socio Economic Development of India’ (ENTSED 2018),
Dehradun, India: 2018
19 |
Moutushi H.T., Hossain M.E., Hoque S., Moniruzzaman M. and Jahangiri F.M. "Adsorption Studies of Lead and Cadmium Ions on Kerosene (Cordia subcordata) Wood Sawdust."
International Conference on ‘Environmental Nanotechnology for Socio Economic Development of India' (ENTSED 2018)
Dehradun, India: 2018
20 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Deacon, C.M., Meharg, A.A., Williams, P.N., Price, A.H., G.J. Norton "Variability in arsenic dynamics and its biogeochemical relationships in Bangladeshi paddy soils."
The 14th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2017
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: 2017
21 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Deacon, C.M., Williams, P.N., Meharg, A.A., Price, A.H., G.J. Norton "Geomorphic regulation of arsenic in Bangladeshi soils."
The 6th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016)
Stockholm, Sweden: 2016
22 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Deacon, C.M., Price, A.H., Meharg, A.A., G.J. Norton "Biogeochemical survey of Bangladeshi soil arsenic."
The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2015
Fukuoka, Japan: 2015
23 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Deacon, C.M., Price, A.H., Meharg, A.A., G.J. Norton "Geomorphological and geochemical variations of Bangladeshi soil arsenic."
The Early Career Researchers’ (ECR) Conference 2015
University of York, United Kingdom: 2015
24 |
Huq, S.M.I., Choudhury, M.S., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Mahmud, K., Khan, T.F., Khan, K.T., N. Noor "Biochar application to soil and its effect on soil health."
The 20th World Congress of Soil Science: Soils Embrace Life and Universe
Jeju, South Korea: 2014
25 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Price, A.H., Norton, G.J., A.A. Meharg "Arsenic in paddy and non-paddy soils of Bangladesh: Geomorphological and geochemical variations."
The Annual Research Day 2013 Programme of the Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom: 2013
26 |
Huq, S.M.I. and M.T.A. Chowdhury "Disposal of arsenic water filter sludge into environment and possible contamination of food chain."
Seminar on Organic Pollutants in Food, Agricultural Products and Environment; Safe Food and Clean Environment for Better Life (organized by Organic Pollutant Research Group, sponsored by International Science Programme, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2012
27 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and A.A. Meharg "Biogeochemical relationships of arsenic in the Haor Basins of Bangladesh."
The 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment: Understanding the Geological-Medical Interface of Arsenic
Cairns, Australia: 2012
28 |
Huq, S.M.I., Roy, S., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and S. Ahmed "Organic matter and water regime management to mitigate As-toxicity in rice."
The 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment: Understanding the Geological-Medical Interface of Arsenic
Cairns, Australia: 2012
29 |
Chowdhury, M.T.A. and Nesa, L., S.M.I. Huq "Phytoavailability of Cd, Pb and Zn as assessed by various extraction procedures."
The 9th International Conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies: Soils as a Convergent Technology in Tandem with Human and Ecosystem Health
Seoul, South Korea: 2009
30 |
Huq, S.M.I., Nesa, L., Chowdhury, M.T.A. and J.C. Joardar "Disposal of arsenic filter sludge and possible contamination of soil and plant."
The 10th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements - ICOBTE 2009
Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico: 2009
31 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, Babuna Faiz and S.M.A. Faiz "Measurement of transpiration loss of water from Soil and Plant analysis."
The International Symposium on Soil and Plant analysis, 21-27 July, 2001
Edmonton, Canada: 2001
32 |
A.S. Chamon, M.N. Mondol, Babuna Faiz and S.M.A. Faiz "Measurement of transpiration loss of water from Soil and Plant analysis."
The 7th International Symposium on Soil and Plant analysis
, pp. 21-27. Edmonton, Canada.: 2001
33 |
M.N. Mondol and A.S. Chamon "Influence of plant varieties on heavy metal contents ( Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr) of rice and wheat grown on polluted soils of Bangladesh."
International Conference and Workshop on Food Security of Urban and Peri-Urban Systems in Developing Countries. ICSU. November 15-18, 2000
, pp. 26. Vienna, Austria: 2000
34 |
Bezbaruah, A.N., Pillai, R.G., Hood, R.G., Erickson, H., Dobervich, E., Laux, J., Varholdt, J., Gehlhar, A., Weber, M., Kalita, H., Almeelbi, T., Pate, M., Quamme, M., Hossain, M.E., Cisse, S., Grosz, A. and Leelaruban, N. "Promoting Nanotechnology among Middle School Students: Development and Implementation of Lesson Plans."
ASEE North Midwest Section Conference
, pp. 418-424. Fargo: ASEE Midwest Section, 2014
35 |
Hossain, M.E., Almeelbi, T., Kalita, H., Ritt, C. and Bezbaruah, A.N. "Phosphate Removal by Metal Cross-linked Biopolymers."
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress
, pp. 222-226. Portland: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014
36 |
Moutushi, H.T., Hossain, M.E., Jahangiri, F.M., Moniruzzaman, M. and Hoque, S. "A Low-cost Biosorbent for Removal of Lead and Cadmium from Aqueous Solutions."
