Research & Publication (Institute of Social Welfare and Research)
Book (31)
1 M. Rezaul Islam Social Science Philosophy for Social Research. London & New York: Peter Lang, 2025 .
2 M. Rezaul Islam, Adi Fahrudin and M. Kana Social work in Asia: Education, practice, service and research. New York: Springer, 2025 .
3 M. Rezaul Islam Community Development and Organization: A Practical Guide. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, 2025 .
4 M. Rezaul Islam Mastering Data Collection Tools and Instruments: A Simplified Guide. New York & London: Peter Lang, 2024 .
5 O. F. V. Feigenblatt and M. Rezaul Islam Ethics in Social Science Research: Current Insights and Practical Strategies. Singapore: Springer, 2024 .
6 S. M. Sajid, Rakendra Baikady, M Rezaul Islam and J. Przeperski The Oxford Handbook of the Power, Politics and Social Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024 .
7 M. Rezaul Islam Writing a Winning Research Proposal: Your Path to Success. Lausanne, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2024 .
8 M. Rezaul Islam Understanding Children’s Perspectives in Social Research. London: Wiley, 2024 .
9 M Rezaul Islam Family Planning and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Empowering Marginalized Communities in Asian Contexts. London: Emerald Group Publishing, 2024 .
10 Ifzal Ahmad and M. Rezaul Islam Building Strong Communities: Ethical Approaches to Inclusive Development. London: Emerald Group Publishing, 2024 .
11 M. Rezaul Islam Fieldwork in Social Work: A Practical Guide. New York: Springer, 2024 .
12 Patsy Kraeger, M. Rezaul Islam and Phillips Rhonda Social (In)Equality, Community Well-being and Quality of Life. Cheltenham and Camberley, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 .
13 M Rezaul Islam Disaster, displacement, and resilience livelihoods: Perspectives from South Asia. London: Emerald Group Publishing, 2023 .
14 M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan and Rajendra Baikady Principles of Social Research Methodology. Singapore: Springer, 2022 .
15 Rajendra Baikady, Varosh Nadesan, J. Przeperski, M Rezaul Islam, S. M. Sajid and G. Jianguo The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 .
16 Rajendra Baikady, Sajid S. M, Varoshini Nadesan and M Rezaul Islam The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in the Global South. London: Routledge, 2022 .
17 Kazi Abusaleh, M Rezaul Islam and Md Nurul Islam Globalization and change of urban culture in Dhaka City. London: Taylor & Francis, Routledge, 2022 .
18 Rajendra Baikady,, S M sajid, V Nadesan and M Rezaul Islam The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in Social Work. London: Routledge, 2022 .
19 M Rezaul Islam, Santosh Kumar Behera and Lamhot Naibaho Handbook of Research on Asian Perspectives of the Educational Impact of COVID-19. Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global, 2022 .
20 Rajendra Baikady, J. Gal, S, M. Sajid, J. Przeperski, Varosh Nadsean, M. Rezaul Islam and G. Jianguo The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 .
21 M Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Abd Wahab and Mashitah Hamidi Field Guide for Research in Community Settings: Tools, Methods, Challenges and Strategies. Cheltenham and Camberley, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021 .
22 M Rezaul Islam Social Research Methodology and New Techniques in Analysis, Interpretation and Writing. USA: IGI Global, 2019 .
23 M. Rezaul Islam NGOs, Social Capital and Community Empowerment in Bangladesh. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 .
24 M. Rezaul Islam and Cathleen Jo Faruque Qualitative research: Tools and techniques. USA: Farwood Publisher, 2016 .
25 Md. Rabiul Islam A Study on Old Age Problem in Changing Families: A Case of Rural Bangladesh. German: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015 .
26 Sk. Tauhidul Islam Livelihood of Owner (Arotdar) and Hilsa Fisherman in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2014-07-22 ), 2014 .
27 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam Project: Designing and Management (In Bangla). Dhaka: Eti Prokashan., 2013 .
28 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana Project: Designing and Management (In Bangla). Dhaka: Eti Prokashan, 2013 .
29 M Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan Survival Pattern and Human Rights Situation of Elderly People: A Case of Rural Bangladesh. Germany: Scholar's Press, 2013 .
30 A S M Atiqur Rahman Methods of Social Research. Dhaka: New Age Publication, 2005 .
31 A S M Atiqur Rahman Statistics in Social Research: Methods and Practice. Dhaka: Professor’s Publishers, 2005 .
Book Section (45)
1 M Rezaul Islam "Research Ethics in Social Science: An Overview." Ethics in Social Science Research: Current Insights and Practical Strategies.. O. F. V. Feigenblatt and M Rezaul Islam Springer, 2024 .
2 M Rezaul Islam and Kazi Abusaleh "Research Ethics in Social Work." Ethics in Social Science Research: Current Insights and Practical Strategies. O. F. V. Feigenblatt and M. Rezaul Islam Springer, 2024 .
3 M Rezaul Islam "Ethics in Social Science Research: Challenges and Future Directions." Ethics in Social Science Research: Current Insights and Practical Strategies. O. F. V. Feigenblatt and M. Rezaul Islam Springer, 2024 .
4 Golam Rabbani and Md. Roni Mridha "Analysis on Socio-cultural Problems and Consequences of Pottery Industry on the Verge of Extinction in Bangladesh." Dynamic Roles of Libraries in Digital Era: Learning, Services and Artificial Intelligence. Mamta Rani and Others JNU, India: ASSOCIATED PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2024 13-40 .
5 Patsy Kraeger, M. Rezaul Islam and Rhonda Phillips "Introduction and overview of social (in)equality, community well-being and quality of life." Social (In)equality, Community Well-being and Quality of Life. Patsy Kraeger, M. Rezaul Islam, & Rhonda Phillips UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 2-10 .
6 M. Rezaul Islam "Social Inequality and Sustainable Development Goals: Rural-Urban Disparity in Bangladesh." Social (In)Equality, Community Well-being and Quality of Life. Patsy Krager, M. Rezaul Islam & Rhonda Phillips London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 .
7 Abu Elias Sarker and M. Rezaul Islam "An Analysis of Digital Transformation in Public Organizations:The Case of the United Arab Emirates.." Open Government and Freedom of Information Policy and Practice in Asia and the Middle East.. Habib Zafarullah & Noore Alam Siddiquee Palgrave Macmillan & Springer, 2023 .
8 M. Rezaul Islam "Economic inequality in Bangladesh: Disparity between urban and rural areas." The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Rajendra Baikady, S.M Sajid, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Varoshini Nadesan, M. Rezaul Islam, & Jianguo Gao Palgrave Macmillan, 2023 .
9 M. Rezaul Islam and W. L. Filho "An Assessment of Population Displacement and Resilience Livelihood Options among River Erosion-Affected People in Bangladesh." Disaster, displacement and resilience livelihoods: Perspectives from Asia. M. Rezaul Islam London: Emeralds Publishing, 2023 99-119 .
10 M. Rezaul Islam "Community resilience initiatives among the river erosion affected people in Bangladesh." Disaster, displacement and resilience livelihoods: Perspectives from Asia. M. Rezaul Islam London: Emeralds Publishing, 2023 121-141 .
11 M. Rezaul Islam "Conclusions: Disaster, Displacement and Resilient Livelihoods in South Asia." Disaster, displacement and resilience livelihoods: Perspectives from Asia. M. Rezaul Islam London: Emeralds Publishing, 2023 193-197 .
12 M. Rezaul Islam "Introduction: Disaster, Displacement and Resilient Livelihoods in South Asia." Disaster, displacement and resilience livelihoods: Perspectives from Asia. M. Rezaul Islam London: Emeralds Publishing, 2023 1-15 .
13 Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid and M. Rezaul Islam "Conclusion: Technological Advancement and Changing Landscape of Social Work Practice–Challenges Ahead of Next-generation Practitioners." The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in Social Work. Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid, & M. Rezaul Islam Routledge, 2022 564-568 .
14 Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid and M. Rezaul Islam "Introduction: New Directions to Field Work Education in Social Work: A Global South Perspective.." The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Field Education in the Global South. Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid, & M. Rezaul Islam Routledge, 2022 1-10 .
15 Ashek Mahmud and M. Rezaul Islam "Smartphone in Social Capital to Youths: Changes Lives and Life Styles." The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Rajendra Baikady, V. Nadesan, J. Przeperski, M. Rezaul Islam, S. M. Sajid & G. Jianguo Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2022 .
16 M. Rezaul Islam "Inquiry: A Fundamental Concept for Scientific Investigation." Principles of Social Research Methodology. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, & Rajendra Baikady Singapore: Springer, 2022 3-14 .
17 M. Rezaul Islam "Participatory Research." Principles of Social Research Methodology. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, & Rajendra Baikady Singapore: Springer, 2022 291-311 .
18 M. Rezaul Islam "Preparation and Development of Data Collection Instruments for Social Research." Principles of Social Research Methodology. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan & Rajendra Baikady Singapore: Springer, 2022 449-461 .
19 Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid and M. Rezaul Islam "Introduction: Signature Pedagogy–A Practice Laboratory of Social Work Education.." The Routledge Handbook of Field Work Education in Social Work. Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan, S.M. Sajid, & M. Rezaul Islam Routledge, 2022 1-10 .
20 Md. Rabiul Islam and Syed Tanveer Rahman "Experimental Method in Social Research." Research Methodology in Social Sciences. Netherlands: Springer, 2022 .
21 Golam Azam "In-depth Case Interview. In Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed and Rajendra Baikady (Eds.) Principles of Social Research Methodology." 2022 .
22 Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Abraham Kuot and M. Rezaul Islam "Towards family-focused geriatric care for rural older adults in low and lower-middle-income countries: An overview on major constructs, dimensions and factors." The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Rajendra Baikady, S.M Sajid, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Varoshini Nadesan, M. Rezaul Islam, & Jianguo Gao Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021 .
23 M Rezaul Islam "Drivers of vulnerability and its socio-economic consequences: An example of river erosion affected people in Bangladesh." Vulnerability and resilience in the global south: Human adaptations for sustainable futures.. G. M. Monirul Alam, Michael O. Erdiaw-Kwasie, Gustavo J Nagy, and Walter Leal Filho Netherlands: Springer, 2021 297-326 .
24 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Tafhimul Islam "Changing Socio-Economic Trends in Rural Community : A Bangladesh Case Study." “COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CASE STUDIES IN ASIA: A Collection of Contemporary Cases from Social Work Perspective”. Dr. Shashidhar Channappa and Dr. Nagaraj Naik M Karnataka, India: Suvvi Publications, 2021 71-91 .
25 M Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Abd Wahab and Mashitah Hamidi "Introduction to the Field guide for research in community settings: tools, methods, challenges and strategies." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 1-10 .
26 Ashek Mahmud, M. Rezaul Islam and Hamedi M. Adnan "Data collection on ‘smartphone addiction and social capital effects’ among the university students of Bangladesh: challenges and strategies for the way out." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 110-122 .
27 Shofiqur Rahman Chowdhury, M. Rezaul Islam and Haris Abd Wahab "Gaining access to research participants for data collection in doctoral studies: evidence from a rural area of Bangladesh." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 85-100 .
28 Taj Sultana, Firuza Begham Binti Mustafa, Jillian Ooi Lean Sim and M Rezaul Islam "Research with coastal people in Bangladesh: challenges and way forward." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 167-177 .
29 Munira Jahan Sumi, M. Rezaul Islam and Ramy Bulan "Data collection from the Santal community: a journey towards an unknown world in ascertaining the nexus between reality and dream." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 178-183 .
30 Bushra Zaman, M Rezaul Islam and Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain "Fieldwork experience: challenges and managing risks as a female researcher." Hardback Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 201-210 .
31 Tahmina Islam, M. Rezaul Islam and Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah "Data collection on acid attack survivor women: a PhD researcher’s experience from Bangladesh." Field Guide for Research in Community Settings. M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Siti Hajar Binti Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Bin Abd Wahab & Mashitah Hamidi Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2021 211-220 .
