Research & Publication (Department of Public Administration)
Book (9)
1 Naznin Islam, Sadik Hasan, Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan and Momtaz Jahan Contemporary Issues and Problems of Public Administration in Bangladesh. Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2025 .
2 Muhammad Ferdaus, Maruf Hasan Rumi, AMM Mubassher Shah and Md Minhajul Abedin Impacts of Covid 19 on Textile Industry Workers in Bangladesh: Socio-Economic Perspective Muhammad Ferdaus. Routledge: Taylor and Francis group, 2023 216--226 .
3 Muhammad Ferdaus, Maruf Hasan Rumi, Shukti Bala and Md Abu Sayem Cash-Aid Support of Bangladesh Government During Covid 19 Pandemic; Effectiveness and Challenges. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, 2023 243--249 .
4 Naznin Islam Sustainable Development in Bangladesh. A H Development Publishing House, 2012 .
5 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord Implementation in Bangladesh: Promises and Performances. Dhaka: AHDP, Dhaka., 2012 .
6 Sadik Hasan Women in Bangladesh Local Government: A Study of Gram Sarkar. Dhaka: AH Development Publishing House, 2007 .
7 Syeda Lasna Kabir Women’s Participation in South Asian Civil Services: A comparative analysis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Dhaka: A. H. Development Publishing House, 2013 .
8 Syeda Lasna Kabir and Hasan Mohammad Baniamin Civil Service Training in Bangladesh: An Institutional Analysis of BPATC: Role Rhetoric and Reality. Dhaka: A. H. Development Publishing House, 2012 .
9 Ishtiaq Jamil, Salahuddin M. Aminuzzaman, Syeda Lasna Kabir and M. Mahfuzul Haque Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 .
Book Section (19)
1 Sadik Hasan "National ICT Policy in Bangladesh: Issues of Social Equity & Universal Access." Mapping Governance Innovations: Perspectives from South Asia. Dhal, S., Singh, N., & Nasrullah, A.M. London: Routledge, 2025 133-146 .
2 Sadik Hasan "Understanding E-government/E-governance: A Walk with Bureaucracy." Contemporary Issues and Problems of Public Administration in Bangladesh. Islam, N., Hasan, S., Ahsan, AHM, & Jahan, M. Dhaka: A H Development Publishing House, 2025 .
3 Syeda Lasna Kabir and Mahjabin Sultana Mitul "Political Advertisement in Bangladesh: An Analysis from Gender Association Perspective." South Asia: State, Society and Politics. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler, 2023 .
4 Sadik Hasan "Governance and Public Administration." Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Ali Farazmand Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2022 5779-5783 .
5 Sadik Hasan "Bureaucratic Autonomy." Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Ali Farazmand Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG, 2022 1223-1228 .
6 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Women’s Substantive Representation in the Parliament of Bangladesh: Understanding Key Trends and Tensions." Substantive Representation of Women in Asian Parliaments. Devin K. Joshi and Christian Echle London and New York: Routledge, 2022 185-205 .
7 Syeda lasna Kabir and Mahzabin Sultana Mitul "Land-Use Conflicts, Gender and Informality: Insights from Bangladesh." Gender and Land Rights in Changing Global Contexts. Reena Patel Thomson Reuters, 2022 .
8 Sadik Hasan "Making of Bangabandhu: From Chhatra League to Awami League." Bangabandhu and Bangladesh. S. Ahmed Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 2021 .
9 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Through the Glass Ceiling, over the Glass Cliff? Women Leaders in Bangladeshi Public Administration." Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia. Jamil, Ishtiaq (eds) Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 87-109 .
10 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Introduction: Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia." Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia. Ishtiaq Jamil Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 1-17 .
11 Sadik Hasan "ICT Policy for Digital Bangladesh: Status of Compliance and Challenges." Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Parliament, Public Policy and Local Government. N Ahmed Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 2020 171-188 .
12 Nizam Ahmed and Sadik Hasan "Alangkar or Ahankar? Reserved Seat Women Members in the Bangladesh Parliament." Women in Governing Institutions in South Asia: Parliament, Civil Service and Local Government. Nizam Ahmed London, Unied Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing, 2017 .
