Degree Name | Group/Major Subject | Board/Institute | Country | Passing Year |
Ph.D. | Mathematical Modeling | Georg-August University in Goettingen | Germany | 2002 |
M.Phil. | Dynamical Systems | Georg-August University in Goettingen | Germany | 1999 |
Masters | Pure Mathematics | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 1988 |
Bachelor | Mathematics | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | 1987 |
Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date |
Convener | International Day of Mathematics (IDM) Celebration Committee 2020 - 2022 | Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS) | 04, Apr 2022 | |
Convener | A F Mujibur Rahman – Bangladesh Mathematical Society | Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka | 28, Dec 2018 | 29-12-2018 |
Member Secretary | 20th International Mathematics Conference 2017 | Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka | 08, Dec 2017 | 10-12-2017 |
Lecturer | Mathematics Department, Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology | Sylhet, Bangladesh | 31, Dec 1992 | 30-06-1994 |
Subject | Description | Research Interest (Goal, Target Indicator) |
Mathematics | Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modeling in Biology and Biomedicine, Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Differential and Integral Equations, Mathematical Analysis, etc |
Level of Study | Title | Supervisor | Co-Supervisor(s) | Name of Student(s) | Area of Research | Current Completion |
Ph.D. | Dynamics of Fractals in Euclidean and Measure Spaces | Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam | Md. Jahurul Islam | Dynamical Systems (Completed) |
2018 | |
Ph.D. | Chaotic features of the generalized shift map and the complemented shift map | Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam | Hena Rany Biswas (BU) | Dynamical Systems |
2016 | |
Ph.D. | Chaotic behavior of non-linear dynamical systems | Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam | Md. Shariful Islam Khan (NU) | Chaotic Dynamical Systems (Completed) |
2010 | |
Ph.D. | Age distribution Epidemic Models with applications on infectious disease with optimal control | Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam | Md. Abu Salek | Epidemic Models |
Subject | Project Name | Source of Fund | From Date | To Date | Collaboration |
Research School | CIMPA | 17-06-2018 | 21-06-2019 |
SL | Invited Talk |
1 |
SL | Collaboration & Membership Name | Type | Membership Year | Expire Year |
1 | CIMPA (an association of France, Switzerland, Spain, Norway), with the mission to promote research in mathematics in developing countries | Local Coordinator | 10 – 21 June, 2019 | 2019 |
2 | Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), SA Entity, Department of Mathematics | Director | 2014 | 2022 |
3 | Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS) | Secretary | 2014 | 2017 |
4 | Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS) | President | 2022 | 2025 |
Book Section | |
1 |
Md Shahidul Islam and Md Jahural Islam "Dynamics of Fractal in Euclidean and Measure Spaces: A Recent Study."
Newest Updates in Physical Science Research (Chapter 4). (Editor) Dr. Sebahattin Tüzemen West Bengal, India & London, UK: B. P. International, 2021 43 - 60 .
Journal Article | |
1 |
Irfan Chaudhuri and Md. Shahidul Islam : Addressing the Challenges of Overweight and Obesity: Strategies for Promoting a Healthier Future,
Int. J. Public Health Sci. (IJPHS) , vol.14 , no.2 , pp.936 - 950 , 2025
2 |
Faizunnesa Khondaker, Md. Kamrujjaman and Md. Shahidul Islam : Cost-Effectiveness of Dengue Control Strategies in Bangladesh: An Optimal Control and ACER-ICER Analysis,
Acta Tropica , pp.107587 , 2025
3 |
Pritam Saha, Akidul Haque, Md. Shahidul Islam and Uttam Ghosh : Complex dynamics of a modified Laslie-Gower model in deterministic and fluctuating environments exploring stationary distribution, probability density function and stochastic sensitivity,
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2025)11:94 , vol.11 , no.94 Springer , pp.1 - 18 , 2025
4 |
Irfan Chaudhuri and Md. Shahidul Islam : The Future of AI in Medicine: Present Realities and Future Considerations in Cardiology, Radiology and Ophthalmology,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (IJAIMED) , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.7-26 , 2024
5 |
