Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Polymer Chemistry
of Electrochemistry , Nanochemistry and Surface Chemistry
Surface Chemistry, Photochemistry
Phytochemistry, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Material Chemistry
Nanochemistry, Supramolecular Electrochemistry and Micellar Catalysis, Ionic Liquids and Ion Gels, Anhydrous Proton Conductors and Fuel Cells, Water Structure and 2D Correlation Spectroscopy, Polymer Composite Materials
Environmental Chemistry: Photochemistry & Surface Chemistry, Monolayers and LB film
Science and Religion, Environmental Chemistry, Nano-Chemistry, Surface Chemistry
Dr. Mohammad Shoeb (Deputation)
Natural Product Chemistry, Analytica Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Water quality Measurements, Emerging contaminants, Food safety, Cyanobacteria
Analytical Chemistry, Nanomaterials and Photocatalysis, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Environmental Scienec/Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry
Atmospheric Chemistry
Fundamental Electrochemistry, Electrochemical Capacitor (supercapacitor), Electrochemical splitting of water, Electrochemical Treatment of Wastewater, Modificatoin of leather, Modification of Jute
Ionic Liquids, Nanomaterials, Environment
Organic Synthesis
Material Science, Electrochemistry, Environmental Science
Porous materials, Nanomaterials, Heterogeneous catalysts, Polymer composites, Supramolecular electrochemistry, Mechanical and optical properties of polymer hydrogels
Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Contaminants in Food and Environmental, Plastic Pollution
Photochemistry, Surface Chemistry
Phytochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug design and drug discovery
Coordination Chemistry, Radioanalytical & Environmental Chemistry
Analytical Organic Chemistry, Natural Product, Organic Pollutants in Environment, Medicinal Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry
Nanoparticles synthesis. Sensors modification, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Adsorption
Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry
Natural Products
Electrochemical Charge Storage Device: Supercapacitor, Material Science
Photochemistry, Physicochemical properties