Research & Publication (Department of Management Information Systems (MIS))
Book Section (2)
1 Md. Tariqul Islam "Usage level of Information and Communication Technologies for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Bangladesh." Ecommerce Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises. Meghalaya: North-Eastern Hill University, 2016 .
2 Hoque, M. R. & Bao, Y. "Application of Big Data in Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges and Techniques." Managing Big Data Integration in the Public Sector. Anil Aggarwal IGI Global, 2015 149-168 .
Journal Article (147)
1 K M Salah Uddin, Mohammad Rakibul Islam Bhuiyan and Marufa Hamid : Perception towards the Acceptance of Digital Health Services among the People of Bangladesh, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS , vol.21 , pp.1557-1570 , 2024 .
2 Bhuiyan, M. R. I. and Akter, Most. S. : Assessing the Potential Usages of Blockchain to Transform Smart Bangladesh: A PRISMA Based Systematic Review, Journal of Information Systems and Informatics , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.245–269 , 2024 .
3 Somak Saha, Chamak Saha, Md Mahidul Haque, Md Golam Rabiul Alam and Ashis Talukder : ChurnNet: Deep Learning Enhanced Customer Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Industry, IEEE Access (impact factor:Squeeze and excitation , spatial attention , residual block , churn prediction , ChurnNet) , vol.12 IEEE , pp.4471 - 4484 , 2024 .
4 Bhuiyan, M. R. I., Akter, Most. S. and Islam, S. : How Does Digital Payment Transform Society as a Cashless Society? An Empirical Study in the Developing Economy, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. , vol.ahead-of-print , no.ahead-of-print Emerald , 2024 .
5 Shithii, I. and Akter, Most. S. : Financial Inclusion through Fin-tech Adoption of Women: A Way to Sustainable Development, International Journal of Management and Humanities , vol.10 , no.5 Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) , 2024 .
6 Mohammad Anisur Rahman and Raihanul Islam : Human Resources Attrition: A Case Study on X-BPO, Dhaka University Journal of Management , vol.15 , no.1&2 Department of Management, University of Dhaka , pp.167-184 , 2023 .
7 Mao Zhao, Wei Liu, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Bo Wang, Rasheda Akter Rupa, KM Anwarul Islam, SM Masudur Rahman, Nusrat Hafiz, Rehnuma Mostafa and Mohammad Anisur Rahman : Blockchain in online learning: A systematic review and bibliographic visualization, Sustainability , vol.15 , no.2 MDPI , pp.1470 , 2023 .
8 Rasheda Akter Rupa, Sabrina Alam, Afrin Sultana and Jahangir Alam : The Impact of Green HRM Practices on Environmental Performance in Bangladesh: The Mediating Role of Sustainability-Oriented Employee Behavior, PMIS Review , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1--26 , 2023 .
9 Samsul Alam, Repon Miah and Rasheda Akter Rupa : An Analysis of Time Series Data (from 2000 to 2021) of Indian Commercial Dynamism in International Trade, , 2023 .
10 Akter, Most. S., Amin, A., Bhuiyan, M. R. I., Poli, T. A. and Hossain, R. : Web-based Banking Services on E-Customer Satisfaction in Private Banking Sectors: A Cross-Sectional Study in Developing Economy, Migration Letters, , vol.20 , no.3 , pp.894-911 , 2023 .
11 Nahida Sultana, Rubaiyat Shaimom Chowdhury and Afruza Haque : Gravitating towards Fintech: A study on Undergraduates using extended UTAUT model, Heliyon (impact factor:4.0) , vol.9 , no.10 Elsevier , 2023 .
12 Mohammad Rakibul Islam Bhuiyan, K M Salah Uddin and Md Noor Uddin Milon : Prospective Areas of Digital Economy in the Context of ICT Usages: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh, FinTech , vol.2 , pp.641-656 , 2023 .
13 K M Salah Uddin and Tahmina Begum : Financial Inclusion: Factors Influencing on Customer Adoption of Mobile Banking Services in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.18 , no.3 Canadian Center of Science and Education , 2023 .
14 Akter, Most. S., Bhuiyan, M. R. I., Tabassum, S., Alam, S. M., Milon, M. N. and Hoque, M. : Factors Affecting Continuance Intention to Use E-wallet among University Students in Bangladesh, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology , vol.71 , no.6 SSRG , pp.274-288 , 2023 .
15 Mohammad Anisur Rahman : What Makes Bangladeshi RMG Suppliers Resilient in Global Apparel Supply Chain Management?, Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (impact factor:ICV: 99.31) , vol.29 , no.8 , pp.153-176 , 2023 .
16 Nymatul Jannat Nipa and Deb Kumar Sarkar Rajib : Success in Generating and Distributing Electricity Power Throughout Bangladesh: A Overview of NESCO (Nothern Electricity Supply Company), American Journal of Energy Engineering , vol.Vol. 11 , no.Issue 2 Science Publishing Group , pp.45-51 , 2023 .
17 Tabassum, S., Alam, S. M., Akter, Most. S. and Ahmad, S. : Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction in Workplace, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology , vol.7 , no.12 , pp.61–67 , 2023 .
18 Sardar Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Mohammad Amzad Hossain, Rasheda Akter Rupa and Rubaida Adnina Bipa : Fundamental Analysis of DSE Listed Islamic Banks in Bangladesh, , 2023 .
19 Sultana, J., Kibria, M.G. and Teoh, S. Y. : Understanding the E-government Adoption Behaviour in Developing Country: A Case of Bangladesh, Electronic Government an International Journal , 2022 .
20 Nahida Sultana, Mansura Nusrat, Tahmina Akter and Merina Khatun : Gravitating toward supply chain 4.0, Cogent Engineering , vol.9 Taylor & Francis , pp.2144705 , 2022 .
21 Sultana, J.,, Teoh, S. Y. and Karanasios, S. : The Impact of Blockchain on Supply Chains: A Systematic Review, Australasian Journal of Information Systems. Australia , vol.26 , 2022 .