13 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury "Who Speaks for Women in Parliament? Patriarchy and Women MNAs in Pakistan." Women in Governing Institutions in South Asia. Nizam Ahmed Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 197-116 .
14 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury "Gender quotas and women’s representation in Parliament: lessons from Bangladesh." Public Policy and Governance in Bangladesh. Nizam Ahmed London: Routledge, 2016 135-149 .
15 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Key Issues in Women’s Representation in Bureaucracy: Lessons from South Asia." Governance in South, Southeast, and East Asia: Trends, Issues and Challenges. Ishtiaq Jamil Switzerland: Springer International, 2013 137-156 .
16 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury "Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord Implementation in Bangladesh: Ideals and Realities." Politics of Peace, A Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. Nasir Uddin Dhaka: ICDR, Dhaka, 2012 205-221 .
17 Syeda Lasna Kabir "The Status of Women Employees in the Government Sectors of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Do They Get the Right Share?." Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh. Ishtiaq Jamil Dhaka: MPPG Program, NSU, 2011 111-132 .
18 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury ") Implementation of Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord in Bangladesh: Real Politics or Real Politick?." Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh. I. Jamil (eds) Dhaka: North South University , Dhaka, 2011 133-152 .
19 Sadik Hasan "Reforms of Rural Local Government in Bangladesh: The Politics Within." Global and Local Polemics of Development. P. Maiti New Delhi, India: Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd, 2010 .
Journal Article (101)
1 Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan, Md Khalid Hasan and Maruf Hasan Rumi : Citizens’ trust in Bangladesh Police: A cross-sectional survey on urban population, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (impact factor:3) , vol.18 , no.1 Oxford University Press UK , pp.paae064 , 2024 .
2 Md Ariful Islam Rubel, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Md Abujafar Ripon : Empowerment through engagement: assessing the female university students’ involvement in volunteering activities, Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal , vol.24 , no.1 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.69-81 , 2024 .
3 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana, Abu Hasanat Md Kishowar Hossain and Sadik Hasan : Aging Policy of Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges for Implementation, Social Science Review , vol.40 , no.2 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.225–243 , 2023 .
4 Md Imran Hossain Bhuiyan, Maruf Hasan Rumi, Tamanna Binte Mesbah and Dalia Rahman : Examining the Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Promoting Participatory Local Governance at the Grassroots in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Jhilongjha Union in Cox’s Bazar District, Journal of Governance and Social Policy (impact factor:1.2) , vol.4 , no.2 Department of Government Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Syiah Kuala , pp.227--244 , 2023 .
5 Md Nure Alam, Md Harunur Rashid and Maruf Hasan Rumi : NGO intervention in empowerment of rural women in Bangla-desh: A case study on Phultala Upazila, Bangladesh Rural Development Studies (BRDS) , vol.25 , no.1 Rural Development Academy (RDA) , pp.11-22 , 2022 .
6 Adila Reza Hasan, Momtaz Jahan and Md. Robiul Islam : Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Bangladesh:: A Review, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.30 , no.2 Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA) , pp.115-128 , 2022 .
7 Md Abdullah Al Mahfuj, Naznin Islam and Maruf Hasan Rumi : Financial Autonomy of Union Parishad: A Case of Sadar Upazila under Meherpur District, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.34 , no.02 BCS Admin Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka , pp.24--40 , 2022 .
8 Niaz Makhdum, Naznin Islam, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Md Harunur Rashid : Knowledge, attitude and practice of rural people on antibiotic usage: Bangladesh perspective, Journal of Health Management (impact factor:2.3) , vol.24 , no.2 SAGE Publications Sage India: New Delhi, India , pp.213--221 , 2022 .
9 Niaz Makhdum, Naznin Islam, Maruf Hasan Rumi, & Md. Harunnur Rashid) : Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Rural People on Antibiotic Usage: Bangladesh Perspective, Journal of Health Management , vol.24 , no.2 Sage Publisher , pp.213-221 , 2022 .
10 Md. Abdullah Al Mahfuj, Naznin Islam & Maruf Hasan Rumi : Financial Autonomy of Union Parishad: A Case of Sadar upazila under Meherpur District, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.34 , no.02 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy , pp.24-40 , 2022 .
