Tasin Zulkernain and his team "Positive Bangladesh" won the 'Peer to Peer Facebook Global Digital Challenge Spring 2019' at Brussels, Belgium out of 500 university campaigns all over the world. Tasin Zulkernain is a 4th year student of the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Dhaka.
Zulkernain (RME 1st Batch) and his team Positive Bangladesh from University of Dhaka has become the 1st Runner Up of Digital Khichuri Challenge 2019 and received a grant of 5,000 USD from UNDP and ICT Division.
Sirajis Salekeen, a first year student of RMEDU, became Champion in Techsurgence 2019 held in BUP (Bangladesh University of Professionals).
Tahmeed Abdullah, Monisha Mustary Uttsha, AKM Nadimul Haque, Raiyaan Abdullah, Niloy Irtisam, Sabi Jahan Maliha, Farhan Ishrak Islam, Syeda Faiza Ahmed, Utsha Roy and Tahsin Tariq Banna was awarded "Luna Shamsuddoha, Chairman, Janata Bank Limited Scholarship 2018".
Sirajis Salekeen, a first year student of RMEDU, became 1st Runner up in Line following Robot competition in Robolution 2019 which was held in MIST (Military Institute of Science and Technology). The competitions took place in the first week of April 2019.