Research & Publication (Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies)
Book (18)
1 Nasreen, M., Hossain, Khondoker M., Khan, M. M. Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. London: Routledge, 2023 .
2 Mohammed M Khan Disaster and Gender in Coastal Bangladesh: Transformation of Women’s Roles in Reducing Disaster Risk and Vulnerability. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023 .
3 M. Abul Kalam Azad The Role of Social Learning in Enhancing Community Resilience and Recovery from Flash Floods in Sunamganj, Bangladesh (The thesis was successfully completed as part of Master of Natural Resources Management (MNRM) at the University of Manitoba). Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 2020 .
4 Dilara Zahid Monga as a Disaster: Adaptation Strategies of People in Northern Bangladesh. Dhaka: IDMVS, DU, 2019 .
5 Bivuti Bhushan Sikder Global Climate Crisis and Its Contemporary Scenarios: A Primer (Accepted to be published in 2019-2020 with partial funding from Dhaka University). Dhaka: IDMVS, Dhaka University, 2019-2020 .
6 Dilara Zahid Disaster and Vulnerability: Evidences From Monga. Dhaka, Bangladesh: A. H. Publication, 2018 .
7 Mahbuba Nasreen, Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Md. Khalid Hasan Sexual and Reproductive Health during Emergencies: Situation Analysis of Disaster Prone areas of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, 2017 .
8 Mahbuba Nasreen, Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Khalid Hasan Sexual and Reproductive Health during Emergencies: Situation Analysis of Disaster Prone Areas of Bangladesh. Dhaka: Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, Bangladesh, 2017 .
9 Mahbuba Nasreen Women and Girls: Vulnerable or Resilient?. Dhaka: Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, 2012 .
10 Mahbuba Nasreen Rethinking Disaster Management: Violence against Women during Floods in Bangladesh’. London: Samir Dasgupta et al (eds.) Women’s Encounter with Disasters, 2010 .
11 Mokaddem Hossain and Sumon Dhar Sociology of Indigenous Culture in the Context of Global Culture: An Overview. Dhaka: ‘Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment’. Bangladesh Environment Movement and Bangladesh Environment Network, 2008 .
12 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain The State of Indigenous People in Bangladesh: Some Issues of Exclusion due to Destruction of Natural Forests.. Dhaka: Indigenous People and Bangladesh Environment’. Bangladesh Environment Movement and Bangladesh Environment Network, 2008 .
13 Mahbuba Nasreen ‘Disaster and Disaster Research: A Case Study of Floods in Bangladesh’. Delhi: Pearson-Longman, 2008 .
14 Mahbuba Nasreen Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Food Security. ActionAid International and ActionAid Bangladesh, 2008 .
15 Mahbuba Nasreen Violence against Women during Floods and Post-flood Situations in Bangladesh,. ActionAid International and ActionAid Bangladesh, 2008 .
16 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain Homestead Forests: A Treasure House of Medicinal Trees, Herbs, and Plants for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries. Environmental Policy and Management Research Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand, 1994 .
17 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain Community Forestry Programmes: An Overview. New Zealand Geographical Society. Victoria: 1994 .
18 Mahbuba Nasreen “Women in the Food Chain: Contribution of Rural Women in Household Food Consumption”. Environmental Policy and Management Research Centre, University of Otago, Dunedin, 1994 .
Book Section (17)
1 Mia, M. J., Hossain, M. S., Prodhan, S. and Akon, M. S. "Food Security and Safety in Bangladesh: Implications of Environmental Health." Sustainable Agricultural Practices: Economic and Environmental Implications. R.C. Das Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024 237–250 .
2 Md. Juel Mia, Md. Shihabul Hossain, Shamima Prodhan and Md. Saifullah Akon "Food Security and Safety in Bangladesh: Implications of Environmental Health." Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024 .
3 Akon, M. S., Mia, M. J. and Raj, S. M. R. "Good Governance and Economic Growth: A Case Study on the Local Government of Bangladesh." Good Governance and Economic Growth: Complimentary or Problematic?. R. C. Das Taylor & Francis, 2024 159-171 .
4 Zawad Ibn Farid, Muhammad Awfa Islam, Patrick S. Roberts, PhD and Jeffrey Glick, PhD "Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) in South Asia: Status, Prospects, and Challenges." Current and Emerging Trends in the Management of International Disasters. Laura M. Phipps, DrPH, MPH, CPH, RS and David A. McEntire, PhD, SFHEA Arlington, Texas USA: Mavs Open Press, 2024 243-269 .
5 Khan, M M; Kamal, Abu-Hena M; Mazumder, N. (2022) "Role of community clinic in reducing climate change and disaster-induced health risks: an explorative study in coastal Bangladesh.." Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience.. Nasreen, M., Hossain, Khondoker M., Khan, M. M. (Eds), (2022 LONDON: ROUTLEDGE, 2023 .
6 Madhanagopal, D.’ Khan, M. M. and Zaman, F. (2022). "Does local politics have relevance to the local climate action programs in India and Bangladesh? Review and Discussion.." Climate Change and Risk in South and Southeast Asia Sociopolitical Perspectives. In D. Madhanagopal and S. Motaz (Eds) LONDON: ROUTLEDGE, 2023 .
7 Khan, M M; Kamal, Azad, Abul Kalam, Abu-Hena M; Zahid Dilara, Malak, M. A. (2022). "Why women’s leadership is a keystone in enhancing disaster resilience to natural perturbations? Key insights from coastal communities of Bangladesh.." LONDON: ROUTLEDGE, 2023 .
8 Monishankar Sarkar and Mahbuba Nasreen "Water Insecurity and Poverty: Changing livelihood in coastal Bangladesh." Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. Routledge, 2023 .
