Research & Publication (Department of Anthropology)
Book (35)
1 Farhana Begum (eds.) Journey of Anthropology at the University of Dhaka. Dhaka: Dhaka University Press, 2022 .
2 Farhana Begum, Hasan Shafie, Zobaida Nasreen, Shaila Sharmeen and Raasheed Mahmood Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh. Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 .
3 Hasan Shafie, Farhana Begum, Zobaida Nasreen, Raasheed Mahmood and Shaila Sharmeen Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh. Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 .
4 Hasan Shafie,Farhana Begum, Zobaida Nasreen, Raasheed Mahmood and and Shaila Sharmeen Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh.. Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 .
5 Zahidul Islam and Hasan Shafie CULTURE, ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE: Essays on Climate Change Regime in South Asia. Dhaka: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust, MoEF and the University of Dhaka, 2018 .
6 Saifur Rashid and Hasan Shafie CONNECTING STATE AND CITIZENS: Transformations through e-Governance in Rural Bangladesh. Dhaka: Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Prime Minister's Office, 2018 .
7 Fahmid Al Zaid ” গ্যাব্রিয়েল গার্সিয়া মার্কেস “ (A Literary Biography). Dhaka: চৈতন্য প্রকাশনী (Choitonno Prokashoni), 2017 .
8 Saifur Rashid and Hasan Shafie Connecting State and Citizens: Transformation Through e-Governance in Rural Bangladesh. Dhaka: Access to Information (a2i), UNDP, USAID and Department of Anthropology (DU), 2018 .
9 Zahidul Islam and Hasan Shafie ANTHROPOLOGY OF CLIMATE CHANGE: Culture and Adaptation in Bangladesh. Dhaka: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust, MoEF and the University of Dhaka, 2017 .
10 Zahidul Islam and S. M. Arif Mahmud GUROS OF BANGLADESH: LIFE IN THE TEA GARDENS. Rajshahi: ASHRAI Research and Documentation Division, 2017 .
15 Zahidul Islam, Hasan Shafie and Raasheed Mahmood Culture, Adaptation and Resilience: Essays on Climate Change Regime in South Asia. Dhaka: BCCT, MoEFCC and the Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 2017 .
16 Fahmid Al Zaid ”খেরোখাতার লেখালেখি” (Essays on Anthropology, History, and Cinema). Dhaka: রোদেলা প্রকাশনী (Rodela Prokashoni), 2015 .
17 Farhana Begum Women's Reproductive Health: Capital and Health Seeking. Dhaka: Dhaka University Publication Bureau, 2015 .
18 Fahmid Al Zaid ” নৃবিজ্ঞান ও সাহিত্য ” (Anthropology and Literature). Dhaka: রোদেলা প্রকাশনী (Rodela Prokashoni), 2014 .
20 Shahedul Halim Kazi Making Ends Meet: Entrepreneurship in a Bangladeshi Village. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2010 .
23 Saifur Rashid Anthropology: Origin, Development and Methods (Nribiggan: Udvab, Bikash o Gobeshona Proddoti). Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1995 .
24 Shaheen Ahmed (Translated) Dhaka: Tale of a City (Original in Bangla by Muntassir Mamoon). Dhaka: Dhaka City Museum, Centre for Dhaka Studies, 1991 .
25 Saifur Rashid Oraon: Samaj, Bhasha o Shahittya (In Bangla). Forthcoming .
26 Saifur Rashid Santal: Samaj, Bhasha o Shahittya (In Bangla). Forthcoming .
27 Saifur Rashid Oraon Obhidhan (In Bangla). Forthcoming .
28 Saifur Rashid Santal Obhidhan (In Bangla). Forthcoming .
29 Saifur Rashid Cultural Resources and Heritage Management in Bangladesh. Forthcoming .
30 Saifur Rashid Anthropology, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Bangladesh. Forthcoming .
31 Saifur Rashid Untold Stories of Bangladeshi Migrants in Europe (10 European countries). Forthcoming .
32 Saifur Rashid The Crisis of Identity, Culture and Language of Bangladeshi Migrants in Qatar. Forthcoming .
33 Saifur Rashid The Engagement of Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in the Tourism Industry of Vatican City of Rome, Italy. Forthcoming .
34 Saifur Rashid Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction of Bangladeshi Migrants in South Korea. Forthcoming .
35 Mohammad Tareq Hasan Everyday Life of Ready-made Garment Kormi in Bangladesh: An Ethnography of Neoliberalism. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 .
Book Section (28)
1 Mohammad Tareq Hasan "The Dilemma of Being a ‘Good Worker’: Cultural Discourse, Coercion and Resistance in Bangladesh’s Garment Factories." Coercion and Wage Labour: Exploring Work Relations through History and Art. Anamarija Batista, Viola Franziska Müller, and Corinna Peres London: UCL Press, 2024 201-223 .
2 Mohammad Tareq Hasan "Moral Jeopardies and Exorcisms in the Global Production Network: Auditing, CSR, and ‘New’ Dispossession in a Bangladeshi Garment Factory." Morality as Organizational Practice: Negotiating, Performing, and Navigating Moral Standards in Contexts of Work. Sarah May, Stefan Groth, Johannes Müske Waxmann, 2023 73-88 .
3 Mohammad Tareq Hasan, Mizanur Rahman and Hasan Muhammad Baniamin "Misinformation and Rumours during Times of Crisis: A Case Study of Covid-19 Pandemic." Life in the Time of Covid-19: Perspectives and Realities in Bangladesh. Balbul Sissiqi, Ishrat Zakia Sultana, Sk. Tawfique M Haque Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2023 147-168 .
4 S. M. Arif Mahmud and Zahidul Islam "The Making of Anthropology in Bangladesh: Contemporary Challenges and Future Directions." Journey of Anthropology at the University of Dhaka. Farhana Begum Dhaka: Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 2022 .
