Psychometrics, School Psychology, Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection, etc.
Dr. Aeysha Sultana (on sabbatical leave)
Personality and Social psychology, Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Counselling
Mental Health Professionals’ Attitudes towards Evidence Based Practice and usage of Evidence Based Practices for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Bangladesh
Family Studies, Memory, Research Methods and Statistics, Positive Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Psychometrics, Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Mental health
Sleep Deprivation, Music Healing, Industrial Psychology, Behavioural Insight, DiDRM, Executive Coaching & Motivational Interview
Environmental Psychology
Educational psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Social psychology, Abnormal psychology
Chhanda Karmaker (on study leave in UK)
Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Ishrat Shahnaz (on study leave in UK)
Behavioral Psychology, Child Development, Addiction Psychology, Education of Exceptional Children, Social Development, Psychology of adolescence, Psychometric Analysis
Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive neuroscience, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology
Fariea Bakul (on study leave in USA)
Psychometrics, Positive Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Educational Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology