Course Credit:
1. The public library system and service: Origin, development, movement, mission and vision of the public library, IFLA/UNESCO public library manifesto, IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines, public libraries abroad e.g., USA, Canada, Australia, Public library services e.g., social media-based services, community Partnerships/Outreach services and mobile library, public libraries in Bangladesh, Designing innovative services for public libraries in Bangladesh.
2. Academic library system and service : History, development, objectives and functions of academic libraries; management principles and practices employed in academic libraries, current trends of academic library services, effectiveness of academic library programs, the academic library as an educational system, library consortium.
3. School library system and service: History, origin, purpose of school library, designing school library services e.g., book lending, kindles, collection, services, space allocation and others, learning commons, School library standards for learners, school libraries in reading and learning habits, early literacy and school library, school libraries in developed world, school library associations, school libraries in Bangladesh.
4. Special library system and service: Pattern of special libraries e.g., corporate, law, technical, research, medical and others, objectives and functions of the special library; ICT in special libraries, growth and development of special libraries in Bangladesh; role of special libraries in research, special library associations.
5. National library system and service: Definition, purpose, scope, objectives and functions of national library; national libraries in the developed and developing countries; national library co‐operation; legal deposit; national library services Bibliographic services and control; extension services; public relations and publicity.
6. Library operations and management : Acquisition policy of different libraries, Patron driven acquisition, selection and acquisition of reading materials e.g., books and periodicals, ordering, collection management, processing of library resources, circulation of library materials, design and development of a particular module of a specific library, design an operation manual on borrowing, interlibrary loan, distance learners and so on
7. Library System and Services (Asia, USA, Europe and Scandinavian countries): Understanding the library system and service pattern; How is technology improving library services and patron experience and Digital scholarship in developing countries.
8. Service innovation in libraries: Service innovation in libraries; Tools for service innovation; Service innovation model; Types of innovation; Barriers; Factors and actors.