5 Farhana Begum "Anthropology curriculum at Dhaka University: A ‘text’ to understand ‘holism’, ‘diversity’, and ‘relativism’." Journey of Anthropology at the University of Dhaka. Farhana Begum Dhaka: Dhaka University Press, 2022 23-34 .
6 Mohammad Tareq Hasan and Shaila Sharmeen "Aiming to Leave None Behind: Anthropology and its Role in SDG Implementation." Journey of Anthropology at the University of Dhaka. Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka Dhaka: Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 2022 85-102 .
7 Farhana Begum "Grameen unnoyon o daridro bimochone Bangabondhur chinta o grihito podokkhep." Bangabondhur Unnoyon Dorshon. R. Islam Dhaka: BBS, 2022 217-230 .
8 Mohammad Tareq Hasan and Shaila Sharmeen "AIMING TO LEAVE NONE BEHIND: Anthropology and its Role in SDG Implementation." Journey of Anthropology at the University of Dhaka.. Farhana Begum Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 81-98 .
9 Farhana Begum "Children with autism and their health seeking process: Assessing in the light of the culturalist versus materialist debate." Applied Anthropology: The Science for Humankind. A. Chowdhury Dhaka: Ananya, 2022 126-148 .
10 S. M. Arif Mahmud and Zahidul Islam "Anthropology as an Applied Science in Bangladesh: Contemporary Ideas, Practices and Connections to Development." Applied Anthropology: The Science for Humankind. Anwarullah Chowdhury Dhaka: Ananya, 2021 .
11 Farhana Begum and A.J.M. Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan "COVID-19: Crisis communication and risk perception." Covid-19 Diary. Z. Ahmed and H. Rahman Dhaka: Songbed, 2021 30-32 .
12 Farhana Begum, Hasan Shafie, Zobaida Nasreen, Raasheed Mahmood and Shaila Sharmeen "Rights of Indigenous and Excluded Group." Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh. Hasan Shafie et al. Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 1-9 .
13 Hasan Shafie, Raasheed Mahmood, Farhana Begum,, Shaila Sharmeen and Zobaida Nasreen "Rights of Indigenous and Excluded Groups: Assessing the Situation in Bangladesh through the Lens of Subjects." Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh. Hasan Shafie, Farhana Begum, Zobaida Nasreen, Raasheed Mahmood, Shaila Sharmeen Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 1-9 .
14 Tahura Enam Navile "Illness categories and health seeking behavior for children: a case of Garos living in Sainamari village, Madhupur, Bangladesh." Human Security and Survival Challenges in the World. B. Chauduri& S. Biswas New Delhi: Maya Publishing House, 2019 185-205 .
15 Hasan Shafie, Raasheed Mahmood, Farhana Begum, Shaila Sharmeen and Zobaida Nasreen "Rights of Indigenous and Excluded Groups: Assessing the Situation in Bangladesh through the Lens of Subjects." Selected Issues in Social Justice and Human Rights in Bangladesh. Hasan Shafie, Farhana Begum, Zobaida Nasreen, Raasheed Mahmood and Shaila Sharmeen (eds.) Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 1-14 .
16 Saifur Rashid "Heritage, Folk Medicine and Kaviraji Treatment in Bangladesh." Traditional Medicine: Sharing Experience from the Field. Eivind Falk South Korea: ICHNGO Forum, ICHCAP-UNESCO and HeritageALive, 2017 .
17 S. M. Arif Mahmud and Md. Borhan Uddin "Local Interpretations of Climate Change: A Study in Selected Coastal Areas of Bangladesh." CULTURE, ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE: Essays on Climate Change Regime in South Asia. Zahidul Islam, Hasan Shafie, Raasheed Mahmood Dhaka: Bangladesh Climate Change Trust (BCCT) of GoB and Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 2017 63-74 .
18 Zahidul Islam, Hasan Shafie and Raasheed Mahmood "Anthropology, Adaptation and Resilience: Reinventing Cultural Perspective in Climate Change Regime." Culture, Adaptation and Resilience: Essays on Climate Change Regime in South Asia. Zahidul Islam, Hasan Shafie and Raasheed Mahmood (eds.) Dhaka: BCCT, MoEF and the Department of Anthropology, DU, 2017 1-24 .
19 Saifur Rashid "An Anthropologist’s memoirs of Fieldwork: Experience of Working among the Koibortta Fishers in Kishoregonj." Pains and Pleasures of Fieldwork. Professor Anwarullah Chowdhury Dhaka: Ananya Publishers, 2015 .
20 Saifur Rashid "Connection of diversities and mother language in globalization." Annual publication of International Mother Language Institute. International Mother Language Institute Dhaka: International Mother Language Institute, 2014 .
21 Raasheed Mahmood and Arif Mahmud "Post-Development? Please wait, we are still busy with the fierce face of development." Ideas and Practices in Development: Anthropological Perspective. Muhammad Mizanuddin, Md. Kamal Pasa and Kazi Robiul Alom (eds.) Rajshahi: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi, 2013 79-93 .
22 S. M. Arif Mahmud "Understanding Tribal Religion: A Case of Garo People in Bangladesh." Rethinking Religion. Soumyajit Patra Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications, 2010 .
23 Zahidul Islam "Understanding Tribal Religion: A Case of Garo People in Bangladesh." Rethinking Religion. Soumyajit Patra Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2010 .
24 Raasheed Mahmood and Bokhtiar Ahmed "The Semiosis of the Feminine in Bangla Language." Eastwards/Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the 21st Century?. Clara Sarmento (ed.) London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007 93-108 .
25 Farhana Azim, Shaila Sharmeen and Taniya Sharmeen "“Feminist Anthropology: A Journey to Postmodern Era”." In Anthropology on the Move: Contextualizing Cultural Studies in Bangladesh. Edited by Zahidul Islam and Hasan Shafie, Dhaka: Department of Anthropology: University of Dhaka., 2006 497-505 .