32 M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Adi Fahrudin and Md. Rabiul Islam "Poverty and Social Inequality: Bangladesh Experience." Building Sustainable Communities. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan: Springer, 2020 425-451 .
33 M Rezaul Islam "Alternative care of children in Bangladesh: Challenges and Interventions." The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education. Sajid, S.M., Baikady, R., Sheng Li, C., Sakaguchi, H. Singapore: Palgrave Macmilan, 2020 1001-1019 .
34 M. Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Adi Fahrudin, Md. Rabiul Islam and A. K. M. Monirul Islam "Poverty and Social Inequality: Bangladesh Experience." Building Sustainable Communities Civil Society Response in South Asia. Md. Nurul MomenRajendra BaikadyCheng Sheng LiM. Basavaraj Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020 425-451 .
35 M. Rezaul Islam "Methods and framework of participatory action research for community development in Bangladesh." Research Handbook on Community Development. R. Phillips, E. Revan & P. Kraeger (Eds.). London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020 224-243 .
36 Edris Alam, Salim Momtaz, Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Sultana Nasrin Baby "Climate Change Impacts on the Coastal Zones of Bangladesh: Perspectives on Tropical Cyclones, Sea Level Rise, and Social Vulnerability." Bangladesh 1: Climate Change Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries. Md. Nazrul Islam André van Amstel Switzerland: Springer, 2019 145-166 .
37 M Rezaul Islam "Indigenous knowledge and Globalization in Bangladesh: NGOs' Capacity for Social Capital and Community Development." Social Research Methodology and New Techniques in Analysis, Interpretation, and Writing. M Rezaul Islam USA: IGI Global, 2019 49-74 .
38 M. Rezaul Islam, Haris Abd. Wahab, C. F. Burmester and Shofiqur Rahman Chowdhury "Cultural Globalization: A critical analysis of Identity Crises in the developing economies." Globalization and Development: Economic and Socio-Cultural Perspectives from Emerging Markets. Nezameddin Faghih Switzerland: Springer, 2019 369-385 .
39 M. Rezaul Islam "Designing PhD research proposal in qualitative research." Social Research Methodology and New Techniques in Analysis. M. Rezaul Islam USA: IGI Global, 2019 23-35 .
40 Md Golam Azam "In-depth Interview: A Method of Qualitative Data Collection (Book Chapter,." Published by Springer, Singapore, 2018 .
41 M. Rezaul Islam "Child abuse among the child domestic workers in Bangladesh." Global Ideologies Surrounding Children's Rights and Social Justice. Icarbord Tshabangu United Kingdom: IGI Global, 2017 1-21 .
42 M. Rezaul Islam and Cathleen Faruque "Features of qualitative research." Qualitative research: Tools and techniques. M. Rezaul Islam & Cathleen Faruque USA: Farwood Publisher, 2016 .
43 M. Rezaul Islam "How to write a paper for a scientific Journal?." Qualitative research: Tools and techniques. M. Rezaul Islam & Cathleen Jo Faruque USA: Farwood Publisher, 2016 .
44 A S M Atiqur Rahman "AIBS Report for Bangladeshi Visiting Scholar Program." Winona State University, Minnesota, USA: 2006 .
45 A S M Atiqur Rahman "My Final Report of the International Scholar–In--Residence." Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
Journal Article (371)
1 Kamrun Nahar : Women’s Lived Experience of Flood and Coping Strategies: A Study in Bangladesh, Open Journal of Social Sciences , vol.13 , no.3 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. , pp.434-453 , 2025 .
2 Md Mohsin Reza, M Rezaul Islam and Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam : Navigating social landscapes: Exploring the social well-being of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (impact factor:1.4) Sage , 2025 .
3 Anuradha Bardhan : Changing Role of Women on Elderly Care: An Analysis from Gender Theory Perspective, International Journal of Social Work , vol.12 , no.1 Macrothink Institute , pp.20-39 , 2025 .
4 Md. Roni Mridha : Challenges and Prospects of Young Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Bangladesh: A Study on Socio-Cultural Perspective, Contemporary Research Analysis Journal-Netherlands , vol.2 , no.01 , pp.21-32 , 2025 .
5 Md. Roni Mridha : Intervention and Impact of Social Casework in a Public Medical Setting in Bangladesh, Contemporary Research Analysis Journal , vol.01 , no.06 , pp.202-208 , 2024 .
6 Md. Roni Mridha : SOCIAL MEDIA IN PROMOTING SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (SMEs): MOTIVATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN BANGLADESH, Contemporary Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship Research (CJB , vol.08 , no.06 , pp.1-12 , 2024 .
7 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : The Livelihood Challenges of the River Fishermen in Bangladesh: A Systematic Review and Recommendations for the Policy and Practice, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review (IJSSRR) , vol.7 , no.3 International Journal of Social Science Research and Review (IJSSRR) , 2024 .
8 Md. Robiul Islam, Abdur Rahman and M Rezaul Islam : Public Perceptions of Electronic Health Services in Bangladesh During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social and Health Sciences Unisa Press , pp.1-17 , 2024 .
9 M. Rezaul Islam : Unplugging the threat: how internet addiction among adolescents undermines learning behavior, SN Social Sciences , vol.4 , no.161 Springer , 2024 .
10 M. Golam Azam and M. A. Mazid : Welfare Service Provisions in Muslim and Christian Religious Institutions in Bangladesh: A qualitative study, The International Journal of Natural and Social Sciences , vol.11 , no.2 , 2024 .
11 Md. Roni Mridha, Shahariar Mohammad Shadhin and Sadia Sultana Sara : Examining the Prevalence and Impacts of Online Addiction among Youth due to Digital Dependency: A Study in Dhaka Metropolitan City, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, Germany , vol.07 , no.08 Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future,Falkstraße 69,47058 Duisburg, Germany , pp.83-95 , 2024 .
12 Md. Roni Mridha, S M Ashrafuzzaman and Sadia Sultana Sara : Uncovering the Prevalence and Consequences of Cyberbullying Among Female Students as Virtual Violence in Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, Germany. , vol.07 , no.07 Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future, Duisburg, Germany , pp.46-57 , 2024 .
13 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : Health Equity in Bangladesh: A Comparative Review and Recommendations for Policy and Practice, The Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science , vol.6 , no.1 , 2024 .
14 M. Rezaul Islam : Unlocking the potential of rural informal entrepreneurship for poverty reduction in Bangladesh: A sustainable livelihoods perspective, Local Development & Society Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
15 Dr Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Md. Mainul Islam : Challenges and Prospects of Labour-Management Relations in the Export Oriented Ready-Made Garments (RMG) Industry: A Study in Bangladesh, The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (IJRISS) , vol.08 , no.06 , pp.01-11 , 2024 .
16 Dr. Anuradha Bardhan : Implication of Family Caregiving Theories on the Elderly People: A Study in Dhaka City, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews , vol.Vol-5 , no.Issue-6 , pp.3563-3573 , 2024 .
17 Md. Roni Mridha : An investigation on Harassment in Public Transportation of Working Women in Dhaka City, PSC Journal , vol.11 , no.1 Police Staff College, Bangladesh, Dhaka , pp.1-17 , 2024 .
18 Taj Sultana, M. Rezaul Islam, Firuza Begham Mustafa and Jillian Ooi Lean Sim : Exploring tidal inundation: temporal trends analysis and community perceptions in Chattogram City coastal area, Bangladesh, Quality & Quantity Springer , 2024 .
19 M. Rezaul Islam and Ndungi Wa Mungai : The British Council's social action project (SAP): nurturing youth leadership through community engagement, Journal of Community Positive Practices , vol.2 , pp.3-26 , 2024 .
20 Hong Shanshan and M. Rezaul Islam : Integrating Indigenous Knowledge Into Rural Social Work: A Community-Led Study in Ninghua, Fujian, China, Sage Open Sage , 2024 .
21 Fakir Al Gharaibeh and M. Rezaul Islam : Globalization and The Arab Family System: A Critical Analysis of Perceived Threats and Challenges, Journal of Globalization Studies , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.77-94 , 2024 .
22 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : Ensuring equity in health services in hospital settings through social work interventions: A mixed method study, Social Work and Society: International Online Journal , vol.22 , no.1 , 2024 .
23 Shofiqur Rahman Chowdhury and M. Rezaul Islam : Revitalizing community empowerment: harnessing the synergy of faith-based NGOs and Laverack’s domain approach, Community Development Journal (impact factor:1.5) Oxford University Press , 2024 .
24 Ellya Susilowati, Mochamad Soelton, Husmiati Yusuf, Adi Fahrudin, Kus Hanna Rahmi and M. Rezaul Islam : Transgender people in Indonesia: how do they overcome their personal adjustment toward stress?, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work (impact factor:1.6) Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
25 Fakir Al Gharaibeh and M. Rezaul Islam : Divorce in the Families of the UAE: A Comprehensive Review of Trends, Determinants, and Consequences, Marriage & Family Review Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
26 Tanvir Shatil and M. Rezaul Islam : Food Security in Rural Bangladesh: 
A Comparative Study of Scientific and Grassroots Perceptions, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development Sage , 2024 .
27 Mohsin Reza, M. Rezaul Islam and Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam : Unveiling the economic odyssey: exploring the well-being of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Taylor & Francis , 2024 .
28 M. Rezaul Islam, Ifzal Ahmad and Kanamika Kani Khan : Adapting to climate change in char land: investigating community-led initiatives in Bangladesh, Community Development Journal Oxford University Press , 2024 .
29 Dr. Anuradha Bardhan : Nature and Impact of Family Care in the Life of Elderly People: A Study in Dhaka City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science , vol.Vol-VIII , no.Issue1 , pp.2049-2060 , 2024 .
30 Md. Roni Mridha, Hafiza Khanom Munni and S M Ashrafuzzaman : A Socio-economic Analysis of Slum-Dwellers in Dhaka City, PSC Journal , vol.10 , no.2 Police Staff College Bangladesh. Mirpur-14, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh , pp.54-68 , 2023 .
31 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam : Allowance Program of Government for Social Security of Backward Communities in Bangladesh and Its Impact, Social Science Review(The Dhaka University Studies) , vol.17 , no.1 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka , pp.17-36 , 2023 .
32 Muria Herlina, Sukri Palutturi, Sri Putri Permata, Yusuf Husmiati, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Adi Fahrudin and M. Rezaul Islam : Challenges enhancing healthy lifestyle behaviors in community settings in Indonesia: the role of social literacy, religious involvement, and technology-equipped systems, Journal of Community Positive Practices , vol.4 , pp.76-94 , 2023 .
33 Mohammad Shahjahan : Situation Analysis of Unemployed Youth among the Graduated Students of University Level: A Qualitative Study in Dhaka City, Community Social Work Practice and Development Journal , vol.02 , no.01 & 02 Community Social Work Practice & Development Foundation, Dhaka Bangladesh. , pp.93-106 , 2023 .
34 M. Rezaul Islam and Fakir Al Gharaibeh : Good Health and Well-Being in Asian Arab Countries: Some Critical Observations, The International Journal of Community and Social Development Sage , 2023 .
35 Ashek Mahmud and M. Rezaul Islam : Understanding the drivers of smartphone addiction among university students: a perspective from Bangladesh, SN Social Sciences , vol.3 Springer , 2023 .
36 MoezAlIslam E. Faris, Fakir Al Gharaibeh and M. Rezaul Islam : Caffeinated energy drink consumption among Emirati adolescents is associated with a cluster of poor physical and mental health, and unhealthy dietary and lifestyle behaviors: a cross-sectional study, Frontiers in Public Health (impact factor:5.2) , vol.11 Frontiers , 2023 .
37 M. Rezaul Islam : Navigating the Health and Wellbeing Landscape in South Asia: Assessing Progress, Addressing Challenges, and Charting a Path Forward, Eastern Journal of Healthcare , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.8-17 , 2023 .