9 Akon, S. and Mia, M. J. "Politics, Development and Environment: Question of Sustainability." The Impact of Environmental Emissions and Aggregate Economic Activity on Industry: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. M. K. Pal Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023 39-51 .
10 Khan, M.M., Azad, A. K., Kamal, A. H. M., Zahid, D. and Malak, M. A. "Why is Women’s Leadership Important for Enhancing Disaster Resilience to Natural Perturbations?." Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. M. Nasreen, K. M. Hossain, & M. M. Khan New York: Routledge, 2023 .
11 Zawad Ibn Farid and Mahbuba Nasreen "Where lies the problem with elderly population beneath the non-response to evacuation order: A study on cyclone Bulbul in cyclone-affected islands of Bangladesh." Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. Mahbuba Nasreen, Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan London: Routledge, 2022 .
12 Mohammed M. Khan "Dynamics of getting women heard and changes in their roles and practices: An analysis of coastal women in Bangladesh.." Society and State in South Asia. Mohammad Salim DHAKA,: UPL, 2022 .
13 Mia, M. J. and Islam, M. A. "Volunteerism, Community Engagement and Philanthropic Work." Addressing the Plight of the Plethora of Disasters: The Emergence of a New Discipline. University of Dhaka, 2021 .
14 Musabber Ali Chisty, Abdul Latif Khan, Kazi Shahidur Rahman, M. Ehsanur Alam, Md. Jahangir Islam, Muhammad Awfa Islam, Murshed Alam Sarker, Netai Dey Sarker, Rahima Sultana Kazal, Sajid Raihan, Rabeya Sultana, Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, Suman Ahsanul Islam "Context of Bangladesh." State of Humanitarian Actions in Bangladesh 2019. Dhaka: NAHAB Publication, 2020 13-18 .
15 Muhammad Awfa Islam, M. Ehsanur Alam, Abdul Latif Khan, Kazi Shahidur Rahman, Musabber Ali Chisty and Netai Dey Sarker "Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks in Bangladesh." State of Humanitarian Actions in Bangladesh - Context of Bangladesh. NAHAB, 2019 .
16 Dilara Zahid "Disaster Management." Industrial Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment. Dhaka, Bangladesh: BKMEA and Ministry of Finance, GoB, 2016 .
17 Mahbuba Nasreen, Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain and Md. Abul Kalam Azad "Climate Change and Livelihood in Bangladesh: Experiences of People Living in the Coastal Regions." Climate Change and Vulnerability: Cases from CIRDAP Member Countries. C. Effendi, V. Rajendran, M. H. Kawsar Dhaka: Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), 2016 1-27 .
Journal Article (137)
1 Taufique Ahmed, Muhammad Azimul Haque, Tanjin Kabir Aunto and Md Khalid Hasan : Prevalence and associated risk factors of anxiety-induced sleep disturbance: Sex-stratified comparison among school-going adolescents in Paraguay, Sleep Medicine (impact factor:3.8) , vol.127 Elsevier , pp.91-99 , 2025 .
2 Md. Khalid Hasan, Maruf Hasan Rumi and Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan : Factors affecting trust in Bangladesh Police among urban male residents: a test on instrumental and expressive model, Frontiers in Sociology (impact factor:2.0) , vol.10 Frontiers , 2025 .
3 Khan, Mohammed M., Dey, Mowsumi R., Mazumder, N., : Prevalence and Factors of Transforming Intimate Relationship in Bangladesh: A Case in Dhaka City, Jagannath University Journal of Social Science , vol.12 , no.1 and 2 Jagannath University , 2024 .
4 Md. Khalid Hasan, Helal Uddin, Tahmina Bintay Younos and Nur A Habiba Mukta : Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among in-school adolescents in three South Asian countries, Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health (impact factor:1.8) Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
5 Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan, Md. Khalid Hasan, Maruf Hasan Rumi, Taufique Ahmed and Tanjin Kabir Aunto : Students’ safety culture at tertiary level academic institutes in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study, Heliyon (impact factor:3.4) , vol.10 , no.22 Cell Press , pp.1-13 , 2024 .
6 Akon, M. S. and Mia, M. J. : Performance of JICA funded cyclone shelter in the coastal areas of Bangladesh: An empirical analysis from Pirojpur district, Progress in Disaster Science , vol.23 Elsevier , 2024 .
7 Md. Tanvir Hasan Sojib, Md. Habibur Rahman, Md. Imamur Rashid Gogon and Md. Khalid Hasan : Does parent-child connectedness influence substance use among Bhutanese adolescents: evidence from a national survey?, BMC Public Health (impact factor:3.5) , vol.24 Springer Nature , pp.1-11 , 2024 .
8 Haque, C. Emdad, Azad, M. Abul Kalam, Zaman, Jobaed Ragib and Choudhury, Mahed : Social learning and collective action in flood-hazard management in Manitoba, Canada, Environmental Hazards Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
9 Md. Khalid Hasan, Saptarshi Beeva, Farzana Hasan, Md Masud Rana Sagor, Zarin Anan Purba, Md. Shaiful Hossain Maruf, Sadia Tut Taiba, Pranto Roy, Mayisha Fahmida, Shaquif Ibrahim Rahman, Nusrat Jahan and Fahad Hossain : Disaster response self-efficacy of nursing students: Perceived level and associated factors, Nurse Education Today (impact factor:3.9) , vol.139 Elsevier , pp.1-8 , 2024 .
10 Md. Khalid Hasan, Muksitul Hoque Srijan, Mahib Mahatasim, Ashna Anjum, Asif Imtiaz Abir, Maroa Binte Masud, Suraiya Tahsin, Saif Akram, M. Shefat Ruhane Shuvo, Juyena Akter, Md. Sabbir Hossain, Raihan Uddin and Md. Shakidul Islam : Factors influencing disaster response self-efficacy among registered nurses in Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science (impact factor:6.3) , vol.23 Elesvier , pp.1-9 , 2024 .