22 Nahida Sultana : Examining Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to use Open Government Data: A Case of Bangladesh, Bangladesh University Journal , vol.4 , no.1 Bangladesh University , pp.59-72 , 2022 .
23 Mohammad Anisur Rahman and Md. Aminul Islam : Identifying Factors Affecting Adoption of Mobile Payment System by Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.02 (Special Issue) Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.47-74 , 2022 .
24 K M Salah Uddin and Nishat Tanzim : Forecasting GDP of Bangladesh Using ARIMA Model, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.16 , no.6 Canadian Center of Science and Education , 2022 .
25 Sultana, R. and Akter, Most. S : Impact of Effective Inventory Management on Supply Chain Performance: A Study on a Manufacturing Company in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XLIII , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.121-143 , 2022 .
26 Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, KM Anwarul Islam, Afruza Haque, Hamida Akhter, SM Masudur Rahman, Nusrat Jafrin, Rasheda Akter Rupa and Rehnuma Mostafa : Blockchain Implementation Challenges in Developing Countries: An evidence-based systematic review and bibliometric analysis, Technology Innovation Management Review , vol.12 , no.1/2 , 2022 .
27 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : Aftersales Service Factors Determining the 'Would Recommend' Score in Mobile Phone Industry, Journal of Economics, Management and Trade (impact factor:Index Copernicus ICV: 97.07) , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.12-30 , 2022 .
28 Nahida Sultana and Marzia Tamanna : Evaluating the potential and challenges of iot in education and other sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The case of Bangladesh, Technology in Society (impact factor:6.879) , vol.68 Elsevier , pp.101857 , 2022 .
29 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : Aftersales Service Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Phones, Journal of Business , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.25-36 , 2022 .
30 Tamanna M. and Sultana N. : Evaluating the Potential and Challenges of IoT in Education and Other Sectors during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Bangladesh., Technology in Society , vol.68 , no.ISSN 0160-791X Elsevier , 2022 .
31 Asif Imtiaz, Noor Muhammad Khan and Md Hossain : COVID-19 in Bangladesh: measuring differences in individual precautionary behaviors among young adults, Journal of Public Health , vol.30 , no.6 Springer , pp.1473--1484 , 2022 .
32 Hasan, Md Rakibul and Hossain, Md Akram : A Simplified Cybersecurity Policy Framework for the Financial Institutions in Bangladesh: A Survey of Literature, Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.3 Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka , pp.41-81 , 2021 .
33 Asif Imtiaz, Noor Muhammad Khan, Emran Hasan, Shanthi Johnson and Hazera Tun Nessa : Patients’ choice of healthcare providers and predictors of modern healthcare utilisation in Bangladesh: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2016--2017 (BBS), BMJ open , vol.11 , no.12 British Medical Journal Publishing Group , pp.e051434 , 2021 .
34 Rima Nath, Asif Imtiaz, Shobod Deba Nath and Emran Hasan : Role of vaccine hesitancy, eHealth literacy, and vaccine literacy in young adults’ COVID-19 vaccine uptake intention in a lower-middle-income country, Vaccines , vol.9 , no.12 MDPI , pp.1405 , 2021 .
35 Nahida Sultana and Marzia Tamanna : Exploring the benefits and challenges of Internet of Things (IoT) during Covid-19: a case study of Bangladesh, Discover Internet of Things , vol.1 , no.1 Springer International Publishing , pp.20 , 2021 .
36 Tamanna M. and Sultana N. : Exploring the benefits and challenges of Internet of Things (IoT) during Covid-19: a case study of Bangladesh., Discover Internet of Things , vol.1 Springer International Publishing , pp.20 , 2021 .
37 Tamanna M. and Khatun, Nasima. : FACTORS AFFECTING THE ADOPTION OF FINTECH: A STUDY BASED ON THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN BANGLADESH, Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting [online] , vol.4 , pp.51-75 , 2021 .
38 Rasheda Akter Rupa and Abu Naser Mohammad Saif : Impact of green supply chain management (GSCM) on business performance and environmental sustainability: case of a developing country, Business Perspectives and Research , vol.10 , no.1 SAGE Publications Sage India: New Delhi, India , pp.140--163 , 2021 .
39 Md. AL AMIN, Nahida SULTANA, Trina SAHA, S.M. Nazrul ISLAM and Md. Abul KASHEM : Customer's attitude toward mobile banking usage: A case study in Bangladesh, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business , vol.8 , no.2 Korea Distribution Science Association , pp.419-426 , 2021 .
40 Asif Imtiaz, Shanthi Johnson, Noor Muhammad Khan, Md Hossain and others : Hefty fee for a healthy life: finding predictors by econometric comparison, Journal of Public Health , vol.29 , no.4 Springer , pp.957--966 , 2020 .
41 Md Rakibul Hoque, Mohammed Sajedur Rahman, Nymatul Jannat Nipa and Md Rashadul Hasan : Mobile health interventions in developing countries: A systematic review, Health Informatics Journal , vol.26 , no.Issue 4 SAGE Publishers , pp.2793-2810 , 2020 .
42 Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Validating Existing ICT Infrastructure of RMG Sector: A Study on Bangladesh, International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering , vol.5 , no.Issue 3 Scxience Publishing Group , pp.28-38 , 2020 .
43 Asif Imtiaz, Shanthi Johnson, Md Akram Hossain and Noor Muhammad Khan : Hefty fee for a healthy life: finding predictors by econometric comparison, Journal of Public Health (impact factor:1.648) , 2020 .
44 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Qi, Xu : Factors Affecting Dual Channel Adoption by Manufacturer - A Literature Review, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.8 , no.1 (June) , pp.63-78 , 2020 .
45 Alam, M. Z., Hoque, M. R., Hu, W., & Barua, Z. : Factors influencing the adoption of mHealth services in a developing country: A patient-centric study, International Journal of Information Management (impact factor:5.063) , vol.50 , pp.128-143 , 2020 .
46 Nahida Sultana and Nafia Sultana : The Reasons of Preferring E-recruitment Media: An Empirical Study on Job Seekers of Bangladesh, BUP Journal , vol.7 , no.2 Bangladesh University of Professionals , pp.131-148 , 2019 .