38 Md. Ashraful Alam and Imrul Kabir : Challenges and Adaptation Strategies of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education in Bangladesh, Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies , vol.3 , no.3 Center for Research and Development, Philippines , pp.27-40 , 2023 .
39 Tanvir Shatil, Md Kamruzzaman and M. Rezaul Islam : Economic and social inclusion of person with disability and transgender through skills development programme of BRAC: A qualitative study, Asian Social Work and Policy Review , vol.17 , no.2 Wiley , pp.115-126 , 2023 .
40 Md. Roni Mridha and Dr. Rashida Ferdouse : Women Economic Development in Bangladesh: Framework of National Policy and Success, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, India , vol.09 , no.04 , pp.75-81 , 2023 .
41 MD. RONI MRIDHA : Alternative Care for Children of Working Women in Nuclear Families: A Study on Two Metropolitan Cities of Bangladesh, IJRPR-International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews , vol.9 , no.5 , pp.67-74 , 2023 .
42 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam and Dr. Shahana Nasrin : Accessibility for Inclusive University Campus: A Study on the Students with Disabilities in Bangladesh, Addaiyan Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (impact factor:.785) , vol.5 , no.8 Addaiyan International Publishers , pp.1-12 , 2023 .
43 Mohammad Shahjahan; Humaun Kabir; Irish Akhter Moon : Effectiveness of Government Stipend Program for University Students with Disability in Bangladesh: A Study in Dhaka City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) , vol.VII , no.VII , pp.446-460 , 2023 .
44 Abu Elias Sarkar, S. A. A. Tipu and M. Rezaul Islam : Uncovering the interplay between political will, public management reforms, and outcomes: a study of the United Arab Emirates, Administratie si Management Public , vol.40 , pp.58-77 , 2023 .
45 M. Aminul Islam and M. Rezaul Islam : Exploring the impact of Covid-19 on children's social media usage: a pragmatic analysis of excessive screen time and its effects on child development, Journal of Community Positive Practices , vol.2 , pp.69-84 , 2023 .
46 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam : Factors Influencing the Accessibility of Education for the Children with Disabilities in Bangladesh, Teacher's World-Journal of Education and Research , vol.49 , no.01 Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.175-186 , 2023 .
47 M. Golam Azam and M.A.Mazid : The Present State of Social Work Profession in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, Addaiyan Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences , vol.5 , no.2 Addaiyan Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences , pp.11-28 , 2023 .
48 M. Rezaul Islam : Child health status in the United Arab Emirates: an in-depth exploration of current issues and challenges, Journal of Community Positive Practice , vol.23 , no.1 , pp.36-49 , 2023 .
49 M. Rezaul Islam, Fakir AL GHARAIBEH, Azlinda AZMAN and Intan H. M. HASHIM : Public Health Services and Service Gap in Char Land Communities in Bangladesh, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala , vol.80 , pp.53-71 , 2023 .
50 Muria HERLINA, Novi Hedrika JAYAPUTRA, Tria Astika Endah PERMATASARI, Adi FAHRUDIN and M. Rezaul Islam : Academic Performance and Social Environment of Teenage Smokers in Bengkulu City, Indonesia: A Mixed Research Approach., Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala , vol.80 , pp.98-115 , 2023 .
51 M. Rezaul Islam : Social harmony and community wellbeing, Asian Social Work and Policy Review , vol.17 , no.1 Wiley , pp.1-2 , 2023 .
52 M. Rezaul Islam, Fakir Al Gharaibeh, Azlinda Azman, Intan H. M. Hashim, Md. Robiul Islam and Abdur Rahman : Social behaviour practices for child protection and wellbeing among low income urban households in Bangladesh, Asian Social Work and Policy Review , vol.17 , no.1 Wiley , pp.39-51 , 2023 .
53 Nahar Kamrun,, Tajuddin nor Azlin and Sulaiman Szariannie : Understanding Women’s Empowerment Challenges in Flood-Prone Rural Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study., The Asian Review of Civil Engineering. , vol.12 , no.2 TARCE , pp.35-46 , 2023 .
54 Md. Roni Mridha : Social Security Programs in Ready-made Garment Sector on Bangladesh Experiences, The Journal of Social Development , vol.32 , no.01 Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1205 , pp.131-148 , 2022 .
55 Fakir Al Gharaibeh, Ashek Mahmud and M. Rezaul Islam : Community initiatives against Covid-19 in the United Arab Emirates, Community Development Journal (impact factor:1.5) , vol.57 , no.3 Oxford University Press , pp.404-410 , 2022 .
56 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : The Present State of Social Work Profession in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, Social Sciences Education eJournal , vol.5 , no.147 Social Sciences Education eJournal , pp.1-23 , 2022 .
57 Dr. Golam Azam and Abdul Mazid : A Qualitative Study on the Community Development Initiatives of the People of a Village of Bangladesh, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities , vol.8 , no.ISSN 2413-9270 Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities , 2022 .
58 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : A Qualitative Study on the Community Development Initiatives of the People of a Village of Bangladesh, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities , vol.8 , no.1 Journal of Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities , pp.153-170 , 2022 .
59 M. Golam Azam and M.A.Mazid : Social Work Practice in Bangladesh: Contextual Issues and Challenges, Addaiyan Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences , vol.4 , no.8 Addaiyan Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences , 2022 .
60 M. Golam Azam and M.A. Mazid : Role of Rural Self-Governance in Justice and Human Rights: A Study on a Village of Natore District, Bangladesh., International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management , vol.12 , no.5 International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management , 2022 .
61 M. Rezaul Islam and Md. Rabiul Islam : Legal Rights and Practices of Tea Garden Child Workers in Bangladesh, Community Development: Case Studies in Asia , vol., 9 , no.4 Bangalore University, India , 2022 .
62 Taj Sultana, M. Rezaul Islam, F. B. Mustafa and J. O. M. Sim : A systematic review of coastal community adaptation practices in response to climate change-induced tidal inundation, Journal of Coastal Conservation (impact factor:2.1) , vol.26 , no.4 Springer , pp.1-13 , 2022 .
63 Walter Leal Filho, Thomas Hickmann, Gustavo J. Nagy, Patricia Pinho, Ayyoob Sharifi, Aprajita Minhas, M Rezaul Islam, Riyanti Djalanti, Antonio García Vinuesa and Ismaila Rimi Abubakar : The Influence of the Corona Virus Pandemic on Sustainable Development Goal 13 and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Processes, (impact factor:4.6) , vol.10 Frontiers , 2022 .
64 Dr. Md. Golam Azam and Mamun Rashid : The Effectiveness of Social Services to reduce the Vulnerability of the Poor Diabetic Patients: A Study on BIRDEM, Journal of Social Development. , 2022 .
65 Kazi Abusaleh, M. Rezaul Islam, Md. Mokter Ali, Mohammad Asif Khan, Md. Shahinuzzaman and Md. Imdadul Haque : Prevalence of economic exploitations and their determinants among child labourers in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A mixed- method study, Child Indicators Research (impact factor:2.8) , vol.15 Springer , pp.87–106 , 2022 .
66 Siti Nur Edlyn Nadia, M Rezaul Islam, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah and Noralina Omar : Addressing the essential skill competency in teaching among social work educators in Malaysian public universities, International Social Work Sage , 2022 .
67 Mohammad Hamiduzzaman, Stacy Torres, A. Fletcher, M. Rezaul Islam, Noore Alam Siddiquee and Jennene Greenhill : Aging, care and dependency in multimorbidity: how relationships affect elderly women’s homecare and health service use., Journal of Women & Aging (impact factor:1.5) , vol.34 , no.6 Taylor & Francis , pp.731-744 , 2022 .
68 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam : Factors Influencing Alarming Rate of Road Accidents in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.32 , no.1 Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.99-112 , 2021 .
69 M Rezaul Islam : Environment and disaster education in Secondary School Curriculum in Bangladesh., SN Social Sciences , vol.1 , no.1 Springer , pp.1-23 , 2021 .
70 Dr. Kamrun Nahar and Mohammad Shahjahan : Social Status Changes of Women Garments Worker: A Study on Bangladesh Perspective, Research on Humanities and Social Science Journal, IISTE , vol.11 , no.14 , 2021 .
71 Ashek Mahmud, Farhana Zaman and M. Rezaul Islam : COVID-19 syndemic, stigmatization, and social vulnerabilities: A case of Bangladesh., Local Development & Society , vol.3 , no.2 Taylor & Francis , pp.242-266 , 2021 .
72 SADIA SULTANA SARA and MD. RONI MRIDHA : Role of Non-government Organizations (NGOs) in Alleviating Poverty from Urban Slums: A Study in Bangladesh, Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects, India , vol.01 , no.01 Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects, India , pp.29-43 , 2021 .
73 MD. RONI MRIDHA : Challenges and prospects of Non-formal education program of Bangladesh, Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects , vol.1 , no.1 IJABC, INDIA , pp.44-54 , 2021 .
74 M Rezaul Islam : Water, sanitation and hygiene practices among disaster-affected char land people: Bangladesh experience, Natural Hazards (impact factor:2.427) , vol.107 Springer , pp.1167–1190 , 2021 .
75 MD. RONI MRIDHA : Evaluation of English Conversation Program of Volunteers Association for Bangladesh (VAB): A study, Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects , vol.01 , no.01 Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied and Basic Subjects, India , pp.16-28 , 2021 .
76 Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, M. Rezaul Islam, Sabri Sulaiman and Noralina Omar : Material Deprivation Status of Malaysian Children from Low-Income Families, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal (impact factor:1.156) , vol.38 Springer , pp.139–148 , 2021 .
77 Md.Ashraful Alam : Situation of Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh :Challenges and Way out, Man and Culture , vol.6 , no.1 Institute of Social Research and Applied Anthropology (ISRAA) , pp.35-52 , 2021 .
78 M Rezaul Islam and Niaz Ahmed Khan : Editorial Introduction: Traversing the Mosaic of ‘Community, Development and Welfare’ Experiences, Global Social Welfare , vol.7 , no.4 Springer , pp.297 - 299 , 2020 .
79 Shofiqur Rahman Chowdhury, M Rezaul Islam and Haris Abd Wahab : Challenges of Faith-Based NGO Intervention in Community Development: a Case Study in Bangladesh, Global Social Welfare , vol.7 , no.4 Springer , pp.301–313 , 2020 .
80 M Rezaul Islam, Niaz Ahmed Khan, Md Mohsin Reza and Munshi Mahbubur Rahman : Vulnerabilities of river erosion affected coastal community in Bangladesh: A menu of alternative livelihood options, Global Social Welfare , vol.7 , no.4 Springer , pp.353 - 366 , 2020 .
81 Ashek Mahmud and M Rezaul Islam : Social Stigma as a Barrier to Covid-19 Responses to Community Well-being in Bangladesh, International Journal of Community Well-being , vol.4 Springer , pp.315–321 , 2020 .
82 Mohammad Hamiduzzaman and M. Rezaul Islam : Save life or livelihood: Responses to COVID-19 among South-Asian poor communities, Local Development & Society , vol.1 , no.1 Routledge , pp.177-189 , 2020 .
83 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam : Right Based Model and the Situation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Bangladesh: A Critical View, UITS Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences , vol.7 , no.1 , pp.149-160 , 2020 .
84 Ashek Mahmud, Hamedi M. Adnan and M Rezaul Islam : Smartphone Addiction and Bonding Social Capital among University Students of Youth Community in Bangladesh. Global Social Welfare, Global Social Welfare , vol.7 , no.4 Springer , pp.315–326 , 2020 .
85 M. Rezaul Islam, Haris Abd Wahab and L. A. Anggun : The influence of leadership quality towards community cohesion in Iban community in Malaysia, Heliyon (impact factor:1.650) , vol.6 , no.2 Elsevier , pp.e03370, 1-6 , 2020 .
