Book (80) |
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মোহাম্মদ আকবর কবীর পরিবেশ ও সম্পদ অর্থনীতি.
ঢাকা: জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, বাংলাদেশ, 2023 .
2 |
Selim Raihan, Mahtab Uddin, M Tuhin Ahmed, M. A. Nahar and Eshrat Sharmin COVID -19 Fallout on Poverty and Livelihoods in Bangladesh: Results from SANEM's Nation-wide Household Survey (November-December 2020).
Dhaka: SANEM publications, 2021 .
3 |
Wadood, Syed Naimul and Chowdhury, Mehdi South Asia and International Migration.
ResearchGate (Preprint), 2021 .
4 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Maruf Ahmed, Iftekharul Huq, Rehana Perven, Golam Mohiuddin Faruque, Chowdhury Sohel Reza, Akm Ghulam Hussain, Greg Haifley, Jeffrey M. Drope and Nigar Nargis The Economic Cost of Tobacco Use in Bangladesh: A Health Cost Approach.
Washington, D.C.: American Cancer Society, Washington, D.C., USA, 2020 (June) .
5 |
Bandyopadhyay, Simanti; Naher, Firdousi; Sharma, Aishna Towards Sustainable Cities: Lessons from Urban Decentralisation in India and Bangladesh.
Atlanta: Georgia State University, 2020 .
6 |
Dizon, F Jr F; Ahmed, M M; Chaudhery, D N; Hoque, N; Joshi, V; Mustafiz, M; Naher, Firdousi; Perng, J T T; Rahman, A; Waid, J; Wang, Z. Food for improved Nutrition in Bangladesh.
Washington D. C.: The World Bank, 2019 .
7 |
Razzaque, A, Khondker, B., Eusuf, A., Uddin, M. and Rahman, J. Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Socioeconomic Impacts on the Host Community.
Dhaka: UNDP, 2019 .
8 |
Ahmed N, Alam J, Huque R, Hossain M T and Ahmed T The economics of tobacco taxation in Bangladesh.
2019 .
9 |
Raihan, S. and Bidisha, S. H. Female Employment Stagnation in Bangladesh (report).
A Research Paper on Inclusive Growth in Bangladesh, EDIG Research Paper No. 5., 2018 .
10 |
Dhaka: Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), 2018 .
11 |
Shafique uz Zaman, M M Aakash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series Volume III (1960-1995) Selected Papers on The Credit and Financial Sectors in Bangladesh.
Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, 2018 .
12 |
Raihan, S. and Bidisha, S.H. Female employment stagnation in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: The Asia Foundation and UKaid, 2018 .
13 |
Raihan, S., Kar, S. and Sen, K. Transitions between Growth Episodes: Do Institutions Matter and Do Some Institutions Matter More?.
Manchester: The University of Manchester, 2018 .
14 |
Razzaque, A., Khondker, B., Uddin, M. and Rahman, J. Towards an Effective and Integrated Labour Market Information System for Bangladesh.
Dhaka: International Organisation for Migration (IOM), 2018 .
15 |
Razzaque, A., Uddin, M. and Rahman, J. Leather and Leather Goods Exports from Bangladesh: Potentials, Problems and Priorities.
Dhaka: Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI), 2018 .
16 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Mostafa Tehsum “Vulnerability in a Megacity: the Cycle Rickshaw Pullers of Dhaka”.
Riga (Latvia): Scholars’ Press (ISBN: 978-620-2-31957-7), 2018 .
17 |
Farid Uddin Ahmed, Shafique uz Zaman, M M Akash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series Volume III (1960-1995) Selected Papers on The Credit and Financial Sectors in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Bureau of Economic Research (BER), University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, 2018 .
18 |
Raihan, S. Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh.
Singapore: Springer Publications, 2018 .
19 |
Raihan, S., Lemma, A., Khondker, B.H. and Ferdous, F.B. Bangladesh sectoral growth diagnostic.
Dhaka: The Asia Foundation and UKaid, 2017 .
20 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Chowdhury Shameem Mahmoud “Dynamics of Market Share in Microfinance: Evidences from Bangladesh”.
Saarbrücken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (ISBN: 978-3-330-05648-0), 2017 .
21 |
Raihan, S. Let’s Think Aloud, Shall We?.
Dhaka: SANEM Publications, 2017 .
22 |
Raihan, S., Bidisha, S.H. and Jahan, I. Unpacking Unpaid Labor in Bangladesh (section of report).
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Studies on Labor and Employment, SANEM., 2016 .
23 |
Mahmud, S. and Bidisha, S.H. Female Labor Market Participation in Bangladesh: Structural Changes and Determinants of Labor Supply (section of report).
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Studies on Labor and Employment, SANEM., 2016 .
24 |
Farid Uddin Ahmed, Shafique uz Zaman, M. M. Akash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series, Vol. II (1956-1978): Research Papers on Selected Industries of Bangladesh.
Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, 2016 .
25 |
Barkat, A., Suhrawardy, G.M., Osman, A., Barkat, A Rural Land Market in Bangladesh-An Exploratory Study with the Poor and Marginalized People.
Dhaka: Manusher Jonno Foundation, 2016 .
26 |
Farid Uddin Ahmed, Shafique uz Zaman, M. M. Akash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series, Vol. II (1956-1978): Research Papers on Selected Industries of Bangladesh..
Dhaka: Bureau of Economic Research (BER), University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, 2016 .
27 |
Raihan, S. Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Studies on Labor and Employment.
Dhaka: SANEM Publications, 2016 .
28 |
Raihan, S. Policy Advocacy Strategy for Intra-Regional Trade – Dealing with NTMs in South Asia.
Kathmandu: SAARC-TPN, GIZ, 2016 .
29 |
Bidisha, S. H. Demand Assessment in the ICT Sector for Realizing Digital Bangladesh (report).
Asia Foundation, 2015 .
30 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Jahan, I. Women’s Unrecognized Work and the Impact of Awareness Raising Programme (report).
Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha, Dhaka,[ISBN: 978-984-91120-1-3], 2015 .
31 |
Raihan, S., Osmani, S.R. and Khalily, M.A.B. Contribution of Microfinance to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: InM, 2015 .
32 |
Ahmed S M, Alam B B, Anwar I, Begum T, Huque R, Khan J M, Nababan H and Osman F A Bangladesh Health System Review: Health Systems in Transition.
Manila: World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2015.: Asia Pacific Observatory on Public Health Systems and Policies, World Health Organization, 2015 .
33 |
Raihan, S. Financial Soundness Indicators for Financial Sector Stability in Bangladesh.
Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2015 .
34 |
Shafique uz Zaman, M M Aakash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series, Vol. I (1956-1972): Selected Research Paper on Rural Economy in Bangladesh.
Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, 2014 .
35 |
Raihan, S. and De, P. India–Pakistan Economic Co-operation: Implications for Regional Integration in South Asia.
London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2014 .
36 |
Gunatilake, H. and Raihan, S. Opportunity Cost of Natural Gas Subsidies in Bangladesh.
Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2014 .
37 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Md. Mahmudul Hasan Chowdhury “Estimating Recreational Benefits of the Dhaka Zoo: An Individual Travel Cost Approach”.
USA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (ISBN: 978-1-503-07978-6), 2014 .
38 |
Shafique uz Zaman, M. M. Akash, Bazlul Haque Khondker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain BER Research Report Series, Vol. I (1956-1972): Selected Research Paper on Rural Economy in Bangladesh..
Dhaka: Bureau of Economic Research (BER), University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, 2014 .
39 |
Raihan, S., Khan, M. A. and Quoreshi, S. NTMs in South Asia: Assessment and Analysis.
Kathmandu: SAARC-TPN, GIZ, 2014 .
40 |
Kar, S., Pritchet, L., Raihan, S. and Sen, K. The Dynamics of Economic Growth: A Visual Handbook of Growth Rates, Regimes, Transitions and Volatility.
Manchester: University of Manchester, UK, 2013 .
41 |
Raihan, S. and Cheong, D. mpact of trade in services on employment in Bangladesh: special reference to the IT sector.
Dhaka: ILO, 2013 .
42 |
Raihan, S. Employment Effects of FTA Agreements Perspectives from Bangladesh,.
Dhaka: ILO, 2013 .
43 |
Ahmed, A. U., K. Ahmad, V. Chou, R. Hernandez, P. Menon, F. Naeem, F. Naher, W. Quabili, E. Sraboni, and B. Yu. The Status of Food Security in the Feed the Future Zone and Other Regions of Bangladesh: Results from the 2011-2012 Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey.
Dhaka: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013 .
44 |
Pritchett, L., Sen, K., Kar, S. and Raihan, S. Trillions Gained and Lost: Estimating the Magnitude of Growth Episodes.
Manchester: University of Manchester, 2013 .
45 |
De, P., Raihan, S. and Ghani, E. What does MFN mean for India and Pakistan? Is MFN a Panacea?.
Washington DC: The World Bank, 2013 .
46 |
Raihan, S. The political economy of food price policy: The case of Bangladesh.
Helsinki: UNU-WIDER, 2013 .
47 |
Siddiquee, M.S.H., Hossain, A and Khan, Z.A PARLIAMENTARIANS CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: NEGLECTED HAOR LIVELIHOODS, Published by All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: APPG, 2013 .
48 |
Raihan, S. Economic Reforms and Agriculture in Bangladesh: Assessment of Impacts using Economy-wide Simulation Models.
Dhaka: ILO, 2012 .
49 |
De, P., Raihan, S. and Khaturia, S. Unlocking Bangladesh-India Trade: Emerging Potential and the Way Forward.
Washington DC: The World Bank, 2012 .
50 |
Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. Poverty, Intra-Household distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2011 .
51 |
Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. Poverty, Intra-Household distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2011 .
52 |
Raihan, S. One hundred years of economic change in Bengal: Re-visiting the economic life of a Bengal district.
Manchester: University of Manchester, 2011 .
53 |
Rahman, M., Sadat, W.S. and Raihan, S Trade Liberalisation, Manufacturing Growth and Employment in Bangladesh.
New Delhi: ILO and Academic Foundation, 2010 .
54 |
Raihan, S., Khatoon, R., Husain, J. and Rahman, S. odelling Gender Impacts of Policy Reforms in Bangladesh: A Study in a Sequential Dynamic CGE Framework.
Quebec: University of Laval, 2010 .
55 |
Bidisha, S. H. Intergenerational Earnings Mobility of Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the UK (discussion paper).
GEP Research Paper No. 2009/10, 2009 .
56 |
Bidisha, S. H. Labour Market Experience of Male Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the UK (discussion paper).
University of Nottingham Discussion Paper No. 2009/08, 2009 .
57 |
Raihan, S. Impact of Food Price Rise on School Enrolment and Dropout in the Poor and Vulnerable Households in Selected Areas of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: DFID, 2009 .
58 |
Raihan, S., Khondker, B.H., Sugiyarto, G. and Jha, S. Remittances and Household Welfare: A Case Study of Bangladesh.
Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009 .
59 |
Syed Naimul Wadood “Crop Choices and Employment Uncertainty: A Study of Risk and Insurance in Developing Countries”.
Saarbrücken (Germany): VDM Verlag Dr Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG (ISBN: 978-3-639-14321-8), 2009 .
60 |
Bidisha, S. H. Saving Behaviour of the Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the UK: Evidence from Panel Data (discussion paper).
University of Nottingham Discussion Paper No. 2008/08, 2008 .
61 |
Raihan, S. Domestic Preparedness of Services Trade Liberalisation in South Asia: Are South Countries Prepared for Further Trade Liberalisation.
Jaipur: CUTS International, India, 2008 .
62 |
Raihan, S. and Razzaque, A. Trade Development and Poverty Linkages: Experiences from Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol II.
Jaipur: CUTS International, India, 2008 .
63 |
Razzaque, A. and Raihan, S. rade Development and Poverty Linkages: Experiences from Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol I.
Jaipur: CUTS International, India, 2008 .
64 |
Razzaque, A. and Raihan, S Venturing into a Quota-Free Regime: The Ready-made Garment Industry in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Pathak Samabesh, 2008 .
65 |
Raihan, S. Trade Liberalisation, Growth and Poverty in Bangladesh.
Jaipur: CUTS International, India, 2008 .
66 |
Raihan, S. and Mahmud, N. Trade and Poverty Linkages.
Jaipur: CUTS International, India, 2008 .
67 |
Raihan, S. SAFTA and the Bangladesh Economy: Assessments of Potential Implications.
London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2008 .
68 |
Raihan, S. Trade Liberalisation and Poverty in Bangladesh.
Bangkok: UNESCAP, 2008 .
69 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Chowdhury Shameem Mahmoud and Kazi Sabbir Ahmed "Addressing Regional Inequality Issues in Bangladesh Public Expenditure".
Dhaka (Bangladesh): Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka (CPD Occasional Paper Series No. 71), 2008 .
70 |
Raihan, S., Adhikari, R. and Adhikari, K. Export Diversification for Human Development in the Post-ATC Era: Perspectives from Asian LDCs.
Colombo: UNDP Regional Centre, 2007 .
71 |
Raihan, S. Dynamics of Trade Liberalisation in Bangladesh: Analyses of Policies and Practices.
Dhaka: Pathak Samabesh, 2007 .
72 |
Raihan, S. and Razzaque, A. WTO and Regional Trade Negotiations Outcomes: Quantitative Assessments of Potential Implications on Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Pathak Samabesh, 2007 .
73 |
Razzaque, A. and Raihan, S. Trade and Industrial Policy Environment in Bangladesh with Special Emphasis on Some Non-Traditional Export Sectors.
Dhaka: Pathak Samabesh, 2007 .
74 |
Syed Naimul Wadood "The Impact of Employment Uncertainty in the Off-farm Labor Market on Developing Country Farmers’ Crop Choice Decisions".
Raleigh (North Carolina, USA): Economics Graduate Program, North Carolina State University (NC, USA) (Ph. D. in Economics, Dissertation), 2004 .
75 |
Farah Hasin Patterns and Dynamics of Loan Use: A study on BRAC Borrowers., 2003 .
76 |
Naher, Firdousi and Mushtaque A. Chowdhury To Produce or not to Produce: Tackling the Tobacco Dilemma.