47 Sudharonjon Roy, Nepal Chandra Roy, Litan Kumar Saha and K M Salah Uddin : Effects of variable thermo-physical properties on mixed convection slip flow over a wedge, Heat Transfer-Asian Research (impact factor:0.82) , vol.48 , no.6 , 2019 .
48 Md Hossain, Rui Quaresma, Md Hasan, Asif Imtiaz and others : An insight into the bilateral readiness towards telemedicine, Health and Technology , vol.9 , no.4 Springer , pp.471--486 , 2019 .
49 Asif Imtiaz and Mobarak Hossain : Balancing Between Work and Life: Determinants and Dynamics, Journal of Economics and Business , vol.2 , no.2 , 2019 .
50 Md Sahariar Hasan Jiisun, Rasheda Akter Rupa, Monzur Hussain Chowdhury, Hasina Mushrofa and Md Rakibul Hoque : Blood donation systems in Bangladesh: Problems and remedy, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.14 , no.8 Canadian Center of Science and Education , pp.145--145 , 2019 .
51 Jakia Sultana : Determining the factors that affect the uses of Mobile Cloud Learning (MCL) platform Blackboard- a modification of the UTAUT model, Education and Information Technologies, Springer , 2019 .
52 Jakia Sultana, Md. Aminul Islam and Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum : Socio - Technical Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour- An Investigation on Social Networking Sites users, Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.7-15 , 2019 .
53 Uddin, K. S. and Rahman, M. T. : Structural Modeling Using AMOS to Identify the Demographic Factors Affecting Shopping through E-payment, International Journal of Information Science , vol.9 , pp.1-5 , 2019 .
54 Md Akram Hossam, Rui Qurasema, Md Rakibul Hasan and Asif Imtiaz : An Insight into the Bilateral Readiness towards Tele-medicine, Health and Technology (impact factor:1.12) , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.471-486 , 2019 .
55 Md Akram Hossain, Rui Quaresma and Habibur Rahman : Investigating factors influencing the physicians’ adoption of electronic health record (EHR) in healthcare system of Bangladesh: An empirical study, International Journal of Information Management (impact factor:8.210) , vol.44 , pp.76-87 , 2019 .
56 Hossain, M.M., Imtiaz, A. and Hasan, M.R. : Forecasting the General Index of Dhaka Stock Exchange, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics , no.171 (Jan-Feb) , 2019 .
57 Hossain, M.A., Quaresma, R., Hasan, M.R. and Imtiaz, A. : An Insight into the Bilateral Readiness towards Telemedicine, Health and Technology (Springer) , vol.9 , 2019 .
58 Hasan, M.R. : Continuity of Using Social Networking Sites and the Expectation Disconfirmation Theory, Journal of Business Studies , vol.40 , no.3 , 2019 .
59 Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong : CM2D: Cost Minimization Under the Competitive Market in Dynamic Social Networks, IEEE Access (impact factor:4.098) , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.4428 - 4441 , 2019 .
60 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Nguyen H. Tran, Dusit Niyato and Choong Seon Hong : Knapsack-based Reverse Influence Maximization for Target Marketing in Social Networks, IEEE Access (impact factor:4.098) , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.44 182–44 198 , 2019 .
61 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Nguyen H. Tran, Dusit Niyato, Gwan HoonPark and Choong Seon Hong : Threshold Estimation Models for Linear Threshold-based Influential User Mining in Social Networks, IEEE Access (impact factor:4.098) , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.105441-105461 , 2019 .
62 Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Seung Il Moon, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong : Healthcare IoT-based Affective State Mining Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Access (impact factor:4.098) , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.75189 - 75202 , 2019 .
63 Jakia Sultana, Md Aminul Islam and Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum : Socio- Technical Determinants of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour - An Investigation on Social Networking Sites users, Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing , vol.19 , no.2 , 2019 .
64 Tang, S., Ghose, B., Hoque, M. R., Hao, G., & Yaya, S. : Women Using Mobile Phones for Health Communication Are More Likely to Use Prenatal and Postnatal Services in Bangladesh: Cross-Sectional Study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth (impact factor:4.301) , vol.7 , no.2 , 2019 .
65 AlBar, A. M., & Hoque, M. R. : Factors affecting cloud ERP adoption in Saudi Arabia: An empirical study, Information Development (impact factor:1.265) , vol.35 , no.1 , pp.150-164 , 2019 .
66 Albar A. M & Hoque, M. R. : Factors affecting the adoption of information and communication technology in small and medium enterprise: A perspective from rural Saudi Arabia., Journal of Information Technology for Development (impact factor:1.493) , vol.25 , no.4 , pp.715-738 , 2019 .
67 Tamanna. M. and K.M. : Classification of the Factors Influencing Online Buying: A Literature Review., International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT) , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.1-11 , 2018 .
68 Asif Imtiaz and GM Selim Ahmed : Sea or Hill: Investigating the Contributing Aspects Behind Choosing the Destination, Journal of Business Studies , vol.39 , no.2 , 2018 .
69 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Islam, Md. Aminul, Esha, Bushra Humyra, Sultana, Nahida and Chakravorty, Sujan : Consumer buying behavior towards online shopping: An empirical study on Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Cogent Business & Management , vol.5 , no.1514940 , pp.1-22 , 2018 .
70 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Sultana, Rabeya and Esha, Bushra Humyra : ICT Access For the Smallholder Farmers: Adoption and Strategies for Rural Areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Business Administration , vol.39 , no.1 , pp.101-128 , 2018 .
71 Ali, Muhammad, Lei, Shen, Jie, Zheng Shi and Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : Empowering Leadership and Employee Performance: A Mediating Role of Thriving at Work, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.1-14 , 2018 .
72 Asif Imtiaz, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Mehnaz Tabassum : Dissection and Dynamics of the Salary: The Case of Bangladeshi Private Tutors, Journal of Education and Practice , vol.9 , no.20 , pp.1-8 , 2018 .
