Research & Publication (Department of Population Sciences)
Book (4)
1 Wan He, Daniel Goodkind, and Paul Kowel, with Issa Saleem Almasarweh, Thanh Long Giang, Mohammad Mainul Islam and Samsik Lee, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, and Nai Peng Tey Asia Aging: Demographic, Economic, and Health Transitions (Report). Washington: The U.S. Census Bureau, 2022 .
2 Haque, M.A Changing Patterns of Urbanization in Bangladesh: An analysis of Census data. Population Monograph: Volume-12.. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Statistics and Information Division. Ministry of Planning; Government of Peoples republic of Bangladesh, 2016 .
3 Mohammad Mainul Islam Communication and Change in Health Behavior in Bangladesh: Realities at the grassroots. Dhaka: OSDER Publications, 2016 .
4 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana Medical Waste Management: Trends and Practices in Bangladesh and Way Forward. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012 .
Book Section (29)
1 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Amal K Mitra "Population Projection." Statistical Approaches for Epidemiology. Amal K Mitra (eds.) Springer, Cham, 2024 203-206 .
2 Islam, M and Hossain, M "Survey on Population Ageing in Bangladesh (Forthcoming)." Encyclopaedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Nature, 2023 .
3 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Aminul Haque and Md. Mahir Faisel "‘Addressing the changing paradigm in population teaching and research ‘(book chapter)." Population and Development Process in Bangladesh: Contribution of the Dept of Population Sciences (Centennial Book). Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 .
4 Dana G.P.T. and Roy S. "Socio-economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Maternal Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis." Population Dynamics in Eastern India and Bangladesh. Dana G.P.T., Roy S. 2020 .
5 Dana, G.P.T. and Roy, S. "Socio-economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Maternal Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis." Population Dynamics in Eastern India and Bangladesh. Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Saswata Ghosh Singapore.: Springer, 2020 275-291 .
6 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Mohamad Bellal Hosain and Shafayat Sultan "The impact of COVID-19 on older persons, Bangladesh analytical brief (Report)." UNFPA-HelpAge International regional initiative to monitor the situation of older persons in the Asia Pacific in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (Report). 2020 .
7 Mohammad Mainul Islam (Co-author) "Gender-Biased Sex Selection in Bangladesh: Exploring Causes and Consequences (Report)." Gender-Biased Sex Selection in Bangladesh: Exploring Causes and Consequences. Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka and UNFPA Bangladesh, 2019 .
8 Mohammad Mainul Islam (Co-author) "Study on Older Population in Bangladesh (Report)." Study on Older Population in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka and UNFPA, Bangladesh, 2019 .
9 Mohammad Mainul Islam "Integration of Population and Development Issues into Plans and Polices (Chapter)." Integration of Population and Development Issues into Plans and Polices (Monograph). Bangladesh Monograph 5, Population Management Issues, General Economic Division (GED), Planning Commission, 2019 9-31 .
10 Barkat-e-Khuda, Haque, Md Rabiul, Hasan, M.S, Alam, N and Barkat, S "Fertility Preferences in Bangladesh." Family Demography in Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Fertility Preferences. S. Gietel-Basten, J. Casterline, & M. Kim Choe Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, 2018 Chapter-3 .
11 Mohammad Mainul Islam (Co-author) "Context of Child Marriage and Its Implications in Bangladesh (Report)." Context of Child Marriage and Its Implications in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka, 2017 .
12 Islam, Mohammad Mainul, Hasan, Mohammad Sazzad, Hossain, Mohammad Bellal and Ghafur, Tehmina "The prevalence and determinants of remarriage in Bangladesh." Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage: The Transformation of Family. 2016 .
13 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Tehmina Ghafur "The Prevalence and Determinants of Remarriage in Bangladesh." Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage: The Transformation of Family. Emerald Publishing, 2016 .
14 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Kamrul Islam, Barkat-e-Khuda and Samiha Barkat "The Demographic Transition and its Consequences." The impact of demographic transition on socio-economic development in Bangladesh: Future prospects and implications for public policy. Geoffrey Hayes & Gavin Jones UNFPA, 2015 .
15 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Tehmina Ghafur and Mohammad Mainul Islam (Edited) "State of Bangladesh Population Report 2014 : Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Determinants (Report)." Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Determinants (Report). Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
16 Tehmina Ghafur, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Mohammad Mainul Islam "Overview and Introduction (Chapter 1)." the State of Bangladesh Population Report 2014 : Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Determinants. Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
17 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Tehmina Ghafur "Conclusions and Recommendations (Chapter 7)." the State of Bangladesh Population Report 2014 : Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Determinants. Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
18 Islam, Mohammad Mainul "Childhood Mortality Dynamics in Bangladesh: Trends, Patterns and Survival of Under-Five Aged Children." Abstracts of Dissertations, International Sociological Association (ISA). International Sociological Association (ISA) Madrid: International Sociological Association (ISA), 2014 .
19 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana "Case Studies in Bangladesh." In Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS linkages: Assessment Policy, System & Service Delivery Levels,. Zaman, W and Masnin, H., (eds) Malysia: International Council on Management of Population Programs (ICOMP), 2012 1-40 .
20 Mohammad Mainul Islam 马伊努 "孟加拉]马伊努: 北大,不了情." 燕园流云 (Yan Yuan Liu Yun). Peking University Press 2010 326-329 .
21 Xiaoying, Zheng, Lihua Pang, Gong Chen, Yubo Liu, Lei Zhang, Mohammad Mainul Islam, Yan Lin and Haitai Wang "Investing in Human Capital for Economic Development in China." Human Capital and Educational Demand in China: 2000-2030. Singapore, USA and UK:: World Scientific Publishing Co. Press Ltd, 2010 105-122 .
22 Dana, G.P.T. and Roy, S. "Socio-economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Maternal Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis.." In Population Dynamics in Eastern India and Bangladesh.. Springer, Singapore., 2020 pp. 275-291 .
23 Mohamamd Mainul Islam, Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossian "Elder Abuse in the COVID-19 Era in Bangladesh." Issue of ISSUE FOCUS. ASEM Global Ageing Center, 2021 .
24 Mohammad Mainul Islam, SM Abdullah and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Age Structure Transition and Demographic Dividend in Bangladesh." International Conference on Celebrating the 100 Years of the University of Dhaka: Reflections from the Alumni - International and National”, Social Sciences for Life and Living (Forthcoming). Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 .
25 Mohammad Mainul Islam "Addressing Gender Differentials in Labor Force Participation to Reap Demographic Dividend in Bangladesh." Policy Brief. Dhaka: General Economic Division (GED), Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh, 2021 .
26 Mohamamd Mainul Islam, Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossian "Elder Abuse in the COVID-19 Era in Bangladesh." the 2021 Spring/Summer Issue of ISSUE FOCUS. ASEM Global Ageing Center, 2021 .
27 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Mohamad Bellal Hosain and Shafayat Sultan "The impact of COVID-19 on older persons." Bangladesh Country Annual Report 2020. Bangkok: UNFPA-HelpAge International regional initiative to monitor the situation of older persons in the Asia Pacific in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 .
28 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Shafayat Sultan "The impact of COVID-19 on older persons, Bangladesh analytical brief (Report)." UNFPA-HelpAge International regional initiative to monitor the situation of older persons in the Asia Pacific in light of the COVID-19 pandemic (Report). 2020 .
29 Shafayat Sultan (Co-author) "Gender-Biased Sex Selection in Bangladesh: Exploring Causes and Consequences (Report).." Gender-Biased Sex Selection in Bangladesh: Exploring Causes and Consequences Dhaka: Department of Population Sciences, University of Dhaka and UNFPA Bangladesh, 2019 .
Journal Article (224)
1 Md Mahir Faysal, Shafayat Sultan, Md Zakiul Alam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Patterns of Non-Communicable Disease Comorbidities among Older Persons in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.41 , no.1 Social Science Review , pp.1--16 , 2025 .
2 Islam, Mohammad Mainul and Saifullah Akib : Data Challenges to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Journal , vol.Vol. 31 , no.No. 2 UNESCAP , pp.161 - 179 , 2024 .
3 Mohammad-Reza Malekpour, Negar Rezaei, Sina Azadnajafabad, Javad Khanali, Mohammadreza Azangou-Khyavy, Sahar Saeedi Moghaddam, Mahsa Heidari-Foroozan, Sahba Rezazadeh-Khadem, Seyyed-Hadi Ghamari, Mohsen Abbasi-Kangevari and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Global, regional, and national burden of injuries, and burden attributable to injuries risk factors, 1990 to 2019: results from the Global Burden of Disease study 2019, Public Health , vol.237 Elsevier , pp.212--231 , 2024 .