Irfan Chaudhuri, Mark Tappan and Md. Shahidul Islam : Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education: Present Realities and Future Considerations,
Journal of Artificial Intelligence , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2023
6 |
Ishrat Zahan, Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Abdul Alim, Md. Shahidul Islam and Taufiquar Khan : The evolution of resource distributions, slow diffusion and dispersal strategies on heterogeneous populations,
Front. Appl. Math. Stat., Sec. Mathematical Biology , vol.9 , 2023
7 |
Mobashara Islam, Irfan Chaudhuri, Md. Shahidul Islam and Md. Kamrujjaman : A Review on Hypertension: Practice and Diagnosis,
Journal of Biology and Life Science , vol.14 , no.2 , pp.18-38 , 2023
8 |
Faizunnesa Khondaker, Md. Kamrujjaman and Md. Shahidul Islam : Optimal Control Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Models with Physical Distance and Treatment,
Advance in Biological Research , vol.4 , no.3(1) , pp.4. 3(1), 65-76 , 2022
9 |
Md. Shahriar Mahmud, Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Mashih Ibn Yasin Adan, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Md Shahidul Islam, Muhammad Mohebujjaman and Md. Mamun Molla : Vaccine Efficacy and SARS-CoV-2 Control in California and USA during the 2020–2026: A Modeling Study,
Infectious Disease Modelling , vol.7 , pp.62 - 81 , 2022
10 |
Md Shahidul Islam, K. M. Ariful Kabir, Jannatun Irana Ira, Mahadee Al Mobin, Md. Haider Ali Biswas and Praveen Kumar Gupta : Isolation Effect on Age-Stratified Compartmental Model of the COVID-19,
Commun. Nonlinear Anal. , no.2 , 2022
11 |
Hena Rani Biswas and Md. Shahidul Islam : Topological Conjugacy and Symbolic dynamics of the one dimensional map,
European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) , vol.9 , no.5 , pp.44 - 55 , 2021
12 |
Md Shahidul Islam, Irfan Chaudhuri, Mahadee Al Mobin, Mobashara Islam, Md. Shahriar Mahmud, Md. Kutub Uddin, K. M. Ariful Kabir and Md. Kamrujjaman : The Perspective of Acquired Immunity to Combat against Infectious Diseases: An Overview,
Health , vol.13 , no.9 Scientific Research Publishing Inc , pp.1020 - 1044 , 2021
13 |
Hena Rani Biswas and Md Shahidul Islam : Stronger Chaotic Features of the Complemented Shift Map on m-Symbol Space,
Int. J. Stat. Appl. Math. , vol.6 , no.5 , pp.34 - 41 , 2021
14 |
Md Abu Salek and Md Shahidul Islam : Dynamics of Covid-19 Transmission using Mathematical model,
Int. European Ext. En. Sci., Eng. & Man. (IEEESEM) , vol.8 , no.5 , pp.64 - 88 , 2020
15 |
Jannatun Irana Ira, Md Shahidul Islam, J. C. Misra and Md Kamrujjaman : Mathematical Modelling of the Dynamics of Tumor Growth and its Optimal Control,
International Journal of Ground Sediment & Water , vol.11 , pp.659 - 679 , 2020
16 |
Zahura Khatun, Md Shahidul Islam and Uttam Ghosh : Mathematical Modeling of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) with immune respone,
Sensors International , vol.1 , no.100017 , pp.1-8 , 2020
17 |
Hena Rani Biswas and Md Shahidul Islam : Chaotic features of the forward Shift Map on the Generalized m-Symbol Space,
J. Applied Mathematics and Computation , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.104 - 112 , 2020
18 |
Rezaul Karim, Mohammad Asif Arefin, Md. Mosharof Hossain and Md. Shahidul Islam : Investigate future population projection of Bangladesh with the help of Malthusian model, Sharpe-Lotka model and Gurtin MacCamy model,
Int. J. Stat. App. Math. , vol.5 , no.5 (B) , pp.77 - 83 , 2020
19 |
Md Shahidul Islam, Jannatun Irana Ira, K. M. Ariful Kabir and Md Kamrujjaman : Effect of lockdown and isolation to suppress the COVID-19 in Bangladesh: an epidemic compartments model,
J. Applied Mathematics and Computation , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.83 - 93 , 2020
20 |
Md. Shahriar Mahmud, Md Kamrujjaman, J. Jubyrea, Md Shahidul Islam and Md Shafiqul Islam : Quarantine vs Social Consciousness: A Prediction to Control COVID-19 Infection,
J. Appl. Life Sci. Int. , vol.23 , no.3 , pp.20 - 27 , 2020
21 |
Md. Jahurul Islam, Md. Shahidul Islam and Md. Shafiqul Islam : Hausdorff Measures and Hausdorff Dimensions of the Invariant Sets for Iterated Function Systems of Geometric Fractals,
Mathematics and Statistics , vol.6 , no.3 , pp.25 – 33 , 2018
22 |
Nazia Afrin and Md. Shahidul Islam : Periodic Solutions of Gurtin-MacCamy Model and Extended Gurtin-MacCamy Model,
Ann. P. App. Math. (APAM) , vol.17 , no.2 , pp.221 - 232 , 2018
23 |
Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam : Invariant Measures for Iterated Function Systems of Generalized Cantor Sets,
German J. of Adv. Math. Sci. (GJAMS) , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.31 - 47 , 2016
24 |
Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam : Markov Operator: Applications to Iterated Function Systems of Generalized Cantor Sets,
Inter. Orga. Sci. Res. J. Math (IOSR-JM) , vol.12 , no.6 , pp.1 - 13 , 2016
25 |
Md. Jahurul Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam : Lebesgue Measure of Generalized Cantor Set,
Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.75-87 , 2015
26 |
Md. Jamal Hossain, Mohammad Raquibul Hossain, Debazit Datta and Md Shahidul Islam : Mathematical Modeling of Bangladesh Population Growth,
J. Stat. Manag. Sys. , vol.18 , no.3 , pp.289 - 300 , 2015
27 |
Md. Jahurul Islam, Md. Shahidul Islam and Payer Ahmed : Orbit Analysis of Newton Iteration Function Associated with Chaotic Functions,
Scottish J. of Sci. , vol.22 , no.2 , pp.96 - 108 , 2014
28 |
Md. Shariful Islam Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : An Exploration of the Generalized Cantor Set,
Int. J. Sci. & Tech. Res. , vol.2 , no.7 , pp.50- 54 , 2013
29 |
Md. Shariful Islam Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : A Chaotic Three Dimensional Non-linear Autonomous System Beyond Lorenz Type Systems,
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.36 , no.2 , pp.159- 170 , 2012
30 |
Md. Jahurul Islam, Md. Shahidul Islam and M. A. Rahman : Two Dimensional Hénon Map with the Parameter Values in Dynamical Systems,
Ann. P. App. Math. (APAM) , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.164 - 176 , 2012
31 |
Hena Rani Biswas and Md shahidul Islam : Ergodic Theory of One Dimension Map,
Bangladesh J. Sci. & Ind. Res. , vol.47 , no.3 , pp.321 – 326 , 2012
32 |
Md. Jahurul Islam, Md Shahidul Islam and Payer Ahmed : Formularization of Generalized Cantor Set and its Dynamical Behaviors,
Int. J. Adv. Res. Tech. (IJOART) , vol.1 , no.7 , pp.1-6 , 2012
33 |
Md. Shariful Islam Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : Chaotic Behavior and Strange Attractors in Dynamical Systems,
Int. Org. Sci. Res. J. Math. (IOSRJM) , vol.2 , no.5 , pp.25-31 , 2012
34 |
Md. Shariful Islam Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : Hyperbolic Dynamics in Two Dimensional Maps,
Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. Technol. , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.57-66 , 2012
35 |
Md. Jamal Hossain and Md Shahidul Islam : Non-Linear Age-Time-Population Dependent Stochastic Population Model,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.73-86 , 2012
36 |
Mir Shariful Islam and Md Shahidul islam : Dynamical Behavior of Two Dimensional Hénon Maps,
Bangladesh J. Sci. & Ind. Res. , vol.47 , no.1 , pp.55-60 , 2012
37 |
Mir Shariful Islam and Md Shahidul Islam : Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Lorenz Equations,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.59 , no.1 , pp.125 - 130 , 2011
38 |
Md. Jahurul Islam and Md Shahidul Islam : Generalized Cantor set and its Fractal Dimension,
Bangladesh J. Sci. & Ind. Res. , vol.46 , no.4 , pp.499 - 506 , 2011
39 |
Md. Shariful Islam Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : Chaos in Three Dimensional Dynamical Systems,
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.155-168 , 2010
40 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Dynamical Behavior of Generalized Non-linear Logistic Growth Models,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.57 , no.2 , pp.131-136 , 2009
41 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Generalized Gurtin-MacCamy Non-linear Age-time Dependent Random Population Dynamics,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.57 , no.1 , pp.97 – 100 , 2009
42 |
Payer Ahmed and Md Shahidul Islam : Chaotic Behavior of Dynamical Systems of Homoeomorphism on Unit Interval,
J. Bang. Acad. Sci. , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.131 - 139 , 2008
43 |
Ashrafi Meher Niger, A.F.M. Khodadad Khan and Md Shahidul Islam : Periodic Points of a Two Dimensional Two Parameters Families of Hénon Maps,
Bangladesh J. Sci. & Res. , vol.21 , no.1 & 2 , pp.97 - 102 , 2008
44 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Global Stability of Generalized Gurtin-MacCamy Non-linear Age-time Dependent Population Dynamics,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.55 , no.2 , pp.269 – 272 , 2007