26 Raasheed Mahmood "Research and Life History: Facing the Challenges of New Ethnography." Challenges of Anthropology in the 21st Century. Zahidul Islam and Hasan Shafie (eds.) Dhaka: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, 2006 135-143 .
27 Raasheed Mahmood "নৃবিজ্ঞান, আধুনিকতা ও উত্তরাধুনিকতা: প্রাসঙ্গিকতার প্রেক্ষিত অনুসন্ধানে (A paper written in Bengali, which may correspond to English as “Anthropology, Modernism and Postmodernism: In Search of Relevance”)." Shamaj, Sharir O Poribesh: Nribigyaner Probondhaboli. Prof. Nurul Alam (ed.) Dhaka: Dept. of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, 2003 100-113 .
28 Shaheen Ahmed "Rites of Passage and Bangladeshi Women." Anthropology in Bangladesh. H.K.S Arefeen Dhaka: Center for Social Studies (CSS), DU, 1989 .
Journal Article (158)
1 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Encountering the Postcolonial State: Development Bureaucracy and Social Transformation in Rural Pre-Independent Bangladesh, 1947–70, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (impact factor:0.5) , vol.47 , no.6 South Asian Studies Association of Australia , pp.1189-1205 , 2024 .
2 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Working Without a Boss in Dhaka? Affective Labor, Ratings, and Temporalities in Digital Platforms, Social Science Review , vol.41 , no.1 Faculty, of Social Sciecnes, University of Dhaka , pp.195-214 , 2024 .
3 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Manufacturing Freedom: Sex Work, Anti-Trafficking Rehab, and the Racial Wages of Rescue, by Elena Shih, Journal of Global Slavery , vol.9 , no.1-2 Brill Academic Publishers , pp.262-265 , 2024 .
4 Fahmid Al Zaid : Book Review_Misreading the Bengal Delta: Climate Change, Development and Livelihoods in Coastal Bangladesh, Asian Anthropology , pp.1-3 , 2024 .
5 Mohammad Tareq Hasan and Shaila Sharmeen : Making of a capitalist frontier: tobacco cultivation and changing agrarian relations in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, Asian Anthropology (impact factor:1.06) , vol.22 , no.4 Taylor & Francis , pp.255-274 , 2023 .
6 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Thinking through ethnographies: Making sense of societies in transition, Anthropology and Humanism (impact factor:0.6) , vol.48 , no.2 Society for Humanistic Anthropology, American Anthropological Association , pp.285-298 , 2023 .
7 Mohammad Tareq Hasan and Shaila Sharmeen : Making of a capitalist frontier: tobacco cultivation and changing agrarian relations in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, Asian Anthropology , vol.22 , no.4 Taylor & Francis , pp.255–274 , 2023 .
8 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Castoffs of Capital: Work and Love among Garment Workers in Bangladesh by Lamia Karim Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022. 272 pp., American Anthropologist , vol.125 , no.2 American Anthropological Association , pp.460-461 , 2023 .
9 Fahmid Al Zaid : গভার্নমেন্টালিটি, উন্নয়ন ডিসকোর্স এবং নৃবিজ্ঞান (Governmentality, Development Discourse and Anthropology), সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা (The Dhaka University Studies) , vol.16 , no.01 University of Dhaka , pp.37-53 , 2022 .
10 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Model Citizens in Bangladesh: The Joggo Nari and the Paradoxes of Egalitarian Life, Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology , vol.66 , no.3 Berghahn Journals , pp.126-146 , 2022 .
11 Fahmid Al Zaid : Doing Ethnography Remotely: Rethinking Methodologies of Fieldwork in Gabura of Southwest Bangladesh during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies) , vol.39 , no.01 University of Dhaka , pp.165-177 , 2022 .
12 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Ontologies of a Pandemic: Polarisations Exposed by COVID-19 in Bangladesh, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies (impact factor:0.718 [2020]) , vol.45 , no.3 South Asian Studies Association of Australia (SASAA) , pp.543-559 , 2021 .
13 Farhana Begum : Perception of COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Interplays of Class and Capital, Society and Culture in South Asia , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.32-47 , 2021 .
14 Zahidul Islam : Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Management: A Case of Cyclone Management in Madhya Charramani Mohan, Lakshmipur, Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.2 , 2021 .
15 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Pandemic and the Realm of “Unreason” in Bangladesh, Chakra: A Nordic Journal of South Asian Studies , vol.Special issue , no.Articulations of a Pandemic SASNET – Swedish South Asian Studies Network , pp.87-96 , 2020 .
16 Farhana Begum : A Review Essay on New Horizon in Medical Anthropology, Man and Culture , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.177-179 , 2020 .
17 Hasan Muhammad Baniamin, Mizanur Rahman and Mohammad Tareq Hasan : The COVID-19 Pandemic: Why are Some Countries Coping More Successfully than Others?, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration , vol.42 , no.3 , pp.153-169 , 2020 .
18 Shaila Sharmeen, Mohammad Tareq Hasan, and S. M. Arif Mahmud : Graduated Sovereignty Vis-À-Vis Aspirations: Education for the Adivasi And Cultural Politics in the Barind Region of Bangladesh, Social Science Review , The Dhaka University Studies , Part-D , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.1-26 , 2020 .
19 Shaila Sharmeen, Mohammad Tareq Hasan and S. M. Arif Mahmud : Graduated Sovereignty Vis-a-Vis Aspirations: Education for the Adivasi and Cultural Politics in the Barind Region of Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.1-26 , 2020 .
20 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Changing Gender Norms in Bangladesh: From Social Reforms in Colonial Times to the Post-Independence Collisions of Developmentalism, NGOs, and Piety, Social Science Review , vol.37 , no.1 , pp.93-116 , 2020 .