4 Lara-Castor, Laura Micha, Renata Cudhea, Frederick Miller, Victoria Shi, Peilin Zhang, Jianyi Sharib, Julia R. Erndt-Marino, Josh Cash, Sean B. Barquera, Simon Mozaffarian, Dariush and Maque, MA : Intake of sugar sweetened beverages among children and adolescents in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018: population based study, The BMJ (impact factor:93.6) , vol.386 The BMJ , pp.e079234 , 2024 .
5 Mohammad Ismail Bhuian and Haque, Md. Aminul : NGOs' initiatives and grassroots approach for accessing health care services for the slum people in Dhaka, Frontiers in Health Services (impact factor:1.6) , vol.4 Frontiers , 2024 .
6 Islam, M. M.,, Sahoo, H., Akib, M. S. A. and Sanjowal,. R. K. : Population Age Structure and Sex Composition in Bangladesh, China and India: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Population Issues , vol.1 , no.2 LITPAM , pp.118-146 , 2024 .
7 Md Mahir Faysal, Shafayat Sultan, Md Zakiul Alam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Patterns of Non-Communicable Disease Comorbidities among Older Persons in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.41 , no.1 , pp.1--16 , 2024 .
8 Natalia V Bhattacharjee, Austin E Schumacher, Amirali Aali, Yohannes Habtegiorgis Abate, Rouzbeh Abbasgholizadeh, Mohammadreza Abbasian, Mohsen Abbasi-Kangevari, Hedayat Abbastabar, Samar Abd ElHafeez, Sherief Abd-Elsalam, others and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950--2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, The Lancet , vol.403 , no.10440 Elsevier , pp.2057--2099 , 2024 .
9 With Collaboration : Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, The Lancet , 2024 .
10 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Population Dynamics and Demographic Change in Bangladesh: What are the Key Messages?, International Journal of Population Issues , vol.1 , no.1 Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat - LITPAM , pp.69-70 , 2024 .
11 2. M, Islam MM with Peige Song and others of the International Society of Global Health (ISoGH) : Setting research priorities for global pandemic preparedness: An international consensus and comparison with ChatGPT’s output, Journal of Global Health (impact factor:7.664) , vol.54 International Society of Global Health , 2024 .
12 Individual collaborator : Interpersonal Violence and Gender Inequality in Adolescents: A Systematic Analysis of Global Burden of Disease Data From 1990 to 2019, Journal of Adolescent Health (impact factor:7.6) , pp.1-14 , 2023 .
13 Laura Lara-Castor, Renata Micha, Frederick Cudhea, Victoria Miller, Peilin Shi, Jianyi Zhang, Julia R Sharib, Josh Erndt-Marino, Sean B Cash, Dariush Mozaffarian and Haque, M. A; : Sugar-sweetened beverage intakes among adults between 1990 and 2018 in 185 countries, Nature Communications (impact factor:16.6) , vol.14 , no.1 SpringerNature , pp.5957 , 2023 .
14 Md Anwer Hossain and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Understanding fertility behavior of the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh: A qualitative study, Plos one , vol.18 , no.5 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0285675 , 2023 .
15 Shanjida Chowdhury, Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman and Md. Aminul Haque : Role of women's empowerment in determining fertility and reproductive health in Bangladesh: a systematic literature review, AJOG Global Reports (impact factor:.312) , vol.3 , no.3 Elsevier , 2023 .
16 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Mayabee Arannya : Unmet need for family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights among adolescents in Bangladesh, China Population and Development Studies Springer , 2023 .
17 Meghan O’Hearn; Laura Lara-Castor; Frederick Cudhea; Victoria Miller ; Julia Reedy; Peilin Shi; Jianyi Zhang; John B. Wong; Christina D. Economos; Renata Micha; Dariush Mozaffarian; & Global Dietary Database* and M A Haque : Incident type 2 diabetics attributable to suboptimal diet in 184 countries, nature medicine (impact factor:87.244) , vol.29 nature medicine , pp.982-995 , 2023 .
18 Md Tariqujjaman, Md Mehedi Hasan, Mohammad Abdullah Heel Kafi, Md Alamgir Hossain, Saad A Khan, Nadia Sultana, Rashidul Azad, Md Arif Hossain, Mahfuzur Rahman and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Trends and correlates of low HIV knowledge among ever-married women of reproductive age: Evidence from cross-sectional Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1996--2014, Plos one , vol.18 , no.5 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0286184 , 2023 .
19 Mohammad Mainul Islam, MD Yeasir Yunus, Mohammad Saifullah Akib, Rakibul Iqbal and Mohona Khan : Prevalence of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in South Asia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of Population and Social Studies , vol.31 , pp.587–611 , 2023 .
20 Cameron, K. N., Mombouli, J. V., Niama, F. R., Hayes, B., Olson, S. H., Smith, B. R., Pante, J.,, Roy, S., and Laudisoit, A., Goldstein, T., Joly, D.O., MPassi, R.B., & Lange, C. E. : Orbivirus RNA in a Banana Serotine (Afronycteris nanus) Bat in the Republic of the Congo, EcoHealth , pp.1-7 , 2023 .
21 Ntumvi, N. F., Ndze, V. N., Gillis, A., Le Doux Diffo, J., Tamoufe, U., Takuo, J. M., Mouiche, M.M.M., Nwobegahay, J., LeBreton, M., Rimoin, A.W., Schneider, B.S., Monagin, C., McIver, D.J.,, Roy, S., and Ayukekbong, J.A., Saylors, K., Joly, D.O., Wolfe, N.D., Rubin, E.M., & Lange, C. E. : Wildlife in Cameroon Harbor Diverse Coronaviruses Including Many Closely Related to Human Coronavirus 229E, Virus Evolution , vol.8 , no.1 , 2022 .
22 Annie Haakenstad, Jamal Akeem Yearwood, Nancy Fullman, Corinne Bintz, Kelly Bienhoff, Marcia R Weaver, N, Vishnu akumar, Jonah N Joffe, LeGr, Kate E, Megan Knight and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Assessing performance of the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, overall and by select age groups, for 204 countries and territories, 1990--2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, The Lancet Global Health , vol.10 , no.12 Elsevier , pp.e1715--e1743 , 2022 .
23 Haque, M. A.; and Afrin, Sadia : Construction of the active aging index in Bangladesh: challenges and opportunities, Heliyon (impact factor:4.0) , vol.8 , no.10 Heliyon , 2022 .
24 Khanh Bao Tran, Justin J Lang, Kelly Compton, Rixing Xu, Alistair R Acheson, Hannah Jacqueline Henrikson, Jonathan M Kocarnik, Louise Penberthy, Amirali Aali, Qamar Abbas and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010--19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, The Lancet , vol.400 , no.10352 Elsevier , pp.563--591 , 2022 .
25 Sawkia Afroz, Tasmiah Sad Sutopa and Md. Rabiul Haque : Young mothers’ attitudes towards domestic violence and their maternal healthcare services utilization in Bangladesh: A multilevel cluster analysis, PLoS One (impact factor:3.752) , vol.17 , no.8 Public Library of Science , 2022 .
26 Sawkia Afroz, Tasmiah Sad Sutopa and Md Rabiul Haque : Young mothers’ attitudes towards domestic violence and their maternal healthcare services utilization in Bangladesh: A multilevel cluster analysis, PLoS one , vol.17 , no.8 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0268062 , 2022 .
27 Muhammad Abdul Baker Chowdhury, Mirajul Islam, Jakia Rahman, Md Jamal Uddin and Md Rabiul Haque : Diabetes among adults in Bangladesh: changes in prevalence and risk factors between two cross-sectional surveys, BMJ open , vol.12 , no.8 British Medical Journal Publishing Group , pp.e055044 , 2022 .
28 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Anwer Hossain and Rahul Sanjowal : Bangladesh at Fifty: Changes and Challenges on Population and Development, Journal Governance Security & Development , vol.3 , no.1 Centre for Governance Studies , pp.1-38 , 2022 .
29 Rakibul M Islam, Md Nuruzzaman Khan, John C Oldroyd, Juwel Rana, Dianna J Magliago, Enayet K Chowdhury, Md Nazmul Karim and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes among Bangladeshi adults and associated factors: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey, 2017-18, medRxiv Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press , pp.2021--01 , 2022 .
30 Amy E Peden, Patricia Cullen, Kate Louise Francis, Holger Moeller, Margaret M Peden, Pengpeng Ye, Maoyi Tian, Zhiyong Zou, Susan M Sawyer, Amirali Aali and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, The Lancet Public Health , vol.7 , no.8 Elsevier , pp.e657--e669 , 2022 .
31 Md Rabiul Haque, Mohammad Sharif Ul Islam, Md Khalid Hasan, Md Salim Hossain, Muhammad Asif Hossain Khan and Farhin Islam : Determinants of anxiety and depression among Bangladeshi adults during COVID-19 lockdown: An online survey, Heliyon Elsevier , pp.e09415 , 2022 .