Dhaka: BRAC Printers, 2002 .
77 |
Barkat, A., Zaman, S. and Raihan, S. Political Economy of Khas Land in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Association of Land Reform and Development (ALRD), 2001 .
78 |
Nazma Begum A Model of Inflation for Bangladesh. (First Edition: May 1996)..
Dhaka: Dhaka University Press Limited, 1996 .
79 |
Nazma Begum Labour Force Participation of Women in Bangladesh. First Edition: 11.10.1992.
Dhaka: A.K. Prokashoni, 1992 .
80 |
Shamsun N. Ahmed The Theory of Existence of General Equilibrium in the History of Mathematical Economics.
Dhaka: Academic Press and Publishers Limited, Nov 2000 .
Book Section (70) |
1 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee "Ethical Issues in Research Practices in Economics."
Ethics in Social Science Research. Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, M Rezaul Islam Springer, 2025 .
2 |
Hossain Zillur Rahman, Atiya Rahman, Md Saiful Islam, Avinno Faruk, Imran Matin, Mohammad Abdul Wazed and Umama Zillur "Unpacking COVID-19 Impact on Livelihoods and Poverty in Rural Areas and Urban Low-Income Settlements of Bangladesh."
COVID-19 and the Informal Economy. Martha Alter Chen, Michael Rogan and Kunal Sen Oxford University Press, 2024 207-229 .
3 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Avinno Faruk "The Impact of COVID-19 on the Bangladesh Economy."
COVID-19 in South Asia. Manhal Ali, Rakib Akhtar, Mohammad Tarikul Islam Routledge India, 2024 .
4 |
Bidisha, S. H., Hasan, M., Mahmood, T. and Raihan, S. "Political Economy of Private Bank Governance in Bangladesh."
Is the Bangladesh Paradox Sustainable?. Cambridge University Press, 2024 chapter 5 .
5 |
Chowdhury, Mehdi and Wadood, Syed Naimul "Internal and Forced Migration and Economic Development in South Asia."
Migration in South Asia IMISCOE Regional Reader. Rajan, Irudaya, eds. Cham, Switzerland (OPEN ACCESS, with support from IMISCOE): Springer Nature, 2023 17-35 .
6 |
Bidisha, S. H., Mahmood, T. and Rahman, M. "Earnings Inequality and Changing Nature of Work: Evidence from Labour Force Survey Data of Bangladesh."
Tasks, Skills, and Institutions. Gradin, C. et al. Oxford University Press, 2022 chapter 8 .
7 |
Bidisha, S. H., Mahmood, T. and Rahman, M. "Bangladesh: Employment and Inequality Trends."
Tasks, Skills and Institutions: The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality. Gradin, C. et al. Oxford University Press, 2022 chapter 8 .
8 |
Bazlul H Khondker and Mahtab Uddin "Industry Sector of Bangladesh: Developments in the Last 50 Years."
Bangladesh: 50 Years of Transformation Since Liberation. Rahman, S. M. M. (Ed.). Dhaka: Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2021 .
9 |
syed naimul wadood "International Migration Theory and Bangladesh: A Brief Overview."
Preprint. ResearchGate, 2021 .
10 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Raihan, S> "Bangladesh Labour Market: Trends and Patterns in 50 Years."
Bangladesh: 50 years of Tranformation since Liberation. Rahman, S. M. M. and Mazid, M. A. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2021 chapter 10 .
11 |
Kabir, M., Uddin, M. and Razzaque, A. "Workfare Programmes and Skill Development in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Implications."
Compendium of Social Protection Research in Bangladesh. Dhaka: General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, 2020 pp. 299-366 .
12 |
Razzaque, A., Uddin, M., Ehsan, S. M. and Barua, S. "Harmonisation of Small Social Security Programmes: Issues and Policy Options."
Compendium of Social Protection Research in Bangladesh. Dhaka: General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, 2020 pp. 367-484 .
13 |
Bidisha, S. H., Raihan, S. and Jahan, I. "Unpaid Family Labor: A Hidden Form of Labor Market Discrimination in Bangladesh."
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh. Raihan, S. Springer, 2018 .
14 |
Mahmood, S. and Bidisha, S. H. "Female Labor Market Participation in Bangladesh: Structural Changes and Determinants of Labor Supply."
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Studies on Labor and Employment. Raihan, S. Spinger, 2018 .
15 |
Raihan, S., and Uddin, M. "How do Education and Skill development affect the Transition from ‘Good-enough’ Job to ‘Decent’ Job?."
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh: Studies on Labor and Employment. S. Raihan (Ed.) Springers. Signapore, 2018 (pp. 85-94). .
16 |
Raihan, S., Rahman, M. M., Afroze, A. and Uddin, M. "How does Remittance affect Labor Force Participation behavior and Employmant Choice in Bangladesh?."
Structural Change and Dynamics of Labor Markets in Bangladesh. S. Raihan (Ed.) Dhaka: Springers. Signapore, 2018 pp. 105-115 .
17 |
Iftekher Hossain "Mathematical tools for intermediate economics classes."
Department of Economics, Western University, 2018 .
18 |
Hassan, M. and Raihan, S. "Navigating the deals world: The politics of economic growth in Bangladesh."
Deals and Development. Edited by L. Pritchett, K. Sen, and E. Werker Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 .
19 |
Raihan, S., and Uddin, M. "Why do countries differ in export diversification?."
Let’s Think Aloud, Shall We?. S. Raihan (Ed.) Dhaka, Bangladesh: SANEM Publications., 2017 .
20 |
Raihan, S. and Uddin, M. "Why are some countries able to invest more than others?."
Let’s Think Aloud, Shall We?. S. Raihan (Ed.) Dhaka, Bangladesh: SANEM Publications., 2017 .
21 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Khondker, B. H. "Does Agricultural Credit Help in Raising agricultural Production? Empirical Evidences from Bangladesh."
Let’s Think Aloud, Shall We?. SANEM, Dhaka, 2017 .
22 |
Raihan, S. and Bidisha, S. H. "Does Rise in Per Capita Income in South Asia Promote Female Labor Force Participation?."
Let’s Think Aloud, Shall We?. SANEM, Dhaka, 2017 .
23 |
Ahmed, Akhter, Ricardo Hernandez, Firdousi Naher "Adoption of Stress-tolerant Rice Varieties in Bangladesh."
Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Small holders in Agricultural Development. Franz Gatsweiler and Joachim von Braun (eds.) Springer International, 2016 .
24 |
Raihan, S. "Foreign Trade."
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Bangladesh. Edited by Riaz, A. and Rahman, M. S London: Routledge, 2016 .
25 |
Huque R "Costs and benefits of addressing diabetes and smokeless tobacco consumption in Bangladesh."
Bangladesh priorities: Helping make vision 2012 a reality. Brac University, 2016 .
26 |
Mustafizur Rahman, Zafar Sadique and Nirman Saha "Trade Facilitation in South Asia through Transport Connectivity: Operationalising the Motor Vehicle Agreements."
Towards Regional Integration in South Asia: Promoting Trade Facilitation and Connectivity. Mustafizur Rahman Dhaka: Center For Policy Dialogue, 2015 194 .
27 |
Raihan, S. "The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Bangladesh."
Food Price Policy in an Era of Market Instability A Political Economy Analysis. Edited by Per Pinstrup-Andersen Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014 .
28 |
Raihan, S. and Razzaque, M. A. "Assessing Gains from SAFTA."
Regional Integration in South Asia Trends, Challenges and Prospects. Edited by M. A. Razzaque and Yurendra Basnett London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2014 .
29 |
Raihan, S. "Regional Trade in Services in South Asia."
Regional Integration in South Asia Trends, Challenges and Prospects. Edited by M. A. Razzaque and Yurendra Basnett London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2014 .
30 |
Raihan, S. and De, P. "India–Pakistan Economic Co-operation: Implications for Regional Integration in South Asia."
Regional Integration in South Asia Trends, Challenges and Prospects. Edited by M. A. Razzaque and Yurendra Basnett London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2014 .
31 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Minhaj Mahmud "“Delinking of Local and International Prices: Exploring Competition in the Bangladesh Rice Market”."
“Adjusting to Global Economic Volatility: the Case of South Asia”. Mustafa K. Mujeri, and Wahiduddin Mahmud, Eds. New Delhi: Academic Foundation (ISBN: 978-933-27-0164-9), 2014 237-265 .
32 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Saika Nudrat Chowdhury, Afrina Islam and Nabila Zaman ""Urban Service Delivery"."
“State of Cities: Governance for a Liveable Chittagong”. Brac Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) Dhaka (Bangladesh): Brac Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2014 55-81 .
33 |
Shamsun N. Ahmed, M. Aminul Islam "Equity and Justice Issues for Climate Change Adaptation in Water Resource Sector."
Climate Change Adaptation Actions in Bangladesh. R, Shaw et al. (eds) Japan: Springer, 2013 .
34 |
Raihan, S. "Policy priorities and role of aid in least developed countries: Bangladesh."
Foreign Aid in South Asia: The Emerging Scenario. Edited by Kelegama, S. New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2012 .
35 |
Raihan, S. and Sugiyarto, G. "Effects of Global Crisis on Remittances and Poverty: The Case Study on Bangladesh."
Global Crisis, Remittances and Poverty in Asia. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2012 .
36 |
Raihan, S. and Khondker, B.H.K. "Poverty and Inequality in Bangladesh."
Leading issues in Bangladesh Development. Edited by Ahmed, S Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2012 .
37 |
Bidisha S. H. "Human Development: Progress and Prospects."
Leading Issues in Bangladesh Development,. Ahmed, S. UPL, 2012 .
38 |
Raihan, S. and Uddin, H.S. "Bangladesh: Migration, Remittances, and Development."
Migration, Remittances and Development in South Asia. Edited by Kelegama, S. New Delhi: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2011 .
39 |
Raihan, S. "Growth and Poverty Impacts of Trade Liberalisation in Bangladesh."
Trade Liberalisation and Poverty in South Asia. Edited by Bandara, J.S., Athukorala, P.C. and Kelegama, S. New Delhi: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, 2011 .
40 |
Raihan, S. and Khondker, B.H.K. "A Study on Alternative Modes of Financing."
Background Papers of the Sixth Five Year Plan of Bangladesh 2011-2015, Volume 1. Edited Dhaka: BIDS, 2011 .
41 |
Khondker, B.H.K. and Raihan, S. "Input Output structure of the Bangladesh Economy 2006-07."
Technical Framework Paper of the Sixth Five Year Plan of Bangladesh 2011-2015, Volume 1. Edited by Mujeri, M.K and Alam, S. Dhaka: BIDS, 2011 .
42 |
Khondker, B.H.K. and Raihan, S. "A Social Accounting Matrix for Bangladesh 2006/07: Methodology and Results."
Technical Framework Paper of the Sixth Five Year Plan of Bangladesh 2011-2015, Volume 2. Edited by Mujeri, M.K and Alam, S. Dhaka: BIDS, 2011 .
43 |
Raihan, S. and Khondker, B.H.K. "Dynamic CGE Model of Bangladesh."
Technical Framework Paper of the Sixth Five Year Plan of Bangladesh 2011-2015, Volume 2. Edited by Mujeri, M.K and Alam, S. Dhaka: BIDS, 2011 .
44 |
Khondker, B.H.K. and Raihan, S. "Projected Macroeconomic Scenarios for the Sixth Five Year Plan (2011-2015)."
Technical Framework Paper of the Sixth Five Year Plan of Bangladesh 2011-2015, Volume 2. Edited by Mujeri, M.K and Alam, S. Dhaka: BIDS, 2011 .
45 |
Raihan, S., Hussain, J. and Khondker, B.H.K. "Poverty Counts in Bangladesh: Surveys, Methods and Estimates."
Poverty, Intra-Household distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh. Edited by Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2011 .
46 |
Razzaque, A. and Raihan, S. "“Intra-household Distribution and Poverty Incidence: An Empirical Investigation on Bangladesh."
Poverty, Intra-Household distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh. Edited by Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2011 .
47 |
Raihan. S. and Khondker B.H.K. "A Computable General Equilibrium Nanosimulation Approach for the Poverty and Welfare Analysis: An Insight from the Intra-Household Data in Bangladesh."
Poverty, Intra-Household distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh. Edited by Razzaque, A., Khondker, B. and Raihan, S. Dhaka: University Press Ltd, 2011 .
48 |
Razzaque, M. A. and Bidisha, S. H. "Women’s Empowerment and Intra-household Gender Relations in Bangladesh."
Poverty, Intra-household Distribution and Gender Relations in Bangladesh: Evidence and Policy Implications. Razzaque, M. A., Khondoker, B. H., and Raihan, S. UPL, 2011 .
49 |
Huque R "Learning from demand side financing: Bangladesh scenario."
Bangladesh Health Watch 2010: Moving towards universal health coverage. Dhaka: University Press Limited, 2011 51-62 .
50 |
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Razzaque, M. A. and Bidisha, S. H. "Migration and Development: The Bangladesh Case."
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Cloutier, M., Cockburn, J., Decaluwe, B., Khondker, B.H. and Raihan, S. "Welfare, Poverty and Distribution Effects of Trade Liberalization: A Review of the CGE Literature."
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Khondker, B.H., Mujeri, M. and Raihan, S. "Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Tariff Reforms in Bangladesh: A General Approach."
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Raihan, S., Razzauqe, A. and Laurent, E. "Economic Partnership Agreement: Implications from Alternative Scenario."
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Rahman, M., Razzaque, M.A. and Raihan, S. "Issues in Trade Policy of Bangladesh."
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Razzaque, A., Raihan, S. and Ahmed, N. "Global Rice Trade Liberalisation: Implications from Some Alternative Scenarios."
Global Rice and Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: Poverty and Welfare Implications for South Asia. Edited by Razzaque, A and Laurent, E. New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2008 .
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Raihan, S. and Razzaque, A. "Poverty and Welfare Consequences of Global Rice and Agricultural Trade Liberalisation for Bangladesh."
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Raihan, S. and Razzaque, M.A. "Services Trade Negotiations after WTO Hong Kong Ministerial: The South Asian Perspectives."
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Annabi, N.., Khondker, B., Raihan, S., Cockburn, J. and Decaluwé, B. "WTO Agreements and Domestic Policy Reforms – Implications for Poverty in Bangladesh: A Study in a Dynamic Sequential CGE Framework."
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Razzaque, M. A. and Bidisha, S. H. "Poverty-Environment Nexus: People’s Perception."
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Journal Article (371) |
1 |
Md. Saiful Islam, Mahdia Mahmud Taima, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Fahmida Alim : Food Insecurity and Socio-Economic Determinants of Domestic Violence Against Women in Rural Bangladesh,
Global Social Welfare , vol.4 , no.1 Springer Nature , 2025
2 |
Md. Saiful Islam, Mahdia Mahmud Taima, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Fahmida Alim : Food Insecurity and Socio‑Economic Determinants of Domestic Violence Against Women in Rural Bangladesh,
Global Social Welfare (impact factor:1.3) , vol.12 , no.1 Springer Nature , 2025
3 |
Rebaka Sultana, Mohammad Faruk, Md. Saiful Islam and Md. Asif Khaled : Does motivation theory really play any significant role on explaining university teachers’ performance: Understanding Bangladeshi context,
Asian Management and Business Review , vol.5 , no.1 , 2025
4 |
David McDaid, Aishwarya Lakshmi Vidyasagaran, Muhammed Nasir, Simon Walker, Judy Wright, Krishna Prasad Muliyala, Sreekanth Thekkumkara, Rumana Huque, Mehreen Riaz Faisal, Saumit Benkalkar, Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Claire Russell and Najma Siddiqi : Understanding the costs and economic impact of mental disorders in South Asia: A systematic review,
Asian Journal of Psychiatry , vol.102 , pp.104239 , 2024
5 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Md. Saiful Islam : Factors determine the first and second level of digital divide in rural Bangladesh,
SN Social Sciences (impact factor:0.6) , vol.4 , no.10 Springer Nature , 2024
6 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Md. Saiful Islam : Factors determine the first and second level of digital divide in rural Bangladesh,
SN Social Sciences , vol.4 Springer Nature , 2024
7 |
S.R. Osmani and Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee : The Political Economy of Policy Response to COVID-19: The Case of Bangladesh,
Journal of Asian and African Studies (impact factor:1.1) Sage , 2024
8 |
Babor Ahmad, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee, Mohammad Main Uddin, Shuktara Khanom, Shawon Talukdar and Umme Habiba : Fishermen’s willingness to accept compensation for conservation of Hilsha (Tenualosa ilisha) fish: Evidences from Bangladesh,
Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems (impact factor:1.8) , vol.9 , no.1 wiley , pp.15 , 2024
9 |
Q. N. Taslim and M. A. Taslim : A Note on the Intra-RTA Trade Ratio and South Asian Regional Integration,
Journal of Bangladesh Studies , vol.25 , pp.21-27 , 2023
10 |
Abul Kalam Azad, Nayeema Nusrat Choudhury and Syed Naimul Wadood : Impact of Agricultural Credit on Agricultural Production: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Social Science Review, [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.40 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.109-128 , 2023
11 |
Kazi Iqbal, Nahid Ferdous Pabon and Wahid Ferdous Ibon : Examining Rural Income and Employment in Bangladesh: A Case of Structural Changes in Rural Nonfarm Sector in a Developing Country,
The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (impact factor:3.11) Wiley , 2023
12 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Nayeema Nusrat Choudhury and Abul Kalam Azad : Does Migration Theory Explain International Migration from Bangladesh? A Primer Review,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.38 , no.2 (December 2021) Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.51-69 , 2023
13 |
Sultan Hafeez Rahman and Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee : Growth effects of budgetary fiscal variables in a panel of middle-income countries,
Review of World Economics (impact factor:1.7) Springer Link , pp.1-24 , 2023
14 |
Md Nazmul Hossain, Md Saiful Islam, SM Abdullah, Syed Mahbubul Alam and Rumana Huque : Vegetables and fruits retailers in two urban areas of Bangladesh: Disruption due to COVID–19 and implications for NCDs,
Plos one (impact factor:Q1(3.752)) , vol.18 , no.1 Public Library of Science , pp.e0280188 , 2023
15 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Abdullah-Al-Mamun : A Comparative Study of Financial Inclusion in South Asian Countries,
Journal of Governance, Security & Development (impact factor:wnership, Gap in Account Ownership) , vol.3 , no.2 Centre for Governance Studies , pp.19 , 2023
16 |
Sakil Ahmmed and Mahtab Uddin : Exploring the disparities in learning outcomes among the primary school students of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Educational Development , vol.93 , 2022
17 |
Sultan Hafeez Rahman and Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee : Short‑ and long‑run growth effects of fiscal policy in Bangladesh,
SN Business & Economics , vol.2 , no.9 Springer Nature , pp.1-21 , 2022
18 |
Edson Serván-Mori, Md Deen Islam, Warren A Kaplan, Rachel Thrasher and Veronika J Wirtz : Out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines in Bangladesh: An analysis of the national household income and expenditure survey 2016–17,
Plos one , vol.17 , no.9 Public Library of Science , 2022
19 |
Sakil Ahmmed and Mahtab Uddin : Exploring the disparities in learning outcomes among the primary school students of Bangladesh,
International Journal of Educational Development , vol.93 , 2022
20 |
Kazi Iqbal, Kazi Ali Toufique and Md Wahid Ferdous Ibon : Institutions and Rate of Return of Cattle: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Asian Development Review (impact factor:1.09) , vol.39 , no.01 World Scientific , pp.281-313 , 2022
21 |
Md. Deen Islam, Warren A Kaplan, Veronika J Wirtz and Kevin P Gallagher : The Social Costs of Success: The Impact of World Trade Organization Rules on Insulin Prices in Bangladesh upon Graduation from Least Developed Country Status,
Asian Development Review , vol.39 , no.1 World Scientific and Asian Development Bank , pp.239-279 , 2022
22 |
Bidisha, S. H., Faruk, A. and Mahmood, T. : How Women are Faring in the Bangladeshi Labour Market: Evidences from Labour Force Survey Data,
South Asia Economic Journal , vol.23 , no.2 , 2022
23 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Hazera-Tun-Nessa, Md. Moniruzzaman and Md. Sazzad Hossain : Factors Affecting Overseas Employment of Female Workers from Bangladesh,
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.66-74 , 2021
24 |
Nessa, Hazera-Tun, Moniruzzaman, M., Hossain, Md. Sazzad and Wadood, Sayed Naimul : Factors Affecting Overseas Employment of Female Workers from Bangladesh,
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues , vol.10 , no.2 , pp.66-74 , 2021
25 |
Kawsar Jahan and Mohammod Akbar Kabir : Environmental Accounting Reporting and Sustainable Development: A Reflection of Practice of Listed Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.17-40 , 2021
26 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee, Md. Saiful Islam and Md. Raied Arman : Gender Earnings Gap among Urban Youth Adults in Bangladesh: A Comparative Static Analysis,
Research in Applied Economics (impact factor:0.574) , vol.13 , no.3 Macrothink Institute , pp.45-66 , 2021
27 |
Rabeya Khatoon, Md Emran Hasan, Md Wahid Ferdous Ibon, Shahidul Islam, Jeenat Mehareen, Rubaiya Murshed, Md Nahid Ferdous Pabon, Md. Jillur Rahman and Musharrat Shabnam Shuchi : Aggregation, Asymmetry and Common Factors for Bangladesh’s Exchange Rate-Trade Balance Relation,
Empirical Economics, (impact factor:2.64) Springer , 2021
28 |
Uddin, M., Hasan, N. and Faruk, O. : Linking China's Belt and Road Initiative with Bangladesh's S.D.G.s: Identifying Scopes and Areas of Concerns.,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy Bangladesh Economic Association , pp.107-146 , 2021
29 |
Moniruzzaman, M. and Emran, S. J. : Education and Inequality in Rural Bangladesh: A Longitudinal Study,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development , 2021
30 |
Bidisha, S. H., Hossain, B. and Mahmood, T. : Assessing Food Poverty, Vulnerability and Food Consumption Inequality in the context of COVID-19: A Case of Bangladesh,
Social Indicators Research , vol.155 , pp.187-210 , 2021
31 |
Selim Raihan, Mahtab Uddin and Sakil Ahmmed : Impact of foreign remittances on the household spending behaviour in Bangladesh,
Migration and Development , vol.11 , no.3 , pp.1104-1126 , 2021
32 |
Raihan, S., Uddin, M. and Ahmmed, S. : Impact of Foreign Remittances on the Household Spending Behaviour in Bangladesh,
Migration and Development , 2021
33 |
Nigar Nargis, Maruf Ahmed, Golam Faruque Mohiuddin, Iftekherul Huq, Syed Naimul Wadud, Rehana Parveen, Jeffrey Droppe, et al. and AKM Ghulam Hussain : The Economic Cost of Tobacco Use in Bangladesh: A Health Cost Approach,
Tobacco Control , 2021
34 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Nigar Nargis, Golam Mohiuddin Faruque, Maruf Ahmed, Iftekharul Huq, Rehana Parven, AKM Ghulam Hossain and Jeffrey Drope : "A Comprehensive Economic Assessment of the Health Effects of Tobacco Use and Implications of Tobacco Control in Bangladesh",
BMJ Journals Tobacco Control , no.DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-056175 (March, online first) , 2021 (March)
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Sakil Ahmmed and Jonaed : Cyclical Fluctuation, Growth, and Stabilization: An Empirical Investigation of Dual Policy Objectives in Bangladesh,
Journal of Economics and Business , vol.3 , no.4 , 2020
36 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Raihan Ahamed : Exploring Water Consumption in Dhaka City Using Instrumental Variables Regression Approaches,
Environmental Processes (impact factor:4.7) , vol.7 Springer , pp.1255-1275 , 2020
37 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain, Abu Shara Shamsur Rouf, Shafiun Shimul, Jeffrey Droppe and Nigar Nargis, et al. : The Economic Cost of Tobacco Farming in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2020
38 |
Nigar Nargis, AKM Ghulam Hussain, Mark Goodchild, Anne Quah and Geoffrey T Fong : Tobacco industry pricing undermines tobacco tax policy: A tale from Bangladesh,
Preventive Medicine , 2020
39 |
Abdullah S M, Huque R, Baulad L, Ross H, Gillmore A, John R and Siddiqi K : Estimating the Magnitude of Illicit Cigarette Trade in Bangladesh: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol.17(13) , pp.1 - 14 , 2020
40 |
Abu Sadat Mohammed Yasin, Md. Majharul Haque, Md. Nasim Adnan, Sonia Rahnuma, Anowar Hossain, Kallol Naha, Mohammod Akbar Kabir and Francesc Serratosa : Localization of Autonomous Robot in an Urban Area Based on SURF Feature Extraction of Images,
International Journal of Technology Diffusion , vol.11 , no.4 , pp.18-45 , 2020
41 |
Huque R, Elsey H, Fieroze F and Hicks J : “Death is a better option than being treated like this”: a prevalence survey and qualitative study of depression among multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in-patients,
BMC Public Health , vol.20 (1) , 2020
42 |
King R, Hicks J, Newell J and Huque R : A process for developing a sustainable and scalable approach to community engagement: community dialogue approach for addressing the drivers of antibiotic resistance in Bangladesh,
BMC Public Health , vol.20 (1) , 2020
43 |
Md. Nasim Adnan, Md. Majharul Haque, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Abu Sadat Mohammad Yasin and Muhammad Shakil Pervez : Comprehensive Interaction Model for Cloud Management,
, vol.11 , no.8 , pp.344-349 , 2020
44 |
Hussain AH M E, Azdi Z A, Islam K and Huque R : Prevalence of Eye Problems among Young Infants of Rohingya Refugee Camps: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Survey,
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease , vol.5 (1) , pp.21 , 2020
45 |
Md. Majharul Haque, Md. Nasim Adnan, Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Mohammad Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, Abu Sadat Mohammad Yasin and Muhammad Shakil Pervez : An Innovative Approach of Verification Mechanism for both Electronic and Printed Documents,
, vol.11 , no.8 , pp.623-627 , 2020
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Khan Z, Huque R, Sheikh A, Readshaw A and Jackson C : Compliance of smokeless tobacco supply chain actors and products with tobacco control laws in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: protocol for a multicentre sequential mixed-methods study,
BMJ Open , no.10(6):e036468 , 2020
47 |
Murshed, R. and Uddin, M.R. : Organic Farming in Bangladesh: To Pursue or not to Pursue? An Exploratory Study Based on Consumer Perception,
Organic Farming [LibrelloPublishers] , vol.6 , no.1 , 2020
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Syed Naimul Wadood and Basharat Hossain : "Potential Unexplored? Tourism and Economic Growth of Bangladesh",
Journal of Tourismology , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.63-77 , 2020 (June)
49 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Basharat Hossain : "Impact of Urban Microfinance on the Livelihood Strategies of Borrower Slum Dwellers in the Dhaka City, Bangladesh",
Journal of Urban Management , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.151-167 , 2020 (June)
50 |
Murshed, R. and Uddin, M.R. : Testing the intergenerational persistence in stream of schooling: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Journal of School Choice: International Research and Reforms [Taylor & Francis] , pp.1-36 , 2020
51 |
Ferdous T, Siddiqi K, Abdullah S M and Huque R : Smoking behaviours and indoor air quality: a comparative analysis of smoking- permitted vs. smoke-free homes in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Tobacco Control , 2020
52 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Kunal Sen : Is there a Gender Bias in Deal Making? Evidence from Firm level cross Country Analysis,
ESID Working Paper, University of Manchester, UK , vol.WP No. 161 , 2020
53 |
Bidisha, S. H., Abdullah, S. M., Siddiqua, S. and Islam, M. M. : How Does Dependency Ratio affect Economic Growth in the Long Run? Evidence from Selected Asian Countries,
The Journal of Developing Areas , vol.vol. 54, no. 2 , 2019
54 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain, Nigar Nargis, SM Ashiquzzaman and Fahad Khalil : The employment impact of microcredit program participation in Bangladesh: Evidence from a longitudinal household survey.,
Journal of Development Perspective , 2019
55 |
Kawsar Jahan, Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Farjana Nur Saima and Md. Nasim Adnan : Financial Crises in State Owned and Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis,
Business and Economic Research , vol.9 , no.2 , pp.146-159 , 2019
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Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Md. Moniruzzaman, Kawsar Jahan and Md. Shahjahan : Cost-benefit Analysis of Seedling Production on Floating Beds in a Few Selected Areas of Bangladesh,
Journal of Agricultural Studies , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.75-86 , 2019
57 |
Nigar Nargis, AKM Ghulam Hussain, Mark Goodchild, Anne CK Quah and Geofrey T Fong : A decade of cigarette taxation in Bangladesh: lessons learnt for tobacco control,
WHO Bulletin , 2019
58 |
Abul Kalam Azad and Sheikh Jafar Emran : ‘Ending High, Starting High: Job Placement of Economics Graduates of Dhaka University’,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Accepted , 2019
59 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Basharat Hossain : "Does Microfinance Matter for Women Borrowers? Recent Findings from Bangladesh",
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting , vol.10 , no.3 , pp.1-9 , 2019
60 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir : Estimating Existence Value of the Royal Bengal Tiger in the Sundarbans: A Contingent Valuation Study of Dhaka City,
Social Science Review , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.49-63 , 2019
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Md. Deen Islam : Are Saving and Bequest Constraints Only Reason of Child Labor? Evidence from Bangladesh.,
Asian Development Perspectives , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.30-42 , 2019
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Kawsar Jahan, Mohammod Akbar Kabir and Farjana Nur Saima : Determinants of Financial Stability: Evidence from Listed Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh,
DIU Journal Business and Entrepreneurship , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.13-28 , 2019
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Md. Deen Islam, Warren A Kaplan, Danielle Trachtenberg, Rachel Thrasher, Kevin P Gallagher and Veronika J Wirtz : Impacts of intellectual property provisions in trade treaties on access to medicine in low and middle income countries: a systematic review,
Globalization and health , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.1-14 , 2019
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Jamil Sayeed, Md. Deen Islam and Sanjida Yasmin : Does the US economy face a long run trade-off between inflation and unemployment,
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.118-132 , 2019
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Kawsar Jahan and Mohammod Akbar Kabir : The Impact of Financial Distress on Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Non- Banking Financial Institution of Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies , vol.40 , no.1 , 2019
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Uddin, M. and Hasan, N. : A Microeconometric Analysis of Youth NEET in Bangladesh: What Factors Affect to be “Not in Employment, Education, or Training,
Dhaka University Studies , vol.75 , 2019
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Sultan Hafeez Rahman and Md Wahid Ferdous Ibon : "Bangladesh’s Trade with Asia: What Do Gravity Models Tell Us?",
Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.XLII , no.01 , pp.1-22 , 2019
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Elsey H, Agyepong I and Huque R : Rethinking health systems in the context of urbanisation: challenges from four rapidly urbanising low- and middle- income countries,
British Medical Journal Global Health , vol.4(3):e001501 , 2019
69 |
Hay K, McDougal L, Percival V and Huque R : Disrupting gender norms in health systems: making the case for change,
The Lancet (impact factor:53.254) , vol.DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30648-8 , 2019
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Nasir M, Huque R, Beebe L, Shah S and Siddiqi K : Evaluation of tobacco dependence measures in South Asian smokeless tobacco users,
Drug and Alcohol Dependance , 2019
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Bidisha, S. H., Abdullah, S. M. and Islam, M. M. : The Long-run Relationship between Dependency Ratio and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: Time Series Evidences,
Demography India , vol.vol. 48; no. 2 , pp.105-120 , 2019
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Islam MN, Engels T, Hossain S, Sarker M and Rabbani A : Willingness-to-pay for Cataract Surgeries among Patients visiting Eye-care Facilities in Dhaka,
Applied health economics and health policy , 2019
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Sayema Haque Bidisha, S M Abdullah, Salina Siddiqua and Mohammad Mainul Islam : How Does Dependency Ratio Affect Economic Growth in the Long Run?Evidence from Selected Asian Countries,
The Journal of Developing Areas , vol.Vol. 54 , no.No. 2 , 2019
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Huque R and Nasreen S, Ahmed F : Integrating a diabetes and hypertension case management package within primary health care: a mixed method feasibility study in Bangladesh,
BMC Health Services Research (impact factor:1.932) , vol.DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3601-0 , 2018
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Siddiquee, M. S. H. and Hossain, M. A. : Exploring Gender Wage Gap in Urban Labor Market of Bangladesh,
Research in Applied Economics , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.36-58 , 2018
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Siddiquee, M. S. H. and Ali, A. M. : Healthcare-Seeking Behavior and Out-of-Pocket Payments in Rural Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Analysis,
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences , vol.7 , no.3 , pp.45-55 , 2018
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Marup Hossain, Mohammad Abdul Malek, Md Amzad Hossain, Md Hasib Reza and Md Shakil Ahmed : Agricultural Microcredit for Tenant Farmers: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Bangladesh,
American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 2018
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Sayema Haque Bidisha, Md Amzad Hossain, Rubaiyat Alam and Md Mehedi Hasan : Credit, tenancy choice and agricultural efficiency: Evidence from the northern region of Bangladesh,
Economic Analysis and Policy , vol.57 , pp.22-32 , 2018
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Syed Naimul Wadood and Basharat Hossain : "The Proliferation of the Urban Microfinance and Its Problems and Prospects in Bangladesh",
Global Journal of Human-Social Science: E Economics , vol.18 , no.7 , pp.59-70 , 2018
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S. M. Abdullah, Abul Kalam Azad and S Siddiqua : Budget deficit and growth: in search of ceiling for Bangladesh,
Business and Economic Horizons (DOI- ) , vol.14 , no.4 , 2018
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Syed Naimul Wadood and Ayub Ali : "Economic Valuation of Rural Wetlands and Household Food Security: A Case Study from the North-West Bangladesh",
Asia Pacific Journal of Environment and Development , vol.26 to 29 , no.June & December 2016-17 (Special Issue) , pp.97-117 , 2018
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Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Md Amzad Hossain : Exploring Gender Wage Gap in Urban Labor Market of Bangladesh,
Research in Applied Economics , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.36-58 , 2018
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Abul Kalam Azad, Tasnim Rahman Fariha and S. M. Abdullah : Does Carbon Emission Matter for Health Care Expenditure? Evidence from SAARC Region using Panel Co-integration,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.611-634 , 2018
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Syed Naimul Wadood and Mostafa Tehsum : "Examining Vulnerabilities: the Cycle Rickshaw Pullers of Dhaka City",
International Journal of Development Research , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.18424-18435 (Article No. 11861) , 2018
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Mohammad Iftekher Hossain and Nashia Zaman : Benefit-Cost Ratio of Screening Diabetes through the Community Clinics in Bangladesh.,
Social Science Review , vol.35 , 2018
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Siddiqi K, Huque R, Shah S and Jackson C : Children Learning About Second-hand Smoke (CLASS II): a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial,
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (impact factor:4.291) , pp.Open access , 2018
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Tasnim Rahman Fariha, Abul Kalam Azad and S. M. Abdullah : Does Carbon Emission Matter for Health Care Expenditure? Evidence from SAARC region using Panel Cointegration,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.1 , no.31 , 2018
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S. M. Abdullah, Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Kawsar Jahan and Salina Siddiqua : Which Model Performs Better While Forecasting Stock Market Volatility? Answer for Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE),
Theoretical Economics Letters , vol.8 , pp.3203-3222 , 2018
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Kawsar Jahan, Hasina Begum, Fatema-Tuz-Zohra, Md. Nasim Adnan and Mohammod Akbar Kabir : Statistical Analysis on Impact of Profitability Ratios on Share Prices of Listed Insurance Companies in the Share Market of Bangladesh,
ULAB JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.25-31 , 2018
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Abdullah, S. M. and Bidisha, S. H. : The Long Run Relationship Between Youth Population and Economic Growth: Evidences from Time Series Data of Bangladesh,
Research in Applied Economics , vol.vol. 10, no. 2 , 2018
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Bidisha, S. H., Raihan, S. and Jahan, I. : Unpacking Unpaid Labour in Bangladesh,
Indian Journal of Labour Economics , 2018
92 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Md. Nazmul Hossain : ‘Estimating the Impact of Weather Variables on Crop Production: Evidence from Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS) 2011-12’,
The Asia Pacific Journal of Environment and Development , vol.4(Accepted) , 2018
93 |
Hahm, H. and Raihan, S. : The Belt and Road Initiative: Maximizing benefits, managing risks—A computable general equilibrium approach,
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development , vol.2 , pp.140 , 2018
94 |
Ummul Ruthbah : Female participation in social safety-net program: an analysis of the Employment Generation Program for the Poorest,
Social Science Review , 2018
95 |
Bidisha, S. H., Hossain, A.,, Alam, R. and Hasan, M. : Credit, Tenancy Choice and Agricultural Efficiency: Evidences from the Northern Region of Bangladesh,
Economic Analysis and Policy , vol.vol. 57 , pp.22-32 , 2018
96 |
Huq Iftekharul, Nargis Nigar, Hussain AKMG and Fong Geoffrey T : An empirical analysis of the impact of income change and cigarette taxation in a price-tiered cigarette market of Bangladesh.,
Tobacco Control , 2018
97 |
Huq Iftekharul, Nargis Nigar, Hussain AKMG and Fong Geoffrey T. : Does change in perception of tobacco risk affect smokers' behaviour? - An empirical analysis.,
Tobacco Induced Diseases , 2018
98 |
M. A. Taslim and Q. N. Taslim (co-author) : Productivity and Agricultural Real Wage in Bangladesh: 1959-60 to 2012-13,
The Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. XLI , no.1 , pp.1-29 , 2018
99 |
Hussain AKM G and Nargis N. : The price sensitivity of choice and consumption of cigarette by brand categories in Bangladesh: findings from ITC Bangladesh Surveys,
Tobacco Induced Diseases , 2018
100 |
Mdege N, Fairhurst C and Huque R : Muslim Communities Learning About Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh (MCLASS II): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of a community-based smoke-free homes intervention, with or without Indoor Air Quality feedback,
Trials (impact factor:2.067) , vol.20 , no.1 , 2018
101 |
Elsey H, Poudel A N and Huque R : Improving household surveys and use of data to address health inequities in three Asian cities: Protocol for the Surveys for Urban Equity (SUE) mixed methods and feasibility study,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , vol.8(11):e024182. , 2018
102 |
Boeckmann M, Nohavova I, Dogar O, Kralikova E and Huque R : Protocol for the mixed-methods process and context evaluation of the TB & Tobacco randomised controlled trial in Bangladesh and Pakistan: a hybrid effectiveness implementation study.,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , vol.8:e019878. doi:10.1136/2017-019878 , 2018
103 |
Walley J, Khan M A, Witter S and Huque R : Embedded health service development and research: why and how to do it (a ten-stage guide),
Health Research Policy and Systems (impact factor:2.218) , vol.16 , no.67 , 2018
104 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Md. Nazmul Hossain : Estimating the Impact of Weather Variables on Crop Production: Evidence from Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS) 2011-12,
The Asia Pacific Journal of Environment and Development , 2018
105 |
Rabbani A, Biju NR, Rizwan A and Sarker M : A social network analysis of psychological morbidity in an urban slum of Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study based on a community census,
BMJ Open , vol.8 , no.7 , 2018
106 |
Abul Kalam Azad, S M Abdullah and Tasnim Rahman Fariha : Does Carbon Emission Matter for Health Care Expenditure? Evidence from SAARC region using Panel Cointegration,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy , vol.Vol. 34 , no.No. 1 , 2018
107 |
S M Abdullah, Mohammad Akbar Kabir, Kawsar Jahan and Salina Siddiqua : Modeling and Forecasting Stock Market Volatility: Experience of Dhaka Stock Exchange,
Theoretical Economics Letters , vol.8(14) , 2018
108 |
S M Abdullah and Sayema Haque Bidisha : The Long Run Relationship between Youth Population and Economic Growth: Evidences from Time Series Data of Bangladesh,
Research in Applied Economics , vol.Vol.10 , no.No. 2 , 2018
109 |
S M Abdullah, Abul Kalam Azad and Salina Siddiqua : Budget Deficit and Growth: In Search of Ceiling for Bangladesh,
Business and Economic Horizons , vol.Vol.14 , no.Issue 4 , 2018
110 |
Warsi S, Elsey H, Boeckmann M and Huque R : Using behaviour change theory to train health workers on tobacco cessation support for tuberculosis patients: a mixed-methods study in Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan,
BMC Health Services Research , vol.19(1) , no.DOI: 10.1186/s12913-019-3909-4 , 2018
111 |
Das M, Elsey H, Shawon R A and Huque R : Protocol to develop sustainable day care for children aged 1–4 years in disadvantaged urban communities in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.43) , vol.BMJ Open 8(7):e024101 , no.DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024101 , 2018
112 |
Van Bergeijk, P. A and Siddiquee, M. S. H. : Biased Sanctions? Methodological Change in Economic Sanctions Reconsidered and Its Implications,
International Interactions, 879-893. Find it: , vol.43 , no.5 , pp.879-893 , 2017
113 |
Abdullah, S. M., Siddiqua, S., Siddiquee, M. S. H. and Hossain, N. : Modeling and forecasting exchange rate volatility in Bangladesh using GARCH models: a comparison based on normal and Student’s t-error distribution,
Financial Innovation , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.18 , 2017
114 |
