Research & Publication (Department of Geology)
Book (9)
1 K. Ahmed, K. Hasan, T. Hasan and M. Khan Situation Analysis of Arsenic Mitigation 2009. Dhaka: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) and JICA Bangladesh, 2010 .
2 M. S. Islam and M. R. Khan Department of Public Health Engineering, Local Government Division, Ministry of LGRD and Co-operatives, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) and JICA Bangladesh, 2010 .
3 Yu, W., Voss, C., Michael, H., Ahmed, K., Feinson, L. and Khan M. R. Implications of Climate Change for Fresh Groundwater Resources in Coastal Aquifers in Bangladesh. Washington DC: World Bank, 2010 .
4 Subrota Kumar Saha Research planning and proposal writing skills’ published. Dhaka: AH Devlopment Pub House, 2010 .
5 Subrota Kumar Saha Environmental Impact Assessment for changing world. Dhaka: AH Devlopment Pub House, 2007 .
6 Imam, B. and Huque, M.A. Selected Geoscience Bibliography on Bengal Delta Basin and its Surroundings. Dhaka: Delta Study Centre, Univ. Dhaka, 2006 .
7 Subrota Kumar Saha 'Environmental Auditing-a road map to registration'. AOSED, Khulna, 2004 .
8 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan Three-dimensional Groundwater Modelling in Unsteady-State Condition of Two Layered Aquifer System: A Study from the Ganges Delta Region, SW Bangladesh. Dhaka: Dhaka University, 2000 .
9 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan Saline Water Intrusion and Hydrogeological Modeling in Southwest Bangladesh. Berlin: Schelzky & Jeep Publisher, 1992 .
Book Section (35)
1 Khan, MR, van Geen, A, Ahmed, KM and Michael, HA "Controls of lithology and groundwater pumping on arsenic contamination of deep groundwater in Bangladesh." Arsenic in the Environment: Bridging Science to Practice for Sustainable Development As2021. Albert van der Wal, Arslan Ahmad, Branislav Petrusevski, Jan Weijma, Dragan Savic, Patrick van der Wens, Erwin Beerendonk, Prosun Bhattacharya, Jochen Bundschuh, Ravi Naidu London: 2024 548 .
2 Mahir Tajwar, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bayazid Hossain "Abundance and Distribution of MPs and NPs in Soil: A Global Scenario." Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil. Springer, 2023 .
3 Basri, R., Woobaidullah, A. S. M., Hossain, D. and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. "Comparison of the Outcrop with Subsurface Geology and Hydrocarbon Prospect of Jaintiapur and Adjacent Areas in Northeastern Bangladesh.." Emerging Issues in Environment, Geography and Earth Science. Prof. Ahmed Fawzy Yousef 2023 .
4 Hassan, M. Q., Zahid, A., Sultana, S., and Nawrin, N., "Importance of Monitoring and Governance Towards Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh." Geosciences for Society and Sustainable Development of Bangladesh. Ahmed, K. M. U., Saha, S. K., Hasan, M. A., Mia, M. B. M. & Bhuiyan, M. A. H. (Eds.) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 p61-86 .
5 Aftab Alam Khan, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Firoz Alam "Impacts of geohazards in Bangladesh and options for mitigation." Geology for Sustainable Development. University of Dhaka, 2022 187-242 .
6 M.Q. Hassan, A. Zahid, S. Sultana and N. Nawrin "Importance of Monitoring and Governance towards Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh." Geosciences for Society and Sustainable Development of Bangladesh. Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 61 .
7 Aftab Alam Khan, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Mohammad Feroj Alam and Md. Yousuf Gazi "Impacts of geohazards in Bangladesh and options for mitigation." Geology for Sustainable Development. University of Dhaka, 2022 187-242 .
8 ISLAM, MA and Debasis, M "Vulnerability to salt water intrusion along coastal Bangladesh using GIS and Hydrogeological data." 2021 .
9 Ahmed, K.M.,, Sultana S., and Chowdhury, T, Islam R, Delwaruzzaman M, Alam S M M, Tuinhof, A., Ravenscroft, P., Onabolu, B., Akhter, N., Mahmud M N, Rahman M.S., Ghosh S.K. and Zheng, Y "Case Study 1: A resilient drinking water supply using aquifer storage and recovery for coastal communities in Batiaghata, Khulna, Bangladesh (in." Managing Aquifer Recharge: A Showcase for Resilience and Sustainability.. Zheng, Y. et al (eds.) A UNESCO-IAH-GRIPP Publication, 2020 p76-82 .
10 Ahmed, K.M "Challenges of Sustainable Groundwater Development and Management in Bangladesh: Vision 2050." Global groundwater: Source, scarcity, sustainability, security and solution. Mukherjee, A., Scanlon, B., Aureli, A., Langan, S., Guo, H., and McKenzie, A., (Eds) Elsevier Paperback, 2020 425-438 .
11 Chakraborty, Madhumita,, Abhijit Mukherjee and K M Ahmed "Transboundary groundwater of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River delta system." Global groundwater: Source, scarcity, sustainability, security and solution. Mukherjee, A., Scanlon, B., Aureli, A., Langan, S., Guo, H., and McKenzie, A., (Eds Elsevier Paperback, 2020 129-141 .
12 Saha, T., Tushar, M.A.N., Debnath, P. and Saha, S.K. "Spatio-temporal distribution of microforams in the Sundarban mangrove forest, Bangladesh: Response to ecological imbalance." Sundarbans Mangrove Systems: A GeoInformatics Approach. Mukhopadhyay, A. ; Mitra D. & Hazra, S. Boca Raton London, New York: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2021 109-124 .
13 Hasan M.M.,, Ahmed K.M.,, Sultana S.,, Rahman M.S.,, Ghosh S.K., and Ravenscroft P. "Investigations on Groundwater Buffering in Khulna-Satkhira Coastal Belt Using Managed Aquifer Recharge." Groundwater of South Asia. Mukherjee A. (eds) Springer Hydrogeology. Springer, Singapore, 2018 .
14 Hakim Saibi, Bersi, M., Mia M.B., Saadi, N. and Bloushi K. M. S. A "Applications of Remote Sensing in Geosciences." Recent Advances and Applications in Remote Sensing. Dr. Ming Hung Intechopen, 2018 .
15 A van Geen and K M Ahmed "Mitigation of the impact of groundwater arsenic on human health and rice yield in Bangladesh: Solutions for overcoming the current stagnation." Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability. 2016 pages 625-627 .
16 M Hossain, P Bhattacharya, G Jacks,, K Ahmed and M Hasan, M von Brömssen, S Frape "Enhancing the capacity of local drillers for installing arsenic-safe drinking water wells—experience from Matlab, Bangladesh." Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability. 2016 630-631 .
17 P Bhattacharya, M Hossain, G Jacks, K M Ahmed and M Hasan, M von Brömssen "Groundwater arsenic pollution." Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, May 11-16, 2014. 2014 881-885 .
18 Hassan, M Q, Zahid, A and Ahmed N "Flooding in Bangladesh and Climate Change Issues: Impact on Socio-economic conditions." Adaptation to the Impact of Climate Change on Socio-economic conditions of Bangladesh. Dhaka: 2013 .
19 Kamrul Islam and Subrota Kumar Saha "Wastewater Agriculture in Peri-Urban Areas of Dhaka City." URBAN WATER REUSE HANDBOOK,. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2012 927-941 .
20 Ahmed, K M.,, Sultana, S.,, Hasan, M A.,, Bhattacharia, P.,, Hasan, M K.,, Burgess, W G, and Hoque, M A. "Groundwater Quality of Upper and Lower Dupi Tila Aquifer in Megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh." IAH Red Book “Groundwater quality Management in a rapidly changing World”. IAHS publ., 2011 71-74 .
21 K M Ahmed and S Sultana, M A Hasan, P Bhattacharya, M K Hasan, W G Burgess, M A Hoque "Groundwater quality of upper and lower Dupi Tila aquifers in the megacity Dhaka, Bangladesh." IAH Red Book, chapter Groundwater quality Management in a rapidly changing World. 2011 71-74 .
22 AHMED, K M.,, ISLAM, M. S., and SULTANA, S., "Changes in the Groundwater Regime of Dhaka City: A Historical Perspective." Celebration of 400 Years of Capital Dhaka: Plants, wildlife, gardens and environment of Capital Dhaka.. S U Ahmed and G Rabbani Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2010 383-400 .
23 Bhattacharya, P., von Brömssen, M., Hasan, M. A., Ahmed, K. M., Jacks, G., Sracek, O., Huq, S.M.I., Naidu, R., Smith, E., Owens, G. 2008. Arsenic mobilisation in the Holocene flood plains in Southcentral Bangladesh: Evidences from the hydrogeochemical trends and modeling results. In: Bhattacharya, P., Ramanathan, AL., Mukherjee A.B., Bundschuh, J., Chandrasekharam, D. &Keshari, A.K. (eds.) "Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Problems, Perspectives and Challenges. Taylor and Francis /A. A. Balkema, The Netherlands, 283-299.." 2008 .
24 Bhattacharya, P., Ahmed, K. M., Hasan, M. A,Broms, S., Fogelström, J., Jacks, G., Sracek, O., von Brömssen, M. &Routh, J., 2006. Mobility of arsenic in groundwater in a part of Brahmanbaria district, NE Bangladesh In: Naidu, R., Smith, E., Owens, G., Bhattacharya, P. &Nadebaum. P., (Eds.) "Managing Arsenic in the Environment: From soil to human health. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 95-115.." 2006 .
25 A. M. Sikder, M. H. Khan, M. A. Hasan and K. M. Ahmed, 2005. Mineralogical characteristics of the Meghna Floodplain Sediments and arsenic enrichment in Groundwater. InBundschuh, J., Bhattacharya, P. and Chandrasekharam, D. (Eds.) "Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrences, Remediation and Management. Taylor and Francis Group, London, 31-40.." 2005 .
26 Sracek, Prosun Bhattacharya, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Mattias von Brömssen "Geochemistry of arsenic-enriched groundwater of Brahmanbaria district, Bangladesh: Speciation modeling and multivariate statistics.." Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrences, Remediation and Management. Jochen Bundshuh, Prosun Bhattacharya, D Chandrasekharam 2005 133-144 .
27 K M Ahmed "Groundwater Development and Management in the Semiarid Barind Tract, NW Bangladesh." Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Resources Management in Arid Regions (WaRMAR): Volume 2 - Groundwater Hydrology. V.P. Singh / M. Al-Rashed / M.M. Sheri 2002 363-384 .
28 K. M. Ahmed, M. B. Imam, S. H. Akhter, M. A. Hasan and A. A Khan., 2001. Sedimentology and Mineralogy of arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Bengal Delta of Bangladesh. In: G. Jacks, P. Bhattacharya, and A..A. Khan (Eds.) "Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in the Bengal Delta Plains of Bangladesh: Proceedings of the KTH-Dhaka University Seminar, KTH Special Publication, TRITA-AMI Report 3084, Stockholm, Sweden, 97-108.." 2001 .
29 John Chilton, Jeff Davies, Andrew Hughes, Kazi Matin Ahmed and S M Ihtishamul Huq: Hydrogeology "Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh." Hydrogeology Final Report. D G Kinniburgh, P L Smedley British Geological Survey, 2001 47-64 .
30 W G Burgess, M Burren, M O Cuthbert, S E Mather, J Perrin, M K Hasan,, K M Ahmed and P Ravenscroft, M Rahman "Field relationships and models of arsenic in aquifers of southern Bangladesh." Groundwater: Past Achievements and Future Challenges. 2000 707-712 .
31 K M Ahmed and M K Hasan, W G Burgess, J Dottridge, P Ravenscroft, J van Wanderen "Dupi Tila aquifer of Dhaka: hydraulic and hydrochemical response to extensive exploitation. Groundwater in the Urban Environment." Groundwater in the Urban Environment: Selected City Profiles. A Balkema. 1996 19-30 .
32 K M Ahmed and W G Burgess "Bils and Barind aquifer, Bangladesh." Geomorphology and Groundwater. A G Brown Chicester: John Wiley & Sons, 1995 143--155 .
33 A. Zahid, M. A. Haque, M. Saiful Islam and M.A.F.M.R. Hasan "The impact of shallow tubewells on irrigation water availability, access, crop productivity and farmers’ income in the lower gangetic plain of Bangladesh." Groundwater Governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River Basins: Realities and Challenges. Selected Papers on Hydrogeology. Mukherji, A., K. G. Villholth, B.R. Sharma and J. Wang London: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009 141-162 .
34 Choudhury R, Mahanta C, Khan MR, Nath B, Ellis T and van Geen A "The role of aquifer flushing on groundwater arsenic across a 35-km transect in the upper Brahmaputra River in Assam, India." Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World. CRC Press, 2019 34-35 .
35 Cross, B., Chowdhury, S.A. and Khan, M.R. "Teachers’ Professional Development in Bangladesh: Issues and Way Forward." Handbook of Research on Teacher Education. Khine, M.S., Liu, Y. (eds) Singapore: Springer, 2022 885-899 .
Journal Article (425)
1 Nur Aida, Suardi Nur, Nazaruddin Ahmad, Vincent Sutresno Hadi Sujoto, Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, Mulkal and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Geological Characterization of Rare Earth Elements in Aceh’s Igneous Rocks: A Step Toward Sustainable Mining, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics , vol.20 , no.2 IIETA , pp.315-325 , 2025 .
2 Tajwar, Mahir, Mahfuzur Rahman, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Nazmus Sakib, Md Yousuf Gazi, Mahmudul Hasan, Anika Samm-A and Anwar Zahid : Is the groundwater of Dhaka city, Bangladesh contaminated with naturally occurring potential toxic elements?, Journal of Frontiers in Environment (impact factor:3.3) Frontiers , 2025 .
3 Mir Md Tasnim Alam, Mahfuzur Rahman, Nazmus Sakib, Mahir Tajwar, Md Yousuf Gazi, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya and Anwar Zahid : Spatiotemporal distribution and human health risks of potential toxic elements in the groundwater of the lower Tista Floodplain, Rangpur, Bangladesh., Discover Water , vol.4 , no.1 Springer , pp.127 , 2024 .
4 Mahir Tajwar, Mahfuzur Rahman, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Nazmus Sakib, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Mahmudul Hasan, Majidul Islam, Mir Md Tasnim Alam and Anwar Zahid : Pollution evaluation and health risks assessment of naturally occurring toxic metals in shallow groundwater: A study in southwestern tidal delta of Bangladesh, Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals Elsevier , 2024 .
5 Mubtasim Ishraq Antoo, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Asif Hasan, Mahfuzur Rahman Khan, Pavel Khan, Tareq Chowdury, Anupom Hasib Rose and Kazi Matin Uddin Ahmed : Spatiotemporal dynamics of geomorphology, landuse, and storm surge inundation of FDMN settled in Bhasan Char island using geo-spatial techniques, Helyon (impact factor:3.4) , vol.10 CELL PRESS, ELSEVIER , pp.1-18 , 2024 .
6 Sultana, S and Burgess, W. G. : Hydrological load and a review of hydro-mechanical behaviour of the Bengal Aquifer System, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.13 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.17-29 , 2024 .
7 Sultana, S., Rahman, M.M., Nawrin, N., Rafiq, M R. and Sakib, N. : A Hydrochemical Characterization & Quality Assessment of Groundwater and River water at Kaptai-Lichubagan Roadcut Section, Kaptai Upazila, Rangamati Hill District, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.13 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.31-47 , 2024 .
8 Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Arman Hossain, Mukter Hossen, Md Ezaz Ahmed and Md Bodruddoza Mia : Spatiotemporal Assessment of Water Quality and Quantity of the Kaptai Lake at Rangamati, Bangladesh - An Approach of Remote Sensing, Field Investigation and Laboratory Analysis, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.121-139 , 2024 .
9 Tanvir Hossain, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Sanzida Murshed, Utsav Basak and Md. Ashraful Islam : Landslide Studies in the Context of Disaster Management in Bangladesh—A Systematic Literature Review, Landslide Studies in the Context of Disaster Management in Bangladesh—A Systematic Literature Review (impact factor:2.1) , vol.5 , no.4 MDPI , pp.784-811 , 2024 .
10 Tanvir Hossain, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Sanzida Murshed, Utsav Basak and Md Ashraful Islam : Landslide Studies in the Context of Disaster Management in Bangladesh—A Systematic Literature Review, Earth (impact factor:2.1) , vol.5 , no.4 MDPI , pp.784--811 , 2024 .
11 Tanvir Hossain, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Sanzida Murshed, Utsav Basak and Md Ashraful Islam : Landslide Studies in the Context of Disaster Management in Bangladesh—A Systematic Literature Review, Earth (impact factor:2.1) , vol.5 , no.4 MDPI , pp.784--811 , 2024 .
12 Arifur Rahman Rifath, Md Golam Muktadir, Mahmudul Hasan and Md Ashraful Islam : Flash flood prediction modeling in the hilly regions of Southeastern Bangladesh: A machine learning attempt on present and future climate scenarios, Environmental Challenges , vol.17 Elsevier , pp.101029 , 2024 .
13 Md. Fazle Rabbi Joy, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Md. Abdur Rahim : ASSESSMENT OF THE ALTERATION IN LANDUSE LANDCOVER DYNAMICS USING GIS APPROACH IN A REMOTE DISTRICT IN BANGLADESH: A CASE STUDY IN KURIGRAM DISTRICT, BANGLADESH, Malaysian Journal of Geosciences , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.163-172 , 2024 .
14 Mosa Tania Alim Shampa, Md Kawser Ahmed, KM Azam Chowdhury, Md Ashraful Islam, Mahmudul Hasan, Muhammad Shahinur Rahman and Md Saiful Islam : Spatial and seasonal variability of chlorophyll-a, total suspended matter, and colored dissolved organic matter in the Sundarban mangrove forest using earth observation and field data, Heliyon , vol.10 , no.19 Elsevier , 2024 .
15 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Thomas Oliver, Xiao Hua Wang and David J Paull : A framework for appraising the status of disaster resilience within the multi-hazard environment of coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.2) , vol.113 Elsevier , pp.104832 , 2024 .