32 Nuruzzaman Khan, John C Oldroyd, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Rakibul M Islam : Awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes in Bangladesh: evidence from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017/18, International Journal of Clinical Practice , vol.2022 , no.1 Hindawi , pp.8349160 , 2022 .
33 Rakibul M Islam, Dianna J Magliano, Md Nuruzzaman Khan, Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Juwel Rana and John C Oldroyd : Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and the relative importance of its risk factors among adults in Bangladesh: Findings from a nationwide survey, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice , vol.185 Elsevier , pp.109228 , 2022 .
34 GBD 2019 Diabetes MortalityCollaborators : Diabetes mortality and trends before 25 years of age: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019., The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology , 2022 .
35 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Zakiul Alam, Md Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md Anwer Hossain and Abdullah Al Mamun : COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the adult population in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey, Plos one , vol.16 , no.12 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0260821 , 2021 .
36 Global Burden of Disease 2019 CancerCollaborators : Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived with Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years for 29 Cancer Groups From 2010 to 2019: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, JAMA Oncology JAMA Network , 2021 .
37 Elysia M Alvarez, Lisa M Force, Rixing Xu, Kelly Compton, Dan Lu, Hannah Jacqueline Henrikson, Jonathan M Kocarnik, James D Harvey, Alyssa Pennini, Frances E Dean and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, The Lancet Oncology , vol.23 , no.1 Elsevier , pp.27--52 , 2021 .
38 Muhammad Abdul Baker Chowdhury, Mirajul Islam, Jakia Rahman, Mohammed Taj Uddin, Md Rabiul Haque and Md Jamal Uddin : Changes in prevalence and risk factors of hypertension among adults in Bangladesh: An analysis of two waves of nationally representative surveys, PloS one , vol.16 , no.12 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0259507 , 2021 .
39 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : The impact of COVID-19 on health of the older persons in Bangladesh, China Population and Development Studies , vol.5 , no.4 Springer Singapore Singapore , pp.332--344 , 2021 .
40 Shimlin Jahan Khanam, S.J and Haque, M. A. : Prevalence and determinants of malnutrition among primary school going children in the haor areas of Kishoreganj district of Bangladesh, Helliyon (impact factor:4.0) , vol.7 , no.9 Helliyon , 2021 .
41 Dana, G.P.T. and Roy, S. : ‘Trend of 4+ Antenatal Care Visits by Rural Women in Bangladesh: An Analysis from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2004-2014’, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), , vol.29 , no.3 Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.61-73 , 2021 .
42 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Zakiul Alam, Md Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md Anwer Hossain and Abdullah Al Mamun : Health belief model, theory of planned behavior, or psychological antecedents: What predicts COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy better among the Bangladeshi adults?, Frontiers in Public Health , vol.9 Frontiers Media SA , pp.711066 , 2021 .
43 Md Nuruzzaman Khan, John C Oldroyd, Enayet K Chowdhury, Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Juwel Rana, Stefano Renzetti and Rakibul M Islam : Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in Bangladesh: Findings from National Demographic and Health Survey, 2017--2018, The Journal of Clinical Hypertension , 2021 .
44 Dana, G.P.T. and Afroz, S. : ‘Readiness of Health Facilities to Provide Institutional Delivery Care: A Study Based on Bangladesh Health Facility Survey-2017’, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , vol.38 , no.1 Register Univeristy of Dhaka , pp.17-32. , 2021 .
45 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Alam, Md Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun and others : COVID-19 public stigma in the context of government-based structural stigma: A cross-sectional online survey of adults in Bangladesh., Stigma and Health , vol.6 , no.2 Educational Publishing Foundation , pp.123 , 2021 .
46 Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi and Stefano Mazzuco : Mortality Forecasting with the Lee--Carter Method: Adjusting for Smoothing and Lifespan Disparity, European Journal of Population , vol.37 , no.1 Springer , pp.97--120 , 2021 .
47 Dana, G and Roy, S. : Trend of 4+ Antenatal Care Visits by Rural Women in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2021 .
48 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Zakiul Alam, Md Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun and others : Population-Level Preparedness About Preventive Practices Against Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Adults in Bangladesh, Frontiers in public health , vol.8 Frontiers Media SA , pp.582701 , 2021 .
49 Sawkia Afroz, Abu Hasanat Md. Kishowar Hossain and Sadiya Afrin : COVID-19 related social stigma in management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) care in Bangladesh: A scoping review, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.34 , no.1 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy, Ministry of Public Administration Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh , pp.108-124 , 2021 .
50 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : Population-level preparedness about preventive practices against COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among adults in Bangladesh, Frontiers in public health (impact factor:3.709) , vol.8 , pp.582701 , 2021 .
51 Md. Zakiul Alam : Is population density a risk factor for communicable diseases like COVID-19? A case of Bangladesh, Asia-Pacific journal of public health (impact factor:1.255) , no.March , pp.1-3 , 2021 .
52 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Zakiul Alam, Md Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun and others : Do knowledge and attitudes matter for preventive behavioral practices toward the COVID-19? A cross-sectional online survey among the adult population in Bangladesh, Heliyon , vol.6 , no.12 Elsevier , 2020 .
53 Haque, Md Rabiul, Parr, Nick and Muhidin, Salut : Climate-Related Displacement and Antenatal Care Service Utilization in Rural Bangladesh, International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (impact factor:2.14) , vol.46 JSTOR, GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE , pp.175-185 , 2020 .
54 Sumaiya Khanam Chowdhury, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Shilpi Rani Saha : Prospects and Challenges of Engaging Elderly People in Government Primary Schools of Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study on Intergenerational Education Model, Primary Education Journal , pp.41 , 2020 .
55 Md Syful Islam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND EXPERIENCES IN THE LABOR MARKET: PERSPECTIVES OF THE BANGLADESHI RETURN MIGRANT WORKERS, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies Part D) , vol.37 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.295--310 , 2020 .
56 Haque, Md Rabiul, Parr Nick and Muhidin Salut : Climate-induced displacement, impoverishment and healthcare accessibility in mainland Bangladesh, Asian Population Studies (impact factor:2.07 (5 years)) , vol.16 , no.2 Taylor & Francis Online, Routledge , pp.220-239 , 2020 .
57 AHMK Hossain, HU Ahmed, RT Oshru and MD Yeasir Yunus : Anxiety and Depression among Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh during COVID-19 Outbrea, Iranian Journal of Health Psychology , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.19-30 , 2020 .
58 Md Kamrul Islam, Md Rabiul Haque and Prianka Sultana Hema : Regional variations of contraceptive use in Bangladesh: A disaggregate analysis by place of residence, Plos one , vol.15 , no.3 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0230143 , 2020 .
59 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Ethical review process in Bangladesh: Experiences of internationally funded health and demographic surveys, Demography India , vol.49 , no.1 , pp.152-158 , 2020 .
60 Bidisha, Sayema Haque, SM Abdullah, Selina Siddiqua and Mohammad Mainul Islam : How does Dependency Ratio affect Economic Growth in the long run? Evidence from Selected Asian Countries, The Journal of Developing Areas , vol.54 , no.2 , pp.47-60 , 2020 .
61 Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam and Shafayat Sultan : Knowledge and practice of emergency contraception among currently-married women in Bangladesh: Evidence from a national cross-sectional survey, Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS] (impact factor:0.26) , vol.28 , no.4 , pp.308 - 323 , 2020 .
62 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : Do knowledge and attitudes matter for preventive behavioral practices toward the COVID-19? A cross-sectional online survey among the adult population in Bangladesh., Heliyon (impact factor:2.85) , vol.6 , no.12 , pp.e05799 , 2020 .
63 Haque, Md Rabiul, Parr, N and Muhidin, S : The effects of household's climate-related displacement on delivery and postnatal care service utilization in rural Bangladesh, Social Science & Medicine (impact factor:4.041) , vol.247 , no.112819 , 2020 .
64 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Ethical review process in Bangladesh: Experiences of internationally funded demographic and health surveys, Demography India , vol.49 , no.1 , pp.152-158 , 2020 .
65 Tariqujjaman, M, Hasan, M.M, Moitry, A.N., Huda, S.Q., Irfan, S.D., Rahman, M., Kafi, M.A.H., Azad, M.R., Sarma, H. and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Prevalence and correlates of HIV/AIDS knowledge among ever-married women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: an update from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014. , 6(2): 26-38., American Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.26-38 , 2020 .
66 Mohammad Mainul Islam and MD. Yeasir Yunus : Rohingya refugees at high risk of COVID-19 in Bangladesh,, The Lancet Global Health , vol.8 , no.8 , pp.e993-e994 , 2020 .