21 Farhana Begum : A Review Essay on The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.125-129 , 2019 .
22 Raasheed Mahmood, S. M. Arif Mahmud and Abdullah Al Fahad : Naming Matters: The Politics of Classification and the Indigenous People of Bangladesh, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.3 , 2019 .
23 S. M. Arif Mahmud : Nature and Processes of Economy in Chittagong Hill Tracts: Practices and Contextualization, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.2 , 2019 .
24 Raasheed Mahmood : Anthropological Dilemmas in the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage with Special Reference to UNESCO, Armed Conflict and Bangladesh, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, part-D , vol.56 , no.2 , pp.31-47 , 2019 .
25 Tahura Enam Navile : Selection of different health care providers and factors influencing the choice of health care system: a case of Garo children of Sainamari village, Social Science Review , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.167-182 , 2019 .
26 Tahura Enam Navile and Jinat Hossain : Birth ritual, practices and gender preference for expecting child in a matrilineal indigenous community: a case of Garos living in Sainamari village, Madhupur, Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, (Hum.) , vol.64 , no.2 , pp.239-250 , 2019 .
27 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : 'Nomadic Identity’: Evidences From Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.69-83 , 2019 .
28 Fahmid Al Zaid : Tyranny without a Tyrant: Conquest of Knowledge and Politics of Criminality in Colonial India., Nribiggan Potrika (Journal of Anthropology) , vol.24 , 2019 .
29 Sumaiya Habib : Social Life and Health Concerns of the Elderly Widows in Rural Bangladesh, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.37-50 , 2019 .
30 S. M. Arif Mahmud and Md. Borhan Uddin : Impacts of Affirmative Actions in Response to the Quota System in Civil Service of Bangladesh: Processes of Marginalization and Majority-Minority Dichotomy, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.1 , 2018 .
31 Raasheed Mahmood and Kazi Mizanur Rahman : Migration and Globalization: Ethnicity and the Political Economy of Diaspora, Peoples’ Preface: A journal of research initiatives , vol.01 , no.02 , pp.143-152 , 2018 .
32 Raasheed Mahmood : Politics of Identity and Politicized Identity: Encountering Globalization, Culture and Society , vol.01 , pp.47-58 , 2018 .
33 Farhana Begum : Existence of a plural medical system: Is a functional efficacy based explanation enough?, Peoples’ Preface: A Journal of Research Initiatives , vol.2 , no.1 , 2018 .
34 Farhana Begum : A review essay on Ancient Society, Man and Culture , vol.4 , no.1 , 2018 .
35 Mizanur Rahman and Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Emotional Violence’ against Women in Public Sphere of Bangladesh: Youth Narratives and Policy Options, South Asian Journal of Policy and Governance , pp.87-108 , 2018 .
36 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Moral Economy of Female Garment Workers: The Relevance of the History of Inequalities of Class and Gender in Rural East Bengal/Bangladesh from 1947 to the Present, Social Science Review , vol.35 , no.2 , pp.135-155 , 2018 .
37 Fahmid Al Zaid : Jean Paul Sartre: A Tale of Anti-colonial struggle, Social Science Review , vol.V-35 , no.Number-01, Part- D , 2018 .
38 Fahmid Al Zaid : Caliban’s Voice: A Post-colonial Interpretation of Aimé Césaire’s A Tempest, Journal of Anthropology, Rajshahi University , vol.V-01 , no.Num-01 , 2018 .
39 Fahmid Al Zaid : ’কার্ল মার্কস কি ইউরোসেন্ট্রিক ও প্রাচ্যবাদী ছিলেন?‘ (Was Karl Marx Eurocentric and orientalist?), Journal of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University , vol.V-23 , 2018 .
40 Shaila Sharmeen : “Everyday Experiences on Facebooking: A Study of New Information and Communication Technology Adoption among the Urban Youth in Bangladesh”, Anthropos India , vol.4 , no.1-2 , pp.171-192 , 2018 .
41 Shaila Sharmeen and Saifur Rashid : “বাংলাদেশে ‘আদিবাসী’ উৎপাদন ও পুনরুৎপাদনের রাজনীতিঃ ঔপনিবিশিক ও উত্তর ঔপনিবিশিক প্রেক্ষিত”, Samajik Bigyan Patrika (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.12 , pp.19-32 , 2018 .
42 Fahmid Al Zaid : ’ভিন্ন চোখে জর্জ অরওয়েল’ (George Orwell from Different Eyes), নতুন দিগন্ত (Natun Diganta) , vol.Vol-17 , no.Num-04, (January-April) , 2018 .
43 Shahedul Halim Kazi and Khalid Jubaer : Youth Gangs in Uttrara: Urban Anthropology Perspective, The Journal of Social Studies , no.160 , pp.17-28 , 2018 .
44 Shahedul Halim Kazi : Livelihood Diversification in Rural Bangladesh: Economic Anthropology Perspective, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.635-646 , 2018 .
45 Saifur Rashid and Hasan Shafie : Situating Anthropology in Bangladesh: Transformations and Trajectories in the Anthropology Tradition, European Journal of Sociology and Anthropology , vol.2 , no.1 , 2017 .
46 Farhana Begum : Alienation and Women Workers in Bangladesh: A Critical Review, The Journal of Social Studies , vol.154 , pp.34-42 , 2017 .
47 Farhana begum : The Crisis of Representation in Ethnographic Research: An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.28 , 2017 .
48 Saifur Rashid : ICH, Urban Public Spaces and Social Cohesion, UNESCO ICHAP ICH Courier , vol.31 , 2017 .
49 Raasheed Mahmood : Book Review of “The Invention of Tradition”, Man and Culture , vol.03 , no.01 , pp.85-95 , 2017 .
50 Raasheed Mahmood and Salma Ahmed : Terminating Diversity, germinating ‘otherness’: The case of food and food habit, Peoples’ Preface: A Journal of Research Initiatives , vol.01 , no.01 , pp.41-54 , 2017 .