Abul Kalam Azad and S. N. Wadood : Climate change and Bangladesh Fisheries and Aquaculture: Evidences from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) 2010 Data,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.34 , no.1 , 2017
115 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Md Amzad Hossain : Microeconomic impact of remittances on household welfare: Evidences from Bangladesh,
Business and Economic Horizons (BEH) , vol.13 , pp.10-29 , 2017
116 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Abul Kalam Azad : Too Small to Export: Firm Characteristics for Export Market Participation in Manufacturing Sector,
International Journal of SME Development , vol.June 2017 , no.3 , pp.43-64 , 2017
117 |
Qamrun N. Taslim and M.A. Taslim : A decomposition Analysis of the Growth of Agricultural Output in Bangladesh: 1975-76 to 1998-99,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D], Vol. 34, No. 1 , pp.1-13 , 2017
118 |
Moniruzzaman, M. : Impact of Climate change on Household Classified Food Consumption and Food Security,
The Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.34 , no.2 , pp.91 – 104 , 2017
119 |
Bidisha, S. H., Akib, K., Imran, K., Sarowar, G. and Khondker, B. H. : Role of Credit in Food Security and Dietary Diversity in Bangladesh,
Economic Analysis and Policy , vol.vol. 53 , pp.pp 33-45 , 2017
120 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Abul Kalam Azad : “Climate Change and Bangladesh Fisheries and Aquaculture: Evidences from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2010) Data”,
Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.195-209 , 2017
121 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Md. Amzad Hossain : "Microeconomic Impact of Remittances on Household Welfare: Evidences from Bangladesh",
Business and Economic Horizons , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.10-29 , 2017
122 |
Bazlul Khandker and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : Financial and Economic Feasibility of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant.,
Energy and Power, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission , 2017
123 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Ayub Ali : “Economic Valuation of Rural Wetlands in Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Padma Beel of Pabna”,
International Journal of Research & Methodology in Social Science , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.36-52 , 2017
124 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Mohammad M. Islam : ‘Assessing the Relationship between Inflation and Some Selected Macroeconomic Variables of Bangladesh: An Econometric Analysis’,
Dhaka University Journal of Development Studies , vol.Volume-02 , 2017
125 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Mohammad Mosarop Hossan and Md. Abdul Hye : “Micro-level Impact of ‘Old Age Allowance’ and ‘Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)’ Programs: Evidences from Rural Bangladesh”,
Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences , vol.5 , no.Social Safety Net Programs (SSNPs), Old Age Security , pp.129-140 , 2017
126 |
Shah S, Kannan M and Huque R : Secondhand smoke exposure in primary school children: A survey in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (impact factor:4.219) , pp.Open Access , 2017
127 |
Raihan, S., Bidisha, S.H. and Jahan, I. : Unpacking unpaid labour in Bangladesh,
Indian Journal of Labour Economics , vol.60 , pp.571-587 , 2017
128 |
Huque R and Zaman MM, Huque S M and Sinha D : Smokeless tobacco and public health in Bangladesh,
Indian Journal of Public Health (impact factor:0.45) , vol.61, Suppl S1 , no.5 , pp.S1: 18-24 , 2017
129 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Abul Kalam Azad : ‘Too Small to Export: Firm Characteristics for Export Market Participation in Manufacturing Sector’,
International Journal of SME Development , vol.Volume-2 , 2017
130 |
Razzaque, M. A., Bidisha, S. H. and Khondker, B.H. : The Exchange Rate and Economic Growth: An Empirical Assessment on Bangladesh,
Journal of South Asian Development , vol.vol 12, issue 1 , 2017
131 |
Raihan, S., Osmani, S. R. and Khalily, M. A. B. : The macro impact of microfinance in Bangladesh: A CGE analysis,
Economic Modelling , vol.62 , pp.1-15 , 2017
132 |
Md. Deen Islam and Jamil Sayeed and Nazmul Hossain : On Determinants of Poverty and Inequality in Bangladesh,
Journal of Poverty , vol.21 , no.4 , pp.352-371 , 2017
133 |
Ebenso B, Huque R and Azdi Z : Protocol for a mixed-methods realist evaluation of a health service user feedback system in Bangladesh,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , 2017
134 |
Nargis N, Stoklosa M, Drope J, Fong GT, Quah ACK, Driezen P, Chaloupka FJ, Shang C and Hussain AKMG. : The trend in the affordability of tobacco products in Bangladesh 2009-2015: Evidence from ITC Bangladesh Surveys.,
Tobacco Control , 2017
135 |
Reid JL, Mutti-Packer S, Gupta PC, Li Q, Yuan J, Nargis N, Hussain AKMG and Hammond D. : Influence of Health Warnings on Beliefs about the Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking, in the Context of an Experimental Study in Four Asian Countries,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2017
136 |
Abdullah S M, Siddiqua S M and Huque R : Is health care a necessary or luxury product for Asian countries? An answer using panel approach,
Health Economics Review (impact factor:1.374) , 2017
137 |
Dherani M, Zehra S N, Jackson C and Huque R : Behaviour change interventions to reduce second-hand smoke exposure at home in pregnant women – a systematic review and intervention appraisal. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth,
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (impact factor:2.331) , vol.17 , no.1 , 2017
138 |
Walker I F, Baral S C and Huque R : Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment programmes insufficiently consider comorbid mental disorders,
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (impact factor:2.392) , vol.21(6) , pp.pp.603-609 , 2017
139 |
S M Abduallah, Salina Siddiqua, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Md. Nazmul Hossain : Modeling and Forecasting Exchange Rate Volatility in Bangladesh using GARCH models: a comparison based on normal and Student’s t- error distribution,
Financial Innovation, SpringerOpen , vol.3 (1) , no.18 , 2017
140 |
S M Abdullah, Salina Siddiqua, Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and Nazmul Hossain : Modeling and Forecasting Exchange Rate Volatility in Bangladesh using GARCH models: a comparison based on normal and Student’s t- error distribution,
, vol.3(1), 18 , 2017
141 |
S M Abdullah, Salina Siddiqua and Rumana Huque : Is Health Care Expenditure a Necessary or Luxury for Asian Countries? An Answer using Panel Approach,
Health Economics Review , vol.7(1), 4 , 2017
142 |
Dogar O, Barua D, Boeckmann and Huque R : The safety, effectiveness and cost‐effectiveness of cytisine in achieving six‐month continuous smoking abstinence in tuberculosis patients – protocol for a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled randomised trial,
Addiction (impact factor:5.953) , vol.DOI: 10.1111/add.14242 , 2017
143 |
Md Sajib Hossain, Md Amzad Hossain and Shabnaz Amin : An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Monetary Policy Stance and Stock Price in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.39 , no.1-2 , pp.27-57 , 2016
144 |
Mohammad Ali Taslim and Md Amzad Hossain : Consumer goods and export during economic slowdowns: The experience from the Great Recession,
International Journal of Development Issues , vol.15 , no.2 , pp.153-167 , 2016
145 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain, Ishrat Kakoly and Qamrun Taslim : Gender Wage Differentials of Bangladesh Labor Market.,
Social Science Review , vol.33 , 2016
146 |
Huque R and Ahmed F, King R : Improving quality of care of children in community clinics: an intervention and evaluation in Bangladesh,
Public Health Action , vol.6 (2). , pp.pp. 77-82. , 2016
147 |
Siddiquee, M.S.H. : Exploring Impact of Targeting the Ultra Poor Programme on Health Issues in Bangladesh,
Journal of Health Management , vol.18 , no.3 , pp.424-438. , 2016
148 |
Israt Jahan Kakoly, Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : Gender Wage Differentials of Bangladesh Labor Marke,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Vol. 33, No. 1 , pp.171-184 , 2016
149 |
Bidisha, S. H., Khan, A., Imran, K. and Khondker, B. H. : Returns to Agricultural Microcredit: Quasi Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.vol. 38, no. 4 , 2016
150 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Reimer, M. : Fostering Systems Thinking for Youth Leading Environmental Change: Multinational Exploration,
Ecopsychology , vol.vol. 8, no. 3 , 2016
151 |
Reimer, M. and Bidisha, S. H. : The Youth Leading Environmental Change Project: A Mixed Method Longitudinal Study across Six Countries,
Ecopsychology , vol.vol. 8, no. 3 , 2016
152 |
Uddin, G. H., Bidisha, S. H. and Ozturk, I. : Carbon Emissions, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Relationship in Sri Lanka,
Energy Resources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy , vol.vol. 11, no. 3 , pp.pp. 282-287 , 2016
153 |
Motahar Hosen, Mohammod Akbar Kabir and A K M Nazrul slam : Economic Instruments in Controlling Water Pollution: A Case of Textile Industry in Bangladesh,
Asia Pacific Journal of Environment and Development , vol.26v-29v , pp.1-25 , 2016
154 |
Ummul Ruthbah and Tasneen Fariha : Social safety-net programs in Bangladesh: a study on the beneficiaries’ profile of 2005 and 2010”,,
Social science Review , 2016
155 |
K. M. Nafis Ifteakhar Tulon, Md. Azhar Uddin and Sheikh Jafar Emran : ‘Marginal Effect of Working Hour on Health and Choice of Labor Supply and Leisure by Occupation Classification: A Study on Rural Labor Market of Bangladesh’,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Volume 33 , no.No-2 , 2016
156 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran, Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Mohammad Ali Taslim : ‘Standards as Trade Barriers: The Case of Shrimp Export of Bangladesh to EU’,
Journal of Bangladesh Studies, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA , vol.Volume-17 , no.No-1 , 2016
157 |
Pritchett, L., Sen, K., Kar, S. and Raihan, S. : Trillions gained and lost: Estimating the magnitude of growth episodes,
Economic Modelling , vol.55 , 2016
158 |
Mutti-Packer S, Reid JL, Gupta PC, Pednekar MS, Dhumal G, Nargis N, Hussain AKMG and Hammond D. : Patterns of use and perceptions of harm of smokeless tobacco in Navi Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh.,
Indian Journal of Community Medicine , 2016
159 |
Driezen P, Abdullah AS, Nargis N, Hussain AKM, Fong GT, Thompson ME, Quah ACK and Xu S. : Awareness of tobacco-related health harms among vulnerable populations in Bangladesh: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Bangladesh Survey,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2016
160 |
Jackson C, Huque R and Satyanarayana V : ) “He Doesn’t Listen to My Words at All, So I Don’t Tell Him Anything”—A Qualitative Investigation on Exposure to Second Hand Smoke among Pregnant Women, Their Husbands and Family Members from Rural Bangladesh and Urban India,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:2.948) , vol.13(11) , pp.1098 , 2016
161 |
Siddiqi F, Huque R and Dogar O : Updated evidence-based guide to smoking cessation therapies,
British journal of community nursing , vol.21(12) , pp.607-611 , 2016
162 |
Bay J L, Hipkins R, Siddiqi K and Huque R : School-based primary NCD risk reduction: education and public health perspectives,
Health Promotion International , vol.doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw096 , 2016
163 |
Huque R and Shah S, Mushtaq N, and Siddiqi K : Determinants of Salivary Cotinine among Smokeless Tobacco Users: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Bangladesh,
PLoS ONE (impact factor:2.776) , vol.11(8): e0160211. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160211 , 2016
164 |
Deen Islam, Jamil Sayeed and Md. Nazmul Hossain : On determinants of poverty and inequality in Bangladesh,
Journal of Poverty , vol.21 , no.4 , pp.352-371 , 2016
165 |
S. J. Emran, Q. N. Taslim and M. A. Taslim : Standards as Trade Barriers: The Case of Shrimp Export of Bangladesh to EU,
Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1 , pp.36-45 , 2015
166 |
Hossain, M. I. and Moniruzzaman, M. : Distributional Impact is Important to Assess the Impact of Health Policies: A Study Based on Bangladesh,
The Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.227 – 236 , 2015
167 |
Mohammad Ali Taslim and Md Amzad Hossain : “Divergence of International and Domestic Prices of Imported Edible Oil in a small Open Economy: The Case of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.XXXVIII , no.1 , 2015
168 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain, Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Nayeema Nusrat Choudhury : Evaluating the Impact of Safety Net Programmes in Monga-Affected Areas in Bangladesh Using Broad Health Datasets,
The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Vol. 32, No. 1 , pp.1-11 , 2015
169 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : Econometric Evaluation of Health Programmes in Developing Countries Using Experimental Framework and Broad Health Data.,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.70 , 2015
170 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain Siddique and Nazmul Hossain : ‘Stay in School or Leave from School: Impact of Recession on Graduation and Enrollment Decisions across States in USA’,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part D, Volume-32 , no.Number-2, , 2015
171 |
Emtenan Ashraf and Mohammod akbar Kabir : Determinants of Firm's Performance in Bangladesh,
Asia Pacific Journal of Environment and Development , vol.24v-25v , pp.79-99 , 2015
172 |
Ummul Ruthbah, Atonu Rabbani, Salim Hossain and Golam Sarwar : “Do the Extra Hours of Tuition Payoff? An Evaluation of the CDIP Education Support Program,
Journal of Development Effectiveness. , 2015
173 |
Aroni Barkat and Farzana Hossain : Determinants of Antenatal Care and its Impact on Child Health in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Review , vol.31 , pp.231-250 , 2015
174 |
Siddiqi K, Huque R and Jackson C : Children Learning About Secondhand Smoke (CLASS II): protocol of a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , 2015
175 |
Raihan, S. : South Asian Economic Union –Challenges and Tasks Ahead,
South Asia Economic Journal , vol.16 , 2015
176 |
Banerjee, O., Mahzab, M., Raihan, S. and Islam, N. : An economy-wide analysis of climate change impacts on agriculture and food security in Bangladesh,
Climate Change Economics , vol.6 , no.1 , 2015
177 |
Siddiqi K, Scammell K and Huque R : Smokeless tobacco supply chain in South Asia: A comparative analysis using the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (impact factor:4.219) , pp.Open access , 2015
178 |
Md. Deen Islam and Mahfuz Ashraf, Azizur Rahman, and Rashadul Hasan : Quantitative Analysis of Amartya Sen's Theory: An ICT4D Perspective,
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD) , vol.7 , no.3 , pp.13-26 , 2015