67 Tehmina Ghafur, Mohammad Mainul Islam, Nazmul Alam and Mohammad Sazzad Hasan : Health and Demographic Surveillance System Sites: Reflection on Global Health Research Ethics, Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) , vol.28 , no.3 , pp.265-275 , 2020 .
68 Haque, M. A. and Sawkia Afroz : Health Care Seeking Behaviour among Climate Displaced People: Study of a Slum in Dhaka City, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.1 , no.36 , 2019 .
69 Juwel Rana, Kanchan Kumar Sen, Toufica Sultana, Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Rakibul M Islam : Prevalence and determinants of menstrual regulation among ever-married women in Bangladesh: evidence from a national survey, Reproductive health , vol.16 BioMed Central , pp.1--9 , 2019 .
70 Farhana Ferdous Luna : PERCEIVED AVAILABILITY OF CARE AND SUPPORT AMONG OLDER ADULTS IN BANGLADESH, Innovation in Aging , vol.3 , no.Suppl 1 , pp.S676--S677 , 2019 .
71 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Zakiul Alam, Sayema Haque Bidisha and S M Abdullah : Caesarean Section Delivery in Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Studies (JBS) , vol.21 , no.2 , 2019 .
72 Bidisha, Sayema Haque, SM Abdullah and Mohammad Mainul Islam : Is there any Long Run Relationship between Dependency Ratio and Economic Growth? Evidences from Bangladesh, Demography India , vol.48 , no.2 , pp.105-120 , 2019 .
73 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Zakiul Alam, Sayema Haque Bidisha and S. M. Abdullah : Caesarean Section Delivery in Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Studies (JBS) , vol.21 , no.2 , pp.64-78 , 2019 .
74 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and Sanjit Roy : Revisiting Medical Waste Management of Healthcare Facilities in Bangladesh, Perspectives of Social Sciences a compilation volume of seminar papers, , pp.42-52 , 2019 .
75 Sawkia Afroz : The Rise of Divorce in Bangladesh: A Review in the Change of Marriage Dynamics, Social Sciences , vol.Vol. 8 , no.5 , pp.261-269 , 2019 .
76 Liza Akter, Farzana Akter Srabony, Farah Deeba and Sanjit Roy : Adaptation of the scale for the assessment of positive symptoms and scale for the assessment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy , 2019 .
77 Hassan N, Md. Irfan N, Roy S and Shaheen N. : Cross‐country study on food consumption patterns and rice away from home: The case of Bangladesh, World Food Policy , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.6-15 , 2019 .
78 Haque, Md Rabiul, Parr, Nick and Muhidin, S : Parents’ healthcare-seeking behavior for their children among climate-related displaced people in rural Bangladesh, Social Science & Medicine (impact factor:4.041 (5 years)) , vol.226 , pp.9-20 , 2019 .
79 Dana, G. P. T. and Roy, S. : Revisiting Medical Waste Management of Healthcare Facilities in Bangladesh, Perspectives of Social Sciences: a compilation volume of seminar papers , vol.13 , pp.42-52 , 2019 .
80 Md. Zakiul Alam and Shafayat Sultan : Knowledge and Practice of Menstrual Regulation (MR) in Bangladesh: Patterns and Determinants, Journal of Population and Social Studies (impact factor:1.34 (2016)) , pp.220-231 , 2019 .
81 Sawkia Afroz and Md. Aminul Haque : Health Care Seeking Behavior among Climate Displaced People: Study of a Slum in Dhaka City, Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 36 , no.1 The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , 2019 .
82 Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi and Stefano Mazzuco : Mortality and life expectancy forecast for (comparatively) high mortality countries, Genus , vol.74 Springer , pp.1--28 , 2018 .
83 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Types of urinary incontinence in Bangladeshi women at midlife: Prevalence and risk factors, Maturitas , vol.116 Elsevier , pp.18--23 , 2018 .
84 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and AHM Kishwar Hossain : Daily Newspapers Reporting On Health Issues In Bangladesh Newspapers: A Content Analysis, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , pp.93-105 , 2018 .
85 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana, Sanjit Roy and A H M Kishwor Hossain : Young People’s Perception on Environmental Change in Bangladesh: Rural-Urban Perspectives, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , pp.18-30 , 2018 .
86 Farhana FerdousLuna : Some Major Health Issues and Concerns Among the Adolescents in Bangladesh: Women’s Perspective, , 2018 .
87 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Tasmiah Nuzhath : Health risks of Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh: A call for global attention, Journal of Global Health , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.10.7189/jogh.08.020309 , 2018 .
88 Islam M : Use of Reproductive Health Care Services among Urban Slum Women in Bangladesh, European Journal of Public Health , vol.28 , no.suppl_1 , 2018 .
89 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana, Sanjit Roy and A H M Kishwor Hossain : Young People’s Perception on Environmental Change in Bangladesh: Rural-Urban Perspectives, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , pp.18-30 , 2018 .
90 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and AHM Kishwar Hossain : Daily Newspapers Reporting On Health Issues In Bangladesh Newspapers: A Content Analysis, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , pp.93-105 , 2018 .
91 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and Mosamat Nazma Khatun : Experiences of Using Family Planning Among Married Couple: A Qualitative Study, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , pp.77-95 , 2018 .
92 Sara HH, Chowdhury MAB and Haque M.A. : Multimorbidity among elderly in Bangladesh, Aging Medicine , pp.00:1–9 , 2018 .
93 Haque, M.A. and Sanjoy Saha : Determinants of mother’s health‐seeking behaviour during common childhood illness in a coastal area of Bangladesh, International Journal of Perceptions in Public Health (IJPPH) , vol.2 , no.2 , 2018 .
94 Malik AA, Yamamoto SS, Haque M.A, Butt NS, Baig M and et al : Developing and assessing a tool to measure motivation among physicians in Lahore, PLOS ONE , vol.13 , no.12 , pp.e0209546 , 2018 .
95 Malik AA, Haque, M.A., Yamamoto SS, Butt NS and Baig M : Developing and assessing a tool to measure motivation among physicians in Lahore., PLOSE ONE (impact factor:2.766) , vol.13 , no.12 , 2018 .
96 Hasna Hena Sara, Chowdhury MAB and Haque M. A. : Multimorbidity among elderly in Bangladesh. Volume 1, Issue 3, Aging Medicine , pp.267-275 , 2018 .
97 Haque, M.A. and Sanjoy Saha. : Determinants of mother’s health‐seeking behaviour during common childhood illness in a coastal area of Bangladesh. Volume 2 Issue 2 (March 2018)., International Journal of Perceptions in Public Health (IJPPH) , 2018 .
98 Dana, G P T., Roy, S. and Hossain A. H. M. K. : Young People’s Perception on Environmental Change in Bangladesh: Rural-Urban Perspectives, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , pp.18-30 , 2018 .
99 Roy, S. and Haque, M. A. : Effect of antenatal care and social well-being on early neonatal mortality in Bangladesh, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , vol.18(1) , pp.485 , 2018 .
100 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md Kamrul Islam, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Adolescent motherhood in Bangladesh: Trends and determinants, PloS one , vol.12 , no.11 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0188294 , 2017 .
101 Md Shariful Islam, Md Ismail Tareque, Md Nazrul Islam Mondal, Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi, Hafiz TA Khan and Sharifa Begum : Urban-rural differences in disability-free life expectancy in Bangladesh using the 2010 HIES data, PloS one , vol.12 , no.7 Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA , pp.e0179987 , 2017 .
102 Islam MM, Islam MK, Hasan MS and Hossain MB : Adolescent motherhood in Bangladesh: Trends and determinants, PloS ONE , vol.12 , no.11 , pp.e0188294 , 2017 .
103 Siddiqi K. A Khairul Alam Siddiqi, Tarannum Dana, Md. Khalid Hasan and Mohammad Rifat Haider : Mother's Health Care Response to Child Illness: A Slum Based Cross-Sectional Study in Dhaka City, Journal of Global Health , 2017 .
104 Budi Aji, Shafiu Mohammed, Haque M. A. and Manuela De Allegri : The Dynamics of Catastrophic and Impoverishing Health Spending in Indonesia: How Well Does the Indonesian Health Care Financing System Perform?, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , vol.29 , no.6 , 2017 .
105 Budi Aji, Shafiu Mohammed, Haque, M. A. and Manuela De Allegri : The Dynamics of Catastrophic and Impoverishing Health Spending in Indonesia: How Well Does the Indonesian Health Care Financing System Perform? Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health., (impact factor:1.459) , vol.29 , no.6 , 2017 .
106 Sanjit Roy : The Association between Age at Marriage and Child Mortality in Bangladesh, Malays. j. med. boil. res. , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.21-26 , 2017 .
107 Siddique, K.A, Hasan, M.K, Zaman, M.S and Haque, Md Rabiul : Factors associating age at first live birth among urban married women in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.34 , no.2 , pp.105-117 , 2017 .
108 RM Islam, RJ Bell, B Billah, MB Hossain and SR Davis : The prevalence of symptomatic pelvic floor disorders in women in Bangladesh, Climacteric , vol.19 , no.6 Taylor & Francis , pp.558--564 , 2016 .
109 Robin J Bell, Rakibul M Islam, Baki Billah, Mohammad Belial Hossain and Susan Davis : Prevalence of, and risk factors for, pelvic floor disorders in women at midlife in Bangladesh: a population-based study, Climacteric , vol.19 , no.Suppl. 1 Taylor & Francis , pp.39--39 , 2016 .
110 Edward R Anderson, Anne Avril, Ashton Chapman and Tehmina Ghafur : Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage: The Transformation of Family, , 2016 .
111 Md Kamrul Islam, Md Rabiul Haque and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Regional variations in child marriage in Bangladesh, Journal of Biosocial Science , vol.48 , no.5 Cambridge University Press , pp.694--708 , 2016 .
112 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Baki Billah, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Authors’ response to Letter to the Editor on awareness of breast cancer and barriers to breast screening uptake in Bangladesh: A population-based survey, Maturitas , vol.88 Elsevier , pp.58 , 2016 .
113 Islam, M.K, Haque, Md Rabiul and Hossain, M.B. : Regional variations in child marriage in Bangladesh, Journal of Biosocial Science (impact factor:1.217) , vol.48 , no.5 , pp.694-708 , 2016 .
114 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Kamrul Islam, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan and Md. Aminul Haque : Marriage Before 16 or 18 years: The Effect of Marital Age on Women’s Educational Attainment in Bangladesh, The Journal of Population and Social Studies (JPSS) , vol.24 , no.2 , 2016 .
115 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Anita J. Gagnon : Use of reproductive health care services among urban migrant women in Bangladesh, BMC Women’s Health.2016 , vol.16 , no.15 , pp.10.1186/s12905-016-0296-4 , 2016 .
116 Chowdhury, M.A.B, Uddin, M.J, Haque, Md Rabiul and Ibrahimou, B. : Hypertension among adults in Bangladesh: Evidence from a national cross-sectional survey, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (impact factor:2.109 (5 years)) , vol.16 , no.22 , 2016 .
117 Haque, M.A, Das, S.K. and Baker, C.A. : Maternal Health Care Seeking Behaviour: The case of Haor (wetland) in Bangladesh, BMC Public Health , 2016 .
118 Kamrul, I.M, Sazzad, H. M and Haque, M.A : Marriage before 16 or 18 years: effect of marital age on women’s educational attainment in Bangladesh, Journal of Population and Social Studies. , 2016 .
119 Haque, M.A and Nahrin, S.Q. : Addressing Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Brief summary of the GO/NGO major programs., , 2016 .
120 Haque, M.A., Das, S.K and Baker, C.A : Maternal Health Care Seeking Behaviour: The case of Haor (wetland) in Bangladesh., BMC Public Health (impact factor:3.275) , 2016 .
121 Islam, M.M, Kamrul, I. M., I.M.; Sazzad and Haque, M. A. : Marriage before 16 or 18 years: effect of marital age on women’s educational attainment in Bangladesh., Journal of Population and Social Studies , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.117-132 , 2016 .
122 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Baki Billah, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Prevalence and severity of vasomotor symptoms and joint pain in women at midlife in Bangladesh: a population-based survey, Menopause , vol.23 , no.7 Wolters Kluwer , pp.731--739 , 2015 .
123 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Baki Billah, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Awareness of breast cancer and barriers to breast screening uptake in Bangladesh: A population based survey, Maturitas , vol.84 Elsevier , pp.68--74 , 2015 .
124 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Baki Billah, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Lack of understanding of cervical cancer and screening is the leading barrier to screening uptake in women at midlife in Bangladesh: Population-based cross-sectional survey, The oncologist , vol.20 , no.12 Oxford University Press , pp.1386--1392 , 2015 .
125 Harapan Harapan, Said Alfin Khalilullah, Samsul Anwar, Riza Pratama Putra, Muhammad Zia, Fanny Novianty, Sarah Nesya, Teuku N Putra, a, Ika Sartika Kumalasari, Rovy Pratama, others and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : HIV-related stigmatized attitudes among health care providers in Aceh, Indonesia: The findings from a very low HIV case-load region, Polish Annals of Medicine , vol.22 , no.2 Elsevier , pp.74--81 , 2015 .
126 Alam, N., Merry, L., Mainul Islam, M., Cortijo and C. : International Health Professional Migration and Brain Waste: A Situation of Double-Jeopardy, Open Journal of Preventive Medicine , vol.5 , pp.128-131 , 2015 .
127 Haque, M.A., Nahrin, S.Q. and Sabila-e-Rabbi. : শিশু বিবাহের তত্বের ভাষা ও বাস্তব দশাঃ একটি ঘটনা বিশ্লেষণ (Reality of Child Marriage in Theory and Practice), সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা [ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ, পার্ট- ডি]. , vol.9 , no.9 , 2015 .
128 Chowdhury, M.A.B, Uddin, M.J, Khan, H.M.R and Haque, Md Rabiul : Type 2 diabetes and its correlates among adults in Bangladesh: A population based study, BMC Public Health (impact factor:3.275 (5 years)) , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2015 .
129 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana, Sanjit Roy and Md. Rabiul Haque : Adolescents Perception on Environmental Change and Health Risk in Two Divisions of Bangladesh, Open Journal of Social Sciences (impact factor:0.68) , pp.71-79 , 2015 .
130 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana, Sanjit Roy and Md. Rabuil Haque : Adolescents Perception on Environmental Change and Health Risk in Two Divisions of Bangladesh, Open Journal of Social Sciences , pp.71-79 , 2015 .
131 Rakibul M Islam, Robin J Bell, Mohammad B Hossain and Susan R Davis : Bangladesh Midlife Women's Health Study (BMWHS): methods, challenges and experiences, Maturitas , vol.80 , no.1 Elsevier , pp.89--94 , 2014 .
132 Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi : Lower and upper bounds of life expectancies and total expected longevity of a developing country, South East Asia Journal of Public Health , vol.3 , no.2 Citeseer , pp.52--57 , 2014 .
133 Mohammad M. Islam and Anita J. Gagnon : Child marriage-related policies and reproductive health in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional analysis, The Lancet , vol.5384 , no.10.1016/S0140-6736 (14)61871-7 , pp.S8 , 2014 .
134 Mohammad Sazzad Hasan, Gaylan Peryari Tarannum Dana and Nusrat Jafrin : Determinants of Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh, JOURNAL OF POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT , pp.53-72 , 2014 .
135 Haque M. A., Revati P, Louis V and Sauerborn R : Use of traditional medicines to cope with climate-sensitive diseases in a resource poor setting in Bangladesh, Bmc Public Health , pp.14:202 , 2014 .
136 Mumu, S.J, Saleh, F, Ara, F, Haque, Md Rabiul and Ali, L. : Awareness regarding risk factors of type 2 diabetes among individuals attending a tertiary-care hospital in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study, BMC Research Notes (impact factor:0.835) , vol.7 , no.599 , pp.1-9 , 2014 .
137 M Atiqul Hoque Chowdhury, M Mehedi Hasan, Sayem Ahmed, Charls Darwin, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan and Md Rabiul Haque : Socio-demographic factors associated with home delivery assisted by untrained traditional birth attendant in rural Bangladesh, Am J Public Health Res , vol.1 , no.8 , pp.226--230 , 2013 .
138 Harapan Harapan, Said Alfin Khalilullah, Samsul Anwar, Muhammad Zia, Fanny Novianty, Riza Pratama Putra, Sarah Nesya, Teuku N Putra, a, Ika Sartika Kumalasari, Rovy Pratama, others and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Discriminatory attitudes toward people living with HIV among health care workers in Aceh, Indonesia: A vista from a very low HIV caseload region, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health , vol.3 , no.1 Elsevier , pp.29--36 , 2013 .
139 Harapan Harapan, Said Alfin Khalilullah, Samsul Anwar, Muhammad Zia, Fanny Novianty, Riza Pratama Putra, Sarah Nesya, Teuku N Putra, Ika Sartika Kumalasari, Rovy Pratama, others and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Discriminatory attitudes toward people living with HIV among health care workers in Aceh, Indonesia: A vista from a very low HIV caseload region, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health , vol.8 , pp.11 , 2013 .
140 Harapan Harapan, Syarifah Feramuhawan, Hendra Kurniawan, Samsul Anwar, Mohd Andalas and Mohammad B Hossain : HIV-related stigma and discrimination: a study of health care workers in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Medical Journal of Indonesia , vol.22 , no.1 , pp.22--9 , 2013 .