11 Abu Hossain Muhammad Ahsan, Md Khalid Hasan and Maruf Hasan Rumi : Citizens’ trust in Bangladesh Police: A cross-sectional survey on urban population, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (impact factor:1.8) , vol.18 Oxford University Press , pp.1-12 , 2024 .
12 Arezoo Yari, Md. Khalid Hasan, Homa Yousefi Khoshsabegheh, Mohsen Soufi Boubakran and Mohamad Esmaeil Motlagh : Health Consequences Management in a Multi-Hazard Context: A Systematic Review of the Coincidence of Flood and the COVID-19 Pandemic, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (impact factor:2.7) , vol.18 , no.e84 Cambridge University Press , pp.1-12 , 2024 .
13 Md. Khalid Hasan, Ahmed Fahmi, Tasnim Jamal Jisa, Rokibul Huq Rokib, Julia Yasmin Borna, Jannatul Fardusi, Israt Jahan Oishee, Anas, Sheikh Abdullah Al Muid, Sadia Afrin Saki, Shariful Islam, Md. Solayman Uddin and Md. Shihab Mahmud : Predictors of Bangladeshi registered nurses' disaster management knowledge, skills, and preparedness, Progress in Disaster Science (impact factor:6.3) , vol.22 Elsevier , pp.1-14 , 2024 .
14 Abu Reza Md Towfiqul Islam, Abdullah Al Mamun, Md Naimur Rahman, Mst Yeasmin Akter, Musabber Ali Chisty, G.M. Monirul Alam, Javed Mallick and Md Salman Sohel : A cost-benefit analysis of flood early warning system: Evidence from lower Brahmaputra River Basin, Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:5.00) , vol.104 Elsevier , 2024 .
15 Mary Angelica Painter, Sameer H. Shah, Gwendolyn C. Damestoit, Fariha Khalid, Wendy Prudencio, Musabber Ali Chisty, Fernando Tormos‐Aponte and Olga Wilhelmi : A systematic scoping review of the Social Vulnerability Index as applied to natural hazards, Natural Hazards (impact factor:3.7) Springer Nature , pp.1-20 , 2024 .
16 Shamima Prodhan : University Students’ Productive Engagement: A Study from COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh, , pp.129-149 , 2024 .
17 Biswas, R. N., Islam, M. S., Miah, S., Lasker, M. S., Kar, S. R., Rashid, K. J., Rahman, S., Mia, M. J., Kanak, F. A., Chowdhury, S. I. A. and Jahan, M. N. : Effects of rising seas and geomorphological changes in the islands of northern Bay of Bengal, Regional Studies in Marine Science , vol.68 Elsevier , 2023 .
18 Abu-Hena Mostofa Kamal, Tonmoy Sarkar, Khan, M. M. : Factors Affecting Willingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine among Adults: A Cross-sectional Study in Bangladesh., Journal of Health Management , vol.25 , no.3 SAGE Publication , pp.414-423 , 2023 .
19 Mazumder, N., Sultana, A., Khan, Mohammed M. : The transformation of rural power structure and justice (shalish) delivery system: A study of two villages in Bangladesh., Jagannath University Journal of Arts , vol.13 , no.1 Jagannath University , 2023 .
20 Shamima Prodhan and Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen : Health Risks Associated with Sources of Water: An Exploratory Study from Turag-Tongi Riparian Areas, Bangladesh, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Science) , pp.121-138 , 2023 .
21 Md. Khalid Hasan, Sarker Mohammad Nasrullah, Annalisa Quattrocchi, Pedro Arcos González and Rafael Castro-Delgado : Hospital surge capacity preparedness in disasters and emergencies: a systematic review, Public Health (impact factor:5.2) Elesvier , pp.12-21 , 2023 .
22 Tasnim Jerin, Md Arif Chowdhury, M. Abul Kalam Azad, Sabrina Zaman, Swarnali Mahmood, Syed Labib Ul Islam and Hossain Mohammad Jobayer : Extreme weather events (EWEs)-Related health complications in Bangladesh: A gender-based analysis on the 2017 catastrophic floods, Natural Hazards Research ScienceDirect , 2023 .
23 Helal Uddin, Md Khalid Hasan and Rafael Castro-Delgado : Effects of mass casualty incidents on anxiety, depression and PTSD among doctors and nurses: a systematic review protocol, MBJ Open (impact factor:2.9) BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. , pp.1-6 , 2023 .
24 Md. Khalid Hasan, Helal Uddin, Tahmina Bintay Younos, Nur A Habiba Mukta and Dilara Zahid : Prevalence of truancy among school-going adolescents in three South Asian countries: association with potential risk and protective factors, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth (impact factor:4.5) , vol.28 , no.2 , pp.226-241 , 2023 .
25 Tasnim Jerin, M Abul Kalam Azad and Mohammad N Khan : Climate change-triggered vulnerability assessment of the flood-prone communities in Bangladesh: A gender perspective, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , vol.95 ELSEVIER , 2023 .
26 Khan, M. M., M Tauhiduzzaman, M Abdul Malak and Nurunnahar Mazumder : Challenges of the Coastal Communities towards Coping Strategies and Adaptation Options to the Scarcity of Safe Drinking Water, SUST Journal of Social Sciences , vol.34 , no.1 SUST , pp.97-124 , 2023 .
27 Tasneem Chowdhury Fahim and Sabrina Arefn : Climate Change-induced Salinity Intrusion and Livelihood Nexus: A Study in Southwest Satkhira District of Bangladesh, International Journal of Rural Management , vol.20 , no.1 SAGE , pp.106-123 , 2023 .
28 Musabber Ali Chisty, Nesar Ahmed Khan, Syeda Erena Alam Dola, Israt Arif Sumaya and Md. Mostafizur Rahman : Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Toward Flood Volunteerism in Bangladesh: A Gender-Based Analysis with Policy Implications, Global Social Welfare (impact factor:1.4) , vol.10 Springer Nature , pp.225-233 , 2023 .
29 Helel Uddin and Md. Khalid Hasan : Family resilience and neighborhood factors affect the association between digital media use and mental health among children: does sleep mediate the association?, European Journal of Pediatrics (impact factor:3.860) Springer Nature , 2023 .
30 Md MostafizurRahman, Md. Saidul Islam Arif, Ibnul Mahdi, Md. Adil Rafi, Musabber Ali Chisty and Saadmaan Jubayer Khan : Cyclone vulnerability in ethnic minority: A case study among rakhain community of Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.842) , vol.83 , no.December Elsevier , pp.1-12 , 2022 .
31 Md. Khalid Hasan, Sarker Mohammad Nasrullah, Annalisa Quattrocchi, Pedro Arcos González and Rafael Castro Delgado : Hospital Surge Capacity Preparedness in Disasters and Emergencies: Protocol for a Systematic Review, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:4.614) , vol.18 MDPI , pp.1-8 , 2022 .
32 Md Khalid Hasan, Helal Uddin and Tahmina Bintay Younos : Bangladeshi nursing students' perceived preparedness and readiness for disaster management, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.842) , vol.81 Elsevier , pp.1-15 , 2022 .
33 Shamima Prodhan and Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen : Causes and Consequences of River Pollution: An Exploratory Study along Turag River Area, Tongi, Bangladesh, Pollution Research , pp.1163-1176 , 2022 .
34 Hossain Md S., Rahaman A., Sojib Md T.H., Islam M.A., Iftekhar Y.I. and Afroj M. : Has COVID-19 Made the Vulnerable Groups Even More Vulnerable? Exploring the Conditions of Diabetic Patients of Dhaka City Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Medicine & Public Health , vol.3 , no.12 EManuscript Services , pp.131-136 , 2022 .
35 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam, Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Tuly Roy, Md. Rakibul Islam, Md. Alim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman and Edris Alam : Dengue Fever Responses in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Survey, International Journal of Public Health (impact factor:5.1) , vol.67 , no.1604809 Frontiers , pp.1-10 , 2022 .
36 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Irtifa Alam Nabila, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad Abdullahil Galib, Ifta Alam Sobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam, Hussain Almohamad, Motrih Al-Mutiry and Hazem Ghassan Abdo : Status and Individual View toward Lightning among University Students of Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.889) , vol.14 , no.15 MDPI , 2022 .
37 C. Emdad Haque, M. Abul Kalam Azad and Mahed-Ul-Islam Choudhury : Social learning, innovative adaptation and community resilience to disasters: the case of flash floods in Bangladesh, Disaster Prevention and Management Emerald Insight , 2022 .
38 Mazumder, N; Rahman, M; Khan, M. M. (2022). : Poverty by Restrained Access and Right to Livelihood Assets and Capacity among Adivashi People in Chattogram Hill Tracks (CHT) of Bangladesh., , vol.33 , no.1 SUST Journal of Social Sciences , 2022 .
39 Md Rabiul Haque, Mohammad Sharif Ul Islam, Md Khalid Hasan, Md Salim Hossain, Muhammad Asif Hossain Khan and Farhin Islam : Determinants of anxiety and depression among Bangladeshi adults during COVID-19 lockdown: An online survey, Heliyon (impact factor:3.776) , vol.8 , no.5 Cell Press , 2022 .
40 Islam M.A., Chisty M.A., Fuad A., Rahman M.M., Muhtasim M., Alam S.E., Jahin F. and Khan N.E. : Using ARC-D Toolkit for Measuring Community Resilience to Disasters, Sustainability (impact factor:3.251) , vol.14 , no.3 MDPI , 2022 .
41 Monishankar Sarkar and Kishore G. Kulkarni : Pandemic and Global Food Insecurity: Experience from developing countries, International Journal of Management , vol.11 , no.1 International Journal of Management , 2022 .
42 Tasneem Chowdhury Fahim and Bivuti Bhushan Sikder : Exploring farmers’ perception of climate-induced events and adaptation practices to protect crop production and livestock farming in the Haor area of north-eastern Bangladesh, Theoretical and Applied Climatology (impact factor:2.8) , vol.148 , no.1-2 SpringerNature , pp.441-454 , 2022 .
43 M. Abul Kalam Azad, C. Emdad Haque and Mahed-Ul-Islam Choudhury : Social learning-based disaster resilience: collective action in flash flood-prone Sunamganj communities in Bangladesh, Environmental Hazards , 2021 .
44 Md. Khalid Hasan, Tahmina Bintay Younos and Zawad Ibn Farid : Nurses' knowledge, skills and preparedness for disaster management of a Megapolis: Implications for nursing disaster education, Nurse Education Today (impact factor:4.01) , vol.107 Elsevier , pp.105122 , 2021 .
45 Mia, M. J. and Kazi, S. H. : COVID-19 Awareness Messages on the Street Wall: A Thematic Analysis, Man and Culture , vol.6 , no.1 , 2021 .
46 Chisty, M. A., Islam, M.A., Tasnim, A, Rahman, M.M. and Mohima, M. : Risk perception and information-seeking behavior during emergency: An exploratory study on COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.320) , vol.65 Elsevier , 2021 .