73 Rahman, M. T. : Cloud Computing: User’s Perceptions About Security Issues, Information and Knowledge Management , vol.8 , pp.32-36 , 2018 .
74 Hasan, M.R., Ahmed, M.S. and Rahman, M.S. : Exploring the Prerequisites of Institutionalizing Crowdfunding Process in Bangladesh as an Alternative to Long-term Financial Intermediary for the Startups, Global Journal of Management and Business Research : Finance , vol.18 , no.1 , 2018 .
75 Hasan, M.R., Salehin, M. and Islam, M.T. : Determinants of Graduate Students’ Usage of Online Social Media as a Job Searching Tool: The Changing Landscape of Labor Market in Bangladesh, Review of Public Administration and Management , vol.6 , no.2 , 2018 .
76 Asif Imtiaz : Exploring Factors Influencing Satisfaction of the University Students Who Work as Private Tutors, International Education Studies (impact factor:6.85 (Google-based)) , vol.11 , no.5 , 2018 .
77 Asif Imtiaz and Dr. Rabeya Sultana : Gender Difference in Internet Usage Pattern: A Study on University Students of Bangladesh, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (impact factor:0.44) , vol.5 , no.5 , pp.413-421 , 2018 .
78 Asif Imtiaz, Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Mehnaz Tabassum : Dissection and Dynamics of the Salary: The Case of Bangladeshi Private Tutors, Journal of Education and Practice (impact factor:7.15 (IC Impact Factor)) , vol.9 , no.20 , pp.1-8 , 2018 .
79 Ashis Talukder, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Do Hyeon Kim and Choong Seon Hong : Reverse path activation-based reverse influence maximization in social networks, Journal of The Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (JOK), , vol.45 , no.11 , pp.1203–1209 , 2018 .
80 Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Ashis Talukder, Do Hyeon Kim and Choong Seon Hong : Coexistence of LTE-U and Wi-Fi System Considering the User’s QoE, The KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices (KTCP) , vol.45 , no.11 , pp.575-581 , 2018 .
81 Ali, M. A., Hoque, M. R., & Alam, K. : An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and the digital economy: the case of Asian countries., Journal of Knowledge Management (impact factor:4.604) , vol.22 , no.5 , pp.76-100 , 2018 .
82 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Islam, Md. Aminul and Qi, Xu : Barriers in Adopting Human Resource Information System (HRIS): An Empirical Study on Selected Bangladeshi Garments Factories, International Business Research (impact factor:Google-based Impact Factor (2019): 14.58) , vol.10 , no.6 , pp.98-103 , 2017 .
83 Jakia Sultana, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Factors Affecting Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education in Bangladesh: A Case of University of Dhaka, Applied and Computational Mathematics, Science Publishing Group , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.9-16 , 2017 .
84 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Rahman, Sarabia : Factors Affecting Core Banking Software Performance in E-Banking: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Banks, BUP Journal , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.40-51 , 2017 .
85 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Qi, Xu, Saif, Abu Naser Mohammad, Ibrahim, Ismail Bin and Sultana, Rabeya : Assessing service quality of online bill payment system using extended SERVQUAL model (SERVQUAL-Butterfly model): A case study of Dhaka electric supply company limited (DESCO), Bangladesh, Cogent Business & Management , vol.4 , no.1301195 , pp.1-20 , 2017 .
86 Md Afnan Hossain, Rashedul Hasan, Md. Golam Kibria, and Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum : Factors Influencing the Usage of 3G Mobile Services: An Empirical Study on Bangladeshi Young Citizens, North South Business Review , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.16-28 , 2017 .
87 Jakia Sultana, ,, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Factors Affecting Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education in Bangladesh: A Case of University of Dhaka, Applied and Computational Mathematics , 2017 .
88 Hasan, M.R., Rahman, M.S., Islam, M.T. and Hasan, M.F. : Smartphone and Our Students: Is it being good for their study?, Journal of Information Engineering and Applications , vol.7 , no.3 , 2017 .
89 Md. Rakibul Hasan, Mohammad Saidur Rahman, Mohammad Tariqul Islam and Md. Foysal Hasan : Smartphone and Our Students: Is It Being Good for Their Study?, Journal of Information Engineering and Applications , vol.7 , no.3 , 2017 .
90 Jakia Sultana, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Factors Affecting Cloud Computing Adoption in Higher Education in Bangladesh: A Case of University of Dhaka, Applied and Computational Mathematics , vol.6 , no.3 , 2017 .
91 Ashraf, M., Helena, G. Hoque, R. & Alam, K. : An extended conceptual framework to understand information and communication technology enabled socio-economic development at community level in Bangladesh, Information Technology & People (impact factor:1.263) , vol.30 , no.4 , pp.736-752 , 2017 .
92 Hoque, M. R., & Sorwar, G. : Understanding Factors Influencing mHealth Adoption by Elderly: Applying the UTAUT Model., International journal of Medical informatics (impact factor:2.731) , vol.101 , pp.75-84 , 2017 .
93 Bao, Y., Hoque, M. R. & Wang, S. : Investigating the Determinants of Chinese Adult Children’s Intention to Use Online Health Information for their Aged Parents., International journal of Medical informatics (impact factor:2.731) , vol.102 , pp.12-20 , 2017 .
94 Hoque, M. R, Bao, Y & Sorwar, G. : Investigating Factors Influencing the Adoption of e-Health in Developing Countries: A Patient’s Perspective, Informatics for Health and Social Care (impact factor:1.381) , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.1-17 , 2017 .
95 Dr. Md. Akram Hossain, Jakia Sultana and Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum : Addressing the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction of 3G Mobile Phone Services: A Case of Dhaka City,Bangladesh, Global Journal of Management and Business Research (G) , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.9-16 , 2016 .
96 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Qi, Xu and Jinnah, Md Shahfayet : Factors Affecting the Adoption of HRIS by the Bangladeshi Banking and Financial Sector, Cogent Business & Management , vol.3 , no.1262107 , 2016 .