179 |
Amjad, R., Chandrasiri, S., Nathan, D., Raihan, S., Verick, S. and Yusuf, A. : What Holds Back Manufacturing in South Asia,
Economic & Political Weekly , vol.L , no.10 , 2015
180 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Md. Amzad Hossain : “Impact of Overseas Remittances on Economic Growth: Evidence from Bangladesh”,
The Dhaka University Studies [Journal of the Faculty of Arts] , vol.70 , no.1 ( June 2013) , pp.93-111 , 2015 , Vol. No. 1
181 |
Huque R, Dogar O and Cameron I : Children Learning About Second-hand Smoking (CLASS): a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial,
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (impact factor:4.219) , vol.Volume 17, Issue 12 , pp.Pages 1465–1472 , 2015
182 |
Barkat, A. & Hossain, F : Determinants of Antenatal Care and its Impact on Child Health in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Review , vol.31 , pp.231-250 , 2015
183 |
Mutti S, Reid JL, Gupta PC, Dhumal G, Nargis N and Hussain AKMG : Perceived effectiveness of text and pictorial health warnings for smokeless tobacco packages in Navi Mumbai, India and Dhaka, Bangladesh: Findings from an experimental study.,
Tobacco Control , 2015
184 |
Nargis N, Thompson ME, Fong GT, Driezen P, Hussain AKMG, Ruthbah UH, Quah ACK and Abdullah AS : Prevalence and patterns of tobacco use in Bangladesh from 2009 to 2012: Evidence from International Tobacco Control (ITC) Study.,
PLOS ONE , 2015
185 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran, Mohammad Shahadat Hossain Siddique and Md. Nazmul Hossain : Stay in School or Leave from School: Impact of Recession on Graduation and Enrollment Decisions across States in USA,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies Part D , vol.32 , no.2 , 2015
186 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Jahan, I. : Orthnitite Narir Osikrito Obodan o Narir khamotayone Sochetonota Briddhi Karjokromer Probhab,
Naari O Progoti, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha , vol.vol. 11, no. 21, [ISSN: 2313-0040] , 2015
187 |
Qamrun Taslim, Mohammad Iftekher Hossain and Asif Chowdhury : A Study of Maternal Health Care in Bangladesh- Significance of Socio-Economic and Supply-Side Factors,
Social Science Review , vol.31 , 2014
188 |
Naher, Firdousi, Barkat-e-Khuda, Shaikh S. Ahmed and Mahabub Hossain. : How Nutrition-friendly are Agriculture and Health Policies in Bangladesh?,
Food and Nutrition Bulletin , vol.35 , no.1 , 2014
189 |
Moniruzzaman, M. : Shocks and Food Security: Evidence from BIHS 2012 Data,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.71 , no.1 , pp.115 – 130 , 2014
190 |
Moniruzzaman, M. and Hazera-Tun-Nessa : Migration, Credits and Household Consumption Expenses: An Analysis with HIES 2010 Data,
The Journal of Business Studies , vol.35 , no.3 , pp.137 – 160 , 2014
191 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir and A.K.M. Nazrul Islam : Determinants of Households’ Willingness to Pay as an Existence Value for the Royal Bengal Tiger Conservation in the Sundarbans: A Contingent Valuation Study,
International Journal of Development Studies and Research , vol.3 , no.3 , pp.8-25 , 2014
192 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain and Tasnim Fariha : Economics of Demand-Side Voucher Programme for Maternal Care Services.,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.71 , 2014
193 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran and Md. Azhar Uddin : “Do Household Wealth and Educational Attainment Affect Spouse Age Difference? Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2006”,
Journal of Population and Development , 2014
194 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim, Iftekher Hossain and Asif Chowdhury : A Study of Maternal Health Care in Bangladesh – Significance of Socio-Economic and Supply-Side Factors,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Vol. 31, No. 1 , pp.pp. 17-28 , 2014
195 |
Sheikh Jafar Emran, Md. Azhar Uddin and K. M. Nafis Ifteakhar Tulon : ‘Exploring the Unexplored: Determinants of Creative Industry’,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol. 70 , 2014
196 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir and Kawsar Jahan : Factor of Consumer Perceptions and Purchase Intentions Towards Green Product,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXXV , no.3 , pp.239-255 , 2014
197 |
Aroni Barkat and Farzana Hossain : Determinants of Child Health Status and Acute Malnutrition during the Early Years of Development,
Social Science Review , vol.31 , no.2 , pp.31-42 , 2014
198 |
Khan A, Huque R and Shah S K : Smokeless Tobacco policies in South Asia: A gap analysis and recommendations,
Nicotine & Tobacco Research (impact factor:4.219) , vol.Volume 16 , no.Issue 6 , pp.Pages 890–894 , 2014
199 |
Barkat, A. Hossain, F : Determinants of Child Health Status and Acute Malnutrition during the Early Years of Development,
Social Science Review , vol.31 , no.2 , pp.31-42 , 2014
200 |
Robert, E., Hajizadeh, M, El-Bialy, R and Bidisha, S. H. : Globalization and the Diffusion of Ideas: Why We Should Acknowledge the Roots of Mainstream Ideas in Global Health,
International Journal of Health Policy and Management , vol.vol. 3, no. 1 , 2014
201 |
Nargis N, Hussain AKMG and Fong GT : Smokeless tobacco product prices and taxation in Bangladesh: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Survey.,
Indian Journal of Cancer , 2014
202 |
Abdullah AS, Driezen P, Sansone G, Nargis N, Hussain AKMG, Quah ACK and Fong GT. : Correlates of exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) at home among non-smoking adults in Bangladesh: Findings from the ITC Bangladesh survey.,
BMC Pulmonary Medicine , 2014
203 |
Huque R, Chowdhury N N, Abdullah S M and Rahman M H : The use of traditional medicine : A rapid survey in selected areas in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.31 (1) , pp.pp.257-266. , 2014
204 |
Rumana Huque, Nayeema Nusrat Chowdhury, S M Abdullah and Md. Hafizur Rahman : The Use of Traditional Medicine: A Rapid Survey in Selected Areas in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol. 31, No. 1 , 2014
205 |
Huque R, Choudhury N N and Abdullah S M : Why Do Women Prefer Home Based Child Birth in Rural Bangladesh? Lessons Learnt from Four Upazilas,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part-D] Vol. 30. No. 2 , 2013
206 |
Mohammad Ali Taslim and Md Amzad Hossain : A Note on the Export Performance of Bangladesh during the Recent European Recession,
Journal of Bangladesh Studies , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.28-34 , 2013
207 |
Hossain, M. I. and Moniruzzaman, M. : Impact of Migration and Credit on Classified Household Consumption Expenses: A PSM Study based on HIES 2010 Data,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.70 , no.1 , pp.53 – 69 , 2013
208 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Iftekher Hossain : The Impact of Higher Quality Maternal Care Services on Children’s Health in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review, Vol. 30, No. 2 , pp.135-146 , 2013
209 |
Mohammad A Rahman and Farzana Laiju : Determinants of Profitability of Private Sector Hospitals in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka, Part-D , vol.30 , no.1 , 2013
210 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Editor of the Journal Perspectives in Social Sciences: A Compitation Volume of Seminar Papers CARSS. University of Dhaka.,
, 2013
211 |
Raihan, S. Barkat, A : Effects of Household's Education and Health Expenditure on Income Generation and Poverty Status in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.1-8 , 2013
212 |
Zafar Ullah A N, Huque R, Akter S and Nasreen s : Children’s exposure to second-hand smoke at home in Bangladesh: A community survey,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , vol.Vol 3 , no.Issue 1 , 2013
213 |
Islam, M. M. and Bidisha, S. H. : Population and Development Issues in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Studies , 2013
214 |
Bidisha, S. H. : Occupational Attainment of Male Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities in the UK,
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics , vol.vol. 2, no. 1 , 2013
215 |
Bidisha, S. H., Das, A. and Mcfarlane, A. : Microeconometric Analysis of Earnings Mobility of Immigrants and Ethnic Minorities: Evidence from the UK,
Journal for Labor Market Research , vol.vol. 46, issue 1 , 2013
216 |
Nargis N, Ruthbah UH, Hussain AKMG, Ashiquzzaman SM, Huq I and Fong GT. : The Price Sensitivity of Cigarette Consumption in Bangladesh: Evidence from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Bangladesh Wave 1 (2009) and Wave 2 (2010) Surveys.,
Tobacco Control , 2013
217 |
Kar, S., Pritchet, L., Raihan, S. and Sen, K. : Looking for a break: Identifying transitions in growth regimes,
Journal of Macroeconomics , 2013
218 |
Raihan, S. : Review of ESCAP SSWA, Regional Cooperation for Inclusive and Sustainable Development: South and South-west Asia Development Report 2012-13,
South Asia Economic Journal , vol.14 , no.2 , 2013
219 |
Raihan, S. and Barkat, A. : Effects of Households’ Education and Health Expenditure on Income Generation and Poverty Status in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review, , vol.30 , no.1 , 2013
220 |
Huque R, Siddiqua S and Abdullah S M : Do people restrict smoking at public places? Lessons learnt from four districts in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.30 (1) , pp.pp.67-75. , 2013
221 |
Rumana Haque, Salina Siddiqua and S M Abdullah : Do People Restrict Smoking in Public Places? Lessons Learnt from Four Districts in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol. 30, No. 1 , 2013
222 |
Rumana Huque, Nayeema Nusrat Choudhury and S M Abdullah : Why Do Women Prefer Home Based Child Birth in Rural Bangladesh? Lessons Learnt from Four Upazilas,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol. 30. No. 2 , 2013
223 |
Mohammod AkbarKabir, Md. Nasim Adnan, Kawsar Jahan and Nargis khan : Business Model of E-Tourism for Developing Countries,
International Journ of Computer and Information Technology (JCIT) , vol.03 , no.01 , pp.30-34 , 2012
224 |
Ahmed Mehedi Nizam, Md. Nasim Adnan, Md. Rashedul Islam and Mohammad Akbar Kabir : Properties of Stochastic Kronecker Graph,
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues , vol.9 , no.4 , pp.344-348 , 2012
225 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Md. Nasim Adnan and Lutful Karim : GLFSR-Based Test Processor Employing Mixed-Mode Approach in IC Testing,
ULAB JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.30-34 , 2012
226 |
Md. Nasim Adnan and Mohammod Akbar Kabir : AComprehensive Data Preprocessing Framework for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data,
227 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : The Demand-Side Impact of the Maternal Health Care Voucher Programme in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , vol.29 , 2012
228 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain, Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Nayeema Nusrat Choudhury : Measuring the Horizontal Inequality in the Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services in Bangladesh,
The Dhaka University Studies, Vol. 69, No. 1 , pp.pp. 139-148 , 2012
229 |
Zafar Ullah A N, Huque R and Akter S : Effectiveness of involving private medical sectors in the National TB Control Programme in Bangladesh,
BMJ Open (impact factor:2.413) , vol.2(6): e001534. , 2012
230 |
Razzaque, M. A. and Bidisha, S. H. : Microfinance and Women Empowerment: An Econometric Investigation,
Journal of Bangladesh Studies , vol.Special Issue on Microfinance, ISSN 1529-0905 , pp.pp. 11-29 , 2012
231 |
24. Zafar Ullah A N, Huque R and Husain A : Tuberculosis in the workplace: developing partnerships with the garment industries in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (impact factor:2.392) , vol.16(12) , pp.Pages 1637–1642. , 2012
232 |
Muhammad Shahadat Hossain Siddiquee and S M Abdullah : Does Policy Matter for Aid-Effectiveness on Growth in the Developing Countries? S,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D] , vol.Vol. 29, No. 1 , 2012
233 |
Bidisha, S. H. and Suhrawardy, G. M. : জেন্ডার সংবেদনশীল বাজেট ও এর পরিবীক্ষন এবং মূল্যায়ন [Gender Sensitive Budget and its Monitoring and Evaluation],
Bangladesh Mohila Porishod Journal , vol.issue 1, year 2 , 2012
234 |
Md. Nasim Adnan, Mohammod Akbar bir, Lutful Karim and Nargis Khan : Performance Comparison of Different Software Fault Tolerance Methods,
ULAB Journal of Science & Engineering , vol.2 , pp.20-24 , 2011
235 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : Impact of the PRSP on the Anthropometric Measures of Bangladeshi Children,
The Dhaka University Studies,Vol. 68, No. 2 , pp.1-16 , 2011
236 |
Mohammed Helal Uddin and Sheikh Jafar Emran : The Impact of Price Hike on Child Labor Participation in Bangladesh,”,
The Journal of Social Studies, , vol.Volume-129, January- March 2011; Dhaka. , 2011
237 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Rushad Faridi : “An Econometric Study of Determinants of Rice Price in Bangladesh”,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.28 , no.1 , pp.227-245 , 2011
238 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain, S M Abdullah and Salina Siddiqua : Impact of HPSP and HPNSP on Health Status of Rural Children in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies] , 2011
239 |
Raihan, S. : Welfare and Poverty Impacts of Trade Liberalization: A Dynamic CGE Microsimulation Analysis,
International Journal of Microsimulation , vol.3 , no.1 , 2010
240 |
Meenakshi, J.V., N. L. Johnson, V. M. Manyong, Hugo DeGroote, Josyline Javelosa, David R. Yanggen, Firdousi Naher, Carolina Gonzalez, James García, Erika Meng : How Cost-effective is Biofortification in Combating Micronutrient Malnutrition? An Ex ante Assessment,
World Development , vol.38 , no.1 , 2010
241 |
Mohammod AkbarKabir, Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, Liakot Ali and Lafifa Jamal : Design of a High Performance Low Cost IC Tester- A Conceptul View,
Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.58 , no.1 , pp.63-66 , 2010
242 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Rushad Faridi : “An Econometric Assessment of Household Food Security in Bangladesh”,
The Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.33 , no.3 , pp.97-111 , 2010
243 |
Raihan. S. : Informal Sector in Bangladesh: Implications for Growth and Poverty,
Indian Journal of Labour Economics , vol.53 , no.2 , 2010
244 |
Ahmed, M. and Raihan, S. : Cointegration, Error Correction and the Demand for Money in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Journal of Development Studies , vol.1 , no.1 , 2010
245 |
Zafar Ullah A N, Huque R and Begum V : Public Private Partnership for TB Control in Bangladesh: Role of private medical practitioners in the management of patients,
World Medical and Health Policy , vol.Policy 2 (1) , pp.pp 217- 234. , 2010
246 |
Mohammad Iftekher Hossain, Firdous Zareen and Ishrat Kakoly : Role of Socio-Economic Factors on the Utilization of Maternal Care in Bangladesh,
Social Science Review , 2009