11 Niaz Makhdum, Maruf Hasan Rumi, & Naznin Islam : Measuring Quality of Public Participation in the Local Government of Bangladesh, Journal of Public Administration and Governance , vol.Vol.12 , no.No.1 , 2022 .
12 Niaz Makhdum, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Naznin Islam : Measuring Quality of Public Participation in the Local Government of Bangladesh, Journal of Public Administration and Governance , vol.12 , no.1 Macrothink Institute , pp.114--114 , 2022 .
13 Sadik Hasan : ICT Practice of Bangladeshi Working Women in Digital Bangladesh: An Assessment from Urban-Rural Perspectives, Dynamics of Public Administration , vol.38 , no.2 University of Lucknow , pp.173-187 , 2021 .
14 Maruf Hasan Rumi, Niaz Makhdum, Md Harunur Rashid and Abdul Muyeed : Patients’ satisfaction on the service quality of Upazila Health Complex in Bangladesh, Journal of Patient Experience (impact factor:1.5) , vol.8 SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA , pp.23743735211034054 , 2021 .
15 Adila Reza Hasan : Digital Security Act 2018: From the Lens of Investigative Journalism and Freedom of Expression, , vol.17 Perspectives in Social Science , pp.83:98 , 2021 .
16 Zannatul Ferdous, Fawziyah Faiza Islam, Farabi NA Rahman and Maruf Hasan Rumi : Customer Satisfaction of Bangladesh Railway E-Ticketing System:: A Gender Perspective, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.29 , no.3 Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center , pp.31-44 , 2021 .
17 Maruf Ahmad & Naznin Islam : Public-Private Partnership Projects in Bangladesh: The Performance of Public Sector, Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies , vol.4 , no.5 , 2021 .
18 Maruf Hasan Rumi, Shukti Bala, AMM Mubassher Shah, Md Abu Sayem and Md Minhajul Abedin : Future tradeoff under fourth industrial revolution in Bangladesh: a study on RMG sector, International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research , vol.8 , no.1 IEDSR Association , pp.198--215 , 2021 .
19 Maruf Hasan Rumi, Niaz Makhdum, Md Harunur Rashid and Abdul Muyeed : Gender differences in service quality of Upazila Health Complex in Bangladesh, Journal of Patient Experience (impact factor:1.5) , vol.8 , no.1 SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA , pp.23743735211008304 , 2021 .
20 Niaz Makhdum, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Abdul Muyeed : Gender Differences in Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Antibiotic Usage in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.29 , no.3 BCS Admin Academy, Shahbag, Dhaka , pp.17-30 , 2021 .
21 Maruf Ahmad & Naznin Islam : Environmental Consideration of Infrastructure Projects under Public Private Partnership: Sustainable Development Perspective, Development Review , vol.30 National Academy for Planning and Development , pp.67-88 , 2021 .
22 Shawon Talukdar, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Niaz Makhdum : North American Academic Research, North American Academic Research (impact factor:3.75) , vol.3 , no.12 TWASP (The World Association of Scientists & Professionals) , pp.323-341 , 2020 .
23 A.K.M. Shafiqul Islam, Naznin Islam & S.M.A. Ehsan : Public Perception Regarding the Efficiency of Bangladesh Police: Quest for a New Paradigm, Public Affairs and Governance , vol.Vlll , no.2 , 2020 .
24 Maruf Ahmad, Md. Al Amin, Gopinath Annadurai & Naznin Islam : Present Scenario of Holding Tax Management of Local Government in Bangladesh: A Case Study in Union Parishad of Bogura District, Local Government Quarlerly , vol.XC , no.3 All India Institute of Local-Self Government , pp.6-21 , 2020 .
25 shehreen amin bhuiyan : Inclusion of Women in the Bangladesh Police Service: Institutional Concurrence or professional Compromise?" published in Vol 23,No 1,June 2020 issue of the South Asian Journal of Policy and Governance, , 2020 .
26 Maruf Hasan Rumi, Md Harunur Rashid, Niaz Makhdum and Nesur Uddin Nahid : Fourth industrial revolution in Bangladesh: prospects and challenges, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies , vol.2 , no.5 Universe PG , pp.104--114 , 2020 .
27 shehreen amin bhuiyan : Note on the unequal economic growth of Bangladesh. Short communication for Vol 65(1), 2020, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), , 2020 .
28 Sadik Hasan : Rural Women’s Access to ICTs in ‘Digital Bangladesh’: Rationale & Challenges, Public Affairs and Governance , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.206-232 , 2020 .
29 Naznin Islam & S.M.A. Ehsan : Civil Society in Bangladesh: How Far have They Facilitated Good Governance?, Comilla University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.ll , no.1 , pp.7-21 , 2019 .
30 Nizam Ahmed and Sadik Hasan : Does Public Engagement Matter? Parliament, Public Engagement and the Budget Process in Bangladesh, Australasian Parliamentary Review , vol.34 , no.1 , 2019 .
31 Naznin Islam, S.M.A.Ehsan & Bushra Khanam : Factors of Population Movement Towards: An Empirical Study, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.30 , no.1 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy , pp.76-92 , 2018 .
32 Sadik Hasan : Political Response to ICT Initiatives in Bangladesh: Diffident to Confident Steps, Public Affairs and Governance , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.35-56 , 2017 .
33 Sadik Hasan : Reaching the Unreached: Strategies and Challenges of Public Service Delivery in ‘Digital Bangladesh’, Dynamics of Public Administration , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.200-212 , 2016 .
34 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Women Leadership in the Public Services in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis’ (translated in Chinese language), Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies , vol.25 , no.1 , 2015 .
35 Sadik Hasan : E-transparency in Bangladeshi Public Websites: A Perception Survey, Administrative Change , vol.42 , no.2 , pp.59-74 , 2015 .
36 Sadik Hasan : A Perception Study on Public Response to E-service Delivery in Bangladesh, Information Studies , vol.21 , no.2 & 3 , pp.151-166 , 2015 .
37 Sadik Hasan : Public Information Centre as E-service Delivery Channel: The Case of Union Digital Centre in Bangladesh, Public Affairs & Governance , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.41-55 , 2015 .
38 Sadik Hasan : ICT Policies and their Role in Governance: The Case of Bangladesh, Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (impact factor:2.0) , vol.19 , no.3 Sage Publications , pp.363-381 , 2014 .
39 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘A Quest for Women’s Political Representations: Lessons from the Nordic Countries’, South Asian Journal of Policy and Governance , vol.34 , no.1 , 2014 .
40 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Women’s Employment in Contemporary Pakistan: Experiences from Bureaucracy’, Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.2 , 2013 .
41 Syeda Lasna Kabir : Key Issues in Women’s Representation in Bureaucracy: Lessons from South Asia, Public Organization Review Springer US , 2013 .
42 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury & Naznin Islam : Women and Politics in Bangladesh: A Study on Female Students, Society & Change , vol.Vll , no.4 OSDER , pp.7-19 , 2013 .
43 Naznin Islam : Women and Outside Work in Bangladesh: An Analysis, Society and Change , vol.Vll , no.3 OSDER , pp.7-17 , 2013 .
44 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Making Public Services Available to Public: Case Study of E-Governance in a District in Bangladesh’, Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.1 , 2013 .
45 Naznin Islam : Policy Formulation in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Environment Policy,1992, Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance , vol.XXXll & XXXlll , no.1&2 Tribhuvan University , pp.1-20 , 2013 .
46 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘A Review on Women’s Representation in Parliament: Bangladesh Perspective’, Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance (NJPG) , vol.XXXI , no.2 , 2012 .
47 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Women’s Participation in Disaster Management: Towards Institutionalization of New Norms and Practices in Charlands, Society and Change , vol.VI , no.2 , 2012 .
48 Syeda Lasna Kabir : Model’s of E-governance: Some Missing Link for Developing Countries’, Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance (NJPG) , vol.XXVIII , no.1 , 2011 .
49 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Anti polythene Acts in Bangladesh: A Symbolic Policy that Changes Nothing, Dynamic of Public Administration , vol.28 , no.2 , 2011 .
50 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Train, Not to Miss the Train of Development: An overview of BPATC’, Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance (NJPG) , vol.XXVI , no.3 , 2010 .