86 Tai Soo Shong, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar and M. Rezaul Islam : Poverty and delinquency: A qualitative study on selected juvenile offenders in Malaysia, International Social Work (impact factor:2.2) , vol.62 , no.2 Sage , pp.965-978 , 2020 .
87 M. Rezaul Islam and C. F. Burmester : Impact of globalization on local traditional handicraft industry in Brazil, Journal of Globalization Studies , vol.10 , no.2 , 2020 .
88 M. Rezaul ISLAM, Rajantheran MUNIANDY and Silllalee S. KANDASAMY : Dynamism of Culture, Poverty and Development: India and Bangladesh Experience, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala (impact factor:1.076) , vol.68 , pp.145-162 , 2020 .
89 Isahaque Ali, Azlinda Azman, Zulkarnain A. Hatta, M. Rezaul Islam and A H M Belayeth Hussain : Is the Pension Scheme in Malaysia Sufficient for the Quality of Life for the Older People?, Social Work & Society , vol.18 , no.2 , pp.1-19 , 2020 .
90 Professor Tahmina Akhtar : Child Welfare Practice in Organizational and Institutional Context in Bangladesh, Palgrave Macmillan , 2020 .
91 Professor Tahmina Akhtar : People with Disabilities: Roles of Social Workers for Rehabilitation in Bangladesh, Palgrave Macmillan , 2020 .
92 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Victimization of the Prisoner in Bangladesh: A General Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.30 Victimization of the Prisoner in Bangladesh: A General Overview , 2019 .
93 Kazi Abusaleh and M. Rezaul Islam : Traditional practices of Panchayat system among ex-enclave dwellers in Bangladesh, GeoJournal (impact factor:1.36) , vol.84 , no.3 Springer , pp.657-669 , 2019 .
94 Shofiqur Rahman Chowdhury, Haris Abd Wahab and M. Rezaul Islam : The role of faith-based NGOs in social development: Invisible empowerment., International Social Work (impact factor:0.603) , vol.62 , no.3 Sage , pp.1055-1074 , 2019 .
95 Md Mohsin Reza, Thirunaukarasu Subramaniam and M. Rezaul Islam : Economic and social well-being of Asian labour migrants: A literature review, Social Indicators Research (impact factor:1.648) , vol.141 , no.3 Springer , pp.1245-1264 , 2019 .
96 Tahmina Akhtar : Socio-Economic Vulnerability of Riverbank Erosion of Displaces: Case Study Coastal Villages in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Ecology , vol.46 (1) , 2019 .
97 Anuradha Bardhan : Family Caregiving to Older Adults:An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.151-174 , 2019 .
98 Anuradha Bardhan : Successful Ageing and Selection, Optimization and Compensation (SOC) Model: An Overview, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , 2019 .
99 Haris Abd Wahab, William Bunyau and M. Rezaul Islam : Microcredit for rural poverty alleviation and social wellbeing: A study in Sabah, Malaysia, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.12 , no.1 Wiley , pp.4-16 , 2018 .
100 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Urban Crime in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.29 The Journal of Social Development , 2018 .
101 M. Rezaul Islam and Niaz Ahmed Khan : Threats, vulnerability, resilience, and displacement among the climate change and natural disaster-affected people in South East Asia: An overview, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (impact factor:0.627) , vol.23 , no.2 Taylor & Francis , pp.297-323 , 2018 .
102 M. Rezaul Islam : Climate change, natural disasters and socioeconomic livelihood vulnerabilities: Migration decision among the char land people in Bangladesh, Social Indicators Research (impact factor:1.648) , vol.136 , no.2 Springer , pp.575-593 , 2018 .
103 Kwok Chin Hoe, Haris Abd WAhab and M. Rezaul Islam : Community participation for rural poverty alleviation: A case of the Iban community in Malaysia, International Social Work (impact factor:0.603) , vol.61 , no.4 Sage , pp.518-536 , 2018 .
104 Kamrun Nahar : Rape as a Obstacle to Women Development and Empowerment: A Analysis, The Journal of Social Development , vol.29 , pp.79-97 , 2018 .
105 Anuradha Bardhan : Disengagement Theory and Activity Theory of Ageing: An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.29 , no.1 , pp.29-39 , 2018 .
106 M. Rezaul Islam : NGO community empowerment projects in Bangladesh: How do these fit The local context, Local Economy (impact factor:0.46) , vol.32 , no.7 Sage , pp.763-777 , 2017 .
107 M. Rezaul Islam : Non-governmental organizations and community development in Bangladesh., International Social Work (impact factor:0.603) , vol.60 , no.2 Sage , pp.479-493 , 2017 .
108 M. Rezaul Islam : Population shifting and risks of street children in Asia: Possible social work interventions, Global Social Welfare , vol.4 , no.3 Springer , pp.149–157 , 2017 .
109 M. Rezaul Islam and M Shamsuddoha : Socioeconomic consequences of climate induced human displacement and migration in Bangladesh, International Sociology (impact factor:1.169) , vol.32 , no.3 Sage , pp.277-298 , 2017 .
110 M Rezaul Islam, M Ismail Hossain, M Rabiul Islam and M Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Health Policy in Bangladesh: Is it a safeguard for Low Income People?, South Asian Journal of Participative Development, , , July- December , vol.Vol-17 , no.No. 2 , 2017 .
111 M. Rezaul Islam, Md. Ismail Hossain, Md. Rabiul Islam and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Health Policy in Bangladesh: Is it a Safeguard for Low-Income People?, South Asian Journal of Participative Development (impact factor:No) , vol.17 , no.2 , pp.5-18 , 2017 .
112 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Rabiul Islam : Situation of Wage Discrimination and Socio-economic Condition of Dalit Community in Dhaka City: A Study, Dhaka Bishabiddalaya Patrika , vol.95 , 2017 .
113 Md. Rabiul Islam : Elder Abuse and Neglect in Rural Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics (impact factor:No) , vol.50-52 , no.Joint Issue , pp.24-40 , 2017 .
114 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Ageing Problem, Situation and Services in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.50-52 , no.Joint Issue , pp.74-90 , 2017 .
115 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 1. Participation and Barriers of Women with Physical Disabilities in the Socio-economic Development of Bangladesh,, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.34 , no.01 , 2017 .
116 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 3. An Opinion Survey on the Role of Education in Women Empowerment, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal , vol.16 , no.1 , 2017 .
117 M. Rezaul Islam and Mehedi Hasan : Climate induced human displacement: a case study of Cyclone Aila in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh, Natural Hazards (impact factor:2.319) , vol.81 , no.2 Springer , pp.1051-1071 , 2016 .
118 Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, Haris Abd Wahab and M. Rezaul Islam : Parental attachment for at risk children’s antisocial behaviour: a case of Malaysia, Child Care in Practice (impact factor:1.1) , vol.22 , no.2 Taylor & Francis , pp.148-165 , 2016 .
119 M. Rezaul Islam and Stefan Cojocaru : Migrant domestic workers in Asia: Transnational variations and policy concerns, International Migration, International Migration (impact factor:1.04) , vol.54 , no.1 Wiley , pp.48-63 , 2016 .
120 M Rezaul Islam and Ndungi wa Mungai : Forced evictions in Bangladesh: a human rights issue, International Social Work (impact factor:0.603) , vol.59 , no.4 Sage , pp.494-507 , 2016 .
121 M. Rezaul Islam : Hunger reduction in China: an analysis of contextual factors, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.10 , no.3 Wiley , pp.295-310 , 2016 .
122 Normah Awag Noh, Haris Abd Wahab, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah and M. Rezaul Islam : Public health services for foreign workers in Malaysia, Social Work in Public Health (impact factor:0.604) , vol.31 , no.5 Taylor & Francis , pp.419-430 , 2016 .
123 Kamrun Nahar : Educational Situation of Slum Children in Dhaka city:A Study on Kamalapur and Karail Slum, The Journal of Social Development , vol.28 , pp.207-219 , 2016 .
124 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Victim Support Services in Bangladesh: A Study on Governmental Initiatives with Special Reference to Victim Support Centre, The Jounral Social Development, , vol.28 , no.1 , 2016 .
125 Golam Azam : Mid-Body-Spirit Context in Social Work Practice: A Simple Overview, Published in the Journal of Social Developmen , vol.20 , 2016 .
126 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Consequences of Early Marriage among Slum Women in Dhaka City, The Journal of Social Development , vol.28 , no.1 , pp.117-132 , 2016 .
127 Md. Rabiul Islam : Socialization Process of Children in Single Parent family in Bangladesh, Journal of Social Development (impact factor:No) , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.133-150 , 2016 .
128 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Problems and Prospects of Industrial Social Work Practices in the Ready Made Garments Industry of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Social Work , vol.02 , no.01 , pp.49-62 , 2016 .
129 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 2. Victim Support Services in Bangladesh: A Study on Governmental Initiatives with Special Reference to Victim Support Centre, The Journal of Social Development , vol.28 , no.1 , 2016 .
130 Md. Rabiul Islam and Golam Rabbani : Socioeconomic Condition of the Older People Living at Bihari Camps: A Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.48 , 20163 .
131 M. Rezaul Islam, Bhabatash Nath, Stefan Cojocaru and Md. Rabiul Islam : Child rights practice among the indigenous communities in Bangladesh, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.9 , no.3 Wiley , pp.195-209 , 2015 .
132 M. Rezaul Islam : NGOs’ social capital development practice for social welfare in Bangladesh, Global Social Welfare , vol.2 , no.4 Springer , pp.167-176 , 2015 .
133 Pathmanathan R. Nalasami, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar, Jal Zabdi Yusoff, Haris Abd Wahab, Noralina Omar and M. Rezaul Islam : Implementation of child rights in children’s homes in Malaysia, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.9 , no.3 Wiley , pp.232-244 , 2015 .
134 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Subarna Shirin : Role of National Women Development Policy in Women Empowerment of Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, Empowerment, , Women for Women , vol.22 , no.01 , pp.63-78 , 2015 .
135 Shankor Paul and M. Rezaul Islam : Ultra-poor char people's rights to development and accessibility to public services: A case of Bangladesh, Habitat International (impact factor:3.846) , vol.48 Elsevier , pp.113-121 , 2015 .
136 Kamrun Nahar : Present Socio-Economic Condition of Foothpath Businessman in Dhaka City:A Sample Survey, The Journal of Social Development , vol.27 , pp.155-170 , 2015 .
137 Anuradha Bardhan : Socio-economic conditions of Women Tea Workers in Bangladesh:A Study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.105-128 , 2015 .
138 Stefan Cojocaru, M. Rezaul Islam and Daniel Timofte : The effects of parent migration on the children left at home. The use of ad-hoc research for raising moral panic in Romania and the Republic of Moldova., Anthropologist , vol.22 , no.2 , pp.568-575 , 2015 .
139 M. Rezaul Islam and Stephen Cojocaru : Advocacy for empowerment: a case of the learning disabled people in Malaysia., Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala (impact factor:1.076,) , vol.50 , pp.38-52 , 2015 .
140 Edris Alam, and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Tropical Cyclone, Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Eastern of Bangladesh: Historical Context, Disastrous Impact, Local Adaptation and Management, The Journal of Social Development , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.35-51 , 2015 .
141 Md. Rabiul Islam and Shekh Farid : Negligence in Government Hospitals of Bangladesh: A Dangerous Trend, International Research Journal of Social Sciences , vol.4 (5) , pp.12-18 , 2015 .
142 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Living Pattern of Riksha Puller in Dhaka Mega City: A Study (Bangla, The Journal of Social Development , vol.27 , no.01 , pp.53-80 , 2015 .
143 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Teachers-Guardians’ Perceptions about Quality Primary Education and School Social Work in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Social Work , vol.01 , no.01 , pp.103-112 , 2015 .
144 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 4. Opinion Analysis of the Working Boys in Canteen Related to socio-economic situation at the University of Dhaka, (In Bangla), The Journal of Social Development , vol.27 , no.1 , 2015 .