51 Nasima Sultana : নৃবিজ্ঞান বিয়ষক কিছু প্রচলিত ধারনা: একটি নিরীক্ষা, সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা [ ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টডিজ, পার্ট-ডি] , vol.11 , no.11 , pp.1-16 , 2017 .
52 Sumaiya Habib : The White-Collar Women of Bangladesh: Confronting Domestic and Professional Work, Dhaka International University Journal , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.55-68 , 2017 .
53 Sumaiya Habib : Social Diagnosis of Chicken Guinea, Journal of Sociology , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.46-57 , 2017 .
54 Shahedul Halim Kazi : Necessity Entrepreneurship: Contexts of Rural Bangladesh, Man and Culture , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.38-49 , 2017 .
55 Saifur Rashid : People on the Move: The Roots and Routes of Bangladeshi Migration, Diaspora and Development, International Journal of Global Diaspora Studies , vol.2 , no.1 , 2016 .
56 Saifur Rashid : Anthropology’s Engagement in Development: Some Conceptual and Contextual Issues, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.2 , pp.33 , 2016 .
57 Saifur Rashid and Raasheed Mahmood : Anthropology’s engagement in development: Some conceptual and contextual issues, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.33 , no.01 , pp.13-28 , 2016 .
58 Fahmid Al Zaid : ’গান্ধী, আমবেদকার এবং ভারতীয় বর্ণপ্রথা: অরুন্ধতী রায়ের সমালোচনা’ (Gandhi, Ambedkar and Indian Caste System: Arundhati Roy’s Review), Natun Diganta , vol.Vol-15 , no.Num-03, (October-December) , 2016 .
59 Sumaiya Habib : Culture of Shopping: Understanding Urban Social Status of Dhaka, Journal of Sociology , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.7-20 , 2016 .
60 Sumaiya Habib : Urban Parenting: Working Mothers of Dhaka, Journal of Dhaka International University , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.97-105 , 2016 .
61 Saifur Rashid : Sacred Cultural Spaces of Bangladesh, ICH Courier , vol.28 , 2016 .
62 Farhana Begum : Book Review [Inhorn, Marcia (2003), Local Babies Global Science: Gender, Religion and in Vitro Fertilization in Egypt, New York: Routledge], Social Science Review , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.269-271 , 2015 .
63 Muhammad Ala Uddin and Shaila Sharmeen : ভাষার জৈবিক ভিত্তি ও সামাজিক সংযোগঃ প্রেক্ষিত ভাষাতাত্ত্বিক নৃবিজ্ঞান”, Dhaka Bishawbidalaya Patrika , pp.59-75 , 2015 .
64 Sumaiya Habib : Evolutionary School of Thought in Cultural Anthropology: An Analysis, Perspectives in Social Sciences , vol.11 , pp.33-38 , 2015 .
65 Sumaiya Habib : Impact of Climate Change on Livelihood of Malo Community of Bangladesh, Journal of Dhaka International University , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.98-109 , 2015 .
66 Shaila Sharmeen : “Decolonizing the Mind: A Fieldwork Account among the Indigenous People of Barind, Bangladesh”, The Indian Journal of Anthropology , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.81-98 , 2015 .
67 Shaila Sharmeen : “History, Collective Memory and Identity: The Munda of Barind Region, Bangladesh”,, Anthropos (impact factor:0.14) , vol.110 , no.1 , pp.197-205 , 2015 .
68 Shahedul Halim Kazi : Understanding Entrepreneurship with Particular Spatial Characteristics: A Case Study at the Grassroots, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics , no.34 , pp.81-91 , 2015 .
69 Saifur Rashid : Cultural Resources and Ethno-Linguistic Survey of Bangladesh: Context, Needs and Importance (in Bangla) (Bangladesher Shanskritik Shampad o Nri-bhasha Boiggywanic Jorip: Prekkhapot, Proyjoniota o Gurutto’), Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.9 , no.9 , 2015 .
70 Shaila Sharmeen : “Beyond Dominance and Patronage: The Transformation of Munda-Muslim Agrarian Relations in Barind, Bangladesh”, Anthropos India , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.191-212 , 2015 .
71 Shaila Sharmeen : “The Politics of Irrigation: Technology, Institution and Discourse among the Munda in Barind, Bangladesh”, Journal of South Asian Development (impact factor:0.231) , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.49-70 , 2014 .
72 Tahura Enam Navile : Heath Seeking Pattern of street children: An Anthropological study of Sahbag Area, Social Science Review , vol.31 , no.2 , 2014 .
73 Tahura Enam Navile : Life-Cycle Rituals of Kshatriya Barman Community: An Anthropological study, BPDM Journal of Research , vol.1 , no.2 , 2014 .
74 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Government Policies and the Genesis of Dispossession, Inequality and Marginalization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, International Journal of Arts & Sciences , pp.81-104 , 2014 .
75 Sumaiya Habib : Global Trade and Local Women: An Field Study, Journal of Dhaka International University , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.13-23 , 2014 .
76 Sumaiya Habib : Social Aspects of Gift in Muslim Marriage of Rural Bangladesh, Journal of Dhaka International University , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.1-12 , 2014 .
77 Shahedul Halim Kazi : Diversification into Petty Business: A Case Study from a Bangladeshi Village, The Journal of Social Studies , no.142 , pp.17-42 , 2014 .
78 Shaila Sharmeen : “In the Name of ‘Underdeveloped’ Adibashi: The Politics of NGOs and the Munda in Bangladesh”, Development in Practice , vol.23 , no.8 , pp.1052-1062 , 2013 .
79 Shaila Sharmeen : “Politics of Development and Articulation of Indigenous Identity: The Formation of Munda Identity in Barind, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.141-160 , 2013 .
80 Md. Ashaduzzaman and Shahedul Halim Kazi : Factors Affecting Cosmetic Products Buying Behavior: A Bangladesh Case, International Journal of Consumer Research , vol.2 , no.1 2013 , pp.20-36 , 2013 .