141 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Sayema Haque Bidisha : Population and Development Issues in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.68 , no.1 , pp.43-68 , 2013 .
142 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Achieving MDG 4: Is Bangladesh on the right track?, Arts Faculty Journal , vol.5 , no.7 , pp.155-160 , 2013 .
143 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Differentials in Under-Five Aged Childhood Mortality in Bangladesh by Demographic Determinants: A Review of Demographic and Health Surveys, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.49-58 , 2013 .
144 Haque M.A, Budi A,, Azam Malik A, Suzanne Yamamoto S, Louis V and Sauerborn R : Health coping strategies of the people vulnerable to climate change in a resource-poor rural setting in Bangladesh, Bmc Public Health , vol.13 , no.1 , 2013 .
145 Sanjit Roy, Tamanna Howlader and S. M. Mahbubur Rahman : Image fusion technique using multivariate statistical model for wavelet coefficients, Signal, Image and Video Processing , pp.355-365 , 2013 .
146 ডঃ মোহাম্মদ মঈনুল ইসলাম : ‘শিক্ষা, সুশিক্ষা ও জাতিগঠনঃ প্রেক্ষাপট বাংলাদেশ’, কলা অনুষদ পত্রিকা , vol.5 , no.7 , pp.49-58 , 2012 .
147 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Trends, Patterns and Socioeconomic Differentials in Under-Five Aged Childhood Mortality in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.67 , no.2 , 2012 .
148 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Jufen Liu : Cross-cultural Marriage in Mainland China: Trends, Prospects and Challenges, The Studia Sociologica IV: Borderlands: cultures, enclaves, epochs , vol.116 , pp.122-133 , 2012 .
149 Farhana H., Khan S. H., Haque, M. A. and Levels : Trends and Determinants of Fecundability in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study Using Bangladesh Health and Demographic Survey (BDHS) Data., Open Journal of Preventive Medicine. , vol.2 , no.3 , 2012 .
150 Haque. M. A., Yamamoto, S, Malik, A. A. and Sauerborn, R. : Household’s Perception of Climate Change and Human Health Risks: A Community Perspective, Environmental Health , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.doi:10.1186/1476-069X-11-1 , 2012 .
151 Tarannum Dana : Hospital Waste Management: Bangladesh, International Journal of Sustainable Development , pp.29-40 , 2012 .
152 Tarannum Dana : Unhygienic Living Conditions and Health Problems: A Study in Selected Slums of Dhaka City, International Journal of Sustainable Development, , pp.27-35 , 2012 .
153 Rabiul Haque, A Hossain, Rumana Sultana, Shaikh Mohammad Kais and Aminul Haque : Decline in Mortality in Developing Countries: A Review from Three Country's Perspective, Middle-East Journal of Age and Ageing , vol.8 , no.4 , 2011 .
154 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Susan Kippax : Stigmatized attitudes toward people living with HIV in Bangladesh: health care workers’ perspectives, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health , vol.23 , no.2 SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA , pp.171--182 , 2011 .
155 Xiaoying, Zheng, Lihua Pang, Mohammad Mainul Islam, Pang Lihua, Chen Gong and Zheng Xiaoying : A Review of Ma Yinchu on Chinese Population, Society and Change , vol.15 , no.2 Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Press Ltd , pp.28-38 , 2011 .
156 M. Islam : Mortality and epidemiological transition in Bangladesh: lessons and experiences to developing countries in the new millennium, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health , vol.65 , pp.116 , 2011 .
157 Hossain, K. A. H. M, Haque, R.M., Sultana, R., Ahsan, T., Dana, G.P.T and Haque, M. A. : Addressing women’s reproductive health needs in Bangladesh’s health policy, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, part-D) , vol.28 , no.2 , 2011 .
158 Jeshmin, A., Yamamoto, S., Malik, A. A. and Haque, M. A. : Prevalence and determinants of chronic malnutrition among preschool children: a cross sectional study in Dhaka city, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. , vol.05 , 2011 .
159 Haque, R.M., Hossain, K. A. H. M., Sultana, R., Shaikh, M. K. and Haque, M. A. : Women’s health and wellbeing in relation to gender, Poverty and Health Interactions , vol.5 , no.2 , 2011 .
160 Haque, R.M., Hossain, K. A. H. M., Sultana, R., Shaikh, M. K. and Haque, M. A. : Decline in mortality in developing countries: A review from three countries perspective., Middle East Journal of Aging. , vol.8 , no.4 , 2011 .
161 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana : Trends in Seeking Healthcare Services by Slum Population In Dhaka City, Society and Change , pp.34-47 , 2011 .
162 A.H. M. Kishwar Hossain, Md. Rabiul Haque,, Rumana Sultana, Tanvir Ahsan, Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and Md. Aminul Haque : Addressing Women’s Reproductive Health Needs In Bangladesh’s Health Polity, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , pp.202-2012 , 2011 .
163 Sayed M Ahmed, Shamin Hossain, Mohammad M kabir and Sanjit Roy : Free distribution of insecticidal bed nets improves possession and preferential use by households and is equitable: findings from two cross-sectional surveys in thirteen malaria endemic districts of Bangladesh, Malaria Journal , 2011 .
164 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Kippax Susan : HIV-related discriminatory attitudes of healthcare workers in Bangladesh, Journal of health, population, and nutrition , vol.28 , no.2 BioMed Central , pp.199 , 2010 .
165 M. Islam : Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, Transmission and Prevention Methods in Bangladesh, International Journal of Infectious Diseases , vol.14 , pp.S77 , 2010 .
166 Mohammad Mainul Islam : The Development of Population Policies and Consequences in China: A Review from the Perspective of Fertility, Society and Change , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.7-26 , 2010 .
167 Haque, M. A., Yamamoto, S. and Sauerborn, S. : Print media and climate change in Bangladesh: The missing health issue. Proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, , 2010 .
168 Tarannum Dana : Reckoning Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City, Dhaka University Journal of Development Studies , pp.245-252 , 2010 .
169 Haque M. A., Sayem M. A. and Nilufer, Y. : Ante-Natal Care Service Uptake in Slum Areas of Dhaka City., Middle East Journal of Family Medicine , vol.7 , no.5 , 2009 .
170 Haque, M., A. and Rahman, H. : Existing Knowledge on HIV/AIDS of Women at the Border Area in Bangladesh, Middle East Journal of Nursing , vol.3 , no.3 , 2009 .
171 Haque M. A. and Sayem M. A. : Socioeconomic Determinants of Age at First Birth in Rural Areas of Bangladesh., Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health , vol.21 , no.1 , pp.APJPH 10.1177/1010539508329207 , 2009 .
172 Tarannum Dana : Alternative Options to Reduce Air Pollution in Dhaka City, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part-D , pp.173-184 , 2009 .
173 M.M. Islam, Pei Lijun, Song Xingming and Zheng Xiaoying : Examining the fourth stage of epidemiological transition in China: Some implications for health and health care provision, Abstract of Second Ditan International Conference on Infectious Diseases, International Journal of Infectious Diseases , vol.12 , no.3 , pp.P.S33 , 2008 .
174 M.M. Islam, Pei Lijun, Song Xingming and Zheng Xiaoying : Examining the fourth stage of epidemiological transition in China: Some implications for health and health care provision, International Journal of Infectious Diseases , vol.12 , no.Supplement 3 , pp.S33 , 2008 .
175 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Gender Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality in Bangladesh: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys (1993-2004), Society and Change , vol.11 , no.3 , pp.27-42 , 2008 .
176 M.M. Islam : Emergence of avian influenza in Bangladesh: Factors, consequences and policy options, International Journal of Infectious Diseases , vol.12 , no.3 , pp.S46 , 2008 .
177 M.M. Islam : HIV/AIDS and communication for Behaviour change in rural Bangladesh, International Journal of Infectious Diseases , vol.12 , no.3 , pp.S71 , 2008 .
178 Haque, M. A. and Begum H. Karim, R. : Underutilization of Health Care Facilities by Service Receivers in Selected Rural and Urban Areas of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Sciences, Department of Microbiology, Dhaka University , vol.14 , no.1 , pp.75-81. , 2008 .
179 Aklima Jesmin and Tarannum Dana : Complementary feeding Practice in Slum areas of Dhaka City: A Comparative Study, Society and Change , 2008 .
180 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md Alamgir Kabir and Hasina Ferdous : Knowledge of HIV and AIDS among tertiary students in Bangladesh, International quarterly of community health education , vol.26 , no.3 SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA , pp.271--285 , 2007 .
181 Haque, M. A., Begum, H. and Fahmida, H. : Supply-side effect of health care facilities of the women workers in the readymade garments on productivity, Journal of Ibrahim Memorial Medical College, Dhaka, , vol.2 , no.1 , 2007 .