97 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Qi, Xu : Core Banking Software (CBS) Implementation Challenges of E-Banking: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Banks, Journal of Administrative and Business Studies , vol.2 , no.4 , pp.209-215 , 2016 .
98 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Qi, Xu : Global Supply Chain Management of RMG Outsourcing: Factors Affecting Country Selection, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.11 , no.8 , pp.214 - 255 , 2016 .
99 Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Electronic Banking Services”- a Key to Increase Bank’s Popularity in Bangladesh, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.133-154 , 2016 .
100 Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Nymatul Jannat Nipa and Mohammed Ali Siddique : Assessing the Factors behind Choosing Universities for Higher Education: A Case of Bangladesh, Global Journal of Management and Business: Vol 16, No 11-A , 2016 .
101 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Qi, Xu and Islam, Md. Tariqul : Banking Access for the Poor: Adoption and Strategies in Rural Areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Economic & Financial Studies , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.1-10 , 2016 .
102 Md. Shamim Talukder : Impacts of ICT on students’ performance: A study on undergraduate university students, Manarat University International Studies , vol.4 , no.3 , 2016 .
103 Farjana Parvin Chowdhury, Mohammad Tariqul Islam and Mohammad Ashaduzamman Rana : Investigating Factors Influencing Consumer Attitude toward SMS Advertising: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.11 , no.10 , pp.233-250. , 2016 .
104 Farjana Parvin Chowdhury, Mohammad Tariqul Islam and Mohammad Ashaduzzaman : Investigating Factors Influencing Consumer Attitude toward SMS Advertising: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Management , vol.11 , no.10 , 2016 .
105 Md Akram Hossain,, Jakia Sultana and Md. Fahami Hasan Mazmum : Addressing the factors influencing customer satisfaction of 3G mobile services, Global Journal of Management and Business Research :G Interdisciplinary , vol.16 , no.2 , 2016 .
106 Hoque, M. R. : An Empirical Study of mHealth Adoption in a Developing Country: The Moderating Effect of Gender Concern., BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (impact factor:2.067) , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.1-10 , 2016 .
107 Hoque, M. R, Saif, A. N. M, Albar A. M, & Bao, Y. : Adoption of information and communication technology for development: A case study of small and medium enterprises in Bangladesh., Information Development Journal (impact factor:1.265) , vol.32 , no.4 , pp.986-1000 , 2016 .
108 K. M. Salah Uddin and Litan Kumar Saha : Numerical solutions of 2-D incompressible driven cavity flow with wavy bottom surface, American Journal of Applied Mathematics , vol.3(1-1) , no.Special Issue: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Inside a Closed Domain , pp.30-42 , 2015 .
109 Dr. Md. Akram Hossain, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Md. Golam Kibria : The Role of Information Technology (IT) in Supply Chain Macro Processes: A Literature Based Study, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.113-124 , 2015 .
110 Md. Abdur Razzaque, M. Helal Uddin Ahmed and Choong Seon Hong : QoS-Aware Distributed Adaptive Cooperative Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc Networks Journal , 2015 .
111 K.M. Salahuddin, Nymatul Janant Nipa and Mamunur Rashid : Identification the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction on Service Quality in Jamuna Bank, International Journal of Business and Economics Research , vol.4(2) , pp.30-35 , 2015 .
112 K. M. Salahuddin, Nymatul Jannat Nipa and Abu Raihan Rume : Modeling and Simulation of an Inventory System - A Case Study of HOMES 71 LTD, Bangladesh, American Journal of Operational Research , vol.5 , no.3 , pp.64-73 , 2015 .
113 Nymatul Jannat Nipa, Jakia Sultana and Md. Habibur Rahman : Prospect of Private-Public Partnership in Tourism of Bangladesh, Journal of Investment and Management , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.73-83 , 2015 .
114 Md. Tariqul Islam : ICT for Enhancing Public Service Delivery: Learning from A2I Programme and other Bangladesh Government Initiatives, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.7 , no.1 , 2015 .
115 Farjana Parvin Chowdhury : A Comparison of Instructional Technology Adoption at Two Campuses: A Case Study of A Private University of Bangladesh., Australian Journal of Business and Economic Studies (AJBES) , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.15-30. , 2015 .
116 Uddin, K.M.S., Chowdhury, F. P. and Nani, N.C. : A Simulation Study of Queuing System Performance of Three Private Banks in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of MIS , 2015 .
117 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Saha, Bijeta : An Assessment to Identify Causes of ERP Implementation Failure and to Predict Its Success: A Case Study on Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited, Journal of Business and Technical Progress , vol.4 , no.2 , 2015 .
118 Hoque, M. R & Bao, Y. : Cultural Influence on Adoption and Use of e-Health: Evidence in Bangladesh., Telemedicine and e-Health (impact factor:1.996) , vol.21 , no.10 , pp.845-852 , 2015 .
119 K M Salah Uddin, Litan Kumar Saha and Nobuyuki Oshima : Water Transport through the Membrane of PEM Fuel Cell, American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , vol.4 , no.6 , 2014 .
120 Litan Kumar Saha, Monotos Chandra Somadder and K M Salah Uddin : Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Lid Driven Cavity with Wavy Bottom Surface, American Journal of Applied Mathematics , vol.1 , no.5 , 2014 .
121 Ashis Talukder and ANM Saif : Employee Motivation Measurement - A Descriptive Analysis, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.123-131 , 2014 .
122 M. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Choong Seon Hong and Sungwon Lee : Energy efficient smart-relay-based cooperative MAC for wireless networks, Computing , 2014 .
123 Md. Shamim Talukder : Consumer Preferences towards Online Shopping: An Empirical Study on Urban Areas in Bangladesh, Barisal University Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , 2014 .
124 Mohammad Tariqul Islam, Md. Abu Jafar and Arifur Rahman Kha : Factors Motivating Customers Moving to Online Shops in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.51-62 , 2014 .
125 Md. Rakibul Hoque, Md. Fahami Ahsan Mazmum and Yukun Bao : E-Health in Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Direction, The International Technology Management Review , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.87-96 , 2014 .