16 Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Arman Hossain, Mukter Hossen, Md. Ezaz Ahmed and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Spatiotemporal Assessment of Water Quality and Quantity of the Kaptai Lake at Rangamati, Bangladesh - An Approach of Remote Sensing, Field Investigation and Laboratory Analysis, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.121-139 , 2024 .
17 Saiful Islam Apu, Noshin Shormili, Md Yousuf Gazi, Md Bodruddoza Mia and Shamima Ferdousi Sifa : Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Hilly District of Bangladesh: A Comparison of Different Geospatial Models, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing , pp.1-18 , 2024 .
18 Saiful Islam Apu, Noshin Sharmili, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Shamima Ferdousi Sifa : Remote Sensing and GIS‑Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in a Hilly District of Bangladesh: A Comparison of Different Geospatial Models, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing SN Springer , 2024 .
19 Vila-Concejo A, Fellowes TE, Gallop S and Gazi MY et al. : Morphodynamics and management challenges for beaches in modified estuaries and bays, Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures Cambridge University Press , 2024 .
20 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L. Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Thomas Oliver, Xiao Hua Wang and David J. Paull : A framework for appraising the status of disaster resilience within the multi-hazard environment of coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.3) , vol.113 , pp.104832 , 2024 .
21 Sushanta Kumar Roy, Tamanna Meheran Shemu, Mohammad Jahangir Alam and Mohammad Solaiman : Implication of fault seal analysis method to evaluate the sealing conditions of major fault planes at Barapukuria basin, North‑WestBangladesh, Discover Applied Sciences (impact factor:2.8) , vol.(2024) 6:365 Springer Nature , 2024 .
22 Islam, M. N., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Solaiman, M., Fahim, M. S. I. and Ahmed, Z. : Evaluation of Reservoir Properties of Sylhet Limestone of Jaintia Group, North-Eastern Sylhet, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.119-137 , 2024 .
23 Zohur Ahmed,, Mohammad Solaiman,, Md. Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan, M. Saiful Islam, Sarmin Sultana and Janifar Hakim Lupin : Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation in the Eastern Fold Belt, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh: An Integrated Study using Seismic, Well Log, Field Investigation and Laboratory Analysis Data, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.13 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.77-104 , 2024 .
24 Md Mahin Uddin, Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Yousuf Gazi and ASM Maksud Kamal : Quantification of landuse changes driven by the dynamics of the Jamuna River, a giant tropical river of Bangladesh., The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (impact factor:3.7) , vol.27 , no.2 Elsevier , pp.392-402 , 2024 .
25 Md. Mahin Uddin, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Yousuf Gazi and ASM Maksud Kamal : Quantification of landuse changes driven by the dynamics of the Jamuna River, a giant tropical river of Bangladesh, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (impact factor:4.4) , vol.27 , no.2 Elsevier , pp.392-402 , 2024 .
26 Md Mahin Uddin, Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Yousuf Gazi and ASM Maksud Kamal : Quantification of landuse changes driven by the dynamics of the Jamuna River, a giant tropical river of Bangladesh, The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (impact factor:4.4) , vol.27 , no.2 Elsevier , pp.392-402 , 2024 .
27 Md Abdullah Al Masud, Won Sik Shin*, Ardie Septian, Hasara Samaraweera, Israt Jahan Khan, Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed**, Md Masum Billah, Eduardo Alberto L´opez- Maldonado, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Abu Reza Md Towfiqul Islam and Saidur Rahman : Exploring the environmental pathways and challenges of fluoroquinolone antibiotics: A state-of-the-art review, Science of the Total Environment (impact factor:9.8) , vol.926 , no.(2024) 171944 Elsevier B.V. , pp.1-19 , 2024 .
28 Subrota Kumar Saha, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Tamanna Meheran Shemu, Sonjita Singh, Ishrat Jahan Eva and Sheikh Romjan Ali : Benthic Foraminifera as Bio-Indicators of Trace Element Pollution at St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.Vol. 12 (2): 2023 , 2024 .
29 Subrota Kumar Saha, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Tamanna Meheran Shemu, Sonjita Singh, Ishrat Jahan Eva and Sheikh Romjan Ali : Benthic Foraminifera as Bio-Indicators of Trace Element Pollution at St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.12 , no.2 Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.1-14 , 2024 .
30 Md. Jakir Hossain, Md. Zillur Rahman*, A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Mahabub Arefin Chowdhury, Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Anwar Zahid and Abu Reza Md Towfiqul Islam : Quantitative and qualitative assessment of groundwater resources for drinking water supply in the peri-urban area of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (impact factor:6.27) , vol.25 , no.2024 Elsevier B.V. , pp.1-20 , 2024 .
31 Bhuiyan, M. M. U., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Islam, M. S. and Sabira, U. : Petrography and Diagenesis of Thin-Bed Reservoirs from the Eastern Folded Belt of Bangladesh., Nature Environment & Pollution Technology , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.605-618 , 2024 .
32 Muhit Alam, M. Mostafizur Rahman*, M. Yousuf Gazi, Janifar Hakim Lupin and Mohammad Nazim Zaman : Depositional Environment and Reservoir Prospect Analysis of Barail Sandstone Exposed in the Northeastern Part of Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.12 , no.1 , pp.69-88 , 2023 .
33 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Inja-Mamun Haque, Md. Zakiul Alam and Md. Mahin Uddin : Spatiotemporal landuse dynamics driven by socioeconomic context in the southwestern coastal districts of Bangladesh, Ocean & Coastal Management (impact factor:4.6) Elsevier , 2023 .
34 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L. Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Xiao Hua Wang and David J. Paull : Assessing sensitivity to climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidence from the coastal region of Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.2) , vol.97 Elsevier , pp.1-20 , 2023 .
35 Noshin Sharmili, Saiful Islam Apu, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan and Janifar Hakim Lupin : High-resolution lithostratigraphy and reconnaissance sedimentology of Changotaung structure, Chittagong Tripura fold belt, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, Scientific Reports (impact factor:5.0) , vol.13 , no.17727 Nature , 2023 .
36 Sharmili, N., Apu, S. I., Gazi, M. Y., Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Lupin, J. H. : High-resolution lithostratigraphy and reconnaissance sedimentology of Changotaung structure, Chittagong Tripura fold belt, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh., Scientific Reports , 2023 .
37 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L. Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Xiao Hua Wang and David J. Paull : Assessing sensitivity to climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidence from the coastal region of Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:5) , vol.97 , pp.104023 , 2023 .
38 Mahir Tajwar, Mahmudul Hasan, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Mahfuzur Rahman, Nazmus Sakib and Md. Yousuf Gazi : Risk assessment of microplastic pollution in an industrial region of Bangladesh, Heliyon (impact factor:4.0) Elsevier , 2023 .
39 Joy, M. F. R., Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Rahman, M. M. : Deciphering Mineralogical Composition and Clay Diagenesis in Exposed Shales of Jaintiapur, Surma Basin: Unveiling Insights into Burial Diagenesis., Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.12 , no.2 , pp.69-82 , 2023 .
40 Muhammad Abu Sayed, A.S.M. Maksud Kamal, Abrar Hossain, Mahmudul Hasan, Mahfuzur R Khan, Kazi Matin Uddin Ahmed and Peter S.K. Knappett : Groundwater vulnerability assessment to pollution using GIS-based DRASTIC and GOD methods in Araihazar upazila of Narayanganj district, Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (impact factor:5.9) , vol.23 , pp.100984 , 2023 .
41 Sarmin Sultana, Nazia Nawrin, Muhammad Risalat Rafiq, Masuma Chowdhury, Aariful Shahid Shaishab, Samira Tasnim Labonya and Kazi Matin Ahmed : Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Estimation of Aquifer Properties at Dhaka University Campus, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.12 , no.2 Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh , pp.55-67 , 2023 .
42 Md. Ashraful Islam and Shovan Lal Chattoraj : Modelling landslides in the Lesser Himalaya region using geospatial and numerical simulation techniques, Abrabian journal of Geoscience , vol.16 , no.7 Springer , pp.25 , 2023 .
43 Md. Asif Hasan, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Khan, Md. Jahangir Alam, Tareq Chowdury, Md. Al Amin and Kazi Matin Uddin Ahmed : Temporal Changes in Land Cover, Land Surface Temperature, Soil Moisture, and Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Techniques—a Case Study of Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp in Bangladesh, Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis (impact factor:4.38) , vol.7 , no.11 Springer Nature , pp.1-22 , 2023 .
44 Hasan, M.A., Mia, M.B., Khan, M.R., Alam, M.J., Chowdhury, T, Al Amin, M. and Ahmed, K.M.U. : Temporal Changes in Land Cover, Land Surface Temperature, Soil Moisture, and Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Techniques—a Case Study of Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp in Bangladesh, Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis , vol.7 , no.11 Springer Nature , 2023 .
45 A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Farhad Hossain, Bayes Ahmed, Md. Zillur Rahman and Peter Sammonds : Assessing the effectiveness of landslide slope stability by analysing structural mitigation measures and community risk perception, Natural Hazards (impact factor:3.158) Springer , pp.26 , 2023 .
46 Raff, Jessica L., Goodbred, Steven L., Pickering, Jennifer L., Sincavage, Ryan S., Ayers, John C., Hossain, Md. Saddam, Wilson, Carol A., Paola, Chris, Steckler, Michael S., Mondal, Dhiman R., Grimaud, Jean-Louis, Grall, Celine Jo, Rogers, Kimberly G., Ahmed, Kazi Matin, Akhter, Syed Humayun, Carlson, Brandee N., Chamberlain, Elizabeth L., Dejter, Meagan, Gilligan, Jonathan M., Hale, Richard P., Khan, Mahfuzur R., Muktadir, Md. Golam, Rahman, Md. Munsur and Williams, Lauren A. : Sediment delivery to sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta under climate change and anthropogenic impacts, Nature Communications (impact factor:17.6) , vol.14 , no.1 Springer Nature , pp.2429 , 2023 .
47 Zhongyuan Xu, Mahfuzur R. Khan, Kazi Matin Ahmed, Anwar Zahid, Jayaram Hariharan, Paola Passalacqua, Elisabeth Steel, Austin Chadwick, Chris Paola, Steven L. Goodbred Jr., Anner Paldor and Holly A. Michael : Predicting Subsurface Architecture From Surface Channel Networks in the Bengal Delta, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (impact factor:4.418) , vol.128 , no.3 AGU-Wiley , pp.e2022JF006775 , 2023 .
48 Sadeak S., Amin M. A., Chowdhury T., Mia M. B., Alam M. J., Ahmed K. M. and Khan M. R : Comparison of the groundwater recharge estimations of the highly exploited aquifers in Bangladesh and their sustainability, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (impact factor:7.9 (Cite Score)) , vol.20 ELSEVIER , pp.100896 , 2023 .
49 A.S.M. Maksud Kamal, Md. Nahid Al-Montakim, Md. Asif Hasan, Mst. Maxim Parvin Mitu, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Mahin Uddin and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Relationship between Urban Environmental Components and Dengue Prevalence in Dhaka City—An Approach of Spatial Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing, Hydro-Climatic, and Census Dengue Data, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:4.614) , vol.20 , no.5 MDPI , pp.1-20 , 2023 .
50 A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Md. Nahid Al-Montakim, Md. Asif Hasan, Mst. Maxim Parvin Mitu, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Mahin Uddin and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Relationship between Urban Environmental Components and Dengue Prevalence in Dhaka City—An Approach of Spatial Analysis of Satellite Remote Sensing, Hydro-Climatic, and Census Dengue Data, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:4.6) , vol.20 , no.5 MDPI , 2023 .
51 Sumiya Sadeak, Md Al Amin, Tareq Chowdhury, Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Jahangir Alam, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Mahfuzur R. Khan : Comparison of the groundwater recharge estimations of the highly exploited aquifers in Bangladesh and their sustainability, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (impact factor:5.9) Elsevier , pp.10 , 2023 .
52 Basri, R., Woobaidullah, A. S. M., Hossain, D. and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. : Outcrop analogy with the subsurface geology and hydrocarbon prospectivity of Jaintiapur and adjacent areas in North-East Bangladesh., Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.63-93 , 2023 .
53 Fatima Nur Nabila, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md Yousuf Gazi, Md Mahin Uddin, Md Nahid Al Montakim and Md Mahfuz Alam : Assessment of Water Quality and Quantity in the Lakes of Dhaka Metropolitan City - Remote Sensing, Field and Laboratory Analyses, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.11 , no.1 Dhaka University , pp.27-42 , 2023 .
54 Sumiya Sadeak, Md Al-Amin, Tareq Chowdhury, Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Jahangir Alam, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Mahfuzur R. Khan : Comparison of the groundwater recharge estimations of the highly exploited aquifers in Bangladesh and their sustainability, Groundwater for Sustainable Development (impact factor:5.9) , vol.20 Elsevier , pp.100896 , 2023 .
55 Fatima Nur Nabila, Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md Mahin Uddin, Md Nahid Al Montakim and Md Mahfuz Alam : Assessment of Water Quality and Quantity in the Lakes of Dhaka Metropolitan City - Remote Sensing, Field and Laboratory Analyses, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.11 , no.2 , pp.27-41 , 2023 .
56 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Xiao Hua Wang and David Paull : Assessing multi-climate-hazard threat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influential environmental and anthropogenic factors, Progress in Disaster Science , vol.16 Elsevier , pp.100261 , 2022 .
57 Md Ashraful Islam, Amy L Griffin, David J Paull and Sanzida Murshed : Assessing critical infrastructure resilience in terms of its service-providing capacity in coastal Bangladesh: A synthesis of geospatial techniques and social responses, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , vol.67 Elsevier , pp.102633 , 2022 .
58 Sanzida Murshed, Amy L. Griffin, Md Ashraful Islam, Xiao Hua Wang and David Paull : Assessing multi-climate-hazard threat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influential environmental and anthropogenic factors, Progress in Disaster Science (impact factor:2.6) , vol.16 Elsevier , pp.1-18 , 2022 .
59 Farhad Hossain, A S M Maksud Kamal, Sumiya Sadeak and Md. Yousuf Gazi : Quantitative soil erosion risk assessment due to rapid urbanization in the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (impact factor:3.82) Springer , pp.1-18 , 2022 .
60 Mahir Tajwar, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Bayazid Hossaind, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Nazmus Sakib : Assessment of microplastics as contaminants in a coal mining region, Heliyon - Cell Press (impact factor:3.776) Elsevier , 2022 .
61 Shakhawat Hossain, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Shariful Islam, Md. Zayed Abdur Razzak, Sushmita Hossain and Mohammad Rajib : Landslide Susceptibility Analysis of Geological Formations: A Case Study of the Dupi Tila Formation in the Rangamati Area, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.11 , no.2 , pp.1-13 , 2022 .
62 Farhad Hossain, A S M Maksud Kamal, Sumiya Sadeak and Md. Yousuf Gazi : Quantitative soil erosion risk assessment due to rapid urbanization in the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (impact factor:3.821) Springer , pp.18 , 2022 .
63 Farhad Hossain, A S M Maksud Kamal, Sumiya Sadeak and Md. Yousuf Gazi : Quantitative soil erosion risk assessment due to rapid urbanization in the Cox’s Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (impact factor:3.821) Springer , pp.18 , 2022 .
64 Nazia Nawrin, Tahmidur Rahman Junayed, Mahfuzur Rahman Khan, Md Jahangir Alam, Bodruddoza Mia and Kazi Matin Ahmed : A Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Quality Assessment of Groundwater from the Sadar Upazila, Khagrachhari District, Bangladesh for Irrigation and Drinking Uses, Water (impact factor:3.53) , vol.14 , no.19 MDPI , 2022 .
65 Nawrin, N., Junayed, T.R., Khan, M.R., Alam, M.J., Mia, M.B. and Ahmed, K.M. : A Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Quality Assessment of Groundwater from the Sadar Upazila, Khagrachhari District, Bangladesh for Irrigation and Drinking Uses, Water (impact factor:3.530) , vol.14 , no.19 MDPI , pp.3052 , 2022 .
66 M. Mostafizur Rahman, John A. Howell and David I.M. MacDonald : Quantitative analysis of crevasse-splay systems from modern fluvial settings, Journal of Sedimentary Research (impact factor:3.324) , vol.92 , no.9 SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology , pp.751–774 , 2022 .
67 Nawrin, N., Junayed, T.R., Khan, M.R., Alam, M.J., Mia, M.B. and Ahmed, K.M. : A Hydrogeochemical Characterization and Quality Assessment of Groundwater from the Sadar Upazila, Khagrachhari District, Bangladesh for Irrigation and Drinking Uses, Water (impact factor:3.530) , vol.14 , no.19 MDPI , pp.3052 , 2022 .
68 A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Farhad Hossain, Bayes Ahmed and Peter Sammonds : Analyzing the 27 July 2021 rainfall-induced catastrophic landslide event in the Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Geoenvironmental Disasters (impact factor:1.494) , vol.9 Springer , pp.10 , 2022 .
69 Khan, Mahfuzur R, Michael, Holly A, Bresnyan, Edward W and Yu, Winston : Impacts of basin-wide irrigation pumping on dry-period stream baseflow in an alluvial aquifer in the Kosi Fan region of India and Nepal, Hydrogeology Journal (impact factor:3.151) , no.1435-0157 Springer Nature , 2022 .
70 Khan, M.R.,, Hasan, F.,, Islam, M.,, Chowdhury, M.,, Sadeak, S.,, Amin, A.,, Hossain, F., and Ahmed, K.M. : Potential Impacts of Industrialization on Coastal Fresh Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh., , vol.14(14) , no.Special Issue Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management Sustainability , pp.1-17 , 2022 .
71 Khan, MR, Fuad, H, Islam, M, Chowdhury, M, Sadeak, S, Amin, A, Hossain, F and Ahmed, KM : Potential Impacts of Industrialization on Coastal Fresh Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.889) , vol.14 , no.14 MDPI , 2022 .
72 Mahfuzur R Khan, Md. Fuad Hasan, Majidul Islam, Masuma Chowdhury, Sumiya Sadeak, Al Amin, Farhad Hossain and Kazi Matin Ahmed : Potential Impacts of Industrialization on Coastal Fresh Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.889) MDPI , pp.18 , 2022 .