81 Farhana Begum : Revivalism and modernization of Ayurveda in the context of colonization and globalization, Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.149-160 , 2013 .
82 Farhana Begum : Political economy or phenomenology? A review of the two approaches to study health and illness, Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.2 , pp.111-122 , 2013 .
83 Raasheed Mahmood : ইসলামিক নৃবিজ্ঞান: ভাবনা ও বাস্তবতা A paper written in Bengali which may correspond to English as “Islamic Anthropology: Ideas and realities”, Journal of Sociology , vol.05 , no.01 , pp.129-138 , 2013 .
84 Shaila Sharmeen : “Munda and Political Transformation from Below: Local Politics and Power Relations in Barind, Bangladesh”, Journal of Asian and African Area Studies , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.1-25 , 2012 .
85 Shaila Sharmeen and Muhammad Ala Uddin : লেভি-ষ্ট্রসের কাঠামোবাদী চিন্তায় মন ও সংস্কৃতি”, Samajik Bigyan Patrika (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.6 , no.6 , pp.1-8 , 2012 .
86 Raasheed Mahmood and Md. Mustafa Kamal Akand : On Money, Market and Exchange: Looking Through the Anthropological Spectacles, Journal of Sociology , vol.04 , no.01 , pp.53-62 , 2012 .
87 Saifur Rashid : Globalization: Concepts and Issues, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies Part-D) , vol.28 , no.1 , 2011 .
88 Saifur Rashid : Anthropology of Migration: Concepts, Theories and Bangladesh Perspective, Green University Review , vol.2 , no.1 , 2011 .
89 Saifur Rashid : Changing wetland ecology and inland open water fisheries of Bangladesh: the case of Koibortta fishers of Kishorgonj, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies Part-D) , vol.28 , no.2 , 2011 .
90 Raasheed Mahmood : নৃবিজ্ঞান, নৃবিজ্ঞানী, রাষ্ট্র, সন্ত্রাসবাদ ও সন্ত্রাসবাদের বিরুদ্ধে যুদ্ধ A paper written in Bengali, which may correspond to English as “Anthropology, anthropologist, state, terrorism and the war against terrorism”, Journal of Sociology , vol.01 , no.03 , pp.163-176 , 2011 .
91 Fahmid Al Zaid : Social Exclusion and Cost of Discrimination: Inclusion and Development among Turi Indigenous Community of Barind Tract in Bangladesh., Grass Roots Voice , vol.Vol-VII , no.Issue-1, July , 2010 .
92 Saifur Rashid : Indigenous fishing knowledge: the changing fishing technology and techniques among the Koibortta flood-plain fishers of Northeast Bangladesh, Grassroots Voice , vol.III , no.1 , 2010 .
93 Fahmid Al Zaid : ’উত্তর উন্নয়ন: তত্ত্ব ও প্রেক্ষাপট’ (Post Development: Theory and Context), Grass Roots Voice , vol.Vol-01 , no.Issue-7, June , 2010 .
94 Saifur Rashid : Fish Trade and Food Security: Issues of the Koibortta fishers of Northeast Bangladesh, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies Part-D) , vol.27 , no.2 , 2010 .
95 Farhana Begum : Cultural representation: A comparative analysis of Mead and Geertz, Social Science Review , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.127-136 , 2010 .
96 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : Cyclones and the Rakhains: Indigenous Perception, Prediction and Survival Strategies, Grassroots Voice: An Journal of Indigenous Knowledge and Development , pp.6-15 , 2010 .
97 Zahidul Islam : Encoding the Excluded: Economic and Livelihood Strategy of Tea Laborers: The Plight of the Gauro Ethnic Community, Society and Change , vol.IV , no.I , 2010 .
98 Farhana Begum : Book Review [Moore, Henrietta L. (1998), Feminism and Anthropology, Cambridge: Polity Press], The Dhaka University Studies , pp.199-202 , 2009 .
99 Saifur Rashid : Common property rights, common property fisheries resources and management regimes in inland open water fisheries of Bangladesh: an anthropological analysis of the conflict situation, Southern Initiative Journal of Sustainable Development , 2008 .
100 Sumaiya Habib : Culture and Personality: An Anthropological Analysis (in Bengali), Dhaka University Journal , vol.88 , pp.120-128 , 2007 .
101 Shaila Sharmeen : “The Emerging Nature of Empowerment of Women in Rural Bangladesh: A Query From Feminist Anthropological Perspective”, The Journal of Social Development , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.79-94 , 2006 .
102 Ahmed Fazle Hasan Choudhury and Shaila Sharmeen : Child Labor Dynamics: Insights From Match Industry of Chittagong, Bangladesh, Child Vision , vol.2 , pp.1-12 , 2006 .
103 Raasheed Mahmood : Construction of Womanhood in the Bengali Language of Bangladesh, Polissema , vol.06 , pp.217-231 , 2006 .
104 Shaila Sharmeen : “Traditional Health Practices of Munda Women: Continuity and Change,”, Man and Life , vol.31 , no.1-2 , pp.23-36 , 2005 .
105 Shaila Sharmeen : নৃবিজ্ঞানে মানব উৎপত্তি ও সংস্কৃতিঃ তাত্ত্বিক জিজ্ঞাসা”, Samajik Bigyan Patrika (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.89-100 , 2005 .
106 Zahidul Islam : Impact of Urbanization upon the Life Style of the People of Dhaka City: An Anthropological Perspective, The Arts Faculty Journal , 2005 .
107 Zahidul Islam : Road Users Behavioral Culture of Capital Dhaka, Bangladesh: An Anthropological Perspective, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences , vol.3 , no.4 , 2005 .
108 Zahidul Islam : Water Pollution and Water Scarcity in Bangladesh: Impact on Health and Productivity, Asian Studies , vol.24 , 2005 .