126 Ashis Talukder and Nadia Nujhat : Measuring Quality of Services (QoS) On The Basis of Customer Satisfaction of Banks in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.35 , no.1 , pp.201--212 , 2014 .
127 K M Salah Uddin and Nobuyuki Oshima : Numerical Investigation of Cross Flow on the Performance of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology , vol.8 , no.3 JSME , 2013 .
128 Litan Kumar Saha, Monotos Chandra Somadder and K M Salah Uddin : Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Lid Driven Cavity with Wavy Bottom Surface, American Journal of Applied Mathematics , vol.1 , no.5 , 2013 .
129 K. M. Salah Uddin, Akira Nishimura, Nobuyuki Oshima and Litan Kumar Saha : Numerical Study of Pressure Drop Mechanism and Cross Flow Behavior in the Gas Channel and Porous Medium of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology , vol.13 , no.8 , pp.209-224 , 2013 .
130 Nymatul Jannat Nipa, Farjana Parvin Chowdhury and Md. Ariful Islam : Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Bkash, Journal of MIS, University of Dhaka , 2013 .
131 M. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Md. Abdur Razzaque and Choong Seon Hong : DEC-MAC: delay- and energy-aware cooperative medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks, Annals of Telecommunications , 2013 .
132 Nymatul Jannat Nipa : Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh: A Study on bKash, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.5 , no.2 , 2013 .
133 Mohammad Tariqul Islam : Information Technology and Organizational Change: A Conceptual Framework, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.113-126 , 2013 .
134 Shaikh Masrick Hasan, Raad Mozib Lalon and : Mohammad Tariqul Islam : An econometric analysis on the sustainability of Electronic Banking in Bangladesh: A Comparative study between DBBL & HSBC Ltd., Journal of Banking and financial Services , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.17-38 , 2013 .
135 Ashis Talukder and AKM Ziaur Rahman : Keyword and Title Based Clustering (KTBC): An Easy and Effective Way to Dynamically Cluster Web Documents, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.34 , no.2 , 2013 .
136 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : A Comprehensive Model of 21st Century Leadership, Bangladesh Journal of MIS , vol.2, 3, 4, 5 , no.1 , pp.101-118 , 2012 .
137 Sultana, Nigar and Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : Innovative Leadership (People), The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.37-51 , 2012 .
138 M. M. Rahman and K. M. Salah Uddin : Effects of variable electric conductivity and temperature dependent viscosity on magnetohydrodynamic heat and mass transfer flow along a radiate isothermal inclined surface with internal heat generation, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations , vol.15 , pp.2073-2085 , 2010 .
139 Mia, Md. Abdul Hannan, Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Debnath, Nitai Chandra : Consumer Behavior of Online Banking in Bangladesh, Journal of Business Studies , vol.38 , no.2 , pp.151-181 , 2007 .
140 Mia, Md. Abdul Hannan, Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Uddin, Md. Main : E-Banking: Evolution, Status, and Prospect, Journal of ICMAB , vol.35 , no.1 , pp.36-48 , 2007 .
141 Parvez, Mahbub and Rahman, Mohammad Anisur : Conflict Management Strategies in Private Universities of Bangladesh, Journal of Business & Economics , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.119-130 , 2007 .
142 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Parvez, Mahbub : Waiting Line System in Health Sector of Bangladesh: Private Practices of Dhaka City, Journal of Business & Economics , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.101-113 , 2006 .
143 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Uddin, Mohammad Riaz and Malik, Mahfuja : Structured Analysis of Operational System:A Case Study on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSB) Limited, Journal of ICMAB , vol.34 , no.2 , pp.39-52 , 2006 .
144 Md. Hasibur Rashid : Accountability of Public Enterprises to Parliament., Dhaka University Studies, Part - C , vol.3 , no.2 , 1982 .
145 Romana, Z. S. and Rahman, M. T. : The Effect of Search Engine Optimization on Customer's Online Purchase Intention, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.XLI University of Dhaka , pp.221-239 , 2020 .
146 Hasan, M.R and Rahman, M. T : Analyzing the Factors Determining the Actual Usage of e-Government Services by the Users: A Case of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies University of Dhaka , pp.209-234 , 2020 .
147 Rahman, M. T., Romana, Z. S., Bhuiyan, T. and Islam, M. S. : Inpact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment: A Bangladesh Perspective, Rajshahi University Journal of Business Studies Rajshahi University , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings (60)
1 Sayem, S. M., Akter, Most. S., Islam, M. M. and Islam, A. "Examining The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital Between Employee Empowerment and Employee Performance: An Emerging Evidence from Bangladesh." International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM24 Bor, Serbia.: University of Belgrade, 2024 .
2 Jakia Sultana, Stan Karanasios and Say Yen Teoh "Theorising blockchain in supply chain activities with activity theory." ACIS 2023 Proceedings Wellington, Newzealand: AIS e-library, 2023 .
3 Hasan, Md Rakibul, Layode, Oyebisi and Rahman, Md Mahmudur "Concept Detection and Caption Prediction in ImageCLEFmedical Caption 2023 with Convolutional Neural Networks, Vision and Text-to-Text Transfer Transformers." CLEF 2023 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum , pp. 1510-1523. Thessaloniki, Greece:, 2023 .
4 Hasan, Md Rakibul and Rahman, Md Mahmudur "Exemplifying the Automated Decision-Making Process of Medical Image Annotation Systems through Explainable AI Tools." The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Hyatt Maui, Hawaii, USA: IEEE, 2023 .
5 Hasan, Md. Rakibul, Jani, Md. Rafsan and Rahman, Md. Mahmudur "Image and Text Feature based Multimodal Learning for Multi-label Classification of Radiology Images in Biomedical Literature." SPIE Medical Imaging 2024 2023 .
6 Nahida Sultana "Investigating the Intention to Use FinTech for Sustainability using UTAUT Model: A Case of University Students." 6th International Conference on Business and Economics, University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh: University of Dhaka, 2023 .