182 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Hasina Ferdous : Sex Workers in Asia: Implications for the Sexual Health of General Population, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.23 , no.1 , 2006 .
183 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Trends and Patterns of Mortality in China, Japan and India: A Comparative Analysis, The Social Sciences , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.149-153 , 2006 .
184 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Grassroots Views on Health Practices, Changes in Health Behavior and Policy Means for Health Communication in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Sociological Studies: A Journal of BISR , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.49-60 , 2005 .
185 Haque, M.A. : Role of NGO in the Formation of Social Capital Among Rural Women in Bangladesh. Sixth International Conference on Gender and Development in South Asia, Proceedings, Women’s’ Action and Recourse Initiative (WARI), Bangkok, Thailand , pp.108—114 , 2005 .
186 Hossain, Abu Hasanat Md Kishowar : Harbinger of the Fall of Feudalism, The Chittagong University Journal of , vol.21 , no.1 , pp.109 , 2004 .
187 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and AKM Nurun Nabi : Antenatal Care and Pregnancy Complications in Rural Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Studies: Journal of the Faculty of Arts , vol.59 The University , pp.163 , 2003 .
188 Mohammad Mainul Islam : Problems and Issues of Health Policy and Health Communication in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.20 , no.1 , pp.157-166 , 2003 .
189 Mohammad Bellal Hossain : Determinants of Antenatal Care in Bangladesh A Multivariate Analysis, Social Science Review , 2002 .
190 M.M. Salehin, S. Shill and Haque, M. A. : Impact of Micro Credit Program of Grameen Bank and BRAC on the Socio-economic well-being of the Rural Poor in Narsingdhi District", Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development , vol.15 , no.1&2. , 2002 .
191 Mohammad Mainul Islam : The Perspectives and Issues in Health Communication, Social Science Review , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.141-150 , 2002 .
192 Haque, M. A. and others : Anomalies in the Process of Investment and Implementation of BRAC and Grameen Bank’s Credit, Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development , vol.13 , no.1& 2 , pp.43-49 , 2000 .
193 Haque, M.A., Tanvir Sultana and M.H. Rahman : Impact of CVDP on Production and Income in a selected area of Comilla District., Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development: , vol.13 , no.1& 2 , pp.141-148 , 2000 .
194 Haque, M.A., R.A. Begum, M. F. Alam and F. Ahmed : Level of Awareness of Grameen Bank Credit Receiver and Non-Receiver Rural Women Regarding Opportunity for Improving Standard of Living, Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education , vol.11& 12 , no.1& 2 , pp.Pp101-106 , 2000 .
195 Haque, M.A and M.H. Khan : Impact of Barind Multiple Development Project on Socio-economic Development in Rajshahi Region, Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development , vol.12 , no.1& 2 , pp.25-32 , 1999 .
196 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and Sawkia Afroz : The State of Healthcare Facilities to Provide Diabetes, Cardiovascular and Chronic Respiratory Disease Related Services in Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.70 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.14-21 , 2022 .
197 Sawkia Afroz and M.A. Haque. : Health Care Seeking Behaviour among Climate Displaced People: Study of a Slum in Dhaka City, . Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D. 2019. Volume 36, No: 1. , vol.36 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka. , 2019 .
198 Chowdhury, M.A.B, Epnere, K. and Haque, M.A. : Urban rural differences in prevalence and risk factors of self-reported hypertension among Kenyan women: a population-based study., Journal of Hypertension (impact factor:4.844) Phil Daly , 2020 .
199 Haque, M. A., Islam, M. K, Rabiul, M.H and Afrin, S : Demographic Dividend of Bangladesh and Opportunities for Overseas Employment, Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Science Research Council. Vol & Issue: Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Science Research Council, Ministry of Planning , 2021 .
200 Haque, M. A. and Afrin, S. : Active Aging Index in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis with a European Approach, Journal of Aging International SPRINGER NATURE , 2021 .
201 Gaylan Peyari Tarannum Dana and Sawkia Afroz : Readiness of Health Facilities to Provide Institutional Delivery Care: A Study Based on Bangladesh Health Facility Survey 2017, Social Science Review , vol.38 , no.1 The Dhaka University Studies, Part -D , pp.17-32 , 2021 .
202 Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal and Md. Zakiul Alam : Social Gradients of Childhood Morbidity and Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Evidence from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Journal of Population and Development , vol.2 , pp.51-67 , 2020 .
203 Hossain, M.B., Alam, M.Z., Islam, M.S., Sultan, S., Faysal, M.M., & Rima, S., Hossain, M.A., Mamun, A.A. : Health belief model, theory of planned behavior, or psychological antecedents: What predicts COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy better among the Bangladeshi adults?, Frontiers in Public Health , pp.9:711066 , 2021 .
204 Hossain, M.B., Alam, M.Z., Islam, M.S., Sultan, S., Faysal, M.M., & Rima, S., Hossain, M.A., Mamun, A.A. : COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the adult population in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey, PLOS ONE , vol.16 , no.12 , pp.e0260821 , 2021 .
205 Md. Zakiul Alam : Women outweighed men at life expectancy in Bangladesh: Does it mean a better quality of life?, Heliyon (impact factor:2.85) , vol.7 , no.7 , pp.e07618 , 2021 .
206 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : Stigmatized attitudes related to COVID-19 among the adult population in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional online survey, Stigma and Health , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.123-133 , 2021 .
207 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Anwer Hossain and MD. Yeasir Yunus : Why is the use of contraception so low among the Rohingya displaced population in Bangladesh?, Journal of Regional Health- Western Pacific , vol.Volume 13, 100246 , no.August 01, 2021 Elsevier Ltd. , 2021 .
208 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Sayema Haque Bidisha, Israt Jahan, Biplob Hossain and Tanveer Mahmood : Effects of Remittances on Health Expenditure and Cost of Treatment of International Migrant Households in Bangladesh, Journal of Governance, Security & Development , vol.Volume 2 , no.No. 1 , 2021 .
209 Dana, G.P.T. and Roy, S. : Trend of 4+ Antenatal Care Visits by Rural Women in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration , vol.30 , no.1 Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.1-11 , 2021 .
210 Islam, M.M., Sultan, S. and Hossain, M.B. : The impact of COVID-19 on health of the older persons in Bangladesh, China Population and Development Studies , vol.5 , pp.332–344 , 2021 .
211 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossain : The impact of COVID‑19 on health of the older persons in Bangladesh, China Population and Development Studies Springer Nature , 2021 .
212 Md. Zakiul Alam and Shafayat Sultan : Knowledge and Practice of Menstrual Regulation (MR) in Bangladesh: Patterns and Determinants, Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS] , vol.27 , no.3 , pp.220-231 , 2019 .
213 Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam and Shafayat Sultan : Knowledge and practice of emergency contraception among currently-married women in Bangladesh: Evidence from a national cross-sectional survey, Journal of Population and Social Studies [JPSS] , vol.28 , no.4 , pp.308-323 , 2020 .
214 Professor Dr. Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : Do knowledge and attitudes matter for preventive behavioral practices toward the COVID-19? A cross-sectional online survey among the adult population in Bangladesh, Heliyon (impact factor:1.65) , vol.6 , no.12 , pp.308-323 , 2020 .
215 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : Population-level preparedness about preventive practices against COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among adults in Bangladesh., Frontiers in public health (impact factor:2.483) , vol.8 , 2021 .
216 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Zakiul Alam, Md. Syful Islam, Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal, Sharmin Rima, Md. Anwer Hossain, Maliha Mubashirah Mahmood, Shaima Shohuda Kashfi, Abdullah Al Mamun, Hossna Tasmia Monia and Sharmin Sultana Shoma : COVID-19 public stigma in the context of government-based structural stigma: A cross-sectional online survey of adults in Bangladesh, Stigma and Healt , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.123-133 , 2021 .
217 Shafayat Sultan, Md. Mahir Faysal and Md. Zakiul Alam : Social gradients of childhood morbidity and malnutrition in Bangladesh: Evidence from the multiple indicator cluster survey 2019 (accepted for publication), Journal of Population and Development [JPD] , vol.2 , no.1 , 2021 .
218 Sanjoy Saha, M. Aminul Haque and M. Abdul Baker Chowdhury : Health-seeking behavior and associated factors during the first episode of childhood diarrhea and pneumonia in a coastal area of Bangladesh, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.575-582 , 2022 .
219 Sawkia Afroz, Abu Hasanat Md. Kishowar Hossain and Sadiya Afrin : COVID-19 related social stigma in management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) care in Bangladesh: A scoping review, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management , vol.34 , no.1 Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy, Ministry of Public Administration, Government of People's Republic of Bangladesh , pp.108-124 , 2021 .
