The University of Tokyo, Japan and the Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh are jointly organizing the “2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, 2023” to address the pressing healthcare challenges in Asia and climate change issues, ensure sustainable built environment, urban safety, disaster mitigation and green recovery by sharing innovative solutions and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to improve global healthcare outcomes.
The event will be chaired by Professor Dr. ASM Maksud Kamal, Vice-Chancellor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Professor Wataru Takeuchi, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Conference Schedule: 06 to 08 December, 2023
Conference Venue: University of Dhaka
Website Link:
Research Theme:
1. International Public Health Research in Asia
2. Urban Safety and Disaster Mitigation
3. Infrastructure Management and Sustainable Built Environment
4. Climate Change and Green Recovery
Organizer: Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and The University of Tokyo, Japan