International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-2019)
Dhaka: Center for Climate Change Study and Resource Utilization, University of Dhaka; Bangladesh Association of Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows (BACSF); and Alumni Association of German Universities in Bangladesh (AAGUB), 2019
37 |
Khan, H.R. "Consequences of climate change and global warming - what can we do.."
COP15 UN Climate Change Conference (Dec., 8, 2009)
Copenhagen: ESSD Bangladesh, 2009
38 |
Khan, H. R. and S. A. Lipi "Assessment, Purification and Phytoremediation Strategies for the Pollution Arising from Lead, Zinc and Cadmium Released through Industrial Effluents.."
The 5th International Conference, Interfaces Against Pollution ( June 1-4, 2008)
Kyoto, Japan: 2008
39 |
Shamim, A.H.M., H. R. Khan and T. Akae "Potentiality of Basic Slag for the Remediation of Soil Acidity and Changes In Exchangeable Cations in Acid sulfate Soils under Various Moisture Regimes.."
The 5th International Conference, Interfaces Against Pollution ( June 1-4, 2008)
Kyoto, Japan: 2008
40 |
Khan, H.R. "Current approaches and future directions for effective use of acid sulfate soils.."
The 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conf. and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium (16-20 Sept., 2008)
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China: 2008
41 |
Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, F. Ahmed, S.M.A. Syeed and H.-P. Blume "Integrated management and reclamation strategies for acid sulfate soils and/or drainage waters in relation to crop production.."
The 6th International Acid Sulfate Soil Conf. and the Acid Rock Drainage Symposium (16-20 Sept., 2008)
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China: 2008
42 |
Akhtar, M.S., Y. Oki, T. Adachi and Khan, H.R. "Acclimation of Brassica cultivars to phosphate (Pi) deprivation by enhancing solublization and acquisition of sparingly soluble P sources via Pi starvation inducible biochemical and metabolic adjustments under Pi stressed environmental cues.."
Rhizosphere 2, International Conference (26-31 August, 2007)
, pp. 133. Montpellier, France: 2007
43 |
Shahbaz, A.M., A. Tadashi, O. Yoko and K. M. H. Rashid "Evaluation of differential phosphorus uptake and utilization efficiency of Brassica cultivars to applied phosphorus.."
18th World Congress of Soil Science (July 9-15, 2006)
Pennsylvania, USA: 2006
44 |
Khan, H.R., S.M. Kabir, M.M.A. Bhuiyan, H.-P. Blume, T. Adachi, Y. Oki and K.R. Islam "Physico-chemical amendments of acid sulfate soil for rice production in Bangladesh.."
18th World Congress of Soil Science (July 9-15, 2006)
Pennsylvania, USA: 2006
45 |
Khan, H.R., H.-P. Blume, T. Adachi, U. Pfisterer and U. Mueller-Thomsen "Fluxes of carbon and sulfate dynamics in salt-affected coast soils in Northern Germany.."
18th World Congress of Soil Science (July 9-15, 2006)
Pennsylvania, USA: 2006
46 |
Khan, H.R., H.-P. Blume, M.M.A. Bhuiyan and S.M. Kabir "Spatial and temporal patterns of acidification in acid sulfate soils and their environmental threats – a case study in Bangladesh.."
The International Conf. on “Environmental Process Engineering and its related sciences” (25-28th February, 2005)
Penang, Malaysia: 2005
47 |
Khan H. R., Adachi T. and Ahmed I.U. "Dynamics in physico-chemical characteristics of coastal saline soil and water (river and farm pond) throughout the consequent seasons.."
Proc. Symp on Salinization and acidification (26-28 Sept.’91)
, pp. 94-99. Tokyo, Japan: 1991
48 |
Saif Shahrukh, Muhammad Nurul Huda, Md. Mominul Islam, Shahid Akhtar Hossain and Mohammad Enayet Hossain "Removal of Particulate Matter from Ambient Air by Four Evergreen Tree Species in Dhaka, Bangladesh."
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)
, pp. 643. New York City: Environmental Health Perspectives, 2021
49 |
Khan H. R., Pfisterer, U. and Mueller-Thomsen U. "Nitrous Oxide in Marine Sediments of North-German Wadden Sea.."
7th Int. Workshop on Nitrous oxide. (Sept. 1997)
, pp. 197-204. Köln, Germany.: 1997
50 |
Parvez, M. M. and H. R. Khan "Improvement of Acid and Calcareous Soils through their Mixing and Organic fertilization to Maize (Zea mays L.) Production under Low Ganges River Floodplain.."
International Conf. on Sci. and Tech. for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021) (11-13 March, 2021)
, pp. 183. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2021
51 |
Islam M. S., Khan, H. R. and Farzana, F. "Variations in Crop Productivity, Microbial Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes as Influenced by 2 Soil Temperature Elevation Incorporated with Indigenous Organic Amendments.."
International Conf. on Sci. and Tech. for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), held on 11-13 March, 2021
Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2021
52 |
Khan, H. R. "Impacts of climate change on soil health and adaptation of climate-smart agriculture.."
International Conf. on Sci. and Tech. for Celebrating the Birth Centenary of Bangabandhu (ICSTB-2021), held on 11-13 March, 2021
, pp. 181. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2021