220 Hossain, M. B., Alam, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Sultan, S., Faysal, M. M., Rima, S., Hossain, M. A., Mahmood, M. M., Kashfi, S. S., Mamun, A. A., Monia, H. T., & Shoma, S. S. : Population-level preparedness about preventive practices against COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among adults in Bangladesh, Frontiers in public health , vol.8 , 2021 .
221 Hossain, M. B., Alam, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Sultan, S., Faysal, M. M., Rima, S., Hossain, M. A., Mahmood, M. M., Kashfi, S. S., Mamun, A. A., Monia, H. T., & Shoma, S. S. : Do knowledge and attitudes matter for preventive behavioral practices toward the COVID-19? A cross-sectional online survey among the adult population in Bangladesh, Heliyon , vol.6 , no.12 , 2020 .
222 Hossain, M.B., Alam, M.Z., Islam, M.S., Sultan, S., Faysal, M.M., Rima, S., Hossain, M.A., Mahmood, M.M., Kashfi, S.S., Mamun, A.A., Monia, H.T., & Shoma, S.S. : COVID-19 public stigma in the context of government-based structural stigma: A cross-sectional online survey of adults in Bangladesh, Stigma and Health , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.123-133 , 2021 .
223 GBD 2019 Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries Collaborators and Mohammad Mainul Islam : Adolescent transport and unintentional injuries: a systematic analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Lancet Public Health (impact factor:72.427) , 2022 .
224 International Society of Global Health (ISoGH) Members and Mohammad M Islam : Research priorities to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries, J Glob Health (impact factor:7.664) , vol.12:09003 , 2022 .
Conference Proceedings (31)
1 Shafayat Sultan and Md. Zakiul Alam "Prevalence, patterns and socio-economic determinants of chronic diseases, comorbidity, and multimorbidity among elderly in Bangladesh." The Second Asian Conference on Population and Development Hangzhou, China: 2019 .
2 Md. Zakiul Alam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Trends and Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Bangladesh: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis.." The 4th Asian Population Association Conference 2018 .
3 Md. Zakiul Alam "Regional Variation in Life Expectancy and Disability-Free Life Expectancy in Bangladesh: Estimates Using Census 2011 and HIES." ACPD Kunming: International Conference on Population and Development of Asian Developing Countries, 2018 .
4 Md. Zakiul Alam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Determinants of Contraceptive Prevalence Rate in Bangladesh: An Ecological Approach." The 4th Asian Population Association Conference 2018 .
5 Md. Zakiul Alam and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Determinants of Mortality Transition in Bangladesh: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model." The 4th Asian Population Association Conference Shanghai, China: Asian Population Association, 2018 .
6 Sawkia Afroz and Md. Aminul Haque "Perceived Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Barriers to Service Utilization among Married Female Adolescents in Selected Rural Areas of Bangladesh." 4th Asian Population Association (APA) Conference Shanghai, China: Asian Population Association, 2018 .
7 Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Health Care Support System for the Elderly Population in Bangladesh: Perceived Needs for Health Care." 2017 International Population Conference IUSSP: 2017 .
8 Sawkia Afroz and Md. Aminul Haque "Health Care Seeking Behavior among migrants vulnerable to climate change: study of a slum in Dhaka city, Bangladesh." XXVIII International Population Conference Cape Town, South Africa: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, 2017 .
9 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Md. Kamrul Islam, Mohammad Sazzad Hasan and Md. Aminul Haque "Marriage before 16 or 18 years: effect of marital age on women’s educational attainment in Bangladesh." 2016 Annual Meeting of Population Association of America 2016 .
10 Mohammad Mainul Islam, Sayema Haque Bidisha and Israt Jahan "Effects of remittances on health expenditure and types of treatment of international migrants’ households in Bangladesh." World Health Summit 2016 Berlin: World Health Summit WHS Foundation GmbH c/o Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2016 .
11 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Anita. J. Gagnon "Marrying too Young: A Silent Reproductive and Human Rights Issue in Bangladesh." 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, 17-21 August 2014 Anchorage, Alaska, USA: 2014 .
12 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program of Action (PoA): Implementation Successes, Lessons Learnt and Unfinished Agenda in Bangladesh.." Workshop on Developing Advocacy Plan for Strengthening Parliament’s Capacity in Integrating Population Issues into Development (SPCPD) Project. Jointly organized by the Bangladesh Association for Parliaments on Population and Development (BAPPD) and Asian Forum for Parliaments on Population and Development (AFPPD), Bangladesh Parliament. 2013 .
13 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Punitive laws against males who have sex with males and their influence on the dynamics of HIV transmission in Bangladesh.." XIX International AIDS Conference, 22-27 July 2012, Washington, D.C., United States. 2012 .
14 H Harapan, Syarifah Feramuhawan, Hendra Kurniawan, Mohd Andalas and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Factors affecting the level of health care worker’s stigmatized and discriminatory attitude towards people living with HIV: A study at the Dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia." Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University-Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 2011 .
15 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Male who has sex with male (MSM) in Bangladesh: Are they engaged in their HIV prevention programmes?." 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, 26-30 August 2011, Busan, the Republic of Korea. 2011 .
16 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "HIV prevention strategy for MSM in Bangladesh: Experience of a community-led organization.." 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 17-20 July 2011, Rome, Italy. 2011 .
17 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Chris Bonell "Community development for HIV prevention among males who have sex with males: Experience of a community-based organization in Bangladesh.." XVIII International AIDS Conference, 18-23 July 2010, Vienna, Austria. 2010 .
18 Mohammad Bellal Hossain, Md. Rakibul Islam and Alamgir Kabir "HIV-related stigmatized attitude and its predictors among the general population in Bangladesh.." XVIII International AIDS Conference, 18-23 July 2010, Vienna, Austria. 2010 .
19 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Hasina Ferdous "Psychometric predictors of HIV-related discriminatory attitudes among the health care workers in Bangladesh.." XVIII International AIDS Conference, 18-23 July 2010, Vienna, Austria. 2010 .
20 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Community Development for HIV prevention or vice versa? Experience of a community-based organization for males who have sex with males (MSM) in Bangladesh.." 1st Annual Student Symposium on Global Health organized by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 1 July 2010, London, UK. 2010 .
21 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Chris Bonell "Mainstreaming or marginalizing? Evidence from HIV prevention programs for males who have sex with males (MSM) and Transgenders in Bangladesh.." 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, 18-20 October 2009, Beijing, China. 2009 .
22 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Chris Bonell "‘Blaming’ attitude towards HIV-positive people: a survey of health-care workers in Bangladesh.." XVII International AIDS Conference, 3-8 August 2008, Mexico City, Mexico. 2008 .
23 Mohammad Mainul Islam and Zheng Xiaoying "Changes in Water Supply and Knowledge of Arsenic in Rural Bangladesh." 10th World Congress on Environmental Health, 11-16 May, 2008 Brisbane, Australia: 2008 .
24 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Mohammad Shafiqul Islam "Sharing Responsibility for Making Motherhood Safer: A Study on Male Involvement in Seeking Emergency Obstetric Care in Bangladesh.." 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive & Sexual Health and Rights, 29-31 October 2007, Hyderabad, India. 2007 .
25 Mohammad Mainul Islam "The Demography of Ageing in Bangladesh: Prospects for the Development of the Industry for the Elderly in Bangladesh." 8th Asia/Oceania IAG Regional Congress of Gerontology, P. 21, October 22-25, 2007 , pp. P.21. Beijing: 2007 .
26 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Susan Kippax "Health Care Workers Stigma & Discriminatory Attitudes towards the People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in Bangladesh.." XVI International AIDS Conference 2006, 13-18 August 2006, Toronto, Canada. 2006 .
27 Mohammad Bellal Hossain and Susan Kippax "Perceived Stigma and Experience of Discrimination among the People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) in Bangladesh.." XVI International AIDS Conference 2006, 13-18 August 2006, Toronto, Canada. 2006 .
28 Mohammad Mainul Islam "Health Behaviour and Communication Issues in Bangladesh." 17th IAHA Conference (International Association of Historians of Asia) , pp. 361-373. Dhaka: 2004 .
29 Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Reproductive Health Situation in Bangladesh: A Review (in Bengali).." Workshop jointly organized by the Associated Country Women of the World, England, and the Rural Association for Social Advancement, Bangladesh. January 18, 2002. Dhaka. 2002 .
30 Shafayat Sultan and Md. Zakiul Alam "Prevalence, patterns and socio-economic determinants of chronic diseases, comorbidity, and multimorbidity among elderly in Bangladesh." The Second Asian Conference on Population and Development Hangzhou, China: 2019 .
31 Shafayat Sultan and Mohammad Bellal Hossain "Health Care Support System for the Elderly Population in Bangladesh: Perceived Needs for Health Care." XXVIII International Population Conference, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Cape Town, South Africa: IUSSP, 2017 .