47 Khan, M. M. : Role of GOs and NGOs in Empowering and Developing Agency in Women in the Disaster Prone Coastal Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Study., Disaster, Environment and Health, IDMVS, University of Dhaka , 2021 .
48 Farid, Z.I., Farid, S.I., Islam, M.A. and Jerin, T. : Education in Emergency: Exploring the Issues and Options for Continuing Education During Flash Flood in the Haor Regions of Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science , vol.6 , no.1 , 2021 .
49 Zawad Ibn Farid, Sawban Ibn Farid, Muhammad Awfa Islam and Tasnim Jerin : Education in Emergency: Exploring the Issues and Options for Continuing Education During Flash Flood in the Haor Regions of Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science , vol.6 , no.4 , pp.112-120 , 2021 .
50 Zawad Ibn Farid, Isna Haque Sheoti, Muhammad Awfa Islam and Sawban Ibn Farid : Putting the Brakes on Gendered Mishaps During COVID-19 Pandemic: Safeguarding the Health and Rights of Women and Girls in Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science , vol.5 , no.3 , pp.45-52 , 2021 .
51 Musabber Ali Chisty, Syeda Erena Alam Dola, Nesar Ahmed Khan and Md Mostafizur Rahman : Intersectionality, vulnerability and resilience: why it is important to review the diversifications within groups at risk to achieve a resilient community, Continuity & Resilience Review , vol.3 , no.2 Emerald Publishing Limited , pp.119-131 , 2021 .
52 Mia, M. J., Hossain, M. K., Biswas, R. N. and Khan, M. R. U. : Risk Acceptance for Humanitarian Crisis Response: Evidence From Rohingya Influx Into Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management (IJDREM) , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.14-30 , 2021 .
53 Zawad Ibn Farid : Experience and Perception of Urban Community Towards COVID-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences , vol.4 , no.7 , pp.94-102 , 2020 .
54 Hossain, M.S., Islam M.A., Fahad, N., Das, P. and Rahaman, A. : Basic hygiene and sanitation practices among Bangladeshi university students, International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.40-50 , 2020 .
55 Khan, M. M., Dey M. R. & Bhattacharjee, M. : Hybridization of Bengali Culture and Young Generation of Bangladesh: A Sociological Study., , vol.148 The Journal of Social Studies , 2020 .
56 Mazumder, N., Khan, M. M., & Islam, M. J. : . Prevalence and factors of intimate partner violence in Bangladesh: A review of literature., Jagannath University Journal of Social Science. , 2020 .
57 M. Abul Kalam Azad, M. Salim Uddin, Sabrina Zaman and Mirza Ali Ashraf : Community-based Disaster Management and Its Salient Features: A Policy Approach to People-centred Risk Reduction in Bangladesh, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development , 2020 .
58 Azad, M. A. K., Mia, M. J. and Islam, A. K. M. N. : Disaster Economic Loss and Income: An Assessment in Entitlement Perspective, International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management (IJDREM) , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.1-23 , 2020 .
59 Biswas, R. N., Islam, M. N., Mia, M. J. and Islam, M. N. : Modeling on the spatial vulnerability of lightning disaster in Bangladesh using GIS and IDW techniques, Spatial Information Research , vol.28 , pp.507–521 , 2020 .
60 S. J. Khan and S. Prodhan : Government and NGO Provided Water Interventions and Its Effectiveness on Urban Poor: A Study in Gazipur Sadar Area., Springer Nature Switzerland AG , pp.315-330 , 2020 .
61 M. Tasdik Hasan, Gourab Adhikary, Sultan Mahmood, Nowshin Papri, Hasan M. Shihab, Rosco Kasujja, Helal Uddin Ahmed, Abul Kalam Azad and Mahbuba Nasreen : Exploring mental health needs and services among affected population in a cyclone affected area in costal Bangladesh: a qualitative case study, International Journal of Mental Health Systems (impact factor:2.264) , vol.14 , no.12 , pp.1-9 , 2020 .
62 Musabber Ali Chisty and Md. Mizanur Rahman : Coping capacity assessment of urban fire disaster: An exploratory study on ward no: 30 of Old Dhaka area, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.320) , vol.51 , no.C , pp.1-10 , 2020 .
63 Kazi, S. H. and Mia, M. J. : Street Vending during COVID-19: A View from Dhaka City, Journal of Sociology , vol.11 , no.1 Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka , pp.105-122 , 2020 .
64 Rahman, M., & Khan, M. M. : Adaptation mechanisms and challenges to water pollution in Bangladesh: A case of Buriganga River., Jagannath University Journal of Social Science. , 2019 .
66 M. Abul Kalam Azad, C. Emdad Haque and Mahed-Ul-Islam Choudhury : Discourse of Flood Management Approaches and Policies in Bangladesh: Mapping the Changes, Drivers, and Actors, Water (impact factor:2.524) , vol.2 , no.12 , pp.26 - 54 , 2019 .
67 Shamima Prodhan, Bivuti Bhusan Sikder and Mahbuba Nasreen : Impacts and Challenges associated with shrimp cultivation in Parulia Union, Satkhira, Bangladesh: An Empirical Study, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , 2019 .
68 Kamal, M., Umama, U., Roman, S., & Khan, M. M. : Impact of Flood on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: An Empirical Evidence from Northern Bangladesh., , vol.18 , no.5 Global Journal of Medical Research. , 2018 .
69 Biswas, R.N., Mia, M.J. and Islam, M.N. : Hydro-Morphometric Modeling for Flood Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of Old Brahmaputra River Basin in Bangladesh, Engineering Technology Open Access Journal , vol.1 , no.4 , 2018 .