247 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Kawsar Jahan and Israt Jahan Kakoly : Determination of Sevice Quality Factors of Cyber Cafes in Dhak City,
Journal of Business Studies , , no.2 , pp.171-193 , 2009
248 |
Huque R and Siddique S H : Feasibility of devising equity based resource allocation system in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Studies , vol.64 (2) , pp.pp 97-116 , 2009
249 |
Shafiun Nahin Shimul, S M Abdullah and Salina Siddiqua : An Examination of FDI and Growth Nexus in Bangladesh: Engle Granger and Bound Testing Co-integration Approach,
BRAC University Journal , vol.Vol. VI , no.No. 1 , 2009
250 |
Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu, Mohammod Akbar kabir, Nargis Khan and Lutful Karim : Performance Analysis of Different ABR Feedback Control Mechanisms of ATM Network Using Resource Managemen Cell,
Journal of Bangladeh Electronics , vol.8 , no.1-2 , pp.87-92 , 2008
251 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Depreivation of Hindu minority in Bangladesh: Living with vested property. Dhaka PathokShomabesh, Bangladesh.,
, 2008
252 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Financing Growth and Poverty Reduction: Policy Challenges and option in Bangladesh, UNDP.,
, 2008
253 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Industry, Trade and Commerce in Dhaka 1947-71, in: History of Dhaka City, published by DCCI jointly with Asiatic society of Bangladesh, October, 2008. This research paper has analysed the trend and causes of growth and decline of industries by type and sizes during 1947-1971 in Dhaka city,
, 2008
254 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Socio-Economic Base-Line Study of Rural Electrification Development, UNDP. This study compared the growth of rural industries of particular area without electricity and an area with electricity of the same area two years after the electricity connection was provided.,
, 2008
255 |
Masuda Yasmeen : Development Assistance for Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh : In quest of a model for evaluation,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.24 , no.1 , 2007
256 |
Nausheen Rahman and Farzana Laiju : Rural Urban Migration of the Women in Achieving Sectorial Growth: A Case Study on RMG Industry,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXVIII , no.1 , 2007
257 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Poor People's Right to Water-body Resources Government Policies and their Effectiveness, Key Note Paper Presented on 21th March, 2007, in Dhaka, Organized by ALRD.,
, 2007
258 |
Huque R and Bhuiyan S M : Change management and the health sector of Bangladesh: A Review of Key Policy Issues,
The CDR Journal , vol.3 , pp.pp 1- 14. , 2007
259 |
Naher, Firdousi and Shaikh S. Ahmed : Socio-economic Determinants of Dietary Diversity and Diet Quality: Evidence from Bangladesh,
Social Studies Review , 2006
260 |
Nausheen Rahman and Farzana Laizu : A review of Heckscher Ohlin Theorem's Leontief's Paradox- Its validity in Bangladesh Export Sector,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.XXVII , no.2 , 2006
261 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Globalization in Bangladesh: Structural Shift in Manufacturing Industry, Prepared for Seminar on: Bangladesh: National Regional and Global Contexts at Shillong, India from 21-22 April, 2006, Organzed by Konrad Adenaure Foundation (KAF), Germany.,
, 2006
262 |
Bidisha S. H., Alam, M. and Zaman, A. : How Volatile are the Stocks of the Pharmaceutical Companies of Bangladesh? Some Evidences from the Market Model,
Bank Parikrama , vol.vol. 30, no. 2 , 2006
263 |
Hussain AKMG and Nargis N. : An Enquiry into the Second Generation Challenges of Grameen Bank.,
Social Science Review , 2006
264 |
M M Akash, Mohammad Iftekher Hossain and Rabeya Khatoon : Share of Children in Annual Development Program-A case with Bangladesh,
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences , 2005
265 |
Hossain, Mahabub, Firdousi Naher and Quazi Shahabuddin : Food Security and Nutrition in Bangladesh: Progress and Determinants,
Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics , vol.2 , no.2 , 2005
266 |
ফারজানা লাইজু and মোঃ আলাউদ্দীন : বাংলাদেশের জনশক্তি ও রপ্তানি বাণিজ্য,
সামাজিক বিজ্ঞান পত্রিকা, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় স্টাডিজ, পার্ট-ডি , vol.১ , no.১ , 2005
267 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Study on Indigenous Peoples Right and Access to Public Resources: Stantals Struggle for Survival, ALRD, Dhaka.,
, 2005
268 |
Syed Naimul Wadood and Mohammad Tareq : “The Effect of Code Section Knowledge and Practical Experience on Tax-Research Performance: Chartered Accountancy vs. General Education of Bangladesh”,
The Bangladesh Accountant , vol.47 , no.20 , pp.62-67 , 2005
269 |
Huque R and Bhuiyan S M : Recent debates on health sector reforms: some reflections on key policy issues,
Social Science Review , vol.22 (1) , pp.pp.131-146 , 2005
270 |
Jahan N A, Huque R and Hossain I : Effects of introduction of user charges in the public facilities: evidence from some selected countries including Bangladesh,
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences , vol.3 (2) , pp.pp. 262-270. , 2005
271 |
Huque R, Jahan N A and Ishtiak K M : Contracting out of health services to NGOs: key policy measures,
Social Science Review , vol.22 (2) , pp.pp. 183-198 , 2005
272 |
Farah Hasin : Small Loans, Big Talks: A Critical Appraisal of the BRAC Clienteles,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. 22, No. 2, December , 2005
273 |
Farah Hasin : Reform in a Hot Climate: Democratic Transition, Privatisation and Organised Labour Resistance in Bangladesh,
International Journal of Regional Studies , 2005
274 |
Bidisha, S. H. : Types of Capital and Economic Growth: Some Cross-sectional Evidence from the 1990s,
Social Science Review: Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part D, vol. 22, no. 1. , 2005
275 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Development of Quality Assurance System and Manuals (including training) for Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP), prepared for UNFPA.,
, 2004
276 |
Huque R and Sultana N : Key policy issues for effective health sector decentralization,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.61 (1) , pp.pp 183-198 , 2004
277 |
Huque R and Bhuiyan S M : A review on South Asian Free Trade Area: constraints and challenges,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.61 (2) , pp.pp 171-185 , 2004
278 |
Syed Abdul Hamid and Mohammad Iftekher Hossain : Financing and Delivery of Health Care in Bangladesh; Some Potential Alternatives,
Social Science Review , 2003
279 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Impact Study of Rural Electrification Project: Mechanism of Poverty Alleviation Fostered by Rural Electrification, HDRC prepared for JBIC Representative officer, Dhaka.,
, 2003
280 |
Shafique uz Zaman : The Purchasing Practices of MNCs Causing Precarious Employment in Bangladesh, Dhaka.,
, 2003
281 |
Raihan, S. : Bangladesh’s Trade Barriers in a Global Perspective: A Comparative Analysis,
The Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.29 , no.1&2 , 2003
282 |
MG Quibria, Shamsun N. Ahmed, T Tschang and Reyes-Macasaquit, Mari-Len : Digital Divide: Determinants and Policies with Special reference to Asia,
published parallel in ERD Working Paper Series No.27, Economics and Research Division, Asian Development Bank, October 2002 and Journal of Asian Economics, 13 , vol.13 , 2002, 2003
283 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Economic and Social Impact Evaluation Study of the Rural Electrification Program in Bangladesh, prepared for NRECA-International Ltd., USAID, Dhaka. These studies (2002 and 2003) on electrification have attempted to find out the link between rural electrification and growth of small industries which is key to employment generation and poverty alleviation.,
, 2002
284 |
Farah Hasin : An Investigation into the Patterns of Healthcare Expenditure of Garment Workers and their Willingness-to-pay for a Social Health Care Insurance,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. 21, No. 2, December , 2002
285 |
Hossain, Mahabub, Aldas Janaiah, Muazzem Hosain and Firdousi Naher : The Seed Delivery System in Bangladesh: Institutional and Policy Issues,
Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.27 , no.4 , 2001
286 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Political Economy of Khas Land in Bangladesh, ALRD, Dhaka.,
, 2001
287 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Women's Role and Status in Bangladesh agriculture: A Survey Report, ADAB, Dhaka.,
, 2001
288 |
Syed Naimul Wadood, Atiur Rahman and Mohammed Abu Eusuf : “NGOs and Development Innovations”,
The Jahangirnagar Economic Review , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.61-68 , 2001
289 |
Farah Hasin : Traffic Congestion Externalities: An Overview,
Journal of Bangladesh Asiatic Society, Vol. 46, No. 1, June , 2001
290 |
Farah Hasin : The Problem of Unlimited Time in a Limited World,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. XVIII No. 1, June , 2001
291 |
Shafique uz Zaman : In Inquiry into Causes and Consequences of Deprivation of Hindu Minorities in Bangladesh through Vested Property Act: Framework for a Realistic Solution, PRIP TRUST, Dhaka.,
, 2000
292 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim : Globalisation of the Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Industry: The Australian Experience,
Social Science Review, Vol. 17, No. 2 , pp.pp 128-136 , 2000
293 |
Farzana Laiju : Comparative Advantage in the Export Sector of Bangladesh: An Analysis within the Input-Output Framework,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.44-63 , 2000
294 |
Nazma Begum : Provision of Health and Safety Measures in the Garment Factories in Bangladesh: Legal Perspective.,
Research report, Ain O Salish Kendra, Dhaka, Bangladesh , 2000
295 |
Raihan, S. : Changing Pattern of External Resource Flows to Developing Countries during 1990s and Implications for the Developing Countries,
Social Science Review , vol.17 , no.1 , 2000
296 |
Raihan, S. : Crisis of the Welfare State,
Social Science Review , vol.17 , no.2 , 2000
297 |
Barkat, A., Zaman, S. and Raihan, S. : Distribution and Retention of Khas land in Bangladesh,
Land , vol.7 , no.5 , 2000
298 |
Farah Hasin : Population Carrying Capacity in Bangladesh,
BISS Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, July , 2000
299 |
Farah Hasin : Population Carrying Capacity and Sustainable Development: Relevance Reconsidered,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. XVII, No. 1, June , 2000
300 |
Nazma Begum : Unanticipated Money and Investment in Bangladesh: A Rational Expectations Approach.,
Journal of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh , vol.XXXXVII , 1999
301 |
Nazma Begum : Safety and Health Measures of Garment Factories: Cost-benefit implication,
Research Report, Ain O Salish Kendra, Dhaka, Bangladesh , 1999
302 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain and SM Ashiquzzaman : Asymmetric information and privatization,
Social Science Review , 1999
303 |
Raihan, S. : What have Structural Adjustment Programmes Achieved since their Inception in 1980,
Journal of Business Studies , vol.20 , no.2 , 1999
304 |
Farah Hasin : Evaluation of Environmental Goods: Role of Shadow (Compensating) Projects,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. XVI, No. 2, July- December , 1999
305 |
Shamsun N. Ahmed : The Impact of the Asian Crisis on Migrant Workers: Bangladesh Perspectives,
Asia and Pacific Migration Journal , vol.Vol. 7, Nos. 2-3 , 1998
306 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Transition From Import-substitution To Export-led Growth Strategy in South Asia, in: Reza, S., Edil, Thuraisingam, G., Associate, Edi, Export-led Growth Strategy For South Asia. Prospects and Challenges, APDC, Kuala Lumpur, Manila. The Paper presents a comparative analysis of import-substitution and export-led growth on the economy of Bangladesh.,
, 1998
307 |
Nazma Begum : Income Velocity of Money in Bangladesh.,
Journal of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh , vol.XXXXVI , 1998
308 |
Nazma Begum : Community Empowerment for Rural Poverty Alleviation,
Gender Review, Research Report, UNDP , 1998
309 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Vested Property Act: Towards A Feasible Solution, Sponsored by PRIP TRUST,
, 1997
310 |
Naher, Firdousi : The Green Revolution in Bangladesh: Production Stability and Food Self-sufficiency,
Economic and Political Weekly , vol.32 , no.26 , 1997
311 |
Nazma Begum : Unanticipated Money Growth and Economic Activity in Bangladesh A rational Expectations Approach.,
The Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , 1997
312 |
Nazma Begum : Unanticipated Money Growth and Output in Bangladesh.,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.XIV , 1997
313 |
Nazma Begum : Money and Economic Activity in Bangladesh: A Rational Expectations Approach.,
Journal of Bangladesh Development Studies , vol.XXV , 1997
314 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Industrialization in Bangladesh. An Evaluation of the strategies since Independence, in Bangladesh: Internal Dynamics and External Linkages Academic Publishers and Vikas Publications Ltd., This article focuses on growth and development of the evolution of strategies of industrialization and its impact.,
, 1996
315 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Impact of Vested Property Act on Rural Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study. Sponsored by Association for Land Reform and Development,
, 1996
316 |
Nazma Begum : A Model of Inflation and Expectations of Bangladesh: Adaptive vs Rational Expectations.,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.XIII , no.1 , 1996
317 |
Nazma Begum : Demand and Supply of Bank Credit in Bangladesh.,
Journal of the Institute of Bankers Bangladesh , vol.XXXXIV & XXXXV , 1996 & 1997
318 |
Tahmina Akter and Farzana Laiju : Self-Employment of Women in Bangladesh: Problem and Issues,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.XIII , no.2 , pp.137-156 , 1996
319 |
Raihan, S. and Barkat, A. : Population Growth and Poverty: Re-examination of Relationships,
Social Science Review , vol.13 , no.2 , 1996
320 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Shilpaoner Rajnaitik Arthonity (Political Economy of Industrialization). Centre for Research on Politics, No. 4,
, 1995
321 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) and its Impact on Private Foreign and Domestic Investment in Bangladesh. Journal on International Relations, Vol. 2, No. 2. This paper analyses the nature of SAP and its trend of growth.,
, 1995
322 |
Nazma Begum : A Critical Study of the Effects of Credit on Output.,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.XII , no.1 , 1995
323 |
Nazma Begum : Population Pressure, development Efforts and Environmental Degradation: A discussion.,
The Dhaka University Studies , vol.95 , no.1 , 1995
324 |
ফারজানা লাইজু and তাহমিনা আখতার : স্বনির্ভর উন্নয়ন ও বৈদেশিক সাহায্য - বাংলাদেশ প্রেক্ষিত,
সমাজ নিরীক্ষণ, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , vol.৫৫ , 1995
325 |