73 Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Fahim, M. S. I. and Solaiman, M. : Characterization of The Reservoir Hydrocarbon Zones in Offshore Angola Field Using Well Log Data., The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.11 , no.2 , pp.81-99 , 2022 .
74 Mahir Tajwar, Shamiha Shafinaz Shreya, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Mahmudul Hasan and Subrota Kumar Saha : Microplastic contamination in the sediments of the Saint Martin’s Island, Bangladesh, Regional Studies in Marine Science (impact factor:2.16) , vol.53 , 2022 .
75 Mia, M.B.,, Hasan, M.A.,, Gazi, M.Y.,, Chowdhury, M. and Al Montakim, N. : Impact of Urbanization on Landuse-Landcover, Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Islands using Multispectral Satellite Images: An Implication in the District Towns of Northwestern Bangladesh., The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10(3) , no.Special Faculty of Earth & Environmental Sciences , pp.17-28 , 2022 .
76 Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Asif Hasan, Md Yousuf Gazi, Masuma Chowdhury and Nahid Al Montakim : Impact of Urbanization on Landuse-Landcover, Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Islands using Multispectral Satellite Images: An Implication in the District Towns of Northwestern Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10 , no.3 Dhaka University , pp.17-28 , 2022 .
77 Mahmudul Hasan, Md Ashraful Islam, Md Jahangir Alam, Mahfujur Rahman and M Aziz Hasan : Hydrogeochemical characterization and quality assessment of groundwater resource in Savar—an industrialized zone of Bangladesh, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , vol.194 , no.8 Springer , pp.549 , 2022 .
78 Haque, A. K. M. E., Qadri, S., M. T., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Navid, M., Nabawy, B., Hakimi, M. H. and Abd-El-Aal, A. : Integrated wireline log and seismic attribute analysis for the reservoir evaluation: A case study of the Mount Messenger Formation in Kaimiro Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering , vol.99 , 2022 .
79 Gazi, M. Y., Kamal, A. M., Uddin, M. N., Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Rahman, M. Z. : The Stability and Suitability of the Bhasan Char Island as an Accommodation for the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN), Sustainability , vol.14 , no.2 , pp.747 , 2022 .
80 Fahim, M. S. I., Mondol, A. M. and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. : Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of Surma Group in Sylhet Area in Context of Sequence Stratigraphy, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.11 , no.1 , 2022 .
81 NAWRIN, N, SULTANA, S, and AHMED, K M : A Comparative Study between Managed Aquifer Recharge and Other Community Water Supply Options in Coastal Bangladesh, (DUJEES) The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.Centennial Special vol , pp.p157-166 , 2021 .
82 Tamanna Meheran Shemu and Subrota Kumar Saha : Diversity and Paleoenvironmental Signature of Benthic Foraminifera of St. Martin's Island, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.9(1):2020 , 2021 .
83 Md Ashraful Islam, David Paull, Amy Griffin and Sanzida Murshed : Spatio-temporal assessment of social resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (impact factor:4.5) , vol.12 , no.1 Taylor and Francis , pp.279--309 , 2021 .
84 Md Ashraful Islam, David J. Paull, Amy L. Griffin, and Sanzida Murshed : Spatio-temporal assessment of social resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk (impact factor:4.2) , vol.12 , no.1 Taylor & Francis , pp.279--309 , 2021 .
85 Sanzida Murshed, David J. Paull, Amy L. Griffin and Md Ashraful Islam : A parsimonious approach to mapping climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale in coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.2) , vol.55 Elsevier , pp.1-23 , 2021 .
86 Shreya, S. S., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Hossain, S. and Sultana, T. : Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization of Habiganj Gas Field, Surma Basin, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.1-10 , 2021 .
87 Rahman M., Tushar M.A.N., Zahid A., Ahmed K.M.U., Siddique M.A.M. and Mustafa M.G. : Spatial distribution of manganese in groundwater and associated human health risk in the southern part of the Bengal Basin, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , pp.1-14 , 2021 .
88 Chowdhury, K. I. A.,, Nurunnahar, S.,, Kabir, M. L.,, Islam, M. T.,, Baker. M., M. Saiful Islam, M. S., Rahman, M.,, Hasan, M. A., and Sikder, A., Kwong, L. H., Binkhorst, G. K., Nash, E., Keith, J., McCartor, A., Luby, S. P., Forsyth. J. E. : Child lead exposure near abandoned lead acid battery recycling sites in a residential community in Bangladesh: Risk factors and the impact of soil remediation on blood lead levels, Environmental Research , no.194 , 2021 .
89 Mahir Tajwar, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Subrota Kumar Saha : Characterization and Spatial Abundance of Microplastics in the Coastal Regions of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: An Integration of Field, Laboratory, and GIS Techniques, Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal , 2021 .
90 Most. Shahana Sultana, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Multiple indices based agricultural drought assessment in the northwestern part of Bangladesh using geospatial techniques, Environmental Challenges , vol.4 , pp.100120 , 2021 .
91 Morifuji, Y., Fujimitsu, Y., Nishijima, J., Mia M.B. and Onizuka S. : Analysis of Heat Discharge Rate in Geothermal Areas Using Remote Sensing Techniques: Case Study of Unzen Geothermal Area, Japan; Papandayan and Tangkuban Perahu Geothermal Area, Indonesia, Pure and Applied Geophysics , 2021 .
92 Rahman, M., Tushar, M.A.N., Zahid, A.,, Ahmed, K.M.U.,, Siddique, M.A.M. and Mustafa, M.G : Spatiotemporal distribution of boron in the groundwater and human health risk assessment from the coastal region of Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Pollution Research , pp.1-14 , 2021 .
93 MURSHED, S., PAULL, D., GRIFFIN, A. and ISLAM, M.A. : A parsimonious approach to map climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale in coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( in press) , 2021 .
94 Tanzida Akter, Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Assessment of Land Cover Dynamics, Land Surface Temperature, and Heat Island Growth in Northwestern Bangladesh Using Satellite Imagery, Environmental Processes , 2021 .
95 Tanzida Akter, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Assessment of Land Cover Dynamics, Land Surface Temperature, and Heat Island Growth in Northwestern Bangladesh Using Satellite Imagery, Environmental Processes , 2021 .
96 Afsana Hossen Tania, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Evaluation of water quantity–quality, floodplain landuse, and land surface temperature (LST) of Turag River in Bangladesh: an integrated approach of geospatial, field, and laboratory analyses, SN Applied Sciences , vol.3 , pp.63 , 2021 .
97 Afsana Hossen Tania, Md. Yousuf Gaz and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Evaluation of water quantity–quality, floodplain landuse, and land surface temperature (LST) of Turag River in Bangladesh: an integrated approach of geospatial, field, and laboratory analyses, SN Applied Sciences , vol.3 , no.63 , 2021 .
98 Most. Shahana Sultana, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Bodruddoza Mia : Multiple indices based agricultural drought assessment in the northwestern part of Bangladesh using geospatial techniques., Environmental Challenges , 2021 .
99 Subrota Kumar Saha, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Mahir Tajwar and Suzal Kumar : Soil contamination assessment by trace elements in Barapukuria coal mine region, Bangladesh., Environmental and Earth Sciences Research Journal , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.1-10 , 2021 .
100 Md Ashraful Islam, Sanzida Murshed and Mahmudul Hasan : Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteria evaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh., Arabian Journal of Geosciences , vol.13 , no.18 , 2020 .
101 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Farhad Hossain, Sumiya Sadeak and Md. Mahin Uddin : Spatiotemporal variability of channel and bar morphodynamics in the Gorai-Madhumati River, Bangladesh using remote sensing and GIS techniques, (impact factor:2.273) Springer , pp.14 , 2020 .
102 Md Ashraful Islam, David Paull, Amy Griffin and Sanzida Murshed : Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropical cyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatial techniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.2) , vol.49 Elsevier , pp.1--17 , 2020 .
103 Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Hossain, S. : Petrographic characterization and diagenetic evaluation of reservoir sandstones from Smørbukk and Heidrun fields, offshore Norway, Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.11-20 , 2020 .
104 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Himel Roy, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Syed Humayun Akhter : Assessment of Morpho‑Dynamics through Geospatial Techniques within the Padma‑Meghna and Ganges‑Jamuna River Confluences, Bangladesh, KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information , 2020 .
105 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Zillur Rahman, Md. Mahin Uddin and FM Arifur Rahman : Spatio-temporal dynamic land cover changes and their impacts on the urban thermal environment in the Chittagong metropolitan area, Bangladesh, GeoJournal (impact factor:1.36) , 2020 .
106 D Oppo, S Evans, D Iacopini,, SMM Kabir and V Maselli, CAL Jackson : Leaky salt: pipe trails record the history of cross-evaporite fluid escape in the northern Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, Basin Research , 2020 .
107 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Tanzeer Hasan and Syed Humayun Akhter : Change detection of landuse-landcover in and around Cox’s Bazar –Teknaf coastal area of Bangladesh using satellite images, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.8 , pp.1-9 , 2020 .
108 Romana Afroz, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Md. Saiful Islam : Evaluation and Monitoring of Water Quantity and Quality of the Buriganga River in Bangladesh using Multi-temporal Landsat Images, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.8 , pp.61-69 , 2020 .
109 Khan, A., Michelsen, N., Marandi, A., Hossain, R., Hossain, M A., Roel, K E,, Zahid, A., Hassan, M Q. and Schueth, C. : Processes controlling the extent of groundwater pollution with chromium from tanneries in the Hazaribagh area, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Science of the Total Environment , vol.710 , 2020 .
110 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Himel Roy, M.B. Mia and S. H. Akhter : Assessment of Morpho‑Dynamics through Geospatial Techniques within the Padma‑Meghna and Ganges‑Jamuna River Confluences, Bangladesh, KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information , vol.70 , pp.127-139; , 2020 .
111 Kazi Matin Ahmed : Madhumita Chakraborty, Soumyajit Sarkar, Abhijit Mukherjee, Mohammad Shamsudduha , Kazi Matin Ahmed, Animesh Bhattacharya, Adway Mitra, 2020. Modeling regional-scale groundwater arsenic hazard in the transboundary Ganges River Delta, India and Bangladesh: Infusing physically-based model with machine learning. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 748, 141107; 2. Sara Nowreen, R. G. Taylor, M. Shamsudduha, M. Salehin, A. Zahid, & K. M. Ahmed, 20, , 2020 .
112 Sara Nowreen, R. G. Taylor, M. Shamsudduha, M. Salehin, A. Zahid and K. M. Ahmed : Groundwater recharge processes in an Asian mega-delta: hydrometric evidence from Bangladesh, , vol.28 , pp.2917–2932 , 2020 .
113 Mozumder, M.R.H., Michael, H.A., Mihajlov, I., Khan, M.R., Knappett, P.S.K, Bostick, B.C., Mailloux, B.J., Ahmed, K.M., Choudhury, I., Koffman, T., Ellis, T., Whaley-Martin, K., San Pedro, R., Slater, G., Stute, M., Schlosser, P and van Geen, A : Origin of groundwater arsenic in a rural Pleistocene aquifer in Bangladesh depressurized by distal municipal pumping, Water Resources Research (impact factor:4.36) , 2020 .
114 Abu Mohd Naser, Mahbubur Rahman, Leanne Unicomb, Sarker Masud Parvez, Shariful Islam, Solaiman Doza, Golam Kibria Khan, Shuchi Anand, Stephen P. Luby, Mohammad Shamsudduha, Matthew O. Gribble, K. M. Venkat Narayan and Thomas F. Clasen and Kazi Matin Ahmed : Associations of drinking rainwater with macro-mineral intake and cardiometabolic health: a pooled cohort analysis in Bangladesh, 2016–2019, Clean Water , vol.3 , no.20 , 2020 .
115 Floris Loys Naus, Kennard Burer, Frank van Laerhoven, Jasper Griffioen, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Paul Schot : Why Do People Remain Attached to Unsafe Drinking Water Options? Quantitative Evidence from Southwestern Bangladesh, Water , vol.12 , no.342 , 2020 .
116 Ivan Mihajlov, M. Rajib H. Mozumder, Benjamín C. Bostick, Martin Stute, Brian J. Mailloux, Peter S. K. Knappett, Imtiaz Choudhury, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Peter Schlosser & Alexander van Geen : Arsenic contamination of Bangladesh aquifers exacerbated by clay layers, Nature Communications , vol.11 , 2020 .
117 Mohammad Shamsudduha, George Joseph, Sabrina S. Haque, Mahfuzur R. Khan, Anwar Zahid and Kazi Matin U. Ahmed : Multi‑hazard Groundwater Risks to Water Supply from Shallow Depths: Challenges to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh, Exposure and Health , vol.12 , pp.657-670 , 2020 .
118 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Tahrim Jannat Mowsumi and Md. Kawser Ahmed : Detection of Coral Reefs Degradation using Geospatial Techniques around Saint Martin’s Island, Bay of Bengal, Ocean Science Journal (impact factor:0.78) , 2020 .
119 ISLAM, M.A. and PAULL, D., GRIFFIN, A. & MURSHED, S. : Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropical cyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatial techniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , 2020b .
120 ISLAM, MA. and MURSHED, S. & MAHMUDUL, H. : Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteria evaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh, Arabian journal of Geosciences , vol.13 , pp.1-15. , 2020a .
121 ILIAS, M., MIA, A., ISLAM, M.A. and PEAS, M., FARAZI, A. & AKHTER, S. : Assessing bank dynamics of the Lower Meghna River in Bangladesh: an integrated GIS-DSAS approach., Arabian journal of Geosciences , vol.13 , pp.1-19 , 2020 .
122 Mozumder, M.R.H., Michael, H.A., Mihajlov, I., Khan, M.R., Knappett, P.S.K, Bostick, B.C., Mailloux, B.J., Ahmed, K.M., Choudhury, I., Koffman, T., Ellis, T., Whaley-Martin, K., San Pedro, R., Slater, G., Stute, M., Schlosser, P. and van Geen, A. : Origin of groundwater arsenic in a rural Pleistocene aquifer in Bangladesh depressurized by distal municipal pumping, Water Resources Research (impact factor:4.36) , no.e2020WR027178 , 2020 .
123 Janifar Hakim Lupin and Gary J Hampson : Sediment-routing controls on sandstone bulk petrographic composition and textureacross an ancient shelf: example from Cretaceous Western Interior Basin, Utah andColorado, USA, Journal of Sedimentary Research , 2020 .
124 Rajeun Islam and Janifar Hakim Lupin : A Review on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Chittagong Hill Tracts and Adjacent Area,, Open Journal of Geology (impact factor:A Review on Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Chittagong Hill Tracts and Adjacent Area,) , vol.10 , no.2 , 2020 .
125 Md Nijam Uddin, Md Hussain Monsur and and Saha SK, : Mid Holocene Sea-Level Changes in and around Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Int J Paleobiol Paleontol, , vol.3 , no.1 , 2020 .
126 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Farhad Hossain, Sumiya Sadeak and Md. Mahin Uddin : Spatiotemporal variability of channel and bar morphodynamics in the Gorai-Madhumati River, Bangladesh using remote sensing and GIS techniques, Front. Earth Sci. , 2020 .
127 Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Subrota Kumar Saha and Md. Hussain Monsur : Paleoenvironmental Significance of Foraminiferal Assemblage from the Cox’s Bazar -Teknaf Coast M, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , pp.57-68 , 2019 .
128 Chowdhury, M., S. Sultana, M. A. Islam, M. A. Hasan and K. M. Ahmed : Hydrogeochemical properties providing links to methanogenesis in the deep aquifer of Bhola Island, Bangladesh., The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science , vol.vol. 45(2) , no.2 , pp.217-228 , 2019 .
130 Shamsudduha, M., Joseph, G., Haque, S., Khan, M.R., Zahid, A. and Ahmed K.M. : Multi-hazard Groundwater Risks to Water Supply from Shallow Depths: Challenges to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh, Exposure and Health (impact factor:4.532) , pp.1-14 , 2019 .
131 M.R. Khan, H.A. Michael, B. Nath, B.L. Huhmann, C.F. Harvey, A. Mukherjee, I. Choudhury, M. Chakraborty, M.S. Ullah, K.M. Ahmed, S.L. Goodbred, P. Schlosser, B.C. Bostick, B.J. Mailloux, T. Ellis and A. van Geen : High‐arsenic groundwater in the southwestern Bengal Basin caused by a lithologically controlled deep flow system, Geophysical Research Letters (impact factor:4.58) , 2019 .
132 SD Bijoy, MY Gazi, SMM Kabir and B Imam : Geological and Geophysical Observations to Determine the Gas Seepage Source of Titas Gas Field Region, Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science , , vol.vol.45 , , , , pp.pp.93-109 , 2019 .
133 Floris Loys Nausa, Paul Schot, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Jasper Griffioen : Influence of landscape features on the large variation of shallow groundwater salinity in southwestern Bangladesh, Journal of Hydrology , vol.15 , 2019 .
134 Khan, M. R., H. A. Michael, B. Nath, B. L. Huhmann, C. F. Harvey, A. Mukherjee, I. Choudhury, M. Chakraborty, M. S. Ullah,, K. M. Ahmed and S. L. Goodbred, P. Schlosser, B. C. Bostick, B. J. Mailloux, T. Ellis, and A. van Geen : High‐arsenic groundwater in the southwestern Bengal Basin caused by a lithologically controlled deep flow system, Geophysical Research Letters , vol.46 , 2019 .
135 M. A. Islam, M. A. Hoque, K. M. Ahmed and A. P. Butler : Impact of Climate Change and Land Use on Groundwater Salinization in Southern Bangladesh—Implications for Other Asian Deltas, Environmental Management , 2019 .
136 Abu Mohd Naser, Solaiman Doza, Mahbubur Rahman, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Mohammed Shahid Gazi, Gazi Raisul Alam, Mohammed Rabiul Karim, Golam Kibria Khan, Mohammed Nasir Uddin, Mohammed Ilias Mahmud, Ayse Ercumen, Julia Rosenbaum, Jonathan Annis, Stephen P. Luby, Leanne Unicomb, and Thomas F. Clasen : Sand Barriers around Latrine Pits Reduce Fecal Bacterial Leaching into Shallow Groundwater: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Coastal Bangladesh, Environmental Science & Technology , vol.53 , no.4 , pp.2105-2113 , 2019 .
137 Abu Mohd Naser, Mahbubur Rahman, Leanne Unicomb, Solaiman Doza, Mohammed Shahid Gazi, Gazi Raisul Alam, Mohammed Rabiul Karim, Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Golam Kibria Khan, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Mohammad Shamsudduha, Shuchi Anand, K. M. Venkat Narayan, Howard H. Chang, Stephen P. Luby, Matthew O. Gribble, Thomas F. Clasen : Drinking Water Salinity, Urinary Macro-Mineral Excretions, and Blood Pressure in the Southwest Coastal Population of Bangladesh, J Am Heart Assoc. , vol.8 , no.:e012007 , 2019 .
138 Floris Loys Naus, Paul Schot, Koos Groen, Kazi Matin Ahmed, and Jasper Griffioen : Groundwater salinity variation in Upazila Assasuni (southwestern Bangladesh), as steered by surface clay layer thickness, relative elevation and present-day land use, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. , vol.23 , pp.1431–1451 , 2019 .
139 Woodman, N. D., Burgess, W. G., Ahmed, K. M. and and Zahid, A : A partially-coupled hydro-mechanical analysis of the Bengal Aquifer System under hydrological loading, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci , vol.23 , pp.2461–2479 , 2019 .
140 Nadia B. Jamil, Huan Feng, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Imtiaz Choudhury, Prabhat Barnwal, and Alexander van Geen : Effectiveness of Different Approaches to Arsenic Mitigation over 18 Years in Araihazar, Bangladesh: Implications for National Policy, Environ. Sci. Technol. , vol.53 , pp.5596−5604 , 2019 .
141 Thomas H. Osborne, Seamus A. Ward, Kazi M. Ahmed and Joanne M. Santini : Reservoirs of faecal indicator bacteria in well-head hand pumps in Bangladesh, Journal of Water and Health , vol.16 , no.3 , pp.487-490 , 2019 .
142 CHOWDHURY, M.,, SULTANA, S.,, ISLAM, M A.,, HASAN, A., and AHMED, K M. : Hydrogeochemical properties providing links to methanogenesis in deep aquifer of Bhola Island, Bangladesh, J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , vol.45 , no.2 , pp.217-228 , 2019 .
143 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Khandakar Tahmida Tafhim, Kawser Ahmed and Md. Atikul Islam : Investigation of heavy-mineral deposits using multispectral satellite imagery in the eastern coastal margin of Bangladesh, Earth Science Malaysia , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.16-22 , 2019 .
144 HASAN, M.,, ISLAM, M.A. and HASAN, M. A., ALAM, J. & PEAS, M. H. : Groundwater vulnerability assessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh—A GIS-based DRASTIC modeling, Groundwater for sustainable development , 2019 .
145 GAZI, M. Y., ISLAM, M. A. and HOSSAIN, S : Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale–Way Forward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh, Malaysian Journal of Geoscience , vol.3 , pp.1-11 , 2019 .
146 Hasan, M., Islam, A., Hasan, M.A., Alam, J., Peas, M.H., : Groundwater vulnerability assessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh – A GIS- based DRASTIC modeling. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 9 (2019)100220., , 2019 .
147 Janifar Hakim Lupin : Well Log Analysis and Petrophysical Study in Passive Rift Margin, International Journalof Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering , vol.9 , no.12 , 2019 .
148 Islam M.S., Afroz, R. and Mia M.B. : Investigation of surface water quality of the Buriganga River in Bangladesh: Laboratory and spatial analysis approaches., The Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences , vol.28 , pp.147-158 , 2019 .
149 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Ashraful Islam and Shakhawat Hossain : Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale – Way Forward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh., Malaysian Journal of Geosciences , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.01-11 , 2019 .
150 Mia, M.B., Fujimitsu, Y. and Nishijima, J. : Exploration and monitoring of thermal activity using multi-source satellite images: A case study of the recently active Kirishima volcano complex on Kyushu Island, Japan, Geothermics (impact factor:3.47) , vol.79 , pp.26-45 , 2019 .
151 Sifat, Humaira Farzana and Saha, Subrota Kumar : Using the Benthic Foraminifera as an Indicator of Holocene Sea Level Rise from Eastern Coastal Margin of Banglade, Journal of Climate Change, , no.1 , pp.9-18 , 2019 .
152 S.K. Saha and Nahid Ibn Muzib and Mahmud Al Noor Tushar : Diversity and abundance of Pteropods along the Saint Martin’s Island and its Effects on Ecology of Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, , vol.45 , no.1 , pp.15-33. , 2019 .
153 Tushar, M.A.N., Saha, S.K., and Monsur, M. H. : Paleoenvironmental significance of Foraminiferal assemblage from the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf coast, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, , vol.6& 7 , pp.57-69 , 2019 .
154 Sourov Datta Bijoy, Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Badrul Imam : Geological and Geophysical Observations to Determine the Gas Seepage Source of Titas Gas Field Region, Bangladesh, Journal of Asiatic Bangladesh, Science , vol.45 , no.1 , pp.93-109 , 2019 .
155 Mahmud Al Noor Tushar, Subrota Kumar Saha and Md. Hussain Monsur : Paleoenvironmental Significance of Foraminiferal Assemblage from the Cox's Bazar-Teknaf Coast, DHAKA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES , vol.6 & 7 , pp.57-69 , 2018 .
156 Choudhury R, Nath B, Khan MR, Mahanta C, Ellis T and van Geen A : The Impact of Aquifer Flushing on Groundwater Arsenic Across a 35-km Transect Perpendicular to the Upper Brahmaputra River in Assam, India, Water Resoures Research (impact factor:4.36) , vol.54 , no.10 , 2018 .
157 Rahman, M, Khan, M.R., Ahmed, K.M., Zahid, A. and Siddique M.A.M. : AN ASSESSMENT OF NITRATE CONCENTRATION IN THE GROUNDWATER OF THE CENTRAL COASTAL REGION OF BANGLADESH, The Journal of NOAMI , vol.35 , no.1-2 , pp.107-116 , 2018 .
158 Rahman, M., Khan, M.R., Ahmed, K.M. and Hasan M.A. : Relationship of Physiography and Groundwater Chemistry along an East-West Transect on the Ganges Delta in Southwst Bangladesh, Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.6&7 , pp.31-40 , 2018 .
159 Fatema, S., Marandi, A., Zahid, A., Hassan, M. Q., Hossain M. A. and Schueth, C. : Seawater Intrusion caused by unmanaged groundwater uses in a coastal tourist area, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Environmental Earth Sciences , vol.77 , 2018 .
160 Shakhawat Hossain and Md. Imranuzzaman : Identification of the architecture and evolution of fluvial system using seismic geomorphology: A case study from Gulf of Thailand, Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.29-46 , 2018 .
162 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Md. Ashraful Islam and Shakhawat Hossain : FLOOD-HAZARD MAPPING IN A REGIONAL SCALE – WAY FORWARD TO THE FUTURE HAZARD ATLAS IN BANGLADESH, Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG) , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.1-11 , 2018 .
163 Faruk Ahmed, Moududur Rahman Khan, Najma Shaheen, Kazi Matin Uddin Ahmed and Aziz Hasan, Ireen Akhtar Chowdhury, Rafiqul Chowdhury : Anemia and iron deficiency in rural Bangladeshi pregnant women living in areas of high and low iron in groundwater, Nutrition , vol.51-52 , pp.46-52 , 2018 .
164 Michelle Berube, Katrina Jewell, Kimberly D. Myers, Peter S. K. Knappett, Pin Shuai, Abrar Hossain, Mehtaz Lipsi, Sadam Hossain,Alamgir Hossain, Jacqueline Aitkenhead-Peterso, Kazi M. Ahmed and Saugata Datta : The fate of arsenic in groundwater discharged to the Meghna River, Bangladesh, Environ. Chem , 2018 .
165 Lapworth, D. J., Zahid, A., Taylor, R. G.,Burgess, W. G., Shamsudduha, M., and Ahmed, K. M. : Security of deep groundwater in the coastal Bengal Basin revealed by tracers, Geophysical Research Letters , vol.45 , 2018 .
166 Ahmed, F., Khan, M.R., Shaheen, N., Ahmed, K.M., Hasan, M.A., Chowdhury, I.A., Chowdhury, R., : Anemia and iron deficiency in rural Bangladesh pregnant women living in areas of high and low iron groundwater. Nutrition (51-52), 46-52., , 2018 .
167 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Badrul Imam, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Subrota Kumar Saha : Characterization of nodular structure in shale with a proposed growth model in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin, Bangladesh., Arabian Journal of Geosciences (impact factor:1.53) , vol.11 , no.23 , pp.739 , 2018 .
168 Mia, M. B., Fujimitsu, Y. and Nishijima, J. : Monitoring Thermal Activity of the Beppu Geothermal Area in Japan Using Multisource Satellite Thermal Infrared Data, Geosciences , vol.8 , no.8 , pp.306 , 2018 .
169 Mia, M. B., Fujimitsu, Y. and Nishijima, J. : Monitoring of Thermal Activity at the Hatchobaru–Otake Geothermal Area in Japan Using Multi-Source Satellite Images—With Comparisons of Methods, and Solar and Seasonal Effects, Remote Sensing (impact factor:4.118) , vol.10 , no.9 , pp.1430 , 2018 .
170 Mohit, M. A.A., Yamashiro, M., Hashimoto, N., Mia, M. B., Ide, Y. and Kodama, M. : Impact Assessment of a Major River Basin in Bangladesh on Storm Surge Simulation, Journal of Marine Sciences and Engineering (impact factor:1.732) , vol.6 , no.3 , pp.99 , 2018 .
171 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Subrota Kumar Saha, S. M. Mainul Kabir and Md. Badrul Imam : Sedimentological and Palynological Approach for Determining the Depositional Environment of the Outcropping Surma Group Mudrocks in the Sitakund Anticline, Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.66 , no.1 , pp.37-42 , 2018 .
172 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir Md. Badrul Imam and Subrota Kumar Saha : Characterization of nodular structure in shale with a proposed growth model in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin, Bangladesh, , Arabian Journal of Geosciences , vol.11 , 2018 .
173 Ratan Kar, Subrota Saha and F. Haque, Shubankar Paramanik and Amit K. Ghosh : Occurrence of Barakar (Early Permian) coal from Barapukuria Basin, Bangladesh, Geophytology , vol.48 , no.2 , pp.125-129 , 2018 .
174 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Subrota Kumar Saha, S. M. Mainul Kabir and Md. Badrul Imam : Sedimentological and Palynological Approach for Determining the Depositional Environment of the Outcropping Surma Group Mudrocks in the Sitakund Anticline, Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.vol.66 , , pp.pp.37-42 , 2018 .
175 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Badrul Imam, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Subrota Kumar Saha : Characterization of nodular structure in shale with a proposed growth model in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin, Bangladesh, Arabian Journal of Geosciences (impact factor:1.53) , vol.vol.11 , , pp.pp.739 , 2018 .
177 Md Ashraful Islam, Sanzida Murshed, SM Mainul Kabir, Atikul Haque Farazi, Md Yousuf Gazi, Israt Jahan and Syed Humayun Akhter : Utilization of Open Source Spatial Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—An Appraisal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Approach, International Journal of Geosciences , vol.8 , pp.577--598 , 2017 .
178 Mahmud M I,, Sultana S,, Hasan M A, and Ahmed K M : Variations in Hydrostratigraphy and Groundwater Quality between Major Geomorphic Units of the Western Ganges Delta Plain, SW Bangladesh, Appl Water Sci , 2017 .
179 Edwin T. Gnanaprakasam, Jonathan R. Lloyd, Christopher Boothman,, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Imtiaz Choudhury, Benjamin C. Bostick, Alexander van Geen, Brian J. Mailloux : Microbial Community Structure and Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Two Arsenic-Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh, mBio , vol.8 , no.6 , 2017 .
180 Ezazul Haque, Brian J Mailloux, Daisy de Wolff, Sabina Gilioli, Colette Kelly, Ershad Ahmed, Christopher Small, Kazi Matin Ahmed and Alexander van Geen, Benjamin C Bostick : Quantitative drinking water arsenic concentrations in field environments using mobile phone photometry of field kits, Science of The Total Environment , vol.10 , 2017 .
181 Anwar Zahid, Khan, M., Koneshloo, M., Knappett, P.,, Ahmed, K. M. and Bostick, B., Mailloux, B., Mozumder, R., Zahid, A., Harvey, C., van Geen, A : Mega-city pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality, Nature Communications , vol.10 , 2017 .
182 Brittany Lynn Huhmann, Charles F Harvey, Anjal Uddin, Imtiaz Choudhury,, Kazi M. Ahmed and John M Duxbury, Benjamin C. Bostick, Alexander Van Geen : Field Study of Rice Yield Diminished by Soil Arsenic in Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Technology , vol.51 , no.20 , 2017 .
183 Md. Ilias Mahmud, Sarmin Sultana, M. Aziz Hasan and Kazi Matin Ahmed : Variations in hydrostratigraphy and groundwater quality between major geomorphic units of the Western Ganges Delta plain, SW Bangladesh, Applied Water Science , vol.06 , 2017 .
184 W. G. Burgess, M. Shamsudduha, R. G. Taylor, A. Zahid,, K. M. Ahmed and A. Mukherjee, D. J. Lapworth, V. F. Bense : Terrestrial water load and groundwater fluctuation in the Bengal Basin, Scientific Reports , vol.7 , no.1 , 2017 .
185 K.J. Whaley-Martin, B.J. Mailloux, A Van Geen, B.C. Bostick,, K.M. Ahmed and I Choudhury, G.F. Slater : Human and livestock waste as a reduced carbon source contributing to the release of arsenic to shallow Bangladesh groundwater., Science of The Total Environment , vol.595 , no.4 , pp.63-71 , 2017 .
186 A. Pfaff, A. Schoenfeld, K. M. Ahmed and A. van Geen : Reduction in exposure to arsenic from drinking well-water in Bangladesh limited by insufficient testing and awareness, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development , vol.7 , no.2 , 2017 .
187 GAZI, M. Y., KABIR, S. M., IMAM, M. B., RAHMAN, A. and ISLAM, M.A. : Geochemistry of Neogene Mudrocks from Sitakund anticline, Bengal Basin: implications for provenance, weathering, tectonic setting and depositional environment, Journal of Geoscience Environment Protection , vol.5 , pp.147-171 , 2017 .
188 ISLAM, M.A. and MURSHED, S., KABIR, S. M., FARAZI, A. H., GAZI, M. Y., JAHAN, I. & AKHTER, S. H. : Utilization of Open Source Spatial Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—An Appraisal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Approach, International Journal of Geosciences , vol.8 , 2017 .
189 Sikder, A.M., Hossain,T., Khan, M.H., Hasan, M.A., Fakhruzzaman, M., Turner, J.B., Pestov, D., McCallister, L.S., : Toxicity assessment of ash and dust from handmade gold jewelry manufacturing workshops in Bangladesh. Environ Monit Assess, DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-5978-3, , 2017 .
190 Mahmud, M.I., Sultana, S., Hasan, M.A., Ahmed, K.M., : Variations in hydrostratigraphy and groundwater quality between geomorphic units of the Western Ganges Delta Plain, SW Bangladesh. Appl Water Sci, DOI 10.1007/s 13201-017-0581-x, , 2017 .
191 Khan, I., Mia, M. B., Woobaidullah, A.S.M. and Samad, A. : Delineation of rock type and aquifers on the south-central coastal region of Bangladesh using vertical electoral sounding techniques, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.6-7 , pp.1-7 , 2017-18 .
192 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S. M. Mainul Kabir, Md. Badrul Imam, Aminur Rahman and Md. Ashraful Islam : Geochemistry of Neogene Mudrocks from Sitakund Anticline, Bengal Basin: Implications for Provenance, Weathering, Tectonic Setting and Depositional Environment, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (impact factor:0.78) , vol.5 , no.6 , pp.147-171 , 2017 .
193 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Md. Badrul Imam : Silt content approximation of Neogene Surma group mudrocks, Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin., Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.30 , no.(1&2) , pp.35-43 , 2017 .
194 Mia, M.B., Fujimitsu, Y. and Nishijima, J. : Thermal Activity Monitoring of an Active Volcano Using Landsat 8/OLI-TIRS Sensor Images: A Case Study at the Aso Volcanic Area in Southwest Japan, Geosciences , vol.7 , no.4 , pp.118 , 2017 .
195 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Sourov Datta Bijoy and Abdullah Al Nahian : A review of Shale gas potentiality in Bangladesh, International Journal of Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (impact factor:1.93) , vol.5 , no.2 , pp.4-9 , 2017 .
196 Md. Ashraful Islam, Sanzida Murshed, S. M. Mainul Kabir, Atikul Haque Farazi, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Israt Jahan and Syed Humayun Akhter : Utilization of Open Source Spatial Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—An Appraisal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Approach, International Journal of Geosciences (impact factor:0.77) , vol.8 , no.4 , pp.577-598 , 2017 .
197 Md. Ashraful Islam, Sanzida Murshed, S. M. Mainul Kabir, Atikul Haque Farazi, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Israt Jahan and Syed Humayun Akhter : Utilization of Open Source Spatial Data for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—An Appraisal for Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation Approach, International Journal of Geosciences (impact factor:0.77) , vol.vol.8 , , pp.pp.577-598 , 2017 .
198 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Md. Badrul Imam : Silt content approximation of Neogene Surma group mudrocks, Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.30 , no.(1&2) , pp.35-43 , 2017 , vol.vol.30 , , pp.pp.35-43 , 2017 .
199 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S. M. Mainul Kabir, Md. Badrul Imam, Aminur Rahman and Md. Ashraful Islam : Geochemistry of Neogene Mudrocks from Sitakund Anticline, Bengal Basin: Implications for Provenance, Weathering, Tectonic Setting and Depositional Environment, Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (impact factor:0.78) , vol.5 , no.6 , pp.147-171 , 2017 (impact factor:0.78) , vol.vol.5 , , pp.pp.147-171 , 2017 .
200 Mia, M. B., Bhattacharya, R. and Woobaidullah, A.S.M. : Correlation and Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature, Urban Heat Island with Land Use-Land Cover of Dhaka City Using Satellite Imageries., International Journal of Research in Geography , vol.3 , no.4 , pp.10-20. , 2017 .
201 Knappett, P. S. K., Mailloux, B. J., Choudhury, I., Khan, M. R., Michael, H. A., Mondal, D. R. and van Geen A. : Vulnerability of Low-Arsenic Aquifers to Municipal Pumping In Bangladesh, Journal of Hydrology (impact factor:3.727) , vol.539 , pp.674-686 , 2016 .
202 Michael, H.A., Scott, K.C., Koneshloo, M., Yu, X., Khan, M.R. and Li K. : Geologic influence on groundwater salinity drives large seawater circulation through the continental shelf: Geology drives seawater circulation, Geophysical Research Letters (impact factor:4.339) , vol.43 , no.20 , pp.10,782–10,791 , 2016 .
203 Michael, H.A. and Khan M.R. : Impacts of physical and chemical aquifer heterogeneity on basin-scale solute transport: vulnerability of deep groundwater to arsenic contamination in Bangladesh, Advances in Water Resources (impact factor:4.49) , vol.98 , pp.147-158 , 2016 .
204 Khan, M. R., Koneshloo, M., Knappett, P. S. K., Ahmed, K. M., Bostick, B. C., Mailloux, B. J., Mozumder, R.H., Zahid, A., Harvey, C.F., van Geen, A. and Michael H. A. : Mega-city pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality, Nature Communications (impact factor:11.88) , vol.7 , no.12833 , 2016 .
205 Barker J L B, Hassan M M,, Sultana S,, Ahmed K M, and Robinson C E : Numerical evaluation of community-scale aquifer storage, transfer and recovery technology: A case study from coastal Bangladesh, Journal of Hydrology , vol.540 , pp.861–872 , 2016 .
206 Nawrin, N., Sultana, S. and Ahmed, K. M. : New Optimized Design of Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery (ASTR) System at the Coastal Aquifers of South-Western Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences , vol.5 Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.17-24 , 2016 .
207 NAWRIN, N,, SULTANA, S, and AHMED, K M. : New Optimized of Design of Aquifer Storage and Recovery System (ASTR) at the Coastal Aquifers of South-Western Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.17-23 , 2016 .
208 HAMID T.,, AHMED, K M., and SULTANA, S., : Hydro-Geochemical Characterization of Treated Domestic Waste Water in Khulna City for Possible Use in Homestead Irrigation and Managed Aquifer, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , no.1 , pp.77-85 , 2016 .
209 SULTANA, S.,, ALAM, M, B., and AHMED, K M : Assessing risk of clogging in community scale managed Aquifer recharge sites for drinking water in the coastal plain of south-west Bangladesh, Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.75-86 , 2016 .
210 ISLAM, M.A. and HASAN, M., PEAS, M., NAIME, M., GAZI, M. & RAHMAN, M. 2016a : Shoreline Vulnerability Assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh – an Appraisal of Geospatial Techniques, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5, , vol.5 , pp.51-60 , 2016a .
211 ISLAM, M.A., and MITRA, D., DEWAN, A. & AKHTER, S. H. : Coastal multi-hazard vulnerability assessment along the Ganges deltaic coast of Bangladesh–A geospatial approach., Ocean and Coastal Management , vol.127 , pp.1-15. , 2016b .
212 Morshedur Rahman, S M Mainul Kabir and Janifar Hakim Lupin : Shallow Gas Prospect Evaluation in Shahbazpur Structure Using Seismic Attributes Analysis - a case study for Bhola Island, Southern Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.64 , no.2 , 2016 .
213 M.A., Islam, M., Hasan, M.H., Peas, M.A., Naime, M.Y., Gazi and M.M., Rahman : Shoreline vulnerability assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh- an appraisal of geospecial techniques, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , pp.1-9 , 2016 .
214 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir, Md. Badrul Imam, Subrota Kumar Saha and Md. Mostafizur Rahman : Mineralogy and clay diagenesis of Neogene mudrocks in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin: An approach to infer burial diagenesis from surface outcropping samples, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , pp.61-67 , 2016 .
215 M.Y., Gazi, S.M., Kabir, M.B., Imam, S.K., Subrota and M.M., Rahman : Mineralogy and clay diagenesis of neogene mudrocks in the sitakund anticline, bengal basin: an approach to infer burial diagenesis from surface outcropping samples, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , pp.61-67 , 2016 .
216 Md. Ashraful Islam, Mahmudul Hasan, Mehedi Hasan Peas, Md Abu Naime, Md. Yousuf Gazi and Md. Mostafizur Rahman : Shoreline Vulnerability Assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh – an Appraisal of Geospatial Techniques, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , pp.51-60 , 2016 .
217 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir, Md. Badrul Imam, Subrota Kumar Saha and Md. Mostafizur Rahman : Mineralogy and clay diagenesis of Neogene mudrocks in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin: An approach to infer burial diagenesis from surface outcropping samples, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.vol.5 , pp.pp.61-67 , 2016 .
218 Morshedur Rahman, S. M. Mainul Kabir and Janifar Hakim Lupin : Shallow Gas Prospect Evaluation in Shahbazpur Structure Using Seismic Attributes Analysis - a Case Study for Bhola Island, Southern Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Sciences , vol.64 , no.2 , pp.135-140 , 2016 .
219 Khan, I., Mia, M. B., Woobaidullah, A.S.M. and Samad, A. : Land cover, erosion-accretion and saline water intrusion in the south-central coastal region of Bangladesh using Landsat satellite Images, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.5 , pp.69-75 , 2016 .
220 Md Ashraful Islam, Md Shakhawat Hossain and Sanzida Murshed : Assessment of coastal vulnerability due to sea level change at Bhola Island, Bangladesh: using geospatial techniques, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing , vol.43 Springer , pp.625--637 , 2015 .
221 Shakhawat Hossain : Architecture and Depositional Environments of reservoir sand in Moragot field of Pattani basin, Gulf of Thailand, Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand (BEST), International Journal of Petroleum Geoscience. , vol.6 , no.2 , pp.30-35 , 2015 .
222 ISLAM, M.A., and HASSAN, S. K., NAIME, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., RAHMAN, M. M. & PEAS, M. H. : Assessment of socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters in Sandwip island of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.28 , pp.161-170 , 2015a .
223 ISLAM, M.A., and HOSSAIN, M. S. & MURSHED, S. : Assessment of coastal vulnerability due to sea level change at Bhola island, Bangladesh, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, , vol.43 , pp.625-637 , 2015b .
224 M.A., Islam, S.M.K., Hasan, M.S., Hossain, M.M., Rahman and M.H., Peas : Assessing socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters in Sandip Island of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.161-170 , 2015 .
225 R., Bhattacharya, M.B., Mia, M.M., Rahman and A.S.M., Woobaidyllah : Monitoring land use-landcover changes in Dhaka city by integrating remote sensing and ground-based observations, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.4 , pp.13-19 , 2015 .
226 Md Jamilur Rahman, A. S. M. Woobaidullah, M. A. Baki, Md. Abdus Samad and S. M. Mainul Kabir : Structural Modeling and Reserve Re-estimation of Begumganj Gas Field - A Case Study, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , vol.5 , no.4 , pp.31-37 , 2015 .
227 Bhattacharya R., Mia M. B., Rahman M. M. and Ullah A.S.M.W. : Monitoring Landuse-Landcover Changes in Dhaka City by Integrating Remote Sensing and Ground Based Observations, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.4 , pp.13-19 , 2015 .
228 Mia M. B., Nishijima J. and Fujimitsu Y. : Monitor heat flow before and after eruption of Kuju fumaroles in 1995 using Landsat TIR images, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica , vol.50 , pp.295-305 , 2015 .
229 Md Ashraful Islam, Md Shakhawat Hossain, Tanzeer Hasan and Sanzida Murshed : Shoreline changes along the Kutubdia Island, south east Bangladesh using digital shoreline analysis system, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.99--108 , 2014 .
230 Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Sanzida Murshed, Jannat Ara Ferdous, Pavel Khan and Sanjida Sharmeen : An Expedient Reckoning of Miners Hygiene in Barapukuria Coal Mine and Maddhapara Granite Mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh., , 2014 .
231 Khan, M.R., Voss, C. I., Yu, W. and Michael H. A. : Water Resources Management in the Ganges Basin: A Comparison of Three Strategies for Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water, Water Resources Management (impact factor:3.537) , vol.28 , no.5 , pp.1235–1250 , 2014 .
232 Mohammed Hossain, M., Bhattacharya, P., Frape, S.K., Jacks, G., Islam, M.M., Rahman, M.M, von Brömssen , M., Hasan, M.A., Ahmed, K.M., : Sediment color tool for targeting arsenic-safe aquifers for the installation of shallow drinking water tubewells. Sci. of the Tot. Env., 493, 615-625., , 2014 .
233 von Brömssen, M., Markussen, L., Bhattacharya, P.,Ahmed, K.M., Hossain, M., Jacks, G., Sracek, O., Thunvic, R., Hasan, M.A.,Islam, M.M., Rahman, M.M., : Hydrogeological investigation for assessment of the sustainability of low-arsenic aquifers as a safe drinking water source in regions with high-arsenic groundwater in Matlab, southwestern Bangladesh. Jour. of Hydrogeology, 518, 373-392., , 2014 .
234 Sultana, S.,, Ahmed, K.,, Mahtab-Ul-Alam,, S., Hasan,, M., Tuinhof,, A., Ghosh,, S., Rahman, M.,, Ravenscroft, P. and Zheng, Y. : Low-Cost Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Implications for Improving Drinking Water Access for Rural Communities in Coastal Bangladesh, J. Hydrol. Eng. , 2014 .
235 SULTANA, S.,, ALAM, M, B., and AHMED, K M : Prioratization of villages for providing safewater sources in disaster prone Sarankhola upazila of Bagerhat district: A GIS based approach,, Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. , vol.26 , no.1&2 , 2014 .
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237 MRINMOY KUMAR MAITRA,, ISLAM, M.A. and MAMUN, M. : Thickness, Distribution and Quality Assessment of Gopalganj-Madaripur Peat Deposits: A Case Study of Potential Economic Opportunities in Mid-Eastern Low-Lying Bangladesh, International Journal of Geosciences , vol.5 , 2014 .
238 N. Ferdous, M.M. Rahman & and A.A. Khan : Structure and tectonic evolution of Dakkhin Nhila anticline of the fold-thrust belt, southeast Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.27 , pp.31-39 , 2014 .
239 M.S. Hossain, A.S.M.M. Kamal, M.Z. Rahman, M.M. Rahman, K. Nahar and A.S.M. Woobaidullah : Predominant period and amplification factor estimation with respect to geomorphology- a case study of Sylhet city corporation area, Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.1-10 , 2014 .
240 A. Zahid, T. Sultana, M.M. Rahman and M.Q. Hassan : Assessment of Pleistocene aquifer potential in the growing industrial zone of Gazipur district, Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.3 , pp.1-8 , 2014 .
241 Rashid T, Saha SK and Hassan Z : Evidence of Northward Limit of Sea Level Transgression in and around Central Part of Bangladesh during Holocene, J Earth Sci Clim Change , vol.5 , 2014 .
242 Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, Md. Abdul Matin Mondol, Mohammad Tofayal Ahmed, S. M. Mainul Kabir and Zubair Ahmed : A Proposal of Open Pit Coal Mine at the Northern Part of Barapukuria Coalfield, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , vol.4 , no.3 , pp.482-488 , 2014 .
243 Mia M. B., Nishijima J. and Fujimitsu Y. : Exploration and monitoring geothermal activity using Landsat ETM+ images — A case study at Aso volcanic area in Japan, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , vol.275 , pp.14-21 , 2014 .
244 Mia M. B., Akhter S. H., Nuruzzaman M. and Fujimitsu Y. : Monitoring surface water bodies of Teesta River in Northwest Bangladesh: A satellite remote sensing approach, Bangladesh Journal of Geoinformatics , vol.01 , pp.45-49 , 2014 .
245 Deb P.K., Howladar M.F., Miah M.I., Faruque M.O., Islam M.H., Mia M.B. and Qumruzzaman C. : Structural Interpretation of Fenchuganj Gas Field, Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology , vol.2 , no.3 , pp.29-36 , 2014 .
246 MA Islam, MK Maitra, AB Khan Majlis, Sunbeam Rahman and Sanzida Murshed : Spatial changes of land use/land cover of Moheshkhali Island, Bangladesh: a fact finding approach by remote sensing analysis, Dhaka Univ J Earth Environ Sci , vol.2 Dhaka university , pp.43--54 , 2013 .
247 Mattsson, J., Skogman, J., Bhuiyan, A., McKay, A. and Anderson, C. : 3D inversion results from towed streamer EM data in a complex geological setting, World Oil , pp.41-48 , 2013 .
248 Ferdous J,, Ahmed K M,, Sultana S,, Amini M,, Berg M, and Johnston R : Assessing the Risk of Arsenic Transport in the Upper Dupi Tila Aquifer of Dhaka City from the Surrounding Shallow Aquifers, JGWR (Journal of Groundwater Research) (ISSN: 2321- 4783), , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.56-64 , 2013 .
249 MAJLIS, A. B. K., ISLAM, M.A. and KHASRU, M. & AHSAN, M. : Protected to Open Basin Depositional System: An Appraisal for the Late Quaternary Evolution of the Moheshkhali-Kutubdia Coastal Plain, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.26 , pp.64-77 , 2013 .
250 RASHID, M. B., MAHMUD, A., AHSAN, M. K., KHASRU, M. H. and &ISLAM, M.A. : Drainage Congestion and Its Impact on Environment in the South-Western Coastal Part of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.31 & 32 , 2013 .
251 Md. Abdul Matin Mondol, Dr. Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, S. M. Mainul Kabir and S.M. Zabir Hossain : Open Pit Slope Design of Barapukuria Coal Mine Using Limit Equilibrium Methods of Slope Stability Analysis, nternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , vol.3 , no.12 , pp.49-53 , 2013 .
252 SM Mainul Kabir and Badrul Imam : Geological factors contributing to high-heat in part of Barapukuria Underground Coal Mine, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.31-32 , pp.70-83 , 2013 .
253 Mia M.B. and Fujimitsu Y. : Monitoring heat losses using Landsat ETM+ thermal infrared data – A case study at Kuju fumarolic area in Japan, Acta Geophysica , vol.61 , no.5 , pp.1262-1278 , 2013 .
254 Mia M.B., Bromley C.J. and Fujimitsu Y. : Monitoring heat losses using Landsat ETM+ thermal infrared data: a case study in Unzen geothermal field, Kyushu, Japan, Pure and Applied Geophysics , vol.170 , no.12 , pp.2263-2271 , 2013 .
255 Mia M.B., and Fujimitsu Y. : Landsat thermal infrared based monitoring of heat losses from Kuju fumaroles area in Japan, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science , vol.6 , pp.114-120 , 2013 .
256 Bhuyian, A. H., Landrø, M. and Johansen, S. E. : 3D CSEM modeling and time-lapse sensitivity analysis for subsurface storage, GEOPHYSICS , vol.77 , no.5 , 2012 .
257 CHOWDHURY QUAMRUZZAMAN, SANZIDA MURSHED, TAWSIA ISLAM, FARHAD HOWLADAR and AK M FAYAZUL KABIR : Open pit mining at Barapukuria coalfield--an option to confront the impending energy crisis in Bangladesh, , 2012 .
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259 SULTANA, S.,, AHMED, K M.,, WOOBAIDULLAH, A S M.,, RAHMAN, M M.,, ALAM, M J.,, HASAN, M., and AFROZ, T : Identification of potable water sources in a complex geological terrain- A case study of Teknaf peninsula, Bangladesh Journal of Geology, , vol.26-28 , pp.58-69 , 2012 .
260 M.M. Rahman, A.S.M. Woobaidullah, B. Imam & and M. Rahman : Evaluation of Reservoir Sands of Habiganj Gas Field on the Basis of Wireline Log Interpretation of Habiganj-7 Well, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.1-8 , 2012 .
261 Biswas, T.K., Saha, S.K. and Nasrin, F. : An assessment of Formal Environmental Education system at tertiary level in Bangladesh, Jour Teacher’s World, , vol.35-36 , pp.155-168 , 2012 .
262 Towhida Rashid, S. Suzuki, Hiroshi Sato, M.H. Monsur and S.K. Saha. : Relative sea-level changes during the Holocene in Bangladesh, Jour Asian Earth Science , vol.Xvii , 2012 .
263 Mia M.B., Bromley C.J. and Fujimitsu Y. : Monitoring heat flux using Landsat TM/ETM+ thermal infrared data-A case study at Karapiti (‘Crater of the Moon’) thermal area, New Zealand, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , vol.235-236 , pp.1-10 , 2012 .
264 Mia M.B. and Fujimitsu Y. : Mapping hydrothermal altered deposits using Landsat 7 ETM+ image in and around Kuju volcano, Kyushu, Japan, Journal of Earth System Science , vol.121 , no.4 , pp.1049-1057 , 2012 .
265 Sanzida Murshed, M Mostofa Alam and Md Ashraful Islam : Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene Clastic Succession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough, Bangladesh, , vol.1 , no.2 Dhaka University , pp.67-73 , 2011 .
266 Robinson, C., von Brömssen, M., Prosun Bhattacharya, P.,Häller, S., Bivén, A., Hossain, M, Jacks, G., Ahmed, K.M., Hasan, M.A.,Thunvik, R., 2011. : Dynamics of arsenic adsorption in the targeted arsenic-safe aquifers in Matlab,south-eastern Bangladesh: Insight from experimental studies. App. Geochem, 26, 624-635, , 2011 .
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268 M.M. Rahman, A.S.M. Woobaidullah, B. Imam & and M. Rahman : Factors contributing to high gamma ray level in Early Miocene Bhuban and Boka Bil sandstone reservoir of Titas– 15 well, Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.59 , no.2 , pp.209-2016 , 2011 .
269 MAJLIS, A. B. K. and ISLAM, M.A. : Landscape Evaluation in Mid-Eastern Part of Ganges Delta for the Forthcoming Development Arena of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.29 , pp.49-62 , 2011 .
270 MURSHED, S., ALAM, M. and ISLAM, M.A. : Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene Clastic Succession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough, Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, , vol.1 , pp.67-73 , 2011. .
271 RAHMAN, S., HASAN, S., ISLAM, M.A. and MAITRA, M. : Temporal change detection of vegetation coverage of Dhaka using Remote Sensing, International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences, , vol.2 , pp.481-490 , 2011 .
272 Islam, M.A.,, Majlis, A.B.K. and Rashid, M.B. : Changing face of Bangladesh coast, , vol.28 , no.1 , pp.1-13 , 2011 .
273 M.A. Huque : Heavy metals in the ultramafic lamprophyric intrusive rocks of the Jharia Coalfield, India, Dhaka Univ. Jour. Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.123-128 , 2011 .
274 Mia M. B. and Fujimitsu Y. : Study on satellite images based spectral emissivity, Land surface temperature and Land-cover in and around Kuju volcano, Central Kyushu, Japan., Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Research , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.177-191 , 2011 .
275 Miah M. I., Howladar M. F., Deb P. K., Faruque M. O., Islam M. S., Mia M. B. and Quamruzzaman C. : Understanding the lithology and thickness of A2 reservoir gas sand of Titas gas field: Insight from wireline log data, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.29-30 , pp.108-115 , 2011 .
276 Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Thrane, B. P., Landrø, M. and Johansen, S. E. : Controlled source electromagnetic three‐dimensional grid‐modelling based on a complex resistivity structure of the seafloor: effects of acquisition parameters and geometry of multi‐layered resistors, Geophysical Prospecting , vol.58 , no.3 EarthDoc , pp.505-533 , 2010 .
277 Hassan, M. Q. and Zahid, A. : Dhaka City Water Supply Management, Bangladesh, Journal of Nepal Geological Society , pp.161-162 , 2010b .
278 Hassan, M.Q. : Global Climate Change its effects on hydro-geo-environment of Bangladesh coastal belt, Nepal Geological Society , vol.Abstract Volume 41 , pp.101 , 2010 .
279 Rahman, M.M., Saha, S.K. and Rahman, M Z. : Impact assessment of environmental consequences on a blowout at Chhatak-2 (tengratila) gas field, Bangladesh, Bang Jour of Environmental Research, , vol.8 , pp.15-22 , 2010 .
280 Rahman, M.Z., Hassan, M.Q., Saha, S.K. and Roy, V. and Khan, A.J : Devlopment of Early warning device for detection of Flash flood in Sunamganj, Bangladesh, DU Jour of Earth and Environmental sciences, , vol.1 , pp.61-65 , 2010 .
281 Mia M. B., Hasan, K. and Akhter, S.H. : Landuse-landcover mapping using satellite image within gas exploration blocks 7, Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.29-33 , 2010 .
282 Bhuiyan, M. A. H. : Three-dimensional modelling and interpretation of CSEM data from offshore Angola., Petroleum Geoscience , vol.15 , no.2 EarthDoc , pp.175-189 , 2009 .
283 Hasan, M. A., Bhattacharya, P., Sracek, O., Ahmed, K. M., von Brömssen M., Jacks, G., : Geological controls on groundwater chemistry and arsenic mobilization: Hydrogeochemical study along an E–W transect in the Meghna basin, Bangladesh. J. of Hydrology, 378, 105–118., , 2009 .
284 Hasan, M. A., von Brömssen, M., Bhattacharya, P., Ahmed, K. M., Sikder, A. M., Jacks, G., Sracek, O., : Geochemistry and mineralogy of shallow alluvial aquifers in Daudkandiupazila in the Meghna flood plain, Bangladesh. Environ. Geol. 57, 499-511., , 2009 .
285 Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M. A., Sracek, O., Smith, E., Ahmed, K. M., von Brömssen, M., Huq, S.M.I., Naidu, R., : Groundwater chemistry and Arsenic mobilisation in the Holocene flood plains in south-central Bangladesh. Environ. Geochem. Health 31, 23-43., , 2009 .
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287 M.M. Rahman, A.S.M. Woobaidullah, B. Imam & and M. Rahman : Evaluation of reservoir sands of Titas-15 well by wireline log interpretation, Bangladesh Geoscience Journal , vol.15 , pp.67-77 , 2009 .
288 Islam, M.A., Ahmed, K.M., Hasan, M.A. and Murshed, S. : Hydrogeology and water quality assesment of middle meghna flood plain, a case study on daudkandi upazila, comilla district., The journal of NOAMI, , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.31-55 , 2009 .
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290 Md Ashraful Islam, Kazi Matin Uddin Ahmed, M Aziz Hasan and Sanzida Murshed : Hydrogeology and water quality assessment of middle Meghna flood plain, a case study on Daudkandi upazila, Comilla district, The Journal of Noami , vol.26 , no.1 National Oceanographic And Maritime Institute (NOAMI) , pp.31-55 , 2008 .
291 von Brömssen, M., Larsson S.H., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M. A., Ahmed, K. M., Jakariya, M., Sikder, M. A., Sracek, O, Bivén, A., Doušová, B., Patricia, C., Thunvik, R., Jacks, G., : Geochemical characterisation of shallow aquifer sediments of MatlabUpazila, Southeastern Bangladesh – Implications for targeting low-As aquifers. J. Cont. Hydrol. 99,137-149., , 2008 .
292 Mukherjee, A., von Brömssen, M., Scanlon, B. R., Bhattacharya, P., Fryar, A. E., Hasan, M. A., Ahmed, K. M., Chatterjee, D., Jacks, G., Sracek, O., : Hydrogeochemical comparison and effects of overlapping redox zones on groundwater arsenic near the Western (Bhagirathi sub-basin, India) and Eastern (Meghna sub-basin, Bangladesh) margins of the Bengal Basin. J. Contam. Hydrol. 99, 31-48., , 2008 .
293 A. Zahid ,, M. Q Hassan, K. D. Balke, M Flegr and DW Clark : Groundwater Chemistry and Occurrence of Arsenic in the Meghna Floodplain Aquifer, Southeastern Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Geology , vol.54 , pp.1247-1260 , 2008 .
294 A Zahid, M. A. Haque, M.S. Islam, MAFM Rashidul Hasan and M. Q Hassan : Groundwater resources potential for agricultural development of Madaripur District, southwestern Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Irrigation Science , vol.42 , no.1/2008 , pp.41-56 , 2008 .
295 Datta, D.K., S K Saha and M S Rahman : Chemical flux to the coast of Bangladesh-a review,Indian, Jour of Marine Science , vol.37 , no.2 , pp.214-219 , 2008 .
296 Saha, S. K. : A study on microfossils from Eocene sediments of Sylhet Trough, North-eastern Bengal basin, Bangladesh, DU jour Sci , vol.56 , no.2 , pp.231-236 , 2008 .
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298 Saha, S.K., Kumar, U and Rahman, M. : An Assessment of Groundwater Chemistry of Barind Tract in Bangladesh with Special Reference to Carbonate Weathering, Asian jour of Water, Environment and Pollution, , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.51-58 , 2008 .
299 Mia M.B., Hasan K. and Hoque M. : Surface water changes monitoring using satellite imageries in the South-central part of Bangladesh, The Journal of NOAMI , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.1-22 , 2008 .
300 Hasan, M. A., Ahmed, K. M., Sracek, O., Bhattacharya, P., von Brömssen, M., Broms, S., Fogelström, J., Mazumder, M. L., Jacks, G., : Arsenic in shallow groundwater of Bangladesh: investigations from three different physiographic settings. Hydrogeol. J. 15, 1507–1522., , 2007 .
301 von Brömssen, M., Jakariya, M., Bhattacharya, P., Ahmed, K. M., Hasan, M.A.,Sracek, O., Jonsson, L., Lundell, L., Jacks. G., : Targeting low-arsenic aquifers in MatlabUpazila, Southeastern Bangladesh. Sci. Total. Environ. 379, 121–132., , 2007 .
302 G.C. Ghosh and S.K. Saha : Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza, Landolt and Kandeler 1987) for nutrients recycling from domestic wastewater and use as fish feed, Asiatic Soc Bangladesh (Science) , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.131-137 , 2007 .
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305 Saha, S.K. and K.C. Deepak. : An Assessment on the problems and prospects of ecotourism in Royal Chitwan National Park (RCNP, Nepal, Jour. KU Studies , vol.6 , no.1 & 2): , pp.19-34 , 2006 .
306 Nasrin, S,, S.K. Saha and M.M.S. Rahman : Assessment of risk to supply water quality in Khulna City Corporation, Jour. KU Studies , vol.6 , no.1 & 2 , pp.13-19 , 2006 .
307 Saha,S.K., and M.A.Jahid, M.A. Rahman, A.J.M. Saleh, S. Naznin, and S. Roy. : Deterioration of Ground water quality due to saline water intrusions in Keshabpur upazila of Southwest Bangladesh, Asiatic Soc Bangladesh (Science) , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.199-208 , 2006 .
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310 K.M. Ahmed : Management of the groundwater arsenic disaster in Bangladesh, Natural Arsenic in Groundwater , pp.283-296 , 2005 .
311 Saha, S.K.,, K. Roy, P. Banerjee, A. Al Mamun, M.A. Rahman and G.C. Ghosh. : Technological and Environmental Impact Assessment on possible Oil and Gas Exploration at the Sundarbans coastal regions, Int Jour of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, , vol.31 , no.3 , pp.255-264. , 2005 .
312 Ahmed, K. M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M. A., Akhter, S. H., Alam, S. M. M., Bhuyian, M. A. H., Imam, M.B., Khan, A.A. and Sracek, O. : Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of the alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: an overview, Applied Geochemistry , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.181-200 , 2004 .
313 Ahmed, K. M., Bhattacharya, P., Hasan, M. A.,Akhter, S. H., Alam, S. M. M., Bhuyian, M. A. H., Imam, M. B., Khan, A. A., Sracek, O. : Arsenic enrichment in groundwater of alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh: An overview. Appl. Geochemistry, 19, 181-200., , 2004 .
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315 Akhter, S.H. and Huque, M.A. : RIS (?) and its impact on Kaptai Hydroelectric Project: A shift in the conceptualistic model on the origin of the Barkol earthquake, Bang. Jour. Geol. , vol.23 , pp.139-146 , 2004 .
316 Huque, M. A., Rahman, M. Z., Akhter, S. H. and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. : Thin-section Petrography of the Permian Gondwana Coal-bearing Sandstones of the Barapukuria Basin, Dinajpur, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , vol.22 , pp.71 - 82 , 2003 .
317 Saha, S.K. : Palynostratigraphy, floristic composition and environment of deposition on Tertiary sediments of Bangladesh, Bang. Jour. Geol. , vol.22 , pp.1-19 , 2003 .
318 Hossain M.S. and Faruq U. Z. M. : Fluvial architecture of Tista Fan, Northwest Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Sciences , pp.Vol. 51, No.1, Page 135-142 , 2003 .
319 Hossain M.S. and Faruq U. Z. M. : Microscopic study of Holocene soils and sediments from distal margin of Tista Fan, Rangpur district, Dhaka University Journal of Sciences , pp.Vol. 51, No.2, Page 227-233 , 2003 .
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325 Saha, S.K and S.K. Kulshrestha : Planktic foraminiferal assemblages of Eocene sediments of Bangladesh, Jour. Asia Soc Bang Sci., , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.39-49 , 2001 .
326 Hossain M.S. : Morphostatigraphy and soil chronosequence of the area between Tripura Hills and Meghna River in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Sciences , pp.Vol. 49, No.1, Page 27-35 , 2001 .
327 M. M Rahman, M.Q. Hassan, M. S. Islam and SZKM Shamsad : Environmental Impact Assessment on Water Quality Deterioration due to the decreased Ganges outflow and Saline Water Intrusion in southwest Bangladesh, Environmental Geology , pp.31-39 , 2000 .
328 M. A. Hasan, Md. Badruzzaman and S. Q. Chowdhury, : hemical Characterization of Some Holocene and Pleistocene brick clays of Dhaka City and Savar area, Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. Jour. of Science, 48(2), 129-134., , 2000 .
329 Saha, S.K. : Smaller Benthic Foraminifera from Eocene sediments of Sylhet trough, Sylhet, Bangladesh, IGA , vol.33 , no.2 , pp.25-42 , 2000 .
330 Agarwal,A., K. Amwani,, S.K. Saha and R.K.Kar : Fossil wood Barringtonia (Lecythidaceae) from Ramgarh, Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, Phytomorphology , vol.50 , no.(3&4) , pp.333-336 , 2000 .
331 Khan, A. A., Akhter, S. H. and Bhuiyan, M. A. H. : Arsenic in Groundwater vis-à-vis Impact of Surface Water Management in the Ganges Delta in Bangladesh., Oriental Geographer , vol.43 , no.2 , pp.1-14 , 1999 .
332 Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Akhter, S. H. : Petrography of the Sandstone of Surma Group of Sitakund Structure, Chittagong, Bangladesh., Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.47 , no.1 , pp.43 - 52 , 1999 .
333 Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Akhter, S. H. : Diagenetic Changes in Sandstones of Surma Group of Sitakund structure, Chittagong, Bangladesh., Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.47 , no.1 , pp.53 - 61 , 1999 .
334 M.S. Islam and M.Q. Hassan : Groundwater Quality and Hydrochemistry of Kushtia District, Bangladesh, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.123-134 , 1999 .
335 Kushrestha, S.K., R.Y. Singh and and S.K.Saha. : Eocene Ostracodes from Dauki Nala section, Sylhet, Bangladesh, IGA, , vol.32 , no.1 , pp.49-53 , 1999 .
336 Hossain M.S. : Geochemistry of Holocene soils and sediments from a part of Moribund Ganges Deltaic plain, Southwestern part of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , pp.Vol. 18, Page 29-36 , 1999 .
337 Hossain M.S. and Parkash B. : The role of Neotectonics on the evolution of the Quaternary landforms and soils of Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Sciences , pp.Vol. 47, No. 2, Page 201-208 , 1999 .
338 Akhter, S. H., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Imam, M. B. and Hussain, M. : Turbidite sequence located in SE Bangladesh, Oil and Gas Journal , vol.96 , pp.109-111 , 1998 .
339 Bhuiyan, M. A. H. and Akhter, S. H. : Provenance interpretation of Neogene Surma Group sandstone of Sitakund structure, Chittagong, Bangladesh., Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.46 , no.2 , pp.297-305 , 1998 .
340 M.Q. Hassan and K. Okubo : Surface Air Temperature Distribution: A Study from Southwest Bangladesh, Pub. Journal of the Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.97-104 , 1998 .
341 M.Q. Hassan, M.M. Rahman, M.S. Islam and SZKM Shamsad : Effect of Salinity in the Hydrogeo-environment of Khulna City and Mongla Port Area of Bangladesh, DU Journal of Bio. Sci , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.113-127 , 1998 .
342 A. S. M. Woobaidullah, K. M. Ahmed, M. A. Hasan and M. K. Hasan, : Saline Ground Water Management in Manda Thana of Naogaon District, NW Bangladesh. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 51 (January), 49-56., , 1998 .
343 K. M. Ahmed, M. A. Hasan, S. U. Sharif and K. S. Hossain, : Effect of Urbanisation on Groundwater Regime, Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 52 (August), 229-238., , 1998 .
344 K. M. Ahmed, M. A. Hasan, S. Q. Chowdhury, S. U. Sharif, M. E. Haq and A. K. M. S. Hossain, : Impact of urbanisation on the geoenvironment of Dhaka City. J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci, 24(2), 339-352., , 1998 .
345 Hossain M.S. : An appraisal of the geochemistry of the Barind and Madhupur Tract soils of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , pp.Vol. 17 Page 23-29 , 1998 .
346 Bhuiyan, M. A. H., Imam, M. B. and Akhter, S. H. : Petrofacies analyses of Surma Group sandstone of Sitakund structure, Chittagong, Bangladesh., Dhaka University Journal of Science , vol.45 , no.1 , pp.17-23 , 1997 .
347 M. A. Hasan, A. S. M Woobaidullah, K. M. Ahmed and M. M. Rahman, : Geochemistry and origin of saline ground water in Mandathana, Naogaon district, NW Bangladesh. Indian Jour. Earth Sci., 24 ( 3-4), 26-32., , 1997 .
348 MonirulHaq, M. A. Hasan and M. K. Hasan : Geochemical evaluation of ground water quality for irrigation - a case study. Bangladesh Jour. Water Resources Research,14-18, 139-150., , 1997 .
349 Hossain M.S. : Clay mineralogy of mottled soils from level Barind Tract and its geomorphic implications in relation to deep brown/red soils of Madhupur Tract, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , pp.Vol. 16, Page 43-53 , 1997 .
350 M.Q. Hassan and K.M. Ahmed : Hydrochemistry of Groundwater of St. Martins Island, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , vol.20 , no.2 , pp.145-154 , 1996 .
351 Hossain M.S. : Some aspects of Geomorphology and pedology of the Tista Fan, Northwest of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , pp.Vol.15, Page 1-11 , 1996 .
352 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Surface Water Flow and Surface Water salinity in the Rivers of Southwest Bangladesh, The Journal of national Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI) , vol.12 , pp.58-65 , 1995 .
353 K. M. Ahmed, A. S. M. Woobaidullah and M. A. Hasan, : Hydrogeochemistry of the DupiTila Aquifer of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. ActaUniversitatisCarolinaeGeologica, 39, 113-121, , 1995 .
354 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Aquifer Geometry and its Properties of Jessore-Khulna Regions, Southwest Bangladesh, Muhammad Qumrul Hassan , vol.42 , no.2 , pp.221-228 , 1994 .
355 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Two-dimensional Groundwater Modeling of the southwest Bangladesh, Two-dimensional Groundwater Modeling of the southwest Bangladesh , vol.13 , pp.41-51 , 1994 .
356 A. S. M. Woobaidullah, M. A. Hasan, Md. Humayun Reza, Abdun Noor and Khairul Amin. : An analysis of resistivity sounding data for ground water exploration in Dumdumnia -Nayapara, Teknaf. The Dhaka Univ. Jour. of Sci., 42(2), 229-234., , 1994 .
357 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Estimated Climatic Stress and Surplus Balance of Southwest Bangladesh, The Bangladesh Journal of Scientific Research , vol.2 , pp.211-215 , 1993 .
358 A. S. M. Woobaidullah, M. A. Hasan, S. Q Chowdhury, K. M. Ahmed and A. Noor, : Ground water potentiality - A review of the hydrological data available in the coastal belt of Khulna and Satkhira districts, Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Studies, B, 41(1), 19-26., , 1993 .
359 Hossain, M.S, Monsoor, M.H. and Huque, M.A : Geology and aquifer condition of the area surrounding Meghna-Gumti and Titas Rivers in Comilla District, Bangladesh, Bang. Jour. Sci. Res. , vol.10 , no.1 , pp.71-78 , 1992 .
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362 Hossain M.S. : Chemical behavior and quality of Gondwana coal, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , pp.Vol. 14, No. 1, Page 147-148 , 1990 .
363 Hossain M.S. : Study of Metamorphic complex at the basement of a Gondwana basin, The Dhaka University Studies, Part B (Science) , pp.Vol.38, No.2, Page 129-132 , 1990 .
364 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Application of seismic refraction and electrical resistivity sounding in groundwater exploration over a granitic terrain of Andhra Pradesh of India, , vol.12(1) , pp.89-94 , 1988 .
365 Hossain M.S. : Provenance study based on the mineralogy of Bokabil sandstone. Cox's Bazar coastal section, Chittagong., The Dhaka University Studies, part B (Science) , pp.Vol. 36, No. 1, Page 57-61 , 1988 .
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367 Hossain M.S. : Microscopic study of Gondwana coal, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences , pp.Vol.10, Page 125-129 , 1986 .
368 Hossain M.S. : Contribution of micro-organisms in petroleum prospecting, Bioscience Review Oct.-Dec , pp.Page 3-5 , 1986 .
369 Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : A short account on the occurrence of Precambrian rocks in the northern part of Bangladesh, The Rajshahi University Studies, Bangladesh , vol.X-XI , pp.57-66 , 1983 .
370 Hossain M,S. : Study of Barakar sandstone in and around Dhansar Jharia coalfield, Bangladesh Journal of Geology , pp.Vol. 2, Page 65-72 , 1983 .
371 M. Mostafizur Rahman, John A. Howell and David I. M. Macdonald : Virtual outcrop-based analysis of channel and crevasse splay sandstone body architecture in the Middle Jurassic Ravenscar Group, Yorkshire, NE England, Journal of the Geological Society (impact factor:3.8) , vol.179 , no.3 Geological Society of London , pp.1-32 , 2022 .
372 Md. Yousuf Gazi, Saiful Islam Apu, Noshin Sharmili and Md. Zillur Rahman : Origin and characterization of clay deposits in the Dupi Tila Formation of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, Solid Earth Sciences , 2021 .
373 Islam M. Saiful, Romana Afroz and M. Bodruddoza Mia : Investigation of surface water quality of the Buriganga river in Bangladesh: Laboratory and spatial analysis approaches, Dhaka Univ. J. Biol. Sci. 28(2): Accepted for publication. , vol.28(2): Accepted for publication , 2019 .
374 Mahfuzur R Khan, Fuad Hasan, Majidul Islam, Masuma Chowdhury, Sumiya Sadeak, Al Amin, Farhad Hossain and Kazi Matin Ahmed : Potential Impacts of Industrialization on Coastal Fresh Groundwater Resources in Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.889) , pp.17 , 2022 .
375 Khan Riaz Hossain and M. Saiful Islam : Comparative Studies on the Changes in Climatic Condition and Seasonal Drought in North Western Part of Bangladesh., J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , vol.44(2) , pp.195-210 , 2018 .
376 Lipsi Mehtaz Mozaffor, M. Saiful Islam and Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Water Quality Assessment of Mirpur Thana of Dhaka City, Bangladesh., Dhaka Univ. J. Earth and Env. Sci. , vol.Vol. 4. , pp.P. 61-69. , 2015 .
377 Barua Shovon and M. Saiful Islam : Water Quality Assessment of Dug Well Water and Its Adjoining Buriganga River Reach in the Old Dhaka of Bangladesh., J. Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. , vol.40(2) , pp.207-218 , 2014 .
378 Md. Yousuf Gazi, A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Md. Nazim Uddin, Anwar Hossain Bhuiyan and Md. Zillur Rahman : The Stability and Suitability of the Bhasan Char Island as an Accommodation for the Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN), Sustainability (impact factor:3.25) , vol.14 , no.2 MDPI , pp.747 , 2022 .
379 Iftakher A, M., Saiful Islam and Jahangir AM : Probable Origin of Salinity in the Shallow Aquifers of Khulna District, Southwestern Bangladesh., Austin J Earth Sci. , vol.2(2): , 2015 .
380 Majumder R. K.,, M. A. Halim, J. Shimada, B. B. Saha, A. Zahid, M. Q. Hasan and M. Saiful Islam : Hydrochemistry and isotopic studies to identify Ganges River and riverbank groundwater interaction, southern Bangladesh, Arab. J. Geosci. , vol.6 , pp.4585–4591 , 2013 .
381 A. Zahid, M. Aminul Haque,, M. Saiful Islam and M.A.F.M. Rashidul Hasan and M. Qumrul Hassan : Groundwater resources potential in the deltaic floodplain area of Madaripur District, southern Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Irrigation Science , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.41-56 , 2008 .
382 Saha, S. K and R.Y.Singh and Saha,S K : Palynostratigraphic status and depositional environment of Girujan Clay and DupiTila Formation exposed along Shari river (Digrail) and Dupigaon, Sylhet, Bangladesh., Jour. KU Studies , vol.2 , no.2 , pp.283-290 , 2000 .
383 Islam M. Saiful, Anwar Zahid, M. Aminul Haque and M.A.F.M. Rashidul Hasan : Problems and prospects of groundwater irrigation market in Bangladesh: A case study from Lower Gangetic Floodplain of Southwest Bangladesh, Journal of Applied Irrigation Science , vol.42 , pp.157-171 , 2007 .
384 Saha, S.K., and Saha, S K : Biostratigraphy of the Tura Formation of Takerghat area, Sunamganj District, Bangladesh,, Jour. Asia. , vol.28 , no.1 Soc Bang. Sci, , pp.53-62 , 2002 .
385 Saha, S.K., S. Naznin and F. Ahmed and saha, S K : A Household based safe water intervention programme for a slum area in Bangladesh, Asian jour of Water, Environment and Pollution , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.21-25 , 2005 .
386 Rahman M. M., Muhammad Qumrul Hassan, M. Saiful Islam and S.Z.K.M. Shamsad : Environmental impact assessment on water quality deterioration caused by the decreased Ganges outflow and saline water intrusion in south-western Bangladesh, Environmental Geology , vol.40 , no.1& 2 , pp.31-40 , 2000 .
387 Rahman, M.A. and S.K. Saha and S K Saha : An Environmental Impact Assessment for South West road Network Devlopment Project (SRNDP) at Noapara-Mollahat highway, Bangladesh, jour Bangladesh Science Foundation , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.31-38. , 2006 .
388 Saha, S.K., A.J.M Saleh, M.A. Jahid, M.A. Rahman, S. Naznin and U. Kumar, 2007. and Saha, S K : Monsoon rainwater chemistry and its potable status-a case study of South East coastal belt of Bangladesh, Jour. KU Studies , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.1-6 , 2007 .
389 Saha, S.K., Md. Rokunuzzaman and Md. Zillur Rahman and saha, S K : Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptive Response in the context of climate variability in south-west Bangladesh, Geol Soc Bangladesh , vol.26-28 , pp.25-32 , 2009 .
390 Afrin Saima, M. Saiful Islam and Muhammad Qumrul Hassan : Assessment of Surface and Groundwater Quality of Dhaka City, Dhaka Univ. J. Earth and Env. Sci. , vol.2(1) , pp.55-62 , 2011 .
391 Nazia, H., S. Sadik, S. K. Saha, M.Z. Rahman and M.M.S. Rahman, 2011 and S K Saha : Chemical characterization and quality compliance of bottled mineral water in Bangladesh,, DU Jour Sci , vol.59 , no.1 , pp.33-37 , 2011 .
392 Rahman, M.Z., S. K. Saha, M.Q. Hassan, A.S.M. Woobaid ullah and S. Islam and S K Saha : Hydro-meteorological Study of Sunamganj Town and Surroundings for Forecasting Flash Flood Early Warning, Jour. Asia Soc Bang Sci. , vol.37 , no.1 , pp.35-44 , 2011 .
393 Ahmed, F., M.S. Ansari, M. M. S. Rahman, S.K. Saha and K. Roy, and S K Saha : Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety Management Services: a study from different hospitals and clinics in Khulna City Corporation of Banglades, Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. , vol.21 , pp.87-94 , 2011 .
394 Saha, S. K. and Saha S K : . Studies on some Dinoflagellate Cysts from the Tertiaries of Bangladesh, DU Jour Earth and Env Sci , vol.1 , no.2 , pp.75-81 , 2011 .
395 Hossain, M.A. and S. K. Saha and S K Saha : An Evaluation of the Pollution indices of the Drainage and Ground water in the vicinity of Barapukuria Coal Mine, Bangladesh, , Geol Soc Bangladesh , vol.29-30 , 2011 .
396 Saha, S.K. Biswas, T.K., and Barai, K.R. and Saha, S K : Status of Environmental Education: Non-formal approach in Bangladesh, Jour Teacher’s World , vol.37-38 , pp.265-276. , 2012 .
397 Moniruzzaman, M., M.H. Monsur and S.K. Saha, and S K saha : Understanding a new Quaternary deposits exposed at Haluaghat (Mymensingh) area of Bangladesh, The Jour of Noami, , vol.29 , no.1 , pp.15-31. , 2012 .
398 Saha, S.K., B.M. Rabby Hossain and Md Anwar Jahid and Saha S K : Chemical suitability of Groundwater for Irrigation in Trimohoni and Sagardari Union, Keshabpur upazilla, Jessore, Bangladesh, J Sci Res , vol.27 , no.2 , pp.121-131. , 2014 .
399 Kibria, M.G., S.K. Saha, M.H. Monsur, T. Rashid and M.Z. Rahman and S K Saha : Mid Holocene Marine Transgression at Eastern Coastal Margin of Bangladesh—Implications for Past Sea Level Change, Journal of Climate Change , vol.1 , no.1-2 , pp.89–97 , 2015 .
400 Gazi, M.Y., S.M. M. Kabir, M.B. Imam, S.K. Saha, and M.M. Rahman and S K saha : Mineralogy and clay diagenesis of Neogene mudrocks in the Sitakund anticline, Bengal basin: An approach to infer burial diagenesis from surface outcropping samples, Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, , vol.5 , pp.61-67. , 2016 .
401 Gazi, M.Y., S. K. Saha, S. M.M. Kabir and M.B. Imam, and S K saha : Sedimentological and Palynological Approach for Determining the Depositional Environment of the Outcropping Surma Group Mudrocks in the Sitakund Anticline, Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt, Bangladesh, Bangladesh, Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. , vol.66 , no.1 , pp.37-42. , 2018 .
402 Saha, S. K., A. Rahman and K.R. Barai, and Saha S K : Characterization of pond water chemistry and its potability status at South-West coastal region of Bangladesh, Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, , vol.44 , no.2 , pp.159-171. , 2018 .
403 Sifat, Humaira Farzana and S. K. Saha, and S K saha : Systematics of Benthic Foraminifera and its paleoenvironment considerations from the beach sands of Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, DU Jour of Earth and Env Sci, , vol.6-7 , pp.85-103. , 2018 .
404 Saha, S.K., M.Y. Gazi, M. Tajwar and S. Kumar, and Saha S K : Soil Contamination Assessment by Trace Elements in Barapukuria Coal Mine Region, Bangladesh, Environmental and Earth Sciences Research Journal , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1-10 , 2021 .
405 Tajwar, M., M.Y. Gazi and S. K. Saha, and S K Saha : . Characterization and Spatial Abundance of Microplastics in the Coastal Regions of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: An Integration of Field, Laboratory, and GIS Techniques,, Soil and Sediment Contamination, An International Journal, , vol.30 , no.4 , pp.1-25 , 2021 .
406 Md. Yousuf GAZI, Farhad HOSSAIN, Sumiya SADEAK and Md. Mahin UDDIN : Spatiotemporal variability of channel and bar morphodynamics in the Gorai-Madhumati River, Bangladesh using remote sensing and GIS techniques, Frontiers of Earth Science (impact factor:2.273) , no.December 2020 Springer , pp.14 , 2020 .
407 A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Farhad Hossain and Shamsuddin Shahid : Spatiotemporal changes in rainfall and droughts of Bangladesh for1.5 and 2 °C temperature rise scenarios of CMIP6 models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (impact factor:3.409) , vol.146 , no.October 2021 Springer , pp.16 , 2021 .
408 Md Al Amin, Asma Binte Kabir, Md Jahangir Alam, Kazi Matin Ahmed, ASM Maksud Kamal and Mahfuzur R Khan : Assessment of Groundwater Resources and Its Sustainability in the St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10 , no.3 University of Dhaka , pp.63-72 , 2022 .
409 A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, Farhad Hossain, Md. Zillur Rahman, Bayes Ahmed and Peter Sammonds : Geological and soil engineering properties of shallow landslides occurring in the Kutupalong Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Landslides (impact factor:6.578) , vol.19 , no.February 2022 Springer , pp.14 , 2022 .
410 Hasan, M., Islam, Md. A.; Hasan, M. A., Alam, Md. J. and Peas, M. H. : Groundwater vulnerability assessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh — A GIS-based DRASTIC modeling, Groundwater for Sustainable Development , vol.9 , 2019 .
411 Alam I.; Islam Md. S. and Alam Md. J. : Probable Origin of Salinity in the Shallow Aquifers of Khulna District, South-Western Bangladesh, Austin Journal of Earth Science , vol.2 , no.2 , 2015 .
412 Alam, Md. J. and Ahmed, K.M. : Relation between hydrogeology and microbial contamination of shallow aquifers of Matlab North upazilaVol., Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka , vol.3 , no.1 , 2015 .
413 Layton, A. C.; McKay, L.D.; Chauhan, A., Alam, Md. J., Williams, D.E., Ahmed, K.M.; Mailloux, B.J.; van Geen, A.; Knappett, P.S.K.; Sayler, G.S. and Ferguson, A.S. : Metagenomes of microbial communities in arsenic- and pathogen-contaminated well and surface water from Bangladesh, Genome Announc , 2014 .
414 Wu, J.; van Geen, A.; Ahmed, K.M.; Akita, Y., Alam, Md. J.;, Culligan, P.J.; Escamilla, V.; Feighery, J.; Ferguson, A.S.; Knappett, P.S.K.; Mailloux, B.J.; McKay, L.D.; Serre, M.L.; Streatfield, P.K.; Yunus, M. and Emch, M. : Increase in Diarrheal Disease Associated with Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh, PLoS ONE , 2012 .
415 Knappett, P. S. K.; McKay, L. D.; Layton, A.; Williams, D. E.;, Mailloux, B. J.; Ferguson, A. F.; Culligan, P. J.; Serre, M. L.; Emch, M.; Ahmed, K. M.; Sayler, G. S., Alam, Md. J.; and van Geen, A. : Unsealed Tubewells Lead to Fecal Contamination of Drinking Water in Bangladesh, Journal of Water & Health , 2012 .
416 Ferguson, A. S.; Layton, A. C.; Mailloux, B. J.; Culligan, P. J.; Williams, D. E.; Smartt, A. E.; Sayler, G. S; Feighery, J.; McKay, L. D.; Knappett, P. S. K.; Alexandrova, E.; Arbit, T.; Emch, M.; Escamilla, V.; Ahmed, K. M.;, Alam, Md., J., ; Streatfield, P. K.; Yunus, Md. and van Geen, A. : Comparison of Fecal Indicators with Pathogenic Bacteria and Rotavirus in Groundwater, Science of the Total Environment , 2012 .
417 Knappett, P. S. K.; McKay, L. D.; Layton, A.; Williams, D. W.; Mailloux, B. J.;, Alam, Md. J., ; Huq, Md. R.; Mey, J.; Feighery, J. E.; Culligan, P. J.; Mailloux, B. J.; Zhuang, J.; Escamilla, V.; Emch, M.; Perfect, E.; Sayler, G. S.; Ahmed, K. M. and van Geen, A. : Implications of Fecal Bacteria Input from Latrine-Polluted Ponds for Wells in Sandy Aquifers, Environmental Science & Technology , 2012 .
418 Knappett, P. S. K.; Escamilla, V.; Layton, A.; McKay, L. D.; Emch, M.; Williams, D. E.; Huq, M. R.;, Alam, M. J., ; Farhana, L.; Mailloux, B. J.; Ferguson, A.; Sayler, G. S.; Ahmed, K. M. and van Geen, A. : Impact of population and latrines on fecal contamination of ponds in rural Bangladesh, Science of the Total Environment , 2011 .
419 van Geen, A.; Ahmed, K. M.; Akita, Y.;, Alam, M. J.;, Culligan, P. J.; Feighery, J.; Ferguson, A.; Emch, M.;Escamilla, V.; Knappett, P.; Layton, A. C.; Mailloux, B. J.; McKay, L. D.; Mey, J.L.; Serre, M. L.; Streatfield, P. K.; Wu, J. and Yunus, M. : Fecal Contamination of Shallow Tubewells in Bangladesh Inversely Related to Arsenic, Environmental Science & Technology , 2011 .
420 Knappett, P. S. K.; Layton, A.; McKay, L. D.; Williams, D.; Mailloux, B. J.; Huq, M. R., ; Alam, M. J., ;Ahmed, K. M.; Akita, Y.; Serre, M. L.; Sayler, G. S. and van Geen, A. : Efficacy of Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration for Microbial Sampling in Groundwater, Ground Water , 2011 .
421 Saha, S.K and and M. Haque : On some fungal and algal remains from Jaintia Group of sediments of Takerghat Hillock in Sunamganj District of Bangladesh, Jour. Asia Soc Bang , sci , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.67-77. , .2001 .
422 Hakim Saibi, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Milly Bierre and Muhagir El Kamali : Application of remote sensing techniques to geothermal exploration at geothermal fields in the United Arab Emirates, Arabian Journal of Geosciences , vol.14 , pp.1251 , 2021 .
423 Nawrin, N., Sultana, S. and Ahmed, K. M. : A Comparative Study between Managed Aquifer Recharge and Other Community Water Supply Options in Coastal Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10 (Centennial Special Volume) , no.3 Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.157-166 , 2022 .
424 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Asif Hasan, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Masuma Chowdhury and Nahid Al Montakim : Impact of Urbanization on Landuse-Landcover, Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Islands using Multispectral Satellite Images: An Implication in the District Towns of Northwestern Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.10 (3) , no.Centennial Special Issue Dhaka University , pp.17-28 , 2022 .
425 Md Bodruddoza Mia, Md Asif Hasan, Md. Yousuf Gazi, Masuma Chowdhury and Nahid Al Montakim : Impact of Urbanization on Landuse-Landcover, Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Islands using Multispectral Satellite Images: An Implication in the District Towns of Northwestern Bangladesh, The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences , vol.Centennial Special Volume, June 2022 Dhaka University , pp.17-28 , 2022 .
Conference Proceedings (68)
1 Tamanna Meheran Shemu and Subrota Kumar Saha "Investigations of Paleo Coral Reef Communities of St. Martin’s Island, Bangladesh Based on FORAM INDEX." International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences & Technology for Sustainable Development (ICEEST) Dhaka: 2020 .
2 Raza, J., Ahmed, K.M., Hassan, M. Q. and Zahid, A. "Historical changes in land use due to Industrialization and Resultant Adverse Impacts of the DupiTila Aquifer in Gazipur area." International Conf. FEES DU Dhaka: 2020 .
3 Hassan, M. Q. and Raza, J "Urban water logging and Evaluation of the Drainage system for sustainable Dhaka City." International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG) Dhaka: 2020 .
4 S Sultana,, W G Burgess,, N D Woodman,, K M Ahmed, and A Zahid "Hydro-mechanical perturbation of groundwater along broad corridors adjacent rivers in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna floodplains." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
5 S Sultana,, H Simpson,, E Mathewson,, N D Woodman,, A Zahid,, K M Ahmed,, V T Tam, and W G Burgess "Look again at your groundwater hydrographs from a hydro-mechanical perspective - rethinking hydrographs and groundwater monitoring in the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, and the Red River Basin, Vietnam." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
6 Kazi Matin Ahmed, Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Khan and Md. Jahangir Alam "Preliminary Zoning of Water Resources and Groundwater Modelling for Assessing Water Resources Potential and Suitable Technology within Refugee Camps and Adjacent Host Community areas in Cox's Bazar." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology , pp. 102. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
7 Afsana Hossen Tania, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Md. Yousuf Gazi "Evaluation & monitoring of water quantity and quality of Turag River using multi-spectral satellite images." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology , pp. 567. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
8 Most. Shahana Sultana, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Md. Yousuf Gazi "Indices based agricultural drought monitoring in the north west division of Bangladesh using geo-spatial techniques." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology , pp. 542. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
9 Md. Abdul Al Mohit, Md. Mahbubar Rahman, Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Mossa. Shamima Nasrin "Climate Change Impact on future hazardous cyclone and associate disaster risk in Bangladesh." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology , pp. 708. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
10 Sushanta Banik, Md. Aziz Hasan, Md. Jahangir Alam and Md. Bodruddoza Mia "Assessing impacts of rapid industrialization on groundwater - A case study of Rupganj Upazila, Narayanganj." International Conference on Earth & Environmental Sciences and Technology , pp. 487. Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2020 .
11 Nawrin, N., Arnaud E., Longstaffe J., Priebe E.H. and Hamilton S. "Distribution of Arsenic, Fluoride and Manganese in Overburden Water Wells, Southern Ontario, Canada." GSA 2020 Connects Online Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 52, No. 6, 2020 .
12 Shuvra Roy, S.K. Saha, Md Golam Rabbani and Mahmud Al Noor Tushar "A PALEO-BIOCLIMATOLOGICAL STUDY ON QUATERNARY PEAT DEPOSITS OF BANGLADESH REFLECTED BY PALYNOLOGICAL APPROACH." GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019 Geological Society of America, 2019 .
13 Hassan, M.Q., Raza, J., Karim, Mir and Khandker, N. I. "Using water index to assess groundwater suitability at Gazipur District, Bangladesh." GSA, Phonenix Arizona, USA: 2019 .
14 Hassan, M.Q and Raza J "Underground Mining Environment: Coal and Hard Rock in North Bangladesh." Mining 4 (P 9) DAAD conference at the Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany 2019 .
15 W G Burgess,, N D Woodman,, S Sultana, and R G Taylor, M Shamsudduha, K M Ahmed, A Zahid, D Lapworth, A M MacDonald, V T Tam, G Krishan, H Simpson, E Mathewson and J Bhamra "Potential for widespread mis-interpretation of groundwater hydrographs and false optimism on recharge and sustainable yields in large fluvio-deltaic aquifer systems of S and SE Asia." AGU Chapman conference Valencia, Spain: 2019 .
16 S Sultana,, K M Ahmed,, A Zahid,, N D Woodman,, A Islam, and W G Burgess "Hydro-mechanical perturbation of groundwater by rivers: evidence from Bangladesh." EGU 2019 Vienna, Austria: 2019 .
17 S.K. Saha, Mahmud Al Noor Tushar and Md. Hussain Monsur "Reconstruction of Holocene Sea Level Change and Paleocoastline for the Eastern Coastal Margin of Bangladesh using Micropaleontological evidences." GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018 Geological Society of America, 2018 .
18 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Yasuhiro FUJIMITSU and Jun NISHIJIMA "Exploration and monitoring of Hatchobaru-Otake geothermal field using aster satellite images." Proceedings of Grand Renewable Energy Pacifico Yokohama, Japan: 2018 .
19 Hassan, M.Q., Karim, Mir., Khandker, N. I. and Raza, J "An overview of SmartWater Management System: Strategic Potential in Bangladesh." GSA, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2018 .
20 Hasan M. A.,, Sikder, A. M.,, Kbir, M. L.,, Jaman, M. H,, Uddin, M. R.,, Rashid, M. H.,, Akter A.,, Liu, Xin-Chen, and McCartor, A "Soil Pollution from Informal Recycling of Used Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) in Bangladesh." GSA Annual Meeting Seattle, Washington, USA: 2017 .
21 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu and Jun Nishijima "Thermal activity exploration and monitoring of recently active Kirishima volcano in the southern Kyushu island in Japan using satellite imageries." 39th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop , pp. 6. Rotorua, New Zealand: 2017 .
22 Hassan, M. Q "Smart Water Management in the Agricultural Development for Food Security of Bangladesh." DAAD Alumni International Seminar, Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen , pp. 25-30. Goettingen, Germany: 2017 .
23 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu and Jun Nishijima "Exploration and monitoring heat losses from the Beppu thermal area in Japan using ASTER TIR images." Japan Annual Geothermal Meeting Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan: 2017 .
24 UDDIN, A., JAHAN, S., MANDAL. S., J.N. SARMA, J.N., AKHTER, SH.,, ISLAM, M.A. and BISWAS, B.A. "Paleogene stratigraphy of the southeast shillong plateau and northern sylhet trough area of the eastern Himalayas." GSA Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado: 2016 .
25 Khan, M. R., Nath, B., Huhmann, B, Chowdhury, I., Mukherjee, A., Ahmed, M., van Geen, A. and Michael H.A. "Origin of Arsenic Rich, Young Groundwater in Deep Tubewells in the Central Southwestern Bengal Basin." GSA Annual Meeting , pp. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.841. Baltimore, USA: Geological Society of America, 2015 .
26 Khan M. R. and Michael H. A. "Vulnerability of Deep Groundwater in the Bengal Basin to Contamination: the Role of Physical and Chemical Aquifer Heterogeneity and Pumping." AGU Fall meeting 2015 San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union, 2015 .
27 Nath, B., Khan, M. R., Huhmann, B., Chowdhury, I., Mukherjee, A., Ahmed, K.M., Micahel, H.A. and van Geen A. "Groundwater Chemistry of Deep (>300 Feet) High-As Aquifers across the India-Bangladesh Border." GSA Annual Meeting , pp. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.841. Baltimore: Geological Society of America, 2015 .
28 van Geen, A., Khan, M., Nath, B., Huhmann, B., Choudhury, I, Chakraborty, M., Harvey, C. and Ahmed, K.M. "Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border." Goldschmidt Prague, CZ: 2015 .
29 Michael, H., Scott, K. C., Koneshloo, M., Khan, M. R. and Katie L. "The Influence of Geologic Heterogeneity on Groundwater Salinity and Aquifer-Ocean Exchange on the Scale of the Continental Shelf." AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, California: American Geophysical Union, 2015 .
30 Hassan, M. Q. "Global Climate Change and its effects on Hydro-geo-environment of Bangladesh coastal Cities." International Conference on Cities, People and places, Uni. Moratuwa , pp. 578-582. 2015 .
31 K M Ahmed,, S Sultana,, M A Hasan,, T Chowdhury and M Rahman "Alternative safe water options for severely arsenic and salinity affected areas in Narail District, Bangladesh." IGWC 2015 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,: 2015 .
32 Md. Yousuf Gazi, S.M. Mainul Kabir and Badrul Imam "Sedimentary depositional environments which produce facies in association with petroleum source, reservoir and seal occurences.." SPE Petroleum Conference-2015, Dhaka University chapter. Dhaka: 2015 .
33 Khan, M. R., Koneshloo, M., Knappett, P. S. K., Ahmed, K. M., Bostick, B. C., Mailloux, B. J., ... and Michael H. A. "Effect of Aquifer Heterogeneity on the Sustainability of Deep Groundwater Resources in the Bengal Delta near a Mega-City Pumping Center." GSA Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada: Geological Society of America, 2014 .
34 Small, C., Steckler M., Sousa D., Chiu S., Mondal D R., Akhter S.H., Mia B. and Steven G., Wilson G.A. and Paola C "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of River Channel Migration on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta: 2000-2013." American Geophysical Union Fall meeting 2014 .
35 Small C., Steckler M., Sousa D., Chiu S., Mondal D R., Akhter S.H., Mia B. and Steven G., Wilson G.A. and Paola C. "Decades of Change on the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta; Rivers, Coastlines, Agriculture and Development." American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014 .
36 Knappett, P., Choudhury, I., Barua, S., Mondal, D. R., Steckler, M. S., Ahmed, K.M., Khan, M. R., Michael, H.M. and Mozumder R. H. "Deep Pumping In Dhaka Favors Intrusion of River Water into Rural Drinking Water Aquifers." 125th GSA Anniversary Annual Meeting & Exposition Denver, Colorado: Geological Society of America, 2013 .
37 Khan, M. R., Michael, H. A. and Voss, C. I. "Water Resources Management in the Ganges Basin: A Comparison of Three Strategies for Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water." GSA Annual Meeting Charlotte, North Carolina: Geological Society of America, 2012 .
38 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu and Jun Nishijima "Landsat thermal infrared based monitoring of heat losses from Kuju fumaroles area in Japan." International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology , pp. 135-140. ITB Bandung, Indonesia: 2012 .
39 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Yasuhiro Fujimitsu and Bromley C.J "Estimation and monitoring heat discharge rates using Landsat ETM + thermal infrared data - a case study in Unzen geothermal field, Kyushu, Japan." Proceedings of SPIE 8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing , pp. 8524J. Kyoto, Japan: 2012 .
40 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Nuruzzaman M. and Yasuhiro Fujimitsu "Effect of upstream dams of Teesta river on surface water bodies in Northwest Bangladesh: A satellite Remote Sensing approach." 3rd International Conference on environmental aspects of Bangladesh , pp. 9-14. Kitakyushu, Japan: 2012 .
41 Md. Bodruddoza Mia, Bromley C.J. and Yasuhiro Fujimitsu "Heat flux monitoring using satellite based imagery at Karapiti (`Craters of the Moon`) fumaroles area, Taupo, New Zealand." Thrity-Seventh workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University , pp. SGP-TR-194. Stanford, California, USA: 2012 .
42 Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Yasuhiro Fujimitsu "Use of Landsat TM thermal infrared data to monitor heat flow before and after eruption of Kuju fumaroles in 1995." Annual Geothermal Meeting of Japan Geothermal research society, 2012 .
43 Md. Bodruddoza Mia and Yasuhiro Fujimitsu "Study on Satellite images based Spectral emissivity, Land surface temperature and Land-cover in and around Kuju volcano, Central Kyushu, Japan." 7th International symposium on Novel Carbon Resources Sciences Yonsei University (Seoul, South Korea): 2011 .
44 HOSSAIN, M., ISLAM, M., RASHID, S M A., RAHMAN, M.,, SULTANA, S., and AHMED, K M., HASAN, M. A.,BHATTACHARYA, P., JACKS, G., THUNVIK, R., VON BRÖMSSEN, M. "Delimiting the shallow aquifer characteristics using vertical electrical soundings (VES) and hydrochemical variability in a region with high arsenic groundwater in southwestern Bangladesh, peer reviewed article published in Arsenic in Geosphere and Human diseases (Jean, Bundschuh and Bhattacharya eds)." 3rd International congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As 2010) , pp. 105-107. Tainan, Taiwan: 2010 .
45 Sultana S., K. M. Ahmed and M.B. Mia "Prospects of Artificial Recharge for Augmentation of the Upper Dupi Tila Aquifer in Dhaka City, Bangladesh.." ISMAR7 Abu Dhabi, UAE: 2010 .
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48 M. A. Hasan, P. Bahttcharya, K. M. Ahmed, OndraSracek, M. vonBromssen and G. Jacks. "Hydrogeochemical Evaluation of Groundwater along an E-W Transect of the Middle Meghna Basin, Bangladesh. Joint Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Houston, Texas, 5-9 October, 2008.." 2008 .
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53 Islam M. Saiful and Muhammad Qumrul Hassan "Pre- and post-Farakka study on some climatic variables of the Ganges Floodplain of Southwestern Bangladesh and its impact on environment.." Workshop on ‘Flooding in Bangladesh and Germany: Causes, Control and Management , pp. 71-78. Dhaka: Goethe Institute, Dhaka, 2006 .
54 Barua Shovon, M. Saiful Islam and Saugata Datta "Can treated dug wells be used as a safe water source in Old Dhaka of Bangladesh? A Water quality assessment study." Goldschmidt Conference Sacramento, California, USA: 2014 .
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56 Hassan, M.Q "SmartWater Management in the Agricultural Development in Bangladesh and neighbour countries." Humbolt-Universitat of Berlin Berlin: May 2019 .
57 Sumiya Sadeak and Mahfuzur Khan "Sustainable Groundwater Management by Geological Modeling and Recharge Estimation to Optimize Sudden Stress on the Geologically Complex Aquifer System in the South-Eastern Hilly Region of Bangladesh." AGU Fall Meeting New Orleans: American Geophysical Union, 2021 .
58 Mahfuzur Khan, Holly A Michael, Bibhash Nath, Brittany Huhmann, Charles Franklin Harvey, Abhijit Mukherjee, Madhumita Chakraborty, Imtiaz Choudhury, Mohammad Shahid Ullah, Kazi Matin Ahmed and others "Arsenic-contaminated deep groundwater in the Bengal Basin: origin and implications for mitigation." AGU Fall Meeting 2019 San Francisco: 2019 .
59 Holly A Michael, Mahfuzur Khan, Cliff Voss, Charles Franklin Harvey, Alex van Geen, er and Peter Knappett "Vulnerability to Groundwater Arsenic in the Bengal Basin: The Interplay between Dense Populations, Geologic Complexity, and Large-Scale Geogenic Contamination." AGU Fall Meeting 2019 San Francisco: AGU, 2019 .
60 Alexander van Geen, M Rajib Hassan Mozumder, Benjamin C Bostick, Brian J Mailloux, Peter Schlosser, Charles F Harvey, Holly A Michael, Mahfuzur R Khan, Imtiaz Choudhury and Kazi Matin Ahmed "HOW EARTH PROCESSES CAN POISON MILLIONS BUT ALSO PROVIDE A SOLUTION: THE CASE OF WELL-WATER ARSENIC IN SOUTH ASIA." GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis Indianapolis: GSA, 2018 .
61 Rajib Hassan Mozumder, Holly A Michael, Ivan Mihajlov, Mahfuzur R Khan, Imtiaz Choudhury, Brian Justin Mailloux, Benjamin C Bostick, Peter Knappett, Peter Schlosser, Tobias Nicholas Buttersworth Koffman and others "The Role of Recharge Windows in Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Aquifers affected by Large-scale Depressurization." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts , pp. H34D--06. Washington DC: AGU, 2018 .
62 Khan, M.R., van Geen, A., Ahmed, K.M. and Michael, H. "Controls of Lithology and Groundwater Pumping on Arsenic Contamination of Deep Groundwater in Bangladesh." 8th International Congress and Exhibition on Arsenic in the Environment ( As2021) Bridging Science to Practice for Sustainable Development Wageningen: 2021 .
63 Khan, MR, Islam, MM, Hasan, MF and Ahmed, KM "Prospect and Sustainability of Groundwater Resources in Mirsharai Economic Zone, Chattogram, Bangladesh." National Seminar on Geosciences for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh , pp. 28. Dhaka: Geological Survey of Bangladesh, 2021 .
64 Sadeak, S and Khan, MR "Estimation of Potential Recharge to the Dupi Tila Aquifer in Ukhia, Cox's Bazar using GIS based Water Balance Method." National Seminar on Geosciences for Sustainable Development of Bangladesh , pp. 51. Dhaka: Geological Survey of Bangladesh, 2021 .
65 Hossain M.S. "Quaternary evolution of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India (Abstract)." X convention of Indian Association of Sendimentologists 5-7 November, 1993 .
66 Hossain M.S. and Parkash B. "Implication of Neotectonics in the evolution of Quaternary landforms and soils of Bangladesh plains (Abstract)." International seminar on Quaternary stratigraphic correlation of the Ganges-Brahmaputra sediments and of the Indian subcontinent, IGCP-347 9-12 December, 1995 .
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