7 Sultana, J.,, Teoh, S. Y., and Karanasios, S. "Does blockchain introduce new tensions in supply chain networks? A view from the food supply chain industry." Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) 2022 Melbourne: 2022 .
8 Ashis Talukder, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md. Shirajum Munir and Choong Seon Hong "Reverse Influence Maximization for the Competitive Market in Dynamic Social Networks." Korea Software Congress (KSC) , pp. 1-3. Pyeonchang: KIISE, 2019 .
9 Dr. Md. Hasibur Rashid, Mr. Asif Imtiaz and Dr. Md. Akram Hossain "Ship-breaking Industry in Bangladesh: Operations Management Perspective." 25th EurOMA Conference , pp. 10. Helsinki, Finland: European Operations Management, 2019 .
10 Farjana Parvin Chowdhury, Stan Karanasios, and Vanessa Cooper "Breakdowns in Inter-Organisational Information Sharing: The Case of Major Incidents in Bangladesh.." International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Munich, Germany, 15-18 December, 2019.: 2019 .
11 Hasan, M.R., Imtiaz, A., Hossain, M.M. and Ahmed, M.S. "How Much Demographically Diversified Are They in Making Decision to Invest in ICT Companies? A Study on Two Million Bangladeshi Investors." 3rd North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), IEOM Society Washington DC: 2019 .
12 Ahmed, M.S., Hasan, M.R., Imtiaz, A. and Hossain, M.M. "Do Prices Reflect the Performance of Government Controlled Closed-End Mutual Funds? A Panel Data Analysis from Bangladesh Perspective." 3rd North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), IEOM Society Washington DC: 2019 .
13 Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md. Shirajum Munir, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "A Reinforcement Learning-based Energy Efficient Trajectory and Communication Optimization for UAV-assisted 5G Network." Korea Software Congress (KSC) Pyeonchang, South Korea: KIISE, 2019 .
14 Md. Shirajum Munir, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Energy Demand Scheduling for Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Swarms in Smart Transportation System." Korea Software Congress (KSC) Pyeonchang, South Korea: KIISE, 2019 .
15 Hoque, R., Sorwar, G., Ahmed, A., & Islam, R. "Development of Mobile Based In-Home Patient Monitoring System for the Management of Chronic Disease of Indigenous Communities in a Developing Country.." 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2019. , pp. 359-367. Orlando: Springer, 2019 .
16 • Sampa, M. B., Hossain, M. N., Hoque, R., Islam, R., Yokota, F., Nishikitani, M., ... & Ahmed, A. "A Framework of Longitudinal Study to Understand Determinants of Actual Use of the Portable Health Clinic System.." 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2019 , pp. 323-332. Orlando: Springer, 2019 .
17 Nahida Sultana "The Factors Affecting Preference of E-recruitment Media: An Empirical Study on Job Seekers of Bangladesh." 3rd International Research Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences-MY Chapter, University of Malaya kuala lumpur, Malaysia: University of Malaya, 2018 .
18 Ashis Talukder, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md Shirajum Munir and Choong Seon Hong "Dual Threshold Load Balancing in SDN Environment Using Process Migration." IEEE The 33rd International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2018), , pp. 791-796. Chiang Mai, Thailand: 2018 .
19 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Nguyen H. Tran and Choong Seon Hong "A cost optimized reverse influence maximization in social networks." IEEE/IFIP The 30th Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2018) , pp. 1-9. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE/IFIP, 2018 .
20 Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Md Golam Rabiul Alam, Ashis Talukder, Nguyen H. Tran, Da Eun Lee and Choong Seon Hong "An Overlapping Coalition Formation Approach to Maximize Payoffs in Cloud Computing Environment." IEEE/IFIP The 30th Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2018) , pp. 324-329. Taipei, Taiwan: IEEE/, 2018 .
21 [Excellent Presentation Award] Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "A Heuristic Approach for Viral Marketing Cost Optimization in Social Networks." Korea Software Congress (KSC) 2018 Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2018 .
22 Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Epidemiological Reverse Influence Maximization in Social Networks with Negative Influencing." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2018) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2018 .
23 Rahman, M. S., & Hoque, R. "Factors Affecting the Adoption of Telemedicine in Rural Areas of Bangladesh." Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) , pp. 1-10. New Orleans: AIS, 2018 .
24 Md. Abu Layek, Thai NQ, Hossain MA, Thu NT, Ashis Talukder, Chung T and Huh EN "Performance analysis of H. 264, H. 265, VP9 and AV1 video encoders." IEEE The 19th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2017) , pp. 322-325. Seoul, South Korea: IEEE, 2017 .
25 [Best Paper Award] Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Active Reverse Path Based Reverse Influence Maximization in Social Networks." Korea Software Congress (KSC) 2017 Busan, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
26 Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Seung Il Moon, Md. Shirajum Munir, [Best Paper Award] Ashis Talukder, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Saeed Ullah and Choong Seon Hong "CCN based Mood Mining through IoT-based Physiological Sensors Observation." Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2017 Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
27 Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Seung Il Moon, Ashis Talukder, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Md. Shirajum Munir, Saeed Ullah and Choong Seon Hong "Affective Mood Mining Through Deep Recurrent Neural Network." Korea Software Congress (KSC) 2017 Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
28 Ashis Talukder, Md. Abu Layek and Choong Seon Hong "A Novel Approach of Viral Marketing in Social Networks." Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2017 Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
29 Md. Abu Layek, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Ngo Thien Thu, Tuyen Le Pham, Ashis Talukder, TaeChoong Chung and Eui-Nam Huh "Analysis of the Effects of Timing Presets on the Performance of H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC Video Encoders." The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS 2017) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
30 Md. Abu Layek, Ngo Quang Thai, Md. Alamgir Hossain, Ngo Thien Thu, Le Pham Tuyen, Ashis Talukder, TaeChoong Chung and Eui-Nam Huh "Performance Analysis of AV1 for Video Coding in Very Low Bit Rates." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2017) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2017 .
31 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur and Qi, Xu "Core Banking Software (CBS) Implementation challenges of eBanking: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Banks." Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH Shanghai, China: 2016 .
