Book (56) |
1 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Rumana Islam Sustainable Development Objectives in International Investment Law: Developing Countries in Context.
London: SPRINGER NATURE, 2024 .
2 |
Sumaiya Khair, Shawkat Alam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque Implementation of Sustainable Development in the Global South: Strategies, Innovations and Challenges.
HART UK, 2024 .
3 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Zartner Dana, and Cárdenas Fabián Thrive and Survive: The Rights of Nature as Effective Legal Advocacy for Environmental Justice.
Washington, DC: Island Press, 2024 .
4 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and M Rafiqul Islam The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary.
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023 .
5 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Syeda Nasrin An Analysis of the Legislative Landscape and Court Orders on Air, Noise, and Water Pollution.
Dhaka: Waterkeepers Bangladesh, 2022 .
6 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Human Rights and International Criminal Law.
Leiden and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2022 .
7 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019.
Leiden and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 .
8 |
Mizanur Rahman Anti-generic Learning and rebellious Lawyering: Reflections on Legal Education in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Bijoy Prakash, 2020 .
9 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019.
Leiden and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2019 .
10 |
Shahnaz Huda and Rumana Islam Social and Legal Implications of Withdrawing the CEDAW Reservations on the Bangladesh Legal System and Social Norms.
UNDP, 2019 .
11 |
Jamila A Chowdhury Mediation to enhance gender justice in Bangladesh: Navigating wisdom in Asia and the Pacific.
Dhaka: London College of Legal Studies (LCLS), 2018 .
12 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam Land Law: Text, Cases and Materials.
Dhaka: CHRLR, 2018 .
13 |
Rumana Islam The Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard in International Investment Arbitration: Developing Countries in Context.
Springer, 2018 .
14 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman Criminal Sentencing in Bangladesh: From Colonial Legacies to Modernity.
Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2017 .
15 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka “National Human Rights Commission: at 5” Commissioned by National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), published by the National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh, June, 2016..
The National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh, 2016 .
16 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Compendium of Laws on or having bearing on Local Government.
Dhaka: Sharique, 2015 .
17 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian Review of Local Government Laws of Bangladesh Towards Prospect of a Local Government Uniform Framework Legislation.
Dhaka: Local Government Division, Government of Bangladesh, supported by Union Parishad Governance Project (UPGP) and Upazila Parishad Governance Project (UZGP)., 2015 .
18 |
Dr Muhammad Ekramul Haque Muslim Family Law: Sharia and Modern World.
Dhaka: London College of Legal Studies, 2015 .
19 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka Indigenous women and Access to Justice, in Survival or Extinction? Adivasi Rights in Bangladesh published by the National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh, August 2014..
Dhaka: The National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh, 2014 .
20 |
Co-Author, Professor Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah Preservation of Ethnic Culture and Tradition.
Published by the National Human Rights Commission, Dhaka, May, 2014., 2014 .
21 |
Co-Author, Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka State of Human Rights of Garo and Santal Women in the Light of CEDAW, published by the National Human Rights Commission, Dhaka, May, 2014..
Published by the National Human Rights Commission, Dhaka, May, 2014., 2014 .
22 |
Co-Author, Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka Preservation of Ethnic Culture and Tradition, published by the National Human Rights Commission, Dhaka, May, 2014..
Dhaka: The National Human Rights Commission, Dhaka, 2014 .
23 |
গোবিন্দ চন্দ্র মণ্ডল সংখ্যালঘু অধিকার: বাংলাদেশ প্রেক্ষাপট.
ঢাকা: জাতীয় মানবাধিকার কমিশন (জামাকন), বাংলাদেশ, 2013 .
24 |
অধ্যাপক ড. মোঃ রহমত উল্লাহ বঙ্গবন্ধুর মানবাধিকার-দর্শন.
ঢাকা: জাতীয় মানবাধিকার কমিশন, 2013 .
25 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) ADR Theories and Practices: A Glimpse on Access to Justice and ADR in Bangladesh, 1st Edition.
Dhaka, Bangladesh: London College of Legal Studies (LCLS), 2013 .
26 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam TRIPS Agreement of the WTO: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh.
New Castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2013 .
27 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Protection of Minorities: Regimes, Norms and Issues in South Asia.
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 .
28 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) Gender Power and Mediation: Evaluative Mediation to Challenge the Power of Social Discourses.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 .
29 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman Protection of Minorities: Regimes, Norms and Issues in South Asia.
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 .
30 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Associate Professor of Law, University of Dhaka “গাড়ো সম্প্রদায়- বাংলাদেশের একটি প্রান্তিক জনগোষ্ঠী”.
Dhaka: Bangladesh University Grant Commission, 2010 .
31 |
Dr Muhammad Ekramul Haque Islamic Law of Inheritance.
Dhaka: London College of Legal Studies, 2009 .
32 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Protection of Children in Conflict with the Law in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Save the Children UK, 2008 .
33 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman Protection of Children in Conflict with the Law in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Save the Children UK, 2008 .
34 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Compendium of Laws on or having bearing on Union Parishad.
Dhaka: Sharique, 2007 .
35 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian Missing Links: Corporate Social Responsibility and Basic Education in Bangladesh.
Dhaka: ‘Campaign on Responsive Business’ Unit, Advancing Public Interest Trust (APIT), supported by the Commonwealth Education Fund – Bangladesh., 2006 .
36 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and Dr. M. Shokry Eldakak (Former Justice and Chairman of the High Court of Appeal, Alexandria, Egypt) Women’s Access to Justice in Bangladesh through ADR in Family Disputes: Present Limitations and Remedial Measures with Some Lessons from Egypt.
Mansoura, Egypt: Modern Bookshop, 2005 .
37 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain.
Dhaka: New Warsi Book Corporation, 2005 .
38 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Antorjatick Manobic Ain (International Humanitarian Law).
Dhaka: 2004 .
39 |
Dr Muhammad Ekramul Haque Law of Contract.
Dhaka: Law Lyceum, 2003 .
40 |
Borhan Uddin Khan National Advocacy: A Path to Reform.
Dhaka: the Asia Foundation, 2002 .
41 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Quazi Mahfujul Haque Supon Encyclopedic Compendium of the Laws of Bangladesh.
Dhaka: Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust, 2002 .
42 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Women in the Labour Market: Impact and Implications of Labour Law on Women.
Dhaka: Ministry of Women and Children Affairs,, 2002 .
43 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian Protection of Human Rights at the International Level: Effectiveness of the Human Rights Committee and the 1503 Procedure.
Dhaka: Office of Research & Publication, American International University-Bangladesh., 2002 .
44 |
Quazi MH Supan, Dr. Borhan Uddin Khan An Encyclopaedic Compendium of the Laws of Bangladesh (in 4 volumes).
Dhaka: Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST); ISBN 984 32 0261 3, 2002 .
45 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Dhaka: Ministry of Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, 1998 .
46 |
Professer Dr. Naima Huq (i) Post Divorce Maintenance: Legal and Social Appraisal, in Gender in law, Edited by Tahima Ahmed & Md. Maimul Ahsan Khan. . 1998.
Dhaka: Adtam Publishing House, 1998 .
47 |
Borhan Uddin Khan Aparadh Bijnan Parichiti (An Introduction to Criminology).
Dhaka: 1986 .
48 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam Lectures on Company Law.
Dhaka: CHRLR, 2019 .
49 |
Sumaiya Khair Justice at the Doorsteps. Mediation on Migration Fraudulence, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU).
Bangladesh: RMMRU, Dhaka., 2018 .
50 |
Sumaiya Khair and co-authored Governance and Integrity. The National Integrity System in Bangladesh.
University Press Limited (UPL), 2017 .
51 |
Sumaiya Khair and co-auhored Child Labour Revisited. Gender, Culture, Economics and Human Rights.
University press Limited (UPL), 2011 .
52 |
Sumaiya Khair Legal Empowerment for the Poor and the Disadvantaged: Strategies, Achievements and Challenges. Experiences from Bangladesh.
Colourline, Dhaka, 2008 .
53 |
Sumaiya Khair Child Migration for Work, Development Research Centre on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty.
Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), Dhaka, 2008 .
54 |
Sumaiya Khair and co-authored Women in the Labour Market. Impact and Implications of Labour Law.
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Government of Bangladesh, PLAGE Project (supported by CIDA), 2002 .
55 |
No Author Development of Administrative Law in Bangladesh: Outcomes and Prospects.
Dhaka: Bangladesh Law Research Centre, First Edition, 1997 ; Second Edition, 2011 ; Third Edition, 2015 .
56 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque (Editor of the state volume on Bangladesh) in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA] Seokwoo Lee, ed..
Brill, 2021 .
Book Section (133) |
1 |
Dr. Rumana Islam and Shahrima Tanjin Arni "Climate Change Considerations in International Investment Law: The Case for Bangladesh."
International Law, Climate Change and Bangladesh. Mahatab Uddin Switzerland: Springer, 2025 221-258 .
2 |
Rumana Islam and Shahrima Tanjin Arni "Climate Change Considerations in International Investment Law: The Case for Bangladesh."
in 'International Law, Climate Change and Bangladesh'. Mahtab Uddin (ed) Springer, 2024 221-258. .