70 Biswas, R.N., Mia, M.J. and Islam, M.N. : Predictive Dynamics of Channel Pattern Changing Trends at Arial Khan River (1977-2018), Bangladesh, Current Research in Geoscience , vol.7 , pp.1-13 , 2018 .
71 Shamima Prodhan, Bivuti Bhushan Sikder and Mahbuba Nasreen : Adaptation Strategies Undertaken by the Community to Reduce Impacts of Shrimp Cultivation on Agriculture: A Study at Parulia Union, Satkhira (Bangladesh), Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution , vol.14 , no.4 , pp.21–30 , 2017 .
72 Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Mahbuba Nasreen and Dilara Zahid : Global and National Polices on Food Security.” A review of post-2015 policies, Social Science Review, the Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.34 , no.2 , pp.1-19 , 2017 .
73 Shamima Prodhan, Bivuti Bhusan Sikder and Mahbuba Nasreen : Adaptation Strategies Undertaken by the Community to Reduce Impacts of Shrimp Cultivation on Agriculture: A Study at Parulia Union, Satkhira (Bangladesh)., Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, , 2017 .
74 Mahbuba Nasreen : Global National Policies on Food Security: a Review of Post-2015 Policies, Social Science Review , vol.2 , 2017 .
75 Monishankar Sarkar :  Addressing Environmental Impacts and Health Vulnerabilities Caused by Industrial By-product, Social Science Review: The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Part D, Volume 34, Number 1, June 2017 , 2017 .
76 Monishankar Sarkar :  Climate Change and Gender Issues, The Arts Faculty Journal , pp.Volume 8, Number 12 , 2017 .
77 Monishankar Sarkar :  Disaster and Vulnerabilities in Coastal Bangladesh: A Study, Coastal and Marine Environment of Bangladesh , vol.December 2016. ISBN 978-984-92384-7-8 , 2016 .
78 Mahbuba Nasreen : ‘Understanding social acceptability of arsenic-safe technologies in rural Bangladesh: a user-oriented analysis’, Water Policy 18 , pp.318-334 , 2016 .
79 Mazumder, N and Khan, M. M. : Understanding Community Policing as an Innovative and Alternative Platform of Traditional Policing for Safer Society., , vol.4 , no.2 Jagannath University Journal of Arts , 2015 .
80 Azad, Md. Abul Kalam and Khan, M.M. : Post Disaster Social Pathology in Bangladesh. A Case Study on Aila Affected Areas., , vol.3 , no.2 Journal of Sociology and Anthropology , 2015 .
81 Dilara Zahid : Exploring the pauperization process of Monga community of northern Bangladesh : historical study and trend analysis, The National University Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies (NUJHSB) , 2015 .
82 Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Anatomy of Corruption in Bangladesh: Causes, Impacts, and Possible Suggestions, Global & Local Economic Review , vol.19 , no.1 , pp.79-99 , 2015 .
83 Shamima Prodhan and Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen : Impact of shrimp cultivation on agriculture: A study in Parulia union of Satkhira district, International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR), , 2015 .
84 Dilruba Khanam and Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Remembering the History of Bengal Famine and its Consequences: An Overview of Ashani Sanket, Social Science Review , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.257-268 , 2015 .
85 A. M. Ashraf and Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Gender Issues in Disaster: Understanding the Relationships of Vulnerability, Preparedness and Capacity, Environment and Ecology Research , vol.3 , no.5 , pp.136-142 , 2015 .
86 Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Monriruzzaman Khan : Post Aila Situations as Social Pathology, Journal of Sociology and Anthropology , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.85-94 , 2015 .
87 Khan M. M. : Consumption as Means of Communication in Urban Bangladesh: The Case of Dhaka City., , vol.2 , no.1 Jagannath University Journal of Social Science , 2014 .
88 Khan, M.M. and Mostafa Kamal, Abu Hena : Disaster and vulnerability of women in coastal Bangladesh. Jagannath University Journal of Social Science., , vol.2 , no.2 Jagannath University Journal of Social Science. , 2014 .
89 Mir Hasan Shakil Mahmud, Shakil Mahmud and Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Challenges for people with disabilities during disasters in Bangladesh: an exploratory study in Gaibandha district, Journal World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin , vol.69 , no.1 , pp.53-60 , 2014 .
90 Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan and Md. Abul Kalam Azad : The Nexus between Local Politics and Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: Unveiling the Development Myth, Global Journal of Sociology , vol.4 , no.2 , pp.29-40 , 2014 .
91 Monishankar Sarkar :  Globalization and Women in the LDCs, Jagannath University Journal of Social Science (JUSS) , vol.Volume 2, Number 1-2, January 2014. ISSN 2311-3626 , 2014 .
92 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Mahbuba Nasreen and Abul Kalam Azad : ‘Flood induced Vulnerabilities and Problems Encountered by Women in Northern Bangladesh’,, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, Springer, China , 2014 .
93 Khan, M.M. and Azad, Md. Abul Kalam : Struggle against Salinity Intrusion: Exploring the Alternative Coping Mechanism of Coastal Community in Bangladesh., , vol.138 , no.138 The Journal of Social Studies , 2013 .
94 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Mahbuba Nasreen and Abul Kalam Azad : Flood-Induced Vulnerabilities and Problems Encountered by Women in Northern Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science , vol.4 , pp.191-193 , 2013 .
95 Md. Abul Kalam Azad, Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain and Mahbuba Nasreen : Flood-induced vulnerabilities and problems encountered by women in northern Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science , vol.4 , no.4 , pp.190-199 , 2013 .
96 Mohammed Moniruzzaman Khan and Md. Abul Kalam Azad : Struggle against Salinity Intrusion: Exploring the Alternative Coping Mechanism of Coastal Community in Bangladesh, Journal of Social Studies , vol.April-June, 2013 , pp.29-42 , 2013 .