45 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Gaussian Process of Gurtin-MacCamy Population Dynamics,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.53 , no.2 , pp.65-72 , 2005
46 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Generalization of Gurtin-MacCamy Non-linear Age-time Dependent Population Dynamics,
Ganit: J. Bang. Math. Soc. , vol.24 , pp.111-119 , 2004
47 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Ionescu-Tulcea and Marinescu Ergodic Theorem with Application on Markov Chain,
J. Bang. Acad. Sci. , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.167 – 174 , 2004
48 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Weak Solution of Non-linear Gurtin-MacCamy Population Dynamics,
J. Bang. Acad. Sci. , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.159 - 165 , 2004
49 |
Md shahidul Islam : Generalization of Gurtin-MacCamy Non-linear Age-time Dependent Population Dynamics,
Ganit: J. Bang. Math. Soc. , vol.24 , pp.111 - 119 , 2004
50 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Non-linear Age-time Dependent Strong Gurtin-MacCamy Population Dynamics,
J. Bang. Acad. Sci. , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2003
51 |
Md Shahidul Islam : Non-linear Age-time Dependent Gurtin-MacCamy Population Dynamics,
Ganit: J. Bang. Math. Sci. , vol.22 , pp.15 - 23 , 2002
52 |
Md Shahidul Islam and A.F.M. Khodadad Khan : On a Multispecies Non-linear Age-dependent Population Model,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.46 , no.2 , pp.307 - 316 , 1998
53 |
Md Shahidul Islam and A.F.M. Khodadad Khan : On a Pair of Integral Equations Arising in Non-linear Population Dynamics in the Age-time Continuum – II,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.46 , no.2 , pp.317 - 326 , 1998
54 |
Md Shahidul Islam and A.F.M. Khodadad Khan : A Non-linear Population Model in the Age-time Continuum,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.45 , no.1 , pp.47 - 56 , 1997
55 |
Md Shahidul Islam and A.F.M. Khodadad Khan : On a Pair of Integral Equations Arising in Non-linear Population Dynamics in the Age-time Continuum – I,
Ganit: J. Bang. Math. Soc. , vol.16 , pp.21 - 34 , 1996
56 |
Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Saiful Islam and Md. Shahidul Islam : Lyapunov Mappings and Analysis of a Nonlinear Spatio-temporal Epidemic Model,
Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. (Centennial Special Issue) , vol.69 , no.3 , pp.161-170 , 2022
57 |
Md. Kamrujjaman, Pritam Saha, Md Shahidul Islam and Uttam Ghosh : Dynamics of SEIR model: A case study of COVID-19 in Italy,
Results in Control and Optimization , vol.7 , no.100119 Elsevier , pp.1-13 , 2022
Conference Proceedings | |
1 |
Md Shahidul Islam and Md Jahrul Islam "Dynamics of Fractals in Euclidean and Measure Spaces."
1st International Conference on Applied & Industrial Mathematics Statistic 2017 (ICoAIMS 2017)
, pp. 1-6. Universiti Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia on 8-10 August 2017: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 890, 1-6, (2017), 2017
2 |
Md Shahidul Islam "Dynamical Systems of Non-linear Age-time Dependent Gurtin- MacCamy Population Model."
International conference on Applied mathematics in Science and Engineering (AMSE-2019)
Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, Bhubaneswar- 751030, Odisha, India: 24 - 26 October 2019
3 |
Md Shahidul Islam "Applications to Iterated Function Systems of Generalized Cantor Sets in Markov Operator."
9th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries
Mandalay University, Mandalay, Myanmar: November 4-6, 2016
Award Type | Title | Year | Country | Description |
Local | Dean’s Award for Book Chapter (Dynamics of Fractal in Euclidean and Measure Spaces: A Recent Study) | 2021 | Bangladesh | |
National | UGC Research Fund 2021-2022 | 2021 | Bangladesh | |
Local | Dhaka University Research Fund | 2020 | Bangladesh | |
International | Nidersaechsischen Graduiertenstipendium | 1999 | Germany | Ph. D. Program |
International | DAAD scholarship | 1998 | Germany | M. S. Program |
National | University Grants Commission (UGC) scholarship | 1992 | Bangladesh | Second highest marks in Science faculty of the University of Dhaka in B.Sc. (Hons.) examination |
Local | Dhaka University scholarship | 1990 | Bangladesh | First class first in B.Sc. (Hons.) and M. Sc. examinations |