3 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "The Human Rights 75 Initiative and the Commitments of the South Asian Nations."
Universal Values and National Realities: Exploring UDHR in the Indian Context. Bhuvaneshwar, India: ULC, Utkal Univesity, India, 2024 84-108 .
4 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md. Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan "Commercialization of Intellectual Properties in Bangladesh: Options and Challenges."
Inclusive Wealth Generation through IP Commercialization. Pinaki Ghosh, Shambhu Prasad Chakrabarty and Jayanta Ghosh Thomson Reuters, 2024 1-16 .
5 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Sadman Rizwan Apurbo "Human rights paradox in the international intellectual property regime: Setting the pecking order."
Human Rights after 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Reflections from the Global South. Borhan Uddin Khan and Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan BRILL, 2024 192-216 .
6 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan and Gobinda C. Mondal "Periodical Portraits of Legal Education in the University of Dhaka in Independent Bangladesh: 1971-2021."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A Centennial Review. Md Rahmat Ullah Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2023 .
7 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal and Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan "Portrayals of Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: 1971-2021."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A Centennial Review. Dhaka: Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, 2023 43-59 .
8 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan and Mohammad Towhidul Islam "The Concept of Originality in Bangladesh’s Copyright Jurisprudence."
Handbook on Originality in Copyright: Cases and Materials. Indranath Gupta (ed) Springer, 2023 .
9 |
Jamila A Chowdhury (1st author) and QMH Supan "Quest for a Juridical Unicorn: Integration of Science in Legal Research and Curriculum."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A Centennial Review. Md. Rahmat Ullah (ed.) Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2023 .
10 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Rumana Islam "Towards Innovation-Driven Legal Education to Achieve SDGs."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A centennial review. Dhaka: Dhaka University Law Faculty, 2023 .
11 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan and Muhammad Rezaur Rahman "Popular versus statutory meanings of the language of law How does people's understanding affect the functionality of gender laws in Bangladesh?."
Book Language in Society in Bangladesh and Beyond Voices of the Unheard in the Global South. Taylor and Francis, 2023 .
12 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf "Bangladesh."
The International Review of Constitutional Reform 2022. Luís Roberto Barroso and Richard Albert eds. The Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin in collaboration with the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism, 2023 pages: 41-44 .
13 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan and Muhmmad Ekramul Haque "Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges: Bangladesh State Practice."
Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 27. Seokwoo Lee and Hee Eun Lee Netherlands: Brill, 2023 79-90 .
14 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan "Restrictions within the Fundamental Rights in Bangladesh: Wednesbury Unreasonableness, and Proportionality."
The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at Its 50th Anniversary. M Rafiqul Islam and M Ekramul Haque (eds) Australia: Springer, 2023 .
15 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Introduction: International Law and Collaboration During Disasters."
International Handbook of Disaster Research. Amita Singh ed. Springer, Singapore, 2023 pages: 1795-1798 .
16 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf "Bangladesh."
ICONnect 2022 Global Review of Constitutional Law. Richard Albert, David Landau and Pietro Faraguna eds. Sponsored by the Constitutional Studies Program at the University of Texas at Austin. Published by EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2023 pages: 44-48 .
17 |
Psymhe Wadud "Locating women in 'we, the people' of Bangladesh Constitution."
Ridwanul Hoque and Rokeya Chowdhury (eds) Routledge, 2023 .
18 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Constitutional protection of economic and social human rights: Intention of the constitution-makers and judicial interpretations."
A History of the Constitution of Bangladesh: The Founding, Development, and Way Ahead. Ridwanul Hoque and Rokeya Chowdhury Routledge, 2023 .
19 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Azhar U Bhuiyan "The Concept of Originality in Bangladesh’s Copyright Jurisprudence."
Handbook on Originality in Copyright: Cases and Materials. Indranath Gupta, Vishwas H. Devaiah and Manveen Singh Springer Nature, 2023 1-14 .
20 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and M Rafiqul Islam "Introduction: Fifty Years of the Constitution of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation."
The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary. M Rafiqul Islam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque Springer Singapore, 2023 1-24 .
21 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Transformation of Non-justiciable Constitutional Principles to Justiciable Rights in Bangladesh."
The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary. M Rafiqul Islam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque Springer, Singapore, 2023 337-351 .
22 |
Shima Zaman and Rumana Islam "“Towards a Constitutional Law Framework for Foreign Direct Investments and Intellectual Property Rights Reform: The Case of Bangladesh” in M Rafiqul Islam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque eds."
“The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary”. Springer, 2023 at pp. 267–282 .
23 |
Rumana Islam ""Know Thy History ! An Anecdote of the Founding of the University of Dhaka"."
in 'History of the University of Dhaka and Higher Education in Bangladesh'. Imtiaz Ahmed (ed) University of Dhaka, 2023 pp.3-18 .
24 |
Sharowat Shamin "Codifying Secularism in the Bangladesh Constitution."
The Architecture of Constitutional Amendments: History, Law, Politics. Richard Albert (ed) Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2023 151-164 .
25 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan and Dr. Nahid Rezwana "Legal aid services for disaster-induced gender-based violence in coastal Bangladesh."
International Handbook of Disaster Research. Springer, 2023 1-21 .
26 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and M.A.I.H. Mollah "Protection Through Constitutional Guarantees: The Case of Women, Children, and Backward Sections of the People."
The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at its 50th Anniversary. M. R. Islam and M. E. Haque Springer: 2023 213-228 .
27 |
Borhan Uddin Khan, Morshed Mannan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman "Executory Contracts in Insolvency: The Bangladeshi Perspective."
Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide. Jason Chuah and Eugenio Vaccari UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 51-65 .
28 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Historical Perspective of the Establishment of the Faculty of Law at the University of Dhaka."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka A Centennial Review. Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka Dhaka: The Registrar, University of Dhaka, 2022 1-14 .
29 |
Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka and A B M Asrafuzzaman, Associate Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Portrayals of Legal Education at the University of Dhaka: 1921-1971."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka A Centennial Review. Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka Dhaka: The Registrar, University of Dhaka, 2022 15-41 .
30 |
Rumana Islam and Mohammad Golam Sarwar "'Towards Innovation-Driven Legal Education to Achieve SDGs'."
in "Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A Centennial Review ". Dr Rahmat Ullah (ed) University of Dhaka, 2022 217-236 .
31 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Haque, Muhammad Ekramul and Bhuyan, Mohammad Azhar "Constitutional Reform: Bangladesh Chapter in The International Review of Constitutional Reform,."
The International Review of Constitutional Reform. Richard Albert Texus, USA: Program on Constitutional Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism., 2022 .
32 |
Muhammad Ekramul haque and Azhar U Bhuiyan "Managing Disasters in Bangladesh: Legislative Framework and Judicial Developments."
International Handbook of Disaster Research. Amita Singh ed. Springer Nature Singapore, 2022 1-12 .
33 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque, Mohammad Golam sarwar and Azhar U. Bhuiyan "Bangladesh."
The International Review of Constitutional Reform 2021. Richard Albert and LUÍS ROBERTO BARROSO eds. Program on Constitutional Studies at the University of Texas at Austin in collaboration with the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism, 2022 25-29 .
34 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman and Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah "LEGAL EDUCATION IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA (1921-1971)."
Legal Education in the University of Dhaka: A Centennial Review. Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2022 .
35 |
Shirin Sultana "International Human Rights Law (IHRL) in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Planning."
International Handbook of Disaster Research. Singh, A. (eds) Singapore: Springer, 2022 .
36 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan and Shahaduzzaman et al "Bangladesh’s Health Sector Policy Circuit (in Bangla)."
50 Years of Independence: The Development of Health Sector in Bangladesh. Ahmed Moshtaque Raza Chowdhury et al Dhaka: Prothoma, 2022 14-34 .
37 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Azhar U Bhuiyan "International Mechanism for Resolution of Conflicts in Intellectual Property Rights for Establishing Peaceful Global Order."
Principal Foundations for Global Peace: A Way Forward for Better Future. M. Afzal Wani New Delhi: Genuine Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd, 2022 201-218 .
38 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Borhan Uddin Khan "The Contested Definitions of ‘International Crimes."
Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2022 75-93 .
39 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Complexities and Challenges in Reconciling International Human Rights with International Criminal Law: An Introduction."
Human Rights and International criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2022 xxii-xxxiv .
40 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "The Contested Definitions of ‘International Crimes."
Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden, the Netherlands and Boston: Brill/Nijhop, 2022 75-93 .
41 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Impediments to the Smooth Functioning of the ICC Who Is Responsible?."
Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden, the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2022 399-422 .
42 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Revisiting the Application of Rome Statute upon Non-party States: Security Council Referral Discourse and the Way Forward."
Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden, the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2022 377-398 .
43 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Is International Criminal Law Strong Enough to Save the Rohingya?."
Human Rights and International Criminal Law. Borhan Uddin Khan and Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan Leiden, the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2022 351-376 .
44 |
অধ্যাপক ড. মো. রহমত উল্লাহ "ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় আইন ১৯২০ ও ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অধ্যাদেশ ১৯৬১: একটি সমীক্ষা."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage. University of Dhaka Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 65-72 .
45 |
অধ্যাপক ড. মো. রহমত উল্লাহ "আইনগত ভিত্তি ও প্রতিষ্ঠা : নাথান কমিটি রিপোর্ট (১৯১২)."
University of Dhaka: History and Heritage. University of Dhaka Dhaka: University of Dhaka, 2021 52-64 .
46 |
Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Legal Measures for Tackling COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and the Way Forward."
Legal Measures for Tackling Pandemic in Asia:. Korea Legislation Research Institute Kye-Hong Kim, 2021 264-311 .
47 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Glimpses of International Law Discourse”, in Mohammad Shahabuddin."
Bangladesh and International Law. Mohammad Shahabuddin London: Routledge Publishing, 2021 15-25 .
48 |
Psymhe Wadud "Women and a National Imaginary."
Bangladesh and International Law. Mohammad Shahabuddin (ed) Routledge, 2021 .
49 |
Psymhe Wadud "Experiences of Bangladesh through Colonization and Decolonization."
Brill Nijhoff, 2021 .
50 |
A.S.A Bari and Shahrima Tanjin Arni "Roadmap for investing in Bangladesh."
Japan Outbound Investment Guide. Asia Business Law Journal Hong Kong: Vantage Asia Publishing, 2021 .
51 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Glimpses of International Law Discourse."
Bangladesh and International Law. Mohammad Shahabuddin London: Routledge Publishing, 2021 15-25 .
52 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Bangladesh and International Humanitarian Law."
State Volume on ‘Bangladesh’, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia (EPILA). Muhammad Ekramul Haque Brill, 2021 .
53 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "Bangladesh and International Law."
Bangladesh and International Law. ed. Mohammad Shahabuddin Routledge, 2021 .
54 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman "Glimpses of International Law Discourse."
Bangladesh and International Law. Mohammad Shahabuddin (ed.) London: Routledge Publishing, 2021 15-25 .
55 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and the Current Challenges."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden, the Netherlands and Boston: Brill/Nijhoff, 2020 262-299 .
56 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "The Development of Geneva Conventions."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 13-39 .
57 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "International Legal Protection of Persons Affected by War: Challenges and Way Forward."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 1-12 .
58 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Protection of Education in Armed Conflict Situation: Asia-Pacific in Focus."
Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law. Suzannah Linton, Tim McCormack and Sandesh Sivakumaran Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Publishing,, 2020 308-322 .
59 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "International Legal Protection of Persons Affected by War: Challenges and Way Forward."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 1-12 .
60 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "The Development of Geneva Conventions."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 13-39 .
61 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and the Current Challenges."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Borhan Uddin Khan Leiden the Netherlands and Boston: Brill / Nijhoff, 2020 262-299 .
62 |
Rumana Islam "‘Mapping the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Regime of Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future’."
Handbook of International Investment Law and Policy. Chaisse J., Choukroune L., Jusoh S. (eds) Springer, 2020 .
63 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian "Protection of Education in Armed Conflict Situations: Asia-Pacific in Focus."
Asia-Pacific Perspectives on International Humanitarian Law. Suzannah Linton et. al. (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 .
64 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian "The Development of Geneva Conventions."
Revisiting the Geneva Conventions:1949-2019. Md Bhuiyan and Borhan Khan (eds.) Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2020, 2020 .
65 |
Sharowat Shamin and Ridwanul Hoque "Bangladesh."
The I·CONnect-Clough Center 2019 Global Review of Constitutional Law. Albert, Richard and Landau, David and Faraguna, Pietro and Drugda, Šimon Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy (ISBN: 978-0-692-15916-3), 2020 28-32 .
66 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "The Trajectories of Hindu Existence in Bangladesh: A Politico-Legal Exploration."
Human Rights and Rebellious Lawyering. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2019 101-134 .
67 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Basic Labour Rights."
Certificate Training Reference Manual for Trade Union Paralegals. Turin, Italy: International Training Center of the ILO and ACTRAV, 2019 20-32 .
68 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "National Report for Bangladesh."
Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide. Jason Chuah and Eugenio Vaccari Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 499-518 .
69 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "National Report for Bangladesh."
Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide. Jason Chuah and Eugenio Vaccari Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 499-518 .
70 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan "Is Domestic Violence only Battery?."
Street Law and Public Legal Education: A Collection of Best Practices from around the world in honour of Ed O’ Brien. David McQuid-Mason JUTA, 2019 .
71 |
Sharowat Shamin and Ridwanul Hoque "Bangladesh."
I·CONnect-Clough Center 2018 Global Review of Constitutional Law. Richard Albert; David Landau; Pietro Faraguna; Šimon Drugda Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, 2019 18-22 .
72 |
Shirin Sultana "Failure of Corporate Governance in Banking Sectors of Bangladesh."
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Ali Farazmand et el (Ed.) Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2019 .
73 |
Borhan Uddin Khan, Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Morshed Mannan "National Report for Bangladesh."
Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law: A Global Guide. Jason Chuah and Eugenio Vaccari (eds.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 499-518 .
74 |
Shirin Sultana "Access to Justice, Human Rights and E-Courts in Bangladesh."
ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights. Mizanur Rahman et el (Ed.) Dhaka, Bangladesh: ELCOP, 2018 .
75 |
Sharowat Shamin and Ridwanul Hoque "Bangladesh: The State of Liberal Democracy."
The I·CONnect-Clough Center 2017 Global Review of Constitutional Law. Richard Albert; David Landau; Pietro Faraguna; Šimon Drugda Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, FSU College of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 888, U of Texas Law, Public Law Research Paper, 2018 28-32 .
76 |
Rumana Islam "Critically Looking into the Consumer's Rights Protection Act, 2009."
in 'New Dimensions of Law: Analysis of Selected Laws of Bangladesh'. ed by Abdullah Al Faruque and M Jashim Ali Chowdhury HEQEP, Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong, 2017 14-20. .
77 |
Shirin Sultana "Protection of the Female Migrant Domestic Workers of Bangladesh: Appraisal of the Law and Practice."
ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights. Mizanur Rahman et el (Ed.) Dhaka, Bangladesh: ELCOP, 2017 .
78 |
Sharowat Shamin and Ridwanul Hoque "Bangladesh: Developments in Bangladeshi Constitutional Law."
The I·CONnect-Clough Center 2016 Global Review of Constitutional Law. Richard Albert; David Landau; Pietro Faraguna; Šimon Drugda Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy, 2017 17-21 .
79 |
MOHAMMAD GOLAM SARWAR "Identifying the challenges of International refugee law framework in guaranteeing protection of refugees."
ELCOP Yearbook of Human Rights. Dr. Mizanur Rahman and Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah 2016 .
80 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Rights and Status of Hindu Women in Bangladesh."
JAMAKON Yearbook 2015. Dhaka: (National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh, 2015 1-29 .
81 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Protection of Rights of Marginalized People Focusing on Tea Plantation Workers, (A research Study will be published soon by the National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh."
Protection of Rights of Marginalized People Focusing on Tea Plantation Workers, (A research Study will be published soon by the National Human Rights Commission (JAMAKON), Bangladesh. Dhaka: M.N. Mallick, 2015 137-180 .
82 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "In Search of a Legal Definition of the Concept of "Minority": Antecedents in International Law."
Human Rights and Critically Disadvantaged People. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2012 37-52 .
83 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "Economic Rights of the Tantees (Weaver Communities)."
In the Shadow of Death: The Tantees in Bangladesh. Ed., Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah 2012 .
84 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Human and Minority Rights in Bangladesh."
Minority Rights in South Asia. Rainer Hofmann and Ugo Caruso Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang, 2011 87-108 .
85 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman "Judicial Enforcement of Socio-Economic Rights in Bangladeh: Theoretical Aspects from Comparative Perspective."
Human Rights and Environment. Executive Editor: Dr. Mizanur Rahman Dhaka: Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) and Palal Prokashoni, 2011 57-80 .
86 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman "Human and Minority Rights in Bangladesh."
Minority Rights in South Asia. Rainer Hofmann and Ugo Caruso (eds.) Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2011 87-108 .
87 |
গোবিন্দ চন্দ্র মণ্ডল "আইনে নারী: নারীর আইন', ঢাকা নগর জীবনে নারী."
ঢাকা নগর জীবনে নারী. ঢাকা: এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি অব বাংলাদেশ, 2010 213-230 .
88 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman "Autonomy for Indigenous People of CHT: Aftermath of the 1997 Peace Accord."
Solving Ethnic Conflict through Self-Governance: A Short Guide to Autonomy in Europe and South Asia. Thomas Benedikter (ed.) Bozen/Bolzano: EURAC Research, 2009 100-103 .
89 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal and Shima Zaman and Others "Existing ADR Framework in Bangladesh."
Human Rights: 60 Years after UDHR. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2008 257-276 .
90 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Labour Administration in Bangladesh."
Labour Administration in Selected Asian Countries. Bangkok: ILO, 2008 .
91 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "19. Trial of War Criminals: Governments responsibility, in Trial of War Criminals : A legal Investigation (In Bangla) Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited), in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka 2008."
Trial of War Criminals: Governments responsibility. Dhaka: ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2008 Total Pages : 140, Page 43-54 .
92 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Treatment of Law to the Minorities in Bangladesh: Rhetoric and Reality."