97 Khan, M.M. and Azad, Md. Abul Kalam : The Nexus between Local Politics and Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: Unveiling the Development Myth., , vol.24 , no.1 The Journal of Social Development , 2012 .
98 Khan, M.M. and Zaman Md Rafiuz : Globalization and Information Explosion: Opportunity for Resistance., , vol.135 , no.135 The Journal of Social Studies , 2012 .
99 Dilara Zahid : Socio Economic Deprivation Raises Garment Worker Movement: A Sociological Survey and Analyses., American Journal of Sociological Research 2012, 2(4): 82-89 DOI: 10.5923/j.sociology.20120204.05 , 2012 .
100 Shamima Prodhan, Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Afzal Hossain and Md. Samsul Islam : Study of reconstitution properties of dried spotted Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus guttatus., International Journal of Bioscience , 2011 .
101 Uddin, Jamal, A. K. M. Khan, M. M. and Kundu, D : Globalization and Resistance: An anti-capitalist manifesto, , vol.IV , no.3 Society and Change , 2010 .
102 Kundu, D and Khan, M. M. : Rethinking Globalization and Cultural Imperialism: Developing World Perspective., , vol.128 The Journal of Social Studies , 2010 .
103 Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Zeenat Huda Wahid : Role of Civil Society in Combating Corruption in Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.27 , no.2 , pp.1-12 , 2010 .
104 Shamima Prodhan, Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Samsul Islam and Md. Afzal Hossain : Effects of Radiation (1 kGy) and Heat Treatment (50 °C) on the Quality Assessment of Dried Spotted Spanish Mackerel, Scomberomorus guttatus, Journal of Nuclear Science and Applications , 2010 .
105 Shamima Prodhan, M. Kamrujjaman, M. A. Hossain amd M. S. Islam : A comparative study of effects of radiation (1 kGy) and heat treatment (50 ْC) on the Bio-chemical and mineral contents of dried spotted Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus guttatus (BLOCH & SCHNEIDER, 1801), Bangladesh J. Zool. Society , 2010 .
106 Shamima Prodhan, M. Kamrujjaman and M. R. Nabi : Summer population diversity of benthos in relation to some physico-chemical parameters of soil in an intensive fish culture pond within the Jahangirnagar University campus, Bangladesh J. Life Sci , 2008 .
107 Mahbuba Nasreen : The Sociology of Monga: Some Illustration from Northern Bangladesh’,, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part D), , vol.25 (2) , 2008 .
108 Dilara Zahid : Impact of Cultural Globalization on the Upper class Youth in Dhaka city; A Sample Study, Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology; Volume 4. Number 2. July , 2007 .
109 Monishankar Sarkar, et. al. :  Air Pollution and City Dwellers: A Study on Different Occupational Groups in Dhaka City, South Asian Journal of Agriculture , vol.Volume 1, Number 1, June 2006. ISSN: 1991-0037 , 2006 .
110 Monishankar Sarkar et. al., :  Air Pollution in Dhaka City and the Policy Responses: A Review, Khulna University Studies , vol.Volume 7, Number 1, June 2006, ISSN 1563-0897 , 2006 .
111 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain : The Contribution of Homestead Forests to the Rural Bangladeshi People during Disaster: A Sociological Study., Disaster: Issues and Gender Perspectives , 2000 .
112 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain : ‘The Political Economy of Forestry and Rural Development in Bangladesh’, The Journal of Dhaka University Studies , vol.53 & 54 , pp.95-114 , 1997 .
113 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain : Sociological Approaches to Development and Underdevelopment in Third world Countries, The Journal of Theoretical Perspectives , vol.3 , pp.151-168 , 1996 .
114 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain : Maori Culture: Past and Present, PRANTIK, a Journal of Bengali Association , vol.5 , 1994 .
115 Musabber Ali Chisty, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Nesar Ahmed Khan and Syeda Erena Alam Dola : Assessing Community Disaster Resilience in Flood-Prone Areas of Bangladesh: From a Gender Lens, Water (impact factor:3.103) , vol.14 , no.1 MDPI , pp.1-15 , 2022 .
116 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Toly Roy, Musabber Ali Chisty, Md Rakibul Islam, Md. Alim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, Farzana Rahman, Edris Alam and Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam : Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Dengue Fever among University Students of Dhaka city, Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:3.390) , vol.19 , no.7 MDPI , 2022 .
117 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Irtifa Alam Nabila, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad Abdullahil Galib, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, Edris Alam and Abu Reza Md Towfiqul Islam : Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards Lightning in Bangladesh, Sustainability (impact factor:3.251) , vol.14 , no.1 MDPI , pp.1-19 , 2022 .
118 Musabber Ali Chisty, Nawshin Afrose and Mourupa Mohima : Social Media in Disaster Response: COVID-19 and Bangladesh Perspectives, Journal of Emergency Management (impact factor:0.59) , vol.19 , no.7 Prime National Pub. Corp , 2021 .
119 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Musabber Ali Chisty, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Md. Ashraful Alam, Md. Abdul Halim and Farzana Rahman : Status and Perception towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Cross-sectional Online Survey among Adult Population of Bangladesh, Health Science Reports (impact factor:1.56) , vol.4 , no.4 John Wiley & Sons Inc. , pp.1-10 , 2021 .
120 Md. Arif Chowdhury, Md. Khalid Hasan and Syed Labib Ul Islam : Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Current Practices, Challenges and Way Forward, The Journal of Climate Change and Health Elsevier , 2021 .