145 1. M. Rezaul Islam, 2. Bhabatash Nath, 3. Stefan Cojocaru and 4. Md. Rabiul Islam : Child Rights Practice among the Indigenous Communities in Bangladesh, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.59) , vol.9 , no.3 , pp.195-209 , 2015 .
146 M. Rezaul Islam and Delwar Hossain : Island char resources mobilization (ICRM): Changes of livelihoods of vulnerable people in Bangladesh, Social Indicators Research (impact factor:1.648) , vol.117 , no.3 Springer , pp.1033-1054 , 2014 .
147 M. Rezaul islam : Non-Governmental Organizations' Role for Social Capital and Community Empowerment in Community Development: Experience from Bangladesh, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.8 , no.3 Wiley , pp.261-274 , 2014 .
148 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Child Abuse in Bangladesh: An Analysis, The Journal of Social Development , vol.21 The Journal of Social Development , 2014 .
149 M. Rezaul Islam : Improving development ownership among the vulnerable people: Challenges of NGOs’ community empowerment projects in Bangladesh, Asian Social Work and Policy Review (impact factor:0.34) , vol.8 , no.3 Wiley , pp.193-209 , 2014 .
150 Nur Saadah M. A., Siti Hajar Abu Bakar and M. Rezaul islam : Coping strategies among mothers of chronically ill children: A case study in Malaysia, Journal of Social Service Research (impact factor:0.510) , vol.40 , no.2 Routledge , pp.160-177 , 2014 .
151 Tahmina Akhtar : Psycho social factors and Consequences of Relapse: Experience of Bangladesh, The Journal of Developing Areas , 2014 .
152 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Life-Style of Older Persons in Slum Area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.49 , pp.9-29 , 2014 .
153 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan, Amit Sarker and Mansura Akter : Living Arrangement of Older Person in the Slum Area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.49 , pp.130-147 , 2014 .
154 Anuradha Bardhan : Impact of Old Age Allowance Program on Older Persons in Bangladesh: A Study, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.49 , pp.217-224 , 2014 .
155 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Gerontological Social Work in Bangladesh: A New Specialized Field of Social Work Practice, Institute of Social Welfare & Research, University of Dhaka., The Journal of Social Development, , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.149-164 , 2014 .
156 Md. Golam Azam and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Human Rights Condition of Elderly People: The Rural Bangladesh Context, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management , vol.Vol-4(2014) , no.9(September) , pp.12-15 , 2014 .
157 Golam Azam and Hafiz Uddin : Human Rights Condition of Elderly People: The Rural Bangladesh Context, The International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management , vol.16 (India) , 2014 .
158 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Rabiul Islam : NGO Approaches to Rural Development in Bangladesh,, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management , vol.4(2014) , no.9 , pp.14-16 , 2014 .
159 M. Rezaul Islam, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar, Haris Abd Wahab and Sabri Sulaiman : Commune and procedural level challenges and limitations in conducting social research in Malaysia: A case of disabled people, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala (impact factor:1.076) , vol.46 , pp.255-272 , 2014 .
160 Md. Rabiul Islam and Munira Jahan Sumi : Family Violence: A Study with Special Reference to Impact on Women, The Journal of Social Dvelopment , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.165-185 , 2014 .
161 Md. Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. rabiul islam : NGO Approaches to Rural Development in Bangladesh, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN COMMERCE, IT & MANAGEMENT , vol.04 , no.09 , pp.14-16 , 2014 .
162 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : The Livelihood Pattern of Older Person in Slum Area: A Study on Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.49 , no.01 , pp.30-46 , 2014 .
163 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Causes and Remedies of Rural–Urban Migration in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.26 , no.01 , pp.187-212 , 2014 .
164 Md. Rabiul Islam : Ageism and Age Discrimination in Old Age: An Overview, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LV-LVI , pp.91-108 , 2014 .
165 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Rabiul Islam : Impact of Indian TV Channel on Women Society: A Study in Dhaka City, Empowerment , vol.14 , pp.53-64 , 2014 .
166 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 5. The impact of Women's Employment on Contraceptive Behavior in Rural Bangladesh: A Socio-Economic and Demographic Study,, The Journal of Social Development , vol.26 , no.1 , 2014 .
167 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 7. Situation of Women with Physical Disabilities: Rural Experience in Bangladesh,, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, , vol.31 , no.1 , 2014 .
168 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 8. ‘Decent Work’ in Urban Informal Sector: Situation Analysis of the Street Vendors in Dhaka City,, The Dhaka University Studies (Journal of the Faculty of Arts), , vol.68 , no.2 , 2014 .
169 Md. Rabiul Islam and S.M. Ashrafuzzaman : Awareness Level of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 among Educated Married Women: An Opinion Survey, Empowerment , vol.21 , pp.71-81 , 2014 .
170 Md. Rabiul islam : International day of Older Persons 2014: Progress and Challenges in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.49 , pp.202-216 , 2014 .
171 Kamrun Nahar : Health Status of Women in Disaster Prone Area:A Study in Sirajganj., The Journal of Social Development. , vol.26 , pp.253-266 , 2014 .
172 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Farjana Naznin Tultul : Problems and Prospects of Disabled Older Persons: A Qualitative Analysis., Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.48 , pp.205-217 , 2013 .
173 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Non-Government Micro-credit Program in Socio-Economic Development of Rural Women: A Study in Savar Upazila of Dhaka, The Journal of Social Development , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.77--97 , 2013 .
174 Anuradha Bardhan : Socio- economic Conditions of Older Women in Middle Class Families in City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.48 , pp.219-234 , 2013 .
175 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Livelihood Pattern of the Cobbler Community in Dhaka City, Journal of Sociology , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.5-14 , 2013 .
176 M. Rezaul Islam, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar and Haris Abd Wahab : Local knowledge in the lips of globalization: Uncertainties of community participation in NGO activities, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala (impact factor:1.076) , vol.43 , pp.7-23 , 2013 .
177 M. Rezaul Islam and Siti Hajar Abu Bakar : Methodological challenges on community safe motherhood: A case study on community level health monitoring and advocacy programme in Bangladesh., Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala (impact factor:1.076) , vol.42 , pp.101-119 , 2013 .
178 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 6. A Study on Knowledge, Attitude, and Use Experience Related to Family Planning of the Rural Women, (In Bangla), The Journal of Social Development, , vol.25 , no.1 , 2013 .
179 Md. Rabiul islam : Disaster and Its Impact on Elderly People in Bangladesh: An Overview, The Journal of Arts Faculty , vol.6 , no.8 , 2013 .
180 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 9. Combating Mechanism of Disaster Prone People in Bangladesh Coastal Areas: A Study on Aila Affected Women,, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D), , vol.30 , no.2 , 2013 .
181 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 10. Causes and Nature of Crime Tendency of the School Going Juvenile: A Sociological Investigation in Dhaka City, (In Bangla),, Social Science Review (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D), , vol.7 , no.7 , 2013 .
182 Dr. Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 11. Women Empowerment in Bangladesh: Sociological Analysis on Rural Context,, Journal of Sociology, , vol.5 , no.2 , 2013 .
183 Md. Rabiul Islam and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Livelihood Pattern of the Cobbler Community in Dhaka City, Journal of Sociology , vol.6 , no.1 , pp.5-14 , 2013 .
184 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Field Practice in Medical Settings: An Analysis, The Journal of Social Development The Journal of Social Development , 2012 .
185 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : History and Heritage of Social Welfare in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development The Journal of Social Development , 2012 .
186 M. Rezaul Islam and W J Morgan : Non-governmental organizations in Bangladesh: Their contribution to social capital development and community empowerment, Community Development Journal (impact factor:0.725) , vol.47 , no.3 Oxford University Press , pp.369-385 , 2012 .
187 Anuradha Bardhan : Field Practice Experience on Ageing Isssue in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.47 , pp.10-28 , 2012 .
188 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 2. The Invisible Children Working as Domestic Labour: A Study in Dhaka City, , The Journal of Social Development, , vol.24 , no.1 , 2012 .
189 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Situation of Elderly Beggars in Dhaka City: A Study, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.47 , pp.132-154 , 2012 .
190 Golam Azam and Sheikh Mamunur Rashid : Eve-Teasing in Bangladesh: A General Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.24 No. 1 , 2012 .
191 M. Rezaul Islam and W J Morgan : Agents of community empowerment? The possibilities and limitations of non-governmental organizations in Bangladesh, Journal of Community Positive Practices , vol.12 , no.4 , pp.703-725 , 2012 .
192 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Subarna Shirin : Health Status of Hazardous Child Labor in Leather Industry: A Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal , vol.01 , no.02 , pp.01-16 , 2012 .
193 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 12. Barriers and Scope of Political Partic-ipation of Women in Local Govern-ment of Bangladesh: Union Parishad Perspective,, Journal of International Social Issues, , vol.1 , no.1 , 2012 .
194 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : Micro-Credit and Women Empowerment: Some Case Reflections from Rural Bangladesh, Social Science Review,, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, , vol.29 , no.2 , 2012 .
195 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 14. Livelihood Pattern of Poor Migrant Workers in Dhaka City: A Study, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.24 , no.1 , 2012 .
196 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 15. Situation of Education, Health, and Recreation of Women With Disabilities: A Sample Survey in Dhaka District, Empowerment Journal, , vol.19 , no.1 , 2012 .
197 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 16. Extensiveness of Acid Terrorism in Women Torture: Study in Dhaka District, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal, , vol.19 , no.1 , 2012 .
198 Md. Rabiul Islam : Population Ageing in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.47 , pp.29-46 , 2012 .
199 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Impact of Climate Change on the Peoples’ Livelihood: A Study on A Coastal Area,, Social Science Review, (The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.28 , no.1 , 2011 .
200 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Rabiul Islam : Life-style of the Elderly in Dhaka City: A Study, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.46 , no.Life-style, Elderly and Dhaka City , pp.136-146 , 2011 .
201 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Md. Rabiul Islam : Human Rights of the Garments Women Workers in Dhaka City: A Study, Empowerment , vol.12 , pp.61-76 , 2011 .
202 Golam Azam : Dowry and Domestic Violence against Married Women: A Social Inquiry, Dhaka University Studies , vol.65, No. 1. , 2011 .
203 M. Rezaul Islam and Denis Banda : Cross cultural social research with indigenous knowledge: Some dilemmas and lessons., Journal of Social Research and Policy (impact factor:0.11) , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.67-82 , 2011 .
204 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Sawlat Hilmi Zaman : An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of NGO Intervention in Rural Women Development in Bangladesh, The Eastern University Journal , vol.04 , no.01 , pp.100-113 , 2011 .
205 Md. Rabiul islam and Kaniz Fatema : Problems of the Elderly in changing Families: A Study on Urban Areas of Bangladesh, Social Science Review , vol.28 (Part-D) , no.1 , pp.165-182 , 2011 .
206 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 17. Situation of Women With Physical Disabilities: A Study in Dhaka District, (In Bangla), The Journal of Social Development , vol.23 , no.1 , 2011 .
207 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 18. Women Workers in Building Construction Work: A Study in Dhaka City, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal , vol.12 , no.1 , 2011 .
208 M. Rezaul Islam : Transnational agrarian movements confronting globalization, Journal of Rural Studies (impact factor:3.301) , vol.26 , no.1 Elsevier , pp.83 , 2010 .
209 Anuradha Bardhan : Situation of Human Trafficking: A Study on Some Cases of Trafficked Victim, The Journal of Social Development , vol.22 , no.1 , pp.97-116 , 2010 .
210 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Job Satisfaction of NGO Personnel Working For Women Development in India,, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.22 , no.1 , 2010 .
211 Md. Rabiul Islam and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Socio-economic situation of elderly health service receivers in Bangladesh Association for the Aged: A Study, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, , vol.45 , no.elderly, Socio-economic situation, BAAIGM , pp.60-70 , 2010 .