Human Rights and Corruption. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2007 219-226 .
93 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "International Humanitarian Law: Bangladesh’s Attitude and Practice."
Oxford Handbook of International Humanitarian Law. V.S. Mani Oxford University Press, 2007 .
94 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Combating Trafficking in Persons: Quest for a South Asian Regional Tool."
Human Rights and Domestic Implementation Mechanism. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2006 191-202 .
95 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Human Rights Standards: International, Regional and National in Human Rights & Good Governance, Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited), in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2007, Pp. 14-54.."
International, Regional and National in Human Rights & Good Governance. Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka Dhaka: Published by Manusher Jonno Foundation, 2006 14-54 .
96 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Child Rights."
Training Manual on Human Rights and Governance. Dhaka: Manusher Jonno, 2006 215-240 .
97 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Right to Information in Bangladesh: The Role of Civil Society Institutions."
Human Rights and Non-State Actors. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2005 123-138 .
98 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Law Making Authority and Process in Bangladesh."
Judicial Training in the New Millennium: An Anatomy of BLIA Judicial Training with Difference. Waliur Rahman and Mohammad Shahabuddin Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs, 2005 .
99 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Rights of the Minorities: The Case of Bangladesh."
Human Rights and Good Governance. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2004 155-174 .
100 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal "Agricultural Subsidy Dispute and Bangladesh: In the Aftermath of Cancun."
Human Rights and Globalization. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2003 173-182 .
101 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Rehabilitation of the Internally Displaced Biharis, In: Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited) ‘A Community in Transition: The Biharis in Bangladesh’ in ELCOP Research Monograph, Dhaka, 2003."
‘A Community in Transition: The Biharis in Bangladesh’ in ELCOP Research Monograph,. Dhaka: ELCOP, 2003 259-268 .
102 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka "Identifying the Santals:‘Indigenous’ or ‘backward’? in: Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited) ‘In Search of a Weathering Community: The Santals of Bangladesh’ in ELCOP Research Monograph, Dhaka, 2002."
In Search of a Weathering Community: The Santals of Bangladesh. Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka Dhaka: Chief Coordinator, ELCOP, Palal Prokashoni, Dhaka, 2002 103 Page, Book Chapter-17-22 .
103 |
Borhan Uddin Khan "Human Security in Bangladesh: In Search of Clarity and Credibility."
Human Security in Bangladesh. Enamul Huq Dhaka: UNDP, 2002 .
104 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Constitutional status of International Law in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
105 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "The Proclamation of Independence, 1971: Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA] BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
106 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Land Boundary Agreement Between Bangladesh and India."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
107 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Status of International law in the Legal System of Bangladesh: Dualism vs. Monsim."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
108 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Application of International Law in the Supreme court of Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
109 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Use of International Law in Interpreting Constitutional Rights in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
110 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Treaty Making in Bangladesh: Power and procedure."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
111 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Constitutional Implications of the Land Boundary Agreement between Bangladesh and India."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
112 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Constitutional Provisions regarding Law of the Sea."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
113 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Domestic Implementation of International Human Rights Law in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
114 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Enforcement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Implementation of International law in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
115 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Constitutional provisions regarding Human Rights."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
116 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Contribution of Bangladesh to International Law."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
117 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Delimitation of the maritime Boundary in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar): Issues, Decisions and Principles."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
118 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque "Protection of Human Rights and the National Human Rights Commission."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. 'Bangladesh', Haque, Muhammad Ekramul, ed., in Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA], Seokwoo Lee, ed. BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
119 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam "Intellectual Property Treaties and Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia: Bangladesh. Muhammad Ekramul Haque, Seokwoo Lee BRILL NIJHOFF, 2021 .
120 |
MOHAMMAD GOLAM SARWAR "'Disintegration of Handloom Industry and its Impact on Tantees’."
In the Shadow of Death: The Tantees in Bangladesh. Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah DHAKA: ELCOP&Palal Publications, 2012 .
121 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "‘In Pursuit of Deliverance: Critical Analysis of the Draft Rights of the Persons with Disabilities Act 2012’."
Human Rights and Critically Disadvantaged People. Dr. Mizanur Rahman and Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah ELCOP&Palal Publications, ISBN 978-984-603-250-5, 2012 .
122 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "International Environmental Treaties and Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia. Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed), ‘Bangladesh’, in Seokwoo Lee, (ed) Ledien, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021 .
123 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "Environmental Legislation in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia. Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed), ‘Bangladesh’, in Seokwoo Lee, (ed) Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021 .
124 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar "Bio-diversity Conservation and Protection of Environment in Bangladesh."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia. Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed), ‘Bangladesh’, in Seokwoo Lee, (ed) Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2021 .
125 |
Sharowat Shamin "Pollution and Law."
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed) ‘Bangladesh’, in Seokwoo Lee (ed) Brill, 2021 .
126 |
Sumaiya Khair "Corruption in humanitarian assistance: challenges and opportunities’."
Disaster Law. Emerging Thresholds. Amita Singh ed Routledge, London & New York, 2018 .
127 |
Sumaiya Khair "‘Globalisation and children’s rights: The case of child labour’."
Globalisation and the Quest for Social and Environmental Justice. The relevance of international law in an evolving world order. Alam, Shawkat, Klein, Natalie and Overland, Juliette (eds.) Routledge, London & New York, 2011 158-188 .
128 |
Sumaiya Khair "‘Migration and Minority Formation: The Interplay of Economics, Politics and Conflict’."
Counter-Gaze: Media, Migrants and Minorities. Bhaumik, Subir (ed.) Frontpage, London, 2010 101-120 .
129 |
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia [EPILA]. Muhammad Ekramul Haque (ed), ‘Bangladesh’, in Seokwoo Lee, (ed) Brill, 2021 .
130 |
Sumaiya Khair "From consciousness to empowerment: role and significance of legal literacy’."
Uncharted Territories. Thoughts on 2020. ActionAid Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2009 15-34 .
131 |
Sumaiya Khair "Challenges to democratization: perspectives of structural malgovernance in Bangladesh."
Towards Freedom in South Asia. Democratization, Peace and Regional Cooperation. Panandiker, V.A. Pai and Tripathi, Rahul (eds.) Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008 47-64 .
132 |
Sumaiya Khair "Philanthropy and Law in Bangladesh: Recent Developments."
Philanthropy and Law in South Asia. Recent Developments in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. PALISA Group, Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (APPC), Philippines, 2007 7-23 .
133 |
Sumaiya Khair and Co-authored "Philanthropy and Law in Bangladesh’."
Philanthropy and Law in South Asia. Sidel, Mark and Zaman, Iftekhar (eds.) Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (APPC), Philippines, 2004 49-114 .
Journal Article (229) |
1 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan : The architecture and design of competition authority in Bangladesh: goals, institutional design, adjudicatory process, and method for scrutiny,
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement , vol.13 Oxford University Press , 2025
2 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Contempt Power: A Critique of the Supreme Court's Approach in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of law , vol.22 , no.2 Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) , pp.1-30 , 2024
3 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : Revisiting Jimutavahana: The Dayabhaga and the Evolution of Hindu Women’s Property Rights in Modern Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.22 , no.2 BILIA , 2024
4 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : The Contempt of Courts Act, 2013: Evaluating the HCD's Judgment in Asaduzzaman Siddiqui,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.35 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.151-176 , 2024
5 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : Revisiting Hindu Marriage Norms: Unveiling Women’s Agency in Ancient India,
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.69 , no.1 Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , pp.1-32 , 2024
6 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Does Parliamentary Intervention Model of Judges' Removal Affect the Independence of the Judiciary? - A Revisit to the 16th Amendment Case,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.22 , no.1 Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) , pp.1-38 , 2024
7 |
Rumana Islam : Human Rights Obligations in FDI Operation: A Paradigm Shift in BITs,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.35 , no.(1) , pp.pp. 31-52 , 2024
8 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : Born to be Unequal? An Assessment of the Rights and Status of Hindu Women in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.35 , no.(1) , pp.113-150 , 2024
9 |
Rumana Islam and Mohammad Golam Sarwar : "Climate Change Considerations through the Environment Protection Lens in Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): Addressing the Challenges",
Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) , vol.1 , 2024
10 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar : Climate Change Considerations through the Environment Protection Lens in Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS): Addressing the Challenges,
Skip navigation Transnational Dispute Management , 2024
11 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : The Recognition of Minority Rights in International Law: A Historical Review,
ELCOP Journal of Human Rights ELCOP , pp.55-87 , 2023
12 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Justifying Limitations on Freedom of Expression for Contempt of Religion,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.43-65 , 2023
13 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Azhar U Bhuiyan : Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges: Bangladesh State Practice,
Asian Yearbook of International Law , vol.27 , no.2021 Brill | Nijhoff , pp.79-90 , 2023
14 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Sumaiya Khair : State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law: Bangladesh,
Asian Yearbook of International Law , vol.27 , no.2021 Brill | Nijhoff , pp.pages 130-151 , 2023
15 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : The Right to Freedom of Expression and Hurting Religious Feelings: Global Perspective,
ELCOP Journal on Human Rights , vol.1 Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) , pp.7-26 , 2023
16 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Psymhe Wadud : The Death Penalty in Bangladesh: A Review,
Australian Journal of Asian Law , vol.24 , no.1 , pp.117-126 , 2023
17 |
Md. Abu Bakar Siddiq* & ABM Asrafuzzaman : Legal and Regulatory Challenges for the Protection of Consumers’ Rights in Electronic Commerce in Bangladesh,
Nazrul University Law Review , vol.1 , pp.1-29 , 2023
18 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md. Jahid-Al-Mamun : Home Renters’ Protection in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic under the Rights’ Fabric of the Constitution: Options and Challenges,
Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law , vol.7 , pp.70-96 , 2023
19 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Jahid Al-Mamun : Home Renters’ Protection in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic under the Rights’ Fabric of the Constitution: Options and Challenges,
Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law , vol.7 BRILL , pp.70-96 , 2023
20 |
Shirin Sultana : How Are Investment Tribunals Going to Interpret 'Environmental Provisions' under New Generation Investment Agreements? - Mapping the Changes in Recent Treaties from 2016 to 2021,
TDM Journal , vol.20 , no.5 Maris B.V. (Netherlands) , 2023
21 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar : Secularism as a State Policy, State Religion, and Minority Rights in the Constitution: Benign or Malign for Communal Harmony in Bangladesh?,
Springer , 2023
22 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Sadman Rizwan Apurbo : Revisiting the Patent Regime of Bangladesh: Compatibility with TRIPS and International Best Practices,
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice , vol.18 , no.7 Oxford University Press , pp.512-527 , 2023
23 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : The American "Case" or "Controversy" Requirement and the Bangladeshi "Aggrieved Person" Rule: A Comparative Study,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.X Jahangirnagar University , pp.1-17 , 2023
24 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : The Genesis of Minority Rights in the League of Nations and Beyond,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.23-48 , 2023
25 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : The Genesis of Minority Rights in the United Nations: A Historical Overview,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.21 , no.1 BILIA , pp.27-74 , 2023
26 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Appointment of Supreme Court Judges in Bangladesh: An Alternative Interpretation of "Consultation",
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.77-94 , 2023
27 |
Md. Jahid-Al-Mamun and ABM Asrafuzzaman : ICJ Advisory Opinion on Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Chagos Advisory Opinion): A Critical Analysis,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.95-110 , 2023
28 |
Rumana Islam and Maksuda Sarker : State of Necessity in Post Covid-19 Investor-State Arbitration: CMS and LG&E Revisited,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.1 , pp.1-23 , 2023
29 |
Md Jahid Al-Mamun and A B M Asrafuzzaman : ICJ Advisory Opinion on Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago From Mauritius in 1965 (Chagos Advisory Opinion): A Critical Analysis,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.34 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.95-110 , 2023
30 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Khurshid Alam : Revisiting the Customs Act 1969 in line with WCO’s International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures 1974,
Indonesian Journal of Law and Society , vol.4 , no.1 , pp.29-45 , 2023
31 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Toriqul Islam : Big Data and Analytics: Prospects, Challenges, and the Way Forward,
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology IGI Global , pp.1-30 , 2023
32 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Psymhe Wadud : Death Penalty in Bangladesh: A Review,
Australian Journal of Asian Law , vol.24 , no.1 , 2023
33 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan, Leni Papa and Pierre Horna : Redefining competition for Bangladeshi small businesses,
WhiteBoard , vol.10 Center for Research and Information , pp.16-20 , 2022
34 |
Shirin Sultana : The Proposed WTO Agreement on Investment Facilitation for Development (AIFD): An Appraisal,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.20 , no.2 BILIA, Bangladesh , pp.65-86 , 2022
35 |
Psymhe Wadud : State, Abortion, and Women: Bangladesh in Context,
Australian Journal of Asian Law , vol.23 , no.2 , 2022
36 |
Azhar Bhuiyan and Mohammad Towhidul Islam : Dealing with the Mailbox Dilemma: Tryst with TRIPS and Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Patent Law,
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property , vol.12 , no.3 Edward Elgar , pp.376-399 , 2022
37 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar : Recent Trends of Judicial Activism for the Advancement of Muslim Family Laws in Bangladesh: A Critical Appraisal,
Dhaka University Law Journal Faculty of Law University of Dhaka , 2022
38 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and A B M Asrafuzzaman : Trends of judiciary towards the advancement of Muslim Family Law with particular focus in Bangladesh: A critical appraisal,
Dhaka University Studies Part-F, Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.33 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.43-56 , 2022
39 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman : Gender Equity in Bangladesh Agriculture: Legal and Policy Vacuums to Fulfill SDG Obligations,
Dhaka University Studies Part-F, Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.33 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.23-42 , 2022
40 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Azhar U Bhuiyan : Dealing with the Mailbox Dilemma: Tryst with the TRIPS and Bangladesh’s Pharmaceutical Patent Law,
Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property , vol.12 , no.3 Edward Elgar (EE) , pp.376-399 , 2022
41 |
A. B. M. Asrafuzzaman and Rubiaat Hasan Sawon : Comparative Jurisprudence of Family Disputes in South Asia: Dissecting Legal and Non-Legal Way-Outs of Resolution in Light of Postmodernist Touch to Hybrid ADR and ODR,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.X Faculty of law , Jagannath University , pp.125-139 , 2022
42 |
Md. Jahid-Al-Mamun : Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Efficiency of Mitigation Obligation,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.33 , pp.99 , 2022
43 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan : Identity Crisis and the Pseudo-Minorities in Bangladesh: Is Right to Cultural Identity the Answer?,
International Journal on Minority and Group Rights , vol.29 , no.1 Brill , pp.1-32. , 2022
44 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Sumaiya Khair : State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law: Bangladesh,
Asian Yearbook of Interntional Law , vol.26 , no.2020 Brill | Nijhoff , pp.165-183 , 2022
45 |
Azhar Uddin Bhuiyan : The Doctrine of Public Trust: Its Judicial Invocation in Bangladesh and the Future Potentials,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.9 , no.1 , pp.99-118 , 2021
46 |
Jamila A Chowdhury : Weighing the Gender Hypothesis on Mediators: Insiders’ View from District Legal Aid Offices in Bangladesh,
, Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 (Centennial Regular Issue) , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.69-86 , 2021
47 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md. Jahid-Al-Mamun : Protection of Unregistered Well-Known Trademarks: The Bangladeshi Trademarks Regime Revisited,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.15-48 , 2021
48 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Md Jahid Al-Mamun : Protection of Unregistered Well-Known Trademarks: The Bangladeshi Trademarks Regime Revisited,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.15-48 , 2021
49 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Moniruz Zaman : Protection of Copyright and Accessing Education Materials at Low Prices: Finding a Sustainable Solution for Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 , no.2 , pp.49-68 , 2021
50 |
Shirin Sultana : How Far Are New Generation Investment Agreements Capable of Protecting Host State’s Interests? - An Evaluation,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.19 , no.2 BILIA (Bangladesh) , pp.17-38 , 2021
51 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : United Nations Peace Keeping Operations: Determining Responsibility Under International Law,
Dhaka University Law Journal , pp.1 , 2021
52 |
Jamila A Chowdhury : Legal Liability of “Free-Riders” during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mere Negligent Public Nuisance or Reckless Public Health Offence?,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 (Centennial Special Issue) , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.174-195 , 2021
53 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : ‘Role of the Executive for Effective Prevention of Torture: Bangladesh Perspective,
The Northern University Journal of Law , vol.6 , 2021
54 |
Shahrima Tanjin Arni : International Protection of Foreign Investors in the Matters of Taxation: Apprehension of the Vodafone Case,
SCLS Law Review , vol.4 , no.2 Society for Critical Legal Studies (SCLS) , 2021
