Profile of Semiconductor Technology Research Centre

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan, Vice-Chancellor, University of Dhaka.

Director: Dr. M. L. Palash, Department of EEE, University of Dhaka.

Semiconductor Technology Research Centre (STRC) was established in 1985. Prof. Dr. Sultan Ahmed of the Department of Physics was the founder-director of the centre.

STRC is an exceptional research centre in this University. It has an independent laboratory for researching semiconductor materials, High Tc superconductor, solar cells, and Nanomaterials.

The following instrument systems have already arrived (or are in the process of shipping) at the laboratory:

1. Nanoparticle Analyzer (Horiba SZ-100-Z2)

2. Thin Film Thickness Measurement Unit (Aventus, AvaSpec-ULS2048CL-EVO)

3. Four Point Probe (Ossila, T2001A3UK)

4. Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Coating Unit (YKY CY-USP130-B)

5. High-Temperature Muffle Furnace ( Nebertherm LT5/14)

6. Hydrothermal Autoclave

7. Electric Oven, Ultrasonic Bath, Electric Balance

8. Refrigerated High-Speed Centrifuge

9. UV-Bis Sptrectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV 1900i)

10. BET analyzer (Goldapp V-Sorb 2800)