109 Shaila Sharmeen and Muhammad Ala Uddin : ফলিত নৃবিজ্ঞান: উদ্ভব, বিকাশ ও বর্তমান ধারা”, Dhaka Bishawbidalaya Patrika , vol.79 , pp.131-146 , 2004 .
110 Raasheed Mahmood and Bokhtiar Ahmed : যুদ্ধ, শাস্ত্রীয় আদিকল্প ও শাস্ত্রবিদ: সাম্প্রতিক নৃবিজ্ঞান পরিপ্রেক্ষিত (A paper written in Bengali, which may correspond to English as “War, Disciplinary Paradigm and Academia: In the context of contemporary anthropology”), Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Potrika (Dhaka University Journal) , vol.80 , pp.145-157 , 2004 .
111 Farhana Begum : Nayakrishi Movement: Reinstatement of Women in Agriculture, Canadian Woman Studies , vol.23 , no.1 , pp.135-139 , 2003 .
112 Hasan Shafie and Raasheed Mahmood : The Plight of an Ethnic Minority: The Munda of Northwest Bangladesh, Asian Anthropology , vol.02 , pp.161-178 , 2003 .
113 Shaila Sharmeen : “Culture Change among the Mundas: An Ethnic Community of Barind Region”, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.277-286 , 2002 .
114 Farhana Begum : Assessing the suitability of the post-modernist approach to understand political economy, Social Science Review , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.105-110 , 2002 .
115 Zahidul Islam : Kinship: An Informal Legal System, Man and Life , vol.28 , no.1-2 , 2002 .
116 Zahidul Islam : Case Studies in Six Indigenous Health Practitioners in Two Villages: An Anthropological Outlook, Social Science Review , vol.19 , no.1 , 2002 .
117 Zahidul Islam : Changing Pattern of Garo Family Structure in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.17 , 2002 .
118 Nasima Sultana : Anthropological Knowledge in Bangladesh Since the 1960s, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh-Humanities , vol.Golden Jubilee Issue, Volume: 47 , no.2 , pp.115-139 , 2002 .
119 Nasima Sultana : Classical Evolutionism in Social Anthropology: An Assessment of Morgan’s Theory of Evolution of the Family, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.59-60 , no.1, 2, and 1 , pp.179-200 , 2002 and 2003 .
120 Nasima Sultana : মর্গান ও মার্কিন নৃবৈজ্ঞানিক ঐতিহ্য, নৃবিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা , vol.7 , pp.80-101 , 2002 .
121 Nasima Sultana : Some Comments and Reflections on the Early Anthropological Theories, Social Science Review , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.41-54 , 2002 .
122 Shaheen Ahmed : Levi-Strauss: An Anthropologist and a Philosopher, Social Science Review: The Dhaka Universities Studies. Part- D , vol.19 , 2002 .
123 Saifur Rashid and Shaheen Ahmed : Indigenous Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices of Fishermen: An Anthropological Observation, Grassroots Voice: A Journal of Indigenous Knowledge and Development , vol.1 , no.IV , pp.135-142 , 2001 .
124 Farhana Begum : Empowerment approaches to women in Bangladesh: An assessment, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.58 , no.2 , pp.161-178 , 2001 .
125 Zahidul Islam : Prehominid Fossil of Dryopithecus and Their Behavioural Aspect, Social Science Review , vol.18 , no.1 , 2001 .
126 Shaheen Ahmed : On the Concept of Gender in Anthropology: A Feminist Perspective, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies. Part- D , vol.18 , no.1 , 2001 .
127 Shaheen Ahmed and M. Saifur Rashid : Indigenous Knowledge, Beliefs and Practices: An Anthropological Observation, Grass Roots Voice: A Journal of Indigenous Knowledge and Development , vol.III , no.IV , 2001 .
128 Shaheen Ahmed : Marriage Practices among the Muslims in Rural Bangladesh: An Anthropological Overview, Empowerment: A Journal of Women for Women , no.2 , 2001 .
129 Shaheen Ahmed : Conceptualizing Property and Women: Some Notes on Marriage Transaction and Inheritance, Social Science Review: The Dhaka Universities Studies. Part- D , vol.19 , no.2 , 2001 .
130 Shaheen Ahmed and Saifur Rashid : Gender Role Differentiation in Agriculture: An Overview, Grassroots Voice: A Journal of Indigenous Knowledge and Development , vol.III , no.v , 2001 .
131 Saifur Rashid : Gender Role Differentiation in Agriculture: An Anthropological Study of Intra-household Dynamics of Farm Families in Gazipur Villages, Social Science Review , vol.01 , 2000 .
132 Zahidul Islam : Skin Colour and Racial Criteria: An Anthropological Perspective, Social Science Review , vol.17 , no.1 , 2000 .
133 Zahidul Islam : Pattern of Land Ownership and Mode of Production in a Garo Village of Bangladesh, Man and Life , vol.26 , no.1-2 , 2000 .
134 Saifur Rashid : Anthropology of Fishing: Some Conceptual and Theoretical Issues, Social Science Review , vol.16 , no.01 , 1999 .
135 Farhana Begum and A J M Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan : Media policy and social development: Bangladesh perspective, Social Science Review , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.247-254 , 1999 .
136 Zahidul Islam : A Study of the Socio-economic Conditions of some Villagers in Bandarbon District of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Region, Social Science Review , vol.XVI , 1999 .
137 Saifur Rashid and N. Islam : Sociology of Education: Bangladesh Perspective, The Journal of Social Development , 1999 .
138 Zahidul Islam : Hazong Social System and Power Distribution: An Anthropological Study, The Journal Social Development , vol.1 , 1998 .
139 Saifur Rashid and B. Pokrant : The Fishers and fisheries sector of Bangladesh: an anthropological overview’, Journal of Social Studies , vol.76 , pp.32-48 , 1997 .