121 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Farah Tasnim, Masrur Abdul Quader, Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Rawnok Tabassum, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, Edris Alam and Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul Islam : Perceived Noise Pollution and Self-reported Health Status among Adult Population of Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (impact factor:3.390) , vol.19 , no.4 MDPI , pp.1-11 , 2022 .
122 Biswas, R. N., Islam, M. N., Islam, M. N., Mia, M. J., Shaunak, M. F., Rahman, M. M. and Islam, M. Y. : Impacts of morphological change on coastal landscape dynamics in Monpura Island in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, Regional Studies in Marine Science , 2022 .
123 Musabber Ali Chisty, Maliha Muhtasim, Fariha Jahin Biva, Syeda Erena Alam Dola and Nesar Ahmed Khan : Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and disaster management policies in Bangladesh: How far we have come to make communities resilient?, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.320) , vol.76 Elsevier , 2022 .
124 Dilara Zahid : Global and National Policies on Food Security: A review, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , Volume 34, number 2, December 2017 .
125 Dilara Zahid : Vulnerabilities in Food Consumption Pattern in Northern Bangladesh : A Sociological Study from Gender lens, Social Science Review, University of Dhaka , Volume 33, Number 1, June 2016 .
126 Muhammad Awfa Islam, Musabber Ali Chisty, Abdullah Fuad, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Maliha Muhtasim, Syeda Erena Alam Dola, Fariha Jahin Biva and Nesar Ahmed Khan : Using ARC-D Toolkit for Measuring Community Resilience to Disasters, Sustainability (impact factor:3.251) , vol.14 , no.3 MDPI , 2022 .
127 Md. Khalid Hasan, Abrar Shahriar and Kudrat Ullah Jim : Water pollution in Bangladesh and its impact on public health, Heliyon (impact factor:CiteScore 2.1) , vol.5 , no.8 Cell Press, Elsevier , 2019 .
128 Md. Arif Chowdhury, Md. Khalid Hasan, Md. Robiul Hasan and Tahmina Bintay Younos : Climate change impacts and adaptations on health of Internally Displaced People (IDP): An exploratory study on coastal areas of Bangladesh, Heliyon (impact factor:CiteScore 2.1) , vol.6 , no.9 Cell Press, Elsevier , 2020 .
129 Md. Khalid Hasan and Tahmina Bintay Younos : Safety culture among Bangladeshi university students: A cross-sectional survey, Safety Science (impact factor:4.877) , vol.131 Elsevier , 2020 .
130 Md. Khalid Hasan, Abrar Shahriar, Nazmul Hossain, Ibrahim Khulilullah Shovon, Anwar Hossain, Yeasmin Nahar Jolly and Bilkis Ara Begum : Trace Metals Contamination in Riverine Captured Fish and Prawn of Bangladesh and Associated Health Risk, Exposure and Health (impact factor:11.422) , vol.9 Springer , pp.237–251 , 2021 .
131 Tahmina Bintay Younos, Md Khalid Hasan and Mahbuba Nasreen : Are nurses ready? Bangladeshi nurses' perceived preparedness for disasters: A mixed-methods approach, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.320) , vol.58 Elsevier , 2021 .
132 Musabber Ali Chisty, Ashrafuzzaman Nazim, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Syeda Erena Alam Dola and Nesar Ahmed Khan : Disability inclusiveness of early warning system: a study on flood-prone areas of Bangladesh, Disaster Prevention and Management (impact factor:1.98) Emerald Publishing Limited , 2021 .
133 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Musabber Ali Chisty, Md. Ashraful Alam, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Md. Abdul Halim and Farzana Rahman : Knowledge, attitude, and hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccine among university students of Bangladesh, Plos One (impact factor:3.58) , vol.17 , no.6 Plos , 2022 .
134 Musabber Ali Chisty, Muhammad Awfa Islam, Ashfia Tasnim Munia, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Nadia Nahrin Rahman and Mourupa Mohima : Risk perception and information-seeking behavior during emergency: An exploratory study on COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (impact factor:4.320) , vol.65 , no.November Elsevier , 2021 .
135 Md. Khalid Hasan, Masuma Moriom, Shariaj Ibna Mizan Shuprio, Tahmina Bintay Younos and Md. Arif Chowdhury : Exploring disaster preparedness of students at university in Bangladesh, Natural Hazards (impact factor:3.102) Springer , 2021 .
136 Md. Khalid Hasan, Tahmina Bintay Younos and Zawad Ibn Farid : Nurses' knowledge, skills and preparedness for disaster management of a Megapolis: Implications for nursing disaster education, Nurse Education Today (impact factor:3.442) , vol.107 ELESVIER , 2021 .
137 Kazi, S. H. and Mia, M. J. : Livelihood of the Maidservants in Dhaka City during COVID-19, Journal of Sociology , vol.12 , no.1 Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka , pp.47-62 , 2021 .
Conference Proceedings (4)
1 Tarak Aziz, Zawad Ibn Farid and Shaikh Sadiqur Rahman "Disaster Insurance: A New Horizon of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh." International Conference on Climate Finance (ICCF) 2018 , pp. 32-38. 2019 .
2 Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain "The Possible Impacts of Climate Change on the People of Coastal Belt in Bangladesh: An Assessment." Conference on Climate Change and Bangladesh Development Strategy: Domestic Tasks and International Cooperation 2009 .
3 Moriom, M. and Mia, M. J. "Risk Related to Septic Tank Accidents During Cleaning in Bangladesh: Analysis of Causalities and Health Risk." International Symposium on Environment, Disaster and Health Dhaka: Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka, 2019 .
4 Islam, M. T. and Mia, M. J. "Post-earthquake Mass Casualty Management in Bangladesh: an assessment of existing health service provider’s emergency preparedness." 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion BMJ, 2018 .