51 Nahid Sultana & Naznin Islam : Micro Credit Program of NGOs: It’s Impact on Women, Society and Change , vol.lll , no.4 OSDER , 2009 .
52 Nahid Sultana & Naznin Islam : NGOs in Bangladesh: Are They Successful in Increasing Awareness among Vulnerable Women?, Indian Journal of Gender Studies , vol.16 , no.1 SAGE , pp.77-98 , 2009 .
53 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Domestic Violence: An Issue of Human Security in Bangladesh’, Empowerment , vol.16 , 2009 .
54 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Missing Links of Democratization in Bangladesh (2001-2007): An Overview, Regional Studies , vol.28 , no.1 , 2009 .
55 Sadik Hasan : Selection Process of Women Members in Gram Sarkar: Critical Issues, Local Government Quarterly , vol.79 , no.3 , 2009 .
56 Naznin Islam : Dynamics of Public Policy Making in Bangladesh: The case of Environment Policy 1992, Society and Change , vol.2 , no.3 OSDER , pp.7-26 , 2008 .
57 Naznin Islam : Public awareness about environmental issues: perspective Bangladesh, Asian Affairs , vol.30 , no.2 The Centre for Development Research , 2008 .
58 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Towards Gender Equality in the Bangladesh Civil Service’, Empowerment , vol.15 , 2008 .
59 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Journey towards Development: Impact of Local NGO’s Programme on Women in Char lands, Development in Practice , vol.18 , no.1 , 2008 .
60 Naznin Islam : Actors and Factors in Formulating Policy Agenda: A Study on Bangladesh Environment Policy 1992, Social Science Review (Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.24 , no.2 Facuty of Social sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.87-101 , 2007 .
61 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Women Representation in Bureaucracy: A Study on Bangladesh’, Social Science Review , vol.24 , no.2 , 2007 .
62 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Women’s Political and Administrative Quota: Experiences from India’, Empowerment, , vol.14 , 2007 .
63 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Actors in the Policy Making Process: Identification of the Actors in Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord -Making in Bangladesh, Journal of Asian Studies, , vol.27 , 2007 .
64 Sadik Hasan and Tanjima Akter : State Power and Religion-based Parties in Bangladesh Politics: A Study on Parliament Elections, Administrative Change , vol.35 , no.1 , 2007 .
65 Nahid Sultana & Naznin Islam : BRAC’s Programs: It’s impact on Women, Asian Studies , no.25 Jahangirnagar university , pp.63-70 , 2006 .
66 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘World Conferences on Women and the Advancement of Women in Bangladesh: A Review’, Social Science Review , vol.23 , no.1 , 2006 .
67 Nahid Sultana & Naznin Islam : The Status of Women in Bangladesh: Is the Situation Really Encouraging?, Research Journal of Social Sciences , no.1(1) INSInet Publication , pp.56-65 , 2006 .
68 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Gender Equity: Road towards Gender Equality, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.15 , no.1&2 , 2006 .
69 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Managers and Management Culture in Developed and Developing Country: Can organization Culture be Changed?, Journal of Politics and Administration , vol.1 , no.1 , 2006 .
70 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Managers and Management Culture in Developed and Developing Country: Can organization Culture be Changed?, Journal of Politics and Administration , vol.1 , no.1 , 2006 .
71 Sadik Hasan : ICT, Internet, E-government and E-governance: Concepts Revisited, The Chittagong University Journal of Social Sciences , vol.24 , no.2 , 2006 .
72 Nahid Sultana, Pranab Kumar Panday & Naznin Islam : Political Empowerment of Women: A study on participation of women in Union Parishad activities, , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.111-128 , 2005 .
73 Naznin Islam & Nahid Sultana : Role of NGOs in Empowering Women: A Study on ACD, Asian Affairs , vol.27 , no.4 Centre for Development Research, Bangladesh , pp.24-40 , 2005 .
74 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘A New Institutional Arrangement: Role of the Member of Parliament in Local Development’, Social Science Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , 2005 .
75 Naznin Islam : Environmental Issues in Bangladesh: An Overview, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences , vol.3 , no.4 , pp.684-692 , 2005 .