140 Saifur Rashid and Zahidul Islam : ssence of Peoples Participation and Indigenous knowledge in-Development. An anthropological overview, Social Science Review , vol.14 , no.01 , 1997 .
141 Zahidul Islam : Essence of People’s Participation and Indigenous Knowledge in Development: An Anthropological Overview, Social Science Review , vol.XIV , 1997 .
142 Zahidul Islam : An Exposure among the Garos in Bangladesh: An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.12 , 1997 .
143 Saifur Rashid and B. Pokrant : Fishers and Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh: An Anthropological Overviews, Social Science Review , vol.XIII , no.1 , 1996 .
144 Zahidul Islam : Educational Profile among the Garos in Bangladesh: An Overview, Social Science Review , vol.VIII , 1996 .
145 Nasima Sultana : Anthropology and Development: Some Selected Issues and Concerns, Social Science Review , vol.XIII , no.2 , pp.11-32 , 1996 .
146 Saifur Rashid : Marxism and Anthropology: A Theoretical Analysis (in Bengali), Journal of Social Studies (ShamajNirikhan) - A Journal of the Centre for Social Studies , vol.59 , 1996 .
147 Saifur Rashid : Political Economy of Foreign Aid: Bangladesh Perspective 1972-1992, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.XIII , no.1 , 1995 .
148 Saifur Rashid : Education and Class Relation: Bangladesh Perspective, Rajneeti Orthoniti Journal , vol.3 , no.1 , 1994 .
149 Saifur Rashid and Anwarullah Chowdhury : The Role of Women in Agriculture of Bangladesh: A Sociological Analysis, Social Science Review , vol.X , no.1 , 1993 .
150 Shaheen Ahmed : Purdah: An Analysis of Ideal vs. Contextual Reality, The Journal of Social Studies , vol.60 , no.1 , 1993 .
151 Siafur Rashid : Social Research and Development: Situation of Bangladesh in the Global Context (in Bangali), Rajneeti Orthoniti Journal , vol.1 , pp.2 , 1993 .
152 Zahidul Islam : Social Organization among the Garos in Bangladesh: An Overview, Social Science Review , vol.IX , 1992 .
153 Shaheen Ahmed : Durkheim’s Theory of Religion-A Critical Review, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies. Part- D , vol.IX , no.2 , 1992 .
154 Zahidul Islam : The Garos of Bangladesh: An Overview, Social Science Review , vol.VIII , 1991 .
155 Zahidul Islam : Social Dynamics of Immunization Program and the Role of Mass Communication, Journal of Social Development , vol.5 , 1990 .
156 Shahedul Halim Kazi : Livelihood of Street Vendors in a Peripheral Town of Naogaon District in Bangladesh, The Journal of Rural Development , vol.43 , no.1 , pp.81-100 , 2020 .
157 Mohammad Tareq Hasan : The paradoxes of (in)equality and in(ex)clusion: “Negation” in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh, , Forthcoming .
158 Shahedul Halim Kazi and Md. Juel Mia : Street Vending during COVID-19: A View from Dhaka City, Journal of Sociology , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.105-122 , 2020 .
Conference Proceedings (11)
1 Saifur Rashid "The Role of Tertiary Education for Safeguarding ICH: The Case of Bangladesh." Unlocking the Potential of Tertiary Education for ICH Safeguarding Seoul, South Korea: Asia-Pacific Tertiary Education for ICH Safeguarding Office, 2018 .
2 Saifur Rashid "ICH and Peace-building in Bangladesh." ICH and Peace building Jeonju, South Korea: World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2018 .
3 Saifur Rashid "Jamdani: The Art of Weaving." Curators Meeting for the 2017 ICHCAP ICH Online Exhibition Incheon, South Korea: 2017 .
4 Saifur Rashid "Journey to ‘foreign lands’, voyages by boats and the tragedy of human trafficking from Bangladesh: The issues of illegal migration of Ruhingya refugees and the rural poor." International Order, International Migration and Global Diaspora Chonnam, South Korea: University of Chonnam, 2016 .
5 Saifur Rashid "The Role of NGOs in Protecting, Safeguarding and Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh: From Employment, Income and Empowerment Perspective." Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference Jeonju, South Korea: Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia-Pacific (ICHCAP), UNESCO, 2016 .
6 Saifur Rashid "Intangible Cultural Heritage Template (Portal): The Web Based Digital Documentation of ICHs in Bangladesh." Information Officers Meeting for Safeguarding ICH in the Asia Pacific-Region Jeonju, South Korea: ICHCAP, UNESCO, 2016 .
7 Saifur Rashid "Beliefs and Rituals Associated with Death: Case studies of some selected ethnic and religious groups of Bangladesh." First International Conference of the Republic of Korea on “Traditional Funeral Rites” Daegu, South Korea: Daegu Catholic University, 2016 .
8 Saifur Rashid "Cultural Resource and Heritage Management in Bangladesh: Assessing the Management Prospects and Priorities in the country Context." 2015 BK21 International Conference on “Tradition as Cultural resources and Local Development” Chonbuk, South Korea: Brain Korea 21 Plus Teams, Department of Folklore, Andong National University and Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology, Chonbuk National University, 2015 .
9 Mohammad Tareq Hasan "The Economic Frontiers and Minority Construction: The Case of the Khyang of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh." Proceedings of 9th International Academic Conference , pp. 458 - 474. Istanbul, Turkey: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2014 .
10 Mohammad Tareq Hasan "Understanding Formation of Identities: The Case of the Khyang in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh." Conference of International Journal of Arts and Sciences , pp. 259-265. Vienna, Austria: The International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS), 2014 .
11 Saifur Rashid and F. Azim "Intra- Household Dynamics of Firm Families in Rural Bangladesh: An Anthropological Study." Proceedings of a National Workshop of Gender Research and Training Project Dhaka: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, 1996 .