55 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan : ’The Law of Language and the Language of the Law: A Socio-legal Appraisal of Colonial Legal Language in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.119-134 , 2021
56 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan : Invisible to the Law: COVID-19 and the legal consciousness of persons with disabilities in Bangladesh,
Journal of Disability and the Global South , vol.8 , no.1 , pp.1892-1909 , 2021
57 |
Mizanur Rahman : CLR, ‘rebellious lawyering’, and justice education: A few lessons from Bangladesh,
Jindal Global Law Review , 2021
58 |
Moha. waheduzzaman : Judicial Recognition of Constitutional Conventions: The Eements Revisited,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.31 University of Dhaka , pp.121-142 , 2020
59 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Moniruz Zaman : Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Finding an Appropriate Legal Framework for Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.31 , pp.29-48 , 2020
60 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman : ‘Strengthening the National Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh through a Legislative Amendment to Fulfill its Commitments under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.31 University of Dhaka , 2020
61 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Measuring Constitutional "Laws" and "Conventions" in Same Parlance: Critiquing the Idrisur Rahman,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.VIII Jahangirnagar University , pp.47-77 , 2020
62 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan, Sayeed Hossain Sarwar and Muhammad Rezaur Rahman : Challenges of Taking Human Rights Fact Finding Lessons Out of Classrooms: Lessons from Bangladesh,
Journal of Indian Law and Society , vol.10 , 2020
63 |
Rumana Islam : Features of the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) Provisions under Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) of Bangladesh: An Overview,
Dhaka University Law Journal (Part F) , pp.85-103 , 2020
64 |
Shirin Sultana : Role of Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) in Ant-Money Laundering Quest: Comparison between FIUs of Bangladesh and India,
Journal of Money Laundering Control (Emerald Publishing, UK) , vol.23 , no.4 , pp.931-947 , 2020
65 |
Dr Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Current International Legal Issues: Bangladesh,
Asian Yearbook of International Law , vol.vol. 23, 2017 Brill , 2020
66 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) : A Gentle Breeze on the Wheels of Fair Justice for Women in Bangladesh: An Empirical Evaluation of Family Courts’ Mediation Underpinning Rawls’ Theory of Justice,
Dhaka University Studies (Part F) , vol.31 , 2020
67 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and Nushera Tazrin Darin : Judicial Possibilities of ADR through ‘Plea Bargaining’ of Compoundable Offences: Potentials and Perils under the Current Socio-Legal Context of Bangladesh,
University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law and Policy , vol.4&5 , no.1 , pp.1-18 , 2020
68 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : Between Secularism and Islamism: Understanding the Human Rights Issues of Bangladesh Minorities Since 1975,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.30 Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka , pp.47-75 , 2019
69 |
Sharowat Shamin : Sustainability of the 2°C Temperature Target,
Dhaka University Law Journal, Dhaka University Studies Part F , vol.30 , pp.129-144 , 2019
70 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar : 'Determining the standard of proof required to remove an arbitrator on the ground of bias',
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.30 , 2019
71 |
Rumana Islam : “Does Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard in International Investment Treaties Create a Customary Rule of International Law “,
Dhaka University Law Journal (Part F) (2019) , pp.27-45 , 2019
72 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh: A Unique Step towards the Development of International Criminal Justice System,
Dhaka University Law Journal, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.30 , no.1 , pp.1-26 , 2019
73 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and Ifat Mubina Eusuf : Women’s Empowerment in the Justice Delivery System of Bangladesh: Social milieus and women’s sluggish progression in Bar and Bench,
Kanagawa Law Review , vol.51 , no.3 , pp.57-94 , 2019
74 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Bicameralism in Bangladesh: Arguing for a Social “Parliament”?,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.VI , pp.53-65 , 2018
75 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed : Silencing the Minority through Domination in Social Media Platform: Impact on the Pluralistic Bangladeshi Society,
Human Rights in Digital Age (ELCOP Journal of Human Rights) , 2018
76 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Shirin Sultana : Nature of Land and Pre-emption Suits: Demystifying Ambiguities,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.29 , pp.71-86 , 2018
77 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : The Legal Regime of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Protection in Bangladesh: Options and Challenges’,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.29 , pp.21-40 , 2018
78 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Shirin Sultana : Nature of Land and Pre-emption Suits: Demystifying Ambiguities,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.29 , pp.71-85 , 2018
79 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Methodologies in Academic Legal Research: Lessons from Critical Legal Studies,
University of Asia Pacific Journal of Law and Policy , vol.3 , no.1 , pp.13-30 , 2018
80 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : The Future of Critical Legal Studies,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.6 , pp.67-81 , 2018
81 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and Aminul Islam : Divergence in NPL Recovery of Public Banks vs. Private Banks in Bangladesh: Could ADR be an effective Tool to Improve the Parity?,
Dhaka University Studies (Part F) , vol.29 , pp.87-104 , 2018
82 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and none (self authored) : Accrediting divergent professionals in ADR: How a shift from pedagogy to andragogy can make a difference?,
Dhaka University Studies (Part F) , vol.27 , no.2 , pp.15-32 , 2018
83 |
Moha. waheduzzaman : The Domain of the Doctrine of Political Question in Constitutional Litigation: Bangladesh Constitution in Context,
Bngladesh Journal of Law , vol.17 , no.1 & 2 Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) , pp.1-50 , 2017
84 |
Arpeeta Shams Mizan : 4. Continuing the Colonial Legacy in the Legislative Drafting in Bangladesh: Impact on the Legal Consciousness and the Rule of Law and Human Rights,
International Journal of Legislative Drafting and Law Reform , vol.5 , no.1 , 2017
85 |
MOHAMMAD GOLAM SARWAR : Dealing with Loss and Damage arising from Climate Change: From Warshaw International Mechanism to Paris Agreement,
Dhaka University Law Journal Vol , vol.28 , pp.119 , 2017
86 |
MOHAMMAD GOLAM SARWAR : The Tension between culture and women’s human rights: Towards mutual reinforcement,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.27 , no.2 , pp.47 , 2017
87 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Ahsan Habib : Intellectual Property Perspectives of Women’s Traditional Knowledge in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.27 , no.1 , pp.27-40 , 2017
88 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Ferdaus Rahman : Mandating Corporate Directorship for Women in Bangladesh: Options and Challenges,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.47-72 , 2017
89 |
Rumana Islam : “Autonomy of the Arbitration Clause and Invalid Contracts: All is fair in Arbitration?”,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.V , pp.141-154. , 2017
90 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Prevention of Violence against Women in the Socio-legal Context of Bangladesh: Challenges and Way Forward,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.V , 2017
91 |
Shirin Sultana and Shahorin Sultana : Protecting the Best Interests of the Child: The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 2017 of Bangladesh in Consideration,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.28 , pp.131-151 , 2017
92 |
Sharowat Shamin, Katherine Lofts, Sharaban T. Zaman and Robert Kibugi : Brief on Sustainable Development Goal 13 on Taking Action on Climate Change and Its Impacts: Contributions of International Law, Policy and Governance,
McGill Journal of Sustainable Development Law , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.183-192 , 2017
93 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (self authored) : Three Waves of Access to Justice in Bangladesh: Call for a System Approach to Success,
Dhaka University Studies (Part F) , vol.26 , no.1 , pp.73-96 , 2017
94 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (self authored) : Gender Parity through Evaluative Mediation: Controlling Disparity under the Post-structural Notion of Power,
Dhaka University Studies (Part F) , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.31-52 , 2017
95 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : ‘Denouncing Torture: From Universal Prohibition to National Eradication’,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.27, No. 1 , 2016
96 |
Arobia Khanam and A B M Asrafuzzaman : Critical Analysis of Forced Intervening Marriage on the Muslim Divorced women in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Dalit and Minority , vol.II , no.November , pp.62-83 , 2016
97 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Ahsan Habib : TICFA and Intellectual Property Rights: Implications and Challenges for Subsistence Needs in Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.24 , no.2 , pp.49-66 , 2016
98 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Ahsan Habib : Introducing Geographical Indications in Bangladesh’,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.24 , no.1 , pp.51-82 , 2016
99 |
Rumana Islam : “Banker’s Reference and the Bank’s Duty of Confidentiality under Common Law Reappraised”,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.IV , pp.81-94. , 2016
100 |
Rumana Islam : Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard in Arbitral Practice: Sustainable Development in Context,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.21-68 , 2016
101 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Revisiting the Indeterminacy Thesis of Critical Legal Studies,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.16 , no.2 , pp.1-16 , 2016
102 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) : ADR in Criminal Cases and Decriminalization of Violence: A Gender Perspective, Indian Journal of Law and Justice,
Indian Journal of Law and Justice , vol.7 , no.2 , pp.1-19 , 2016
103 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : ‘Unruly Practices: The History of Torture Throughout the Ages’,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.26, No. 2 , 2015
104 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : Normative Compliance of Bangladesh Regarding Torture: Towards an Anti-Torture Regime,
The Dhaka University Studies Part- F , vol.26 No. 1 , 2015
105 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Inclusion and Enforcement of ESC Rights under State Constitutions: An Appraisal,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.III Jahangirnagar University , pp.55-91 , 2015
106 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) : ADR in Legal Curriculum: A Daunting Progress towards a Pressing Need in Bangladesh,
Korea University Law Review , vol.18 , no.1 , pp.3-13 , 2015
107 |
MOHAMMAD GOLAM SARWAR : Conciliation and other Alternative Procedures of Dispute Settlements related to Personal Matters in the Legal System of Bangladesh: A critical Appraisal,
Society and Change, Journal of Social Sciences , vol.Vol. VIII , pp.51-66 , 2015
108 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Development of the Western Concept of Press Freedom in South Asia under the British Raj and Aftermath: A Comparative Contextualisation with Special Reference to Bangladesh,
Verfassung und Recht in Ubersee (Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America) , vol.48 , no.2 , pp.124-143 , 2015
109 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Struggles for Autonomy of the Indigenous Peoples in CHT: A Search for a Viable Solution,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.III , pp.93-113 , 2015
110 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Challenges of 21st Century Warfare: New Weapon Technologies and International Humanitarian Law,
Southeast University Journal of Law , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.7-18 , 2015
111 |
Shirin Sultana : Assessing the effectiveness of Cyber Security Measures in Bangladesh: A comparative Analysis of Cyber Security Measures of Bangladesh and Ind,
Counsel Law Journal , vol.3 , no.2 , pp.76-103 , 2015
112 |