32 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Hoang T. Nguyen and Choong Seon Hong "The GRIM: Target Marketing in Social Network." The International Symposium on Perception, Action, and Cognitive Systems (PACS 2016) Seoul, South Korea: KIISE, 2016 .
33 Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "UAV-assisted Intelligent Crowdsourcing in Natural Calamity." The International Symposium on Perception, Action, and Cognitive Systems (PACS 2016) KIISE, 2016 .
34 Seon Hyeok Kim, Son, J, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Congestion prevention mechanism based on Q-leaning for efficient routing in SDN." IEEE The 30th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2016) , pp. 124-128. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia: IEEE, KIISE, 2016 .
35 Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, [Best Paper Award] Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "An Indoor Navigation Service for Visually Impaired People." Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2016 Jeju Island, South Korea: 2016 .
36 Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Seung Il Moon, Seon Hyeok Kim, Ashis Talukder, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Saeed Ullah and Choong Seon Hong "Deep Learning based Emotion Recognition through Biosensor Observations." Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2016 .
37 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Sarder Fakrul Abedin, Hoang T. Nguyen and Choong Seon Hong "Threshold Estimation Models for Influence Maximization in Social Network." Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2016) Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2016 .
38 Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "An Autonomic SLA Management for IoT Networks." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2019) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2016 .
39 Ashis Talukder, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Md Golam Rabiul Alam, SeonHyeok Kim, Sungwon Lee and Choong Seon Hong "Process Migration Using Docker Container in SDN Environment." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2016) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2016 .
40 Miah, S. J., Gammack, J., Hasan, N., & Hoque, R. "Design methodologies for M-health innovations: a content analysis." 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems Wollongong: AIS, 2016 .
41 Hoque, M.R, & Sorwar, G. "Factors Influencing mHealth Acceptance among Elderly People in Bangladesh.." The 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) , pp. 1-11. Adelaide: AIS, 2015 .
42 Albar A. M & Hoque, M. R. "Adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A Case from Rural Saudi Arabia.." Thirty Sixth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Fort Worth: AIS, 2015 .
43 Hoque, M. R., & Ashraf, M. M. "An ICT4D Project for Promoting Health Awareness Programmes in Indigenous Community." In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development , pp. 1-4. Singapore: ACM, 2015 .
44 AlBar, A. M., & Hoque, M. R. "Determinants of Cloud ERP Adoption in Saudi Arabia: an Empirical Study." 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing (ICCC) , pp. 104-108. Riyadh: IEEE, 2015 .
45 Hossain, M.A., Hasan, M.M. and Hasan, M.R. "Job attitude and Adoption of Advanced Printing Technology in Modern & Outmoded Printing Presses in Bangladesh." IEEE, 5th ICDIPC Zurich: 2015 .
46 Md Golam Rabiul Alam, Sung Soo Kim, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, [Best Paper Award] Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Prediction of Psychiatric Mental States for Emergency Telepsychiatry." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
47 Ashis Talukder, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, VanDung Nguyen and Choong Seon Hong "Running Time Improvement of Influence Maximization in Social Network Using Graph Reducing Technique (GRT)." Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2015) Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
48 Seon Hyeok Kim, Da Eun Lee, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "소프트웨어 정의 네트워크에서 Q-learning기반 네트워크 혼잡방지 메커니즘." Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2015) Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
49 Anupham Kumar Bairagi, Md Golam Robiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "An Efficient Approach for Protecting Personal Information in IoT." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
50 Ashis Talukder, Rossi Kamal, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md. Abu Layek, Nguyen H. Tran and Choong Seon Hong "Rumors in the Social Network: Finding the Offenders using Influence Maximization." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
51 Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "An Utility based Peering Strategy for P2P IoT Network." Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2015) Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, 2015 .
52 Hoque, M. R. & Sorwar, G. "E-Governance for Rural Development: A Case Study on Union Information & Service Centre (UISC) of Bangladesh." The 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Chengdu: AIS, 2014 .
53 Anselme NDIKUMANA, Ashis Talukder, Rossi Kamal, Kyi Thar, Saeed Ullah, Rim Haw and Choong Seon Hong "Performance Evaluation of NDN Forwarding Strategies." Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2014) Phonix Park, South Korea: KIISE, 2014 .
54 Jahangir A., Ashraf, M. M, Hoque, M. R. & Malik, B. T. "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Enabled Project for Disable Person in Bangladesh: Preliminary Study of Impact/Outcome.." IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference , pp. 652-657. Bangalore: Springer, 2013 .
55 Rahman, Mohammad Anisur, Sultana, Rabeya, Esha, Bushra Humyra and Ahad, Md. Abdullah Al "ICT Access for The Smallholder Farmers: Adoption and Strategies for Rural Areas of Bangladesh." The Second International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBE) Dhaka: Faculty of Business Studies, October, 2017 .
56 Ashis Talukder, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Md. Abu Layek, Hoang T. Nguyen and Choong Seon Hong "An approach of cost optimized influence maximization in social networks." IEEE The 19th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2017) , pp. 354–357. Seoul, South Korea: IEEE, September 27-29, 2017 .
57 [Best Paper Award] Ashis Talukder, Do Hyeon Kim and Choong Seon Hong "A Heuristic Mixed Model for Viral Marketing Cost Minimization in Social Networks." IEEE The 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2019) , pp. 141-146. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE, January 9-11, 2019 .
58 Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "Knapsack-based Reverse Influence Maximization for Target Marketing in Social Networks." The 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2019) , pp. 2128–2130. Limassol, Syprus: ACM/SIGAPP, April 8-12, 2019 .
59 Ashis Talukder and Choong Seong Hong "Susceptible-Infection-based Cost-effective Seed Mining in Social Networks." IEEE The 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2019) Matsue, Japan: IEEE, September 18-20, 2019 .
60 Ashis Talukder and Choong Seon Hong "A Susceptible-Infection-based Greedy Model for Mining Cost-effective Seeds in Social Networks." Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2019 , pp. 1533-1535. Jeju Island, South Korea: KIISE, June 26-28, 2019 .