76 Nahid Sultana, Pranab Kumar Panday & Naznin Islam : Culture of Bangladesh and Backwardness of Women, Bishawabidyalai Patrika (Dhaka University Journal in Bangla) , no.81 Faculty of Social sciences, University of Dhaka , 2005 .
77 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Ideals and Realities of Poverty: Experience from Bangladesh, Journal of Social Science , vol.11 , 2005 .
78 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Empowerment in Bangladesh: Some Concepts and Concerns, Empowerment , vol.12 , 2005 .
79 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury : Elites and Policy-making: A Case of Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord Making in Bangladesh, Journal of Asian Affairs , vol.2 , no.3 , 2005 .
80 Naznin Islam : National Environment Management Action Plan as a Case of Participatory Planning: An Exploratory Study, Rajshahi University Studies, Part C, Social Science and Business Studies , vol.12 University of Rajshahi , pp.27-40 , 2004 .
81 Naznin Islam : International Agencies: Their Role in Improving Sustainable Development Situation of Developing Countries, Social Science Journal , vol.9 , 2004 .
82 Naznin Islam : Institutional Make-Up of Environmental Management in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.9 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy , pp.99-113 , 2004 .
83 Sadik Hasan : Local Government at Village Level: A Study of Gram Parishad Act 1997 & Gram Sarkar Act 2003, The Chittagong University Journal of Law, Bangladesh , vol.V , 2004 .
84 Naznin Islam : Environmental Issues: The South Asian Perspectives, Social Science Review, [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.20 , no.2 Faculty of Social sciences, University of Dhaka , 2003 .
85 Naznin Islam : Sustainable Development: A New Debate on Developmen, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.7 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy , pp.70-93 , 2003 .
86 Sadik Hasan : Introducing E-government in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, International Social Science Review, USA , vol.78 , no.3 & 4 , 2003 .
87 Sadik Hasan : E-Government: Is Bangladesh Ready?, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies Part-D, Bangladesh , vol.20 , no.1 , 2003 .
88 Afroza Begum and Sadik Hasan : NGO Affairs Bureau & the NGOs in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Interactions, Administrative Change, India , vol.29 & 30 , no.2 & 1 , 2002 .
89 Sadik Hasan : Prospects of IT in Bangladesh: The Case of Election Pledges of the Major Political Parties, Bangladesh Journal of Resources & Development, Bangladesh , vol.1 , no.1 , 2002 .
90 Sadik Hasan : Micro credit & Grameen Bank: A New Approach towards Development, Asian Affairs , vol.24 , no.4 , 2002 .
91 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘New Dimensions of Administrative Culture and Applicability to Bangladesh', Asian Affairs , vol.22 , no.3 , 2000 .
92 Naznin Islam & Momtaz Jahan : Role of National Institute of Local Government (NILG): An Analysis (1969 – 1997), Administration, Communication and Society , vol.1 , no.2 Centre for Social science Research, University of Rajshahi , pp.101-115 , 1997 .
93 Naznin Islam : Promotion Systems of Bangladesh: An Overview of 1992’s Promotion, Number 4, 57-72 (1403-acording to Bengali year), Institute of Bangladesh Studies Journal , no.4 University of Rajshahi , pp.57-72 , 1997 .
94 Naznin Islam : Participation of Women in Economic Activities: Nature and Types of Obstacles, , vol.1 , no.1 Centre for Social science Research, University of Rajshahi , pp.45-66 , 1997 .
95 Syeda Lasna Kabir : ‘Society, Women and Bureaucracy: Bangladesh Perspective', Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Development , vol.5 , no.1 , 1997 .
96 Naznin Islam & Kazi Maruful Islam : Personnel Management System of Local Govt.: A Case Study of Rajshahi City Corporation, Social Science Journal , no.4 Social science Faculty, University of Rajshahi , pp.43-69 , 1996 .
97 Adila Reza Hasan : Governance and Trust, Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance Springer Nature Switzerland AG , pp.41-98 , 2018 .
98 Adila Reza Hasan : Critical Review of the Article: Organisational Development: Begin with a Healthy Infrastructure by Bruce McEwan, Dynamics of Public Administration , vol.35 , no.1 University of Lucknow , pp.69-76 , 2018 .