Jamila A Chowhdury and None (Self authored) : Paradox of Neutrality in Mediation: An analysis under High Power-Distance vs.Low Power Distance Cultural Dichotomy,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.15 , no.1 & 2 , pp.1-20 , 2015
113 |
Jamila A Chowdhury and None (Self authored) : Cultural Repercussion on Mediation: Exploring a Culturally Resonant Mediation Approach Germane to Asia,
Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law , vol.42 , no.1 , pp.43-65 , 2015
114 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under the Constitution: Critical Evaluation of Judicial Jurisprudence in Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.14 , no.1 & 2 Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) , pp.1-42 , 2014
115 |
Mohammad Golam Sarwar and Anisur Rahman : Humanistic Interpretation of Islamic Law to eliminate Discrimination’,
15th Human Rights Summer School Journal , 2014
116 |
Rumana Islam : Interplay between Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard and other Investment Protection Standards,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.14 , no.1&2 , pp.117-142 , 2014
117 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in View of International Treaties: Bangladesh Perspective,
AIUB Journal of Business and Economics , vol.11 , no.1 , pp.53-76 , 2014
118 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Uniform Family Law in Bangladesh: A Utopian Approach?,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.II , pp.47-63 , 2014
119 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Legislative Responses to Child Labour in Bangladesh: Achievements, Challenges and Way Forward,
Bangladesh University Journal , vol.2 , no.1 , pp.38-49 , 2014
120 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman : Compensation in Writ Proceedings: A study of Constitutional jurisprudence in Bangladesh,
The Journal of Faculty of Law, Jagannath University , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.53-62 , 2013
121 |
Rumana Islam : “Proportionality as a tool for balancing competing interests in investment disputes: Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard in Context,",
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.I , pp.119-139 , 2013
122 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Legislation on Local Government Institutions in Bangladesh: An Appraisal,
Dhaka University Law Journal, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.24 , no.1 , pp.83-100 , 2013
123 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Eradication of Poverty through Development in View of International Human Rights Law: Bangladesh Perspective,
Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law , vol.I , pp.97-118 , 2013
124 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Syeda Nasrin : Corporate Governance in the Stock Market of Bangladesh: Justification for a Viable Legal Framework,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.57-78 , 2012
125 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Unrecognized Human Beings: The hijra/Transgender Community of Bangladesh, in Human Rights and critically Disadvantaged People, edited by Dr. Mizanur Rahman & Dr. Rahmat Ullah, in ELCOP Journal, published by ELCOP & Palal Prokashoni, Dhaka, 2012,
ELCOP Journal, Dhaka Executive Director, ELCOP & Palal Prokashoni, Dhaka, 2012 , pp.53-66 , 2012
126 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman and Md. Reajul Hasan Shohag : Enforcing Socio-Economic Rights Judicially: Experiments in Bangladesh, India, and South Africa,
The Northern University Journal of Law , vol.III , pp.87-115 , 2012
127 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal : Rohingya Crisis Revisited or a Tale of World’s Most Persecuted Minority Community in Myanmar,
Worldview : Journal of the United Nations Association , vol.36 , no.164 UN Association , pp.20-27 , 2012
128 |
Moha. Waheduzzaman : Expropriation or Nationalization of Alien Property and the Standards of Compensation Required by International Law,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.23 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.83-96 , 2012
129 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Ferdaus Rahman : Shareholders’ Right to Distribution: A Misnomer,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.23 , no.1 , pp.19-44 , 2012
130 |
Rumana Islam : "Role of Good Faith in Interpreting Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Standard in Arbitral Practice",
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.12 , no.1&2 , pp.107-134 , 2012
131 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Discretion in Translating Law into Action: A Jurisprudential Analysis,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.23 , no.2 , pp.85-102 , 2012
132 |
A B M Asrafuzzaman : A Comparative Study of Share Buy Back and Allied Issues,
The Northern University Journal of Law , vol.II Northern University Bangladesh , pp.97-117 , 2011
133 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh,
International Trade Law and Regulation , vol.17 , no.1 Sweet & Maxwell: London , pp.10–39 , 2011
134 |
A.B.M. Asrafuzzaman and Md. Golam Mostofa Hasan : Causes and Redresses of Delays in Disposal of Civil Suits in Dhaka District Judge Court: An Empirical Study,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.32 , no.2 Faculty of Law , pp.135-160 , 2021
135 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : TRIPS Agreement and Agriculture: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh,
Manchester Journal of International Economic Law , vol.8 , no.2 , pp.38-84 , 2011
136 |
Professor Sheikh Hafizur Rahman (Karzon), Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : “Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in Bangladesh: An Overview and Determination of the Extent of Its Becoming TRIPS-Compliant”,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F (Dhaka University Law Journal) , vol.Vol. 21 , 2010
137 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : TRIPS Agreement and Economic Development: Implications and Challenges for Least-Developed Countries like Bangladesh,
Nordic Journal of Commercial Law , vol.2 , pp.1–48 , 2010
138 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : Protection of Public Interests through a Human Rights Framework in the TRIPS Agreement: Realities and Challenges,
Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice , vol.4 , no.8 Oxford University Press , pp.573-582 , 2009
139 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : International Public Health Law: From Collaborative Service Delivery Initiatives to a Rights Discourse,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.20 , no.1 & 2 , 2009
140 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Freedom of Religion in South Asia: Implications for Minorities,
European Yearbook of Minority Issues , vol.8 , pp.367-386 , 2009
141 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Local Government Level Restorative Adjudication: An Alternative Model of Justice for Children in Bangladesh,
Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance , no.4 , pp.26-45 , 2009
142 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : TRIPS Protection of IPRs as Private Rights: Implications on the Right to Health,
Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights (University of Malta and University of Ena, Italy) , vol.13 , no.1 , pp.55–79 , 2009
143 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : Problems and Politics of IPRs Protection from WIPO to WTO: The Case Study of Bangladesh,
Sri Lanka Journal of International Law , vol.21 , no.2 , pp.1-59 , 2009
144 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : Implications of the TRIPS Agreement for Bangladesh: Prospects and Concerns,
Macquarie Journal of Business Law , vol.6 , pp.1-19 , 2009
145 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Protection of Kin-minorities in International Law: Can South Asia Learn from Europe?,
Dhaka University Law Journal,, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.20 , no.1-2 , pp.1-14 , 2009
146 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : The Scope of Doctrine of Self-Defence in International Law after Nacaragua,
Dhaka University Law Journal,, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.20 , no.1-2 , pp.83-94 , 2009
147 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Freedom of Religion in South Asia: Implications for Minorities,
European Yearbook of Minority Issues , vol.8 , pp.367-386 , 2009
148 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Local Government Level Restorative Adjudication: An Alternative Model of Justice for Children in Bangladesh,
Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance , vol.2009 , no.4 , pp.26-45 , 2009
149 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : ‘Non-Registration of Compulsory Registrable Documents: An Overview of its Legality and Effect’,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.Vol. 19, No. 2 , 2008
150 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Combating Terrorism under Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Regime,
Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights , vol.12 , 2008
151 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law : Protection of Human Rights of Refugees: An Overview,
, vol.Vol. X, 2005 Registrar, University of Chittagong , pp.133-158 , 2008
152 |
Rumana Islam : Unlawful Dividends and Scope of Unjust Enrichment: Issues and Controversies in English Law,
Stamford Journal of Law , vol.1 , no.1 , pp.41-71 , 2008
153 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Post-Cold War UN Peace Keeping: A Review of Legal Aspects,
Dhaka University Law Journal, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.35-64 , 2008
154 |
Borhan Uddin Khan and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Combating Terrorism under Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Regime,
Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights , vol.12 , pp.379-397 , 2008
155 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian and Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Post-Cold War UN Peacekeeping: A Review of Legal Aspects,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.19 , no.2 , pp.35-64 , 2008
156 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : ‘UNCITRAL Model Law and Arbitration Law in Bangladesh: An Analytical Study of Major Disparities’,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.Vol. 17, No. 2 , 2007
157 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam : TRIPS Agreement and Bangladesh: Implications and Challenges,
Dhaka University Law Journal , vol.18 , no.2 , pp.57-80 , 2007
158 |
Shima Zaman and Gobinda Chandra Mandal : WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure: A New Era in the Dispute Settlement System,
Dhaka University Studies Part-F Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka , pp.61-78 , 2006
159 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Trial of 1971 War Criminals: A Politico-Legal Fiasco? in Human Rights and Domestic Implementation Mechanism, Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited). in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2006,
ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2006 Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.127-142 , 2006
160 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Implementation Mechanisms of Human Rights: International, Regional and National Level, in Human Rights & Good Governance, Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited), in ELCOP Journal Dhaka, 2007,
ELCOP Journal Dhaka, 2007 Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.127-142 , 2006
161 |
Dr. Raushan Ara : • ‘Integration of Universalism and Cultural Relativism: A Successful Way of Protecting Human Rights’- published in the Journal of the Faculty of Law,
The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.Vol. 17, No. 1 , 2006
162 |
Professor Sheikh Hafizur Rahman (Karzon), Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : “Critically Looking at the Just International Environmental Order from Developing Countries’ Perspective”,
The Chittagong University Journal of Law , vol.Vol. XI , 2006
163 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Sk. Samidul Islam : Obligation of Bangladesh under Article 4 of the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1984: A Performance Audit,
Bangladesh Journal of Law , vol.10 , no.1-2 , pp.119-148 , 2006
164 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Incentivising CSR Initiatives for Improving Quality Basic Education: Needed Legal Reforms,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.63-86 , 2006
165 |
Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman : Right to Life as a Fundamental Right in the Constitutional Framework of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan: An Appraisal,
Dhaka University Studies, Part – F, Journal of the Faculty of Law , vol.17 , no.1 , pp.143-178 , 2006
166 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Combating Child Rights Violation: A Suggestive Study, in Human Rights and Non-State Actors, Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited). in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2005,
ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2005 Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.167-178 , 2005
167 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : National implementation of International Humanitarian Law in Bangladesh,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.16 , no.2 , 2005
168 |
Rumana Islam : ‘Misfeasance in Public Office and Liability of the Bank Regulator: Revisiting Three Rivers District Council’,
Chittagong University Law Journal , vol.X , pp.37-54 , 2005
169 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Separation of Magistracy: A Basic Need for the Independent Judicial System in Bangladesh,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.16 , no.1 , pp.81-100 , 2005
170 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Rights and Governance 'Interface: A Case of Bangladesh’, in ‘Human Rights and Good Governance’ Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited). in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2004,
ELCOP Journal Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.119-130 , 2004
171 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Human Rights Standards: International, Regional and National in Human Rights & Good Governance, Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited), in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2007,
ELCOP Journal, Dhaka Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.119-130 , 2004
172 |
Gobinda Chandra Mandal and Shima Zaman : Child Labour in Bangladesh: Facts and Laws,
The Chittagong University Journal of Law , vol.IX , pp.125-142. , 2004
173 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : The ILO Conventions on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) and Equal Remuneration: A Legal Review of Its Impact and Implications in Bangladesh,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.15 , no.1 , 2004
174 |
Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : Protection of Human Rights at the International Level: Effectiveness of the Human Rights Committee as a Treaty-based Body,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.15 , no.1 , pp.183-214 , 2004
175 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA) Phase-out and Bangladesh Garment Sector: A Survival Challenge Scenario in: Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited) ‘Human Rights and Globalization’ in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka, 2003.,
ELCOP Journal, Dhaka-2003 Executive Director, ELCOP , pp.127-134 , 2003
176 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : The ILO Conventions on Forced Labour: A Legal Review of Its Impact and Implications in Bangladesh,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, Dhaka University Studies, Part – F , vol.14 , no.1 , 2003
177 |
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Internally Displaced Persons: Awaiting Response from International Law (Published in Part-F, Dhaka University Studies, 2003,
The Dhaka University Studies, Part –F , vol.14, Number 1 Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka , pp.119-134 , 2003
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Human Rights, Poverty and Development Planning in Bangladesh: The PRSP Debacle, In: Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited) ‘Human Rights and Development’ in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka,
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Borhan Uddin Khan : Protection of Defenseless Persons in International Humanitarian Law,
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Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman and Mostafa Mahmud Naser : Merits and Demerits of Jury Trial in the Administration of Criminal Justice: A Jurisprudential Survey of Issues,
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Bangladesh’s Adherence to International human Rights Instruments: A Critical Study in: Dr. Mizanur Rahman (edited) ‘Human Rights and Empowerment’ in ELCOP Journal, Dhaka,
‘Human Rights and Empowerment’ Chief Co-Ordinator, ELCOP , pp.174-181 , 2001
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Borhan Uddin Khan : Membership of Bangladesh in the International Labour Organisation and its International Obligations,
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Globalization: Rhetoric or Reality? A Critical Study Published in the Dhaka University Studies, Part –F, Volume 12, Number 1 June 2001,
The Dhaka University Studies, Part –F , vol.12, Number 1 Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka , pp.83-104 , 2001
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Mohammad Nazmuzzaman Bhuian : African (Banjul) Charter: A Unique Step to Protect Human Rights in Africa,
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : World Trade Organization (WTO) specific subject of International law ( in Russian Language),
Individual Article ( as per requirement of Phd Dissertation Institute of International Relations under Kyiv National University, Ukraine , pp.27 Pages , 1999
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Borhan Uddin Khan : The Origin and Development of Geneva Conventions and its Optional Protocols,
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Borhan Uddin Khan : The Development of Right to Freedom of Association in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Legislation and Policy,
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Borhan Uddin Khan : The Development of Right to Freedom of Association in Pre-independence Bangladesh (1919-1971): An Analysis of Legislation and Policy,
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Borhan Uddin Khan : The Effectiveness of ILO Supervision Relating to International Labour Standards on Freedom of Association in Bangladesh,
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : International Legal Mechanism of GATT/WTO activities (In Russian Language),
Individual Article (as per requirement of Phd Dissertation) Academic Council, Institute of International Relations under Kyiv National University, Ukraine , pp.20 Pages , 1997
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Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Professor of Law, University of Dhaka : Mutual Relations between Ukraine and GATT/WTO (in Russian language),
Individual Article ( as per requirement of Phd Dissertation) Institute of International Relations under kyiv National University, Ukraine , pp.13 Pages , 1996
192 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : The State and Status of Right of Association during the Colonial Rule in India,
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193 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Representation in Muslim Inheritance: Some Problems and Perspectives,
The Journal of Law and International Affairs , vol.VII , 1987
194 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : Minimum Requirements for the Administration of Civil Justice in Bangladesh,
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195 |
Borhan Uddin Khan : The International Court of Justice: An Institution for Settlement of International Disputes,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Utility of Marriage Stipulations to remove gender inequalities and to protect the rights of women,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Gender Bias 'Preferential Gift' is Illegal: New Interpretation,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : An overview of modern statutes on polygamy under Muslim law,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Husband’s unilateral and excessive power of divorce under Islamic family law and its reforms in the modern world,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : An analysis of the laws regarding payment of dower in the marriages under Muslim personal law,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : The inheritance of orphaned grandchildren under Islamic law of succession: An analysis of section 4 of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : The requirement of notification under section 7 of the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 and its impact on the validity of talaq: a quest for the present law in Bangladesh,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Protecting Fundamental Rights through restricted legislative competence: Application of the doctrine of eclipse and severability,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : The Preamble of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh: An Analysis from Legal Perspective,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Legal and Constitutional Status of the Fundamental Principles of State Policy as Embodied in the Constitution of Bangladesh,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : In search of origin of recognition of economic and social rights as constitutional principles: from Ireland to Bangladesh,
Dhaka University Law Journal, The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.23 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.79-84 , 2012
207 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Khurshid Alam : The Role of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in developing normative contents of the economic and social rights contained in the ICESCR,
Dhaka University Law Journal, The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.23 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.1-18 , 2012
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Does Part II of the Constitution of Bangladesh contain only economic and social rights,
Dhaka University Law Journal, The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.23 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.45-50 , 2012
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural (ESC) Rights in South Africa,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Concept of the Basic Structure of the Constitution: An Analysis in the context of the Constitutional law of Bangladesh,
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211 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Formation of the Constitution and the legal system in Bangladesh: From 1971 to 1972: A critical legal analysis,
Dhaka University Law Journal, The Dhaka University Studies Part-F , vol.27 , no.1 University of Dhaka , pp.41-56 , 2016
212 |
Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Constitutional framework of Protection of Human Rights in Bangladesh,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Economic, Social and Cultural Rights versus Civil and Political Rights: Closing the Gap between the Two and the Present International Human Rights Regime,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Multifaceted Dimensions of Human Rights,
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Mohammad Golam Sarwar : Complementarity Principle in Prosecution of International Crimes: Assessing its Necessity and Efficacy,
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Mohammad Golam Sarwar : Unveiling the invisible anguish: the victims of Climate Change,
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Mohammad Golam Sarwar : ‘Draft Child Marriage Restraint Act 2014: A compatibility Test’,
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Muhammad Ekramul Haque : Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights under International Human Rights Law,
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Sumaiya Khair : ‘State Practice of Asian Countries in International Law. Bangladesh’,
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Sumaiya Khair : ‘Legal Empowerment for Improved Access to Justice: Dominant Discourses’,
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Sumaiya Khair : ‘UNCAC and Civil Society Activism Against Corruption In Bangladesh’,
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Sumaiya Khair : ‘Bringing International Human Rights Law Home: Trends and Practices of Bangladeshi Courts’,
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Sumaiya Khair : Evaluating Legal Empowerment: Problems of Analysis and Measurement,
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Sumaiya Khair : Juvenile Justice Administration and Correctional Services in Bangladesh: A Critical Review,
Journal of the Faculty of Law, The Dhaka University Studies, Part F , vol.16 , no.2 University of Dhaka , pp.1-28 , 2005
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Sumaiya Khair : Enslavement across the Borders: The Case of Trafficking in Women and Children in Bangladesh,
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Sumaiya Khair : Alternative Dispute Resolution: How It Works in Bangladesh,
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Conference Proceedings (2) |
1 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam and Masrur Bin Ansari "Cross-border GI Protection: Challenges and Ramifications for Bangladesh."
[2017 Asian Edition] WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers
, pp. 21-31. Geneva: WIPO-WTO, 2017
2 |
Mohammad Towhidul Islam "Linking Intellectual Property Rights with Plant Genetic Resources: Myths and Realities for Food Security in Least Developed Countries such as Bangladesh."
WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers
, pp. 11-30. Geneva: WIPO-WTO, 2012