Department of Management Information Systems was established as a pioneer department in 2004 to spread the knowledge of information systems management in the country. In this Department, the students learn how to make "Information" useful to its users. They also learn how to implement, manage, and keep operational various forms of information processing systems so that these can best serve the needs of the intended users. The learning outcomes also include how to create and operationalize a full-fledged and automated system for gathering, sorting, and storing data. Along with these, students must learn how to ensure information systems security, build a network for sharing data among users, and use sophisticated ...
BJMIS Publishes First Online Open-Access Edition
MPMIS 3rd Batch Admission Notice
Study Tour of Bangladesh National Museum
Industrial Visit to HUAWEI Bangladesh
Empowering Future Female STEM Leaders
Research Award for Student's Thesis
Department of MIS, DU's Intiative in Preventing Plagiarism