99 Md Shahrial Islam and Adila Reza Hasan : Social Safety Net Program in Strengthening Adaptive Capacity to Disaster and Climate Change in South Asia: Problems and Prospects, Social Science Review , vol.36 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.63-76 , 2019 .
100 Lubna Jebin and Adila Reza Hasan : Perfect Rationality in Public Policy Making - Evidence from Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.33 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.145-154 , 2016 .
101 Adila Reza Hasan : Effective Transformational Change Required Enhanced Learning Process: Agree or Disagree?, Public Affairs And Governance , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.97-109 , 2017 .
Conference Proceedings (21)
1 Syeda Lasna Kabir "The Glass Ceiling is Cracked, Not Broken: Female Leadership in Bangladesh Civil Service." 22nd International Research Society Public Management (IRSPM) Annual Conference at University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom: 2018 .
2 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury and Ms Touhida Tasnima "Parents Maintenance Act 2013 of Bangladesh: An analysis of the provisions and the implementation context strategy." 7th Global Conference of AMEPPA Cairo: 2018 .
3 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Challenges for Women and the State in the Global South." International Conference on Gender, Politics and the State. Organized by International Political Science Association (IPSA) Stellenbosch, South Africa: 2017 .
4 Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury "Institutions, gender norms and women: the electoral reality of women politicians in Bangladesh." International Conference on Governance and Development: Asian Perspective Rajshahi: 2017 .
5 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Citizens’ Trust towards Democratic Process and Institutions in Bangladesh." 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science; Organized by International Political Science Association (IPSA) Poznan, Poland: 2016 .
6 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Women’s Political Participation in Bangladesh: Rhetoric and Reality’." 23rd World Congress of Political Science organized by IPSA (International Political Science Association), held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: 2014 .
7 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘The Quest for Women’s Political Representations: Lessons from the Nordic Countries’." International Conference on Ida Blom Conference: Gendered Citizenship: History, Politics and Democracy by the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway: 2013 .
8 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant in 8th Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Nonprofit Law, Policy and Practice: Evolution and Evaluation." The International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) and the Korean Association of Nonprofit Sector Research (KANPOR) Seoul, Korea: 2013 .
9 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant in 9th International Conference of the Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAGH)." 9th International Conference of the Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAGH) Colombo, Sri Lanka: 2012 .
10 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Women’s Representation in Bureaucracy: A Study on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan’." The International Conference on Governance and Public Policy in South and South-East Asia, by the MPPG Program of North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2012 .
11 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Women’s Political and Administrative Participation in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities’." the Institute of South Asia Studies of Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences(YASS) Conference Kunming, China: 2012 .
12 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Role of Civil Society to the Democratic Development of Bangladesh’,." the Japanese Initiative on Civil Society in Bangladesh at Tsukuba International Congress Centre (Epochal Tsukuba), University of Tsukuba Japan: 2012 .
13 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Women’s Political Participation and Public Opinion’,." Bangladesh Women’s Association Coference Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
14 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘Challenges of Governance in South-Asia’." the Central Department of Public Administration of Tribhuvan University of Nepal, Nepal and Department of Administration and Organization Theory of University of Bergen, Norway Nepal: 2011 .
15 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant in 9th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR)." 9th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) at Kadir Has Univesity Istanbul, Turkey: 2010 .
16 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant at a seminar on ‘Quota system: Affirmative Action for Women’." the Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Pune Pune, India: 2008 .
17 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant at a two days seminar on ‘Masculinity: Engendering Women in the Public Sector’." University of Pune Pune, India: 2008 .
18 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant at a workshop on ‘Social Science Research Methodology’." Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2004 .
19 Syeda Lasna Kabir "‘The Union Parishad: Its Role on Resource Mobilization for Local Development’-." The Young Scholars Seminar organized by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2002 .
20 Syeda Lasna Kabir "Discussant in the international seminar on ‘ NGOs in Aid: A Reappraisal of 35 Years of NGO Assistance’." Center for Development Studies of Oslo Oslo, Norway: 1997 .
21 Dr.Nusrat Jahan Chowdhury "Associate Professor." IPSA 2021 .