212 Md. Rabiul Islam : Vulnerability and Coping Strategies of Women in Disaster: A Study on Coastal Areas of Bangladesh, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.4 , no.6 , pp.147-168 , 2010 .
213 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 19. Socio-economic Conditions of Women Workers in Rice Mill: A Primary Study, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal, , vol.11 , no.1 , 2010 .
214 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 20. Marriage System of Muslim Women: A Primary Study on Dhaka City, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal, , vol.11 , no.1 , 2010 .
215 Md. Rabiul Islam : Rural Older Women: A Study, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.45 , pp.93-98 , 2010 .
216 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Small Business Women in Footpath of Dhaka City: A Study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.21 , no.1 , pp.21-37 , 2009 .
217 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Mohammad Mahmudul Hasan : The Worst Forms of Child Labour and Its Impact: Bangladesh Perspective (Bangla), The Journal of Social Development , vol.21 , no.01 , pp.38-62 , 2009 .
218 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and SK. Saifur Rahman : People’s Participation in Disaster Management: Bangladesh Perspective, BUBT Journal , vol.02 , no.01 , pp.91-101 , 2009 .
219 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 5. Pregnant Women’s Awareness of HIV/AIDS Transmission and Prevention-A Study on Maternity and Child Health Training Institute,, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.20 , no.1 , 2008 .
220 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 6. Injection for Birth Control: A Study on Service Recipient of the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, Empowerment Journal, , vol.9 , no.1 , 2008 .
221 Mohamaad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Abul Hasan : Floating Women Worker in Dhaka City: A Study, Empowerment , vol.10 , pp.51-62 , 2008 .
222 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Practice of Hospital Social Service in Dhaka City: An Empirical Study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.20 , no.1 , pp.53-62 , 2008 .
223 Golam Azam : Child Rights and Economic Deprivation: A Bangladesh Perspective on Child Labor, Dhaka University Studies , vol.63, N0.2 , 2008 .
224 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 21. Pregnant Women’s Awareness of HIV/AIDS Transmission and Prevention-A Study on Maternity and Child Health Training Institute,, The Journal of Social Development , vol.20 , no.1 , 2008 .
225 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 22. Psycho-social Problems of the Students of Dhaka city Educational Institutions Studying from Class Nine to Twelve: A Study, (In Bangla), Empowerment Journal , vol.9 , no.1 , 2008 .
226 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 23. Birth Control Injection: A Study on Service Recipient of the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, (In Bangla),, Empowerment Journal , vol.9 , no.1 , 2008 .
227 M Rezaul Islam and Ahmadullah Mia : The role of education for rural population transformation in Bangladesh, International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1-21 , 2007 .
228 Golam Azam, Shahidul Islam and Hazera Khatun : Human Rights Situation of the Female Workers Employed in Garment Factories of Bangladesh: Review of a Study Findings, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol. 19, No.1, pp 31-56 , 2007 .
229 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 24. Garment Industries and Bangladesh: An Overview, (In Bangla), The Journal of Social Development, , vol.19 , no.1 , 2007 .
230 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Dr Mohammad Shahin Khan : Job Security and Job Satisfaction of Female Garments Workers: A study (Bangla), Journal of Business Administration , vol.08 , pp.31-46 , 2006 .
231 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Beggary as a Social Problem: A Study, The Dhaka Bishwa Bidyalay Patrica , vol.85-86 , no.1 , 2006 .
232 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 10. Spread, Impact, and Prevention of Drug Addiction: Bangladesh Perspective, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.17 , no.1 , 2006 .
233 Sk. Tauhidul Islam and Mohammad Hafiz udiin Bhuiyan : Youth Community in Bangladesh: Problems and Some Suggestions, The Journal of Social Development , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.133-154 , 2006 .
234 Sk. Tauhidul Islam and Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan : Socio-economic Conditions of Garments Women Workers in Dhaka City, The Arts Faculty Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.293-304 , 2006 .
235 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Sk. Tauhidul Islam : Relapse Cases of Drug Abusers in Dhaka City: A Qualitative Study, The CDR Journal , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.43-52 , 2006 .
236 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan and Sk. Tauhidul Islam : Drug Abuse: Past and Present Trends in Global and Bangladesh Perspective, The Journal of Social Development , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.43-58 , 2006 .
237 Golam Azam : Family Violence: An Overview of Factors Contributing to Partner Abuse., Empowerment , vol.Vol. 13, pp. 39-54 , 2006 .
238 Golam Azam : Elderly Abuse: Its Risk Factors and Consequences, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 107-131 , 2006 .
239 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 25. Drug Abuse: Past and Present Trends in Global and Bangladesh Perspective,, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.18 , no.1 , 2006 .
240 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 26. Beggary as a Social Problem: A Study, (In Bangla),, The Dhaka Bishwa Bidyalay Patrica (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka), , vol.85-86 , no.1 , 2006 .
241 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 27. Present Socio-economic Conditions of the Garment Workers of Dhaka City,(In Bangla), Kala Anushad Patrika, , vol.1 , no.1 , 2006 .
242 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 28. Relapse Cases of Drug Abusers in Dhaka City: A Qualitative Study,, The CDR Journal, , vol.1 , no.1 , 2006 .
243 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 29. Young Society of Bangladesh: Problems and Some Proposals, (In Bangla), The Journal of Social Development, , vol.17 , no.1 , 2006 .
244 M. Rezaul Islam, Ahmadullah Mia and Nihar Ranjan Sorcar : Income generation perspective in non-formal education NGO initiatives in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development (impact factor:0.28) , vol.15 , no.1 Taylor & Francis , pp.17-29 , 2005 .
245 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Working Women at Shopping Mall: A Primary Study,, Empowerment Journal , vol.7 , no.1 , 2005 .
246 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : Acid Violence in Women Oppression: An Overview, Empowerment Journal , vol.7 , no.1 , 2005 .
247 Golam Azam : Sociological Theories of Drug Abuse: A Critical Overview., Social Science Review , vol.Vol. 22, No.1, pp. 163-182 , 2005 .
248 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah,, Sawlat Hilmi Zaman, and Md. Jahangir Alam : Working and Living Conditions of Worst Forms of Child Labour: A Study (Bangla),, The Dhaka University Pattrika, , vol.83-84 , no.Joint Issue , pp.129-156 , 2005-2006 .
249 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 30. Working Women at Shopping Mall: A Primary Study, (In Bangla), Empowerment Journal, , vol.07 , no.1 , 2005 .
250 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 31. Acid Violence in Women Torture: An Overview, (In Bangla), Empowerment Journal, , vol.7 , no.1 , 2005 .
251 Tahmina Akhtar : Juvenile Delinquency Problem: Experience and Opinion of the Guardians, The Journal of Social Development , vol.15 , no.1 , 2005 .
252 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Child Labour in Bangladesh: A Close-up View”, Teachers World, , 2004 .
253 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 11. Social Para Professionals in NGOs Working for Women Development,, The Journal of Social Development, , vol.16 , no.1 , 2004 .
254 Golam Azam and Iwase Nobutada : Health, Social and Economic Consequences of Drug Abuse: A General Overview., The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol. 16, pp. 103-132 ( Japan) , 2004 .
255 Md. Rabiul islam, Md. Abul Kalam Azad and Hosne-Ara Begum : Shifting of Rice Cultivation to Shrimp Culture: A Socioeconomic Analysis, The Dhaka University studies , vol.61 , no.2 , pp.151-179 , 2004 .
256 Tahmina Akhter and Md. Rabiul islam : Elderly People in Rural Bangladesh: An Overview, Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D , vol.21 , no.2 , pp.167-174 , 2004 .
257 Sk. Tauhidul Islam : 32. Estimated Received Salary, Admissible Benefits, and Job Satisfactions of the Women Garment Workers of Dhaka City: An Evaluation (In Bangla), The Dhaka Bishwa Bidyalay Patrica (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka), , vol.79 , no.1 , 2004 .
258 Dr. Md. Nurul Islasm : Role of Begum Rokeya for Social Reform and Women Empowerment: An Analysis of Present Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka University Patrika , vol.76 Dhaka University Patrika , 2003 .
259 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana : 12. Voluntary Agencies in Women’s Development in India: An Overview, Empowerment Journal, , vol.10 , no.1 , 2003 .
260 Golam Azam : Drug Abuse and Family Violence: A Study Experience in Bangladesh., Tsukuba Annals of Sociology , vol.No.16., pp. 58 – 81 ( Japan) , 2003 .
261 Md. Rabiul Islam : Ageing: An Overview, Philosophy and Progress , vol.XXIX-XXX , pp.111-124 , 2003 .
262 Golam Azam : Drugs Abuse: A Theoretical Overview., Tsukuba Journal of Sociology , vol.No. 27, pp.1-30 ( Japan) , 2002 .
263 Golam Azam : Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse: Biological and Non-Biological Perspectives., Tsukuba Annals of Sociology , vol.No. 14, pp. 92 -113 ( Japan) , 2002 .
264 Md. Rabiul Islam : Street Children in Urban Areas of Bangladesh: A Situational Analysis, Philosophy and Progress , vol.XXXI-XXXII , pp.145-154 , 2002 .
265 Golam Azam : Poverty and Old-Age Problem of Rural Families Living in Subsistence Level, Bangladesh., Tsukuba Annals of Sociology , vol.No.13, pp. 52-71 ( Japan) , 2001 .
266 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Early Marriage in Bangladesh: Review the Contemporary Research Findings, The Journal of Social Development The Journal of Social Development , 2000 .
267 Golam Azam : Socio-Economic Background of the Drug Addict: A Study of Rajshahi City, Bangladesh., Tsukuba Annals of Sociology , vol.No.12, pp.1-25 ( Japan) , 2000 .
268 Golam Azam : Deviant Behavior: A Social Perspective (Bitchuto Acharan: Ekti Samajik Prekkhit), The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.13-27. , 1998 .
269 Mahbuba Sultana : 13. The Importance of Male Awareness for Women Development in Bangladesh, , Journal of Development Dialogue, , vol.2 , no.1 , 1998 .
270 Tahmina Akhtar : Trend of Drug Addiction in Bangladesh an overview of Opinion, The Journal of Public Administration , vol.11 , 1998 .
271 Tahmina Akhtar : A review of the opinion of mother towards the nature to giving of breast feeding and alternative food practice, Dhaka Biswabiddalay Patrika, Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka. , vol.62,63 , 1998-1999 .
272 Tahmina Akhtar : Physically Disabled in Bangladesh –An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.12 , no.1 , 1997 .
273 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Urban Poor in Bangladesh: Contemporary Nature and Trends, Development Dialogue Development Dialogue , 1996 .
274 Mahbuba Sultana : 14. A Survey on Norplant Contraceptive Users in Dhaka City, Empowerment Journal , vol.3 , no.1 , 1996 .
275 Dr. Md. Nurul Islam : Urban Child Labour in Bangladesh: Some Issues, The Journal of Social Development , vol.10 The Journal of Social Development , 1995 .
276 Golam Azam : Drug Abuse in Family Life: A Study in Rajshahi City., The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol. 10, No.1, PP. 75-91 , 1995 .
277 Tahmina Akhtar : Attitude towards HIV/AIDs and STD among the client sex workers and drug addicts, a study of Dhaka city, Social Science Review, Dhaka University , vol.18 , no.2 , December, 2010 .
278 Md. Ashraful Alam : Plights of Women Construction Workers in Bangladesh, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) , vol.V , no.IX Research and Scientific Innovation Society , pp.745-750 , 2021 .
279 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam : Models of Disability and its Significance: Bangladesh Perspective (Bangla), The Journal of Social Development , vol.31 , no.1 Institute of Social Welfare and Research , pp.49-62 , 2020 .
280 Md. Ashraful Alam and Sheikh Abir Hossain : Socio-Economic Status of the Street Children in Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Work , vol.3 , no.1 Macrothink Institute , pp.42-49 , 2016 .