Farah Hasin : An Econometric Estimation of Money Supply Function: The Case of Bangladesh,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal), Vol. XII, No. 2, December , 1995
326 |
Farah Hasin : Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) and Environment: The Dilemma for LDC’s,
Journal of administration and Diplomacy, Vol. 3, No.1 , 1995
327 |
Nazma Begum : Estimation of Expected Price Inflation: Adaptive vs Rational Expectations.,
Working paper, Economic Research Unit, University of Dhaka , 1994
328 |
Nazma Begum : Bank Loan and its impact on the Bangladesh Economy.,
Krishi Bank Parikrama, Journal of Bangladesh Krishi Bank , vol.XI , 1994
329 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim : Von Thunen’s Theory of Income Distribution,
Politics, Administration & Change , no.22 , pp.pp 36-43 , 1994
330 |
Farah Hasin : North-South Resource Transfer and the Global Environment: Innovative Approaches and New Dimensions,
Journal of Social Science Review (Dhaka University Journal),Vol. XI, No.2 (Dec.) , 1994
331 |
Farah Hasin : Human Resource Development: A Conceptual Framework,
Journal of Local Government, Vol. 32.2 , 1994
332 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Die Strategiediskussion der Wirtschaftiswissenschaftler/innenuber die Entwicklungswege in einem Landam Beispiel Bangladesh- (Strategic Descussions about a Country's Way of Development- for Example Bangladesh). Rundbrieef, No. 4, Gottingen, F.R.G.,
, 1993
333 |
Farah Hasin : Factors of Capitalist Industrialization in the Newly Industrialized Countries,
Politics, Administration and Change, No. 18 , 1992
334 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Grontho Alochona, "Bangladesher Unnayon: Oithihashik Pariprekkhit O Shambhabona" (Book Review, "Development of Bangladesh: Historical Perspective and Possibility of advancement"). M.M. Akash, Shomaj Nirikkhan Kendra, No. 43,
, 1992
335 |
Shafique uz Zaman : "Shilpaon Bishaok Gobeshona", Shomaj Biggan Gobeshona: Paddhati and Prakria (Industrial Research, in: Social Science Research: Methodology and Process). Uchchatar Shamaj Biggan Gobeshona Kendra, Dhaka University,
, 1992
336 |
Nazma Begum : Monetarist and Structuralist Theories of Inflation and its Application to Bangladesh.,
Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , vol.IX , no.2 , 1992
337 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim : Economics Handbook for MBA students,
University of New England, Armidale, Australia , vol.Economics Handbook for MBA students , 1992
338 |
Farah Hasin : Human Development Index (HDI) – Past trend and Future Challenge: A Critical Review,
The Bangladesh Public Administration Journal (BPAJ), Vol. V, No. 1, January , 1991
339 |
Shafique uz Zaman : The Problems of Industrialization of a Backward Region of Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Northwest Region. Bureau of Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka. This paper highlights the causes of the industrial backwardness in Northwest region.,
, 1991
340 |
Nazma Begum : A model of inflation for Bangladesh.,
Philippines Review of Economics & Business , vol.XXVII , no.1 , 1991
341 |
Shafique uz Zaman : SAARC: Rhetoric and Rality Rundbrief, No. 14. Gottingen, F.R.G. The main issues discussed here are the factors that stand on the way of an effective economic cooperation among the South Asian countries,
, 1990
342 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Industrial Location in Bangladesh: Its Trend, Causes and Impact on Economic Growth. Vol. 10. No. 2. This paper analyses the structure and evolution of the growth of industries by location and its impact on the economy.,
Bangladesh Journal of Political Economic , 1990
343 |
Aminul Islam, Shamsun N. Ahmed : Technology Transfer and Environmental Dimension,
Asian Affairs , vol.Vol. XII, No. 4 , 1990
344 |
Shafique uz Zaman : Ph.D. Thesis on "Regional Planning of a less Developed Country: A Strategy of Development for the Backward Northwest Region of Bangladesh." University of Kassel, F.R.G.,
, 1987
345 |
Qamrun Nehar Taslim : Female Labour Force Participation in Some Selected Asian and Latin American Countries,
Working Paper No.82-03, Economic Research Unit, Economics Department, University of Dhaka , pp.pp. 1-22 , 1982
346 |
Abul Kalam Azad and Sheikh Jafar Emran : Ending High, Starting High: Job Placement of Economics Graduates of Dhaka University’.,
Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.36 , no.1 , pp.77-100 , June 2019
347 |
Tahia Anan Dhira, Mahir A. Rahman, Abdur Razzaque Sarker and Jeenat Mehareen : Validity and reliability of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) among university students of Bangladesh,
PLOS ONE (impact factor:3.24) , vol.16 , no.12 PLOS , pp.e0261590 , 2021
348 |
Jeenat Mehareen, Mahir A.Rahman, Tahia Anan Dhira and Abdur Razzaque Sarker : Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of depression, anxiety, and co-morbidity during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among public and private university students of Bangladesh,
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MG Quibria, Shamsun N. Ahmed : Social Capital,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : Rural Poor Women and Sustainable Livelihood: Case of Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : International Labour Migration from Bangladesh: Trends, Consequences and Issues,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : Role of Common Property Regime (CPR) as Strategy for Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries with Special Reference to Bangladesh,
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Selim Raihan, Mahtab Uddin and Sakil Ahmmed : Dynamics of Youth and Gender Divide in Technology in Bangladesh,
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M. Moniruzzaman, M. A. Kabir and M. Shahjahan : The Scenario of Seedling Production on Floating beds in Few Selected Areas of Bangladesh,
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M. Moniruzzaman, A. Kabir and M. Shahjahan : Floating Seeding Production in Bangladesh: A Review,
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Raihan, S., Uddin, M. and Ahmmed, S. : Impact of foreign remittances on the household spending behaviour in Bangladesh,
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Nazma Begum : Health and Gender: Issues and Strategies.,
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Nazma Begum : Export led growth in the SAARC Countries.,
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Kawsar Jahan and Mohammod Akbar kabir : Environmental Reporting and Sustainable Development: A reflection of Practices of Listed Companies in the Manufacturing sector of Bangladesh,
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Murshed, R. and Uddin, M.R. : Parental Education and Schooling Choice: An Empirical Study from Bangladesh,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : Environmental Problems and Economic Approach to Policy Issues: Bangladesh Context,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : The Arrow-Debrue Model in the Theory of Existence of General Equilibrium,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed, M. Aminul Islam : Women’s Contribution in Rural Household Economy and Environmental Protection: Case Study of a Coastal Village in Bangladesh,
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Shamsun N. Ahmed : The Foundation Underlying Malthus and Ricardo’s Economic Action Programs: A Comparative Analysis,
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Conference Proceedings (39) |
1 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir, Jahangir Khan, Rumana Huque, Sayem Ahmed and Jesper Löve "Estimating the effects of out-of-pocket health expenditure on achieving universal health coverage."
Dhaka: 2023
2 |
Raihan, S. "Institutional Diagnostics of Development: The Bangladesh Perspective."
Economic Development and Institutions 2019 Annual Conference, Organised by Paris School of Economics and Oxford Policy Management
Paris: 2019
3 |
Raihan, S. "The Challenges of the RMG Industry in Bangladesh."
ISAS, National University of Singapore (NUS) Workshop on “Assessing the Transformation of Bangladesh” organised by the National University of Singapore
Singapore: 2019
4 |
Raihan, S. "Is there any Bangladesh ‘Development Paradox’?."
Symposium on “Economic Growth, Development and Economic Stability”, Organised by School of Management, Swansea University
Swansea: 2019
5 |
Raihan, S. "Land rights as an institutional issue for development."
EDI workshop programme - "Institutional diagnostics for development" organised by Oxford Policy Management
Dar es Salaam: 2019
6 |
Raihan, S. "Challenges of Female Employment: The Bangladesh Context."
International Workshop on “Women’s access to paid work in South Asia and MENA: barriers, opportunities and policy challenges” organised by LSE, Department of International Development and the LSE Middle East Centre
London, UK: 2019
7 |
Khan, S. S., Raihan, S. and Uddin, M. "The Journey Towards Innovation: What Influences The Deisions of Firms?."
61st ISLE Annual Labour Economists Conference 2019
, pp. 9-10. New Delhi: Indian Society of Labour Economists, 2019
8 |
Uddin, M and Nishat, R "Does Training Affect Employability and earnings of Youth?."
61st ISLE Annual Labour Economists Conference 2019
, pp. pp. 103-104. New Delhi: Indian Society of Labour Economists, 2019
9 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain and Nigar Nargis "Price Sensitivity of choice of cigarette by brand categories in Bangladesh: Findings from ITC survey in Bangladesh.."
Cape Town, South Africa: 2018
10 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain, Huq Iftekharul, Nargis Nigar and Fong Geoffrey T "An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Income Change and Cigarette Taxation in a Price-Tiered Cigarette Market in Bangladesh.."
Cape Town, South Africa: 2018
11 |
Huq Iftekharul, Nargis Nigar, Hussain AKMG and Fong Geoffrey T. "Does change in perception of tobacco risk affect smokers’ behavior? – An empirical analysis.."
15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH)
Cape Town, South Africa: 2018
12 |
Hussain AKM Ghulam, Nargis N and Fong GT. "The trend in affordability of tobacco products in Bangladesh: Findings from the ITC Bangladesh Surveys.."
World Congress of International Health Economic Association
Boston, USA: 2017
13 |
Hussain AKMG and Nargis N. "Smokeless tobacco product prices and taxation in Bangladesh: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Survey.."
World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Abu Dhabi, UAE: 2015
14 |
Hussain AKMG, Nargis N and Yurekli A "Report on Cost-effectiveness of Interventions to Combat the Tobacco Attributable Disease Burden in Four African Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana and Liberia.."
Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland: 2015
15 |
Ahmed Mehedi Nizam, Md. Nasim Adnan, Md. Rashedul Islam and Mohammad Akbar Kabir "Stochastic Kronecker graph revisited."
15th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)
, pp. 90 - 94. Chittagong, Bangladesh: IEEE, 2012
16 |
Hussain AKMG and Nargis N. "The price sensitivity of cigarette and bidi consumption in Bangladesh.."
15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Singapore: 2012
17 |
Nigar Nargis and Hussain, AKMG "Prevalence and Patterns of Tobacco Use in Bangladesh.."
15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health
Singapore: 2012
18 |
Hussain, AKM Ghulam "The Employment Impact of Microcredit Program Participation in Bangladesh: Evidence from a Longitudinal Household Survey.."
Canadian Economic Association Conference
University of Ottawa. Ottawa: 2011
19 |
Hussain AKMG and Nargis N "Methods of International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Bangladesh Survey."
ITC Bangladesh Workshop, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada: 2010
20 |
Mohammod Akbar Kabir and Liakot Ali "Design of GLFSR based test processor chip."
IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
, pp. 234 - 237. Serdang, Malaysia: IEEE, 2009
21 |
Hussain AKMG and Nargis N. "A Welfare Economic Analysis of the Impact of Microfinance in Bangladesh."
Canadian Economic Association Conference
Vancouver, Canada: 2008
22 |
Farah Hasin "• Participated and presented a paper in an international conference on South Asian Affairs on “Patterns and Dynamics of Loan Uses: A Study on BRAC Borrowers”."
European Association of South Asian Studies
Lund: 2004 (6-9 July)
23 |
Farah Hasin "Presented a paper in an International research workshop in Environmental and Resource Economics."
Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden
Kathmandu, Nepal: 2004 (August)
24 |
AKM Ghulam Hussain "Impact of East Asian Crisis on the Garment Industries In Bangaldesh: A CGE Model Approach."
SANDEE Workshop
Bangkok, Thailand: 2002
25 |
Farah Hasin "Gender and Development: Bangladesh Perspective."
Kristina Institute of Women Studies, University of Helsinki
Finland: 2000 (September, 24-29 )
26 |
Nazma Begum "Cost Benefit analysis of Safety and Health Measures of Garment Factories in Bangladesh: Economic Argument, proceedings of the National Seminar on Garment Industry in Bangladesh."
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) in collaboration with EXFAM
Dhaka: 2000 (21 – 22 January)
27 |
Hussain AKMG "Microcredit is the tool to steer the poor out of poverty."
World Bank Workshop on Poverty Solutions to the South Asia
Colombo, Sril Lanka: 1998
28 |
Farah Hasin "Participated in the teaching workshop in Environmental Economics."
Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics at Malaysia
29 |
Nazma Begum "Social Mobilization Strategies for Elimination of Gender Discrimination: Concepts and Issues with Particular Emphasis on Violence Against Women."
Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center
Dhaka: August 2000
30 |
Nazma Begum "Violence against women in Bangladesh, proceedings of the workshop on Gender and Development: Bangladesh Situation."
Women for Women: A research and study group
Dhaka: November 2000
31 |
Nazma Begum "Slum Eviction and its impact on Garment Sector: A Dialogue for Reaching Consensus with regard to Garment Factory Workers Habitation."
Commentator’s Paper presented in the workshop organized by “Coalition for the Urban Poor”
December 2000
32 |
Nazma Begum "Enforcement of the safety regulations in the Garment Sector of Bangladesh.."
July, 2001
33 |
Nazma Begum "Women Worker’s Status in Bangladesh: A Case of Garment Workers.."
Women for Women
Dhaka: June, 2002
34 |
Nazma Begum "Women’s Reproductive Rights."
NGO Coalition of Beijing Plus Five Bangladesh (NCBP)
Dhaka: May, 2003
35 |
Nazma Begum "Gender Poverty and Employment: Country Paper."
ILO, Bangladesh
July, 2002
36 |
Nazma Begum "A Study on Promoting Gender Equality through CLCS."
February, 2002
37 |
Nazma Begum "Development of the Investment Clientele Base for the IBBL."
June, 2003
38 |
Nazma Begum "Private Investment: Issues, Potential, and Challenges, Bangladesh Quarterly Economic Update."
Asian Development Bank
March-June, 2015
39 |
Nazma Begum "The export sector of Bangladesh: Issues, Potential and Challenges, Bangladesh Quarterly Economic update."
Asian Development Bank
September-December, 2015