281 Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam and Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah : Situation of Social Compliance in the Ready made Garment (RMG) Sectors of Bangladesh: An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol- 30 , no.Number-1 , pp.137-150 , June 2019 .
282 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and DR Md. Ashraful Alam : Situation of Social Compliance in the Readymade Garment (RMG) Sectors of Bangladesh : An Overview, The Journal of Social Development , vol.30 , no.01 , pp.137-150 , 2019 .
283 Tahmina Akhtar : An opinion review: The attitude of mother towards child health and care, Journal of Public Administration Training Center (PATC) , vol.12 , September 1998 .
284 Tahmina Akhtar : Non-formal education context in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.13 , no.1 , December, 1998 .
285 Md. Ashraful Alam : Ongoing Oldage Allowance Programme in Bangladesh –An Evaluation, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol.-01 , June 2009 .
286 ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Ageing Situation in Bangladesh and our Responsibilities.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.48 , 2013 .
287 Tahmina Akhtar : Disability: A conceptual overview, The Journal of Social Development, ISWR, University of Dhaka , vol.14 , no.1 , December-1999 .
288 ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Longevity and preparation for future: Ageing situation in Bangladesh.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.47 , 2012 .
289 Md. Ashraful Alam : Experience of Teasing in the life of school going girls –a study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol-23 , no.Number-1 , June 2011 .
290 ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : “Disease pattern and life style behavior of selected elderly population of Shahbag area of Dhaka city.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.47 , 2012 .
291 Md. Ashraful Alam : Impact of Cultural Globalization on the Students of Private University in Dhaka City, Social Science Review(The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.Vol.30 , no.No. 1 , June 2013 .
292 Tahmina Akhtar : Women violence: Bangladesh Context Empowerment, Women for Women, Dhaka Bangladesh , vol.5 , November, 2003 .
293 ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Ten years after MIIPA: Challenges and opportunities of Older Persons in Bangladesh.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.46 , 2011 .
294 ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Launch of Madrid +10: The Growing Opportunities and Challenges of Global ageing and Ageing Situation in Bangladesh.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.46 , 2011 .
295 Tahmina Akhtar : Elderly people in rural Bangladesh: An overview, Social Science Review , vol.21 , no.2 , December-2004 .
296 ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : “Food intake, disease pattern and associated factors of selected elderly population in Dhaka city.”, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.46 , 2011 .
297 ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : “User involvement in service delivery predicts outcomes of assistive technology use: a cross-sectional study in Bangladesh.”, In Johan Borg, Assistive Technology, Human Rights and Poverty in Developing Countries Sweden: Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden, , 2011 .
298 Md. Ashraful Alam : Maternal Morbidity and Health Care-Seeking Behavior of Rural Women in Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol-24 , no.Number-1 , December 2012 .
299 ASM Atiqur Rahman and M Ali Akber (ed.) : Population Problem and Family Planning in Bangladesh: Social Development and Social Work Perspective, (A Bangla Publication) ISWR, Dhaka University ISWR, Dhaka University , pp.108-117 , 1989 .
300 Tahmina Akhtar : Gender Discrimination in wage-An empirical study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.1 , no.1 , December-2004 .
301 Md. Ashraful Alam : Familial attitude towards persons with visual disabilities: A Study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol-25 , no.Number-1 , June 2013 .
302 Md. Ashraful Alam : Persons with disabilities and their survival pattern in families-A Study, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol-26 , no.Number-1 , December-2014 .
303 Md. Ashraful Alam : Problem and Prospects of students with disabilities: A school base study in Dhaka City, The Journal of Social Development , vol.Vol-27 , no.Number-1 , June-2015 .
304 Md. Ashraful Alam : Public-Private Partnership in Disability Welfare Services: Bangladesh Perspective, Bangladesh journal of Social Work , vol.Vol-1 , no.Number-1 , June-2015 .
305 Md. Ahraful Alam : Socio-Cultural Living Patterns of Hard to Reach People of Char Shiva Deva area of Bangladesh, Social Science Review( The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D) , vol.Vol.33 , no.No.2 , December 2016 .
306 Md. Ashraful Alam : Nature, Problems and Prospects of Recreation for Urban Aged People, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.Vol-50-52 , October 2017 .
307 Md. Ashraful Alam : An Evaluation on Socioeconomic Coping Strategies of Folk Communities in Char Shiva Deva Area in Bangladesh, The Journal of Rural Development , vol.Vol.41 , no.No.1 , January 2018 .
308 ASM Atiqur Rahman : Aging-Its Past, Present and Future, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , 2003 .
309 ASM Atiqur Rahman : Problems of Ageing: Ageing Situation in Bangladesh and the Future Steps, , 2004 .
310 Md. Ashraful Alam and Sheikh Abir Hossain : Effectiveness of Social Safety net Programs for Poor People in the Government Level of Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Sciences and Management , vol.3 , no.3 SEM-Biotech Publishing , pp.153-158 , 2016 .
311 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Population Explosion and Population Control Programs in Bangladesh: An Overview, Indian Journal of Public Administration , vol.XXXVIII , 1992 .
312 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Social Work in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, The Indian Journal of Social Work , vol.liv , 1993 .
313 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Role of Dower Money in Establishing Security to Muslim Women: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of DU) , vol.45 , 1993 .
314 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Socio-economic and Cultural Context of the Older Persons in Bangladesh: A Review, The Journal of Social Development , vol.9 , 1994 .
315 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Juvenile Delinquency and Correctional Services in Bangladesh, Social Development Review , vol.vii , 1992 .
316 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Socio-Economic Situation and Problems of the Aged: Bangladesh Perspective, Elderly: Health and Welfare (A Bangla publication) Bangladesh Association for the Aged , 1992 .
317 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Role of NGOs in Disaster Encounter and Poverty Alleviation in Bangladesh, Prekhkhon (A Bangla Journal) , 1991 .
318 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Role of Social Workers for the Welfare of the Older Persons: Bangladesh Context, Probin Hitoishi (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.32 , 1996 .
319 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Attitude and Knowledge towards AIDS/HIV among the Client. Sex, Workers and Drug Addicts: A Study of Dhaka City, Social Science Review , vol.17 , 2000 .
320 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : The Political Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh: An Overview, Social Science Review , vol.18 , 2001 .
321 Anuradha Bardhan : Biological, Psychological and Sociological Perspectives of Ageing, Journal of Social Development , 2021 .
322 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Professional Social Work and Values, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika. (Bangla Journal of Dhaka University) , vol.18 , 2001 .
323 Golam Azam and Mahfuzur Rahman : Impact of Violence on Women Partner: Economic and Social Perspectives, The Bangladesh Development Study , vol.Vol. 24, pp. 95-109 , February 2007 .
324 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Ageing. BanglaPedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh.) Asiatic Society of Bangladesh., Bangla Pedia , pp.57-58 , 2003 .
325 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Ageing Situation in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.40 , 2004 .
326 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Population Ageing and Support System: Some Global Observation, The Journal of Social Development , vol.16 , 2004 .
327 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Values in Social Work Practice: A Review, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika. (Bangla Journal of Dhaka University) , vol.80 , 2004 .
328 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Community Based Support and Services for the Older People: Present Status and Future Failures, Journal of Ethnic Affairs , vol.11 , 2006 .
329 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Ageism, Human Rights, Religion and Ageing, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.41 , 2006 .
330 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Comparative Studies on Nutritional Status of Elderly People Living in Communities and Old Home in Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.44 , 2006 .
331 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Healthy Environment Healthy Bangladesh. In Mohammad Ekramol Islam (Ed.) Environment and Our Bio-diversity, Dhaka: Northern University Bangladesh , 2010 .
332 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine—50 Years of Achievements, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.45 , 2010 .
333 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Food Habit and Nutritional Status of Some Selected Elderly Persons of Dhaka City, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.45 , 2010 .
334 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Getting and Staying Active in Later Age”, (A monthly publication of The Daily Star , vol.4 , no.10 , 2010 .
335 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Older Persons and Disasters: Challenges and Opportunities”, Paper presented at the International Seminar 2010 on Climate Change and Environmental Challenges of 21st Century, Organized by the Institute of Environmental Science, Rajshahi University , pp.7-9 , 2010 .
336 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : “Autism in Bangladesh: New Challenge for Social Justice”, Paper presented at the 17th International Consortium for Social Development(ICSD) Symposium on Good Governance, Building Knowledge Social Development Worldwide , 2011 .
337 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Professional Evolution of Social Work, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.50-52 , 1995 .
338 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Social Deprivation in Ageing, Probin Hitoishi (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.33 , 1996 .
339 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Preparation for Ageing: A Review, Probin Hitoishi (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.33 , 2006 .
340 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Sex Preference for Children in Bangladesh: Correlates and Consequences. Paper presented at The 6th International Conference on Applied and Business Demography, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA , 1996 .
341 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Rural Older a Persons in Bangladesh: Analysis of Two Case Studies, Probin Hitoishi (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.34 , 1997 .
342 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman (Co-author) : Social Arrangements for the Welfare of the Older Persons in Bangladesh: A Review, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.56-58 , 1997 .
343 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman and M. Enamul Haq and others (ed.) : Socio-cultural Situation, Problems and Provisions for the Older Persons in Bangladesh, Health, Social Problems and Solution of the Older Persons. Dhaka: Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine , 1998 .
344 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Role of Women in Caring the Older Persons, Probin Hitoishi Patrika (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.34 , 1998 .
345 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : 1999- International Year of the Older Persons and Bangladesh, Probin Hitoishi Patrika (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.35 , 1998 .
346 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman and Dr. Mahboober Rahman, Dr. S A Khaleque and Dr. AZM Iftikhar Hossain (ad.) : Social Condition of the Older Persons in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatrics Medicine , 1998 .
347 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Ten Recommendations for the Welfare of the Older Persons, Boshipuk Bichitra (Journal of the Aged and Child Rehabilitation Centre) International Year for the Older Persons issue , 1999 .
348 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Moral Obligation of Society in Ensuring Wellbeing of the Older Persons, Probin Hitoishi Patrika (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.36 , 1999 .
349 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Beggary at Later age: A Review, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.66 , 2000 .
350 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Dimensions of Ageing in Bangladesh, Probin Hitoishi Patrika (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , vol.37 , 2000 .
351 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Population Ageing in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics , vol.37 , 2000 .
352 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Older Population: A Target Population of Social Workers, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of Dhaka University) , vol.68 , 2000 .
353 Tahmina Akhtar : Youth in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects, The Journal of Social Development , vol.8 , December, 1993 .
354 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Threat of Population Problem to Bangladesh: Recent Experiences, The Journal of Social Development (Bangla Issue) , vol.9 , 1992 .
355 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Encounter the Ageing: Bangladesh Context, Probin Hitoishi (Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics) , 1992 .
356 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Family and the Older Persons in Bangladesh: A Review, Idial Family, Christian Communication Centre , 1994 .
357 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman and M Ali Akber (ed.) : Population Theories and Developments of Fertility. Population Problem and Family Planning in Bangladesh: Social Development and Social Work Perspective (A Bangla Publication), ISWR, Dhaka University , pp.134-148 , 1979 .
358 Dr. Mahbuba Sultana and Mohammad Shahjahan : Micro Credit Program: Impact on Poor Women in Coastal Area of Bangladesh, The Journal of Social Development , vol.26 , no.1 Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka , pp.57-72 , 2014 .
359 Tahmina Akhtar : Experience: Self Development and Foreign Aids- Bangladesh Context, Samaj Nirekahan Kendra, Dhaka University , vol.55 , February, 1995 .
360 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Problems of Ageing: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka Viswavidyalaya Patrika (Bangla Journal of the University of Dhaka) , vol.36 , 1990 .
361 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Contraceptive Injectables in Family Planning Program: Bangladesh Perspective, The Journal of Social Development. , vol.5 , no.Bangla , 1990 .
362 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : National Policy, Planning and Social Welfare: Bangladesh Context, (A Bangla Journal) , vol.1 , 1990 .
363 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Child Mortally in the Demographic Situation of Bangladesh, Sanyog , vol.2 , 1991 .
364 Tahmina Akhtar : Female Education in Bangladesh-Problems and Prospects, The Journal of Social Development , vol.1 , December, 1996 .
365 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman : Short Intensive Course in Japanese Language, Organized by Institute of Modern Language, University of Dhaka , 1995 .
366 Tahmina Akhtar : Self-Employment of Women of Bangladesh: Problems and Issues, Social Science Review, Dhaka University , vol.2 , July-December, 1996 .
367 Tahmina Akhtar : Effectiveness Analysis of Female Secondary School Assistance Program in Development of Education in Women, Social Science Review , vol.xiv , July –December, 1997 .
368 Mohammad Hafiz Uddin Bhuiyan, Edris Alam, Khameis Al Abdouli, Amar Hassan Khamis and Kazi Abdur Rahman : Public Trust in COVID-19 Prevention and Responses Between January and May 2020 in Bangladesh, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy DovePress , pp.4425–4437 , 2021 .
369 Tahmina Akhtar : Knowledge about the labour welfare and labour laws among the working labour in industry-A study., The Journal of Social Development , vol.17 , no.1 , December, 2005 .
370 Tahmina Akhtar : ‘The Elderly care services and their situation in Bangladesh: An Understanding from theoretical perspective’, Journal of Medical Science, Asian Network for Scientific Information , vol.6 (2) , pp.131-138 , March-April 2006 .
371 Tahmina Akhtar : ‘Rethinking of Approaches to Women Empowerment: Bangladesh Perspectives, Journal of Applied Science, Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANZ) , vol.65 , July, 2006 .
Conference Proceedings (65)
1 Md. Roni Mridha "Addressing Policy Dilemma and Strategic Challenges of Women Sustainable Entrepreneurship: A Scoping Study." 7th ICSD International Conference on Sustainable Development 2024 , pp. 22-24. Dhaka: United International University, 2024 .
2 Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah "PhD journey and experiences as an international student." International PhD Scholar Conference on Researching Sensitive Subjects and Fragile Lives: Amplifying Voices and Cultivating Epistemic Justice through Innovative Research Methods India: 2023 .
3 Mohammad Shahjahan & Tahmina Akhtar "Knowledge and Perception of Climate Change on Youth Health: A Study on College and University Students in Bangladesh." International Conference on Socio-Cultural Institutions, Information and Practices in India and Europe: Changes and Challenges , pp. 68-88. New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2023 .
4 Md. Roni Mridha "Analysis on Socio-cultural Problems and Consequences of Pottery Industry on the Verge of Extinction in Bangladesh Golam Rabbani and Md. Roni Mridha." INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on SOCIO-CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS, INFORMATION AND PRACTICES IN INDIA AND EUROPE: CHANGES AND CHALLENGES , pp. 32-36. New Delhi, India: School of International Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 2023 .
5 Dr Mohammad Mainuddin Mollah and Professor Dr Golam Rabbani "the experiences of dementia and the future of education, research, policy and practice for people with dementia in Bangladesh." the Global Symposium Series on Collaborative Healthcare Practices & Challenges in Current Times Manipal, India: 2021 .
6 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Advance Training Course on Research Techniques in Social Science." Organized by Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka Dhaka, Bangladesh: 1985 .
7 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Training Course on Research Methodology for Rural Development." Organized by Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla Comilla: 1986 .
8 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the GAROP Asia-Pacific members regional workshop." Thiruvananthapuram, India: 2019 .
9 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Regional Meeting on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) in South-East Asia Region." Organized by WHO New Delhi, India: 2019 .
10 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction." Organized by UNISDR Geneva, Switzerland: 2019 .
11 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Reduction, and presented a paper entitled Vulnerability and Coping Strategies of Bangladeshi Older Women: A Case Study." Organized by UNDRR Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2018 .
12 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the International Conference on Elder Dignity and Abuse." Organized by Centre for Gerontological Studies (CGS) Thiruvananthapuram, India: 2014 .
13 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the International Workshop on Human Rights of Older Persons in Asia Pacific Region." Organized by Centre for Gerontological Studies (CGS) Thiruvananthapuram, India: 2012 .
14 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Regional Forum on Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific." Organized by UN ESCAP and Zhongshan College Nanjing, China: 2011 .
15 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the 17th International Consortium for Social Development(ICSD) Symposium on Good Governance: Building Knowledge Social Development Worldwide." Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2011 .
16 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in Training of Trainers (ToT) on Disaster Management." Organized by CDMP, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management and BARD Comilla, Bangladesh: 2009 .
17 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Social Work Education and Social Welfare Services in Bangladesh in Social Work Department." Monmouth University New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
18 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Social Welfare Policy and Social Services in Bangladesh." Monmouth University New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
19 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Care and Services for the Elderly: A Case study of BAAIGM." Monmouth University New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
20 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated as WHO Fellow in a Training on Health Promotion for the Elderly held in The Faculty of Public Health." Organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand: 2007 .
21 ASM Atiqur Rahman "HelpAge International Regional Conference—2006." Pondicherry, India: 2006 .
22 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made prestigious academic visit to American Universities such as Minnesota State University, Duluth, and Monmouth University and Rowan University." New Jersey, USA: 2005 .
23 ASM Atiqur Rahman "The 34th Annual South Asian Studies Conference." Organized by Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA: 2005 .
24 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Help Age International Regional Conference." Hanoi, Vietnam: 2004 .
25 ASM Atiqur Rahman "After Madrid-Linking Ideal and Action through the HAI Network. Asia-Pacific Regional Conference." Colombo, Sri Lanka: 2002 .
26 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Second World Assembly on Ageing." Organized by United Nations Madrid, Spain: 2002 .
27 ASM Atiqur Rahman "World NGO Forum on Ageing." Madrid, Spain: 2002 .
28 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Valencia Forum." Valencia, Spain: 2002 .
29 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Regional Exchange visit of Age care givers, Help Age International (HAI." Batambang, Cambodia: 2001 .
30 ASM Atiqur Rahman "International Short Training Courses on Demographic Aspects of Ageing and its Implications for Socio-Economic Development, Policies and Plans." Organized by the International Institute on Ageing (INIA), United Nations, and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Malta: 1999 .
31 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in Regional Workshop on Training for Age Care Trainers organized by the Asian Training Centre on Ageing (ATCOA) and Help Age Sri Lanka." Asian Training Centre on Ageing (ATCOA) and Help Age Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri Lanka: 1999 .
32 ASM Atiqur Rahman "National Workshop on Strengthening the Asia-Pacific Population Information Network in Bangladesh." Organized by the Directorate of Family Planning: IEM Unit; at BARD Comilla: 1996 .
33 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in Sub-regional Training in Age Care Community Based Programmes." Organized by the Asian Training Centre on Ageing (ATCOA) and Help Age India Chennai, India: 1999 .
34 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Participation Training and Tool-kit Development." Organized by the Asian Training Centre on Ageing (ATCOA) and Help Age International (HAI) Chiang Mai, Thailand: 2001 .
35 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Training Workshop on Building up Training and Resource." Organized by ATCOA, HAI 2001 .
36 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Community Health Care Training and Resource Kit Development." . ATCOA, HAI Bangkok, Thailand. ATCOA, HAI: 2002 .
37 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Madrid and Beyond--HAI Asia Network Policy Workshop. HelpAge International (HAI)." ChiangMai, Thailand: 2002 .
38 ASM Atiqur Rahman "International Conference on Madrid Declaration on Ageing--Emerging Trends and Strategies in India and South Asia." Organized by Anugraha New Delhi, India: 2002 .
39 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Help Age International Regional Conference." Chiang Mai, Thailand: 2003 .
40 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Conference on The Inter Country Exchange Program on Successfully Practices in Empowering Older Persons." Jointly organized by UNESCAP, HAI and KIRARA NO KAI Chiang Mai, Thailand: 2003 .
41 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated as a Visiting Professor under the American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS) grant and taught a three credit compressed course entitled Globalization of Social Welfare, offered through the Department of Social Work." Winona State University Minnesota, USA: 2005 .
42 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Professional workshop on Understanding and Dismantling Racism." Organized by the Winona State University Minnesota, USA: 2005 .
43 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Professional conference on Stress, Depression and Pain." Organized by the Institute for Natural Resources(INR) USA: 2005 .
44 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made presentations on Modern Social Welfare Services and Social Work Education in Bangladesh." Organized by the National Association of Social Workers, St.Paul Minnesota, USA: 2005 .
45 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated as an International Scholar – In- Residence and taught a three credit course entitled Social Work Research offered through the Department of Social Work." Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
46 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Panel discussion on Global Climate Change and Local Action." Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
47 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Social Work Education and Social Welfare Services in Bangladesh in Social Work Department." Monmouth University, New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
48 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Global Geriatric Issues in Social Work Department." Monmouth University New Jersey, USA: 2008 .
49 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Made a presentation on Ageing Situation in Bangladesh and Role of BAAIGM at BRAC Centre, in the Workshop on Population Ageing: Integrating Research and Practice to Improve Health and Quality of Older Persons." Organized by The International Network on Public Health and Ageing (INOPA) Dhaka, Bangladesh: 2009 .
50 ASM Atiqur Rahman "Population Ageing and Support System: Some Global Observation." The Journal of Social Development 2004 .
51 Md. Rabiul Islam "Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities of Disaster Affected Older Persons in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh." International Conference on Population and Development of Asian Development Countries Institute of Population Research, Yunnan University, China: 7-9 August 2018 .
52 Md. Rezaul islam and Md. Rabiul Islam "Writing enhancement from thesis to ISI publication." Workshop Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia: 21-22 November 2017 .
53 Md. Rabiul Islam "Policy Based Research on Aged People between Bangladesh and Brunei and our Collaborative Initiatives." Workshop Brunei Darussalam University, Brunei: 13 October 2018 .
54 Md. Rabiul islam "Poverty and Social Exclusion among Older Persons in Bangladesh." International Conference on Social Policy and Social Development University of Bengkulu, Sumatera, Indonesia: 16-17 November 2017 .
55 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Regional Expart Forum on Integrated Care for Older Persons." Organized by UN ESCAP and Zhongshan College Nanjing, China: 2017 .
56 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Preparatory Regional Expert Meeting: Third Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing." Organized by UN ESCAP Bangkok, Thailand: 2017 .
57 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Reduction, and presented a paper entitled Vulnerability and Coping Strategies of Bangladeshi Older Women: A Case Study." Organized by UNDRR Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: 2018 .
58 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2018." Tehran, Iran: 2018 .
59 Md. Rabiul Islam "Elder Abuse and Neglect in Rural Bangladesh." South Asia Studies Conference Madison, Wisconsin, USA: 21-23 October 2016 .
60 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the GP 2019, and presented a paper entitled Life Struggle for Survival: A Study on Older Women in Disaster Affected Coastal Villages of Bangladesh." Organized by UNDRR Geneva, Switzerland: 2019 .
61 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Regional Meeting on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) in South-East Asia Region." Organized by WHO New Delhi, India: 2019 .
62 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the GAROP Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop." Organized by the Global n Alliance for the Rights of Older Persons Trivandrum, India: 2019 .
63 Md. Rabiul Islam "Poverty, social exclusion and disability among older persons in Bangladesh." Workshop on ageing University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia: 9 November 2016 .
64 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Regional Expart Forum on Integrated Care for Older Persons." Organized by UN ESCAP and Zhongshan College Nanjing, China: 2017 .
65 Dr. ASM Atiqur Rahman "Participated in the Preparatory Regional Expert Meeting: Third Regional Review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing." Organized by UN ESCAP Bangkok, Thailand: 2017 .